• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 14,496 Views, 1,709 Comments

MLP: FML - Maniac92

An insane parody of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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Photo Shoot

Rarity strolled into Carousel Boutique and smiled. “Good. She’s not here yet…” She turned and yelled. “Come on, Spike! We don’t have all day.”

Spike huffed as he walked into the store, Fluttershy in his arms. “Wait…” he panted. “Why did I have to carry Fluttershy? You could have used your magic.”

Rarity giggled. “Oh Spike, you naïve little boy, I was too busy deciding what outfit to have Fluttershy wear.”

Spike’s knees started shaking as he struggled to hold Fluttershy up. “Can I let her go now?”

“Just drop her anywhere, Spike,” said Rarity as she perused her racks of clothing.

Spike sighed and dropped Fluttershy, who fell to the floor with a thud. “Finally! I thought my arms would snap in half under the weight.”

“I’m going to kill all of you,” snarled Fluttershy from the floor.

“It’s about time you all got here!” said Twilight as she walked into the room. “Pinkie and I are ready to help, Rarity.”

“Fantastic!” said the other unicorn. She grimaced and said carefully, “Just…just leave the designs to me. Please.”

“Are you sure?” asked Pinkie, bouncing into the room. “We can-”

“NO!” screamed Rarity. She blinked and awkwardly cleared her throat. “I-I mean no thank you, Pinkie Pie. I can handle it.” She quickly went over to her racks of clothes and began searching for an outfit for Fluttershy.

Spike looked at Twilight, “What are you doing here? I didn’t think fashion was your thing.”

“It’s not,” agreed Twilight. “But Rarity needed us to help.”

“And you agreed?” asked Spike suspiciously. “Just like that?”


“That sounds all well and good, Rarity,” said Twilight as she idly flipped a page in the book she was reading, “But fashion’s really your thing. Besides, I’m much too busy with-”

“Oh that’s just a shame, darling!” interrupted Rarity. She used her magic to open the bag she was carrying. She magically pulled a magazine out of the bag. “And here I was, prepared to give you the newest issue of Playcolt. And look! It’s the annual Princess edition issue.”

“Princess edition?” asked Twilight, glancing at the magazine floating in front of her.

“Oh yes,” said Rarity, grabbing the magazine and flipping through it. “It’s full of Princess Celestia in sexy poses…” She gasped as she looked at the centerfold. “Why would you look at this image of her lying on her bed…and she’s looking lustfully at a picture of a unicorn…” She put her hoof to her lip in mock thought. “That unicorn in the picture sure looks familiar…who do we know who has purple fur?”

Twilight blushed. She coughed quietly and said, “W-well…as Princess Celestia’s student, it’s my job to read and examine anything she might appear in. I suppose I’ll help you out in order to look at that magazine…f-for research, you understand.”

“Oh, of course dear…” said Rarity with a smirk. “Just try not to get the pages all sticky, ok?”


“Right…” said Twilight slowly. “Just like that…”

“…I don’t believe you,” said Spike. He turned to Pinkie Pie. “And how did Rarity convince you?”

“I remember it like it was yesterday…” said Pinkie as she looked off into the distance.


“Pinkie,” began Rarity, “Do you know where Fluttershy is? I need to ask her to model some dresses for me.”

Pinkie yawned as she sat up in her bed. She rubbed her eyes and said, “She’s probably asleep in her house, Rarity. It is three in the morning after all…”

“Oh yeah…” said Rarity, wincing as she looked at the moon through Pinkie’s window. “Sorry I woke you up. I guess I was just a little overzealous.”

“Aw, that’s ok,” said Pinkie, leaning back against the dozens of pillows on her bed. “Fluttershy’s gonna be your model, huh?”

“Yes,” said Rarity. She sighed. “This is going to be a lot of work…everything needs to be perfect. I could use some help.” Her eyes widened as an idea popped into her head. “Hey, can you help me out? I’d really appreciate it.”

“Sure!” said Pinkie happily. She raised the covers of her bed. “Now hop in bed with me so we can cuddle!”

“…Ok…um…why?” asked Rarity. She slowly climbed into Pinkie’s bed.

“Mainly to tease the shipping community,” shrugged Pinkie. She wrapped her arms around Rarity and held her close. “And Spike when I tell him.”


“And then what happened?!” asked Spike as he drooled slightly.

Pinkie giggled and said, “That’s for me to know and you to fantasize about, silly!”

“Done!” said Spike, running off to the bathroom.

“Found it!” called Rarity. She walked towards Fluttershy with an outfit floating next to her. “Here, try this on.”

Fluttershy pulled the outfit on and turned to look at herself in the mirror. The outfit was a black sequined dress with a pink saddle and a matching hat with pink feathers.

“What do you think?” asked Rarity.

“I look like a Las Pegasus hooker,” replied Fluttershy.

“That was actually my grandmother’s dress,” Rarity said as she glared at Fluttershy.

“Oh! Um…” faltered Fluttershy. “I’m sure she was a classy hooker?”

“The classiest,” nodded Rarity. She frowned and examined the lower part of the dress. “Oh…that hem is completely off…”

A flushing toilet was heard as Spike entered the room. “What did I miss?” he asked.

“Spike! You came at the perfect time!” said Rarity.

“NO I DIDN’T I SWEAR!” shouted Spike, his eyes wide.

“Yes you did!” said Rarity. “You came back to the room just in time to help me with Fluttershy’s dress!”

“Oh!” said Spike. He laughed nervously and wiped his forehead. “Right…of course I did!” He walked over to Rarity. “How can I help?”

“I need you to be my pincushion,” said Rarity. “Is that alright with you?”

“Um…sure, I guess,” answered Spike. “It shouldn’t hurt.”

“Great!” cheered Rarity. “I’m going to go get my supplies. Fluttershy, could you be a dear and poke long, sharp needles into Spike?”

Fluttershy grinned sadistically at the dragon. “It would be my pleasure.”

“I’ll be back!” said Rarity as she headed for the stairs.

Fluttershy cracked her neck. “What was that about me looking heavy?” She grabbed a needle and held it threateningly at Spike.

“Just that you look heavy,” answered Spike, unaware of the danger he was now in. “You know, with your love handles and big butt and all.”

Fluttershy grabbed another needle and dove at Spike, letting loose a loud scream in the process.

Pinkie winced as she watched Fluttershy stick needle after needle into Spike’s back. “S-should we stop this?” she asked.

“It’s fine,” answered Twilight indifferently. “Spike’s scales are so tough, he’s practically invulnerable.”

“That would explain why the chainsaw isn’t working,” said Pinkie, watching as the teeth on Fluttershy’s chainsaw broke as they hit Spike’s scales.

“I’m back!” said Rarity, a sewing kit floating next to her. She dropped the kit next to Fluttershy and used her magic to pull a few needles out of Spike. “Now hold still for a moment, Fluttershy…”

Spike idly pulled out a piece of Fluttershy’s chainsaw as he walked over to Pinkie and Twilight. “Well, that was fun.”

Twilight sighed. “We need to talk about what you should and should not do for Rarity. Like get stabbed multiple times by needles, for example.”

“I can’t help it!” said Spike. He looked at Rarity and sighed wistfully. “I’d do anything for her…” He blinked and turned back to the others. “Can I tell you guys a secret?” he whispered.

“You are in love with Rarity,” answered Twilight and Pinkie simultaneously.

“What?” yelped Spike. “How did you guys know? I thought I was being subtle.”

“You literally just asked me this morning if you could get a tattoo that said ‘I <3 Rarity',” answered Twilight.

“Every time she’s in the room, you drop what you’re doing to help her!” answered Pinkie. “And there was that one time I caught you in the tree outside with binoculars…”

“And besides,” continued Twilight, “Everyone in Ponyville knows you have a crush on her…besides Rarity of course.”

“That’s ridiculous,” said Spike. “No one else knows I love Rarity.”

Twilight frowned and went to the front door. She opened it and stuck her head outside. “Derpy! Could you come here, please?” She stood back and let the cross-eyed pegasus enter the boutique. “Can you answer this question? Who does Spike have a crush on?”

Derpy looked at Spike, both eyes focusing on him. She stared at him for a moment before looking towards Rarity and Fluttershy. “Her. Not the pegasus with the big butt, but the unicorn fixing her dress.”

As Spike spluttered in surprise, Twilight smiled and said, “Thanks Derpy! That’s all I wanted.”

“No problem Twit-lit!” replied Derpy happily.

“It’s Twilight,” corrected Twilight.

“Of course it is!” laughed Derpy, patting Twilight’s head. She looked at Spike and Pinkie and spun her hoof in a circle by the side of her head.

“I can see you, you know,” growled Twilight.

“Of course you can,” said Derpy sympathetically. She patted Twilight’s head again and left the store.

Spike looked at Pinkie and Twilight. “You two have to promise not to say anything to anyone about this, okay? I don’t want Rarity hearing about my feelings for her.”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” said Pinkie.

“Don’t you mean, ‘stick a needle in your eye’?” asked Twilight.

“Who would stick a needle in their eye?” asked Pinkie. “What are you, crazy?!” She winced. “Oh…” She patted Twilight’s head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

“I AM NOT CRAZY!” yelled Twilight. She cleared her throat and looked at Spike. “I promise I won’t say anything, ok? You can tell Rarity when you’re ready.”

Spike smiled gratefully at the two ponies. “Thanks guys.”

The door to the shop swung open and a blue earth pony with sunglasses walked inside. She was wearing a black dress with white and purple stripes and a purple scarf. She brushed her white mane out of her eyes and gazed around the shop.

“I, Photo Finish, have arrived!” she said, striking a pose.

Rarity strode forward, smiling at the newcomer. “I must say, this is quite the honor-”

“Yes, it is! For you,” said Photo. She pressed her hoof against Rarity’s face and pushed her out of the way. She whistled and a brown-furred mare wearing a green jumpsuit set up a camera in front of Fluttershy. “Now…” She faltered as she looked at Fluttershy.

“I-Is something the matter?” asked Rarity.

“…No,” said Photo. “I must apologize. I wasn’t expecting someone of your level of talent to find a model as beautiful as this.”

Fluttershy blushed and quietly said, “Oh…t-thank you…”

“Oh, I see…” said Rarity, nodding. She blinked. “What do you mean my level of talent?”

“No time for questions!” yelled Photo Finish, standing behind her camera. “Now…we begin!” She started taking picture after picture, the camera flashing over and over again. “Give me pouty! Now make it sexy! More sexy! Too much! It’s too much sexy!”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “I haven’t even moved.”

“Perfect!” said Photo, taking another picture. “Just like that! Sassy but sweet! Tantalizing yet timid! Daring but demure! Now get naughty! Flirty!”

“I…I don’t think I want too…” mumbled Fluttershy, looking at the ground.

“Holy shit!” yelled Photo as she kept taking pictures. “This is incredible!” She stopped taking pictures and clapped her hooves. Her assistant walked forward and packed the camera away.

“Are you done?” asked Rarity.

“Yes!” said Photo. “I’ve found the next fashion star of Equestria! And since we all saw the same thing, I feel no need to tell you who that is! There is a photo shoot tomorrow in the park. And now…I must go!” She walked out of the store, her assistant following her.

Rarity watched her go and then turned to address the room. “Did you hear that? Photo Finish loved that design and wants me to go to the park tomorrow with a new outfit!”

Fluttershy let out a breath. “I’m so relieved! I thought I wasn’t good enough.”

“Oh, you were perfect!” said Rarity. “My dress perfectly complimented your…unique body type.”

“…What do you mean unique body type?” asked Fluttershy.

“Can’t talk!” said Rarity, running to her racks of dresses. “I need to find the perfect outfit for tomorrow! Photo Finish is counting on me!”

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