• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 4,501 Views, 358 Comments

Converted - Shaded Changeling

What happens when a Dragon born outside of Equestria suddenly finds himself not only in an invasion, but turned into a Changeling? How does he cope with the changes, all the while trying to return a young Foal to Canterlot? Only time will tell.

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Chapter 45: Chrysalis' Command

“Sergeant Silver Shield!”

Silver had just come from a basic training drill when he turned to see Shade calling over for him.

“Get over here!” Shade ordered. Silver quickly ran up to him.

“You called sir?” Silver replied.

“Yes… I did…” Shade wrapped a hoof around Silver’s shoulder. “Walk with me. Talk with me.”

Silver glanced at the black, hole filed limb over his shoulders before walking next to Shade.

“So I heard that you know about your true identity now.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Well…” Shade said, lowering his hoof. “Tell me… How much have you managed to learn about your new powers?”

In truth Silver knew very little about his powers, he never tried to fly, and all he was really taught so far was transforming back into his normal (Pony) form. “Well I…”

Shade grabbed him and pulled him into a side room, locking the door behind him. “We’re good.”

Silver looked into the room and saw Princess Cadence. “So this is the Changeling Guard?”

Silver looked back at Shade. “You told her?”

Shade shrugged. “I…uh… To be fair. I did also tell her about my friends, another Changeling hive, and the reason why I almost gave us a Changeling statue for the gardens.”

Cadence looked at the two of them. “Silver. Shade told me what he knew about you, and I have no intention to punish you. I wanted to meet you myself.”

“Silver, I told her everything she needed to know. She knows you aren’t a threat.” Shade said. “But… We need your help with something…”

Shade explained the situation, he told Silver all about Mandible and where they believed the Changelings were hiding.

“So… Why are you telling me this?” Silver asked. “And not say, Captain Armor?”

Cadence glanced at Shade. “Um… Yes… This is kind of… between the three of us.” Shade said.

“May I ask why?”

“Be honest with me Silver.” Shade said. “If I were to tell anybody in this place there was an army below Canterlot, waiting for the return of their Queen that attacked Canterlot less than a month ago. What do you think they would do?”

“I see your point.” Silver replied. “So why not tell a pony Guard?”

“Again… You are a soldier in hostile territory and one of those who you attacked less than a month ago comes near your base, first reaction?”

“Got it…” Silver replied. “So how are we handling this?”

Shade smiled. “You ever wondered what Changeling armor feels like?”

“How in Tartarus did you talk me into this?” Silver asked, standing at the large crack in the ground leading to the Crystal Caverns, they were just outside the city’s walls, where the area had been sectioned off for exploration later to check and see what is actually down there.

The two Changelings had gotten the armor from the dungeon, under the order of Princess Cadence, under the cover of Military research. They had taken the armor out of the city to where the entrance was. When they were there, Shade had put on the armor with very little issue, almost like it was designed for him.

Silver had more trouble, he was not a fan of being in his Changeling form, let alone without his armor, so Shade had to practically force him into it before the armor was placed on.

“Because I’m both your commanding officer, and I’ve got a silver tongue, sometimes…”

Silver rolled his eyes. “So long as I don’t have to fly anywhere, I’ll be fine.”

“Alright then,” Shade’s horn glowed and his right eye turned into the standard solid blue eye. “Spell I learned from Darkblaze, really useful when I’m trying to stay hidden.”

Shade picked up Silver and lowered him down into the crack in the ground, lowering the two of them into the caverns below, to which both of them looked around impressed.

Inside, the walls, floors, and even the columns that held up the rest of the cave were covered with crystals, ranging from green to dark black ones. There were no traces of any Changelings in the first section of the cave, meaning they just looked around the area at first.

“How are we going to find our way around this place?” Silver asked concerned. “We have no idea where we are, and I’ve heard stories about this place.”

“Any of them good?” Shade asked.

“These Caves were used to trap greedy Unicorns, who then died because they couldn’t find the exit.” Silver said, shaking slightly.

“Then it’s a good thing we aren’t Unicorns.” Shade replied stepping on a bone. “Huh… Looks like you weren’t lying.” Shade bent down and looked at the skeleton. “Looks like he got hit in the face with a rock.”

Silver looked away from the skeleton. “How can you tell?”

“The giant hole in its skull,” Shade said.

“Can we get moving? I’m still a pony at heart Captain.” Silver replied. “I’m not used to seeing…”

“You smell that?” Shade asked, cutting off Silver.

Silver sniffed the air. “All I smell is dust, and that corpse.”

“No… It’s something else…” Shade replied. “It’s like…” Shade thought about the smell for a minute, before it hit him what it was. “Skunkweed…”

“Pardon?” Silver replied.

“It’s a plant, it’s defense mechanism is smelling terrible, and the last time I smelt it was inside the main Hive.” Shade lifted his head up and began sniffing the air before he found where the smell was coming from. “This way.”

“Major Mandible! Respond!”

“What if something happened to him General?”

“I knew I shouldn’t have let him go…”

“Major Mandible! Respond Now!”

“Sir, we need to address Ceymi’s position on…!”

“SHUT UP!” The General shouted towards the other officers. “Ceymi, it’s difficult enough to deal with leading this militia without all of you chattering my ears off like Chrysalis damned Caretakers!” The General took off his helmet using his magic. “If I get any information on the Traitor I’ll tell you! Now unless it’s vital, I don’t give a damn!”

“Mandible Respond!”

Another Changeling walked through the cloth acting as a door. “Gen-”

“What in Chrysalis’ Name is it!” The General shouted, startling the Changeling.


“What?” The General said.

The Changeling shook his head. “Two Changelings just entered the Hive.”

“The scouts?”

“No Sir,” The Changeling replied “One of them is from our Hive, the other is from Pupa.”

“Is it one of ours?” One of the other Changelings asked.

The Changeling shook its head. “He doesn’t hold the same scent.”

“Bring him here.” The General ordered. “If they don’t come willingly, then try to keep one alive.”

The Changeling saluted before running out the makeshift door.

“Mandible… What did you get yourself into?” The General asked himself, rubbing his eyes.

“Seven minutes Captain…” Silver said. “Seven minutes of wandering around this cave. Where the hell are we going?”

“I… Don’t know…” Shade replied, still smelling the air. “I’m just following this scent.”

“But what is it Sir?” Silver asked. “I can’t smell anything.”

“If I were to guess…” Shade replied, “I would say it’s Pheromones, like marking territory, or finding home.”

“Then why can’t I smell anything?” Silver asked.

“Maybe it’s only for members of the Hive, something to keep those who were exiled away or something.”

“So we are running on a theory here?” Silver sighed. “Wonderful.”

A few more moments of following the scent led them to a dead end. “Well… That failed.” Silver said. “What now?”

Shade looked up at the roof of the cave, and his eyes widened. “Um… I think we surrender…”

“Correct Traitor!” A group of Changeling flew down from the ceiling, with a few others clinging to the walls, their horns glowing a venomous green, all pointing at the two Changelings.

“Permission to speak freely sir?”


“Cadence warned you about this.”

“Jack Ass…”

The Changelings fired at the two of them, knocking them out.

Cadence was nervous. Shade and Silver Shield said they would be back in an hour or two, they had been gone for nearly three hours! They promised her that there was nothing she had to worry about, but they could be in trouble but if they weren’t, she didn’t want to risk their cover.

“Why do Changelings have to keep interfering in my life?” Cadence said.

“You called Princess?” Crimson asked, walking into the room.

“Yes… Crimson, I need to confide something in you.” Cadence said.

“What is it?” Crimson asked.

Cadence took a deep breath. “You remember Silver Shield?”

“That Unicorn raised by Pegasi?” Crimson asked. “What about him?”

“Have you noticed that he hasn’t been here for quite a while?”

Crimson took off her helmet. “Hmm… I guess I haven’t been paying attention.” Crimson replied. “Have you seen the new Captain?”

Cadence was beginning to panic. “Why do you need him?”

“He was supposed to join up with me for weapon training,” Crimson said. “And Lieutenants Sunglider and Star Dust said they last saw him with you.”


Crimson raised her eyebrow. “Princess, what happened to them?”

“Don’t… Promise me you won’t tell anypony.”

“Princess. What happened?”

“Sit down Crimson.” Cadence said. “And don’t freak out.”

Why do I keep waking up in these things? Shade thought to himself as he felt the strange liquid around him.

“So you were the one our scout warned us about.”

Shade opened his eyes, to look at the Changeling.

“Tartarus happened to your eye?”

“Would it help if I said ‘Fuck you’?” Shade replied. “I was born with it.”

The Changeling smirked. “We did a little check on that armor you used.” The Changeling flew up to glare at Shade. “Do you know what we found?”

“Not a clue.”

“That armor belongs to Major Mandible, a high ranking officer in her Majesty’s military, I don’t know who you are, but I want to know what you did to him.”

“Well… That is quite an idea.” Shade replied. “Since I wanted to ask you something, I suppose there is no point in hiding. I captured him personally, brought him and his small team to the Royal Castle.”

“Why would you bring them there?” The Changeling asked.

“Tis my job.” Shade replied. “Well… Temporary job, that other Changeling has it as his full job. But to answer your question. I was walking to a very specific exhibit when I came across the three of them. I told them who I was, they decided to start punching me in the stomach, so for one of them I burnt off his wings, the other I knocked unconscious, and Mandible I interrogated to find this place.”


“We have a common enemy.” Shade replied. “This Ceymi character, I don’t give a shit about, and clearly you are against her from what I’ve heard.”

“Give me a reason to trust you.”

“Queen Ceymi has taken four things from me. My daughter, my friend, my calm life, and my patience.” Shade glared at the Changeling. “Oh, and if we do not report to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza before nightfall, the Lunar guard will come here and rip this place apart.”

Shade stared down the changeling. “And before you say, ‘you’re Joking’ Queens Ovi, Cytes, Pupa, and Acari are there. Ovi’s daughter was hurt by an assassin, Pupa is always willing to kill you, and Acari’s Hive has been taken over.” Shade said seriously.

“How do I know you are not bluffing?”

“Because if I was bluffing,” Shade replied, “I would have pulled the Celestia card on your ass.”

The Changeling thought about it for a second. “Fair point.” The Changeling replied. “Who are you soldier?”

“Shade, Captain of the Royal Guard. The Other guy is a Royal Guard, and I would prefer not being trapped in one of these things for longer than possible.”

The Changeling looked him over. “I’ll send word to a known Infiltrator in the area, if he confirms your story, then I’ll let you out. Until then, have a nice sleep.”

The Changeling’s horn began to glow as Shade felt a wave of sleep rushing over him and the world just seemed to blur out.

“And you just let them go?” Crimson asked. “Celestia damn it! Didn’t you three have any kind of contingency plan?”

“Of course we did.” Cadence replied. “If I didn’t hear any reports from him by nightfall, I was to contact you and Luna about it.”

Crimson rubbed her forehead. “I knew I shouldn’t have let Silver know about his heritage…”

Cadence cocked her head. “What do you mean?”

“Oh… Damn it…” Crimson replied. “I kept tabs on Silver since I found out his father was a Changeling, at the time it didn’t seem like a problem. Now it’s just gotten me into a lot of stress lately…” Crimson said. “Celestia’s been on my flank about this…”

There was a knock on the…window?

Both of them looked at the window where a gray Pegasus was tapping on the window. Crimson instantly caused the window to flip open, and the Pegasus to fall into the room.

“What are you doing here?” Crimson hissed at the Pegasus.

“Well… I was here to warn you about…” The Pegasus’ eyes widened. “Oh… hi…Um… Crimson…”

“Tell me who and why!” Crimson said. “Or I swear to Celestia I will…”

“Are you Tornado Dust?” Cadence asked, looking at the brown tornado Cutie Mark.

The Pegasus nodded.

“Crimson, let him go. He knows Shade.” Cadence said, to which Crimson dropped him.

“You don’t need to hide here Changeling, Shade told me all about you.”

Tornado Dust twitched. “Wonderful… Did he tell you anything else?” Tornado Dust asked before shaking away the thought. “Listen! Snake Eye found the Hive!”

“Is he okay?”

“Yeah, he’s fine.” Tornado Dust replied. “The Swarm contacted me a little bit ago. They needed me to check his story to make sure he wasn’t sent by Ceymi. They also wanted me to check on Major Mandible, make sure he was still alive.”

“Why?” Crimson asked. “Also Who?”

Tornado Dust took a deep breath before beginning to explain everything he was told, Shade was captured along with Silver, they were being held by a group of Chrysalis’ Commanders, and he was sent to confirm the story.

“Then why not just confirm the story?” Crimson asked. “They would have to take your word for it.”

Tornado Dust shook his head. “They wanted some… Physical proof.” He said. “The word of an Infiltrator is only as good as you want it to be, and since I cut myself from the main Hive Mind, it’s not too good.”

“What kind of Physical proof?” Cadence asked.

“They…want…you.” Tornado Dust said.

Crimson looked as though she heard something stupid. “Come again?”

Tornado Dust took a deep breath. “They want to see Princess Cadence.” Tornado Dust took into the air so that he was out of reach of Crimson’s hooves.

“Why do they want to see me?” Cadence asked.

“They said they wanted to be sure of Snake Eye’s story, and that the best way to do that is to see you personally.”

Crimson grabbed her helmet. “I’m coming with you two.”

“Crimson I don’t think…”

“I’m not letting you go down there alone, even with this Changeling!” Crimson said. “This could be some kind of trap, a revenge scheme for the death of their Queen!”

Tornado Dust stood firm. “Listen, Pupa!” Crimson twitched slightly. “Ceymi may be a power hungry Nymph, but Chrysalis would never sanction a revenge scheme like this! Killing a Princess would bring death to our Hive, we would never do something so stupid!”

Crimson wrapped him in a red aura and pulled him close. “Listen to me. I will not have any kind of harm coming to the Princess. If I find so much as a feather out of place, I will make sure you rot in the dungeon" She poked him directly in the chest. "Got it?”

Tornado nodded.

“Now then,” Crimson said as she began to walk to the door. “You have two hours. After that, I’m bringing the Lancers.”

Cadence was shocked by how quickly Crimson changed her mind. “Crimson…”

“Two hours.” She replied. “Clock’s ticking. Now go before I change my mind.”

“You sure about this Princess?” Tornado Dust asked as the two of them looked down into the cave. “Your last visit wasn’t exactly pleasant.”

“I understand that.” Cadence replied, “But this time I know what I’m up against.”

“Suit yourself…” Tornado Dust said. “I’m more worried about Crimson’s threat… Can she really do that?”

“I’m sure she’s just being protective.” Cadence replied. “After all, we can’t have another invasion incident now can we.”

“I think that’s a good idea…” Tornado Dust replied.

The two of them entered into the cave, light spread by the various reflective crystals, Tornado Dust looked wearily around the cave, while Cadence looked at the crystals.

“This cave is unnatural…” Tornado Dust said. “It… Shouldn’t be like this.”

“What do you mean?” Cadence asked, looking at a clumped black crystal.

“I mean… that this place… it feels familiar… but,” Tornado Dust couldn’t put his hoof on it, the entire Cave felt unnatural, like all the crystals weren’t supposed to be there. “Guess it’s just nerves…” Tornado Dust said. “After all, I haven’t met up with the military of my Hive since Canterlot… And they weren’t too pleased with me then…”

“So how do we find them?” Cadence asked looking around the cave. “This place is huge, I should know.”

Tornado Dust transformed into Darkblaze, and sniffed the air. “Homing Pheromones, we use them to mark key locations, think of it like an emotional tracer.” Tornado Dust explained. “Certain Changelings can create more advanced variants, but mostly we just mark our food storage and territory, to keep Exiles and rival Hives away.”

“I don’t smell anything.” Cadence replied.

“Well you couldn’t.” Darkblaze replied. “It’s a Changeling thing, like how you can’t…actually,” Darkblaze tapped his chin. “Can you see love?” Darkblaze shook his head. “Sorry… Twilight’s been bugging me with questions about emotions for days… Anyway, the scent is here, but it’s weak… they clearly didn’t want anypony finding them unless they were a ways into the cave.”

“Then how come you can smell it?”

“Infiltrators have better noses, training taught us to pick out the scents no matter how weak they are. It should be this way.”

Darkblaze and Cadence began to traverse the caverns, following the pheromone trail, until they came to what looked like a dead end.

“Are you sure you’re following the right scent?” Cadence asked, looking at the wall.

“Yup.” Dark blaze replied, looking straight up the wall. “Hey guys!”

“Oh great…” A few Changelings flew down to the ground. “Is that you Darkblaze?”

“What? Aren’t you happy to see me?” Darkblaze smiled.

“If by happy you mean I wish to gouge my ears out, than yes.”

“Aw… You did miss me.”

“Chrysalis… If I knew you were coming I would have set up a booby trap.”

“Do you know them?” Cadence asked.

“They were a group of Soldiers in my Cluster.” Darkblaze replied.

“And you were the biggest Jack Ass we ever met.”

“Oh come on, you guys were in Canterlot, how am I the biggest Jack ass you met?”

“The Nobles in Canterlot at least waited until they thought we were gone to put on a shit eating grin.”

Darkblaze smiled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

One of the Changelings facehoofed. “Let’s get this over with as soon as possible… I’m not reliving training with you.”

Darkblaze leaned into Cadence and whispered. “I loved to mess with them.”

“Follow us. The General wants to see the Princess.” The Changeling said. “Meanwhile, Infiltrator, you will be identifying the Prisoner.”

“Alright… But I am warning you, Pupa did say that if she gets hurt, the Lancers are gonna attack all of us.”

“Noted.” The Changeling said. “The General knows you’re coming. Just follow us Princess.”

“Bout time you showed up!” Shade said as he was pulled from the cocoon. “I was beginning to think you forgot about me?”

“Come on.” Darkblaze replied. “I wouldn’t leave you hanging like that.”

“This is really sentimental and all.” The Changeling said. “But I need your help getting this Changeling out of the cocoon.”

“On it. Snake Eye… Just stay still for a bit.” Darkblaze replied.

“Where’s Cadence?”

“She’s talking with the general.” The Changeling replied, as the two of them began gripping at the side of the pod holding Silver. “They were talking about this plan of yours. Infiltrator! Lift up!”

“Sorry, I’ve never opened these things before. Give me a break.”

“Just lift.”

The two changelings pulled open the pod causing Silver to fall to the caves floor coughing.

“Where in Tartarus am I?” Silver coughed. “Where was I?”

“Inside a containment pod.” Shade replied. “That makes it my…” Shade tapped his chin, “thhhhird time if I’m counting right.”

Silver coughed up a bit of the green liquid from inside the pod. “What in Tar…?”

“You do not want to know…” The Changeling replied. “Is he okay?”

“No!” Silver snapped. “I come down here, follow the Captain for seven minutes before getting shot with a knockout spell and stuffed into a pod!” Silver coughed again. “My mouth tastes weird…”

“That’s the goo…” Shade replied.

Silver groaned. “Can I stop being a Changeling yet?” He asked.

“Go for it.” Shade replied.

Silver took a deep breath and closed his eyes, in a flash of red flame, he was back to his normal appearance. “I’m still getting used to that…”

“Getting used to it?” The Changeling asked. “What?”

“Later!” All three of them replied.

“We need to see Cadence now.” Shade replied. “Before something bad hap-”

Shade was shut up by a green aura throwing him into a wall. “Son of a…”

Darkblaze and the other Changeling were looking like they saw something that they didn’t want to see. Both of them looked up at the roof shaking their heads. “Not now…” Darkblaze mumbled.

“The hell just happened?” Shade asked.

“So this is the new guy?”

“Piss off Crush.” Darkblaze said. “We don’t have time for this.”

“Oh come on Dark spark.”


“Whatever.” Shade finally managed to repulse the aura around his head, giving him the ability to turn around to see a rather large Changeling, easily the same height as Shining Armor, he had a chipped fang, a couple of scars along his chitin showing the pinkish flesh underneath. He had a group of three other Changelings with him.

“The hell are you supposed to be?” Shade asked, looking the Changeling up and down.

I am Lieutenant Coronal Crush, You are a waste of chitin.”

“Well good for you.” Shade replied with a golf clap. “I don’t care. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Princess I need to-”

Crush stopped him from moving. “Nah… I think you and I have something important to discuss.”

“Crush… Don’t…” Darkblaze said.

“Dark spark, stay out of this!” Crush said, looking over Shade. “So this is the Changeling that managed to beat up Major Mandible?”

“Crush… Please…Don’t…” Darkblaze said.

“I told you to stay out of it!” Crush shouted at Darkblaze. “Now how did a pathetic, weak, Failed Conversion like yourself manage to take out a major?”

“I don’t have time for this shit,” Shade said walking past Crush, “I have a Princess to talk to.”

Crush turned around. “What’s the matter Nymph?” Shade stopped mid step. “Cat got your tongue?”

Darkblaze took off from the ground, a look of slight worry on his face.

Shade glanced behind him. “The fuck did you just call me?”

Crush smiled. “What? Don’t like being called Nymph?”

Darkblaze twitched. “Crush… Stop now… Don’t go any further…”

“No…” Shade said. “I want to know. What. Did. You. Call. Me.”

“I called you a little. Insignificant. Nym-”

Shade turned and fired a black beam from his horn. “Choose your next fucking words carefully. The last time I was called that, I almost murdered one of your best. So… If you call me that, I promise you pain.”

Crush smiled. “I’ll take that bet. You Nym-”

“Well Princess,” The General said, “I’m glad to hear about the safety of my operatives. However now we need to…”

A changeling walked into the room. “General Sir!” The Changeling saluted. “Captain Shade and Infiltrator 75 are here to speak with you.”

“Let them in.” The General replied.

Shade, Silver, and Darkblaze walked in, both Silver and Darkblaze with looks of shock. Shade was walking on only three of his legs, his right foreleg was spattered with blue blood. “Sorry about your Lt. Colonel,” Shade said plainly.

The General sighed. “What did Crush do this time?”

Darkblaze swallowed. “He called Snake Eye a ‘Nymph’, it was what Spine used to call him.”

“I didn’t even know it was possible for legs to bend like that…” Silver said.

“Forget the legs!” Darkblaze replied. “I didn’t know it was possible to tie somepony’s wings together without rope.”

Shade spat out a bit of crimson blood. “He got a few good hits in, I got more.”

“I told him his arrogance would get the better of him eventually…” The General sighed. “What happened?”

“Short version,” Shade replied, “I beat the shit out of him. Long version, he’s missing his other fang, four of his teeth, his wings are probably broken and his spine is dislocated in seven places.”

“Efficient.” The General replied.

“So what have you two been up to?” Shade asked.

“We were just going over a possible compromise between our two factions.” Cadence replied. “So far General Thorax here has agreed to help with the planning, and maybe provide troops.”

“That’s great.” Shade replied. “What’s the catch?”

“We are not all soldiers here,” Thorax replied. “We have caretakers, nymphs, and couriers. We would like to negotiate for medical and civilian protection aid.”

“That can’t be all.” Darkblaze replied.

“You’re right.” Thorax sighed. “This operation is of the utmost importance to us. We would like complete transparency, both of us help each other and share intelligence, and we will provide military assistance.”

Shade tapped is chin. “Sounds fair enough to me,” Shade replied. “However, I don’t know about full transparency, Captain Shining Armor may not feel too good about telling you our plans.”

“I have already conquered that particular obstacle,” Thorax replied. “We will answer any questions on our military power, and only I will accompany you into the city.”

“I’m not sure about this…” Silver replied. “I mean we have orders to capture any Changelings that we find within the city’s walls…”

“Then shouldn’t you be in a dungeon Silver?” Shade replied.

Silver opened his mouth to say something but closed it shortly after. “Touché.”

“He has agreed to stay in the castle and remain there until such time as the plan is initiated, provided we don’t attempt any attacks on him.”

“Anything else?” Shade asked.

“Yes, I want Mandible to be released.” Thorax replied. “He is one of our best Majors, and he will be instrumental in taking down Ceymi.”

Darkblaze looked down at the table. “Listen… We should get going, Crimson Lance did tell us to be back soon…”

“Of course.” Cadence replied. “Lead the way General.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the day late upload, this weekend has been hectic... and I don't see next week going much better... :fluttershysad:

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