• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 4,501 Views, 358 Comments

Converted - Shaded Changeling

What happens when a Dragon born outside of Equestria suddenly finds himself not only in an invasion, but turned into a Changeling? How does he cope with the changes, all the while trying to return a young Foal to Canterlot? Only time will tell.

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Chapter 25: Silver Tongues

For as long as Silver Shield could remember, he had been a Unicorn. He had always considered himself a Unicorn brought up by a Pegasus family; he never once questioned his lineage, never once asked his family why he wasn’t like his brothers.

Now he knew.

The Truth is he was never really a Unicorn, or even a Pony. He had been a Changeling his entire life, unknown to him until earlier that day. And now that he knew the truth, it terrified him.

He had simply been doing his duty as a member of the Royal Guard, protecting civilians from harm, when he was grabbed by an assassin hired to kill the very Changeling that sent his brother, Sunglider, into a deep coma. The assassin pinned him against a wall and ripped apart the very skin that Silver Shield held for the better part of twenty-five years.

Now he just sat on the cold floor, the same place he was when his true form was revealed, dumbstruck. He couldn’t comprehend what happened to him.

“Silver?” Shade said, looking at the dumbfounded Changeling, questioning everything he knew. “Are you alright?”

The Royal Guard looked up from the ground, looking at the mismatched eyes of the Changeling. “No…” He replied, he was surprised by the sound of his own voice, the slight distortion that came from it.

“Want to talk about it?” Shade asked.

“What is there to talk about?” Silver asked, looking down at his Hooves, now foreign to him. “Look at me! I-I’m…”

Silver felt one of Shade’s hooves on his shoulder. “You’re still you.” He said, looking right into Silver’s eyes, now solid red orbs. “No matter what happens, you are still the same Unicorn you always have been.”

Silver swatted the hoof away. “No.” He replied. “My life is a lie! Everything! My family, my friends, my comrades. All of it!”

Shade just looked at the Guard in front of him. He once loathed the Guard for how he treated him, the way he blamed Shade for what happened. But now he just saw what happened to him.

Shade landed next to the Changeling. “Listen…Silver.”

“That’s not my name anymore…” Silver replied. “That pony never existed…”

Shade cracked a smile. “Well neither did Sunstreak.”

The Changeling looked up at Shade, this one Changeling that treated him like he wasn’t a monster. “What are you on about?”

“Listen…Sunstreak is my own identity. I created him to fit into Equestria. He never existed before then, and he won’t exist. He was always me. Just like Silver Shield, was always you.”

Silver shook his head. “Look at me… I’m an enemy of my own home. I can’t…I can’t be a Royal Guard like this…” He pulled off his helmet and threw it across the room.

Shade looked from the helmet to the Changeling. “Do you truly believe that?”

Silver looked up. “I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Shade flew over and grabbed the helmet from the floor. “Is this really that big of a change for you?” Shade asked as he landed next to Silver. “Does this change who you are?” Shade placed the helmet in front of Silver.

“When I told you that I hurt Sunglider, you were angry. Would a monster feel that strongly about their family?” As Shade said this, Silver looked up at him, “I only have one question for you, Silver,” Shade slid the helmet closer to Silver. “Do you still care for your family?”

Silver looked at the helmet, then up at Shade. “Why are you helping me?”

Shade looked down at the Changeling. “Because I was in this same situation,” Shade explained. “It took a single filly to show me that nothing changed. So why not spread that with someone who needs it.”

Silver still looked unsure.

“Listen, Silver.” Shade replied. “You have a family, a group that cares for you, and will accept you no matter what you are. Do you really think they are going to shun you because you look different?”

Silver pushed himself off the ground. “But… This just changes my entire life…”

Shade flew over to where his bed was and grabbed a pink letter. “I thought the same thing. I figured that once my friends knew the truth, they would hate me. This letter proves otherwise.” He handed the letter over to Silver. “It was written by a friend of mine, one who doesn’t care how I look, she can see past that, and if anyone tries to do otherwise, they aren’t really your friends now are they.”

Silver looked up at the Changeling, the single thing he hated after his brother was hospitalized. He was openly trying to help him, “How do I…”

“Let me help you…” Shade replied. “Focus on your form… don’t ask me why, just do it.”

Silver looked questioningly at the Changeling. “Why?”

“Do you want help or not?” Shade asked as a few doctors ran in and grabbed Carrie.

Silver was going to argue but instead just closed his eyes and focused. He heard a flash of flame and opened his eyes to see Shade grinning at him.

“What?” Silver asked, before looking down at himself. He was back to normal, the black Carapace being replaced with the familiar silver coat he was accustomed to.

“Feel better?” Shade asked.

“How…?” Silver replied. “I…don’t understand.”

“Well…neither do I to be honest.” Shade replied. “But doesn’t it feel better to be back in your normal body, Silver?”

Silver nodded, his red eyes looking back at the Changeling.

“Took me a few hours before I managed to get Sunstreak right,” Shade replied. “But you have a form already.”

Shade lifted the helmet up and placed it on the Royal Guards head, causing Silver’s coat to change to a solid white and his red eyes to change to blue. “I-I don’t know how to handle this…”

Shade held up his hoof. “Don’t worry about it. You’ve been doing fine so far.”

“And that enchantment finally broke I see.”

Both of them turned to look at the new entrant to see Sapphire standing in the doorway.

“Enchantment?” Silver asked looking at the Unicorn. “What do you mean?”

Sapphire walked into the room, “When you were a foal, I put an enchantment on you, sealing you into the first form you ever took,” The unicorn walked up to the disguised Changeling. “It would essentially turn you into a pony. Normally I don’t condone the use of such enchantments at such a young age, however your mother and father wanted you to live a normal life, free from the secret world of the Changelings.”

As Sapphire explained, both Shade and Silver looked at her in confusion.

“I…didn’t exactly want to place the enchantment, however I did manage to find a pony family willing to take you in regardless of what you were. Then all that was left was for your Queen to permanently sever you from the Hive mind. She understood the decision and allowed you to live a Pony life.”

“The only trade off we placed was that your parents could never reveal what you were, and if you ever did find out, we would be forced to take you from them.”

Silver stood up staring down the unicorn. “And just what makes you think you could?”

Sapphire smirked. “All in good time, Silver.” Sapphire replied. She turned to look at Ovi. “Ovi, we still need him alive. I would prefer if you not crack his carapace like an egg.”

Queen Ovi, who had still been slamming the Changeling into the wall, stopped to look at the unicorn. “Cytes, you know what she means to me.” She dropped the Changeling from her magic, and Shade involuntarily winced at the state of him. His backplate was completely shattered, and the long snaking cracks across his carapace were leaking a bluish green liquid.

“Ovi, that is no excuse to nearly kill the only lead we have at finding Chrys-” Sapphire had to stop herself from finishing the old Queen’s name. “Ceymi.”

“Ah yes, Chrysalis’ daughter.” Ovi said, stamping down on the Changeling assassin, stopping him from trying to crawl away. “What about her?”

“She’s the new Queen.” Sapphire replied, she looked back at Silver. “Silver, I know that this is a brand new discovery for you and yo most likely have many questions, but I need you to do something very important for me.”

The Unicorn nodded.

“Swallow this.” Sapphire pulled a small pink pill from her pocket, levitating it over to Silver.

“What is it?” Silver asked.

“Procedure.” Sapphire replied, so Silver shrugged and popped it into his mouth. When he swallowed the small capsule, his eyes turned pink and he fell over, passed out.

Shade looked at him. “What was that?” He asked Sapphire.

“I’m sorry, Shade…” Sapphire replied, taking her glasses off and wiping them with a small cloth. “He chose his life’s path. He wanted to be a pony. That capsule is a memory drain. He will not remember the past few minutes. The last thing he will remember is being shot back by the assassin.”

“Why?” Shade asked looking over the unconscious body of the Unicorn.

Sapphire sighed. “He is far too adjusted to pony life. Him knowing he is a Changeling could have terrible consequences. While your hive is known, Pupa’s is not. We cannot risk any more Hives being discovered by common ponies right now.”

Shade was still looking over the Unicorn. “Don’t worry, when all of this blows over, he will be allowed to remember, just not right now.”

“And who is this?” Ovi asked looking over Shade. “Another one of Chysi’s?

“No, Ovi.” Sapphire replied, placing her glasses back on. “He has no allegiance to any hive. He is a failed conversion.”

“Oi!” Shade shouted. “Standing right here.”

“Yes you are.” Ovi replied. “Shall we talk more about this underneath the Hospital?”

“Yes, however we need to send a Siege team to get Rose. I don’t like the idea of my Employee’s being trapped inside those cocoons.” Sapphire replied. “Shade, you are to remain here. I will keep you informed on Carrie’s condition, though it may not be good.”

“Oh don’t worry…” Ovi replied grabbing the assassin with her magic and pulling him close to her. “This one will pay if she dies. Rather painfully I might add.” Shade didn’t like the smile she had on her face. It was strangely calm, yet…malicious.

“Your Drones will certainly be happy to see you again.” She turned to look at the three pegasi. “Up and at ‘em boys. You have work to do.” The three pegasi were briefly covered in blue fire before they were all replaced with Changelings each one with sky blue eyes and a dusty purple backplate.

Each of the Changelings grabbed onto Silver and carried him out of the room quickly followed by Sapphire and Ovi, who had retaken her Unicorn disguise. Leaving Shade in the room to go over his thoughts and figure out what was going on.

Rose was having a very strange day. Last night she had been walking home from the Hospital when a mysterious Colt asked for her help. She of course tried to help, then she found herself face first on the stone street.

And now, now she found herself dangling upside down in some kind of gelatinous matter. Through which she could hear what sounded like Royal Guards talking to each other.

She saw what looked like two black pegasi fly up to where she was hanging, and noticed that she was nearly twenty feet in the air, normally this would frighten her knowing there was almost nothing stopping her from falling head first to her death, but she felt strangely content.

“Bloodpool should have gotten back by now.” One of the pegasi said to the other.

“You know him.” The female of the pair replied. “Always trying to make a show of things.”

“Yeah…but he’s been gone a pretty long time, even by his standards.”

“Oh come on…What, are you afraid he died? Come on I bet he’ll come through the door at any time with that traitor’s head on his foreleg. At least he better be.” She said through ground teeth.

There was a banging on the door beneath all of them. The female Pegasus looked at her counterpart. “See? What did I tell you?” She flew down and landed next to the door. At which point an earth pony knocked down the door.

“Take ‘em out!” He shouted as he held down the female one, followed by three other Pegasi flying in and pinning the male to the ceiling.

“What did you do to Bloodpool!” The female Pegasus asked angrily.

“He’s been pacified. Now where is the hive?”

The Female Pegasus spat at the Earth pony.

“Got anything useful out of him?” The Earth pony asked the other pegasi.

“Nothing!” one of the Pegasi called back down.

“Alright…just get the Doctor down and we’ll deal with these two later.”

Rose’s vision faded to black as she heard a sawing sound from above her.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself in some kind of, underground blue room, being looked at by a group of strange looking ponies.

“How long do you think she was inside the chrysalis?”

“Can’t have been longer than a few hours…”

“The emotional drainage levels correspond with around seven hours.”

“She’s waking up…”

One of the ponies horns glowed a bright blue and Rose’s vision began to fade out again.

“Ugh…” Rose said as she regained consciousness. Reaching to feel the top of her head. She felt drained… and tired. She tried to open her eyes but the lights were blinding.

“You’re awake!”

“Ow…” Rose replied. “Not so loud…” The voice physically hurt, simply because her ears were being super receptive for some reason.

“Oh…sorry…” Rose began to adjust to the light. As her eyes finally did adjust to the light, she saw Shade standing next to her.



“What are you doing here?” Rose looked around and saw that she was in the Hospital. “What am I doing here?”

Shade’s ears flattened against his head. “You were…captured by Changelings…”

“What?” She replied. “What happened?”

Shade took a deep breath and began to explain the events as best he could, he had to be careful to avoid any mention of Queen Ovi or Cytes or even Silver being a Changeling, which was not easy.

“Then the Royal Guard found you trapped in the Chrysalis and brought you here…” Shade concluded. “I was starting to worry if you were going to wake up… You looked almost like Sunglider did when they first brought him in.”

Rose looked at the Changeling. “Are they letting you wander around freely now?”

“No…I just wanted to see how you were doing…” Shade replied. “You were the closest thing to a friend I’ve had while I’ve been in here…and I would hate for you to be hurt just because you knew me.”

“Well that’s very nice of you… But what happened to Carrie?”

“I’m…not allowed…to go in there…” Shade replied, his ears flattening against his skull. “They’re worried I might aggravate her…”

“Understandable given what you told me…”

Shade looked guiltily at the floor. “Yeah…” Shade sighed.

“Hey, bug boy!” Silver called from the doorway. “Times up.”

“In a second.” Shade replied. “I hope you get better soon, try not to…do anything strenuous…for a bit.” Shade turned and walked out of the room.

Silver closed the door behind them. “What were you talking to Dr. Rose about?”

“The assassination attempt on my life.” Shade said blankly. “I thought she deserved to know.”

“I still don’t know why you can’t tell me about that.” Silver replied. “Nopony here will tell me.”

“Well…she was kind of required for it to happen, you just sort of…showed up.” And were vital in the prevention of not only my death, but Carrie’s, Queen Ovi’s and everyone else in this damn place.

“Still doesn’t answer my question as to why nopony will tell me.”

“No idea, Sergeant.” Shade replied. “Maybe there is a reason for it. Then again maybe there isn’t. I’m still getting used to the laws of your nation.”

Silver smirked. “Well… Your friends haven’t found anything yet. Shining Armor wants to make sure you are fully recovered.” Shade stumbled a little; his hind legs were still not listening to his commands sometimes. “Like that.”

“Point taken…” Shade replied steadying himself. “You know that you don’t have to watch over me when we get back to the room, might be good for you to go talk to your brother a bit. Maybe help him remember something.”

Silver sighed. “Yeah…”

The two continued in silence. Until they reached the now empty room that Shade was staying in while he perfected walking. “I can handle myself from here.” Shade replied, walking inside the door, the instant he closed it, he slumped to the ground. God this keeping secrets stuff is getting stressful.

Shade rubbed the side of his head. I hope Twilight is having an easier time than me.

“What do you mean he said no?” Rainbow Dash asked furiously, slamming her hoof on the table, upsetting a glass of water.

“Exactly that, Rainbow,” Twilight replied, using her magic to replace the glass. “Shining Armor said no.”

“But how could he say no?” Rainbow Dash asked, drawing a few wandering eyes from nearby ponies. “He’s done nothing wrong.”

“Calm down, Dashie.” Pinkie Pie replied. Then leaning in to Rainbow added. “They’re watching us…” She whispered as her eyes quickly moved back and forth.

“I’m with Pinkie here, Rainbow. You should calm down.” Twilight replied, taking a bite of her Daisy and Daffodil Sandwich. “This is still supposed to be a secret.”

“How can you be so calm about this?” Rainbow asked, settling down.

“The ponies here are still jumpy around Changelings,” Twilight explained “I can see where he’s coming from, a Changeling walking around would probably cause some ponies to think the worst.”

“Yeah…but we can’t just abandon him.” Rainbow replied. “Would he do the same for us?”

“I’m not sure, Rainbow.” Twilight replied. “How much do we really know about Sunstreak?”

“Oo! Oo! I know this one!” Pinkie replied. “He came from the Burning Fiords, he’s looking for Meadow, and he can eat super spicy food.”

“Now what do we know about him as a pony?” Twilight asked Pinkie.

“He keeps his promises, he’s nice, and he is trying to do the right thing.”

“Yeah…but Shining Armor is still a little bit skeptical of him.” Twilight replied. “And he has reason to, after all his leader was the one who brainwashed Shining.” Twilight took another bite of her sandwich.

“But what has Sunny done to warrant him being treated like that?” Rainbow asked.

“What hasn’t he done?” Twilight replied. “He openly admits to being present at the Invasion, as far as the Guards are concerned, that already makes him a threat.” Twilight sighed. “I don’t agree with them, Sunstreak has shown a genuine want to help make up for it. There’s just so much that was caused by them that so many of them are just really jumpy.”

“But Everypony deserves a second chance.” Pinkie replied. “Even if they were meanies at one point.”

“Yeah, just look at Princess Luna.” Rainbow Dash argued. “She’s fine now.”

“It’s not the same, Rainbow…”

“How?” Rainbow slammed her hoof on the table again; Twilight steadied the glass so it wouldn’t fall over again. “How is he any different than Nightmare Moon?”

“She was always a pony…that’s the difference.” Twilight replied. “She may have tried to plunge the world into endless night, but she was always a pony. Sunstreak is… it’s just not the same, Rainbow.”

A Pegasus guard flew down beside them. “Pardon the interruption, but you are Twilight Sparkle correct?”

“Yes.” Twilight replied. “Who are you?”

“I am Swift Wing, a runner for the Royal Guard, the Captain wishes to speak with you.”

“Shining Armor?” Twilight replied. “Did he say what it was about?”

The Pegasus shook his head. “No sadly. He mentioned an incident that occurred involving the prisoner.”

“Sunstreak.” All three of the mares asked. “What happened?”

“I have been ordered to keep it a secret. The Captain will explain everything. Now please, follow me.”

The three of them paid for their meal before following after the guard, all the while wondering about the incident.

“Can you tell us anything about what happened?” Twilight asked.

“I’m prevented under command to tell you any of the details.”

“Is Sunny alright?” Pinkie asked.

“Yes. He is fine.”

“Isn’t there anything you can tell us?” Rainbow asked bluntly.

“The incident made the Captain rethink your offer.” Swift replied. “I told you, he will explain everything to you.”

They walked in silence until they reached the Castle grounds, where the group turned towards a medium sized tent that that seemed to have been placed there for training purposes.

“The Captain is just through here. He wanted the meeting to be away from the main castle grounds.” Swift Wing stated before flying off.

Walking into the tent, Twilight saw it was some kind of mobile war room, a round table with a map of Canterlot was placed in the center of the room. On the far side of which, Shining Armor was looking over the map.

When the group entered the tent he looked up. “Twily, I’m sure Swift told you why I asked you here.”

“He said something about an incident.” Twilight replied. “What happened?”

“There was an attack at the Hospital.” Shining Armor replied. “Their target was Shade.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash replied. “Who did it?”

“The attacker was another Changeling, one loyal to Chrysalis.” Shining Armor explained. “That’s the main reason why I began to rethink your offer.”

“How did it get in?” Twilight asked. “I thought you were keeping an eye on everypony coming in or going out of Canterlot.”

“We are…it must have been caught by a building or something. It took the form of one of the Doctors looking over Shade, he was eventually stopped by the other patient in his room.”

“Yeah! Go Carrie!” Pinkie replied.

“She…got stabbed in the stomach.” Shining Armor replied. “It’s…pretty bad. But that was enough to cause her mother to nearly kill the Changeling by slamming it into a wall.”

“What’s happening to it?” Twilight asked.

“Sapphire removed it from the Hospital, said she had enough on her hooves already without a murderous Changeling added into the mix.”

“So what exactly made you reconsider?” Rainbow asked, flying up to him.

“The main reason I didn’t want you three getting involved was because I was still skeptical about him claiming to be ‘disloyal to Chrysalis’ especially if he wouldn’t reveal any of the Hive’s secrets.” Shining Armor sighed. “Though the fact that one of his own just tried to kill him made me reconsider.”

Twilight looked at her brother quizzically.

“Maybe he really isn’t a direct threat to Equestria. Maybe everything he told us was the truth. But I’m still skeptical about him roaming freely around Canterlot, the main reason I wanted to try and find a Guard willing to take him in was so that I could keep tabs on him. Just in case all this time he was trying to get us to lower our guard. Not even including the threat to his own life from the townsponies.”

“Understandable…” Twilight replied. “Then why not let him have his magic, just in case he needed to defend himself?”

“Twily, the nobles would never allow that.” Shining Armor shook his head. “I need something a bit more…” Shining Armor twirled his hoof. “Specific.”

“Uh-huh.” Twilight replied.

“Listen… This whole Changeling prisoner situation has been weighing down on all of us heavily.” Shining Armor explained. “The Nobles have been all but begging us to have him killed. Celestia has to keep fighting back their requests and plans for him…most of which involve some form of torture until he gives up where his hive is.”

“They can’t do that!” Rainbow Dash replied angrily. “They can’t just torture somepony!”

“That’s why we’ve been pushing back against them… But they are slowly gaining more support… The only way I can assure that he was allowed to walk around was to put a Guard on him…but many of my own are still less than hospitable to Changelings. That’s why I reconsidered your offer Twilight.”

“So, does that mean yes?” Pinkie replied.

“So long as Twily here has a spell to stop combat magic.” Shining Armor replied.

“You mean you are actually going to let us keep an eye on him?” Twilight replied.

“Yes, but I want daily reports from you three. Any sign that he still has allegiance to Chrysalis, and I’m putting him back in that dungeon.” Shining Armor said, he leaned in to Twilight. “And try to find out as much as you can about them. Celestia wants to know.”

Twilight looked up at her brother with a wide smile on her face. “You can count of me, Shiny!” She wrapped her brother in a hug. “You won’t regret this!”

“I hope not, Twily… I had to pull out all of my favors to get this to work. So it better be worth it.”

“I’ve got to get ready!” Pinkie Pie shouted, dashing out of the tent.

“Where is she going?” Shining Armor asked as the pink dust cloud vanished.

“To prepare a party for Shade…” Twilight replied. “Rainbow, could you…”

“Make sure she doesn’t go overboard. On it.” Rainbow Dash flew off after Pinkie.

“So you do know that suppression spell right?”

Silver was standing outside his brother’s hospital room, looking in to the blank stares of his brother. He was afraid of Sunglider’s condition. Sunglider was Silver Shield’s best friend for many years, the only pony he confided many of his secrets to. Now he barely remembered anything Silver told him, and barely remembered who he even was.

Silver took a deep breath and stepped into the room.

“Oh hello.” Sunglider said as Silver walked into the room. “I don’t recognize you… Are you another one of the doctors?” Silver felt his heart drop.

“No…” Silver had to fight back the tears welling up inside him. “I’m your brother.” He removed his helmet, letting his white coat turn back to the silver sheen and his blue eyes changed to red. “Don’t you remember me?”

Sunglider tapped his chin. “Mmm…No… I’ve got nothing.” Silver felt the lump in his heart get heavier.

“Sunny, Come on…” Silver replied. “After all the things we did together. Everything I told you. You’re going to pull this on me.”

“Whose Sunny?” Sunglider replied. “Am I Sunny? I thought I was Sunglider… I’m confused.”

Silver was having trouble…his brother…the one he confided so much in, barely remembered him. “Sunny…I-I-” Silver had to turn away from his brother.

“Hey. Are you alright?” Silver looked back towards his brother, his eyes full of tears. He said it the same way he had always said it. The same words that Silver learned meant that it was okay to tell him.

“I’m sorry, Sunny.” Silver wrapped his forelegs around the light orange Pegasus. “I-I couldn’t get to you fast enough.” The Pegasus was shocked but seemed to fully understand. “If I-I just-” He stopped when the Pegasus wrapped his hooves around Silver.

“It’s alright. Don’t blame yourself.” Sunglider replied. “It wasn’t your fault I can’t remember anything.”

Silver looked up at the Pegasus, wiping his eyes with his hoof. “But…I-I could have stopped you…and then you wouldn’t…”

Sunglider looked at his brother with a small smirk on his face. “Come on…you…don’t go blaming yourself, I probably had it coming.”

Silver didn’t realize the door opened until he heard it close. He turned to see Shade inside the room.

“Ooo…What are you?” Sunglider asked looking at Shade.

“Changeling… more specifically the one who did this to you…” Shade replied rubbing the back of his head.

“What are you doing here?” Silver asked, looking at the Changeling.

Shade looked a bit nervous. “Well…” He let out a breath. “I could see all the emotion going on in here… and since I…you know…”

Silver cleared his eye. “Are you saying you’re actually sorry for this?”

Shade nodded. “I…I’m not sure what kind of consolation it is…but I will try whatever it takes to fix this.” Shade walked up to the two of them. “I tried to save him after I pushed him into the ground…”

“You were being serious about that?” Silver asked surprised. He just thought that was something he came up with in an attempt to get on Silver’s good side…that just caused Silver to blow up the cells next to Shade.

“Yeah…I used the only real spell I knew from the Fiords…it is a weak healing spell. But it stopped him from bleeding out.” Shade replied. “So…that was lucky.”

Silver looked at the Changeling surprise and shock on his face.

“Do you two know each other?” Sunglider asked. Looking between the two.

“You could say that, Sunglider.” Shade replied. “I just…wanted to let you know that…since…you kind of saved my life.”

“Whoa…when was that?” Sunglider asked.

“Shush.” Shade replied. “Anyway…I’m looking into a possible way for me to transfer the memories I got from him back…but it may take a while…”

Silver sighed. He couldn’t believe he hated this changeling at one point. He was genuinely trying to help, even if it was a long shot. “Do what you have to.” Silver replied.

Shade nodded. “By the way… What exactly happened over the waterfall?” Shade asked. “I keep seeing it in my sleep.”

“It’s…a family secret.” Silver replied.

“Alright then…I’ll just ignore it.” Shade replied. Walking out of the room, he turned back to Silver. “I’ll see you around, Sergeant.”

Shade felt better about himself, he managed to clear that whole situation up. Sure, Silver would still probably be wary of him, but it was better than him loathing Shade with every fiber of his being.

Looking back into the room, he could tell that Sunglider was very gradually remembering Silver, but at the rate it was going, it would take years for him to remember the Waterfall incident like Shade did.

Shade let out a sigh, his eye changed to a blue rounded pupil. “I’m sorry, Wingless…”

Author's Note:

Probably going to be the only update today, I need to finish this other thing I have. If I get that done, then I can post the next part. It gets a bit... Chaotic :facehoof: That was bad... I'm sorry...

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