• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 4,501 Views, 358 Comments

Converted - Shaded Changeling

What happens when a Dragon born outside of Equestria suddenly finds himself not only in an invasion, but turned into a Changeling? How does he cope with the changes, all the while trying to return a young Foal to Canterlot? Only time will tell.

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Chapter 21: Friendly Visits, Hungry Changeling

It was early in the morning, the sun was beginning to rise as the gray Mail Mare delivered her letters to Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie hopped out of a nearby bush and looked in it. “YAY!!!” Pinkie shouted. “SUNNY SENT ME A LETTER!”


“Oops…SORRY!” Pinkie shouted down the street before diving back into the bush.

Twilight just woke up when she heard the familiar pounding on her door that could only be Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie… Why are you up so early?” Twilight said through a small yawn opening the door. She saw Pinkie Pie wearing a bush. “Um…Pinkie?”

She shoved an envelope in Twilight’s face before she could say anything. “Look Twilight! Sunny sent me a letter!”

Twilight moved back a little to be out of Pinkie’s arm length before looking at the envelope. “Pinkie…this is one of yours.”

“No it’s not. I sent it to Sunny along with the Care package so he could write back because I hadn’t heard from him in a few days.” She shoved the letter back in Twilight’s face. “And look. It worked!”

Twilight backed away even further from Pinkie. “That’s great Pinkie…what does it say?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t opened it yet silly.” Pinkie said, hopping completely out of the bush. “I’m nervous. What if he isn’t coming back? What if he couldn’t find Meadow’s mom? What if he DIDN’T LIKE THE CUPCAKE?” She said shaking Twilight. “THE CUPCAKE TWILIGHT!”

Twilight teleported away from Pinkie “I’m sure he’s fine Pinkie. And I’m sure he enjoyed the cupcake you sent him.”

“But what if he didn’t?” Pinkie said.

“Pinkie… I’m sure he won’t think of you as any less of a friend.” Twilight said dusting herself off. “Now just open the letter and let’s see what it says.”

“Okie Doki Loki.” She squeezed the envelope with her hoof and the letter popped out of it.

Twilight placed a hoof on her face. Don’t ask Twilight…Don’t ask.

Dear Pinkie Pie (And others),

“Ooo…he’s good.” Pinkie Pie said as Twilight read the letter.

To answer your Questions in order, I did find Meadow’s mom, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to go back, and I’ve been in prison.

Twilight re-read that to make sure she said it right. “Prison?”
The Care package is amazing Pinkie, thank you for sending it. I have been so bored for the past few days… there is very little to do in a prison besides bang your head against the wall. Also a slight tidbit… I attempted to kill Princess Cadence…
“He What?” Twilight said, looking back over the letter.

Before you freak out (Unless Twilight is reading this)

“He’s really good.” Pinkie replied. Getting a glare from Twilight.

I thought she was Chrysalis, long story, I was tired, I was angry and she mentioned Chrysalis… so… yeah. Anyway. I am currently being detained in the Canterlot Royal Hospital along with a large number of Ponies who probably would try to kill me were they not currently paralyzed Being looked at due to some very serious wounds I received shortly before my capture. These include: Broken leg, lacerations, and a shattered Wing membrane. (I should make a full recovery within the week… hopefully). And Pinkie. The Cupcake was delicious.

“Phew.” Pinkie said wiping her eyebrows.

Alright…so on a much more serious note. Meadow is currently missing

“WHAT!” Both mares said, waking Spike.

“What’s going on?” He said sleepily.

“Hi Spike!” Pinkie said bouncing over to the dragon “I got a letter from Sunny.”

“Does it mention me?”

“Not yet.” Pinkie replied.

For those of you who would like to know… She was taken by my (And I hate to say this) Old commanding officer. Before I slammed my head into his chest. I have no idea where they are or how to find them. Also I may be going crazy…


Shade/Sunstreak. Ponyville’s resident Changeling.

P.S. Candlelight is the one who wrote this…as I am strapped to a bed and cannot use magic, or my left hoof.

“Aw…. Poor Sunny. He must be so lonely.” Pinkie said as Twilight finished.

“I really wish I could see how he was doing…” Twilight replied, handing the letter to Pinkie. “Those injuries sound severe.”

“What’s this on the back?” Spike said, looking at the back of the letter.

P.P.S. I have recently discovered that my Draconic blood has been retained. I should heal faster than originally expected.

“Wow…that is worse than Rainbow Dash’s hoof writing.” Twilight said looking at it. “Maybe there is a reason he had Candlelight help him.”

“Oo! Oo! Oo! Twilight!” Pinkie replied bouncing.

“Can we go visit him?” Pinkie asked, looking like a foal that asked to have a puppy. “Please! Please! Pretty please with a cupcake on top!”

“Well…” Twilight had to think about it for a moment. “I suppose it wouldn’t be too bad…”

“I can throw him a Get Well Soon Party! It will have balloons and streamers and Rainbow Cookies!”

“Pinkie… He is currently a prisoner of the Royal Guard.”

“Oh…” Pinkie stopped mid hop. But then she bounced up a bit. “They wouldn’t stop me from throwing the best Partay they’ve ever seen!” Pinkie was about to dash out the door, but Twilight stopped her by grabbing her tail in a pink aura.

“Pinkie!” Twilight shouted. “No big party!”

“Aww…” She gasped. “Can I throw him a small party?”


“How about a teeny Weenie itty bitty bite sized party.”

“Ugh…Fine. But no party cannon, no streamers, no sharp objects. Got it?”

“Okie Doki Loki! I got to get back to Sugar Cube Corner and gather my party supplies!” Before Twilight could stop her, she rushed out of the Library in a pink blur.

“Spike…Take a letter.”

Back in Canterlot, Rose was still trying to wrap her head around Sha…Sunglider’s problems. “So you are Sunglider.”


“The catatonic Pegasus Guard a few rooms down the hall.”


“So how are you here?”

“I have no clue.”

“Wonderful.” Rose said, rubbing her temples. “I need coffee before I deal with this.”

“Understandable. I reacted nearly the same way.” Sunglider replied looking through one of the holes in his right hoof. “I’m still getting used to the fact that this is my life now.”

“Intriguing…” Said a soft voice from the doorway. “You seem much different when you aren’t trying to bite her neck off.”

Rose turned to look and found the blue unicorn she knew as her boss. “Sapphire…”

“Morning Rose, all is well hopefully.” She spoke softly, but Rose knew she was slightly aggravated. She had worked with her for over five years and had been in her office more times than she could count. “I must admit you gave me a little scare when I heard what happened to Rose.”

“I had no influence over the Changeling’s actions Ma’am.” Sunglider replied. “I would never harm a civilian.”

“So am I correct in thinking I am talking to Sunglider?” Sapphire asked, lowering her red-rimmed glasses.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Interesting…” Sapphire was looking Sunglider up and down. “The mind of a pony…inside the body of a Changeling… Fascinating.”


“What?” Sunglider said out loud in response to the voice.

“I said that you are fascinating.”

“Not you…shh…”


“Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Rose replied. Looking between Sapphire and Sunglider, Sapphire seemed like she knew what was going on.


“Tell me you hear that.” Sunglider said. Rose noted he sounded panicked.

“Lay still for a moment.” Sapphire said to Sunglider. He obliged and Sapphire locked the clamp on his right hoof.

“Sapphire, what are you…”


“Just watch Rose…”

Must have…. FOOD!

Sunglider’s right eye expanded, turning his entire eye into a solid blue orb. Almost instantly, the Changeling began trying to fight against its restraints, hissing and screeching as it tried to grab the blue unicorn in front of it. Rose had backed away from it, while Sapphire just stood and watched.

“Calm down.” Sapphire said to the Changeling, which still fought against its restraints trying to bite down on her. After it could not, it hissed, releasing droplets of spit over her red-rimmed glasses. She took them off and rubbed them with a cloth.

“Oh dear… You are not going to make this easy for me are you.” Sapphire said to the Changeling.

Rose noted the banging on the door. “What’s going on in there?”

“I’m merely testing something. No need to barge in.” Sapphire said as the Changeling was still trying to bite her. “Now then…let’s see how you react.”

Sapphire’s horn began to glow blue, and Rose found what she was doing…she was taking off the magical suppressor.

“Sapphire! Don’t!” Rose shouted, trying to be heard over the Changeling. There was a wisp of green fire, and…nothing happened.

“Just as I thought.” Sapphire replied. As the Changeling continued to try and bite Sapphire. She placed the magical suppressor back on his horn. “You have no Love left.” The Changeling stopped trying to bite Sapphire and instead hissed at her.

Rose watched as Sapphire smirked at the Changeling, and then turned to look at Rose. “Complete mental Regression.”

Rose was still trying to calm herself down. “What? Sapphire! I…”

“It is quite alright Rose.” Sapphire replied, wiping her glasses again. “He can’t do anything.”

After Rose calmed down enough to actually feel her legs again, she looked at Sapphire. “He requires food.” Sapphire said in that authoritive tone she held so well. “In your notes I believe you wrote he eats meat.”

“Yes…I did…” Rose said not taking her eyes off the Changeling.

“Well…from what I have been told, he has not eaten in nearly a week. He seems to have regressed to his primal instincts.” As if on cue, the Changeling growled at Sapphire. “So we need to feed him.”

At that moment, a wisp of green sparkling smoke appeared in front the Changeling, who attempted to bite into it. The smoke condensed into a letter which Sapphire quickly pulled away from his jaw.

“No!” Sapphire reprimanded the Changeling, tapping him in the center of his face with the scroll. “You are not to eat letters.” The Changeling hissed at her. Sapphire handed the letter over to Rose. “I believe this is his.”

The scroll looked official, like something that would be sent by Celestia herself. “Well go on, read it.” Sapphire replied. “He isn’t going to.”

Rose took the scroll and unrolled it, looking over it.

Dear Sunstreak,

I am writing back to inform you that we are sorry to hear about Meadow, and I am also writing to inform you that Pinkie Pie is planning to throw you a small party, we plan to arrive in a few hours. We hope that you will heal soon.


Twilight Sparkle.

Rose looked over the letter a few times. “So?” Sapphire asked. The Changeling had calmed down a bit, but was still slightly hissing. “What does it say?”

Rose had calmed down enough about the Changeling trying to kill them that she could actually talk without stuttering. “Twilight Sparkle and her friends appear to be coming to Canterlot.”

Sapphire’s eyes widened. “All of them?”

“I’m not sure…” Rose admitted. “It doesn’t say.”

Sapphire adjusted her glasses. “Well…I need to try and get clearance to get him food.” She began walking to the door. “And I must contact Princess Cadence… She may be able to help with getting him Love…”

“What kind of meat do we even have?” Rose asked she was never made aware that they served meat in Canterlot. The closest thing they had was fish when the Griffon Dignitaries came around, but they weren’t scheduled to arrive for two months.

Sapphire rubbed her chin. “I’m certain we can find something… If not than we can get the Fisherponies to get a quick catch.” She walked out of the room. Leaving the guards to enter the room.

The Changeling began trying to attack them as soon as they entered, hissing and snapping towards them. “Are you alright Dr. Rose?”

“I’m fine…but I think we should leave him alone…” Rose said, backing away from the Changeling as it spat a green glob onto the floor that sizzled slightly. It began thrashing its head around, trying to get any closer to the guards.

Rose walked out along with the two guards who walked in and heard the Changeling stop thrashing as the door closed.

“What happened in there?” Silver Shield asked looking at Rose. “We heard screaming inside.”

“He’s hungry,” Rose replied. “He hasn’t eaten in nearly a week, so Sapphire is going to try and get a hold of Princess Cadence. Try to feed him.”

“Did he attack you?” Silver asked.

“No…he was restrained.” Rose replied. “He couldn’t. He did startle me though.” Rose became aware that her heart was still pounding. “I… need a minute…” Before they could ask her anymore questions, she walked down the hall, trying to grip what was going on.

As Sapphire walked up to her office, her secretary, A changeling by the name of Callsign, currently disguised as a gray earth pony with a curly white mane, called to her. “Cytes, Queen Acari wished to check up on Sunstreak’s condition.”

“Thank you Callsign… I am not to be disturbed. Place all calls on hold.” Sapphire replied opening the doors to her office. “And please attempt to get a hold of Princess Cadence, we need her assistance.”

Callsign nodded before turning attention to the small phone that only really worked with the other rooms in the Hospital.

When Sapphire was inside of the blank room, she was surrounded by blue fire and returned to her natural form. Of all the Changeling Queens, her hive was one of the few that had no decay on their bodies. Her horn was as tall as Chrysalis’ but was curved, making it look more like a normal Changeling horn. Her back plate was a light shade of purple while her eyes retained a sky blue color.

“Acari is not going to be happy to hear about this…” She sighed to herself as she walked over to the safe she kept behind her degree. Professor Sapphire, MD. And pulled out a cluster of multicolored crystals.

She looked over them before pulling out a pink colored crystal with her magic and tapping it to her horn. The Crystal blinked with light for a few seconds. “Come on Acari…” She said under her breath. “Pick up…”

The Crystal glowed brightly for a second before Acari appeared on the crystal’s surface.

“Cytes!” Acari replied. “Is there any news?”

“Acari…There has been a complication…” Cytes replied.

“What’s going on?” Came another voice from Acari’s side. “What kind of complication?”

“Darkblaze…shh.” Acari said looking to her side as a blue eyed Changeling flew into view.

“Is that a Changeling from Chrysalis’ hive?” Cytes asked, noticing the color scheme. “Acari, did you find her hive?”

“No. He’s an exile.” Acari replied. “He isn’t connected to her Hivemind. So what were you saying?”

“He has gotten worse.” Cytes replied. “The mental changes between him and the Royal Guard are beginning to last longer. He spent all night as the Guard.”

“Then it is worse than I thought…” Acari replied. “Have you spoken to him?”

“Yes… and he appears to be regressing mentally. He gave into his instincts and if I had not recognized it in time, I’m afraid what might have happened.” Cytes could tell that Acari was shocked.

“Darkblaze… When was the last time Shade fed off Love?” Acari asked slightly worried.

The Drone flew up next to Acari. “Substantially? It had to be…right before the whole Crazy spell problem…so around…two weeks. He nibbled here and there but didn’t really eat any love for quite a while.”

Both Acari and Cytes looked at each other eyes wide. “This can’t be good….” Acari said under her breath. “Are you sure there are no possible threats to him in Canterlot?”

“Well there is Spine…but I don’t think that he would…”

From out in the hall, Callsign knocked on the door. “I know that you told me not to disturb you… But a situation developed with the Love bug.”

“Callsign…” Cytes said, turning to look at the drone. “What happened?”

Lower down in the Hospital, Two Changelings were fighting inside of one hospital room. The two Guards from outside had been knocked out by the new entrant, who was now battling Shade.

“Just…Stay…down…” The Changeling hissed as it pinned Shade into a wall by his neck, Shade hissed in response and bit down hard on the Changeling’s leg, breaking through the Carapace and covering his fangs in bluish green blood.

“You filthy Nymph.” The Changeling hissed as Shade fell to the ground. “Why don’t you just stay down?”

Shade pounced on him, hissing aggressively. But the Changeling flew out of the way, leaving Shade to slam into a wall.

The Changeling flew down and pinned him in place, making sure to place more pressure on Shade’s hind legs. “Don’t struggle…and I will make this quick.” It lowered its face to stare Shade directly in his eyes, but found a curved horn jammed into his eye. “Aw! Chrysalis Damn it!”

While the Changeling tried to recover, Shade pounced, pinning the changeling to the ground. “How could you beat me? You are nothing more than a Nymph!” Shade bared his sharp teeth, his two fangs lowering down to the Changeling’s throat.

Shade hissed as he clamped down on the Changeling’s neck, his fangs breaking through the Carapace, splattering bluish green blood around the room. Shade began to rip through the Carapace, biting into the meat underneath the armor.

The two guards outside the room began to stir, looking at each other before turning towards the source of the loud crunching sounds. Looking into the room, they found Shade, feeding on the corpse of the Changeling, the metal restraints broken off; all that remained was the magic suppressor.

“Halt!” One of the guards said walking into the room, causing Shade to stop mid bite and release the Changeling. “Step away from the Changeling.”

Shade began to turn, his two solid blue eyes now a bright crimson color, his fangs were spattered with green and blue blood, as he turned, he snarled at the two of them, bits of muscle and chitin inside his teeth.

“Turn around and lower your horn.” The Guard demanded. Shade began slowly walking up to the two of them.

Shade growled at the two guards, a small flicker through his eyes like that of a wild animal.

Shade pounced towards the two Guards but was stopped by a blue shield placed in front of them.

“I think that is quite enough.” Sapphire said, walking into the room, her horn glowing bright as Shade continued to smash into the shield. “Guards, pacify him.” The Unicorn Guards both fired light blue beams towards Shade, which both hit him, however unlike before, he didn’t go down instead he just slinked away.

He hissed towards the guards before turning his attention back to his meal, making Sapphire wince at the crunching sounds that followed before Shade threw the Changeling corpse at the shield, the blue blood splattering across the shield. Sapphire looked towards the bite mark, noticing the veins had been pulled apart. The sight made Sapphire hold back the feeling to vomit as it slammed into the shield.

“Well?” She turned to both the Guards. “What are you waiting for? Pacify him.”

Sapphire dropped the shield, allowing the two Guards to use knockout spells on Shade before restraining him back onto the bed.

“Are you alright Doctor?” One of them said upon seeing Sapphire. “You look…kind of green.”

“I’ll…I’ll be fine…just…give me a moment I need to head back to my office.” Sapphire left the room, avoiding all calls to her or those trying to talk to her. When she met her secretary, she stopped, turned towards a nearby garbage can, and puked into it.

“Callsign… Clear all appointments for the day.” She said as she walked into her office. She picked up the pink crystal from her desk and tapped it against her horn.

“I’m sorry Acari…I had to handle a situation.” Sapphire replied, gulping. “Shade just killed a Changeling…”

“What? How?” Acari asked, surprised.

“I…I don’t know…but… hold on.” Sapphire grabbed the trashcan nearby and puked into it. “I’ve seen ponies cut open before, I’ve seen Hydra attacks…but that…” Sapphire shivered. “He was…eating the changeling.”

Acari held her jaw open in shock. “I…I have no idea what to say to that…” Acari was shocked, Changelings killing one another is nothing new, there have been wars and battles fought, but never did Changelings eat one another…

“To think that they were from the same hive…” Sapphire replied. “Whatever I just saw…I never want to see it again.”

“What are you planning to do?” Acari asked, still shocked from the information she was given.

“The Guards have probably doubled his restraints. The Changeling’s body should disintegrate on its own. I just need to focus on getting him fed before he kills anypony else.”

“I agree with you on that Cytes.” Acari replied. “Controlling him is of the utmost importance. We can’t have a raging Changeling running around the heaviest populated city in Equestria. Might I suggest the southern docks?” Acari said helpfully. “They got a fresh shipment of Carp for the Griffon Dignitaries coming in a few months.”

Sapphire smiled. “For once, I’m glad you track shipment orders.”

“I’m merely doing my part to ensure the safety of the Hives.” Acari replied. “Now I need to handle a situation developing in Cloudsdale. A small number of Chrysalis’ Changelings have been located there.”

“Do what you must Acari.” Sapphire replied. “I’ll handle Shade.” With that both of them cut their connections to the crystals. Sapphire placed the crystal back in its place in the cluster before putting them back behind her Degree.

Callsign walked into the room. “My Queen, who should I send to pick up the fish?”

“Just send a few of the Royal Guard.” Sapphire replied. “I need to focus on getting Cadence back here.”

“Should I send for her?” Callsign asked.

“If you would.” She replied. “Inform me when Shade wakes up; I need to look over him myself.”

Along with the usual hoof clamps, Shade was now chained to the wall behind him, his wings bound to his side, and the muzzle was replaced over his mouth. All the Changeling could do was glare at the blue unicorn while she examined him. Shining the bright light in his eyes and listening to his chest.

“You shouldn’t have fought that other Changeling.” Sapphire said as she examined his hind legs, the cracks now wider from when he fought. “You only made these injuries worse.”

Shade hissed at her in disgust. If he was not held away, he would bite down on her neck with ease, eating the insect had done nothing but give him energy, he wished to bite down on something with more substance.

“You will get your food.” Sapphire told him. “After I am certain you are fine.”

Shade hissed again.

“The more you fight it…the longer this will take.” Sapphire said as Shade attempted to bite her for the third time. “And the longer this takes, the longer until you get to eat.”

Shade hissed again before leaning back as Sapphire looked at his leg.

“Well…this is healing nicely.” Sapphire replied, looking at his right leg, the wound had been cleaned out and was healing on the inside, they gave it nearly hourly injections of healing potion to close it up as quickly as possible, all that was left was the Chitin.

“That may still take a while…” She said looking at his left leg, which was still sticking out at a weird angle but had healed on the outside.

“Now show me your wing.”

Shade hissed at her stupidity.

“Oh…right.” She used her magic to remove half of the harness keeping his wings attached. Obediently he lifted his right wing which was noticeably better, but still in no condition to fly.

“Well…that’s great. I thought it would take longer for that to heal.” Sapphire said looking at it. “At this rate you should be able to fly in a couple of da-“


Before Sapphire could stop it, a pink pony rushed in and pulled Shade into a hug. Making him hiss in discomfort and try to bite the new pony.

“Oh! Sunny I missed you so much!” Shade continued to hiss as this new pony was forcibly crushing him. “Oh I got your letter and I couldn’t wait to see you again! So I decided to bring a party to you to make you feel better and-!” The pony looked at Shade. “Hey! What’s with your eye? It’s all blue.”

Shade managed to squirm out of the hold and hissed at the pink pony.

“Hey! Don’t hiss at me! I tried to bring you a party!”

Sapphire had grabbed the pony with her magic and wheeled her around to see her eyes. “What are you doing here?” She growled through her teeth.

“Well… I was here to bring a party to Sunny. But apparently he doesn’t want it.”

Shade snapped his jaw at her and hissed at her.

“Listen to me…” Sapphire said snapping the Pink pony’s head around to look at her. “This Changeling is a patient. We have two guards outside this room. How. Did. You. Get. In. Here?”

“I used the vents silly.” She pointed up to the ceiling where a vent was hanging open.

Sapphire looked at the vent and adjusted her glasses. “I didn’t even know that was there…”

“Pinkie!” A purple Unicorn walked into the room. “I told you not to run off. We could…” the Unicorn looked at the three of them. “What is going on in here?”

Shade hissed at the new arrival.

“Quiet you.” Sapphire said to Shade. “Who are you two?”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“And I’m Pinkie!”

“Great… glad we got that out of the way.” Sapphire threw Pinkie at Twilight before pushing the two of them out of the room. “Now stay out here until he is ready to have visitors or I will have the guards detain you until further notice.”

Twilight was going to say something, but Sapphire quickly slammed the door on them.

“What is going on in this hospital lately?” Sapphire said as she turned her attention to Shade. “Show me your wing again I need to make sure that pink one didn’t damage it.”

Shade lifted his wing.

“Buzz it for me.”

Shade tried to buzz it, but couldn’t.

“Alright… that’s…bad.” She looked at it. “Great… that pony seems to have dislocated it… This is going to hurt.” Sapphire used her magic to grab Shade’s wing. “3…2…1…” SNAP!

Shade hissed violently at her as he buzzed his wing.

“Great! Fixed that problem.” Sapphire said pushing the intercom. “Alright bring it in.”

The door opened, and a stallion with a dinner tray walked in, along with a Royal Guard. The tray was placed in front of Shade; on it was three raw fish. While the rest of them walked out the Guard removed the muzzle and the two clamps on his front hooves, before he closed the door and Shade began to tear into the three fish.

“You sure this is a good idea?” Silver said watching as Shade tore into the fish, not even stopping to pull out the bones.

“He needs food,” Sapphire replied. “Like you or me. If he doesn’t get it, he becomes a creature of instinct. All we need is Cadence and he will be himself again.”

“But is that a good thing?” Silver asked.

Sapphire glared at him. “Would you prefer he try to bite another Doctor? Personally, I don’t want to lose any of my staff. We are spread out enough as it is.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing…” Silver replied.

“You have no idea Silver…”

“She was a meanie head.” Pinkie Pie said while the group was waiting in the lobby.

“Well you did try to hug a Changeling in a locked room.” Twilight replied.

“But I wanted to see him!” Pinkie replied. “He sounded so lonely…”

“I thought he tried to bite you?” Rainbow Dash replied.

“I’m not going to hold that against him.” Pinkie Pie replied. “Maybe that’s just how Changelings say Hi.”

“I doubt that darling.” Rarity replied. “I think that would become rather uncomfortable. Although it would explain why they don’t care much for each other…”

“He didn’t sound too friendly.” Fluttershy said, thinking back to how Pinkie described the encounter.

“Well yah can’t really blame ‘im.” Applejack replied. “Knowin’ the condition he was in, Ah would probably act the same way.”

“But she didn’t have to throw me out!” Pinkie said. “With her spooky powerful magic.”

“Pinkie just because she can lift you doesn’t mean she is evil.” Twilight replied. “She probably just studied more than me.”

“Yeah…I guess your right. OH!” Pinkie perked up. “Do you think I could throw her party?”

Twilight placed her hoof on her face. “Pinkie I’m sure she has better things to do than to come to a party.”

“Indeed I do.” Sapphire said walking up to them. “I came to apologize for my handling of that situation.” She said adjusting her glasses. “My name is Sapphire. I run the Hospital.”

“Hi Sapphire I’m-“

“Pinkie Pie…I remember.” Sapphire replied. “And I certainly remember Twilight Sparkle. The number of times you came here to study biology will always be some of the most hectic moments of my life.”

Twilight blushed.

“Who are your friends here?” Sapphire said looking at the others.

“Well… That’s Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy.” Twilight replied pointing to her friends.

“Oh hello… Wait…” She moved her glasses. “You six were at Cadence’s wedding.”

“Yes we were.” Twilight replied.

Sapphire ground her teeth slightly. They’ve made my life so much worse… “I’m certainly glad that you six were here.” She lied. “Imagine what would have happened if you hadn’t been here.” Maybe we would have caught Chrysalis…

“We didn’t really do much…” Fluttershy said timidly.

“Oh don’t be so hard on yourselves.” Said a kind voice.

“Cadence!” Twilight said surprised as she saw her old foal sitter.

“Hey Twilight.” She said.

The two of them performed their special greeting.

“Hello Princess, I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon.” Sapphire said to Cadence.

“Well when I got your letter about Sunstreak, I decided I should come over as quick as possible.”

“Well he is ready now if you want to-“

“Wait!” Pinkie said. “How come she gets to talk to Sunny? And I get thrown out!”

Sapphire wiped her glasses. “Because when you tried it, I was in a guarded room, supposed to be alone with a patient who was fully willing to kill you.” She placed her glasses back on. “And now he has stopped trying to kill others and he needs to be fed love. That is the reason Cadence is here.”

Pinkie gasped. “Does this mean I can throw him a party now!”

Sapphire looked at her surprised. “No loud noises, no streamers, no sharp objects and you have to stop before 10 O’ clock.”

“Okie Doki Loki!” Pinkie Pie replied.

“If you will follow me.” Sapphire replied before staring down Pinkie. “Quietly. Many of our patients still need sleep.”

Shade had just managed to regain consciousness and the first thing he noticed was that the roof of his mouth tasted like blood, and that there was a rather large green splat on the wall. Then next thing he noticed was the fish bones in front of him and that his hooves were free from the usual restraints. Then he noticed the chain holding him to the wall.

“The hell?” He said to himself. He looked up at the clock on the wall. “Holy…” He had been unconscious for almost an entire day. The last thing he remembered was a stabbing pain in his head. Had he been out for almost twenty-four hours?

He was pulled from this thought by two stimuli, one he recognized as Pinkie Pie attempting to crush his lungs, and the other was a very overpowering pink flame in his eye.

“OH! Sunny I missed you!”

“Pinkie….Still…need…air…” Shade said struggling against not only Pinkie’s grip, but against the chain holding his neck to the wall. “Can’t…Breathe…!”

Pinkie released her iron grip. “I got your letter and couldn’t wait to see you again! So I decided to bring a party to you! And your eye is back to normal!” Pinkie hugged him again, luckily without her gorilla strength.

“My eye?” Shade replied. “What are you talking about?” Shade looked behind Pinkie in an attempt to see what was currently forcing him to squint with his left eye. “Cadence?”

“Hello Shade.” Cadence said waving.

“Should have figured it was you when I was half blinded.” Shade said fidgeting with the collar around his neck. “Can…I get this thing off?”

Shade noticed a blue glow around his neck as the collar fell off. “Thanks.” Then he saw the caster… “Who are you?”

“My name is Sapphire, I’m in charge of the Hospital.”

“Where’s Rose?” Shade asked.

“She is currently on leave.” Sapphire replied. “Apparently trying to kill her twice in two days isn’t the best way to build relations.”

Shade’s ears fell against his carapace, “Oh…” He had done it again. Rose was beginning to be someone he could trust, and so far he had tried to kill her twice.

“Don’t worry Sunny.” Pinkie replied tightening her hug a bit. “I’m sure she’ll forgive you.”

“So… um…what’s with that?” Shade asked pointing at the green spot on the wall.

“That…was where you ate a Changeling.”

“WHERE I WHAT!” Shade shouted in surprise. “Who was it? What was going on? Why?”

Sapphire held up her hoof. “From what we have gathered, the Changeling was sent to kill you, you were currently in heavy need of food, and he was the closest thing you had. Instincts took over.”

Shade sighed in relief; he thought that he attacked Darkblaze, or even one of Acari’s Changelings. Hearing it tried to kill him made it… fine by legal standards… probably.

Shade only just noticed his headache returning. “ow…” he said rubbing the carapace. “So…what is Princess Cadence doing here?” Shade asked.

“Well…she is here to…” Sapphire twirled her hoof. “Supply you with the required amount of love.”

“Oh…” Shade replied. He had been quite conscious about his feeding habits, he tried not to take too much from any one pony, and he had mostly just been nibbling. He hadn’t gotten a decent amount of Love since Meadow went missing.

“Now I must admit.” Cadence replied. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m not even sure how I could help.”

Shade adjusted his sitting position to be more comfortable. “You shouldn’t really have to do anything.” He replied to Cadence. “There’s this nova coming off of you that is blinding me right now.” He could tell Cadence was flattered. “I think I can manage to absorb it…just warn me if you feel light headed.”

Shade let out a relaxed breath as he closed both his eyes. He began to focus on Cadence, or rather, the emotions. It wasn’t difficult, as Cadence’s pink flame overshadowed everything else. He began to pull it in slowly, causing his horn to glow dimly, he didn’t want to drain it quickly, as there could be side effects. So he just slowly fed on it, feeling his headache recede as he did.

To Shade, it felt oddly soothing, like a small warming current washing over him, giving him energy. When he felt that it was good enough, meaning when he didn’t feel his headache and he felt slight warmth over his body, he stopped.

“Well…” Shade replied. “I haven’t done that in a while. Last time was the first day in Ponyville.”

“When did ya have time to do that?” Applejack asked.

“Actually…it was during that dinner at the Orchard… granted I was trying to stop myself from feeding back then.”

Shade looked around to find Pinkie had somehow gotten a punch bowl, about ten balloons, a small table, a banner, and multiple party hats into the room.

“Where did…” Shade began to say looking at the various objects Pinkie placed around. “…I don’t want to know.” Shade replied as Pinkie pulled a cake box out of her saddlebag.

“She spent an hour getting everything together this morning.” Twilight told Shade. “She really wanted to throw you a party.”

“So wait…” Shade replied. “Where are you six staying?”

“Oh just in a hotel.” Twilight replied. “Celestia had to head to Cloudsdale for important business.”

“But enough about us.” Rarity replied. “What happened to you?”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash said in agreement. “What happened? You said something about Meadow going missing.”

“Well she is.” Shade replied. “She was taken by a group of changelings hiding in Meadow’s house. Spine decided to make it so I couldn’t follow.” Shade pointed towards his hind legs. “He still holds a grudge for me slamming into his chest during the invasion.”

“Well Ah reckon that varmint can’t be too far.” Applejack replied.

“Unless he took her back to the hive…” Shade sighed. “The traces probably went cold by now…”

“Hey!” Pinkie said “Turn that frown Upside down.” Pinkie replied.

“She’s right Shade.” Twilight replied. “Celestia has had guards patrolling all over the cities perimeters. If they tried to leave the city they would be found.”

Shade perked up. “So they can’t have left the city…” Shade began thinking about the new information, if they never left the city, then that drastically decreased where they could be. “This is great news!”

Pinkie smiled. “Does this mean we can party now?” She was practically bursting with excitement.

“As long as you all promise to help get me out as soon as possible,” Shade replied. “I’ve got bugs to hunt.”

“Deal.” Twilight replied, looking back at her friends, who all nodded in agreement.

“Alright then.” Shade turned to Pinkie. “Go ahead.”

Pinkie jumped in the air as confetti rained from her mane. “It’s Party Time!”

Author's Note:


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