• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 4,489 Views, 358 Comments

Converted - Shaded Changeling

What happens when a Dragon born outside of Equestria suddenly finds himself not only in an invasion, but turned into a Changeling? How does he cope with the changes, all the while trying to return a young Foal to Canterlot? Only time will tell.

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Chapter 33: Releasing Guilt

As the sun began to rise over the city, Twilight Sparkle woke up. She walked out into the living room/kitchen room that connected the bedrooms, to the rest of the place.

“Morning Shade…” The instant she said that, she noticed that there wasn’t a large black pony laying on the couch. Only Sunspot, the smaller version was sleeping curled up.

“Oh no…” Twilight began to go into panic mode. Looking everywhere around the room, even in those places that are physically impossible for Shade to get to, and with every place she checked, her panic got worse.

Eventually her panic woke up Sunspot, who was now stretching on the couch. “Purple is acting funny.”

“Sunspot.” Twilight was panicking now, if she couldn’t find Shade, then he could be in danger, or anything else could have happened. “Have you seen your father?”

“Daddy’s not here.” Sunspot replied. “He was scared last night.”

“Scared?” Twilight was curious now…still panicking slightly, but more curious. “By what?”

“I donnow” She replied shrugging. “He was really scared about something.”

“Did you see where he went?” Twilight asked.

Sunspot shook her head. “He opened the window though.”

Twilight looked at the window on the other side of the room, where the window was indeed open. Only managing to increase her panic.

“Oh no… What if he was captured? What if he was-”

“Twilight…” Rainbow Dash said, rubbing her right eye “What are you freaking out about now?”

“Shade’s missing!” Twilight replied, going back into panic mode. “And I have no idea where he-”

“Uhh Twilight.” Rainbow Dash pointed at the fridge, where a note was placed. “I think that’s for you.”

Twilight levitated the note over to her and read through it. “Ah…”

“So?” Rainbow Dash replied, wanting information.

“He’s on the roof.”

Sunstreak was still on the roof, watching the sun as it rose over the city. It was only the second time he had done this, but it was still a beautiful sight. He hadn’t slept for the rest of the night, his mind was too clogged up in thought. Thought about Razant, thoughts about Tornado Dust, thoughts about Meadow. Nothing was really helping him. So there he lay, his mind swirling with problems and repressed memories, all of which were trying to well themselves back up to his mind.

Sunstreak sighed. “What was She doing there…” Out of everything that was on his mind, the one thing that kept breaking his concentration was Nightmare Moon showing up, in his memories no less. He had heard of the powers Nightmare Moon commanded, but he never heard of her being able to infiltrate a Dragon’s dream… Adding the fact that she was destroyed… “How…”

There was a flash of purple light from behind him and the sound of teleportation met his ears.

“So how long did she panic for?” Sunstreak asked without even turning around. “My bets were on five minutes.”

“Ha ha…” Twilight replied. “For your information it was only four minutes.”

“Whatever…” Sunstreak replied, watching the sky change from orange to blue.

“Sunny, what are you doing up here?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying over to him.

Sunstreak sighed. “I-I was…” He paused. “Terrible dream.”

Twilight walked over and sat down next to him. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Sunstreak sighed. “Remember when I told you about the Nightmare Fog?”

Twilight nodded. While Rainbow Dash looked confused.

“The Nightmare Fog is essentially Nightmare Moon’s power after she was banished, it was a terrible thing…” A tear ran down his face. “I just…I just relived the memory of killing my best friend…”

“Oh…Sunny…I’m so sorry.” Twilight hugged him comfortingly.

“But that wasn’t all that happened…” Sunstreak replied. “Nightmare Moon was there…”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked at each other. “You’re sure it wasn’t just Princess Luna?”

“She tried to eat me… So yes.” Sunglider replied. “I just… I can’t figure out how.”

“With her mouth silly.”

Sunstreak leaned over the side of the building to see Pinkie attached to it with four plungers on her hooves, sticking her to the side of the building.

“Pinkie…” Shade said in a questioning yet accepting tone. “What are you doing?”

“I’m just copying you.” She said as she walked up the rest of the building, every time one of the plungers disconnected with the building, it made a Plop sound. “Why don’t you do it more often?”

“Because it freaks ponies out when they see a Pegasus walking up a wall without any gear on.” Sunstreak replied as the Plungers vanished into thin air.

“Oh yeah…” Pinkie replied. “But you should still do it.”

“Pinkie… Now is not a good time…” Sunstreak was not in a good enough mood for Pinkie’s antics.

“Oh come on Sunny…” Pinkie replied. Turn that-”

Sunstreak dropped his disguise. “I HAD TO REKILL MY BEST FRIEND!” Shade shouted his eyes briefly flashing red. “I’M NOT IN THE MOOD!” He put his disguise back on and flew up to a black cloud above him.

“I’ll talk to him.” Rainbow Dash replied, flying up to him, there was a crack of lightning, and she flew back down. “He uh… doesn’t want to talk right now.”

“Well he’s a grumpy Changeling.” Pinkie replied, looking up at the cloud.

“Pinkie… I think it would be a good idea if you…” Twilight began before stopping. “Huh…”

“What is it?” Pinkie asked.

“Rainbow can you keep an eye on him. I need to research something.”

Rainbow Dash saluted before taking off and flying above Sunstreak.

“Pinkie come with me,” Her horn began to glow. “You are going to help me plan a party for Sunny.”

“Oh Goodie!” Pinkie said happily, in a purple flash, both of them were gone.

“Brrr….” Tornado Dust said as he woke up. “You feel that?”

“What?” Lyra asked. “The anger? Probably just some rich pony getting mad about his eggs or something.” Lyra had much more experience in Canterlot than Tornado did, mostly because he stayed near the Cloudsdale/Ponyville area.

“No… It feels different…” Tornado walked over and pushed open the window, leaning out to try and find the source of the anger. He turned his head towards the sigh. “Whoa…”

“What is it?” Lyra asked slightly annoyed.

“Somepony’s in Greif. Anger, sadness, annoyance, everything you would expect.” Tornado focused on the source. “Snake Eye?”

Lyra became more interested. “You’re certain?”

“Yup…” Tornado replied. “How long till they open up the roof?”

Lyra looked at the clock on the wall. “An hour or so. What are you-”

Tornado Dust pushed the window open. “I’m going to talk to him.”

“Infiltra-” That is as far as she got before Tornado Dust jumped out the window and flew up towards the roof. “Acari Damn it…” She changed into her own Pegasus form, which she still hated, and flew after him.

Tornado Dust was aware that Rainbow Dash was nearby, but he honestly didn’t care. “Snake Eye.” Tornado Dust said as he landed next to Sunstreak.

“Go away.” Sunstreak replied.

“Snake Eye… You can’t just-”

“I said: go away.” Sunstreak replied.

“Snake Eye. What’s going on?” Tornado Dust asked. “You aren’t yourself.”

“Tornado.” Sunstreak said, looking up from the cloud. “I’m… I’m having a bad day…”

“How so?” Tornado Dust asked.

Sunstreak wiped his eye. “I had to relive a terrible memory…”

“Listen… Shade… if you don’t want to talk about it… I’ll understand.” Tornado Dust replied. Placing his hoof on Sunstreak’s shoulder. “But I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s bothering you.”

Sunstreak sighed. “I suppose it’s only fair…” Sunstreak turned to him. “Remember when you told me about your sister? How much it hurt you to feel her pain.”

Tornado nodded.

“I once had a friend that could have been considered my brother. We did everything together, we got in trouble a lot, but we were always pushing each other to be the best we could be. So much so that we ended up joining the military together.”

Tornado Dust looked at him curiously. “You never told me you were a soldier.”

Sunstreak looked back out towards the city. “I was… one of the most skilled swordsman as a recruit from what I was told. My friend, Razant, wasn’t the same physically as me, he always preferred a little more…flashy method. Lots of throwing knives and smoke bombs. He was a trickster at heart.”

“One day, me and him were on a small patrol outside of a cities limits, looking for any sign of a possible threat…and we found it…”

Shade told Tornado Dust the story of him and Razant, how he came to see him, but before he told about what happened Tornado Dust hugged him.

“Shade… you don’t need to tell me more, I can tell it’s painful. Just…”

Sunstreak looked down at the city underneath him again. “I just miss him…” He said. “Three hundred years we were friends, then to suddenly lose him like that…”

“If you were friends for three hundred years, how old does that make you?” Tornado Dust asked.

“As of my last Hatch-day, I was four hundred and seven.” Sunstreak replied. “he…moved on about one hundred years ago, after the two of us rose through the ranks.”

“What happened after?” Tornado Dust asked. “When my sister died, I couldn’t look at anypony for a week without feeling heart broken.”

“I spent a few weeks in mourning, and then I spent a few months in the wilderness of the Fiords, training…” Sunstreak rose his head. “When I came back to the city, I became one of the best fighters, and I was still emotionally unstable.”

“Meaning what?” Tornado Dust asked.

“One of the standard bullies showed up, big buff dragon, never lost a fight in his life. He started being a dick, and I punched him straight through a wall. He was pretty beat up afterwards too.”

“I’m sure you did…” Tornado chuckled. “Listen…we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

Sunstreak rose his head. “Thanks buddy.”

A bright pink flash from behind them made both of them turn.

“You two need to get a room.” The White Pinkie Pie said as she flew down next to them. “Rainbow Dash was watching the whole thing. Remember Love Moth we’re supposed to be keeping our presence low.”

“Right.” Tornado Dust said before turning to Sunstreak. “Got to go Snake Eye. Don’t go jumping off any cliffs or anything.”

Sunstreak cracked a smile and gave a small salute to him. “No problem. By the way, you never taught me how to make the Love crystals.”

“Just focus your emotions through your horn, it’s that easy.” Tornado Dust replied before flying off the cloud and heading back down to the building below.

“Right…That easy…” Sunstreak looked back out to the city. If I’m supposed to have gotten over it, then why can’t I get rid of this feeling?

“Pinkie!” Twilight shouted at the Pink Earth pony. “I told you to help, not be a hindrance.”

Pinkie was using her plungers to walk up the various bookcases and on the ceiling, continually interrupting Twilight’s concentration.

“Sorry Twilight.” Pinkie said for the tenth time. “But you said you needed me to help plan a party.”

“Yes I remember Pinkie… But something is up… I can’t put my hoof on it.” Twilight had noticed the small spark that flashed in Shade’s eye, but she had no idea what it was. “But before we can do that, we need to find out what was wrong with him…”

“Maybe it has to do with Nightmare Moon?” Pinkie replied. “Oo! Maybe she’s in Sunny!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Pinkie, that’s ridiculous.” She levitated another few books in front of her. “We destroyed Nightmare Moon. Her power was completely destroyed.”

“You’re right Twilight…so what do you think is going on with Sunny?”

Twilight levitated one of the books in front of her and started to read it, “At my best guess, he is having a relapse. That event must have been traumatizing for him. So it only makes sense he wants to be alone.”

“But he was so angry…” Pinkie replied. “almost like he was…”

“Corrupted?” Twilight offered.

“Yeah…that’ll work.” Pinkie replied, stroking her chin.

“Pinkie… We don’t know anything about Shade’s race, the main reason I wanted you was so that you could check-”

Pinkie had ran off in a pink blur, rushing around the library. She returned a few seconds later, with a number of books balanced perfectly on her head. “Burning Fiords stuff.”

Twilight blinked. “Pinkie…How did you?”

“Sunny wrote in my Party planner in these weird rune thingies.” Pinkie pulled her Party Planner out and flipped to a back page. “I just looked for other ones on the books.”

Twilight was surprised at how good Shade drew the runes in the back of the notebook, given how he could barely write. But the runes on the books were interesting; they seemed to be magically etched onto the books, keeping them from withering from age.

“Ooo…” Twilight said excitedly grabbing one of the books in her magic and flipping through it. But her expression changed as she looked through it.

All of the pages were covered in the runic symbols, some had drawings, pony biology and anatomy, a few on Griffins and Minotaurs, but nothing else really jumped out.

Twilight sighed. “Wonderful. It’s going to take me a few days to translate this out…” She flipped to the back of the book where the writing changed, instead of runic symbols, basic sentences were written, very poorly.

Today, Soldiers trained. Celestia wants practiced swordplay. Writing this makes head sore.

“Hmm…” Twilight replied looking into the next book. The Roman number two was slashed into the cover with what looked like claws. She skimmed through it to find where the sentence structure improved above basic levels.
Day 147,

Luna called me personally to her chamber. She seemed quite serious about something, and I am afraid to write about what we spoke of, in case these journals are discovered. Ever since the sealing of Discord, she has been more and more distant, sealing herself into her chamber during the long nights.

In case this book is ever found, inscribed is a spell to see the memories of the event, it is not safe to write the events in this book, however, I fear what will happen to the Dream Walker, as does Celestia, however I must focus on my duties.

Celestia still insists I write in this accursed manner, teeth were not made for writing, however lacking claws I have no way to recreate the old symbols without my magic.

~ Drak-ill, General of the Celestial Guard.

Underneath the journal was a small glowing rune, one that Twilight remembered. It was an old spell but one that was still used.

“Hmmm… I’m curious…” Twilight’s horn glowed purple as the Rune on the paper began to mimic the glow. After a few seconds, the rune flashed.

A white Unicorn walked through the halls of the old castle, each wall lined with tapestries and marble columns. The daylight was beginning to fade and give way to the gray of night.

The Unicorn was clad in a strange dark armor, like that of the Lunar Guard, except, it wasn’t like their armor, it covered more of the skin, and seemed to be made to defend against strong blows. The ebony sword strapped to his side looked too large for him to wield effectively.

He walked up to a door in the hall, the symbol of a moon etched into its design. He stood outside the door and released a long breath.

He pushed the door open, removing his armored helmet with his magic. “You requested my presence Princess.” He said, looking up to the dark blue Alicorn, her mane looking like a piece of the night sky, blowing in the non-existent wind.

“Yes, Drak-ill, I did.” Luna replied. “I am sorry to request an audience on such short notice.”

“No harm done Princess,” Drak-ill replied, “I chose to protect Equestria after the Tyrant fell. I am a loyal soldier to both you and your sister.” He bowed slightly. “I am also thankful to both of you for allowing me solace.”

Luna nodded. “You have always been a loyal ally to us, as well as a willing confident.”

“You listened to my concerns during the Rebuild, it was the least I could do.”

Luna nodded and looked out towards the window. “You were a creature of the night correct?”

Drak-ill looked up at the lunar princess. “Luna… We- They… Are neither Nocturnal nor Diurnal, we are both. We do not require as much sleep as you do.”

“However you know the beauty of the night?” Luna asked.

Drak-ill walked up to her, placing his helmet on the ground. “Princess, the night is glorious; I could not imagine a world without it.”

“Then why do they ignore it?” Luna asked, looking out towards the small village nearby. “They cower from the night, shielding them from its beauty.”

Drak-ill looked out towards the village. “They require solace.” Drak-ill replied. “They work all day in rebuilding; the Last Battle of Discord took its toll on the village.”

“Then why do they not marvel at the beauty of the night?” Luna asked. “They may sleep whenever they like, why must they sleep in the night?”

Drak-ill looked up at the Princess; her gaze was much different from the calming look she normally held. “Princess, How long have you thought of this?” Drak-ill asked, looking towards her. “You do not seem to be yourself.”

Luna looked down towards the Unicorn. “If you were to choose between me and my sister, which would you save?”

Drak-ill paused for a moment; he had not expected a question to come from either of them, “It will be a Cold Day in Hell before I choose to save but one of you.”

“If the choice presented itself, who would you choose?”

Drak-ill looked out at the village, watching the candles glow in the night, thinking the problem through. “I owe my life to Celestia, she saved me from the Fiords, but I owe allegiance to both of you. You did not make this question easy for me.” Drak-ill looked up to the Alicorn. “I would attempt to save Celestia first, but I would not give up on saving you until the end.”

“I see…” Luna replied. “Leave me.”

“Princess… Is there something…?” Drak-ill began.

“LEAVE!” Luna repeated, using her Canterlot voice, or rather, projecting her voice so that anyone in the near vicinity doesn’t have eardrums anymore, right into Drak’s face.

“Very well, Princess.” He replied with a bow,

Twilight was forced from the memory, the book in front of her closing in the process.

“Pinkie?” Twilight asked, looking around the room. She looked over to see Pinkie had her party planner out along with another of the old books.

“Twilight! You’re back!” Pinkie replied. “When your eyes went all googly I decided to start planning the party. I found some drawings in this book and started my planning around it.”

“Pinkie what are you talking about?” Twilight asked, rubbing her eye.

Pinkie turned the book so that Twilight could see it. Inside the book was a drawing of an Alicorn and a Dragon, behind them was a city and what looked like pegasi and Dragons were flying around and building.

“The Rebuild” Was written underneath the picture.

It pains me that I cannot assist my home country in its rebuild, however I understand why. Any excursion to the Fiords will kill me, and the split from Equestria was sudden. Both sides agreed to separate from one another after the rebuild was complete. My son still sends me letters about the Fiords. I find peace in knowing his condition is improving.

Twilight looked away from the book. “Pinkie, I don’t think these will help us, at least not unless they can tell us how Shade would react to losing somepony.”

Pinkie gasped. “I have an idea!”

Twilight raised her eyebrow. “Well what is it?”

“I think I know how to throw a party for him.” Pinkie replied, grabbing her party planner. “Follow me!”

Sunstreak was still lying on his cloud, looking out over the city. He watched as the ponies below began to go about their lives, walking through the streets, some selling their wares in the street, and some of them just walking aimlessly around.

Sunstreak couldn’t help but feel a little sad when he saw some of them talking amongst themselves, laughing about whatever it is they laugh about, while he was just being that one person that seemed to be bringing everyone else down. He regretted having to yell at Pinkie, she was just trying to cheer him up. In return, he shouted at them.

Sunstreak slammed his face into the cloud. “I’m a terrible friend…” he said to himself. “I can’t keep my promises, I yell at my friends, the only thing I can do right is screw with my own life…” He stood up on the cloud. “That changes right now.”

He hopped off the cloud and began to fly back down towards the room. When he flew in through the window, he saw Sunspot hopping with joy.

“Daddy’s back!” Sunspot said happily.

“Yes I am Spot.” Sunstreak replied. “And I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“What is it?” Sunspot asked.

“We’re going to the park.” Sunstreak replied, turning back into Shade.

“Park! Park! Park!” Sunspot repeated happily.

“But we need to set some rules.” Shade replied, walking up to the filly. “First, no transforming. Second, no running off, you are to stay near me. Third, let me handle any talking.”

“Okay Daddy.” Sunspot replied.

“Alright kiddo.” Shade said lowering his head. “Eat up.”

After Sunspot had had her fill, and Shade had recharged himself with a love crystal, Sunspot grabbed onto Sunstreak’s back and he flew back out the window.

“Look at all the ponies.” Sunspot said, looking down at the ground.

“Yes lots of ponies Sunspot.” Shade replied. “Now don’t let go.” Sunstreak said as he aimed himself to fly towards the park. It was essentially a small bit of grassland that wasn’t overtaken by the city. It was focused around the waterfall, so it was more secluded near the running water.

For Shade, the sight was covered with a light pink flame, almost like the ghost of a fire, he lowered himself down to the ground, and let Sunspot hop off.

“Now remember, no running off.” Sunstreak said as the filly hopped happily on the ground.

“Okay Daddy.” Sunspot replied, she looked rapidly around the small area. Her attention snapping to every pony nearby. “Look at all the ponies daddy.”

“Yup.” Sunstreak replied. “There’s a lot of them.”

“Can I go play with them Daddy?” Sunspot asked, pointing at a small group of foals, from what Sunstreak could tell, they were playing tag.

“Sure Spot. Just be careful alright.”

Sunspot nodded and ran off to go and play with the other foals. Sunstreak walked over to a nearby clear patch in the grass and laid down. He let out a relaxed sigh as his body touched the slightly wet grass. He watched as the foals ran back and forth, chasing each other.

“First time?”

The voice made Sunstreak look away from the small group to find a young looking lime green mare, her purple mane seemed to be curled up in a way that made Sunstreak think about Sweetie Belle. Her orange eyes somehow comforted him.

“What?” Sunstreak asked confused.

The mare pointed at Sunspot, who was chasing a small white colt with a golden mane. “First time father?”

“Uh… Yeah.” Sunstreak replied. “I’m still wrapping my head around it.”

“How old?”

“Uh… She’s around three.” Sunstreak replied.

“Are you sure that she should be playing with those colts?”

“She’s a tough filly.” Sunstreak replied. “She can handle herself.”

As if to illustrate the point, Sunspot rolled down a small hill, ran into a tree trunk, and got right back up, seemingly unaffected. “See?”

The mare looked concerned. “Are you sure she’s alright?”

“Yup.” Sunstreak replied. “Her father has a thick skull.”

The mare chuckled at this. “Gold Dust! Play nice!”

The small white colt had just tackled one of the other foals.

“Look at you two.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew down next to Sunstreak. “I was wondering if you two would get together.”

Sunstreak shot her a death glare. Before it curled into a wicked smile. “Getting jealous Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash’s mouth hung open as Sunstreak smirked at her. “I-You-Ugh”

Sunstreak laughed. “Don’t worry Rainbow. After I officially divorce Sunspot’s mother, I’ll be yours.”

The mare next to him suppressed a laugh.

“You aren’t even close to my standards.” Rainbow Dash replied.

Sunstreak rose an eyebrow. “You have standards now?” He asked. “That’s not what you said a few days ago when you were telling me about –” Rainbow Dash shoved her hoof into Sunstreak’s mouth.

“We are never… Speaking of that.” Rainbow Dash said. “EVER again.”

Sunstreak nodded and Rainbow Dash pulled her hoof out of his mouth.

“Are you two a couple?” The mare asked them. Sunstreak had to stop himself from laughing.

“No…we are not.” Rainbow Dash replied. “And we never will be.”

Sunspot ran over to the three of them. “Daddy!” She launched herself at Sunstreak. “Park Fun!”

Sunstreak fell over when the filly hugged him. “I’m glad you’re happy Spot.” Sunstreak pulled the filly off of him and placed her on the ground. “So how did you get along?”

“Great!” Sunspot replied. “Can we come back tomorrow?” She asked happily.

Sunstreak smiled. “Only if your new Foalsitter allows it.”

Rainbow Dash looked at him confused. “New Foalsitter?”

Sunstreak leaned in. “I’ll explain later.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Well whatever that’s about, Twilight has something to show you.”

Sunstreak bent down to let Sunspot on his back. “What’s it about?”

“Something about cheering you up.” Rainbow Dash replied. “That’s all they told me.”

Sunstreak remembered the main reason he had come to the park in the first place, to fulfill a promise he made to Sunspot, and to clear his mind, as well as recharge himself, which was very quick. He even managed to gain enough to try and condense into crystals later.

“Alright, might as well not keep them waiting.” Sunstreak replied as Sunspot wrapped her forelegs around Sunstreak.

“Just follow me.” Rainbow Dash said as she took off from the ground.

Sunstreak turned to look at the mare. “Thanks for the talk.” He waved at her before catching up to Rainbow Dash.

“I’ve found him…” The mare said, her eyes flashing green.

“Rainbow… This is a museum.” Sunstreak said, standing outside the large museum building, it was quite a fancy building, marble columns, statues of royal guards in front, essentially what you would expect from a city like Canterlot.

“This is where Twilight told me to meet them.” Rainbow Dash replied. “She said something about Pinkie planning something”

Sunstreak rolled his eyes. “Inside of a museum? This can only end well.”

“Twilight would pull Pinkie back before she did anything too… Pinkie…”

“That does not comfort me…” Sunstreak replied. “Especially with Sunspot here.” The filly in question was napping on his back, tired out from her running around. “I just… I don’t want her to get spotted. She’s too young.”

“We won’t let anything happen to her Sunny. We’ll make sure of it.”

“Thanks Rainbow…” Sunstreak replied. “Promise me you will hold me back before I bite down on someone’s neck.”

“No problem Sunny.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Now let’s get going, you know how Pinkie will react.”

They walked up the marble staircase, they had to stop at the reception desk, and just as Sunstreak thought, the Museum was mostly empty… Wonder why? It’s a weekday.

The receptionist pointed them to an old exhibit that apparently fell out of use nearly two hundred years ago, but they kept around at the request of Celestia, something about an old friend.

“Wow… this place is old.” Sunstreak said, wiping his hoof across the wall, only to find that it was now covered in a thick layer of dust. Which he wiped on his chest. “They were not kidding about it never being used.”

“How did Twilight manage to get them to open this?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Celestia’s personal student. Must have benefits.”

“Yeah…” Rainbow Dash replied looking at a few of the remaining exhibits. Nothing really caught their eyes, it was mostly just old Equestrian military gear, and the rest…was empty space.

“I’m starting to think this place was shut down for a reason.” Sunstreak said, looking at a very old set of crystalline armor that looked like it impeded movement far too much to be useful. “Most of this stuff dates back to the Discord Wars.”

“Well… we don’t get into many wars around here.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Live and let live ya know?”

“Yeah… I know…” Sunstreak replied. “So why are…”

Twilight teleported in front of them. Catching both of them off guard.

“Hey Sunstreak.” Twilight said. “I’m glad to see that you came so quickly. Pinkie was getting kind of-”

Sunstreak cut her off. “Twilight, why am I here?”

“Well...” Twilight began. “Pinkie and I were looking up anything about the Fiords in the Royal library, trying to find someway to cheer you up… And then Pinkie came up with an idea.”

“What would that be?” Sunstreak asked. He didn’t want to think about Razant again, he had been working on getting better at it, the next idea he had was to talk to Candy Floss about Sunspot, but that didn’t seem possible right now.

“Pinkie wouldn’t tell me. She just insisted I get access to this section of the museum. By the way you aren’t going to get spotted back here, you can drop your disguise.”

Sunstreak turned into Shade in a wisp of green fire, while Sunspot remained curled on his back, still in her Pegasus form. “So what-?”

“Sunny!” Pinkie threw open the door to the section and hopped around Shade. “Oo! You’re going to be so excited! I found something that will make you so happy!” Pinkie grabbed Shade and pulled him into the room.

Inside, there was a bunch of exhibits covered up by what looked like various colors of curtains, in the middle, there was a single red curtain over some kind of display.

“Pinkie what is this?” Shade said looking around the room. “I don’t see anything that would cheer me up.”

“Remember how you said you were sad that you missed your friend and you had nothing to remember him by?”

“No…” Shade replied. “I explicitly remember not telling any of you that.”

“Well it got me thinking.” Pinkie continued regardless. “How can I recreate the feeling of home when we don’t have any lava, poison gas, really big dark clouds, killer flying rays, rocks, or dragons…”

“I get it Pinkie.”

“So Me and Twilight found some old books and then I found something I think you’re going to liiiike” She finished with a sing song voice.

“Well?” Shade asked. “What is it?”

Pinkie stopped hopping and pointed towards a small plaque near the door. Shade walked over and read it.
In Memory of:

General Dragon Dust, 1st Celestial General.

The loyal General and dear friend.

“I still don’t understand Pinkie.” Shade replied after reading the plaque, he turned around to see Pinkie holding the curtain in the middle of the room.

Pinkie pulled off the curtain to show a set of dark armor, similar in shade to the Lunar Guard armor, but it covered nearly the entire body of the mannequin. Shade looked at it wide eyed.

“That…” Shade said, walking up to the armor. He looked closely at it, walking around it in surprise. The detail on the armor was too precise to be made by a pony’s hooves, but they were too intricate to be produced in a large amount, and the material was…

“This is… This is Dragon Armor…” Shade said, flying up to look at the helmet. “But… How is it...” Shade noticed the engraving into the armor, as if etched into it by a claw, it was the Dragon Rune meaning Remembrance. It was a common sign of…

“Drak-ill…” Shade whispered. His right eye widened. “How… I mean…” Shade looked back between Pinkie and the armor. “How did you find it?”

“Well I found a bunch of old books with the runes on it that you drew in the back of my party planner, so me and Twilight started to look through it and I found this!”

She pulled a book out of nowhere and placed it in front of Shade.
Year 398,

I fear my time in this world is coming to a close, the last few centuries have been saddening for me. I’ve seen many soldiers die on the battlefield, or die of old age, I trained their sons, grandsons, and so on. Many of them were friends of mine, having to bury them and see their families… They remind me of my son.

I only have a couple of years left, the doctors say I should be dead in a few weeks, for the dragons, that translates to two years. I have spoken with Celestia, and she has allowed a traditional Dragon burial, while I have insisted Jal’medjeec not be buried with me, I refuse to allow her to be treated as another piece of military hardware.

Celestia has allowed for my armor and equipment to be stored in the Royal Canterlot museum, it is the least I can do to protect her… even if it means that she will be gawped at…

I’m sorry my love…

If any Dragons find this. Take care of her. I beg of you.

~Drak-ill, General of the Dragon Offensive.

~Dragon Dust, General of the Celestial Guards

“This…” Shade looked at the armor. “Drak-ill.” Shade sat down in front of the armor. “So…he did survive…” Shade felt a tear coming to his eye. Not one of sadness, but one of slight appreciation. “Thank you…” Shade said looking at Pinkie. “This means so much…”

Pinkie brought Shade into a hug. “Any way I can cheer up a friend. I will.”

Shade looked at the armor again. “Thanks Pinkie… I just… I want to check something really quick… on my own…”

Pinkie nodded, as Shade placed Sunspot on Pinkie’s back. She walked out of the room, and Shade looked at the armor, it was designed to fit his body, handcrafted by the Dragons of the fiords, but that wasn’t what Shade wanted to check.

He flew up to the side of the armor, near where the Cutie mark was supposed to be placed. After he made sure that no one else was watching him, he turned his hoof into a claw, and ran it across the section.

After a few seconds, his claw came to a stop, getting caught on a small crevice in the armor. “Got ya…” Shade said to himself, he pried open the small compartment and found a six-pointed gem perfectly fitted into the compartment.

He let out a small sigh. “Good… That’s still there…” Shade said to himself. He needed to remember it… just in case… “Through Brimstone and Fire, we die, so others may live…”

He placed the cover back on the gem and flew back down to the ground. “You will never be forgotten Dragon Dust.” He gave a salute, and headed back towards the door.

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