• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 4,501 Views, 358 Comments

Converted - Shaded Changeling

What happens when a Dragon born outside of Equestria suddenly finds himself not only in an invasion, but turned into a Changeling? How does he cope with the changes, all the while trying to return a young Foal to Canterlot? Only time will tell.

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Chapter 10: Four Fillies, Two Changelings, Unstable Magic

“Are you sure this is safe?” Shade asked, looking at the armored Changing standing near the corner of the room.

“Sure…” Darkblaze replied. “I’m just taking precautions. Magic can be dangerous…”

“Is that why you are standing all the way over there, when I’m trying to use telekinesis?”

“Just taking precautions…” Darkblaze said, taking another step back.

Shade rolled his eyes looking at the small ball that Darkblaze had placed in the middle of the room. He had managed to levitate a single piece of paper without it bursting into flame, so he moved onto a small ball, which he had yet to attempt. So before he even tried, Darkblaze had to make sure he was wearing an old set of Changeling General Armor; that Shade questioned where it came from but didn’t ask.

“So…exactly what side effects could this cause?” Shade said, taking his eyes off the small ball. “So I know what I’m getting myself into.”

“Well…if this goes wrong, it could explode.”

“Gee….thanks…” Shade replied, turning his focus back to the ball. He closed his eyes, and focused. Within about ten seconds, the ball exploded in a green blast of light, throwing Shade into a nearby wall.

“Ow…” Shade said, rubbing his insect wings, having landed right on them. “Well at least you weren’t lying…”

Darkblaze took off his helmet, looking towards Shade. “I’m running out of things for you to burn. You already went through an entire pile of paper…and you just blew up a ball. I don’t want to have to buy fifty more of these things and try to explain why I need fifty balls, maybe if I was Pinkie…but I’m not.”

“But you could…”

“No! I don’t trust Pinkie, she’s too…spastic…” Darkblaze walked over to Shade putting out a helpful hoof. Then looked him up and down. “Luckily you look fine…” Then he looked at Shade’s horn. “Except that…you seem to have a crack in your horn.”

“I what!?” Shade replied surprised.

“Your horn is cracked,” Darkblaze replied. “See for yourself” He levitated a mirror over so Shade could look at his horn, it was the first time in quite a while he looked at himself, He still wasn’t used to looking at himself…at least not like this. His one orange eye looked strangely out of place, given the other Changelings he had met, the two fangs he had were still strange, but since he was used to having sharp teeth, so it wasn’t really anything different. But his black curved horn, did have a noticeable crack through it, not enough to go straight through, but just enough to be noticeable without damaging its integrity.

“Isn’t this a bad thing?” Shade asked, slightly worried.

“Well…I’ve never experienced it, but a Unicorn who was captured by the Hive once had a broken horn. He tried using magic and ended up blowing a sizable chunk of the hive to Oblivion… Including himself…”

Shade’s eyes widened, and his right eye turned to a slit. “That isn’t going to happen to me is it?”

“Well…like I said I’ve never seen a changeling with a cracked horn. Usually they are placed in a healing chrysalis until it is repaired…”

“But neither one of us can do that…” Shade said looking up as his horn began to create small green sparks. “Umm…What’s going…” Shade’s horn fired a green beam from it, scorching the opposite wall. “Uh…” Shade said after seeing the scorch mark. “I didn’t do that…”

Darkblaze was covering his head, shielding it from any remaining magical blasts. “Well, this can’t be good.” Darkblaze said, grabbing his helmet with his magic and put it back on. “Try turning back into Sunstreak.”

Shade did, and was happy to see that he was indeed back to his pony form. Only... it was a little bit different… “Where are my wings?” Sunstreak asked, looking onto his back to see that his wings had vanished.

“Uhh…Snake Eye…” Darkblaze said, motioning to his own curved horn. Sunstreak reached up with a hoof to find that it collided with a bone-like protrusion on his head.

“Why do I have a horn?” Not-Quite Sunstreak asked, tapping it lightly. “I’m not supposed to have a horn. Darkblaze! What is going on?”

“Alright calm down, Snake Eye.” Darkblaze said, noticing how Sunstreak was beginning to freak out. “We can figure this out.”

“Really?” Sunstreak said, as his horn began to spark again. “How are we going to-?” Sunstreak found himself very briefly covered in a green fire before he found himself inside of a tree house, surrounded by books. “Fix…this.” Sunstreak said, noticing where he was.

“Spike?” The familiar purple Unicorn shouted down the stairs. “Are you back already?”

Sunstreak tapped his horn repeatedly Come on. Work you waste of Chitin. It began to spark again before Sunstreak heard Twilight come down the stairs. But before he got to see the unicorn, the green flames had surrounded him again and he was on the couch in Darkblaze’s house.

“Snake Eye?” Darkblaze said, walking up from the basement. “How the Hive did you get up here?”

“I may or may not have just been in Twilight’s house…” Shade said, returning back to his Changeling form, hoping that would stop him from teleporting around.

“How did you manage that? Teleportation spells aren’t exactly the easiest things to do.”

“I don’t know... I only just managed to get away before she saw me.” His eye’s widened. And he was covering his head with his hooves. “What if she did see me? She’ll know I’m a Changeling for sure.” His horn began to spark again. “Then I’ll get turned into the Equestrian authorities and be judged for not only being a Changeling but also for kidnapping Meadow! I’ll be executed.”

“Uh…Snake Eye…”

“Or maybe they’ll just let me slowly starve in a jail cell. Or they’ll send me back to the Fiords.” His eye’s widened. “I can’t go back to the Fiords! Not when I look like this! They’ll roast me over one of the lava flows! Or just make me choke on the poison gas! I can’t go back when I look like a giant black Cockroach!” He was panicking now.

“Snake Eye!”

“Or they’ll just use me for information! Information I don’t have! They’ll torture me! I’ll never survive! I’ll be-!” A sudden pain in his side made him jolt upright, slamming his head onto the ceiling. Looking towards the source of the pain, he saw Darkblaze pointing his horn at Shade while being held upside down in a green aura.

“Snake Eye! Calm down!” Shade had just now realized that the furniture in the room was floating with the same green aura that was holding Darkblaze upside down.

“Sorry…” He reached up and lightly flicked his horn, making the furniture fall back to their normal positions. “It’s just…”

Darkblaze had picked himself up and was looking towards the panicking changeling. “I get it… You aren’t used to having magic and now that it is being sent into flux, it is even harder for you to control. And with the Crusaders coming over…”

“Oh crap!” Shade said, quickly transforming back to a unicorn version of Sunstreak. “I promised Meadow that I would pick her up from school today. I was planning on going in a few minutes but now I need to…” Before Sunstreak reached the door, he was held back by Darkblaze’s own green magic.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” Darkblaze said, holding Sunstreak away from the door, “You can’t go out there looking like that. You’ll get yourself caught.”

“Well what do you suggest I do?” Sunstreak said, trying to keep an eye on his horn just in case it began to spark again. “I can’t just create a new persona in a few seconds.”

Darkblaze rolled his eyes, levitating the unicorn over to one of the pictures on the wall. “See the yellow Unicorn.” Sunstreak looked at the picture; there was indeed a yellow unicorn, red eyes, his blue mane dropping over his right eye. “His name is Comet Trail. He lived in Ponyville for a few years before moving off to Canterlot. Nopony here will realize he’s come back. He was kind of a… Extreme introvert. I think he is the only pony Pinkie couldn’t throw a party for.”

“So you want me to turn into him?” Sunstreak asked looking closely at the picture. “Isn’t that kind of risky…I mean if Pinkie finds out…Won’t she be…” Sunstreak tried to think of the proper term without sounding mean… “A liability?”

“At this time of day she is usually working at Sugar Cube Corner. She won’t be too much of a risk. Now transform.”

“Fine…Give me a minute.” Sunstreak stared at the picture for about ten seconds, getting every detail in his head, the fact that he held his head a little lower than the other few ponies in the picture, the fact that he didn’t exactly seem comfortable in the outside, the way that his tail almost covered up his cutie mark, which seemed to be a telescope. He focused on all of those small details, putting them into his mind about the pony. He found himself engulfed in flames, and found that his right eye was covered by a blue screen. “There I’m…oh” Shade was surprised at his new voice. “Wow…this…this is weird.” Shade or now Comet was lowered to the ground. “This is going to take a little getting used to.”

“You don’t have to hold onto it for very long…” Darkblaze replied, looking over the disguised changeling in front of him. “Very accurate. If I didn’t know he moved to Canterlot I would have sworn he was back.”

“Thanks, I guess…” Comet said, moving the blue hair from his eye.

“Some things never change do they?” Darkblaze replied. “You still have that eye trouble. Luckily Comet’s mane should cover that up.” Darkblaze transformed back into Tornado Dust. “For the time being, we’ll say that you were just visiting and Sunstreak…What would you do?”

Comet tapped his hoof on his chin. “I guess you could say that I went to Cloudsdale for a while…Maybe to visit my family.”

“That’ll work.” Tornado Dust replied. “These ponies always understand familial obligations. They won’t think twice about it.” He opened the door and both of the ponies stepped out into the daylight. “Now I’ve got to get to work, there’s supposed to be a thunderstorm tonight, so I’ve got to make sure Rainbow Dash doesn’t sleep through her work again.”

With that the gray Pegasus flew off into the slowly graying sky, it was definitely going to be a bad storm tonight. Comet began slowly walking down the streets. His head slightly lowered, a posture that almost said ‘I’m not in the mood’ and luckily a lot of ponies got the hint. A few looked at him with surprised looks or expressions of familiarity. But for the most part they left him alone. Which Comet was happy about, in case his magic began to explode again, it would be better if other ponies stayed as far away as possible, especially if it ended up revealing him as a Changeling.

After around fifteen minutes of walking, Comet managed to get to the schoolyard, the small red building had an enormous green field behind it, the dirt road that went up to it was nicely patted down, with a small fence going up. The building had a bell tower at the top with the bronze bell being exposed. It looked like a fairly decent school, especially for a town as small as Ponyville.

While he waited for school to get out, Comet leaned up against a nearby tree, keeping his left eye facing the school, while being sure that his mane covered his right.

After a few minutes, the school’s bell rang out, signaling the end of the day. As Comet watched, the doors flung open and somewhere around twenty five foals began to run outside, free for the day, among them Comet quickly picked out the Crusaders, with Apple Bloom’s large red bow sticking above some of the other foals heads, but he didn’t see Meadow.

When the rest of the foals had left, only three remained in the courtyard, a gray unicorn wearing silver glasses, a pink earth pony with a tiara for some reason, both of which were facing away from Comet, and a filly that Comet couldn’t make out from too far away.

He quickly turned to be sure that no other ponies could see him. Ensuring that no one would see him doing so, he lifted the blue mane in front of his right eye so he could get a better look at the filly. It was definitely Meadow, and she seemed a bit…nervous about the two foals in front of her.

Comet continued to watch as the Crusaders took notice of situation. The three of them huddled up and after a short period of time, they walked in between the gray and pink ponies, taking a formation in front of Meadow Song. Clearly they knew what they were doing to handle the two other fillies. Within a minute or so, the two fillies backed down and began to walk down the street, Comet could hear them shouting “Blank Flanks” But had absolutely no idea what that meant.

After the two fillies had left, Comet lowered his mane and started to walk towards the four of them. Meadow doesn’t recognize me like this… How am I going to explain it…

“Excuse me,” Comet said when he got close enough to the four fillies. “Are you Meadow Song?” He asked towards Meadow.

“Uh-huh.” She said nodding her head. “Who are you?”

“I’m a good friend of Tornado Dust, I was just visiting from Canterlot when he asked me to come pick you up.”

“What about Sunstreak?” The filly asked, Comet could hear the disappointment in her voice.

“He had to head to Cloudsdale, something about Family obligations.” Why must I keep making up lies to tell directly to this filly?

“Oh…okay…” Meadow replied, clearly hurt.

“Aw. Cheer up Meadow.” Apple Bloom said, looking towards the little brown filly. “Ah’m sure he had a good reason to go… He’ll make it up to ya.”

You have no idea Apple Bloom. “If it’s any consolation, Tornado Dust did make me tell you that Sunstreak would make it up to you.” Comet replied, he hated lying to Meadow, but with the other three here, telling her the truth would cause questions.

“Does this mean the sleepover is cancelled?” Scootaloo asked earning her a quick elbow from Apple Bloom.

“Scootaloo, I’m sure that it is still going to happen, but we should be cheering up Meadow here.” Sweetie Belle replied, looking at the small Pegasus.

Comet looked up at his horn to notice it was sparking slightly. Not now… “Listen…Meadow. We should really get going. Tornado Dust wants to get the house ready for when these three come over, so he wants us to get there soon.”

Meadow nodded in understanding before walking along with Comet, who managed to hide the fact that his eyes had just changed to a rather bright shade of yellow before turning back to their normal red color.

When they had walked a decent distance away from the Crusaders and there weren’t any ponies close enough to overhear them, Comet looked down towards the slightly disappointed unicorn. “Meadow…I’m really sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?” Meadow began, “you aren’t the reason Sunstreak had to leave.”

“Well…what if I told you he didn’t leave?” Comet said, stopping in the middle of the street.

“What do you mean?” Meadow said, looking slightly more heartbroken. “He promised he would pick me up… What was so important that he would break a promise?”

Comet sighed. Before lifting his blue mane away from his eye. “Meadow…It’s me.”

“Shade?” Meadow asked.

“Yeah…sorry I couldn’t come as Sunstreak…my name is Comet Trail for now.”

“Why did you have to change?” Meadow asked, looking towards the yellow Unicorn. “Did somepony find out?” She whispered.

“No. Nothing like that.” Comet replied. “I’ll show you when we get back to the house. Alright?”

Meadow nodded appreciatively before she noticed Comet’s horn sparking. “What’s going on with your-?”

Comet was suddenly electrocuted by his own magic. Causing his eye’s to return to their normal look. “Ow!” Comet said, pushing against his horn. “Stupid waste of good Chitin…”

Meadow was giggling slightly, while Comet got his eyes to cooperate. “You’re funny.”

Comet cracked a small smile. “I’m glad you think so.” His horn was still giving him small shocks, though it was better than teleporting or levitating everything. “Though we should probably speed up…I don’t want anyone to think I’m a Changeling.” He bent down to let Meadow climb on his back.

“Alright, Mr. Comet.” Meadow said as she climbed on.

After a few minutes of running down back alleys to try and hide the fact that his cutie mark kept magically disappearing, which as Meadow stated would cause a large amount of problems, they managed to get to the door to Tornado Dust’s house and get inside. The furniture was still knocked over from the earlier telekinesis incident. Once both of them were inside and Comet made sure that all the window blinds were closed, he turned back into a Changeling.

“Bleh. It feels good to have my old voice back.” Shade said as Meadow climbed off of his back.

“So, why couldn’t you pick me up as Sunstreak?” Meadow asked, laying down on the couch.

Shade lowered his curved horn so that Meadow could see it. “I have a crack in my horn. It keeps sending my magic into flux. I can’t even transform into a Pegasus.” He demonstrated by turning into his Unicorn version of Sunstreak. “See. I still have a horn.”

“Can’t you just turn into an Earth Pony?” Meadow asked. “Then your magic couldn’t be all wonky because you have no magic.”

Sunstreak rubbed his chin, “I never really thought of that before… It’s worth a try…”

Sunstreak walked over to one of the pictures on the wall taking a look at the ponies, he didn’t need a perfect look at any of them, like what he did with Comet Trail, he just needed a basic idea for a shape. He wanted to at least get used to transforming when he sees them instead of thinking about it. He managed to find a picture of a dark green earth pony, purple mane, and yellow eyes. It wasn’t much, but it would work.

“Alright…let’s try this.” He said turning to look at Meadow. He closed his eyes and focused on the pony he saw, within five seconds, he had been engulfed in a green flame and was looking at the same green pony he saw in the picture. “Well…that was easy.”

He looked over at Meadow, who was looking towards his mouth. “What?”

“Umm…your teeth.”

Shade reached up and found his hoof connect with two long fangs. “Hmm…I could make this work. They aren’t too noticeable right?”

Meadow let out a little giggle. “It’s like they aren’t even there.” She replied.

A wisp of green flame and Shade was back to his Changeling appearance. “I think it would be less obvious if I just strolled down the street looking like this, at least I could get that small amount of shock value.”

The door behind them was suddenly getting knocked at very hard. Surprised, Shade quickly donned his Comet disguise, raising a hoof to his mouth in a motion of silence.

He walked over to the door and opened it with his hoof. “Hello?” was all he got out before Tornado Dust burst into the room.

“Sorry, Comet.” Tornado Dust said, after barreling into the room. “But this is urgent!”

“Where’s the fire?” Comet said, lifting himself up off the ground.

“Your horn!” Tornado said, lifting the unicorn into the air. “Has it exploded yet?”

“Has it what?” Comet replied, closing the door with his hind leg while he was being held in the air.

“Exploded. You know KABOOM!”

“No!” Comet replied, falling through the Pegasi’s hooves and turning back into a Changeling before he could slam onto the ground and hovering up to his height. “Why would you ask?”

“Because it is going to!” Tornado Dust replied.

“What?” Shade shouted back. “Why did you not tell me this earlier!”

“Because I didn’t remember it.”

“How could you forget something that important!” Shade retorted.

“I forgot okay.”

“No! You are going to tell me exactly what is going to happen to me or I swear…”

“Whoa! There are foals present.” Tornado said motioning to Meadow.

“Don’t change the topic!” Shade shouted raising himself above Tornado Dust so that his right eye was staring right at him. “What the hell is going to happen!” Shade’s horn was flaming.

“Calm down…You’re going to burn down the-”

“Tell me what the hell is going on! Then maybe I’ll think about it!”

“Snake Eye, you’re going to burn the house down if you don’t calm down.”

A knock on the door distracted both of them from their shouting match. Tornado Dust quickly grabbed Shade, covering his mouth with a hoof.

“Meadow…” Tornado Dust said calmly. “Can you please get the door…” Tornado Dust flew up higher into the ceiling so that Shade wouldn’t be seen as a Changeling.

“Hello?” Meadow said as she opened the door.

From the other side, a mare’s voice could be heard, over the sounds of Shade still trying to get free from Tornado Dust, making small buzzing sounds. “Hello sweetie. Are your parents here?”

“No.” Meadow replied.

“Then can you let me in?” The mare replied. “I could have sworn I heard shouting going on in here.”

“No. It wasn’t here. Mr. Tornado Dust and Sunstreak aren’t here right now. They said they needed to get ready for the storm tonight.”

“OW!” Shade had just bit down on Tornado Dust’s hoof, forcing him to let go, and Shade shot him a death glare before sticking to the ceiling.

“What was that?” The Mare replied.

“That was probably just a Pegasus... They keep shocking themselves recently.”

“Oh…well sweetie…when they come back. Please let me know.”

“Alright… bye.” She closed the door, after a few seconds she looked up at the two Changelings. “You can come down now.”

Shade and Tornado Dust flew down to the ground, Tornado Dust shaking his hoof. “That really hurt.”

“Well then you shouldn’t have tried to restrain me against my will.” Shade said, his fangs had a small red spot on them. “What do you expect me to do?”

Tornado was sucking of his hoof. “Well I didn’t expect you to draw blood.” He turned back into a Changeling.

“Well then…before anything else happens.” His horn was glowing and it formed around Darkblaze pulling him closer. “Tell me about my horn. Before I lose my temper and bite you again.”

“How are you doing that?”

“Anger…now tell me.”

Darkblaze sighed. “Your horn is going to release all of your stored emotional energy at once.”

“Meaning?” Shade asked, looking at the Changeling with death in his eyes.

“You will essentially become that ball from earlier… You will release all the energy you have, essentially knocking you out cold. You will be found by the ponies…”

“Is there anyway to avoid this?” Shade said grinding his teeth.

“I’m not sure…” Darkblaze replied. “But there is a thunderstorm tonight… maybe you could use that to cover up the blast…”

“Then what?” Shade said, his horn losing its glow. “I just get caught… Thrown in jail…die?”

Darkblaze just looked at Shade. “No. We won’t let that happen. Isn’t that right, Meadow?”

Shade looked over to the small brown filly, she was starting to tear up, she nodded. Shade dropped his magic, letting Darkblaze go. “Sorry… I just…Everything is changing in my life really quickly… I’m still trying to make sense of everything.”

“I will promise you…we will make sure that nothing bad happens to you.”

Shade was looking down at his hole filled hooves. “Thanks….both of you…” His attitude did nearly a full 180 as he was back to his usual self. “Well…no use worrying about it now. You’ve got to get those clouds ready, and we’ve got to get ready for the Crusaders.”

“Aye aye, captain.” Darkblaze said mockingly before transforming back into Tornado Dust and flying out the door.

Shade closed the door and looked back towards Meadow. “So…How was your day?”

The remainder of the day went much better, Shade and Meadow had discussed what Meadow had done in school that day, how things had been going with the Crusaders, Shade’s horn did a bit of furniture levitating again, he quickly corrected the problems, and got the place ready for any possible schemes the Crusaders came up with. An hour or so later, Tornado Dust returned, his mane and tail were on end; standing up from the static electricity he had gained moving thunderclouds.

“Not a word…” Tornado said as he shook out all the lightning in his mane.

“I wasn’t going to say anything…” Shade said, containing a laugh. “Thunder Duster.” Earning him a small shock from Tornado.

After both of them went over a plan for later tonight, mostly how to manage to get the Crusaders to stay away while Shade had his “Power Surge” as they began calling it. Mostly just involving either locking the door or Shade staying a Changeling just because… Eventually they settled on Shade retaining his Comet disguise until he really needs to get out. Which apparently would be when Shade began to feel a bit weak, and when his horn began to spark a lot.

About an hour later, Comet was reading through Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide. When a knock on the door announced the arrival of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

“I’m coming…” He said, still not used to Comet’s voice. “Hold on.” He made sure that his mane covered his right eye before opening the door, being greeted by three confused fillies. “Meadow!” He shouted back. “Your friends are here.”

From up the stairs, Meadow rushed down the stairs, to greet the three fillies. While Comet sat back down and continued to read. He was actually interested in the full extent of these magical artifacts, being used to save the nation over four times…Which really begs the question…How did he not know about them before? Granted the Fiords were very isolated from Equestria, but they should have at least known about them.

He decided to put this topic in the back of his mind and deal with it later, as Apple Bloom walked up to him. “What happened to Sunny?”

Comet looked up from the book and looked towards the small filly, “If by Sunny you mean Sunstreak, he had to head to Cloudsdale for family obligations. I think he said his cousin was getting married…” Not exactly false, Shade did remember having a cousin, though if he, or she for that matter, was married Shade had no idea. “I thought I told you all this earlier?”

“Yeah but who are ya?” Apple Bloom asked.

Comet let out a bored sigh and closed the book, looking down at the filly. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you it is rude to ask personal questions?” He raised his eyebrow. When Apple Bloom failed to respond he continued. “You must be Apple Bloom. Sunstreak warned me about you. And since you asked, My name is Comet Trail. I’m spending a few days visiting Tornado Dust while my house is being repaired from a rather large amount of holes in the roof. Courtesy of our mutual Insect friends.” He added an emphasis on Insect, hoping to make it seem like he was disgusted.

“Oh…yeah…umm,” Apple Bloom tried to say. Take that you nosey little-

“Yes?” Comet replied seeing how Apple Bloom looked like she wanted to say something. Right…heavy Introvert…Remember that.

“Umm…sorry fer…getting in yer way…I’ll just…Go…” Apple Bloom walked out backwards, Shade let out a small sigh of relief before reopening the book and continuing to read.

Discovering the Elements:

The Elements of Harmony were discovered long before Celestia and Luna, however, they were scattered around Equestria and the surrounding nations. The exact locations of the elements were never recorded, however many believe that the various pieces were possessed by these races: Ponies, Dragons, Griffons, Changelings, Breezies, and the Minotaurs. When the tyrant Discord ruled over Equestria, the Princesses had to travel to the foreign lands to find the Elements…

However, Many ancient scrolls make reference to a tree, fueled by the power of the elements, this could be a possibility, or the pieces were scattered across the nations and brought together before the time of Discord. Whatever the case, these magical artifacts were used to seal away the Tyrant…

“Elements of Harmony…” Comet mumbled closing the book, “I could have sworn I knew something about them…” A crack of lightning sounded outside, signaling the beginning of the thunderstorm. Looking out of the window, he noticed the clouds, breaking with each crack of electricity, and near the top of the cloud layer, a single Pegasus was rushing for cover.

While it sounded strange, the clouds made Comet feel at home, he was used to seeing the large black clouds above him, blocking out the moon’s glow, if only he didn’t have to worry about possible death that night. He let out a sigh and began thinking back to an earlier passage he read.

Dragons were designated the Protectors of Loyalty, for their honor bound code of justice. Changelings, the Protectors of Kindness, For their Old Tomes...

“Protectors of Kindness…” Comet said, looking down at his hoof, “Yeah… Sure.”

He was looking towards the ceiling, looking for the emotions of the fillies above him, he could see the familiar orange flame of Trust, and a few smaller flames of turquoise. He hadn’t mastered Emotional detection yet, so he had no idea what those three fillies were feeling, but at that very moment, something much worse was happening.

Comet suddenly felt very weak, and his horn was sparking rapidly. “No. Not now!” It was happening much faster than he had hoped it would. The original plan was to warn Meadow and Darkblaze, but he didn’t have time, his horn was beginning to glow a bright green. To make matters worse, one of the fillies wandered downstairs. Only to see the yellow unicorn’s horn glowing brightly.

“Hey are you alright?” It sounded like Sweetie Belle, but Comet didn’t have time to check.

“I’m fine…just need to get some fresh air…” He was having trouble moving at all.

“What you need to do is relax.” The filly placed a hoof on his leg, almost trying to soothe him, but he had no time to explain.

“I’m sorry about this.” Comet said before knocking the filly away and rushing through the door, quickly returning to his Changeling form, he took off from the ground. His horn was glowing brightly, the crack in it clearly visible in the night sky. Hopefully everypony was asleep, or if they weren’t, they were about to be in for a sight.

Darkblaze heard the filly slamming into a wall and rushed down. “What just happened?”

“Comet was a Changeling!” Sweetie Belle shouted. “He bucked me! Then he flew off into the sky!”

Tornado’s eye’s widened. “MEADOW! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!”

Shade had just managed to break into the cloud layer, his horn glowing far too bright for him to look at it, and his head was hurting like a thousand needles were placed into it. He couldn’t see anything, he couldn’t hear anything over the thunder, and his horn felt like it was going to explode.

“I’m sorry…” He said, just as his horn released a large green explosion, sending a giant ball of green light expanding out from him, breaking through the cloud layer, it looked like a thousand spears of lightning were shooting towards the ground, landing in-between the buildings, only a few of the spears managing to hit buildings, and the shockwave blew the clouds back. Unable to keep his wings flapping, Shade began to fall.

“There he is!” Meadow shouted looking towards the small black shape of Shade falling, She had been keeping an eye out, with Tornado Dust trying to keep up with her, but he had problems dodging the spears of lightning that seemed to be avoiding Meadow, making him much slower.

“He’s going to land near Everfree!” Tornado Dust shouted back, only now noticing the large amount of lights turning on in the buildings around them, “Slow down Meadow! I can’t keep up!”

“Then fly faster!” Meadow said rushing out of sight.


Shade landed with a loud crash, skidding across the ground a fair distance, when he came to a stop, he just barely managed to open his eyes, looking up as a group of three insect like ponies…oh no…

“He’s one of them…” One of the new Changelings said. “He helped with the invasion.”

“Then he must be punished for his actions.” Another of the Changelings replied. Shade had just managed to see their colors, their eyes were pink, and their wings were a light red. Right at that moment he heard a familiar voice.

“Meadow…” He managed to say weakly.

“Get away from him!” The Little filly shouted, stepping between Shade and the three Changelings.

At this, the Changelings looked between each other. “She has been altered.”

“Yes…she must be cleansed.”

Shade was having trouble seeing straight, but he saw one of the larger changelings walk up and hold Meadow in a pink magic preventing her from moving, she struggled for a few seconds before going limp.

“I swear…” Shade tried to say through deep breaths. “If you hurt her…I will kill every…one of you… myself…”

“Like you have hurt her?” The first Changeling replied looking Shade right in his eyes. “You will be punished for your actions.” Her horn gained a pink glow, and she lowered it to touch with Shade’s horn, almost instantly, Shade’s eyes shot with a white light. All he could feel was his mind being assaulted by thousands of voices, incomprehensible through the throng of pain and sound.

“MAKE THEM STOP!!” Shade yelled, before the Changeling held him on the ground with her hoof and touched his horn again. Her eyes flashed white. And Shade's vision went black…

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