• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 487 Views, 13 Comments

Tales from the Ruby Hive - Zoljen

A collection of short stories about the changelings of the Ruby Hive.

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Jade Part 1

Three weeks after Hives destruction.

“What the hell is a changeling from the Ruby Hive doing in my throne room, chained up and looking like it got dragged through Tartarus itself?” The large dragon bellowed, making every dragon present cringe, except for one. The larger dragon resting on a throne was glaring so hard at the younger dragon of a matching color that it wasn't a wonder he didn't get sliced in two.

“My goal, Father, was to get revenge on the one that beat me in combat!” The younger glared back with matching ferocity.

The changeling in question was on his stomach, his bright red carapace cracked in several places, along with various burn marks along his tail and arms. He had a bruised eye and a cracked rear hoof, and various scars along his tail from it being grabbed, and one of his neon green wings was torn and burnt near the base as well. And finally, he had chains attached to each hoof, and one hanging off his horn, keeping him pinned to the floor from the weight.

One of the guards, a deep red dragon with blue frayed looking wings was sitting next to the changeling, glancing down at him occasionally as the two royal dragons shouted back and forth. The dragon, weirdly enough, had a sword on his back, which seemed to blend in with his golden armor. The rest of the guards only had armor that added to their already thick scales.

“DAMMIT BORYA!” The Czar yelled as he pounced on the younger dragon, slamming his head into the marble below as he held a clawed hand around the prince’s neck. “DO YOU REALIZE THE DAMAGE YOU DID? Those changelings were our builders, our healers, OUR FRIENDS!”

“I didn't think that a Capture Crystal would react like that! I only wanted to drop it right in front of that changelings face and capture him!”

“So you used a Capture Crystal? And sent it via Transportation Flame?” he leaned back for a moment, took a deep breath, and then moved in really close to his son’s face, snarling deeply. “Our Transportation Flame can't be used as a weapon!” He yelled almost point blank. ”If it could, I’d have sent that foolish King Gerardo to the damned SUN by now!”

“I…” the prince squeaked, staring wide eyed at his father whose snarl dripped with saliva and fire as his eyes were red with rage.

“I will discuss your punishment later,” The Czar spoke calmly, but his tone was dripping with venom. “In the meantime, I have to figure out what to do with this changeling. After the report your little convoy gave me, I can safely assume it is the only one left in the dragon lands. Any others have fled for fear of us.”

He turned to one of the guards, his grasp still firm on the prince’s neck. “You two, take this whelp to his room, tie his wings and lock the doors from the outside. Melt the metal on them if you have too. He is not to leave his room, and if he does…” he trailed off, looking down at his son. “I will hand his sorry hide over to Princess Celestia herself and let her banish you to the moon with her Sister.” He waited a moment after finishing before letting his son go. “Yes, that would be a fitting peace offering.”

The prince, once his father had let him go, quickly scurried away towards one the stairways. Two guards followed as another made his way out the main doors. The Czar turned to the changeling next, who squeaked when those eyes fell upon him. The Czar sighed, and looked up at the blue dragon next to him. “Mortalis, take him to our apothecaries and see what they can do.”

“Sir,” Mortalis started, with a salute. “With all do respect, it looks like it lacks the energy to change, so, it would be more prudent to bring one here. It can remain in my quarters while one of my soldiers retrieves the apothecary.” The larger dragon just waved a wing in his general direction.

“Do whatever you think is needed, Major General. I have a lot to think about right now.” The Czar groaned as he sat back down. Mortalis looked down to the changeling and moved to remove some of the chains, the changeling yelped and tried to scoot away, his terrified eyes moving to focus on Mortalis.

The dragon sighed and lowered himself, speaking softly. “I won't hurt you, I promise.” The changeling remained cowering in fear, but did manage to slowly stand up. He remained as submissive as possible around the larger dragons, his tail tucked low and his wings as close to his sides as possible, despite the pain one was causing in that position.

Mortalis let out another sigh as he stood up, he had seen the changeling limp over to a safe part of the room after Borya had thrown him in. He watched the changeling stand on three out of four legs, his broken hoof hanging slightly as he held it up. The dragon shook his head and lowered himself down to the ground.

“Get on my back, I’ll carry you to my room.” The changeling just stared at the dragon, wide eyed and confused. Mortalis shook his head slightly. “I could just pick you up and drop you on my back.” At that the changeling very carefully moved to his back. Attempting to do so while not putting any pressure on his hind hoof. After what felt like a few minutes, the changeling was finally on Mortalis’ back. The dragon stood slowly, and turned to one his soldiers.

“Fetch an apothecary, we shall be in my quarters.” Mortalis ordered, hearing a soft squeak behind him. The soldier nodded and quickly trotted off as Mortalis started to make his way towards his room.

The changeling looked around at the sight before him. He had never been in the palace of the dragons before, and it looked awe-inspiring. The dragons, however, were not as cool, in fact they looked downright scary. He was being carried by a blue dragon, some Major General Mortalis was really all he heard from the Czar.

Of course right now he was trying to ignore the pain in his hoof and wing. Those hurt the most right now, the rest of his wounds had numbed themselves by now. And this dragons gentle trot, along with the armor, was not helping his hoof. He could tell this dragon was attempting to be kind, but dragon emotions were a bit hard to read.

The pair entered a hallway and soon left other guards behind. After a little bit of the gentle trot, Mortalis slowed, and glanced over his shoulder. “What's your name?”

The changeling blinked, looking directly at the dragon. He stared at the dragon for a bit, before looking down and stared at the dragon’s back.. “J… Jade.” He murmured out, the dragon barely hearing it.

“Hm, isn't that color of stone normally darker than your carapace?” The dragon chuckled softly as he looked forward. “Look, you can think whatever you want of us. Kazimir will keep you safe. You may not like it, but he won't let any harm come to you.”

Jade looked down, having lost interest in everything around him as he just watched the marble floor cruise on by. He barely registered a door opening and closing, or a bed of soft looking metal coming into view.

“I know you may not be fond of metal beds, but I bet it will beat the dirt floor you’ve slept on before,” Jade looked up at Mortalis, who had a wing extended towards the bed. Jade winced and slowly slid along the wing towards the bed, which actually felt softer than it looked. “Just relax for now, the apothecary should be here soon and can look you over and hopefully heal a few of those scars.”

Mortalis waited till Jade was on the bed before he walked over and sat by the door, with just enough space for it to open and hit him. He turned and faced Jade, who had his wing spread out on the bed, and his hind hoof hanging off of it. “What happened to you, if I may ask?”

Jade looked up at Mortalis, before looking back down. “I tried to escape when my siblings did. I… couldn't just leave some of my family behind. I saw others getting beaten, and came back to help them. Everyone of my family either escaped, or was killed in the chaos. I was beaten within an inch of my life by your prince.” Jade looked away from the dragon, closing his eyes as tears started to fall. “I don't know if any managed to get away or not. I have no way of knowing.”

“Well, you’re safe no-”

“Stop saying that!” Jade snapped, glaring back at Mortalis with tears still dropping from his eyes. “I am far from safe! I am within the dragon palace, surrounded by those that once called us friend. Can you truly promise me that I am safe from being attacked? Safe from being hurt again? Can you?!”

Mortalis sighed, looking away. “I can, actually. As Major General, I can formally request that you be given to me, as a ward. What Borya did was wrong, and did a lot more damage than he originally thought.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Would you rather go back to someone like Borya? Or get someone who would treat you worse?” Mortalis looked back at the changeling, who was looking away again. “Look, nothing I can say or do will forgive our kind for what we did. But maybe I can rebuild that bridge with kindness. It’s going to be bumpy at first, and will be for a long time. But I promise you that I will protect you.”

The room fell into silence after that for almost an hour. Mortalis stayed by the door as Jade remained on the bed, looking anywhere but at the dragon. A light knock alerted the pair, with Jade staring at the door wide eyed again. Mortalis turned around and opened the door a crack, peering out.

“Ah, Meru!” Mortalis perked up, as Jade looked at him confusedly. “I was hoping they’d send you.”

“I was told the patient was in near critical condition. Who is it?” A soft voice spoke from the other side of the door. It sounded sweet, with a faint bit of energy, and certainly from a female.

“Well, that… isn't exactly true. I mean it is hurt. And --ack!”

The door swung open to reveal a young looking watery light blue wyvern with a bag hanging off her tail, cutting off Mortalis as he was knocked away from the door and tackled. The wyvern glared down at Mortalis.

“You don't refer to patients as ‘it’ if you know who the patient is!” She growled as she lowered herself down to his level. He gulped loudly and pointed to the bed. She looked up slowly, and once her eyes fell upon the changeling who couldn't tell if he should be scared, worried, or brave, gasped loudly and quickly rushed to his side. She slid to a stop and somehow already had a bandage grasped in her wing claws from her pack.

“You poor thing! What have you been through?” She asked gently, leaving Jade really confused. Mortalis closed the door with his tail as he rolled to face the wyvern.

“It got beat up pretty badly by Borya.” Mortalis sighed softly.

“The prince? Really? Why?” She didn't even wait for a response before tending to the broken hoof. Resting back on a leg as her tail snaked around to deliver her pack to the bed. She expertly used her foot claws, tail, and wing talons to wrap up a heavily soaked bandage around the hoof.

“He lost a battle against one,” Mortalis chuckled as he trotted over and sat by the bed.

“Serves him right, stupid Borya was always too lazy.” Meru scoffed as she kept working on the bandage.

“You know you shouldn't talk about him like that.”

“And what is he going to do? I am the best wyvern apothecary there is!” She grinned widely as she tapped her chest with a wing.

“You’re the only one there is…” Mortalis deadpanned.

“Details,” she stuck out her tongue at Mortalis, then looked over the changeling in greater detail now, mostly looking at each wound. “So… I should have asked this earlier, what is it?”

Mortalis just gestured to Jade. “Best if you explain it yourself, Jade.”

The changeling, after getting over the initial flood of excited emotions from the wyvern, let out a sigh and looked away. “I am a changeling, from a hive under Mt. Volash,” he mumbled. “We usually have a prefered gender, male in my case, and we can alter ourselves to appear as almost anything else. Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus, Griffin, or Dragon, at least.”

Meru had stopped and looked at the changeling. “That seems cool, but you don't sound so enthused.”

“Borya destroyed their hive,” Mortalis said solemnly, looking away. “He was apparently trying to capture the one who beat him, using both our flame and a Capture Crystal. The result was… well, I heard the reports from the platoon he took. It wasn't pretty. The hive was already small, and that sealed its fate.”

“Our sister hive, the Quartz, was wiped out by the war, near its start. It was much closer to the border between the Griffin Empire and the Dragon Lands,” Jade sighed, wincing and looking away as Meru started on the wing. “One attack from both sides resulted in the forest of that area burning to the ground, and the fires carried inside the hive… It wasn't pretty,” Jade looked out the window of the room, at the darkening sky.

“Talon, Spark, and a few others were sent to investigate it. They returned with only one survivor, who didn't last a week after arriving at our hive. The fire had carried into the hive, somehow. Even Leviathan wasn't able to determine how or why when she went herself. Each of the changelings were just bones, burnt, charred, and the sight left us scared. Talon wanted us out of the war after that, and he mostly got his wish. Now… we are but a few, and that's if they survived.” Jade closed his eyes and rested his head on the bed, falling silent.

The other two had fallen silent as well, as Mortalis just stared at Jade after that little story. The room fell silent for a solid minute before Meru resumed working on the changelings wounds. She worked as best she knew how, and after a while, she got to the carapace on his back and looked at it confusedly.

“So… How should I mend this?” She asked, hoping to get a response. The changeling barely looked at her. “I mean, dragons I know. Along with drakes, wyverns, and even wyrms, though those don't get hurt. But changelings? Your new.”

“Shellac, or any other mending compound,” Jade stated monotonously. “Glue the bits together and then tie it down. I won't be flying any time soon with a seared wing, so just tie up my barrel.”

“You sound like you know a fair bit of how to mend,” Meru commented as she started to do what she was told. Grabbing a red vial and uncorking it, she then poured some over his back and spread it around the cracked parts. “This should work, I use it to mend broken dragon scales and plates.”

“That should… ooo. “Jade moaned a little as he felt the stuff seep into the wounds and cracks in his shell. “That stuff tingles and actually feels nice.”

“Thanks, I mix my own potions and balms. I could show you a little bit of what I do another time perhaps,” Meru grinned as she started to wrap him up, Mortalis helping to lift the changeling when prompted to. “But back into the topic of you, you can do magic?”

Jade nodded slightly, his horn glowing faintly and soon a bottle floated up into Meru’s view. “Huh, I guess that answers that. Makes a little sense too, since I bet manipulating stuff with hooves is a bit hard.” Meru took the bottle and set it back down.

“Says the one with wings,” Mortalis sniggered as Meru shot him a pouty glare. “Anyway, you two can get acquainted, I am going to talk to Kazimir.” With that, Mortalis stood and left the room, leaving behind Meru to ask Jade a bunch of questions while she worked.

A week later, a dark green dragon covered in bandages was sitting in the throne room off to the side of the throne. One of his wings, his hind leg, and various parts along his barrel were wrapped up, but he sat as proudly as any hurt dragon could. Though at the moment he wished he was anywhere else other than here.

Jade had become very well acquainted with Meru and Mortalis over the last week, and considered those two to be the bright spots in his newfound role as both servant (once he was better) and lie detector. The former he couldn't perform yet, because he was still recovering from his hoof being broken, but the latter he could do easily.

His task was to tell if the dragons, drakes, and wyverns coming into Czar Kazimir’s court were truly wanting him to solve their problems, or were lying if they were asked why this or that was done. All in all it wasn't too bad a job, though listening to the lizards whine and complain got old, fast. However, this last dragon was… weird.

Jade had been staring intently at this blue dragon, he couldn't have been more than 50 years old. Yet with the way he walked in, it seemed like he owned the place. He walked up and sat before the Czar, and glared at him. Jade couldn't tell his emotions, was this dragon angry? And what for?

“Kazimir,” The blue finally spoke, growling lowly and ignoring the formal rank.

“Tesla,” Kazimir returned, his eyes narrowing. “What brings the hermit to my palace?”

Tesla remained quiet for a few moments, as if weighing his next words. To Jade, it seemed as if this dragon was at war with himself. After a few short breaths, the blue spoke. “Why did you order the destruction of the Ruby Hive?”

The moment his home escaped the lips, Jade gasped. How did this dragon know? He subtly glanced up to Kazimir, whose eyes narrowed into a glare.

“It was not by my claws that it happened, Tesla. I respect the changelings as much as-”

“Ha!” Tesla cut off Kazimir. “As if! If that were the case, you would have done something about the Quartz Hive! You had several dragons and apothecaries near there that could have helped! But instead you let that fire rage inside! I did some scouting of my own there, can you guess what I found that Leviathan could not?”

Kazimir remained quiet, as Tesla continued. “The skirmish there spread far. One dragon and two griffins stumbled upon the entrance and fought. One griffin on fire, rolling down the main shaft and landing in some of their gel was all it took. The dragon’s fire, YOUR fire, spread like the sun down there, and caused a chain reaction with the gel.”

“So you’re saying it’s my fault that that hive was destroyed? How could we have known!”

“Maybe if you didn't have a desire to spread everywhere and claim everything as if it’s your own!” Tesla snapped back.

“We can't all be friends with ponies like you, Tesla!” Kazimir snarled.

“You could try! It’s not difficult!” Tesla growled as he sat back and crossed his arms, “Just because I have kept friendly ties everywhere, doesn't mean it’s not possible for you!” He looked around, though his eyes didn't get far as they fell upon Jade. Jade gulped as Tesla looked him over. Recognition slowly dawned over his features.

“So, there is another survivor of the Ruby Hive.” Tesla mumbled, making Jade gasp.


“I’ve been around enough changelings to tell,” Tesla focused on the Czar again. “So, you keeping this one around as a pet or something?”

“Why do you suddenly think so lowly of me, Tesla?” Kazimir leaned back, looking hurt. “That I have suddenly sunk so low to take on changeling pets? Major General Mortalis here is currently taking him on as a ward, and will protect him from other dragons and drakes if need be.”

Mortalis stepped over to Jade and put a claw gently on his back, glaring at Tesla. Tesla glared for a few moments, before just shaking his head. “You’d lose, Major General.”

“I am well aware, former Major General Tesla,” Mortalis paused to salute the younger dragon. Mortalis glanced down to Jade when he heard a very confused squeak.

Tesla shook his head slightly. “No salutes with me, and I am glad that they found someone to replace me when I stepped down. And as for you, little changeling, I’ll tell you over tea sometime. In the meantime, I have to figure out a way to let another know,” Tesla looked up at the Czar. “I am still upset with you for letting this happen,” Tesla stood, gave a salute to Mortalis, then turned and left without another word.

After Tesla left, Jade looked up at Mortalis. “So, he…?”

“Is far older and wiser than any god could hope to be. I think the only ones who could rival him are Princess Celestia and Discord,” Mortalis shook his head. “And Discord is far too unstable to be trusted,” Mortalis glanced up at Kazimir, and noticed he was already leaving the hall. “It seems we are done for the time being. Come on, I bet Meru will want to check on your wounds.”

Jade nodded as Mortalis lowered himself down, allowing the smaller dragon to climb on. Once Jade was on his Mortalis’s back, Mortalis started towards his room. Jade watched the marble flooring go by as he thought about something.

“Why?” He muttered, just loud enough for Mortalis to hear.

“Huh?” Mortalis glanced over his shoulder, slowing down.

“Why are you willing to protect me?” Jade looked up at Mortalis.

“That dragon you just met, he was my mentor before he stepped down,” Mortalis snorted with a chuckle. “I found it humiliating at first, being taught how to protect by a whelp. And a few days after being under his wing, well… Needless to say I learned just how valuable his lessons are. The hard way, with my face through a stone wall.”

“Ouch, what did you do?” Jade cringed.

“I told him that I was unwilling to be taught how to fight by some dragon that looked half my age. After I said that, he challenged me to attack him, I scoffed and said I wouldn't hit a hatchling. Next thing I know, I'm in the infirmary, holding an ice pack to my snout.” Mortalis stopped walking to look out a window. “The rest of the recruits at the time were shocked and couldn't tell me exactly what happened. They were busy laughing until my head was put through a wall.”

Jade raised an eyebrow as Mortalis stared out the window, the dragon continued after a short pause. “He moved so fast, even the guards on duty couldn't see it. Granted, most were just shaking their heads, but still. He may look young, but he’s actually older than the Princess herself. Heck, for all I know, he could have been their uncle!”

Jade just stared at Mortalis, who continued to trot down the hall. He knew that dragons could live for centuries, but at least a thousand years? That was news to him. And the fact that Tesla looked so young to boot, he really wondered about him now.

“I learned a lot under him,” Mortalis started up as he turned a corner. “I learned how to defend myself from various forms of attack. How to deflect magic, how to fight against unicorns and even alicorns. And how to show kindness and generosity,” Mortalis looked over his shoulder at Jade. “I learned a lot about various species, including changelings.”

“Why did he teach you this stuff?”

“He saw potential in me and figured I could be a good replacement for when he left the Scale Guard, and he was right,” Mortalis shrugged as he stopped outside the room. He waited outside for a bit, as if recollecting the past and grinned slightly as he opened the door. Meru was already in the room, looking over her potions at the moment.

Mortalis walked over to the bed and let Jade onto it before he sat off to the side. Meru quickly set to work on checking Jade’s hoof and wing. As Meru looked over the wing base, she let out a soft sigh.

“As an expert on wings, this doesn't look good.” Meru locked eyes with Jade for a moment, then shook her head. Jade sighed and rested his head on the bed.

“Typical, guess I’m grounded for good,” Jade grumbled.

“I wouldn't say that is for sure. Again, I'm an expert on wings. You won't be able to fly for extended periods of time, or perform aerial acrobatics worthy of the Wonderbolts, but you won't be entirely ground bound,” Meru gently poked at a wing with her own. “And you won't be out flying any drakes or dragons anytime soon.”

“And there goes my attempt to flee once I am better,” Jade grumped fakely as he glanced to Mortalis, who looked back at him shocked. “I’m kidding. We can't out fly a dragon anyway.”

“Well, at least it is nice to see you smiling. I figured you’d have resigned yourself to a doomed fate and never smile again,” Mortalis watched the changeling before him.

“Oh, I have resigned to that. It’s just there is no reason to be grumpy about it.”

Author's Note:

Oh look, an update! And it sheds light on how the hive was destroyed, fancy that.