• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 486 Views, 13 Comments

Tales from the Ruby Hive - Zoljen

A collection of short stories about the changelings of the Ruby Hive.

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Spark and Gemstone Part 3

Two years after Hives Destruction --

Scope sighed inwardly as he tailed after a black pegasus stallion. Scope had changed his coloration around after he was told to tail after Pitch Tempest this morning by his boss. Scope had agreed to it and even mentioned that he knew a spell (as did other unicorns) to alter his fur and mane colors for a time, though for him it could be as long as he wanted.

Pitch had lead him into the more shady part of Baltimare and had spotted Pitch going into a bar. Scope shrugged slightly and waited outside a minute or two before going inside himself. Inside, Scope was greeted with the smell of alcohol and a low chatter of ponies talking. As Scope looked around, his eyes quickly fell on Pitch, who was at a booth talking to a familiar-looking earth pony.

Scope seated himself at a table near where Pitch was and ordered himself a light drink as he listened in on the conversation.

“Shipment got intercepted,” grunted the earth pony.

“Not my fault,” sniffed Pitch. “Patrol happened to be passing by, and they weren’t on the books. It happens.”

“Well, next time you should know so I don't lose more valuable merchandise.”

“Look, Squint, I can do a lot of things, but see everywhere in the damned city ain’t one of them,” snapped Pitch as he slugged down a shot of whiskey, quickly pouring another. “And honestly, if you want to control every piss-ant traffic cop, it’d be cheaper to run for mayor. Not that the heads of your family would let you do that.”

“You have an answer for everything, don’t you?” sneered Squint.

“Maybe not everything, but I try,” grinned Pitch as he moved to drink the second shot.

“Then perhaps you could explain how the Spades were able to send a crew to rough up our supply depot, delaying the doomed shipment long enough that they ran into the traffic patrol?”

Pitch suddenly began coughing and wheezing as he unintentionally inhaled his drink. Scope could feel a sudden jolt of fear shoot through Pitch, but something didn’t seem right about the fear. For someone whose life was on the line, Pitch didn’t feel as afraid as someone in that position should. His outward reactions seemed authentic, but his inner fear felt… shallower, somehow. Almost as if he were more afraid of letting a secret slip than of dying. The stallion cleared his throat.

“You’re shitting me?” asked Pitch.

“Swear it on the Princess’s ass,” replied Squint. “Bastards came in with torches and crossbows, but we managed to hold them off. Lost a bit of product in the process, but better that than the warehouse. Still, we had to clear out right quick. I’m guessing from your burning lungs that this is the first you’ve heard of it?”

“Damn right it is,” cursed Pitch. “I’ll head over to East Side and sort this out. Maybe even direct a few more patrols that way. I’ll also get a raid going on that old depot, see if we can flush a few more Spades out of the woodwork.”

“Guess you’ve got a long night ahead?” smirked Squint.

“Bet your ass I do,” groused Pitch, tucking the whiskey bottle into his coat and tossing a hoofful of bits onto the table. “Next few rounds on me.”

“That’s barely enough to pay for the bottle you just took,” frowned Squint.

“You just need to cheapen your tastes,” quipped Pitch as he stood up.

“Yeah, I guess the next round is on you at least,” grumped Squint as he watched Pitch stand and start towards the door. “Good luck, asshole.”

“Hmph, don't need luck.” Pitch commented as he started towards the door. Scope watched him out of the corner of his eye until he left the bar, at which point he left enough bits for his light drink and followed after him.

It didn't take Scope long to spot Pitch moving down the street towards his next destination. After a bit of tailing him, Pitch took a turn down a side street and kept going. Scope used that moment to glance around, making sure none could see him as he ducked into an alleyway and go from his regal black coloration to a dusty brown.

His stalking lead him to another part of town, that Scope knew was ‘Spade’ territory. Scope made a mental note and wondered just how many crime families were under his old friends’ hoof. He’d probably find out tonight if he stalked him all night, and he had the energy to do so even with changing his appearance every so often.

By the time Pitch entered this next bar, Scope was a tan unicorn with a sleek black mohawk styled mane and short tail. He claimed a booth this time, with Pitch already talking to a brown unicorn mare this time. Scope couldn't tell if it was a new bottle of whiskey or the old one from the last bar that was in front of him.

“They were heavily guarded,” observed the mare calmly. “More heavily guarded than you indicated, Pitch.”

“What can I say, Ash?” countered Pitch as he poured a shot. “You decided to hit them on a day when they were actively moving cargo. Of course, the warehouse is going to have more guards.”

“Still, you could not have warned us of that?” glowered Ash. “We had to bury three of our own that night, with nothing to show for it.”

“Look, Ash Grove, interrogations can get a lot of information, but if a pony doesn’t know, there’s about jack-shit you can do to make him tell you,” retorted Pitch, slamming another shot. “I gave you everything the little shit gave me. The fact that you decided to leap before looking is, frankly, not my concern. Send their families a fruit basket and move on.”

“Very practical of you,” observed Ash. “We’re lucky that there are so many of us, as compared with the Diamonds, that we can afford such a loss.”

“I assume that the rest of my information was profitable, since you didn’t drag me to some warehouse to slit my throat?” quipped Pitch, taking a swig from the bottle on the table.

Ash said nothing, but tossed a bag of bits onto the table. “The Clovers have all but been absorbed into our organization,” stated Ash. “We’re simply working on the last few pockets of resistance tonight.”

Pitch grinned and grabbed the bag of bits, tucking it into his coat. “And with the Hearts dropping out of the criminal underworld, you only have the Diamonds to worry about,” observed Pitch.

“As long as you can keep the police on a tight leash,” corrected Ash.

“No promises,” retorted Pitch, standing from the table. “That being said, your little stunt last night did not go unnoticed. Got word that the Diamonds tipped off the MCU, and they’ll be storming the warehouse tomorrow night. If you intend to do any looting, best do it soon.”

Ash simply nodded and went back to her drink. Pitch left the booth, making his way toward the door. Scope, again, gave Pitch a minute or two before he followed the pegasus out of the bar. Fortunately for Scope, Pitch didn't go to any other bars and instead went home. After Scope waited outside Pitch’s home for ten or so minutes, he went home himself.

Scope had a lot to think about as he made mental notes on his night. His walk was only slightly off from the light drinks he had, but his mind was certainly elsewhere. How could a pony he called a friend, even if he was a jerk most of the time, be so corrupt? Money was the answer, and it made him frown as he made it home and flopped onto the couch.

“Huh, you’re in early Scope.” Golden Badge, a blue earth stallion with a short cut golden mane and tail looked at Scope as he slid an envelope onto the desk. “Is that…?” He trailed off as Scope nodded, repressing a yawn.

“Take the day off Scope. See you tomorrow.” Scope nodded and saluted weakly, turning and walking out of the office and making his way out the building. Badge sighed as he looked down at the envelope, marked by anonymous, but he knew what was inside. He had asked Scope to spend the night out stalking Pitch because he was suspicious of his actions of late.

He opened the package and glanced inside, and saw a notebook within. He took it out and slowly opened it, dreading the worst and finding that his feelings were right. Pitch was using his rank in the force to aid not just one crime family, but two. The names of the two ponies he contacted were written down, along with the times and the locations. Along with several notes about future plans, including that raid that may be requested.

Badge read a bit more before closing it, putting it back in the envelope, and putting it into a desk drawer. He’d deal with it later. The press should eat this up, he thought to himself as he glanced one final time at it.

Scope trotted alongside an amber unicorn in one of Baltimare’s malls. They were both carrying saddle bags that had various knicknacks sticking out of them. As they turned to enter another little store, a toy store, Scope turned to the unicorn.

“So, why are we shopping? I mean, I am not going to complain about spending a day off out in the mall with a friend, but I am curious why we are getting these things.” Scope glanced back to his pack for a moment before looking at the unicorn again.

“Well, Miss Moon is a little tight on funds as her husband lost his job and, well, vanished a few days ago. I am putting together a care package for her and her kids for the time being until she can get a job.” The unicorn stopped to look something over that was designed for a foal.

“And who was her husband?” Scope asked, raising an eyebrow. The unicorn turned to stare at Scope like he didn't recognize the unicorn before him.

“Have you been living under a rock? Her husband was Pitch Tempest!”

Scope’s eyes widened for a moment as he received the news before he looked down. “Oh…” He flattened his ears as he looked at the stuff on the shelf absent-mindedly now.

“Seriously, I think he even invited you to dinner once. You and your friend, Topaz.” The unicorn turned back to the shelf and looked over some blocks.

“Sorry String, my mind has been elsewhere lately,” Scope mumbled just loud enough for the unicorn to hear. “I need some air. I’ll be outside the store.” Scope turned and quickly trotted out of the store, leaving the unicorn confused for a moment.

Once Scope left the store, he looked for an open bench to sit on and think. How could he forget that Pitch had a family? Now he felt bad for what he did, even though he was asked to by his superior. He looked to the packs next to him, one being his own, and the other belonging to the family. Maybe he could make amends, at least partially, he thought as he floated a hoofful of bits from one to the other.

It’d be a start for easing his guilty heart. After a while of deep thinking, he heard a voice bring him back to reality.

“Ready for more shopping?” Scope looked at String with a soft grin, noting that String’s bags looked a little fuller, a Wonderbolt figure sticking partially out of one.

“Yes, let us go,” Scope nodded slightly. “Where to next?”

“Lunch, then we decide from there.”

“Dammit to fucking hell!” Scope heard as he passed by an abandoned warehouse while on patrol in this part of town. The door was slightly ajar and allowed Scope to look in, seeing Pitch as he wiped his blade clean of blood. As Scope glanced about the scene, he noticed a few bodies littered the floor, which he presumed were from the local gangs.

“Whatever fucking snitch ratted me is gonna get a blade so far up his ass he’ll be staring at it!” grunted Pitch.

“Rough night?” asked a mysterious voice from the shadows.

Pitch simply threw the knife where he heard the voice coming from, picking up another assassin’s blade as he did so. Scope shivered as the deep voice chuckled in amusement.

“Well played, Pitch Tempest,” congratulated the voice. “Had I actually been there, I’d be bleeding out right now.”

“Who the fuck are you?!” demanded Pitch. “What the fuck do you want?!”

“Relax, Pitch,” reassured the voice. “My name is Dante, and I am not with the Diamonds or the Spades. We’ve been watching you for a while now, and we’d like to offer you a new future.”

“What’s the catch, Dante?”

“Knockout gas,” replied Dante.

A small flying sphere with wings flew down from the shadows and sprayed Pitch with a noxious green gas. Pitch blinked for a second before collapsing onto his side. Two pegasi emerged from the shadows.

“Good work, Hoxton,” complemented “Dante”. “Consider your grant request for the Hummingbird project approved. Descent, Blade, bring our newest prospect back. We don’t want the local gangs killing him.”

Scope waited until the pair and the thing left the area before going in and looking about. No pony was going to believe him about what he saw, but he had to report the bodies anyway. He could just say he found them like this.

Ten years after Hives Destruction --

Topaz was sitting behind the counter, looking over gems and marking with small stickers where the flaws were when he heard the bell ring, signaling him that somepony was entering. Without looking up from his gems, he called out.

“Welcome to Brimstone and Mortar Jeweler. How can I help you find that right gem for you or your special somepony?” He waited a few moments, and after a very faint gasp as a response. “Sir or ma’am?”

“Gemstone…?” He heard just loud enough to tickle his ears. His ears and head shot up to look at the door and when he saw who standing there, he let out a loud gasp. Standing a few steps past the door was a mottled red and green earth pony, his hooves looked dirty but clean enough. What really caught Topaz’s eye was the fact this pony appeared faintly transparent and below it was a changeling.

Not just any changeling; from the angle he was at, he had a red carapace and brown wings with a matching brown crest. His frame looked far sturdier than he remembered, like he put on a fair bit of muscle weight. And this changeling was looking back at him with a very shocked face.

“T-Torch?!” Topaz exclaimed as he took in the sight before him. The pony nodded slightly, and before he knew it, Topaz was charging at him after clearing the counter. “Sweet Celestia you’re still alive!”

Torch sat back and opened his arms, barely getting phased at the younger changeling barreled into him and hugged him tightly. They both sat there and hugged each other tightly for a few minutes, before Torch held Topaz at arms length, grinning wildly.

“It’s so good to see you Gemstone!” Torch exclaimed before hugging him again.

“Likewise! Though its Topaz now. Topaz Echo,” Topaz kept the hug going for a little longer before finally letting him go. “What have you been doing? Where have you been?” He paused for a moment. “How did you get so strong?!”

“One question at a time. Sheesh,” Torch chuckled softly as Topaz scooted back, looking Torch over. “And it's Lode Stone now.” He looked around at the gems, keeping his grin. “And it appears you’ve been busy too.”

“Yeah! Me and Scope have.... Er,” Topaz blinked, then chuckled. “Spark and I been living here for the past decade.”

“Wait, you and Spark?” Lode blinked. “I didn't think he’d be into gems!”

“Well, he is and he isn't. He works for the local law enforcement,” Topaz stood and took a few steps towards the counter, with Lode following behind. “It's a long story and one we both will be happy to share over dinner tonight. I’m cooking up fish.”

“Been a long time since I’ve had fish.” Lode chuckled.

Just as Topaz made it to the counter, he heard the bell go off again and they both looked towards it. Just as Topaz was about to start his speech again, he stopped before the first word even escaped his lips as he saw a deep blue pegasus with a blue and green mane and very short tail walk in. He looked around, unaware of the two changelings staring slack-jawed at the fact the pegasus was faintly transparent.

Beneath the guise was another changeling. Similar in appearance to Lode Stone and Topaz, only his wings were a dark blue, along with his crest.

“Huh, so many gems here. So well done too.”

“Brimstone?” Both Topaz and Lode asked at the same time, making the pegasus look directly at them and blink a few times.

“No way!” He exclaimed as he cantered over to them. “Who would have thought we’d see each other again!”

Topaz didn't say anything as he almost tackle-hugged Brimstone. Lode Stone just sat off to the side, grinning wildly again.

“Easy! Sheesh. I’d say you’ve gained some strength since we last met.” Brimstone chuckled as he returned the hug.

“This is possibly the best day ever!” Topaz exclaimed loudly.

“Why is that, Topaz?” The new voice made the three of them jump and look towards the stairs. “And are these new customers I see?”

“Er, Mortar!” Topaz blushed brightly and quickly let go of Brimstone, making him fall to the ground. Topaz rubbed the back of his head as he grinned sheepishly. “Let me introduce you to Lode Stone.” He gestured to the earth pony, then to Brimstone, “And… er…”

Once the pegasus picked himself up, he bowed slightly to Mortar. “Feather Dust. Forgive him, it has been ages since we last met.”

Mortar raised an eyebrow. “The way he sounded just a minute ago sounds like you were closer than friends,” The unicorn just looked at them, then shrugged. “So, are we getting extra company for dinner?”

“You don't mind, do you, Mortar?”

“Nope. They like fish right?” The three nodded to him. “I’ll go get more for you to cook then,” He floated a little pouch to his side as he trotted past them. “You can introduce me better tonight. Enjoy.”

As Mortar trotted out, the three looked at each other for a few seconds before hugging again.

When Scope heard the news from Mortar that they were having extra company for dinner, he was confused. Scope had passed him on patrol in the market, they exchanged a few words while Mortar bought fish and a few other things. Whoever it was stayed on his mind most of the patrol, but left once he got back to the station.

That was a few hours ago, and now he was on his way home.

He opened the door to the shop and closed it, and relocked it afterward. He glanced around at the gems and let out a soft sigh, just before his ears picked up chatter. He blinked and looked towards the stairs from behind the counter and cantered his way over. As he neared them, the chatter got loud and he could make out voices.

Two more voices were there, in addition to Mortar and Topaz. He made his way up stairs and entered the living room. The flat they had above the shop was a simple place, living room with an attached kitchen that had a counter viewing the living room. A pair of bedrooms and Scope didn't mind sharing the room with Topaz. He stopped when he reached the top, staring directly at the two ponies on sitting on the couch. A blue pegasus and a red and green earth pony were happily talking to Mortar.

Scope just stood there, staring at them as he saw the familiar changelings beneath. The changelings didn't seem to notice him as they talked away. Scope took a few steps in, looking over the pair and started to grin. It had been a decade since he last saw them!

“So you are just here visiting a few friends Feather Dust?” Mortar asked as he looked at the pegasus. “And I suspect seeing Topaz here wasn't who you were expecting, huh?”

“Nope! Though I must say it is certainly a welcome surprise!” The pegasus grinned widely, almost bouncing in his seat.

“And your friends… are they like you? Or… Well, I suppose you can't really tell me huh?”

Scope stopped in his tracks at that, looking confused. He had seen other changelings in disguise while in Baltimare, they all had orange carapaces and tails. And were more insect like with their wings.

“As long as you promise not to say anything at all, I can.” Brimstone nodded with a small grin.

“Well, I already keep these two a secret. Adding one more can't hurt.”

“Yeah,” the earth pony started up, looking at Mortar with a raised eyebrow and leaning closer to him. “How did you learn of that anyway?”

“Oh, it happened a few years ago. Scope got hurt while on the job and had to take some time off to heal. The doctors, one of which I bet was a changeling, told him he had to go home and rest. It was during that time I found out, Topaz was changing one of the bandages on Scopes natural form and I walked in.” He paused, grinning slightly. “They both freaked out, as did I. And after explaining everything over some hot tea from some tea shop in Canterlot, well… You can guess from there.”

“Yeah, we still live here.” Scope finally said, making Feather Dust and the earth pony jump and fall off the couch.

“Geez Scope!” Came from the kitchen, “Give me a heart attack why dontcha!”

Scope glanced towards the kitchen, not seeing anypony for a moment till he glanced up slightly, and chuckled softly at the sight of Topaz clinging to the ceiling with his wings splayed out.

“Sorry, I didn't want to intrude. So who are these two?” He gestured to the two who managed to sit back on the couch.

“Aww, you don't recognize us Sparky!” Feather Dust grinned widely.

“I meant pony names.” Scope said flatly.

“Wow, did you become even more of a hard ass in the last decade?” The earth pony chuckled.

“And what about you, Torch?” Scope raised an eyebrow at the earth pony.

“Lode Stone is my name, and this is Feather Dust,” He gestured to the pegasus. “So Mortar knows what you are, eh?”

“Yup. Caught me while I was getting my bandages changed in my natural form,” Scope shrugged and moved to sit on the floor, looking up at his old hive mates. “And it's safe to assume he knows what you are since you called me ‘Sparky.’ And has he seen you two yet?”

“Not yet,” Mortar chuckled softly. “I only walked in on you two, I figure they would want to keep their fur on. It doesn't really matter anyway, I know you guys aren't evil or anything. And I can totally understand why you guys hide yourself,” Mortar pointed at Topaz. “And it explains how he is so damned good with gems!”

Topaz blushed as Scope glanced to him, then looked at the others. “So, joining us for dinner, and after that?”

“Well, I am on my way south for a mining job near Dodge Junction,” Lode chuckled softly. “However, I can stay a night or two here before going on my way.”

“And I can visit my friends in that hive tomorrow, or the day after. I merely said I’d be visiting them soon,” Feather nodded sagely. “They can certainly wait as I reconnect with friends that I haven't seen in a decade!”

Author's Note:

This part is finally done, with major kudos to Jim Hoxworth for the first part with Pitch Tempest. I wanted to do something that character since Pitch is from Baltimare, and thats where Scope and Topaz ended up. So Jim wrote up most of that first segment since I had trouble writing "jerk."