Tales from the Ruby Hive

by Zoljen

First published

A collection of short stories about the changelings of the Ruby Hive.

Ever wonder what goes on in a drake empire changeling hive before and after its crushed into dust thanks to the madness of a jealous prince who cant take being beat by a changeling well? That is a good question, and the changelings will be happy to tell you in a collection of short stories!

Also included will be how my various changelings become scattered around the world of Equestria!

Cover art drawn up by my go to artist: Foxenawolf

Brimstone Part 1

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Three days before Hives destruction.

A blue dragon looked over one of the few griffin ‘captives’ the dragons had taken in after a skirmish nearly a week ago. The blue dragon kept his eyes trained on the griffins side, where a large number of scorch marks were, as he held a faintly glowing paw above it, his nose horn glowing faintly as well.

“How’s that?” the dragon asked, barely glancing to the sky blue griffin with eagle features who was wincing, despite appearing to ignore the pain.

“Good,” the griffin hissed out. “Still annoyed about being healed by dragons.”

“Princess Celestia wanted it this way, so you can blame her,” the blue dragon chuckled softly. “Since she is wanting this war to be over as soon as possible.”

“Yeah, good on her,” the griffin sighed, wincing as he did.

“Well, that should do for now. Your fur and feathers may grow back in that area. It was a light burn that hit it.” The dragon lowered his paw, looking over the griffin. “I suggest rest for now, and hopefully you should be sent back to your family.”

“I don't know why you're bothering to heal us when we are just gonna get messed up again,” the griffin sighed with a faint growl.

“Because hopefully this will be the last time,” the dragon nodded slightly. “Get rest.” He stood and walked over to an emerald green colored dragon who was currently arguing with a grey tabby colored griffin with blue raven features.

“Get yer glowy paws offa me!” the griffin screeched. “I will not be healed by a dragon again!”

The emerald dragon just sighed and sat back. “Keep that up and you're going to reopen those wounds that I worked to so hard to keep closed.” The blue one walked up, and sat by the griffins hindquarters with a sigh.

“He causing you problems again, Haze?”

The dragoness just sighed, looking at the blue dragon. “Yes, Dust. He is, again. I swear he is as stubborn as a mule.”

Brimstone looked the griffin over. “He does look to be high ranking. And you know how stubborn the birds can be. What needs to be done?”

“Just reapplying the bandages.” She kept her eyes on the griffin before them.

“So all we need to do is that, then we can be on our way,” Brimstone said as he turned to the griffin, who relented with a huff. “Thank you sir.” The pair managed to quickly change the griffin’s bandages. He had one on his arm, and one across his side that covered a small burn, and another on his hind leg.

“So, do you have any family?” Brimstone asked as they worked.

“A wife and a son,” the griffin muttered after a short silence.

“And you’ll get to see them again, I’m sure of it.” Ember grinned as she replaced the bandage on the arm.

“Even if I fall in battle, they will know I died with honor.”

Both dragons just rolled their eyes. “Are all griffins as dramatic as you?” Brimstone ran a clawed paw down his face when the griffin glared back at him. “Whatever, we are done tending to your wounds today. Enjoy your rest.”

The pair of dragons left the griffin and stopped by the tent entrance. “Well, you go help out anyone who needs it, Brimstone, I’ll go inform the commander in charge we are nearly done for the day.”

Brimstone watched Ember trot off, then turned back into the tent to resume helping the others.

Two hours before Hives Destruction.

Brimstone grinned as he glided along the air currents, following behind Ember and a few other changelings from his hive. He angled himself a little to glide above a pale blue dragon that had silver highlights along her frame.

“Hopefully the dragons and drakes weren't too bad for you, Opal.” He called out, as the dragoness below him turned her head to look up, grinning widely.

“Nope! A few pokes, prods, and ice packs cooled those guys down fast! Course, throwing the ice packs at their snouts didn't help much at first. But hey! They calmed down after we began poking at their wounds with disinfectant.” She kept the wide grin as she rolled over, gliding along with her back to the ground.

“So, the same thing for us who tended to the griffins. Those two species have so much in common it's no wonder they don't get along.”

“Yeah, they are both stubborn like mules!” Opal smirked as she reached up and poked Brimstone. “Like certain changelings we know!”

“I bet Talon is reading at this moment.” Ember said over her shoulder towards the pair.

“Yup! Ignoring his stomach too!” Opal giggled as she looked towards Ember. Ember shook her head in response.

“Well, another hour or two before we arrive, enjoy the view before we go underground again.” Ember shouted back to the collection of changelings behind her who all nodded back to her. The pack flew along, commenting on how the dragons whined when they received healing, and the griffins doing the same.

They eventually neared the mountain they called home. They all let out a soft grin as the familiar chatter of the hive mind filled their minds. They were close enough to hear, but not really speak in it yet, not until they got into the mountain. They angled themselves towards one of the entrances.

Ember landed in the clearing first, looking confused as the gazed at the entrance. It was closed, rocks had fallen over it and sealed it up. Brimstone landed next, looking over the sealed entrance as the other changelings landed behind him.

“What happened?” Brimstone asked, stepping forward.

“I don't know,” Ember looked around. “But something isn't right, keep your guard up.” Ember took a step forward, just to stop and turn around as Opal behind them yelped. Brimstone turned partly as well, seeing a red dragon on top of Opal and holding her down. A few moments later more dragons and drakes leapt out of the foliage, tackling various changelings to the ground.

As a dragon pounced at Ember, failing to connect with her as she ducked, he shouted, “Restrain them all, by order of the prince!” Brimstone turned to watch that happen, before getting tackled himself. He noticed Ember take to the air, and conjured up a ring to keep the dragon that had leapt at her again, to the ground.

“Run Ember!” Brimstone shouted, Ember looked over her fellow changelings, just as each one got tied up and restrained. Brimstone kept his hold on the dragon as Ember flew up a little, stopping just as a thin rainbow shockwave passed out of the mountain, passing over everyone present and going just a little into the forest before fading out.

Flee!” Brimstone heard through the hive mind, as he watched Ember stare in shock at the mountain for a moment before looking down at her family. She waited a few moments before flying away as fast as her wings could take her.

Brimstone nodded as he watched, his magic fading around the dragon as it turned back to him and stomped up to him. Brimstone just glared up at the dragon, who raised a clenched paw and brought it down on him to knock him out.

Brimstone awoke with a groan. His head hurt like Tartarus, and the sound of a wagon being pulled certainly wasn't helping. He grunted, slowly opening his eyes, just as the wagon hit a pothole, making his head bounce off the wooden floor of the cart. “Ow!” He yelped as his head bounced.

“Oh, you’re awake!” He heard, once his ears stopped ringing. He opened his eyes and saw the worried expression of Opal. Brimstone groaned as he slowly sat up, rubbing at his head. He looked around and saw there were more changelings had joined the group that had left to tend to the wounded dragons and griffins.

“What happened?” Brimstone asked as he rubbed at his head, noting he was still in dragon form, as were most of the others.

Opal shrugged weakly, moving to sit by Brimstones side as Cinder moved into his view. “We have been captured. We don't know exactly what happened to cause that shockwave,” she sighed, looking down. “Even the dragons can't explain it. But as far as we can tell, we are all that's left of the hive.” She gestured to the ten or so changelings that were all sitting in the caged wagon.

“Ugh…” Brimstone groaned, looking around. They were on a large wagon, that was being pulled along by a pair of dragons. They were walking along a dirt path, and a good number of other dragons were around, two gliding above and two trotting along at the sides of the cages. With one trotting up behind the caged wagon.

“So where are we being taken?” He looked at the colorful variety of his capturers. The one behind the wagon, who looked to be wearing a form of armor, merely growled in return.

“To the Czar. You changelings will be put to various uses around the grounds as servants. Your wings will be clipped and your magic restrained in your dragon forms, if you comply, you will live. If not, you will be left on the edge of the griffin kingdom to starve to death without the use of your magic as we will break your wings and horn.” The dragon growled, glaring directly at Brimstone.

Brimstone growled back, standing with a wince and moving to the edge of the cart towards the dragon. “And why are you doing this?”

“The prince has ordered that the changeling hive be captured.”

“WHY?!” Brimstone shouted at the dragon.

“Because the prince wanted the capture of the changeling that beat him!” The dragon snarled. “He was not found, and is probably dead within the mountain, along with the rest of your hive. Face it changeling, you’re all that's LEFT!” The dragon glared as he finished, snarling.

Brimstone blinked for a few moments, before leaning forward, getting close to the bars. As he got close to the bars, he could feel the energy of lightning arching off of them. He glared and growled at the dragon.

The dragon returned the glare with equal force as he slowed back to his place, a yard or so behind the cart. Brimstone kept the glare up until the dragon returned to his place, then turned away and went back to where he woke up and sat. Opal instantly clung to his side once he did so as he looked to Cinder.

“How many escaped?” He asked quietly, chittering in the changeling tongue.

“Spark and Gemstone, and a few others from the southern exit.” She whispered back, mimicking the tongue.

“And Ember?” Brimstone looked down to Opal, who was clinging to his side as much as she could, she looked absolutely terrified, and had been crying.

“Ember managed to get away, as I haven't seen her.” She gestured to Opal. “She hasn't left either your side or mine since we got captured, and she hasn't made a noise since except for a whimper,” Cinder sighed, moving over and resting a wing on Opal. “What's the plan?”

“Plan?” Brimstone looked up at her, slightly confused.

“To get free; we can't become servants,” Cinder shook her head with a grumble. “We are meant to be free!”

“Yeah, I agree.” Brimstone looked back at Opal, laying a wing over her as well and hugging her to him. “I’ll think of something, my head is still pounding.”

“Alright, I guess for now we are safe.” Cinder sighed as she laid down and curled up next to Brimstone, who kept a paw on his head as he looked down the path they were going. The changelings huddled together, and a few of them looked brave as Brimstone took a look around. A few looked worried about their future, and others were putting on a strong face for those that were terrified.

Brimstone let out a soft sigh as he looked down at Opal, who was still clinging to his side. “I have an idea,” he started, getting the attention of every changeling.

That night, as the wagons slowed down and the dragons argued who would take first watch over the changelings, Brimstone nodded towards his siblings. A few nod back to him as the armored dragon stomps up to the cage.

“Whatever you’re planning isn't going to work changeling.” He glared at Brimstone who looked back at him defiantly. The dragon glared for a minute more before gesturing to two other dragons, they very carefully slid in pouches of food off of sticks.

Just as the sticks carrying in the food made it part way, the dragons paws getting near the bars, Brimstone and Cinder both shouted. Which made him and a few others grab the sticks in their mouth and pull. Both dragons got yanked into the bars, getting electrified as bolts of lightning shot out over them.

The force of the dragons spasming broke a good number of the bars, which allowed all the changelings inside to break out and scatter. Brimstone took the path that lead him into the armored dragon and plowed him over. Cinder and Opal took to the air, as did a few others, while most just ran along the ground to get to freedom.

Brimstone grinned as he did a quick glance around, noting how most of the dragons were scrambling to recapture the changelings, and failing. “You really are an idiot.” He shifted his hoof to a set of claws and swiped at the dragon's face, digging in deeply. The moment he lifted his paw, he heard a scream from behind him.

“I'm not the only one!” The dragon snarled as Brimstone quickly looked over his shoulder to see Opal on the ground, one of her wings horribly burnt and Cinder standing above her. Brimstone turned back, just in time to see the dragon swiping back at him, but his paw bounced off a thin shield as Brimstone’s horn glowed brightly.

Brimstone growled and brought his paw back down on the dragon, shifting it back to a hoof at the last moment and hit the dragon's head, hard. The dragon went limp after that, his eyes closing as his head bounced off the ground. Brimstone quickly turned to face the mares, and put up a wall in front of them, making the dragon that was about to attack them, turn to him instead.

“RUN!” He shouted as he pounced at the drake, Cinder scooped up Opal and ran into the forest, not noticing one of the dragons chasing after them. He slapped his hoof against the dragon, momentarily stunning which allowed him to sink his fangs in its neck partially. He took only a little bit of the emotional energy he needed, but enough to daze the dragon before letting go and floating into the air.

By that point, most of the other changelings had escaped, with a few remaining, getting recaptured again. He looked around at the chaos, seeing a few dragons glare and start towards him in the air. He sighed inwardly and took off, leaving his fellow changelings behind.

He flew away from the mess, only one dragon following after him and even he didn't follow for too long before just letting the changeling go. Brimstone kept flying, going higher up and passing through a few clouds and staying above them as he just flew and flew.

He kept going until his wings could no longer carry him, landing on a cloud that had caught a good breeze to keep on sailing as he curled up, closing his eyes and sniffling.

“I hope they are okay…”

Eight days after Hives Destruction.

Brimstone glided towards another cloud, landing on it softly and looked down at the ocean below him. He sighed and looked forward again spotting a cloud off in the distance. He had been gliding from cloud to cloud using as little of his energy as possible to get as far away from the dragon lands as possible. So far it was working, but in truth, he didn't know just how far he had to go.

He groaned as he opened and closed his wings, they were certainly getting a lot of use at this moment, and aching each time he used them. He sat with a groan and looked at the cloud. It was drifting the direction he wanted to go, so he figured he could use some rest. He had been hoping from cloud to cloud for the past day nearly non-stop.

He glanced over his shoulder, seeing nothing but darkening sky beyond. Perhaps, he thought, I should just sleep on the cloud, regain some strength before moving on. He sighed and peered over the clouds edge, seeing what looked like a pony freighter below him. He ignored his stomach and curled up on the cloud, sighing and eventually getting some sleep.

He awoke maybe a few hours later, and it was dark. Thankfully he could still see from the moonlight above as he gazed towards it. Seeing the outline of a unicorn mare on its surface, he sighed and muttered. “I know how you feel.” He gazed for a bit longer before his stomach grumbled again. He peered over the clouds edge, and saw the ship had moved on further, leaving him behind.

At least he was going the right way. He lept off the cloud and dive bombed down into the water, shifting his wings to pegasus wings as he thrust a hoof out, impacting the water and quickly looking for a fish of some kind. His eyes quickly adjusted to the aquatic landscape as he found his prey. He swam for it, grabbing it quickly before shooting up and breaking past the water and going back into the clouds once more.

He cooked it a little his magic before sinking his fangs into it, tearing at it and enjoying it like a hungry beast.

He kept doing this as he journeyed across the water. Going as long as he could gliding and bouncing to each cloud, and barely stopping to either eat or rest.

He eventually outpaced the ship that he had been following a day or so ago. After what he suspected had been a few days has passed since he then, he felt energy reserves start to run dangerously low. Thankfully, he noticed he was somehow above land, and there were clouds in the distance. One sat closer than the others, and was over a small section of forest.

He groaned as he angled himself towards it, barely making out another shape on it before his vision started to blur. Fatigue and exhaustion started to catch up as he glided along towards it. He shook his head, grunted and refocused ahead, finding the cloud much closer now and the shape of a pegasus resting on it. That's really all he was able to make out before he collided with the cloud, hearing a scream of terror from the pony, and slowly sliding off the clouds side, passing out as he felt his body fall.

Brimstone Part 2

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The world of consciousness slowly crept into Brimstone as he became aware of his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was hitting a cloud and falling, so it came to no surprise when he felt warmth underneath his side. But the surface was flexible, like a waterbed of sorts.

His entire body ached as he just laid there, letting out a soft groan as he heard soft chittering. Was that source from changelings? Was the past week or two just a horrible dream? He was certain of it, but why was the chittering of a different dialect?

He slowly opened his eyes, getting rewarded with the sight of a familiar brown wall. He was underground! He slowly looked around and saw he was in a chamber similar to his old hive chambers. The warmth underneath was a gel-like bed, flexible and warm at the same time. It certainly brought a familiar feeling to it.

As he looked around, he started to look himself over. While he wasn't under a blanket, he was certainly under a lot of bandages. All of his limbs, save for his tail, were covered, and as he glanced towards his horn, he noticed it was wrapped up too. He concentrated to conjure up some magic, just as a hoof landed on his side.

“I would recommend you not do that.” He heard in a soft and gentle voice. He squeaked and looked towards the source, a pair of orange eyes looking down warmly at him. “You stretched your magic pretty far young one.” The voice was gentle, warm, and reassuring to him. He could tell just from the changelings face alone that it belonged to a Queen.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the Queen just reached up and gently silenced him. “Save it for when you are more rested. You have been asleep for days and I am sure you have questions. I have my own about you, but I will answer any you have.”

Brimstone nodded weakly at that and laid his head back down, closing his eyes as he felt the hoof leave his side.

“Rest well, I can tell you have been through a lot.”

Brimstone soon fell asleep once again, this time by choice.

Brimstone was currently sitting on the bed, staring at the dish of food before him. These changelings were weird, at least compared to him. He had heard of other changelings in the world, but he suspected they’d look like him. Instead, these orange carapaced changelings had more horse-like qualities. They each had a frayed deep orange horse-tail and a pair of deep orange insect wings. He certainly stood out with his dragon-like appearance, that much was for sure.

He had enjoyed the hospitality of these changelings, though, and the food they provided was almost as good as Tinders cooking! He had been mostly resting in silence the last few days, with the strange looks he got from the other changelings had been somewhat annoying. Not to the point to disturb him, but mainly that feeling of being watched by friendly eyes, constantly.

“I trust that you are ready to talk to our Queen today?” The changeling before Brimstone spoke. He looked somewhat stocky and well built. If ranks were a thing in other hives, he looked to either be the Queen's right hoof or a captain of the guard.

“Yes sir, I am.” Brimstone spoke around the fish that he had his mouth and was currently enjoying. The changeling nodded and turned to leave, he stopped at the door as Brimstone spoke up again. “Thanks again for helping.”

“Your welcome.” He said, before leaving. Brimstone took his time with the fish before him. His first day that he could move and eat, he nearly choked himself with how fast he did.

By the time he had finished the meal before him, the queen was already sitting in the room, just watching him. She waited patiently for him to finish eating before speaking up.

“I see that you’re not choking yourself with food this time.” She giggled softly as he nodded back to her.

“Yes, and I can't thank you enough for helping me.” He let out a soft sigh as he looked down. “I thought I was done for when I hit that cloud. I had been gliding for so long that I just felt the world pass me by.”

“Maybe you can explain why you were doing so. And why you decided to give Flix a heart attack. And where you are from, I do not recall ever hearing of a changeling with dragon traits such as yours.” She gestured to the still bandaged wings and tail.

Brimstone let out a long sigh and nodded. “I am from the Ruby Hive, located in the Dragon lands under Mt Volash. As far as I am aware, I am alone. My hive was…” he paused, looking down and sniffling softly. “...attacked by the dragons that we had co-existed with. I was captured along with a dozen or so others after returning from the back lines of their stupid blood feud. It was when we returned to our hive that we were captured. One managed to flee during the chaos, and we saw a thin rainbow shockwave leave the mountain. It didn't destroy it, but we could hear the screams of horror and pain in the hive mind.”

Brimstone laid down quickly, tears starting to trail down as he recalled the events, but he continued. “I and the dozen changelings were to be taken to the emperor, turned into slaves. Our wings to be clipped and our magic restrained to keep us in a dragon form. That night, we made our escape. I know others fled, but I don't know where to, or if they even did.”

By now, the Queen had moved over and laid a wing over him. She tried her best to comfort him.

“I had been flying as fast as I could from there. Hopping and gliding from cloud to cloud, only stopping long enough for a short bit of rest, and diving under the water to get a fish to eat. I just kept going, and when I saw a cloud of above land, I made my way towards it. My disguise fell halfway to it, and it threw me off. Please tell Flix that I am really sorry for scaring him.” Brimstone sighed as he snuggled up under the wing.

“That explains far more than I was hoping to hear, and explains your dragon traits as well.” She grinned down to him. “To know that we had a sister hive in the dragon lands is certainly good news. But the fact it's gone now isn't.” She let out a soft sigh as she felt him curl up more under her wing. “While I can't provide the same comfort your old Queen could, I can help you get started here in Equestria. Where do you wish to go?”

“Someplace quiet and safe,” he said without hesitation.

“I know of a place then. How about Ponyville? It's small and one of the safest places you can be. It is also very close to Canterlot. I know of a friendly hive there you can help out too.” She grinned as he looked up at her slightly, giving a slight nod.

“You can ask me questions another time. When you are feeling better, and I am sorry I had to bring up your past. But I wanted to know where you came from.”

“Thank you for your hospitality, your majesty.”

“Thanks again for taking care of me.” Brimstone looked down as the changeling guard he met before floated a tray of fish down in front of him. He glanced at the small bowl of green jello next to the fish and raised an eyebrow at it. He could sense emotional energy from it, and it seemed like a mix of emotions, but the energy it held seemed tremendous.

“Something wrong Brimstone?” The changeling guard asked calmly, as he watched Brimstone looking over the gel.

“Just, uh. Doesn't this seem a bit much to give strangers?” Brimstone pointed to the gel. “I mean, I'm thankful and all, but… this seems like a lot of energy.”

The guard raised an eyebrow, “I’m surprised you noticed now, but that is a standard amount for us.”

“Well, I had been rather starved before, but are you sure, Vix?” Brimstone looked up at the guard questioningly.

He nodded back. “You might be more different from us than you realize.” Vix shrugged slightly.

“More than just my appearance? You mean my consumption of the emotional energy might be…” he trailed off, struggling for the word.

“More efficient, I’d say,” Vix grinned slightly. “You require less than we do, it seems. You crossed an ocean on one feeding. Yes, it was forced so therefore, more raw, but it was still just one feeding. At least from what you described.” He waved a hoof as he spoke.

“I… guess that's true. The dragons never really gave us much, in fact, us harvesters hardly had to leave the hive. We might have left once a week for a day or two and came back with enough.”

“I would consider yourself lucky Brimstone. Especially since you don't have to worry about a hive to maintain with energy.”

“Are all changelings here in Equestria like that? I mean, needing a lot of energy?”

“We are bigger in number than what you are used to. While we don't know the exact number in each hive here in Equestria, we do know that a good number of them are well over 100 drones, some even more.” Vix shrugged faintly.

“That does make sense, more drones means more energy needed.” Brimstone looked at the gel again. “And I guess that means ponies give off more energy, eh?”

“Would be an accurate assumption.”

“Where am I again?” Brimstone asked as he looked across the room at a deep orange pegasus with a pink cut mane. The pegasus was packing up a few supplies for Brimstone.

It had been a week since he crashed into that cloud, and he found his recovery to be quicker than he expected. Mainly because of the extra energy, but the rest and magical assistance helped.

“You are about a mile west of Baltimare. We are going to walk there since your wings still need to rest. From there, you are going to take a train to Ponyville.” He paused as Brimstone gave him a confused look when he mentioned a train. “You do know what a train is, right?”

“Nope,” Brimstone shook his head. “One of those pony things I'm going to learn, Flix?”

Flix nodded. “It is a series of carts chained together and pulled by a rather impressive piece of machinery.” He grinned. “A few members of this hive help maintain it and can tell you how it works if your interested.”

Brimstone shook his head and slowly stood up.

“Oh, uh. Do you have a pony form you can… take… “ Flix trailed off as Brimstone engulfed himself in red fire, leaving behind a deep blue pegasus with a short blue and green mane and very short tail. “Okay, that answers that.” The pegasus leaned to the side a little, looking past the other pegasus whose wings were still wrapped up. “How’d you hide your tail?”

Brimstone chuckled softly. “Notice how I'm a little taller now?” Flix nodded slightly.


“Yup. So, what should I call as a pony?”

“Sky Blitz.” The pegasus grinned. “And you?”

Brimstone bowed, sweeping a hoof out as he did. “Feather Dust, at your medical service sir.”

“Medical service?” Blitz raised an eyebrow as Feather straightened back up.

“Yeah, I specialize in herbal remedies mostly.”

“Specialize?” Biltz tilted his head, sounding even more confused.

“Er… One of the many quirks of the Ruby Hive. We each had a specialization. Like herbal medicines for me, Talon was able to make blades for himself, etc.” Feather shrugged slightly. “It’s kind of long and complicated to explain it, I guess.”

“Yeah, that seems confusing. But each hive does function differently I suppose. Anyway, are you ready to head out?”

“Yup, I assume you aren't joining me?” Feather Dust asked as he trotted up to Blitz’s side and followed him out.

“Nope, I'm going to drop you off at the train station and go back to what I was doing. You have enough bits in your bag to get a decent start, pending you can find somepony to live with. I’d suggest you start with the hive first and go from there. If anything they can help.”

“I suppose that will have to do. Thanks again for your help, and I am sorry I scared you.” Feather hung his head for a moment as he walked.

“It’s fine, I needed to report back anyway. Although you are kind of heavy for a changeling. Guess it’s that dragon tail and wings that add to your weight.” Sky Blitz stuck his tongue out at Feather Dust for a few seconds who chuckled and shrugged in response.

Finding the train station was easy enough, though it felt like they took a really weird path to get to it. But Feather Dust suspected he took the fastest route to it, which led him through various back streets. After Sky Blitz explained what he had to do at the station, he gave him a little book, that had his own address in it, along with the address of a few ponies in Ponyville. He mentioned he could see about staying with one of them until he got a home of his own or something came up.

After getting to see one of the many marvels of pony kind, he was now on his train ride to Ponyville. He let out a small content sigh as he watched the rolling landscape go by from his window seat. He was on his way to a new life, and he had already met a few new ponies that were kind to him.

As such, he was currently sharing a cabin with a pair of young stallions. A light brown unicorn stallion sat next to a blue pegasus stallion, snuggled up under one of his wings. Feather sat on the opposite bench, leaning against the wall and staring out the window. Feather could feel the love flowing the between the two stallions and silently enjoyed it, chuckling mentally.

“So,” the pegasus started, with a grin. “I don't believe we’ve been introduced.” Feather looked over at the pegasus, who was slowly scooting towards him and the unicorn was somewhat glaring at the pegasus. “I'm Purple Rain, and this is my partner, Magic Mug.”

“You’re flirting, Rainy,” the unicorn said, having the accent of a high-class noble who was attempting to relax.

“I am not! I am merely saying hello!” Rain extended a hoof towards Feather.

“And for you, that is flirting!” Mug huffed, puffing out his cheeks a little as he watched Rainy grin back at him.

Rain chuckled softly and looked back at Feather, “And you are, fine sir?”

Feather took the hoof and shook it softly, “Feather Dust, and trust me, good sirs. I wouldn't be able to pry you two apart if I tried.” He grinned softly, before looking out the window again.

“That is a weird thing to say,” Rain commented, looking over Feather for a few moments. “So, what happened to your wings?”

“I used them…” He trailed off, pausing for a few moments with a soft sigh and flattening his ears. “I used them for far too long. I was running because my home was taken from me.”

“Oh… sorry, I was just curious. It's not often I see a pegasus whose wings are so wrapped up like that.”

Feather turned back to look at the pair, who were frowning at him. “It's okay. It's my fault really. Now I am looking for a new home, and I heard Ponyville was a great place to start up.”

“So are we!” Rain grinned, “We are getting away from his stuffy uncle because our lifestyle isn't… what word did he use?”

“‘Proper’ for a pony of the high class.” Mug did the air quotes with his hooves, before leaning on Rain. “But really, I took some funds, plan on getting a home, and go into the good part of the family business: running a bar!”

Feather nodded slightly, grinning faintly. “You two will enjoy it, I bet.”

“Yup!” Rain grinned, moving from Mug’s side and sitting next to Feather. “So, what are you planning on doing in Ponyville?”

“I…” Feather flattened his ears, looking back out the window. “Don't know.”

“Well, for now. Why don't ya join us? Your Cutie Mark there says you're good with herbs, right? We can open up a similar place that Mug’s sister runs!” Rain grinned, moving to lean on Feather, only for a glow of magic to stop him, lift him, and then sit him down next to Mug.

“You’re flirting again, Rainy,” Mug said with a huff.

“Awww! Are you getting jealous of the other stallion?” Rain cooed as he leaned on Mug.

“As much fun as going into a business for a bar would be. I'm afraid my talent isn't quite like that. It's more towards healing remedies, then getting ponies drunk.” Feather shrugged with a chuckle.

“Well, you can live with us then, until you get your own house or something else comes along.” Rain wrapped Mug up in a wing.

“If you can handle a weirdo like him, that is,” Mug nuzzled at Rains shoulder softly.

“You two remind me of friends I used to know, so. It won't be a problem now.”

“Oh, and where are they now?”

Feather sighed, flattening his ears again and looking down. “I don't know.”

“You’re not going to be like this constantly, are you?” Mug asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, just a rough past that I’ll try to forget, that's all.”

Cinder Part 1

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Eight or so hours after Hives Destruction.

Chaos had erupted on this dirt path. The wagon that was being tugged by pair of dragons that was transporting a dozen or so changelings had broke apart after a pair of dragons had attempted to give food to their captives. That was about ten or so minutes ago and now Cinder stood above one of her hive mates, growling with her wings flared out as she glared at a red dragon.

The hive mate in question was scared, crying and cringing with a scorched wing. They, like many of the others, had taken to the air but Opal, the wounded changeling, got hit by a gout of dragon fire and was forced to the ground. While others had fled, Cinder didn't and landed to protect her.

Just as the dragon was about to lunge at them, a red wall appeared in front of them. The dragon quickly turned and lunged at the one who conjured it. “RUN!” The changeling screamed as he lept at the dragon. Cinder nodded vaguely and turned, grabbing Opal by the back of her neck and gently flipping her onto her back and ran into the forest.

And run she did. She ran with Opal on her back, barely aware of the single dragon that was giving chase. The chase went on as Cinder bobbed and weaved through the trees, trying to lose the dragon. She glanced back only occasionally, in the hopes that the dragon wasn't there, but each time it seemed he gained a little ground on her.

“Opal,” Cinder whispered, getting a squeak in response. “When I say to run, you just run. Okay?” Cinder could feel Opal shake her head. “Just run in a straight line as best you can, and I will try to find you. Please.”

Opal sniffled loudly and nodded. Cinder could tell she was terrified, she was too but she had to be strong.

“I promise I will do my best to find you, but be strong for me.” Cinder glanced up as she noticed Opal nod again. Cinder grinned, then looked past her and gasped. Just as Opal gasped looking ahead. Cinder quickly dove to the side, narrowly missing a tree just as a dragon landed with a loud thud where she was.

The impact sent the two changelings to the side and a ways away. Cinder was the quickest to her feet as she glared at the dragon, quickly lunging at it before it recovered. “NOW OPAL!”

She heard Opal squeak and run straight away, and only a quick glance rewarded her with seeing the changeling vanishing into the forest. Cinder focused back on the dragon and snarled at it.

“I will find her once I finish you off!” It snarled as the two wrestled. Cinder growled as she pushed the dragon away, and quickly took to the air.

“Come and get me then Flame Brain!” Cinder sneered as she gained height, the dragon growled and flew after her. As Cinder flew away, she glanced over her shoulder, just in time to see the dragon ready to fire off a column of fire. She turned around and shifted to her natural form, throwing her arms and hooves up and conjured a shield to avoid the fire.

After the fire passed, she suddenly saw the dragon against her shield and past it as it broke. It grabbed her in his paws, growling. “I will kill you for that!”

“Are you all smoke and no fire, Smoke Box?” Cinder glared and leaned forward, digging her fangs into the dragon in a bite. The dragon snarled and tightened his grip on her as it thrashed its neck, feeling its emotional energy get drained away.

Cinder kept this up for a few moments more before there was the sound of something thick snapping. Cinder quickly let out a howl as she threw her head back, a part of one of her fangs stuck in the dragon's neck, a small haze of steam and magic hissing out of it. Cinder felt her energy intake suddenly dwindle down to a trickle as she held her jaw, just before a paw hit her face.

The dragon clawed and scratched at the changeling in his grasp, leaving deep wounds as Cinder remained stunned from her fang breaking. After a few more swipes, the dragon raked a claw across her horn, chipping its side and breaking the tip, making Cinder scream out. The resulting scream made the dragon let her go, letting her fall to the ground below.

As she felt herself fall, her vision went hazy. “I’m sorry,” She muttered out, as she noticed the dragon dive after her, a look of pure rage on its face. She barely saw a large black streak with a tan streak next to it collide with the dragon, or hear the sound of something hitting water, or even feeling hitting something with a crack following afterwards, and the feeling of cold water wafting over her.

Cinder awoke for a few moments every so often over the course of the next few days. Each time she regained consciousness, she sooned passed out again. The only time she managed to stay awake for an extended period of time, she found herself merely lightly bound. Her horn was numb and her mouth ached. Worse still, she found herself staring down a rather large black griffin.

“Where are you from changeling?” He growled lowly.

“Mt Volash,” Cinder responded after a few moments with a faint lisp, since one of her fangs was gone.

“It’s clear it isn't with the dragons since these are dragon wounds it suffered,” Another voice came from her side, making her glance in that direction. Though as she did, her headache made her groan and look back at the black griffin.

“And it is heavily injured. You should be thankful I am a changeling as well as I know just how bad it is.” the second voice continued as a paw came into view. To Cinder, it looked like a griffin paw except it was dark grey and hidden under the guise of an actual amber griffin paw. A few holes were in the limb as she glanced it over.

She groaned again as she laid her head down, closing her eyes. “Where am…”

“You are on your way to Griffonstone, changeling. We are going to drop you off with the guard there before returning to the point we were at,” the griffin stated as he pointed behind her. “Namely because we have a captive to tend to, as well as you.”

Cinder just groaned, knowing who that griffin was referring to, as the other voice spoke up again.

“Captain Massimo, we should get moving again if we wish to get there by nightfall,” it paused for a moment as the black griffin snorted.

“I'm aware Gleaming Feather. We have stopped for the moment and it woke up. We will resume in a minute.” Massimo turned slightly to glare at something out of her view.

“Yes sir,” responded the second voice voice, presumably Gleaming Feather “Relax for now, changeling. You are wounded and will get better care when we get to Griffinstone.”

Cinder closed her eyes and tried to relax on the hard surface she was stuck on, she eventually drifted back into a restless sleep.

“It looks like your magic is crippled, and your ability to take in emotional energy is severely hindered.” Cinder stared at the creature before her as it talked. She could see clear as day that it was a changeling, but unlike any she had ever seen before or heard of.

Hidden underneath a familiar amber and hawk guise was what appeared to be a hippogriff. Its front half looked raven, and instead of the singular horn, it actually had a pair of horns that curled back away from its pointed beak. A ring of feathers sat at the base of its neck, and its green crest was barely visible from the front. The solid amber eyes looked her over as she silently looked it over, her eyes drifting down its form and seeing that at least its back half looked changeling. It appeared to lack wings as well, despite the illusion before her having a pair.

“You should be able to disguise yourself, but right now I’d suggest you refrain from trying. You should have most of your magic open to you, but you may find you can't sustain it for long.” He sighed softly, glancing to her left and floating a clipboard over. He didn't even have to change forms to do it!

“Thank you Gleaming Feather.” Cinder whispered. She found that talking any louder than that hurt at the moment, along with any quick head movements.

“Just Gleam, please. And your name was Cinder, right?” She nodded faintly at that, wincing.

The pair were in Griffinstone, sitting in one of the hospital rooms. It was just currently the two, and she was brought in under a blanket to hide what she was from the general public. Her arms were wrapped up, along with a few points on the front of her torso, while her back was fully bandaged. Her horn was currently unwrapped and getting examined by the doctor before her.

“So, Cinder. Why were you fighting with a dragon?” Gleam started up some conversation as he took notes.

“It’s a long story and now isn't really the best time.” Cinder sighed softly, wincing again.

“I understand, I really shouldn't have asked as you shouldn't be talking for too long. With a broken fang, you will find your energy reserves strained at times. If you feed on love, I’d suggest you…” He trailed off as he glanced towards the door, sighing softly even Cinder felt the anger behind it. His magic opened the door slightly and in stepped a familiar black griffin.

He closed the door and moved to stand in front of her, and now that she got a good look at him, he was large! Just barely under the size limit to be a Sky Wing, this black griffin looked to tower over others even while sitting.

Gleam barely glanced at him as he stood there, looking the injured changeling over. “Come to check on my patient?”

“Just here for a report. Has she explained why she was fighting that dragon?”

“Not yet, and I'm not asking her to yet. Perhaps in a day or two after the pain of losing a fang has subsided enough.” Gleam sighed, as he handed the clipboard to the griffin. “You can take this to your superiors, with the damage she has received, she is harmless.”

“Hmph, we’ll see about that.” The griffin looked the clipboard over, then grumbled and made his way out of the room with it. Gleam just sighed softly.

“Sadly, I am telling the truth. Your magic is severely weakened because of the damage to your horn and fang. You will get it back over time, but for now your stuck with the basics; changing forms and simple single item levitation. You might be able to lift two, but for now I wouldn't push it.”

“And what about feeding?” Cinder whispered as she sighed.

“We are working on something to help with that, for now your only viable intake will be the gel packs. We hope your body can adjust to just the ambient intake, but forced feeding won't happen at all. Kind of a good thing if you think about it.” Gleam shrugged faintly.

Cinder just sighed and hung her head, wincing. Gleam took notice of it and rested a paw on her shoulder.

“As I was saying earlier; I’d suggest you find a mate. Or at least some griff you can have close. Anyway, you can lay back down, I’ve checked all I can at this moment and will have to monitor your progress over the next few days.”

Cinder nodded slightly and did as told.

The next few days resulted in more poking and prodding then Cinder wanted. But it was to be expected. What was unexpected, though, was Massimo sitting in on one of the sessions. Cinder had been doing better since then, eating her share of emo-gel to rebuild some of her energy.

“So, are you going to finally explain why you were fighting, and losing to, a dragon?” Massimo seemed to glare at her. Over the days, she found out that's all he pretty much did was glare at anyone who wasn't family.

Cinder sighed as she looked up from her small plate of food. “We were captured and to be taken to the Czar to get our wings clipped and magic locked in dragon form. As far as I know, I'm alone. No more of the Ruby hive exists, and if they are out there, they are long gone from here and Mt Volash.”

“A changeling hive was under that mountain?”

“There was one, yes. Not anymore now that it’s been destroyed by some form of rainbow magic.” Cinder shrugged weakly, looking away from the griffin. “So do whatever you want with me, I don't really care anymore.”

“Giving up already?” Massimo raised an eyebrow.

“And what point do I have to live? I'm already crippled and you’re just going to throw me into a jail cell or something to rot away till I die of hunger or something else!” Cinder snapped at Massimo, then winced and put a hoof to her head, “Ugh…”

Massimo shook his head, “You’re partly right. However, we aren't the type to just lock those who are innocent away. Instead, you will become part of this town. Arrangements have already been made for you to live on a farm. You will be put to work and you will be watched.” He gestured to her fetlock. “And you may have noticed your new fancy jewelry there. It is a teleportation band; while we may not be as magical as those ponies, we do have a few tricks.”

Cinder took the time to look over the silver ring, where a single blue gem sat in its middle. It looked bland and boring, and sat just snug enough to be both comfortable, and annoying. It was put on her a day ago while she was out. She glanced back to the large griffin with a raised eyebrow.

“Blazeclaw will be watching over you, and you should be aware that while he is no longer a part of the Sky Wings, he can still fight.”

“And,” Gleam spoke up. “He is crippled like you. He can't fly.”

“So what's to stop me from just flying away?” Cinder raised an eyebrow.

“Your range is two miles from a larger Crystal network set up within Griffinstone itself,” Massimo leaned in close to her, growling faintly. “So you are being given a second chance. Don't make me regret sticking my feathers out for you, Cinder,” He leaned back, looking the changeling over. “Today is the day you go to that farm. Gleaming Feather here will become your doctor, and take on responsibilities here, along with overseeing you. Today is also the day we see if you can take on a griffin-guise.”

Cinder looked at Gleam, who nodded slightly. “Alright,” She muttered, closing her eyes. After a minute, a flare of red fire covered her form and faded away revealing a griffin. Her front half looked eagle, with her beak and fore legs appearing an ice blue, blending into the white feathers that contrasted with the black hind quarters of her lion half. After a few more moments, she opened her eyes and looked at those in the room.

“Huh, well that's an interesting combination,” Gleam chuckled softly as he looked her over. “For the first few weeks, I’ll be living on the farm as well, as I want to keep a closer eye on you. Making sure everything is still mostly working.”

Cinder slowly crawled off the table she had been on, wincing as her limbs got used. Gleam noticed it and shook his head slightly. Cinder took a step towards the door that Massimo was already walking out of, and didn't feel the ground beneath her. She looked down and noticed herself held in a two toned glow, amber and green. She quickly looked to Gleam, wincing again as she turned too fast, and noticed that his dual horns were glowing; one of each color.

She blinked as she was carried out of the room and set into a small cart. Gleam moved up to its front and hooked himself up and lead the way. Cinder really didn't get to see much during her time stuck in a single room, but the white walls of the hallway were a somewhat welcome change from the white room.

She was carried out into a large chamber, that seemed more like a beehive of tunnels on various levels then something her mind thought of. Then again, she had never really been in any form of hospital, and the dragons certainly didn't have anything like this. They went past the main area and towards a pair of doors.

Once outside, she saw the town of Griffinstone. She barely had time to take in the sights as Massimo gave a short salute to Gleam.

“This is where we part ways, Gleaming Feather.”

“Do you think you could call me Gleam, at least once?” Gleam sighed softly.

“Nope. I trust you can take care of her the rest of the way? Blazeclaw should be sitting at the farm already, if not already on his way.”

“Yeah, won't be a problem. Be well, Massimo,” Gleam saluted the griffin, before trudging off down the path in silence.

Cinder got to take in the sight of a griffin town as she was carted through it. Solid looking buildings lined up along most of the streets, with the doors often being wide open, along with the windows and each one having a small balcony to land or perch on.

As they traveled towards the villages edge, Cinder found she had to focus to keep her disguise up. She made a soft grunt, which didn't go unnoticed by Gleam, who let out a soft sigh and whispered back to her. “Once we leave the village, you can drop your disguise.”

Cinder lowered herself and nodded slightly, closing her eyes so she could focus on keeping the form. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally heard, “okay, you can relax now.” And at that, with a gasp, her magic and form drop, leaving her gasping for breath and holding her head with both hooves.

“I was hoping,” Gleam continued as he keeps walking. “That you could maintain the form for longer, but I was wrong.” He then fell silent as she recovered from the usage.

After a few long moments of silence as they walked, Cinder finally started up a conversation. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why are you doing this? Why are you griffins giving me a life here?”

“Would you rather we just left you in that pond to drown?” Gleam sighed as he glanced over his shoulder. “Because we could have, but we didn't. We chose to save you and that dragon. Though…” He trailed off, looking forward again.

Cinder slowly sat up, looking around slowly as she did. “What about that dragon?”

Gleam let out a long frustrated sigh. “We… had to put him down. The fang was jammed in his neck, leaking out his emotions and his inner magic. He was easy to treat the wound, but not the damage as he became an emotionless husk after a few days. We could not do anything to help him, so… As per Massimo’s request; he was given a warrior's burial.”

Cinder blinked at that. Since when did a griffin care about a dragon? At least enough to give it a burial like that.

“He was buried by a few trees after we… killed him. It wasn't pretty, but you were out when we did it. In fact, it was a day after you were awake enough for some discussion that we had. I doubt you recall that moment though,” Gleam shrugged, glancing back at Cinder. “Still, it wasn't easy to do for a doctor, but he couldn’t be saved.”

“No… taking a life is never easy for ones who try to save it.” Cinder sighed, laying back down.

“Oh, so you were a…”

“Combat medic. I wasn't as skilled at the actual healing magic like Ember, or even Op…” She sighed, curling up more. “Opal...I was more the herbal remedies kind, like Brimstone.”

“Why did you pause when you mentioned Opal?”

“I… failed to keep a promise. I don't want to talk about it,” Cinder mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear. He just nodded and went silent. The only sound that was heard for a while was the wagon creaking along.

A half hour passed in silence, and Cinder had uncurled some. She let her head rest on the wagons side as it was pulled along, and she kept glancing to Gleam. She had questions about his hive, but she didn't want to seem rude. If he was staying on at the farm, she could just ask him another day.

Eventually she noticed him slow down a little, and was about to ask why when she noticed a dark red barn ahead. She tilted her head, looking confused and looked towards Gleam.

“I bet you're wondering why we have farms and such, huh?” He answered before she even asked. “It's mainly for military purposes, but some griffs have become lazy and prefer to not hunt their own food. So we keep prey animals on a farm. Well, not a farm per say, more like tamed wilderness.” Gleam shrugged some as he glanced back at Cinder.

“Oh.” Was all she could muster at that explanation.

“And yes, the ones who tend this know what you are. Though… What you look like is probably different than what they expect.”

“I assume they expected me to look like you?”

“Yes. But you clearly do not.” Gleam resumed walking to the farm. Eventually the gate to the farm came into view, and sitting at the gate proudly was what appeared to be a black griffin. As they got closer, Cinder could make out the details of the griffin.

His front avian half was an eagle, with a flame colored beak and forearms that blended into the black feathers well. His wings appeared large and, even though they were closed on his back, from here even she could see the damage that had been done. Various feathers were missing or horribly damaged, and there was plenty of scarring along upper part of the limbs that suggested torn muscles. His back half proved interesting as well, sporting what looked like a panther for it. Though while black, his tail was a deep blue at the base and faded out to a deep orange towards the tip.

As Gleam stopped in front of the griffin, he gave a small salute and the griffin before him gave one as well. Then he looked to Cinder, and blinked.

“Huh, she is certainly not what I was expecting.” The griffin grinned softly. “I am Blazeclaw, your...uh…” He trailed off as she turned away with a scowl.

“Forgive her, it has been a long day. Right now I would like to get her into her room and a bed. She is still going to be resting for a while longer, but she should be able to move about the house during that time.” Gleam watched Cinder glare at the ground while he spoke.

“Alright,” Blazeclaw stood and moved to the wagons side. “I can carry you inside, miss Cinder,” he lowered himself a little, watching her as she continued to scowl, but reluctantly climbed onto his back. Once comfortable on his back, she continued to glare away from him, and Gleam as well, as Blazeclaw slowly walked up to the house.

“She has a comfortable room on the main level, so no stairs to worry about. And my parents are currently away. Tending to the wildlife in the forest over there,” he paused to point with a wing, incase she was paying attention, which she wasn't. “I’ll help you get settled and start up some broth. Your room is upstairs, Gleaming Feather.”

“Just Gleam, please, and thanks. I’ll put my supplies in there while you two get acquainted,” he floated his pack from the wagon onto his back as he looked around. “And I could get used to it here, nice and quiet compared to the war front.”

“Huh, and why are you staying here?” Blazeclaw nodded slightly to Cinder. “Aside from her, that is.”

Gleam hung his head with a sigh. “Ordered to watch over the new changeling, nurse it back to health, and get information on drakes from it,” he paused, glancing to Cinder who perked an ear towards him. “While I will get that information eventually, they didn't give a time frame, and if I wait long enough; the war will be over and it won't matter!”

Blazeclaw raised an eyebrow as he ascended the porch and stopped by the door. “Not a fan of it this time?”

“I was a part of the last one, and this one. I will be so thankful to Princess Celestia if she manages to stop it for good. I’ve seen far too much bloodshed over pointless conflicts.” Gleam stopped as well, looking at the door. “Need me to get that for you?”

Blazeclaw nodded, and the door was opened with a green glow. Cinder watched the door open, then looked to Gleam.

“Okay, explain how having dual colors work.”

“It’s just a side effect of two horns. All changelings from the Arpeggio Hive are gifted that way. Our Queen actually has three,” Gleam grinned, puffing his feathers out a little. “It really doesn't do anything but allow our magic to appear as one or the other color. We’re still the same level of power as any unskilled unicorn, so don't fear.”

Cinder just nodded slightly and barely looked around the spacious living room of her new home. She’d get a tour of it later, she knew, but it looked so cozy and warm in here with a few couches sitting near a fireplace. She also noticed a lot of windows that let in a good bit of natural lighting, with only a few crystals set up that she see that she assumed were for after dark.

She was carried to her bedroom, and inside it she noticed a soft blue glow barely visible from under the bed. The bedroom itself was simple, a soft looking bed sat in a corner, just next to a cracked open window which let in the warmth from outside. A nightstand was next to the bed, and a desk sat against the far wall. Other than that, nothing else was in this room.

She slowly looked about it as she was carried over to the bed, and Blazeclaw gently put her on it. He grinned softly as she looked at him for a moment, then looked away.

“Is there anything you want in the broth?” He waited a few moments in silence before sighing. “Look, I know you're not happy with what has happened. But it has, I just want to be your friend. Can I at least get that?”

“Bits of meat or other suitable protein,” she muttered, still looking away.

Blazeclaw nodded and started to walk out of the room. He stopped at the doorway and looked back. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

Cinder looked back, just to see his tail leaving the room. She sighed and rubbed at the ring on her fetlock idly as she looked out the window.

“Looks like I won't be able to find you after all, sis,” She whispered to herself, before laying her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes.

Cinder part 2

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One year after Hives destruction.

Cinder grunted and groaned as she pulled along a cart on a well worn dirt path. She was in her griffin form and following an older griffin into the small woods by the house. She had been doing better over the last year, but her magic was still crippled. She could lift a single item without problems, as long as it was at most half her size. She could hold her form for most of the day now, just letting it fall at the end of the day with a small headache.

Gleam had been both helpful and understanding of her plight. He helped her a lot throughout the year by helping to rebuild her magic and figure out what all she could still do. After finding out the war had ended later that year thanks to some crazy pony, he decided to stay on at the farm to help Cinder out, but also because it was relaxing and he enjoyed the labor.

Then there was Blazeclaw. She was annoyed that he followed her around almost everywhere, barely leaving her side at all. Every morning she dreaded waking up and getting out of bed because she knew he’d be at her side. Sure at first she found him helping her touching, but after a few months it became annoying, like she couldn't do anything without him there.

But his family were kind and very friendly. They made her fit right in almost from day one, sure at first they were a little taken back at her appearance. But after that, they didn't seem to care that she appeared like a dragon. They always asked her if she was up for something, made sure she was well rested before tackling a task, or helped her with anything she needed help with.

But that was then, and this is now.

“Are you sure you’re doing okay, Coldbeak?” The griffin before Cinder asked, glancing over his shoulder as he did.

“Yes, Razor. I am fine,” she grunted as she tugged the cart. “I need to get working again, I don't want to waste away and I'm tired of feeling useless.”

“You’re not useless, you’re…”

“Crippled. I know,” Cinder groaned. “I don't like being reminded of that fact every day.”

“Even though it's true.” A new voice sounded from behind and to her left, making her growl softly.

“Thanks for your input, again, Blazeclaw.” Cinder didn't even turn to acknowledge him. He had been following along quietly, like he did everywhere she went.

“Why are you growling at me again?”

“She could use some personal space,” Razor stopped and looked at Blazeclaw. “Look, I know you mean well. But just go back to the house for now, okay? Give her some time alone without you hovering over her.”

Blazeclaw blinked, looking at Razor. “But it's my job, what if she…”

“Attacks an elderly griffin that has been providing a roof over her head, then turned into said griffin, you would know something is amiss right away if she even wanted to do that. And she ain't gonna do that, so git!”

Blazeclaw sighed, turned, and trotted back to the house. Cinder sighed softly, watching him go before turning back to a soft grin on Razors beak.


“You like him, don't you?” Razor turned and started down the path again. Cinder sighed for a moment, before grunting and pulling the cart along.

“He is constantly on my tail, watching me, just doing whatever so he can keep an eye on me! How can I like that?” She huffed as she looked away.

“That is true, but deep down, you feel something.”

“You’re only saying that because I can read emotions from somegriff like a book.” Cinder growled lowly.

“Be that as it may, you still should relax and get close to somegriff.” Razor shrugged, turned and stopped her wagon. “We’re here.”

A few weeks later, Cinder was lying on her bed, with Gleam looking over her glowing horn. She was currently focused on lifting up a chair with her magic. She groaned as she held the chair almost a foot and a half above the floor, the strain was evident on her face as she had her eyes closed and focused.

“Okay, let it go Cinder, gent…” He paused as the chair dropped and thankfully didn't break. “-ly.” He finished with a sigh. He looked back at her and held up a glass of water in his talons for her. “Here.”

She silently took the glass between her hooves and downed it, then looked away from him.

“I think that's the best we’re going to get today. You are getting better, so don't-”

“What's the point?” Cinder cut him off, making him blink at her.

“You do want to be able to use your magic again, don't you?”

“Yes, but again. What's the point? I'm stuck here forever.” She huffed and crossed her arms. Gleam sighed, looking away for a moment.

“What if… I could arrange a little trip for you? Just, somewhere that isn't here and you pick.”

Cinder’s ears perked at that, and she looked towards him. “Your hive.”

Gleams eyes went wide, “Really? You want to see my hive? Why?”

“The only hive I’ve known is the Ruby Hive, and… I guess I'm feeling a little homesick.” Cinder shrugged slightly. “I could just use a break from all this and the vulture over my shoulder.”

“Er… You know he’d have to come as well, which means I would need the Queen’s permission.” Gleam winced as he heard Cinder growl softly. “I’ll see what I can do, but it won't be right away, okay?”

Cinder nodded softly, “Thanks, Gleam.”

A month later, Cinder tugged at the collar around her neck as she stood outside a guard house. She was in her natural form, with Gleam and Blazeclaw flanking her sides. Both of them had bracelets on that glowed the same faint color as her collar.

The guardhouse sat alone outside a small mountain cave, which really made it seem to stand out actually. No towns were around and the path wasn't all that traveled, so nobody really came by all that often. Still, it brought some familiarity to Cinder.

“So, it’s inside?” Cinder asked, glancing at Gleam who nodded.

“Yes, and Queen Glissando wants to meet you. We will visit her chambers first. Er, well. That will be our first destination, that is.” Gleam chuckled softly as he stepped up to the guard house. A griffin stepped out to greet him, although the changelings saw the true thing underneath, Blazeclaw did not.

The griffin looked over the other two, its eyes stopping on Cinder. “Is this the one that wanted to see our hive?”

“Yes, she does.” Gleam nodded.

“And the griffin?”

“Her, er, guardian,” Gleam shrugged. “Don't worry, I will keep an eye on them both.”

The guard nodded and gestured them inside. Gleam led the way through the decently sized tunnel, which had a form of gem lining to guide the path. They were led down the tunnel and eventually came to a rather large open room. Cinder stared in awe at the size of the room, seeing what looked like a large rock tree in the middle of it. Various branches led to small holes in the walls at various heights.

The tree itself looked to be made of both the earthen stone and jade. The limbs looked large enough to allow a pair of changelings to walk on without bumping into each other, and near the tree, it looked like there was small nests made. At the top of the tree was an obviously fake looking ruby, that seemed to filter light around from a small hole in the roof beyond.

As Cinder looked at the roof, she noticed several small holes in a line near the gem, and she could easily guess at what it was for. As she looked it over, she noticed the other changelings. Most looked like Gleam did, only their horns varied, along with the crest of feathers and their tail feathers. And their wings, not what she expected at all. Each one had a pair of wings that would look more fitting on a butterfly, and the colors were vibrant and showy. There was also this very soft song playing. Cinder couldn't place it, but it sounded like birds singing.

Gleam had stopped to let the pair look on in wonder and awe. “We should get moving, eventually. The Queen is very patient, but can only wait for so long.”

“And… Where is she?” Blazeclaw asked, finally prying his away from the gem and looking at Gleam.

“At the top, just under the gem.”

“Uh…” Blazeclaw started, staring directly at Gleam who just grinned back.

“I am well aware of your handicap Blazeclaw.” He kept the grin, right as Cinder suddenly felt a very heavy thud behind her and Blazeclaw. Cinder quickly turned around and bumped face first into a chest, and quickly took a few steps back and stared up at the very large changeling before her. “Meet Tutti, your pair of wings.”

“Uh...huh.” Blazeclaw squeaked out, looking up at the changeling much larger than himself.

“He doesn't bite, honest.” Gleam chuckled and floated up a little, his wings flapping. “Shall we?”

Cinder nodded and took to the air as well. Blazeclaw was lifted up in a red and green aura and dropped on Tutti’s back. A large pair of matching butterfly wings appearing seemingly out of nothing served to get the large changeling airborne. The three flew up, which allowed Cinder a better view of everything going on.

The hive was almost as busy as a beehive, changelings going to and fro doing various tasks. Cinder watched all this and took a mental note that her hive wasn't nearly this busy, or populated now that she thought about it. She lost count of how many changelings she saw in the large room, and each one was different in some way. Different shaped wings, different horns, less or more holes, different colored tail feathers, something was different about each one.

The three flying soon landed on a small balcony just big enough for them, where a pair of transparent doors sat. The doors looked to be made of a matching jade, but Cinder knew better. Her time with Gemstone taught her that this was actually an expertly made mix of jade and amber. Of course, magic was involved to allow it to work, but it still looked fabulous.

The guards, a pair of changelings almost the same size as Tutti, who had flown off after he dropped off Blazeclaw, opened the door for them. The three stepped inside and Cinder took note of how large the room looked. Sitting in one corner was a large bed made of a gel-like substance that looked incredibly soft. Various crystals sat about the room against the walls and opposite of the bed was a large throne.

The throne itself was made of obsidian, with jade lining the edges. The cushions of it were of the same gel-like substance as the bed, though they were hard to see because of its occupant.

Glissando seemed to tower over the trio, yet she looked right at home in her throne. Her chitin hide was almost black, and her feathery crest was a dark green. She had three horns that sat atop her head, two pointed back and away from each other while the third was straight away. Her blue eyes looked over Blazeclaw first, then fell onto Cinder. Cinder stood proudly as she continued to look over the Queen, and taking note that even her wings were nowhere to be found.

“So,” Glissando spoke in a very soft tone, which sounded almost like she was singing. “You must be Coldbeak, or rather Cinder. From the Ruby Hive in the dragon lands.”

Cinder took a few steps towards her and bowed as formally as she could muster. “That I am, your majesty.”

Art by Foxenawolf

“You don't have to bow to me, Cinder. If anything, I should bow to you.” Glissando grinned as she stood and walked up to Cinder, who straightened up with a confused look. “To journey from your home, and suffer the injuries you had in an attempt to protect family. That is truly honorable.”

Cinder looked down at the ground, sniffling as the Queen’s griffin paws came into her view. “We understand you are alone, and we shall try our best to help you in any way we can.”

Cinder looked to her left, averting her gaze from the claws. “But you can't provide a hive mind for me. I miss the chatter of it, the comfort of knowing I had family.”

“Is that why you wanted to visit this hive?”

Cinder gave a weak nod, closing her eyes as she felt a claw under her chin slowly lift her up. She opened them into the gaze of the Queen before her, and those blue eyes stared back, for the longest time there was a silence, only the soft hum of whatever tune sounded from the wing beats of the busy hive workers in the background.

“You are strong, Cinder.” Glissando calmly said, a grin gracing her beak. “And while you would make a fine guardian here, your comfort is already by your side.” The Queen’s eyes barely glanced away, towards her right, before looking back at Cinder. “There are two reasons why I was eager to see you. The first to see a member of a dragon hive for myself alive, and the second. Well.” She grinned and gently placed a clawed paw on Cinders horn.

“You can fix my magic?”

“We can try, and if Blazeclaw is willing.” She trailed off, looking towards him. “We can look at his wing as well.”

“I…” Cinder heard Blazeclaw stutter and grasp for words.

“We do use some healing magic to help the griffins, but enough to get by. We only do the major stuff if we feel the ones who we are working on deserve it.” Glissando turned and walked back to her throne. “You won't be back at your full capacity of magic, of course. But you shouldn't have too much trouble anymore. And Blazeclaw’s flight will be limited.”

“I don't know what to say.” Cinder sat and stared at the Queen as she sat back down on her throne.

“Well, the first thing would be you telling me about your hive,” Glissando grinned as she watched Cinder nod. The next few hours were spent with Cinder telling the Queen all about her hive, even Blazeclaw got well informed on the hive. Cinder finished her story with how she assumed the hive was destroyed and what led her to the ‘care’ of the griffins. Both the Queen and Blazeclaw cringed when she described what all had happened to her.

After that, they were given a room to sleep for the night, and the next day both Cinder and Blazeclaw were inspected to see if anything could be done about their condition. Over the course of a few days, the changelings of this hive were able to determine exactly what they could do to help mend Cinder and Blazeclaw.

Blazeclaw’s wing was given treatments and reworks to allow limited flight. He could glide for an hour or so at most, but actual flight was limited to half that time. Cinder, however, was worse off. While nothing could be done about the fang, the horn was given a little bit of reconstruction. All the procedures and medical know-how were given to Gleam, to do when they returned home.

A few weeks after their visit, Cinder was in better spirits. A thin line of jade weaved in and out of her horn with an elegant looking tip making her horn tip. Her magic was still limited, but she found she could hold her form solid for an almost full day, and levitating items came a bit easier. She couldn't do more than three at once and that required focus, but one item up to half her size became her new limit.

Blazeclaw, however, was more than content with being able to fly again, even if it was for only a half hour at most. If he mixed it in with gliding, he could go for an hour before his wings got tired. He was just glad to be able to fly again and spent most of the day that he was told to try it out in the sky.

Five years after Hive’s Destruction.

Cinder grinned as she strode down one of a few isles of grape vines. About two years ago they found out the wild farm idea of keeping wild animals around was starting to dwindle. Griffins were actually hunting again, especially after the blood feud with the dragons had ended when they lost so many of their numbers and had to surrender.

So they decided to make it into a vineyard for wine-making. Cinder actually gave the idea and Blazeclaw backed it up. They decided to start out small and could make a few exotic flavors within reach of Griffinstone. So far it proved successful. Gleam had even enjoyed making the wines, and took to picking the grapes rather well.

Cinder grinned for a moment more as she neared the end of the isle, though it turned to a frown as she detected a familiar feeling behind her. Blazeclaw had been doing better about not being at her side constantly, but it seemed she could tell when he was nearby. She heard the flutter of his wings as he landed a good yard or so behind her.

“Ah, Cinder. Mom and Dad want to talk to you.” He grinned slightly, trying to hide something. Cinder turned with a huff towards him.

“And why would they want to talk to me? If it’s about their retirement, I told them they still have plenty of -”

“They want to give you the farm.” Blazeclaw interrupted her, making her blink and stare at him.


“They can explain it.” He turned and started to canter back to the farmhouse. She blinked and followed after him. Over the last few years, his flight had returned, mostly. He was still only able to fly for an hour at most, but he could it for the better part of the day, with breaks of course. And he had learned to give her distance. He only hovered around her during meal times, although lately he had been trying to befriend her.

But that was because she detected something about him, something since the first day they met. He liked her and found her unique. At first, she hated him, but now. Well, things had changed and she learned to like him. Not in the same way, as he had learned to give her space when she asked for it, but she wasn't totally hating him now.

She sighed inwardly as she watched his tail sway as he walked towards the house and bit her lip. Could she actually be liking him a bit more than just as a friend now? Gleam had mentioned multiple times that she should find a mate. Despite love not being her favored emotion, it was still plenty powerful to any changeling, and considering she still had to have a lot of that e-gel to get by.

As they made it to the house, he slowed his pace as he went up the stairs and opened the door for her. He gestured in with a soft grin. “Mare’s first.” He kept his grin as she sighed softly and trotted in. He always held the door open for her when they entered the house.

Cinder noticed upon entering that the elder griffins were both curled up on a couch, with Razor cuddling his wife close. They both looked over at Cinder as she walked up and claimed one of the chairs for herself.

“You wanted to see me?” She asked, somewhat quietly, as she looked them over.

“Yes, Cinder,” the female griffin spoke as she watched Blazeclaw sit in another chair. “I bet my son as already told you that we want to give you the farm.”

“But you still have plenty of years left and…” Cinder trailed off as Razor chuckled.

“Just because we do, doesn't mean we want to spend them picking grapes and making wine,” Razor commented, looking down at his wife. “And I can say with honesty that we actually do have retirement plans.”

“Hence, why we are giving the farm to you, Cinder.”

“Okay, Calypso. I concede that you don't want to do that, but why me? Why not him?” Cinder pointed to Blazeclaw. “He is your son after all.”

“But it was your idea to turn this farm into what it is now. It was your idea to pursue winemaking. And it’s through your hard work that this farm is actually bringing in more bits than it had before.” Razor nodded to Cinder, who merely blinked in response as she lowered her arm.

“And we cherish you like a daughter, though at times we wished you got your head out of your flank and confessed your feelings.” Calypso let a grin grace her beak. “We have seen the way you stare at Blazeclaw’s tail. You may be blind to your feelings, but we certainly aren't.”

Cinder blinked at that, as she felt her cheeks heat up softly. She looked towards Blazeclaw and noticed he was looking away, but the pink tint of a blush was visible under his black feathers. How could a changeling be blind to seeing something like that?

She blinked as she thought about it. She was forced here against her will and hated it, at least at first. While she soon grew to tolerate it, she kept to herself and wanted to just avoid every griff here. She even kept Gleam out, and he was trying to be as good a friend as possible.

She sighed as she thought about it, and hung her head. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. Razor and Blazeclaw both blinked and looked directly at her.

“What for?” They asked in stereo.

Cinder kept looking at the floor, “That I’ve been a horrible house guest. That I have basically kept to myself the last five years and have been shutting out the griffins that only wanted to help me. I guess it finally took some griff to point that out to me.” She sighed softly. “And for that, I am sorry.”

“That's why we only offered you to join us on events and such,” Razor grinned, as Cinder looked up at him, ears perked. “We never pushed you, because we knew you were forced into a foreign land. Forced to do something you didn't want. And now we are giving you the choice to accept our token of gratitude to you, by giving you this farm you helped build.”

“I…” Cinder started to say, only for the words to get caught in her throat. She gulped and grinned. “Thank you. I accept your offer.”

“And tomorrow we can sign the deed over to you,” Calypso let out a content sigh. “But first, I believe you now have some words for some griff.” She wiggled out from under Razor and started to make her way to the kitchen, after tugging along the older griffin. “We shall get dinner started.”

Cinder chuckled as she watched the pair get off the couch and walk/get dragged into the kitchen. Cinder then turned to Blazeclaw, who blinked and tilted his head slightly.

“She is right. I have been blind to my own feelings.” Cinder said softly, looking down at Blazeclaw’s paws. “I have been conflicted on how I feel towards you in general.” Blazeclaw remained silent as he let Cinder speak. “So, how about we start over?”

Blazeclaw blinked at that and looked down at the extended hoof in front of him.

“Hi there, I am Cinder. And you are?” Cinder grinned as she kept the extended hoof. Blazeclaw chuckled softly to himself and took her hoof.

“Hello, I am Blazeclaw.” They shook hoof and claw with a chuckle. “So, what was that supposed to accomplish?”

Cinder rolled her eyes with a smirk. “Well, I believe we actually never said hello to each other like that in the five years I’ve been here.” Blazeclaw nodded slightly at that as Cinder continued, standing up and moving to sit on the floor next to him. “And, well.” She paused to sigh, looking down. “Think we could make it work?”

Blazeclaw gasped and stared wide eyed at her, “J-Just like that? You’re willing to give it a shot, just out of the blue?”

“Well, to be fair. Blazeclaw, you have been hinting at it for the last year or so,” Cinder looked up into his eyes. “So, I am willing to give it a shot if you are.”

Blazeclaw grinned as he relaxed a little, and leaned down to lightly kiss her cheek. “Yes, we can try and see how it goes.”

Cinder part 3

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Twelve years after hives destruction.

Cinder stared in horror at the house that was currently ablaze. She had gone out for a late night fly to clear her mind and think about what kind of wine she was asked to make for a noble of Griffinstone. She never thought her winemaking would take her that far, but that thought was currently sitting on the back burner… poor choice of words given what she was staring at now.

This home belonged to a family of griffins, and was just on the edge of her range before getting teleported home. In fact, inside was over stretching her limit by just a few feathers. She had gone over her limit before, at first in just an attempt to get away from Blazeclaw since it took him an hour or two to walk home. It always took a few minutes to power up the recall spell on the bracelet.

“Anygriff home?” She yelled out over the inferno. She perked her ears in an attempt to hear anything, and extended her emotion sense for anything. She may of hated the taste of terror, but it was a strong sense to detect, and she was soon rewarded with it. In fact it almost hit her like a tidal wave.

She quickly glanced around for anything that could be used to snuff the flames, but nothing was around. She let out a low growl, her disguise dropping as she charged into the house. Her horn glowing as she erected a weak barrier around herself to protect her from the flames.

Over the last couple years, her magic had returned, at least mostly. She could conjure up thin barriers at least. And it was currently getting tested as she rushed into the living room. Inside, the roar of flame seemed to drown out most, but she could tell the terror was coming up stairs. The stairs had fire on them, and she knew this was going to hurt, but it didn't stop her as she lowered her shield to fire a blast up the stairs, clearing a path in the fire.

Once the fire was mostly cleared, her shield came back up as she charged up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, she quickly looked around, the source of terror was certainly stronger up here. As she focused on which direction it was, a familiar tingle from her fetlock made itself known. She glanced down to it and noticed her band was glowing faintly, signaling she was going home soon.

“Shards!” she cursed, looking up and quickly focused on the door that held the source of terror. She barreled through the door, hearing a loud scream as she landed on her side. She looked up to see a young griffin with a blue feline half curled up in a corner, hiding as much as he could from the flames. His front half looked like an everyday raven, down to the black and singed feathers.

She slowly looked him over, and noticed he was even more scared, as she took a step towards him, he made himself smaller. He stared at her with wide and terrified eyes. She took a deep breath, ignoring the tingles on her fetlock getting stronger and looked at him.

“I won't hurt you, I promise.” She spoke calmly, despite the raging inferno flickering over her fading shield. She held back a wince as she waited what felt like a few minutes of him not moving. Just as the tingles upon her fetlock got to the point of being annoying, she lept at him, making him scream in terror.

She wrapped her arms around him, and in a blinding flash, the pair disappeared from the flaming house.

Cinder let out a groan as she felt herself land on a soft bed roughly, followed by a squawk of confusion. The sounds of something large hitting the floor next to her told her that she made it home. Cinder slowly opened her eyes and stared into the still terrified visage of the young griffin.

“Blazeclaw, get Gleam,” she muttered, as she let go of the young griffin and rolled over, and off the bed as she wasn't fully aware of her surroundings. “Ow.” She groaned from the floor as she heard Blazeclaw make his way out of the room, waiting a few moments before shouting out for Gleam.

“Well, aside from a few burns, he’s going to be okay,” Gleam nodded as he looked over the little griffin. “I’m more worried about you, Cinder. That was pretty reckless to do!”

Cinder sighed and sat in a corner of the room, the young griffins eyes having never left her even though he had relaxed some now. Blazeclaw was currently out and letting the local authorities know about the fire and directing them to where it was. During that time, Cinder had tended as best she could to her own burns from the fire.

“What was I supposed to do? Fly off for help? Do you know how long that would have taken?” Cinder grumped as she looked down. “I’m just thankful the ring teleported us both.”

“But you gave up your secret to save him!”

“And what would you have done, huh?” Cinder snapped at Gleam, making the griffin flinch. After a moment, he sighed and nodded.

“The same. Are you sure you weren't a soldier drone?” Gleam smirked as he walked over to her. “You certainly have shown the traits of one.”

Cinder shook her head with a grin, “No, I’m a harvester. I’ve just been around soldiers for so long.”

“W-why?” The griffin chick finally squeaked out, making the pair look at him. Cinder had noticed that once he finally calmed down, he was giving off curiosity, although he was still very scared.

“Because, I couldn't just leave you there.” Cinder sighed, “I stared at that fire, and for the longest time I was actually afraid to go in. But I figured if any griffin was inside, they’d be even more terrified. And, well, it’s how I found you so quickly. I can sense emotions, like right now you're still scared, but you're also slightly curious about what I am, huh?” The griffin nodded slowly, making Cinder grin softly, and just enough to keep most of her fangs hidden. “I will explain later, if you’d like.”

Gleam perked an ear and looked towards the door. “We’re about to have company. I’ll go visit them first, see who it is.” Gleam stood and left the room, as Cinder nodded to him. Once Gleam was out, Cinder turned to the griffin.

“You're going to find this trick cool.” She said with a smirk, as her form engulfed in a mix of red and green fire. Once the fire faded, a griffin sat in Cinder’s place. The young griffin blinked and seemed to stare in awe as Cinder held up a talon to her beak. “Keep what I am a secret, okay?”

“That won't be necessary, Cinder,” came a rather calm and stoic voice from the doorway. Cinder turned and looked to see the familiar stature of Massimo standing there in the door frame. “There was a report of some bug pony running into the house that was on fire. I naturally assumed it was you.”

“Oh, well…” Cinder sighed, letting her form drop again with a huff. “Glad you came to visit me after, how long again?”

“Business being Master of the Sky Wings has kept me busy. Gleam has kept me up to date on your progress all these years.” Massimo stated formally, staring at Cinder with a flat expression before looking towards the little griffin. As the large griffin leveled his gaze at him, the young griffin squeaked and cowered.

“We are aware that the fire was actually an attack on his parents. Blazeclaw is helping to lead the investigation at this moment. But I come with… bad news.” Massimo trailed off, sighing softly and looking at Cinder. She didn't have to look him in the eyes to tell the regret he had. She blinked and slowly found herself standing and walking over to the griffin chick.

Massimo took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “We found his parents, they are dead.” Masimo turned away from the griffin, focusing on something else as he heard him start to break down. Though the sound came muffled to him, he stole a glance back, and saw that Cinder had moved up and was already providing comfort to him.

“You really need to work on dropping bad news, you know.” Cinder stated flatly, as she laid a wing over the sobbing griffin. “I know you griffins are all stiff bird brains, but he’s only five! Now he has no parents to take care of him! Does he have any other family?” Massimo shook his head slightly. “Then I shall!”

Massimo blinked and looked back at Cinder, looking shocked.

“What? I know how to take care of young, and I understand that it will take time for him to warm up to me.” Cinder looked down at the griffin. “But he will, just you watch.”

Massimo watched the young griffin curl up more under the wing, crying and trying to hide himself from the world. He then turned to Cinder. “Take good care of Bunker then.” He stood, turned, and left the room, leaving the pair on the bed to let all the tears out.

A week later, Cinder laid on a couch in the living room in her natural form. She was over looking a few forms that Massimo had dropped off. Gleam and Blazeclaw were outside tending to the vineyard at the moment when Cinder heard a soft squeak. She glanced over and saw Bunker coming down the stairs. He had stopped and stared at her and squeaked in response.

“It’s okay Bunker. I don't bite.” Cinder remarked calmly with a chuckle. Bunker gulped and slowly made his way into the room. “I am glad to see you downstairs.” She watched him out of the corner of her eye make his way out to sit on a chair.

Over the course of the week, Cinder had only checked on Bunker, who had taken up residence in her and Blazeclaw’s room. She didn't mind it one bit and gladly went back to her little room on the main level, which was turned into a guest room.

“I know,” He said slowly, looking down. “You told me you can't.”

Cinder grinned softly at him, before looking back over the paperwork in front of her. After a somewhat uncomfortable silence, Bunker looked up at the paperwork and looked confused. “What's that?”

“Paperwork that grumpy griffin dropped off. Since I am taking you under my wing and all, there are a bunch of forms for me to fill out to make it official,” She paused to roll her eyes. “Especially since I'm not exactly a normal Griffinstone citizen.”

“Right, you’re a changeling. Last of your breed.” Bunker mumbled just loud enough for Cinder to hear.

“Yup. Though no griff is supposed to know that.” She winked at him.

“So why don't you hide yourself all day?” Bunker looked up, and into the eyes of Cinder.

“Because I can't anymore,” Cinder sighed and set down the paper she was currently holding and looked down at it. “I suffered greatly after the loss of my own family. So I know what you’re going through. I lost my mother and all my brothers and sisters over a decade ago. I still have nightmares about it, but they are few and far between.”

“Is that what you woke up screaming about a few nights ago?” Bunker asked, making Cinder nod slightly.

“Yes, that is exactly it. They haven't happened as much in the recent years, but its occasional.” Cinder let out a soft sigh as she started to put up the paperwork.

“Can I sit next to you?” Cinder stopped what she was doing and looked towards Bunker, he had gotten up and was standing within a yard of her couch. She grinned and adjusted herself some.

“I’d like that very much.” She said with a soft grin as she started to pull back out the paperwork.

Eighteen years after hives destruction.

Cinder, currently in her griffin disguise, was trotting around the market square of Griffinstone. She had a saddlebag on her back as she went to various stalls, mostly in an attempt to get more grapes and other seeds. She was currently looking over one stall when her ears managed to pick up voices that she hadn’t heard before.

She glanced in the direction of the voices, and spotted ponies. She had heard recently that ponies were starting to visit the griffin lands, and now those rumours were true. She shrugged slightly and went back to focusing on the stall. After picking out some seeds and handing over some bits, she turned and went to another stall.

As she approached it, she looked up to see a pair of ponies standing at it. But she stopped short and gasped as she looked closer at them. She could make out that the red unicorn stallion with a flat orange mane, and lavender earth mare with a small but puffy white mane were infact changelings. But what really got to her was the ruby carapace hidden partially under a pair of closed batlike wings whose color matched some part of their pony shells. Their almost dragon-like tails swayed back and forth as they chatted over this stall, which was one that she had frequently visited because of the spices it had for cooking.

“Seriously, you can only get these spices here in Griffinstone!” The unicorn crowed as he pointed to a few that he held up in his magic. “These add the best kick of spice! They’ll go great with the apple stuff I'm making!”

“Really?” The mare sighed. “Why would you want to spice up those dishes?”

“WHY?!” The unicorn rounded on the mare with a shout, making her blink and step away. “GAH! Have you learned nothing in the last two decades?! I,” he put a hoof to his chest, “am a master chef! And I,” he paused to poke at the mare, “am making a variety of dishes for Princess Celestia when she visits Appaloosa in a month!”

“T-Tinder?” Cinder finally spoke up, as she got to see more features of her old twin. The pair of ponies blinked and slowly looked towards her. Once their eyes landed on her, they gasped loudly.

“Cinder?” The pair whispered as they took in the features of the griffin before them. Cinder nodded slowly, gulping as she looked at the pair.

“You’re… real, right?” She asked, as the pair blinked again. Before Cinder could react, the pair rushed her and almost tackled her to the ground. She winced and felt her form flicker, but held it at the sudden impact. Thankfully no one else seemed to notice the flicker, not even the two that tackle-hugged her.

“Does this prove it?” The stallion grinned as he hugged Cinder. She sighed and relaxed just a little, having to keep her focus up for the disguise as she hugged them back.

“Yes it does… But…” Cinder trailed off, making the two on her recline slightly.

“What's wrong?”

“You kind of broke my concentration. I am now struggling to keep disguised. We should go to my place, quickly.” Cinder winced slightly as the pair quickly got off of her and helped her up.

“Okay, we can shop later. Lead the way.”

“Aren't you here with a…?”

“Doesn't matter, we can pay for a ticket back. Let’s go!” The lavender spoke quickly, and gently started pushing Cinder in a random direction. Cinder blinked, and turned herself some so she could quickly lead the pair home. After they reclaimed their packs from the hug, that is.

Cinder led them out of Griffinstone and towards her farm, and once out of the town and away from prying eyes, she let her disguise drop with a groan. She stopped and panted as the pair looked her over, taking note of the damage she had received so long ago.

“Are those scars from when the hive fell?” The mare asked quietly. Cinder nodded softly as she straightened up.

“Yes, Spear, they are,” she blinked when she heard the pair chuckle. “What's so funny?”

“We haven't gone by those names in nearly two decades.” Tinder grinned as she looked over Cinder. “I am now Cooking Flame, and this is my partner, Melee.” Cinder raised an eyebrow as she looked at Spear, who shrugged.

“Names were never my strong suit, you should know that.” She grinned weakly with a shrug. Cinder let out a sigh and hung her head.

“You two have been alive this whole time?” She mumbled, looking up at them. “Have you found any others?”

They both shook their head. “No,” Flame mumbled. “You’re the first. But I have this hunch more are alive, and we’ll bump into them eventually. But in the meantime, what in Tartarus happened to you?”

“It’s a long story, and we do have a long walk.” Cinder sighed and led them towards her farmhouse. Along the way, she caught them up on what happened to her from when the hive was first destroyed, meeting the griffin hive, getting her magic mostly restored, and up to current events.

The summary of her events led them straight up to the front door of her home. Where she stopped and looked at the door.

“You two may want to sidestep away.” She grinned as she rested a clawed paw on the handle. During her trip home, she retook her griffin form, and now let it drop as her hoof turned the doorknob.

“MOM!” The pair of ponies blinked, and missed the young griffin tackling her quicker than they did. They glanced back and noticed Cinder was grinning and nuzzling into the griffin chick and hugging him, and also flapping her wings as she hovered in the air.

The pair blinked as they watched her slowly float down, letting the chick down first before landing herself.

“Mom?” Melee blinked again, looking at the chick. “How…?”

“I adopted Bunker here.” Cinder grinned as Bunker nuzzled into her side. “After his parents, eh, passed onto the hive mind, so to speak. And yes, he does know what I am.”

“Heck yeah! I got a cool mom and uncle! I even got to see my uncle’s Hive!” Bunker grinned widely. “Oh yeah, mom. Dinner will be ready soon!” Bunker bounced up and glided back into the house after delivering his message.

“Uncle?” Flame tilted his head, looking confused.

“More like adopted uncle. Gleam has stayed on to, well, become one of the family.” Cinder grinned sheepishly and gestured inside. “He should be home now, so you can see him for yourself.”

The pair slowly stepped into the house and looked around, taking in its rustic appearance and the smell of cooked fish instantly wafting to their noses. As the pair looked, their eyes fell upon one the couches, where a griffin lay, humming away as he read a book. Bunker had bounced over to him and looked ready to pounce upon the griffin, but a strange glow swept over the younger griffin and stopped him just shy of landing on the griffin, and without turning to face the chick, he spoke calmly. “You know you can't sneak up on me.”

“No! But those two ponies can it seems!” Bunker had turned slightly and pointed towards the door. The griffin blinked and looked over slowly, he stared at the ponies for a long while, until Cinder coughed into a hoof.

“You can put my son down now, and it’s not polite to stare, you know.” Cinder grinned as she noticed the griffin quickly turn away and blush. He also let Bunker out of his magic, and thankfully he wasn't too far up so he just landed with a small grunt.

“So, who are your… friends?” The griffin slowly looked back at them.

“Cooking Flame, and Melee.” Cinder chuckled softly as they each bowed slightly when she called their name.

“Melee?” The griffin raised an eyebrow as the mare hung her head.

“Don't worry about it Gleam, heh.” Cinder took a few steps in and gestured them inside. “Anyway, It looks like we’ll have some extra company for dinner.” Cinder started towards the kitchen. “Gleam, get to know them well, okay?”

“Wait! Kitchen!” Cinder blinked and had to side step out of the way as Flame charged into it. She sighed and turned partially to Melee, who had a hoof on her face. It didn't take long before a loud squawk came from the kitchen and Cinder had to step in. She blinked as she saw Flame basically take over the kitchen and start adding to the stew that was already in progress.

“Uh, Blazeclaw. Meet Cooking Flame, an, er, old friend.” Cinder sighed loudly as Blazeclaw slowly moved over to her side. “Seriously Flame. I know it's been ages since you last saw me, but you can't barge into my kitchen!”

“Like you can actually cook, sis! We both know I inherited that ability!”

“Sis?” Blazeclaw looked confused at Cinder, who grinned back to him.

“My twin. Yeah, guess who I ran into in the market today.” Cinder seemed to grin wider.

“Twin? But she looks… nothing… oh.” Blazeclaw trailed off as realization sunk in. “So, you found more of your hive after nearly two decades?”

“Yes! Although they can't stay for more than a few days, I'm still happy!” She turned and hugged Blazeclaw tightly.

“We thought we saw Brimstone in Baltimare eight years back,” Flame commented as he took over the kitchen, his magic going ‘wild’ all over the stove as he weaved and bobbed along the stew and other stuff on the counter. “But we quickly lost sight of him and were unable to figure out where he went.” He sighed softly for a moment, then shrugged and turned to Cinder. “But you’re still alive! And I know we will bump into more eventually! It’s only a matter of time!”

Flame blinked, as she watched Cinder nuzzle the griffin, then chuckled. “And during the time we’ve been apart. You’ve acquired your own family! Complete with a sturdy looking mate, a son, and a strange uncle!”

“I am not strange!” Came from the living room, making those in the kitchen chuckle. Flame turned back to the kitchen and let her magic come back to life along the stove.

“Now, you let me cook and go get caught up with Melee, okay?”

Cinder laughed and led Blazeclaw back into the living room, where Melee was letting both Gleam and Bunker look over her natural form. Gleam was also in his natural form, and the pair were comparing differences. Cinder chuckled a little and sat in a chair, Bunker noticed and quickly moved over to her side. Blazeclaw just stared at the dragon-like changeling and Gleam’s natural form.

“Okay, I see the family resemblance now,” he moved over and claimed a section of floor for himself by Cinder. As Cinder looked over Melee, she noticed she had a few scars of her own. Although they were nothing compared to what Cinder had.

“Did you earn those during the escape?” Cinder pointed to one of Melee’s scars.

“Huh? Oh, these? No. I got them on our way to Appleloosa. We encountered a Timberwolf, and well. It was defeated, but I got cut up in the process.” Melee shrugged slightly. “Tis the life of a warrior, no? Being a soldier to protect others. Although I haven't really been one for the last decade and a half.”

“So, what do you do now?” Cinder raised an eyebrow.

“I buck apple trees.” Melee stated matter-of-factly. The room falls silent for only a few moments before Bunker bursted out laughing.

“You go from kicking tails to kicking trees! HAHAHA!” Bunker rolled onto his back as he laughed away.

Melee just rolled her eyes as she watched the little griffin, smirking as she looked among the others who all were letting out short chuckles. “I suppose the squirt has a point. I can still kick plenty of tails and plots though, and I’ve had to do to my own share of it recently.”

“But we can tell them all about that another time,” Flames voice came in as a pot and various dishes floated down in front of everyone present. “Dinner is served my friends!” Blazeclaw blinked as he watched the dish, and sniffed it. The scent tickled his nose and already made him drool. “It has a little bit of spice, I hope you don't mind. We dragonlings do have a good tolerance for spice.” Flame grinned as he sat down at the table.

“This smells really good. I didn't think we had the spices to do this.” Blazeclaw took a bite of it and blinked. “And it tastes just as good as it smells!”

“Aww, thank you! I do aim to please!” Flame grinned widely as Melee chuckled softly.

“His cooking has only improved since we left the hive,” Melee shrugged. “Wider selection of spices outside the dragon lands, who knew.”

“So that's all you’ve done since then? Is cooked and bucked trees?” Blazeclaw asked as he enjoyed the meal.

“Well, we started in Dodge Junction, then we moved to Appleloosa about five years back. We work under a pony named Braeburn. He has been a thrill to work for.” Flame kept his grin. “And I can give you plenty of recipes if you want them.”

“I’d like that.” Blazeclaw nodded. “Anything to add to our variety of meals. Along with your address as I'm sure Coldbeak wants to keep in contact with you.” Cinder nodded quickly with a spoon sticking out of her mouth.

Cinder Part 4

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Twenty-four Years after Hives Destruction.

Cinder let out a content sigh as she looked over the farm. Her mate, Blazeclaw, playing out in the snow covered field with their adoptive son. She sat on the porch to their home, grinning contently as she watched them throwing snowballs at each other. They kept this up for a good half hour before Blazeclaw noticed a grey tabby and purple colored griffin trotting up to their gate.

He and their son stopped and walked up to the gate, as Cinder watched from afar, mostly confused. They weren't expecting visitors today. She watched them converse for a bit, then Blazeclaw salute which made her raise an eyebrow. They conversed for a bit more after that, till Blazeclaw looked at their son. He quickly nodded and started running towards the house, namely her.

He panted as he stopped in front of her and grinned up at her. “He wants to talk to you, mom.”

“Me?” She raised an eyebrow, looking back at the pair of griffins still talking away.

“Yup, some pony tradition.” Bunker, the blue and black griffin chick shrugged.

“Huh…” Cinder started slowly. She stood up and walked towards the gate, with Bunker following and grinning.

Once she got closer, she could make out the tabby and purple griffin. He had a few small scars visible along his limbs, but he stood proudly. He grinned and gave Cinder a salute when she got close, making her stop with a questioning look.

“Coldbeak, I presume?” Cinder nodded slowly. “I have two things for you,” He grinned widely as he lowered his paw, a small blue glint catching her eye. “I believe the first you may enjoy, but it’s required for the second. Your arm that has the bracelet, please?”

Cinder looked down at it, the once silver ring that sat just snug enough to be both comfortable and annoying hung slightly limply now. It was adorned with small gems now.

“Uhh, I'm kind of attached to it now,” She glanced at Blazeclaw, who nodded slightly.

“We made it into something fancy. Not exactly a griffin thing, but… She isn't really a griffin, as you know,” Blazeclaw grinned as he nuzzled Cinder softly.

“Then it’s a good thing I asked about something else. Can I still see it?”

Cinder blinked and held it up, the griffin grinned and held out a small blue crystal towards it. He tapped the smaller blue crystal against the larger crystal four times, stopping for a second between the second and third taps. She watched the blue gem on her bracelet light up, then dim to almost darkness before resuming its very soft glow.

“There. Now… If you two,” he paused, looking at Bunker. “Er, three, would come with me. Your second gift awaits,” He took a few steps back before starting down the path. The pair just blinked, looking at him.

“What did you do?” Cinder asked, before trotting after, as her family members followed.

“I deactivated your ring. Technically speaking, you were free about five years ago. They just never bothered to come release you.” The griffin spoke calmly, barely glancing over his shoulder. “Name’s Quicktail, by the way.”

Cinder blinked, missing a step. “The same Quicktail from the riots of Canterlot?”

Quicktail sighed, “Please tell me I'm not that much of a legend out here.”

“I wouldn't say your a legend, just famous,” Blazeclaw chuckled. “Hence why I saluted you.”

Quicktail shrugged as the four trotted along, Cinder slowing a little as she neared her natural border that she has had for the past two decades. The others kept walking as she slowed down a little bit, once she passed what had been the threshold before, she was expecting to see her bedroom again, but the path remained.

Quicktail took a few more steps before turning and stopping, grinning at Cinder. “We are here.”

The trio stopped and looked around. “Uh,” Cinder started, just as Quicktail grinned wider and gave a short whistle. The trio heard rustling to the side, just as a green unicorn stepped out, her eyes never leaving Cinder as Cinder stared back. Cinder saw the changeling underneath the unicorn.

“It’s been too long, Cinder.” The unicorn spoke as she stood next to Quicktail, grinning.

“E-Ember?” Cinder squeaked out, barely able to believe her eyes at the moment.

“That's not all.” Another voice spoke out, as a snow white unicorn with a blue mane stepped out, an orange bat pony next to him. Cinder just stared between them as they stood next to Ember and Quicktail.

“Maybe everypony should just come out at once?” Quicktail offered to the air, chuckling softly. After a few moments, another half dozen came out of the brush by the road. Almost all of them in various pony disguises, except one. Blazeclaw focused on the natural changeling for a bit, before looking at his mate, who was just standing there, shocked.

A muted grey unicorn stepped out of the line of various ponies and up to her. Cinder looked down at the unicorn, starting to sniffle as memories came back. She shook her head and closed her eyes, trying to hold the tears back. She opened her eyes, focusing on the unicorn before her as Cinder sat.

“I… I’m so-” Cinder started to say, before a hoof gently silenced her. Cinder squeaked, as she looked at the unicorn, who wore a warm grin.

“I forgive you.” The unicorn spoke softly, grinning. At that, Cinder pulled her into a tight hug, quickly shedding tears as most of the others moved over and joined in the hug.

“Why is mom crying?” Bunker looked up at Blazeclaw. “And who is that?” He pointed to the changeling, who didn't move up to hug.

“You’d cry too if you saw your family after over two decades of being apart,” Blazeclaw grinned warmly, “And as for who that is, I don't know.” He looked at the natural changeling.

The changeling walked over to them, grinning. “Name’s Talon, Wonderbolt Recruit. And we are all from the same Hive.” He extended a hoof to Blazeclaw, who took it in his paw and shook it.

“Wait, Talon?” Blazeclaw looked over the changeling. “You were in that war that happened during the same time as the riots, weren't you?”

“Eh, yeah,” Talon waved a hoof. “Like Quicktail here, I don't care much for titles. But we are here for her,” He pointed to the pony pile of hugs. “Not to take her away, but to reconnect.” He grinned.

“And you’re only a recruit?” Blazetail asked, looking Talon over.

“My choice, actually. I think Captain Spitfire would have put me higher, but after the wedding fiasco. I thought it best to earn my way up. Especially since I can't really disguise myself.”


Talon just sighed loudly, “Loooong story, you’ll get the run down later,” Talon turned to the group still hugging. “So, can we move this to someplace warmer? Unlike all of you in fur, I'm actually slightly cold.”

“You could've taken a pony disguise Mr cripple!” was shouted out from inside the pile.

“Meh, fine. I got my own fire to keep me warm anyway.”

Cinder grinned as she looked at everyone present. Her living room was currently occupied by most of her surviving hive mates. Topaz and Flame were currently in the kitchen, arguing over which spices to add to the meal they were cooking as Talon sat off to the side, chuckling. Ember sat in the middle on the floor, Bunker looking her over curiously with a young purple mare sitting next to her and a little hippogriff in her arms.

“I still can't believe you actually have a young chick!” Cinder blinked, looking the little hippogriff over.

“Little Levi here? Yeah. He was certainly a surprise,” Ember chuckled and grinned up at Cinder. “Still, I was thankful he wasn't born during the riots. That would have been very bad.”

“Yup. Still, earning that medal around your horn is a tremendous honour,” Blazeclaw nodded. “It couldn't have been easy to do what you did.”

“Eh, to be honest I still don't remember going dragon. Quicktail does though, and just keeps telling me I saved him and various guards.” Ember glared at Quicktail, who just grinned back at her.

“Still, how did Levi happen?” Cinder looked at the little chick closer.

“Well, Quicktail doesn't have a clue, nor does most of who is present. Faith Cure had an idea though; because I was effectively so full on our favored emotion after a Cloudsdale show, then getting more love energy while… erm... ” Ember blushed a little and coughed fakely into a hoof. “Doing that, the resulting energy allowed me to become fertile. At least for the time anyway.”

“Cloudsdale show?” Cinder raised an eyebrow, looking confused.

“Yes,” Scope nodded. “There was a Wonderbolt show in Cloudsdale a week or so before everything went to Tartarus in Canterlot. I was always curious how we’d fare after one of their shows. Now I know.”

“That really wasn't a riot. It was more of a full scale war in a single night,” Lode shivered as he spoke. “We all have seen wars, and those ponies can really turn it up to 11.”

“Yeah, that huge cannon was something else,” Feather spoke next. “And all the death we saw as we made our way into the city. If I didn't know better, I’d say Blueblood wanted to rule over a field of red instead of ponies.”

“But enough about that, it’s in the past and it should stay there,” Talon commented as he left the kitchen to the master chefs. “We heard from Melee and Flame that you have been here all this time. Of course, I can't really complain when I was a stone's throw from Ember for two months and never knew.”

Cinder raised an eyebrow as she looked at Talon, “You know, I am curious. How are you still almost the same age?”

Talon growled lowly as he flattened his brow and ears, “Discord.”

A resounding “Oh.” Sounded from Gleam, Bunker, Cinder, and Blazeclaw at the same time. Talon chuckled as he looked at Ember.

“Well, shall we give her our gift?” Talon grinned as he trotted over and sat by Ember.

“Oh yes, we should do that now,” She grinned widely and looked at Lode, who was already opening his pack. She turned back to Cinder, who looked confused. “We decided, since it’s been over two decades that we’ve seen you, to just give you a pair of books. The first is an address book, that contains all of our addresses, and the second… well.” She grinned as Lode slid a book sized package towards Cinder.

Cinder looked down at the package, and held it up in her magic. She slowly tore off the Wonderbolt colored wrapping paper to reveal what looked like a worn journal. She opened the book and saw various pictures of her hive mates.

“We made a scrapbook, there are plenty of blank pages so you can add your own to it.” Ember grinned widely. “This way, after we leave. You still have a way to remember us, and we each plan on getting a picture of your family too, so we can add it to our own.”

Cinder let out a few soft squeaks as she looked over the pages, seeing her various hive mates doing various things in the pictures. After a few pages she stopped and looked up at Ember, who was right next to her and pulled her into a hug. “Thank you so much!” Cinder hugged Ember tightly, making her squeak before she was able to return the hug as best she could. “I don't have a gift for you all though.”

“Seeing you again is enough of a gift,” Talon grinned. “Trust me, once I was able to, I gave Ember here a hug as well. And also apologized for our reunion being so painful.”

“And given what all happened, I forgave you,” Ember glared at Talon for a moment before returning to Cinder. “We are still on the lookout for more of our hive, so we will let you know if we find any more.”

“Well,” came from the door, making all those present turn towards it to see a blue dragon sitting in the doorway, grinning widely. “I may be able to point one more at you all. I hope I am not too late, Opal,” The dragon grinned widely at Opal, who had stood quickly and charged him. The dragon returned the sudden embrace with one of his own.

“Tesla! You’re just in time. I trust those behind you are your plus two?” She grinned as she leaned back. “And I feel we should move to the barn now. You and Mortalis won't fit in here, although...” Opal trailed off as she put a hoof to her chin.

Tesla blinked, “Yes indeed,” Tesla stepped back and gestured inside. A bright green dragon poking his head in shortly after the gesture, which looked around at everyone. Instinctively, the natural griffins growled at the dragon for a moment, before a few of the changelings followed what Opal did to Tesla.

“Jade!” Rang out from the various changelings as they all tackled and hugged the dragon. Quicktail and Blazeclaw both blinked, looking at Talon who had remained behind, along with Scope and Topaz.

“Who?” The griffins asked at the same time.

“Jade, another survivor from our hive,” Talon said with a grin as he trotted to the door and looked out at the pile on the dragon. He gazed a little bit beyond and saw another dragon, larger than Tesla by a little bit and a deep red in color with blue wings. Talon quickly lowered his eyes into a glare towards him. “And… who are you?”

The red dragon blinked, looking at Talon, then down to the changeling pile. “I am Mortalis, mate to Jade. And I will keep my claws lowered if you keep your hooves down.” Talon nodded as he slowly relaxed.

“Sorry, out of all of us, the event is still fresh in my mind,” Talon sighed. “It may have been close to twenty-five years for you, but it was only five years for me.” Talon shook his head and turned back inside.

“Yes, I am aware. That was a rough time for us as well, Borya did more damage than he thought,” Mortalis blinked as he looked at the door. “Uh, how do I get in?”

“Oh, that's easy!” Opal said suddenly from on top of Mortalis. “Take a deep breath!” She grinned down to him, her horn glowing.

“Uh, what do you plan to do Opal?” Mortalis looked up at her worriedly.

“Take a deep breath and you’ll see!”

Mortalis sighed as he closed his eyes and relaxed. After a moment he felt warm, and kind of tingly before the snow beneath his claws was replaced with a soft cushion. Even before Opal said he could open them, he quickly opened his eyes and looked around. Everyone looked so much bigger and he was inside!

“How…?” Mortalis slowly started to say, still looking confused.

“Teleportation and size magic,” Opal chuckled from Mortalis’s left. “And before you say that you're a dragon and resistant to magic. Your scales are resistant to offensive magic.” Opal reached over and gently poked the red dragons side. “So for the next twenty-four hours. You’re now Jin-sized!”

Mortalis just stared at Opal as she chuckled and continued. “How do you think we can heal your wounds, huh?”

“That… makes so much sense actually.” Blazeclaw mumbled off to the side.

“Well!” Opal grinned and stood up. “As Pinkie Pie would say, let’s get this party started!”

As Cooking Flame and Topaz Echo worked on dinner, adding in more to feed the dragons, Mortalis and Jade got introduced to everyone else. Stories were shared on how they got to various locations around the world, how they got to their respective jobs, a few of which working for the Royal Guard.

As the night wore on and drinks and food were had, Jade finally got to his part and revealed to everyone how the hive was destroyed. Most accepted it with a gasp, except Talon. He went silent as Jade explained his part, and after he finished, he excused himself from the house.

After a few moments of him almost storming out, Mortalis followed him out. Cinder sighed and followed as well. As she left the building and looked around, her ears perked up as she heard voices.

“You’re the last thing I want to see right now Mortalis!”

Cinder sighed and trotted over to where Talon was currently towering over Mortalis. Cinder shook her head and kept just out of sight.

“No, I think right now you do need to see me.” Mortalis stood as proud as a 2ft tall dragon could. “I am well aware that what the prince did was wrong. He was full of rage.”

“Yeah! And it's my fault that the hive got destroyed!” Talon turned away as he closed his eyes. “My fault that my queen died. My fault that so many of my family died that day, that I brought about the end of the Ruby Hive. I was supposed to be its protector, its guardian. And I instead bring about its destruction.”

Mortalis sighed softly as he looked behind him, directly at Cinder. He stared at her for a moment before looking back at Talon. “And what did you do after that?” Talon looked back at Mortalis as he continued. “You became a Renegade, you fought against impossible odds, all for what? Ponies that hated what you were, just because of some event that you weren't a part of.” Mortalis turned part-way away from him.

“Yes, you may have brought about the Ruby Hive’s destruction, but it wasn't just you who did. Borya paid for his crime,” Mortalis looked directly at Talon. “His wings were clipped, in the most painful of ways, and his fire breath was hindered.”

Talon raised an eyebrow at that. “How…?”

“His own father struck a nerve, literally,” Mortalis pointed to a spot on his neck. “A solid hit here, and he can't breath fire without it hurting him. To the point that almost burns his mouth.”

“That… doesn't make sense.”

“Yes it does,” Cinder spoke up as she trotted into view. “They basically turned up the temperature on his fire. Or lowered his resistance to his own fire. Take your pick,” she stopped as she stood next to Mortalis, who nodded. “Also, we don't blame you for the loss of our home, Talon.”

“But I…”

“You didn't know.”

“That's not true!” Talon turned and focused on Cinder. “I had a premonition about it!”

“Oh, that you saw the hive crumbling, but what was the source?” Cinder raised an eyebrow. “And before you ask, hive mind, remember? You kind of broadcasted it loudly.” Cinder chuckled as Talon blushed slightly, looking down and away. “We kept it quiet. But honestly Talon, we never knew what the source was.”

“When Jade found out,” Mortalis stepped up. “He only glared and growled whenever he was near the prince. And Borya couldn't do anything to him with me next to him. And he feared what I would do to him if he did do anything to Jade.”

Talon sighed, looking down at the ground and remained silent for a long time. Mortalis walked up to him and put an arm over his side.

“Borya hurt the dragons just as badly as he hurt you. You may not see it, but he is still paying the price for making us lose our best healers and builders. It was one of many factors that forced us to peace with the griffins and the ponies of Equestria.” Mortalis sighed. “Honestly, next blood feud, I'm sitting out. And going to take a page from Tesla’s book and become a hermit with Meru and Jade.”

Talon raised an eyebrow at that. “Meru?”

“A wyvern, whom I love just as much as Jade,” Mortalis’s cheeks darkened a little as he grinned sheepishly. “And she loves us both just as much.” Mortalis shook his head after that then looked back at Talon. “But that isn't relevant. I understand you need some time alone. I just wanted to clear a few things up.”

Mortalis waited a moment before starting back towards the building. “Honestly, you should be thankful as many of your hive survived as it did. I heard what happened to your sister hive, the Quartz. None survived that one,” Mortalis glanced back at the pair. “Tesla told me all about it. Our feud came in, spread like a literal wildfire, and engulfed the whole hive. So that is partially our fault.”

“I…” Talon started, looking at Mortalis.

“We are naturally a violent species, Talon. Fighting is what we do, even the griffins admit to that. But there are some of us who hate it, and I have learned that there is a time and a place for conflict,” Mortalis sighed and started back towards the main building. “Think on it, Talon. You of all ponies should know what it's like to fight for reasons beyond your comprehension.”

Mortalis vanished back into the building, leaving Talon to sit in the snow and look down. Cinder sighed softly and walked up to his side, sitting next to him and draping a wing over him. “You’re still beating yourself up about it, aren't you?” She asked, looking at him.

“It was five years ago for me. I still get nightmares about it, seeing the rocks falling. Hearing my family call out to me for help. I have tried to ignore it, but it's still there,” Talon closed his eyes, and sniffled as he continued. “It has been going away, somewhat, with each hive member we find.”

“But it will never fully leave,” Cinder leaned on her brother. “We all still get nightmares about it occasionally, Talon. I should know, seeing the dragon that did all this to me still shows up from time to time in my mind. But I'm surrounded by family, a family that I wouldn't leave for the world. And seeing all of you again,” She trailed off as she looked at Talon. “It's the best day I’ve had in the last twenty-five years.”


“I was alone until seven or so years ago, when I ran into Flame and Melee at a stall. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them. Like my mind had finally snapped and I was dreaming them up,” Cinder paused to shake her head. “When they saw me, and tackled me. I was so happy that I didn't care if my disguise dropped. And then seeing the rest, learning that everypony had some grand adventure, I was stunned.”

Cinder grinned as she pulled Talon in close. “Scope is a royal guard serving directly under Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, that sounds so awesome and I’d love to see the Crystal Empire. Heck! I would love to see your floating compound! See Canterlot in all its rebuilt glory! I have missed so much being cooped up here. But it's my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.”

“Thanks,” Talon leaned on Cinder and rested his muzzle on her shoulder. She sighed and kept him warm under a wing, and they remained there for a couple minutes before Cinder shivered. Talon sighed softly and looked up at her. “We should get you back inside where it's warm.”

“Yes, we should. But are you feeling up to seeing Mortalis?” Cinder looked down at Talon, who shrugged slightly in response. “You're not going to try and stab him, are you?”

“No, I promise to be a good scout.” Talon sat back and raised a hoof.

“You were never a scout.” Cinder chuckled as Talon pouted.

“Not true! I had to scout a safe route for the Wonderbolts once… twice… a lot.” Talon trailed off. The pair shared a chuckle before Cinder led Talon back inside. Once inside, they shared the rest of the evening with the others and plenty of cookies and other desserts. That night all of them slept on the floor of the living room, or on the couch or chair, or somewhere where they were close to each other and had the best dream possible.

The next morning, Cinder woke up to the scents of breakfast being cooked. She yawned and grinned as she sat up and looked towards the kitchen. Mortalis was barely visible over the counter, and appeared to be helping Flame and Talon cooking up breakfast. She sighed contently as she watched them.

It wasn't long before the rest started to wake up and soon all were chatting away with others. Cinder sat back on the floor, leaning against the couch as she just watches everypony chat. Bunker soon sits by her side and looks at everyone. He remains quiet for a moment before looking at Cinder.

“I think this is the happiest I’ve seen you.” Bunker grinned over to his adoptive mother as she looked back at him.

“Next to the day you started calling me mother. But this one does rank a little higher.” She grinned as she pulled him closer into a hug. “I hope you don't mind.”

“I like seeing you smile, in fact I wish to see it more often.” Bunker leans over to nuzzle his mother.

“I’ll try to do so in the future.” Cinder grinned and leaned down to nuzzle Bunker. The pair remained snuggled together, Bunker under Cinders wing, till a click was heard. They both looked up towards it, to see Ember grinning and lowering a camera.

“I couldn't resist.”

Opal Part 1

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Nine hours after Hives Destruction.

A grey changeling ran along the forest floor, dodging trees as she panted and kept her wings close, despite one of them being charred. Her life had been torn upside down, the once happy go lucky changeling with a streak for breaking the fourth wall was now shedding tears and running for her life. She had left Cinder behind when the older changeling told her to run, leaving her grappling with a dragon.

The very same dragons that had captured her friends, destroyed her home, burnt her wing, and silenced her.

She kept running, unable to take to the skies that she knew would be better than dodging trees and roots. The pain of her wing still present in her mind, as it got burned in the escape attempt from the caged wagon that held her family, including Cinder and Brimstone. She only winced slightly as it brushed along a tree that she’d narrowly dodge, or a root as she jumped over it.

Opal didn't stop, even as her body pleaded her to. Her hooves ached as she raced along the dirt. She kept the pace up for what seemed like an eternity, eventually coming to a stream. She crouched slightly to get ready to leap over it, but her hoof caught on a rock and she went face first into it, causing her to go hooves overhead and land on her back in the stream.

She yelped and cringed as her wing hit the cool water, which flowed past her back and tail as well. She grunted as she tried to roll over, her body refusing to move one bit despite her urge to get as far away as possible. She managed to roll to her side, grunting and struggling to stand, but failing and landing belly first in the stream, facing the direction she had been running.

Her mind caught up with her, and saw that nothing has been chasing her, as only faintly red hoof prints mar the mud and dirt. When the realization finally caught up to her, her eyes start to get heavy as she struggled to stand, only getting barely up before falling again. Her eyes start to close as exhaustion caught up, and she vaguely noticed the blue scaled paws land in her visual range before she passed out.

Opal slowly woke up, her entire body felt warm and tingly with something covering most of it. The scents that assaulted her nose almost smelled like home, but other smells made themselves known, like rosemary, and lavender. She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted with an unusual sight.

The last thing she remembered was passing out in a stream, not in what looked like a bedroom. There were no windows along the smooth cave-like walls, and from what she could see as she looked around, it looked like this room was used sparingly. And the space this room provided looked big enough for her Queen to move freely around in!

As she slowly lifted her head up to look around, she hardly felt any pain, and saw she was under a warm looking blanket on a soft bed of feathers. She saw a table against the far wall, and what looked like a door was built into a cave wall that was smoothed over. She let out a soft squeak as she noticed it was slightly ajar, and a few moments after that did the head of a blue dragon poke in.

If she could scream, she would have. But instead she hid under the covers and shivered. She didn't hear anything outside the safety of the blanket. After a minute or two, she peeked out and saw a blue dragon sitting by the door. He gave her a warm grin, not showing any fangs, and held in his paw a dish of food that looked to be a well cooked fish.

The dragon himself looked to be young, maybe close to fifty years of age. If one could guess at a dragons age anyway. He had a few scars along his blue body, including three that ran over his snout and an eye. But his eye looked fine, and still appeared to work.

“I won't hurt you,” He said quietly. “My name is Tesla, what's yours?”

Opal let out a soft squeak, then looked down and shook her head. The dragon sighed softly.

“I understand. Something scared you silent,” He shrugged faintly. “Your wing was badly burned, but it should be as good as new in a week, maybe longer,” He paused, grinning warmly as his expression changed, he looked as if to be remembering something. “You remind me of somepony I met ages ago. I know what you are, and while you may not trust me yet. I won't harm you, or let any harm come to a member of the Ruby Hive.”

Opals eyes widened at that as she looked back at him. He kept the warm grim going as he continued.

“My potions and elixirs are second only to the Zebra tribes of Equestria. You will be back on your hooves within days, and I promise that I will help you in any way that I can,” He gave a small bow, then gestured to a night stand by her bed. “If I may put this down by you, I shall leave you alone after that.”

She gave a simple nod, and watched him stand and walk over, setting the fish on the nightstand, then backed up till he was at the door again. “If you need me, just tap that gem on that stand,” he bowed again, and left her alone.

She tentatively reached out with a hoof, but stopped when she noticed it was bandaged. At this point she took time to look herself over. The small cuts she had were gone, her wings were wrapped up, but not in a way that was constricting at all. She noticed her barrel had a few bandages as well, mostly by her wing. And everywhere that was covered felt warm and faintly tingly.

She looked back towards the door for a moment, then to the fish on a plate. She didn't even have to sniff the air to tell that fish had been made with expertise. The right amount of spices to tickle her nose, cooked to the right tenderness to appear soft. She floated the plate towards her, sitting it down in front and licked it gently, then let out a gasp. It tasted just as good as it smelled!

Before she really knew it, the fish was just bones before her. She let out a soft content sigh, then squeaked as she heard a soft knock on the door.

“Sorry, forgot a drink,” a cup of water slid into view from the doorway, a tail snaking away from it and retreating back out of the room. She watched the cup a moment, then floated it over in her magic and sniffed at it. It smelled like plain water, but if the fish was anything to go by. She took a few gulps of it, it tasting like filtered water, with a few small herbs tossed in to add flavor to it.

She downed the cup, and set it next to the plate. She then reached over and tapped the gem. She winced only slightly as her hoof touched the gem, letting her know that it was still tender from her running. A few moments later a familiar head poked into the room.

“You wanted me?” Tesla glanced at her as she nodded and gestured to the dishes. “Oh yes, right away,” He grinned and gave a short bow as he stepped into the room. He trotted up to the bed gently, and grabbed the dishes and took a few steps back. “You're welcome, ma’am… or sir,” he chuckled softly as he turned and made his way to the door, stopping at it and turning back to her. “I suggest more rest for now. I will bring you a list of various dishes I can make.” He paused a moment to chuckle, “a small list, anyway.”

She nodded and curled up under the blanket, as he continued. “And some paper. You may not be able to speak, but I can read your language.” With that he left the room.

Well, she thought to herself. This dragon is certainly being generous to me. He hardly knows me. She let out a soft sigh and snuggled into the blanket to get more rest. The next two days went by like this, with her trying various meals that he had said were from all over the world. He changed her bandages over the days as well, asking for permission before doing so.

He had kept conversation light during those times, which mostly was him reassuring her that he wouldn't bite or cause harm. After the third day, she found the courage to strike up a conversation, by writing him questions.

As he looked over the paper that had the first question on it. “Hm, seems your language has changed a little over the centuries. I can still make out most of it though, and yes. I am being rather kind compared to my kin,” He grinned warmly towards her. “Kindness can go a long way when making a friend.”

Opal took another piece and scribbled something on it before floating it over in front of him as he worked on changing her bandages. He stopped to read it a moment, then chuckled as he resumed, “Yes, I am far older than I appear. I drank a strange potion that I, sadly, haven't been able to reproduce in the sixteen hundred years I’ve been around,” He paused to glance at her, taking note of her wide eyed expression, and grinned, “I'm not joking either. I saw Discord’s reign, Princess Luna get banished to the moon and how Princess Celestia coped afterwards. I saw the Crystal Empire vanish.” He let out a somber sigh after that, “And… I haven't been able to visit a friend since then.”

Tesla focused on the bandage, tying it off and moving onto another one as he continued, “And before you ask. She was like you, a changeling, quite similar in appearance infact. I mistook you for her at first, but I know for a fact you are not her. I remember how we first met, we…” he paused, then shook his head. “That is a story for another time. Right now you should just relax. You should be able to walk tomorrow, and fly again a few days after that.”

Another small scroll floated in front of him, he blinked at it and looked it over, then chuckled. “Generosity is its own reward.” He turned partially to face her, as he worked over her wing. “Where are you headed? Or rather, I guess I should ask; where is your heart telling you to go?”

Opal blinked, then looked down at the paper in front of her. She stared at it for a long time, barely feeling her wing getting worked on. The dragons soft voice shook her from her thoughts.

“It’s okay. I'm not expecting an answer today, but I know of ponies, dragons, or griffins who would be willing to help you out,” He paused as he heard a squeak. “Okay, maybe not dragons,” He chuckled weakly. “I doubt you want to see any besides me at this moment.”

Opal squeaked softly with a nod as Tesla backed up. “There, your hooves are healing nicely. So is your wing, but I would suggest you not fly for a while, a week or two perhaps.” He sighed softly, looking down. “I honestly wish I knew what went through a dragon's mind sometimes. Destroying a hive is a stupid thing to do.” He looked up slightly, staring at Opal. “I have a few things to do, and a few ponies or griffins to contact. As much as I’d like you to remain here, I can already tell that your heart is calling you somewhere else.” He grinned as he rested a paw gently on Opal’s side. “So for now, you rest, and listen to where it tells you to go. Rest well, Opal.”

She nodded slightly as she laid back down on the bed, the dragon before her standing and making his way out of the room, gently closing the door behind him after tapping a crystal near the door. The light in the room fading to a very low level.

A week later, Opal had been healing very nicely due to this dragons’ potions and brews. A day or two ago she was allowed to walk around his little cave dwelling. It was set up like a single level house. A kitchen that had a stream going through it which also ran into the living room that took up most of the home. He didn't have his own room, rather he had two rooms he deemed as guest rooms, and he said he had company over occasionally.

She also found out he did a lot of various potion making, from healing balms to mixes added into baths to relieve achy joints. He learned most of what he did through various Zebra tribes in Equestria, and they often swap recipes and ingredients. At least when he visited.

At the moment, though, she was exploring the kitchen when she heard voices outside the cave. She stopped what she was doing and slowly crept out towards the entrance. As she neared it, the voices grew louder, it sounded like Tesla was arguing with someone. She peeked around and saw him talking with a pair of larger dragons.

“We know it is in there, whelp, let it out and we will be on our way!” A large red growled, towering over Tesla who didn't back down.

“And I’m telling you, whelp, that I am not letting her out into your dirty claws!” Tesla glared back at the red.

“Oh yeah, and what are you gonna about, huh? You’re, what, barely over 50? You have no right to call us w-YELP!” Opal blinked, and seemed to miss what happened. Tesla was standing before the dragons a second before she blinked, now he had both pinned to the ground. A paw resting on the neck of the red, just behind his jaw with his claws digging in faintly, and both his hind claws resting on the wings. The red was also lying awkwardly on his partner, a green, who had also towered over Tesla.

“You can tell that smokebox of a Czar that no dragons are allowed near my cave while the changeling is in my care. If I catch any of you flamebrains near me, that changeling, or my home, I will personally send them back to him in several pieces!”

The dragons quickly nodded, whimpering softly.

“And let them know who banished your kind from here. Tesla, former Major General of the Scale Guard and once the owner of the Element of Generosity!” He snarled as he leaned down to the reds nose, “Got that?!”

The moment the red squeaked out a response, he let them back up and they quickly scampered back, took to the air, and fled the area. He sighed softly and looked back at his cave.

“I’m sorry you had to see that Opal. I bet you have a lot more questions for me now, huh?” He grinned warmly towards the cave entrance. Opal slowly crept out, nodding slightly once in view. “I learned how to fight under the God of War himself. Taught me everything he knew… Well, almost everything. I can't exactly shoot magic at people or make barriers, but he taught me how to get around that,” Tesla shrugged some and cantered back inside. “They won't bother me again, the Czar doesn't want to lose more dragons. And I won't fight in his stupid war.”

He led her back to the kitchen, as he let out a content sigh. “I knew a griffin once. Strangest fellow too, but he was awesome and made everybody laugh. It was a sad day when he…” He sighed again, this time forlornly, as he looked back at her. “Being ageless has its perks, and its drawbacks. What I wouldn't give to see them all again, my old friends.”

He sat at the table with a soft sigh, as Opal sat across from him, looking at the dragon like he just turned a new page. After a few moments of silence, Tesla looked back up at her. “In case you’re wondering, the God of War is an alicorn. Not sure where he is at this moment, but I know he’s still alive. Jinsong keeps in contact with me,” He grinned softly. “Maybe I should go pay Shiro a visit, sometime.”

Opal raised an eyebrow, then shrugged and started to move away from the table. She managed to take a few steps before Tesla caught her attention.

“I managed to get in contact with a few ponies in Fillydelphia. They would be willing to provide you a home, and I know exactly how you can get there. There is a pony ship at a nearby port that can take you. Considering Princess Celestia knows who I am, I can get you on that ship and point you to the family who would take you in,” He grinned softly.

“I have ties all over Equus, and if you ever need help, just let me know. And before you ask, I’ll give you a crystal that has a direct link to me. A piece of history long forgotten. So do keep it hidden, okay?”

One Month after Hives Destruction.

A muted grey unicorn with a spiky teal and yellow mane and tail stood next to Tesla. They were both looking at a large wooden gate with a pair of earth ponies looking back at them, slightly confused. The unicorn took a chance to look around as Tesla stepped forward towards the ponies.

It looked like they were outside a small fort, it had recently seen conflict but looked like repairs were coming along nicely.

“State your business, reptile!” One of the earth ponies commanded, a stallion from the looks of it.

Tesla remained calm as Opal squeaked softly. “My name is Tesla, and I am requesting passage for the unicorn behind me.”

“Hmph, and why should we let that happen?” The stallion narrowed his eyes at the dragon.

“I can make it an order,” Tesla kept calm.

“You have no rank over us!”

“Can I talk to your commanding officer?” Tesla sighed as he sat. The guards outside the gate barely gave a response before they all heard a shout from above. Tesla and Opal looked up, Opal squeaked at the unicorn standing there, as Tesla just grinned.

“Who wants to talk to me?” He asked, before the unicorn disappeared in a pop, reappearing next to the dragon.

“This reptile does, Captain Tendril,” One of the guards saluted as Tendril glanced at him, then looked over the dragon.

“My name is Tesla,” The dragon stood and stepped back, giving the unicorn a salute. “Member of House Star,” He reached into a pack that Opal was wearing and pulled out a small badge and showed it to the captain.

“House… Star…?” The unicorn blinked, as he looked it over. “Seriously? A dragon is a member of that house? How?!”

“Long story, not pressing at this moment.” Tesla grinned and gestured to Opal, who had been pretty much cowering behind Tesla. “This is Opal, and she is wanting transport to Fillydelphia to meet some ponies there.”

“And where is she from?” The unicorn looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Classified,” Tesla leaned in to whisper something to him, making him nod.

“Okay, we do have a boat heading there in a few days. Once it arrives that is,” The unicorn looked to the two earth ponies. “Let them in.”

“SIR?” The guards exclaimed with confusion.

The unicorn raised an eyebrow. “That dragon is a member of House Star. I know of that House, and trust me; no other dragons would have this badge. So, therefore. Let. Him. In.” He growled the last few words. The earth ponies flattened their ears and nodded slightly as the unicorn opened the door for them.

The unicorn led the pair into a building, with the dragon letting Opal in first before squeezing in and taking up most of the small building. The dragon just grinned as he tried to relax within the confines of the building as Opal looked at the unicorn captain.

“So, she is wanting transport to Equestria, correct?” The unicorn looked Opal over, making her squeak again softly.

“Yes, Captain Tendril,” Tesla grinned. “Opal here is going to meet with some friends of mine there.”

The unicorn nodded slowly, looking at her still. “And why is she being quiet?”

“A traumatic experience has left her silent for now. And before you ask, it involves dragons. I can't really go into detail about that, for which I am sorry. But that is personal information I won't disclose unless she gives me permission.” Tesla shrugged slightly, looking at Opal.

She shook her head, making Tesla grin slightly. “So there you go.”

“Alright. I assume she can still write and use magic?” Tesla nodded a response, he continued. “Okay, we can get her some notes to write out… Uh, she can write equish, right?”

Tesla and Opal shared a look, Opal shrugged slightly. “Uh, let’s see if she can.” He grinned weakly. Tendril nodded and slid some paper and a quill over to her. She took it in her magic and looked at the paper, writing out a few words. After doing so, she floated the paper over to Tesla who looked it over and nodded. “The middle one, Opal.”

Opal grinned as Tesla crumpled up the paper while looking at Tendril. “Her Equish might be a little rusty, but it's good enough to get the concept across.”

Tendril nodded back at him. “She can stay in my quarters then Tesla. Since it appears she is a little fragile at the moment. A ship should be arriving soon to give her transport to her destination. Shall I find a way to give you a progress report?”

Tesla shook his head at that with a soft grin. “Nope, I’ll know when she’s there.”

“Right, right. You seem to have ties everywhere, don't you?” Tesla just nodded at that, making the unicorn chuckle. “You’re dismissed then, if there is nothing else.”

Tesla nodded, and proceeded to worm his way out of the building as gently as possible. “You should really make these doors bigger, never know when you’ll get a big guest.”

“I will see what I can do, Tesla,” Tendril chuckled as he followed him out. “Take care of yourself.”

Tesla nodded and turned back, grinning softly at Opal. “And you promise to take care of her until she’s on the ship, right?”

“Yup, and I’ll let the captain on that ship know everything.”

Jade Part 1

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Three weeks after Hives destruction.

“What the hell is a changeling from the Ruby Hive doing in my throne room, chained up and looking like it got dragged through Tartarus itself?” The large dragon bellowed, making every dragon present cringe, except for one. The larger dragon resting on a throne was glaring so hard at the younger dragon of a matching color that it wasn't a wonder he didn't get sliced in two.

“My goal, Father, was to get revenge on the one that beat me in combat!” The younger glared back with matching ferocity.

The changeling in question was on his stomach, his bright red carapace cracked in several places, along with various burn marks along his tail and arms. He had a bruised eye and a cracked rear hoof, and various scars along his tail from it being grabbed, and one of his neon green wings was torn and burnt near the base as well. And finally, he had chains attached to each hoof, and one hanging off his horn, keeping him pinned to the floor from the weight.

One of the guards, a deep red dragon with blue frayed looking wings was sitting next to the changeling, glancing down at him occasionally as the two royal dragons shouted back and forth. The dragon, weirdly enough, had a sword on his back, which seemed to blend in with his golden armor. The rest of the guards only had armor that added to their already thick scales.

“DAMMIT BORYA!” The Czar yelled as he pounced on the younger dragon, slamming his head into the marble below as he held a clawed hand around the prince’s neck. “DO YOU REALIZE THE DAMAGE YOU DID? Those changelings were our builders, our healers, OUR FRIENDS!”

“I didn't think that a Capture Crystal would react like that! I only wanted to drop it right in front of that changelings face and capture him!”

“So you used a Capture Crystal? And sent it via Transportation Flame?” he leaned back for a moment, took a deep breath, and then moved in really close to his son’s face, snarling deeply. “Our Transportation Flame can't be used as a weapon!” He yelled almost point blank. ”If it could, I’d have sent that foolish King Gerardo to the damned SUN by now!”

“I…” the prince squeaked, staring wide eyed at his father whose snarl dripped with saliva and fire as his eyes were red with rage.

“I will discuss your punishment later,” The Czar spoke calmly, but his tone was dripping with venom. “In the meantime, I have to figure out what to do with this changeling. After the report your little convoy gave me, I can safely assume it is the only one left in the dragon lands. Any others have fled for fear of us.”

He turned to one of the guards, his grasp still firm on the prince’s neck. “You two, take this whelp to his room, tie his wings and lock the doors from the outside. Melt the metal on them if you have too. He is not to leave his room, and if he does…” he trailed off, looking down at his son. “I will hand his sorry hide over to Princess Celestia herself and let her banish you to the moon with her Sister.” He waited a moment after finishing before letting his son go. “Yes, that would be a fitting peace offering.”

The prince, once his father had let him go, quickly scurried away towards one the stairways. Two guards followed as another made his way out the main doors. The Czar turned to the changeling next, who squeaked when those eyes fell upon him. The Czar sighed, and looked up at the blue dragon next to him. “Mortalis, take him to our apothecaries and see what they can do.”

“Sir,” Mortalis started, with a salute. “With all do respect, it looks like it lacks the energy to change, so, it would be more prudent to bring one here. It can remain in my quarters while one of my soldiers retrieves the apothecary.” The larger dragon just waved a wing in his general direction.

“Do whatever you think is needed, Major General. I have a lot to think about right now.” The Czar groaned as he sat back down. Mortalis looked down to the changeling and moved to remove some of the chains, the changeling yelped and tried to scoot away, his terrified eyes moving to focus on Mortalis.

The dragon sighed and lowered himself, speaking softly. “I won't hurt you, I promise.” The changeling remained cowering in fear, but did manage to slowly stand up. He remained as submissive as possible around the larger dragons, his tail tucked low and his wings as close to his sides as possible, despite the pain one was causing in that position.

Mortalis let out another sigh as he stood up, he had seen the changeling limp over to a safe part of the room after Borya had thrown him in. He watched the changeling stand on three out of four legs, his broken hoof hanging slightly as he held it up. The dragon shook his head and lowered himself down to the ground.

“Get on my back, I’ll carry you to my room.” The changeling just stared at the dragon, wide eyed and confused. Mortalis shook his head slightly. “I could just pick you up and drop you on my back.” At that the changeling very carefully moved to his back. Attempting to do so while not putting any pressure on his hind hoof. After what felt like a few minutes, the changeling was finally on Mortalis’ back. The dragon stood slowly, and turned to one his soldiers.

“Fetch an apothecary, we shall be in my quarters.” Mortalis ordered, hearing a soft squeak behind him. The soldier nodded and quickly trotted off as Mortalis started to make his way towards his room.

The changeling looked around at the sight before him. He had never been in the palace of the dragons before, and it looked awe-inspiring. The dragons, however, were not as cool, in fact they looked downright scary. He was being carried by a blue dragon, some Major General Mortalis was really all he heard from the Czar.

Of course right now he was trying to ignore the pain in his hoof and wing. Those hurt the most right now, the rest of his wounds had numbed themselves by now. And this dragons gentle trot, along with the armor, was not helping his hoof. He could tell this dragon was attempting to be kind, but dragon emotions were a bit hard to read.

The pair entered a hallway and soon left other guards behind. After a little bit of the gentle trot, Mortalis slowed, and glanced over his shoulder. “What's your name?”

The changeling blinked, looking directly at the dragon. He stared at the dragon for a bit, before looking down and stared at the dragon’s back.. “J… Jade.” He murmured out, the dragon barely hearing it.

“Hm, isn't that color of stone normally darker than your carapace?” The dragon chuckled softly as he looked forward. “Look, you can think whatever you want of us. Kazimir will keep you safe. You may not like it, but he won't let any harm come to you.”

Jade looked down, having lost interest in everything around him as he just watched the marble floor cruise on by. He barely registered a door opening and closing, or a bed of soft looking metal coming into view.

“I know you may not be fond of metal beds, but I bet it will beat the dirt floor you’ve slept on before,” Jade looked up at Mortalis, who had a wing extended towards the bed. Jade winced and slowly slid along the wing towards the bed, which actually felt softer than it looked. “Just relax for now, the apothecary should be here soon and can look you over and hopefully heal a few of those scars.”

Mortalis waited till Jade was on the bed before he walked over and sat by the door, with just enough space for it to open and hit him. He turned and faced Jade, who had his wing spread out on the bed, and his hind hoof hanging off of it. “What happened to you, if I may ask?”

Jade looked up at Mortalis, before looking back down. “I tried to escape when my siblings did. I… couldn't just leave some of my family behind. I saw others getting beaten, and came back to help them. Everyone of my family either escaped, or was killed in the chaos. I was beaten within an inch of my life by your prince.” Jade looked away from the dragon, closing his eyes as tears started to fall. “I don't know if any managed to get away or not. I have no way of knowing.”

“Well, you’re safe no-”

“Stop saying that!” Jade snapped, glaring back at Mortalis with tears still dropping from his eyes. “I am far from safe! I am within the dragon palace, surrounded by those that once called us friend. Can you truly promise me that I am safe from being attacked? Safe from being hurt again? Can you?!”

Mortalis sighed, looking away. “I can, actually. As Major General, I can formally request that you be given to me, as a ward. What Borya did was wrong, and did a lot more damage than he originally thought.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Would you rather go back to someone like Borya? Or get someone who would treat you worse?” Mortalis looked back at the changeling, who was looking away again. “Look, nothing I can say or do will forgive our kind for what we did. But maybe I can rebuild that bridge with kindness. It’s going to be bumpy at first, and will be for a long time. But I promise you that I will protect you.”

The room fell into silence after that for almost an hour. Mortalis stayed by the door as Jade remained on the bed, looking anywhere but at the dragon. A light knock alerted the pair, with Jade staring at the door wide eyed again. Mortalis turned around and opened the door a crack, peering out.

“Ah, Meru!” Mortalis perked up, as Jade looked at him confusedly. “I was hoping they’d send you.”

“I was told the patient was in near critical condition. Who is it?” A soft voice spoke from the other side of the door. It sounded sweet, with a faint bit of energy, and certainly from a female.

“Well, that… isn't exactly true. I mean it is hurt. And --ack!”

The door swung open to reveal a young looking watery light blue wyvern with a bag hanging off her tail, cutting off Mortalis as he was knocked away from the door and tackled. The wyvern glared down at Mortalis.

“You don't refer to patients as ‘it’ if you know who the patient is!” She growled as she lowered herself down to his level. He gulped loudly and pointed to the bed. She looked up slowly, and once her eyes fell upon the changeling who couldn't tell if he should be scared, worried, or brave, gasped loudly and quickly rushed to his side. She slid to a stop and somehow already had a bandage grasped in her wing claws from her pack.

“You poor thing! What have you been through?” She asked gently, leaving Jade really confused. Mortalis closed the door with his tail as he rolled to face the wyvern.

“It got beat up pretty badly by Borya.” Mortalis sighed softly.

“The prince? Really? Why?” She didn't even wait for a response before tending to the broken hoof. Resting back on a leg as her tail snaked around to deliver her pack to the bed. She expertly used her foot claws, tail, and wing talons to wrap up a heavily soaked bandage around the hoof.

“He lost a battle against one,” Mortalis chuckled as he trotted over and sat by the bed.

“Serves him right, stupid Borya was always too lazy.” Meru scoffed as she kept working on the bandage.

“You know you shouldn't talk about him like that.”

“And what is he going to do? I am the best wyvern apothecary there is!” She grinned widely as she tapped her chest with a wing.

“You’re the only one there is…” Mortalis deadpanned.

“Details,” she stuck out her tongue at Mortalis, then looked over the changeling in greater detail now, mostly looking at each wound. “So… I should have asked this earlier, what is it?”

Mortalis just gestured to Jade. “Best if you explain it yourself, Jade.”

The changeling, after getting over the initial flood of excited emotions from the wyvern, let out a sigh and looked away. “I am a changeling, from a hive under Mt. Volash,” he mumbled. “We usually have a prefered gender, male in my case, and we can alter ourselves to appear as almost anything else. Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus, Griffin, or Dragon, at least.”

Meru had stopped and looked at the changeling. “That seems cool, but you don't sound so enthused.”

“Borya destroyed their hive,” Mortalis said solemnly, looking away. “He was apparently trying to capture the one who beat him, using both our flame and a Capture Crystal. The result was… well, I heard the reports from the platoon he took. It wasn't pretty. The hive was already small, and that sealed its fate.”

“Our sister hive, the Quartz, was wiped out by the war, near its start. It was much closer to the border between the Griffin Empire and the Dragon Lands,” Jade sighed, wincing and looking away as Meru started on the wing. “One attack from both sides resulted in the forest of that area burning to the ground, and the fires carried inside the hive… It wasn't pretty,” Jade looked out the window of the room, at the darkening sky.

“Talon, Spark, and a few others were sent to investigate it. They returned with only one survivor, who didn't last a week after arriving at our hive. The fire had carried into the hive, somehow. Even Leviathan wasn't able to determine how or why when she went herself. Each of the changelings were just bones, burnt, charred, and the sight left us scared. Talon wanted us out of the war after that, and he mostly got his wish. Now… we are but a few, and that's if they survived.” Jade closed his eyes and rested his head on the bed, falling silent.

The other two had fallen silent as well, as Mortalis just stared at Jade after that little story. The room fell silent for a solid minute before Meru resumed working on the changelings wounds. She worked as best she knew how, and after a while, she got to the carapace on his back and looked at it confusedly.

“So… How should I mend this?” She asked, hoping to get a response. The changeling barely looked at her. “I mean, dragons I know. Along with drakes, wyverns, and even wyrms, though those don't get hurt. But changelings? Your new.”

“Shellac, or any other mending compound,” Jade stated monotonously. “Glue the bits together and then tie it down. I won't be flying any time soon with a seared wing, so just tie up my barrel.”

“You sound like you know a fair bit of how to mend,” Meru commented as she started to do what she was told. Grabbing a red vial and uncorking it, she then poured some over his back and spread it around the cracked parts. “This should work, I use it to mend broken dragon scales and plates.”

“That should… ooo. “Jade moaned a little as he felt the stuff seep into the wounds and cracks in his shell. “That stuff tingles and actually feels nice.”

“Thanks, I mix my own potions and balms. I could show you a little bit of what I do another time perhaps,” Meru grinned as she started to wrap him up, Mortalis helping to lift the changeling when prompted to. “But back into the topic of you, you can do magic?”

Jade nodded slightly, his horn glowing faintly and soon a bottle floated up into Meru’s view. “Huh, I guess that answers that. Makes a little sense too, since I bet manipulating stuff with hooves is a bit hard.” Meru took the bottle and set it back down.

“Says the one with wings,” Mortalis sniggered as Meru shot him a pouty glare. “Anyway, you two can get acquainted, I am going to talk to Kazimir.” With that, Mortalis stood and left the room, leaving behind Meru to ask Jade a bunch of questions while she worked.

A week later, a dark green dragon covered in bandages was sitting in the throne room off to the side of the throne. One of his wings, his hind leg, and various parts along his barrel were wrapped up, but he sat as proudly as any hurt dragon could. Though at the moment he wished he was anywhere else other than here.

Jade had become very well acquainted with Meru and Mortalis over the last week, and considered those two to be the bright spots in his newfound role as both servant (once he was better) and lie detector. The former he couldn't perform yet, because he was still recovering from his hoof being broken, but the latter he could do easily.

His task was to tell if the dragons, drakes, and wyverns coming into Czar Kazimir’s court were truly wanting him to solve their problems, or were lying if they were asked why this or that was done. All in all it wasn't too bad a job, though listening to the lizards whine and complain got old, fast. However, this last dragon was… weird.

Jade had been staring intently at this blue dragon, he couldn't have been more than 50 years old. Yet with the way he walked in, it seemed like he owned the place. He walked up and sat before the Czar, and glared at him. Jade couldn't tell his emotions, was this dragon angry? And what for?

“Kazimir,” The blue finally spoke, growling lowly and ignoring the formal rank.

“Tesla,” Kazimir returned, his eyes narrowing. “What brings the hermit to my palace?”

Tesla remained quiet for a few moments, as if weighing his next words. To Jade, it seemed as if this dragon was at war with himself. After a few short breaths, the blue spoke. “Why did you order the destruction of the Ruby Hive?”

The moment his home escaped the lips, Jade gasped. How did this dragon know? He subtly glanced up to Kazimir, whose eyes narrowed into a glare.

“It was not by my claws that it happened, Tesla. I respect the changelings as much as-”

“Ha!” Tesla cut off Kazimir. “As if! If that were the case, you would have done something about the Quartz Hive! You had several dragons and apothecaries near there that could have helped! But instead you let that fire rage inside! I did some scouting of my own there, can you guess what I found that Leviathan could not?”

Kazimir remained quiet, as Tesla continued. “The skirmish there spread far. One dragon and two griffins stumbled upon the entrance and fought. One griffin on fire, rolling down the main shaft and landing in some of their gel was all it took. The dragon’s fire, YOUR fire, spread like the sun down there, and caused a chain reaction with the gel.”

“So you’re saying it’s my fault that that hive was destroyed? How could we have known!”

“Maybe if you didn't have a desire to spread everywhere and claim everything as if it’s your own!” Tesla snapped back.

“We can't all be friends with ponies like you, Tesla!” Kazimir snarled.

“You could try! It’s not difficult!” Tesla growled as he sat back and crossed his arms, “Just because I have kept friendly ties everywhere, doesn't mean it’s not possible for you!” He looked around, though his eyes didn't get far as they fell upon Jade. Jade gulped as Tesla looked him over. Recognition slowly dawned over his features.

“So, there is another survivor of the Ruby Hive.” Tesla mumbled, making Jade gasp.


“I’ve been around enough changelings to tell,” Tesla focused on the Czar again. “So, you keeping this one around as a pet or something?”

“Why do you suddenly think so lowly of me, Tesla?” Kazimir leaned back, looking hurt. “That I have suddenly sunk so low to take on changeling pets? Major General Mortalis here is currently taking him on as a ward, and will protect him from other dragons and drakes if need be.”

Mortalis stepped over to Jade and put a claw gently on his back, glaring at Tesla. Tesla glared for a few moments, before just shaking his head. “You’d lose, Major General.”

“I am well aware, former Major General Tesla,” Mortalis paused to salute the younger dragon. Mortalis glanced down to Jade when he heard a very confused squeak.

Tesla shook his head slightly. “No salutes with me, and I am glad that they found someone to replace me when I stepped down. And as for you, little changeling, I’ll tell you over tea sometime. In the meantime, I have to figure out a way to let another know,” Tesla looked up at the Czar. “I am still upset with you for letting this happen,” Tesla stood, gave a salute to Mortalis, then turned and left without another word.

After Tesla left, Jade looked up at Mortalis. “So, he…?”

“Is far older and wiser than any god could hope to be. I think the only ones who could rival him are Princess Celestia and Discord,” Mortalis shook his head. “And Discord is far too unstable to be trusted,” Mortalis glanced up at Kazimir, and noticed he was already leaving the hall. “It seems we are done for the time being. Come on, I bet Meru will want to check on your wounds.”

Jade nodded as Mortalis lowered himself down, allowing the smaller dragon to climb on. Once Jade was on his Mortalis’s back, Mortalis started towards his room. Jade watched the marble flooring go by as he thought about something.

“Why?” He muttered, just loud enough for Mortalis to hear.

“Huh?” Mortalis glanced over his shoulder, slowing down.

“Why are you willing to protect me?” Jade looked up at Mortalis.

“That dragon you just met, he was my mentor before he stepped down,” Mortalis snorted with a chuckle. “I found it humiliating at first, being taught how to protect by a whelp. And a few days after being under his wing, well… Needless to say I learned just how valuable his lessons are. The hard way, with my face through a stone wall.”

“Ouch, what did you do?” Jade cringed.

“I told him that I was unwilling to be taught how to fight by some dragon that looked half my age. After I said that, he challenged me to attack him, I scoffed and said I wouldn't hit a hatchling. Next thing I know, I'm in the infirmary, holding an ice pack to my snout.” Mortalis stopped walking to look out a window. “The rest of the recruits at the time were shocked and couldn't tell me exactly what happened. They were busy laughing until my head was put through a wall.”

Jade raised an eyebrow as Mortalis stared out the window, the dragon continued after a short pause. “He moved so fast, even the guards on duty couldn't see it. Granted, most were just shaking their heads, but still. He may look young, but he’s actually older than the Princess herself. Heck, for all I know, he could have been their uncle!”

Jade just stared at Mortalis, who continued to trot down the hall. He knew that dragons could live for centuries, but at least a thousand years? That was news to him. And the fact that Tesla looked so young to boot, he really wondered about him now.

“I learned a lot under him,” Mortalis started up as he turned a corner. “I learned how to defend myself from various forms of attack. How to deflect magic, how to fight against unicorns and even alicorns. And how to show kindness and generosity,” Mortalis looked over his shoulder at Jade. “I learned a lot about various species, including changelings.”

“Why did he teach you this stuff?”

“He saw potential in me and figured I could be a good replacement for when he left the Scale Guard, and he was right,” Mortalis shrugged as he stopped outside the room. He waited outside for a bit, as if recollecting the past and grinned slightly as he opened the door. Meru was already in the room, looking over her potions at the moment.

Mortalis walked over to the bed and let Jade onto it before he sat off to the side. Meru quickly set to work on checking Jade’s hoof and wing. As Meru looked over the wing base, she let out a soft sigh.

“As an expert on wings, this doesn't look good.” Meru locked eyes with Jade for a moment, then shook her head. Jade sighed and rested his head on the bed.

“Typical, guess I’m grounded for good,” Jade grumbled.

“I wouldn't say that is for sure. Again, I'm an expert on wings. You won't be able to fly for extended periods of time, or perform aerial acrobatics worthy of the Wonderbolts, but you won't be entirely ground bound,” Meru gently poked at a wing with her own. “And you won't be out flying any drakes or dragons anytime soon.”

“And there goes my attempt to flee once I am better,” Jade grumped fakely as he glanced to Mortalis, who looked back at him shocked. “I’m kidding. We can't out fly a dragon anyway.”

“Well, at least it is nice to see you smiling. I figured you’d have resigned yourself to a doomed fate and never smile again,” Mortalis watched the changeling before him.

“Oh, I have resigned to that. It’s just there is no reason to be grumpy about it.”

Spark and Gemstone Part 1

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Twelve hours before Hives destruction --

“Really, Talon, this is the best you can do?” Spark called out from his little hidden perch in what could have been described as a gym. He and Talon were currently sparring, well, it was more target practice, with Talon as the target. Talon stood at one side of the gym, stuck in darkness as he looked around at the various small crystals Gemstone had hung.

Turns out Spark’s little offensive beams of magic could bounce off the crystals and hit at odd angles. He wasn't sure why only his could, but really, he didn't complain when he could zap Talon in the tail for fun. Talon was trying to practice his awareness, and what better way than to get shot at from who knows where.

So far it wasn't working.

“You could lay off the random angles for a bit, you know!” Talon shouted back into the darkness.

“Tsk, tsk.” Spark smirked, his horn glowing for a second before a thin beam shot from it, hit a crystal, bounced to another crystal, and narrowly missed Talon as he dodged off to the side. “Isn't this exercise to help you with deflecting magic? Not dodging it?”

“Shaddup.” Talon grumbled, just before he got hit in the side of the face with the same small beam. “Ow…”

Spark shook his head, and hopped off his perch. He trotted over to Talon, snickering softly. “Suppose we should stop for now. Ember isn't here to patch you back together.”

“Oh ha ha,” Talon griped as he rubbed his cheek. “She isn't the only one who patches me back together. A few of the medical trained stayed behind in case something happened.”

“Oh yes, Cinder has helped you as well.” Scope nodded as Talon shook his head.

“You mean Tinder.” He shrugged, “Twins, remember? Often hard to tell the difference.”

“Right, shall we go?” Scope gestured towards the entrance of the gym. On their way out, they passed by Gemstone, who was almost bouncing along with a satchel on his back. Spark stopped and glanced at Gemstone, “Yo, Gemmy. What's up?”

He stopped and looked at Scope and Talon with a big grin, “Just got some left over gems from my trip into the drake kingdom. They are wonderful looking sapphires!” He pranced giddily over to them, opening a pack with his magic and floating a few out for them to look at.

Spark looked over one. “They are insanely flawed.”

“I know! Isn't it wonderful that the dragons didn't want them?!” He kept grinning as he floated it back into his pack, “Remember, I can fix them up. Not that I go toting that ability in front of the drakes and dragons, but these gems will be simply divine!”

Talon chuckled as he looked at Spark. “I can check in with Tinder, why don't you go with Gemstone and check them out?” Gemstone grinned towards Spark, before trotting off. Spark nodded towards Talon and followed after Gemstone.

Spark cantered to catch to him, glancing at his satchel. “How many did you get in there?”

“A good dozen or so, why? Are you suddenly interested in my gemstones?” Gemstone glanced over at Spark slyly. “I mean, I'm not going to complain if another changeling becomes interested, since Opal likes my gems.”

“Oh? Showing her the ropes in your craft?”

“Yup, she is taking to it well.” He paused to brush a hoof against his chest, “Not as well as yours truly, but well enough to earn some money.” He beamed towards Spark. “And these sapphires are a lovely shade of blue!”

“Blue is your favorite color, isn't it?” Spark grinned as he watched Gemstone prance towards the rooms that were set up for them.

“Yes, too bad I can't show that gem-like quality off in pony forms. But a pony with wings like this,” He gives his wings a flutter and continued. “Doesn't exist, as far as we know.”

“But there are other ways you could show it off.” Spark shrugged slightly.

“So true, I should think about it...” Gemstone trailed off, holding one of the gems in front of himself.

One Hour before Hive destruction --

Gemstone yawned as he stumbled along the corridor. Spark next to him chuckling softly as he watched Gemstone. They only recently woke up after spending who knows how long studying and fixing up the gems. The pair were currently on their way to the mess hall.

“How late did we stay up?” Gemstone yawned widely, stopping to do so before moving on.

“I have no idea. I bet Torch could tell us the time though.” Spark commented as he trotted into the mess hall, “You sit, I’ll get us some grub, okay?” Gemstone nodded and made his way to one of the tables and sat at it. Spark grinned faintly as he watched him for a moment, before going up to the bar and getting the makings for a dragon meat sandwich.

He eventually gathered the food and floated both trays back to Gemstone, who was resting his head on his hooves, eyes half closed. He gently set the trays down and sat across from him, chuckling softly.

“Breakfast is served, Gemmy.” Spark spoke as Gemstone snaps awake and looked towards the food.

“Thanks Spark, you always seem to know what I want at the moment.” Gemstone started to eat the sandwich before him.

“Just call it one of those hunches.” Spark chuckled softly as he too joined in the meal.

“So, what is on the agenda for today?” Gemstone asked between bites.

“Talon was wanting more training later, but for now he seems preoccupied with reading. So I won't pressure him into more scorch marks.” Spark snickered. “So, we can study more of those gems, getting them looking right to resell so we can have some money for the Hive would be a good idea.”

“Those gems should be worth a bit more since we’re fixing them up.” Gemstone nodded with a smirk.

“Alright, after we eat, we can go back and continue work on them.” The pair nodded and enjoyed their meal while chatting more about the gems that Gemstone had acquired. The pair spent the next half hour chatting, before they both get up and deposit their trays by the main counter and head out the mess hall.

The pair happily start trotting back to their room, nodding to Talon as he passed by them. They made it halfway before they both felt a shift in the soil beneath them. They both looked around as they noticed the walls crack down the hallway they were going down just as a thin rainbow shockwave passed through them. They both stopped, and suddenly started to hear screams, both in the hivemind and further down the hall.

Flee!” Resounded through the hivemind as panic filled the air. Spark and Gemstone quickly looked at each other before bolting for the nearest exit. Along the way they grab Cinder, and as the three of them make for the exit, they spotted Talon heading deeper into the hive. Gemstone called out to him, but he seemed to ignore it as the hive crumbled around them. The three of them ran along the winding tunnel, it collapsing behind them as they ran.

The three made it out into a clearing, just outside the entrance and not a moment too soon. They panted as they looked back, seeing rubble and rocks blocking their path.

“Oh no..” Gemstone sat, putting his hooves to his mouth he just stared at the entrance. “Our home!”

Cinder sat and stared too, going silent, as Spark looked around.

“We aren't alone guys…” He trailed off, jerking his head to the left and quickly erecting a shield. A drake leapt out of the foliage, and impacted the shield. The other two changelings quickly sprang to their hooves as they saw the drake break the shield as he flopped against it from his failed sneak pounce attack.

“Seize the changelings for the prince!” Another drake shouted as two more leapt out at them. Spark managed to zap one, but the other grabbed Cinder. Gemstone was batted away as the drake wrestled with her. He rolled for a bit before getting to his hooves. By that time another drake had wrestled her to the ground and pinned her.

Spark growled as he looked at the drake that had hit his shield, it was slowly standing back and growling.

“GO!” Cinder shouted as she struggled against the drakes.

“We won't leave you!” Spark shouted as he powered up his horn, angling it towards one of the two on her.

“More are on the way, I can feel them getting closer! Get out of here while you can!” She shouted, before one of the drakes managed to tie her muzzle shut. Gemstone backed up towards Spark, looking back and forth between the drakes.

“Grr!” Spark growled, opening his wings as Gemstone did the same, they both quickly took off and headed away from the mountain, due west if one were able to tell a direction.

One Day after Hive’s Destruction --

“You need to eat, Gemstone.” Spark said softly, holding out a fish he caught with a griffin paw. The pair were currently sitting next to a stream, as they continued to make their way west. They had remained as natural changelings so the drakes couldn't really follow them.

“And why should I? Out of our hive, we’re the only ones that are left. And we left Cinder behind! Why did we do that?!” Gemstone shouted, making Spark flatten his ears and look down. “We could have saved her! Who knows what those scaled beasts are going to do to her now!”

“We....” Spark trailed off, as he continued to look down.

“And what are we going to do? Where are we going to go, huh? To Equestria? Why in Tartarus would we do that?”

Spark remained silent as Gemstone continued his rant, tears forming as he looked away.

“Why…” Gemstone curled up, sniffling. “Why would the drakes do this?” He muttered as he buried his head under a wing. Spark sighed and curled up around him, laying his wing over the other changeling.

“Just let it out.” Spark said quietly, just loud enough for Gemstone to hear, and that's exactly what Gemstone started doing. He quickly rolled over and buried his head into Sparks stomach, holding and clutching at him tightly. Crying loudly as Spark held him and slowly stroked a hoof down the back of his neck, next to his crest. Spark let a few tears go as well, but remained strong so Gemstone wouldn't notice.

They remained that way for who knows how long before Gemstone finally pulled away slightly, looking up at Spark.

“We’re alone, it’s just you and me now.” He muttered, voice cracking as he spoke.

“I don't think so. I'm sure others got away, and they will find their place in the world.” Spark grinned warmly down to Gemstone, resting a hoof just above his crest. “I think the Queen's final order was to head to where your heart tells you. And I feel it tugging me towards Equestria. How about you?”

Gemstone nodded slowly, brushing away a few tears, “Yeah. That's what it feels like. And I won't be alone.” He looked at the fish that had stopped wiggling a while ago, sighing softly he glanced back to Spark, “How are we going to get there?”

Spark looked skyward, “Very small pony towns riddle the coastal edge of this land. If we can get to one, and get on a boat. From there…” He trailed off for a moment with a shrug, “Wherever the wind takes us.”

“We can't go looking like this, you know.” Gemstone finally starts to eat the fish as he spoke.

“Once we get closer to one, we can take on pony-guises. Until then, we should remain as we are and limit our magic use.” Spark nodded slightly, sighing. “In the meantime, I'm afraid we will have to think of something to disguise ourselves as.”

“A pegasus for me.” Gemstone says quickly, slowly standing up with the fish hanging out of his mouth.

“Fitting, you do like your wings.” Spark spoke softly, letting Gemstone stand first before he stood. “And I suppose a unicorn for me.” He paused for a moment. “Feeling better?”

Gemstone sighed, looking in the direction they came from, “No. But enough to move on. I had put so much work into the gems there.” He looked down for a moment, then back at Spark. “We should get going, don't want the drakes to pick up on that little bit of shifting you did.”

“Right.” Spark nodded, opening his wings and hovering up with Gemstone doing the same before they both flew off west more. They kept on flying, taking a short break every few hours and eventually stopped for the night near what looked like an empty hole in the ground. Scope peered in first, looking around after his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

“Looks empty, we can sleep here for the night. You can sleep first.” He turned and gestured Gemstone inside.

“Shouldn't you get rest? You did you use your magic to help us get away, and to zap that drake, and shield us, and…” He shuts up as hoof is pressed to his lips.

“I am a soldier drone, as such I have more endurance then you. I will get rest after you do so, and until then I will keep watch. Now you get rest, okay?” He pointed inside as he finished up. Gemstone nodded and crawled into the hole, with Spark following in behind him. The hole itself seemed barely bigger than 10 feet across, but was enough for the two to move around comfortably, though they were able to make it work with Spark laying by the entrance to it and Gemstone on the far side.

The night went by with no problems, though the pair weren't able to get more than an hour or two of sleep each. The images of the hive falling around them too fresh in their minds along with losing the comfort of friends and family. Only when they are curled around each other do they manage some form of rest.

The next day, the pair were roused from their slumber by the sound of chirping birds. Spark was awake first and had moved to the entrance, poking his head out and sniffing at the air. Gemstone yawned widely as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“We should go back to sleep Spark.” He muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.

“As much as I’d like more sleep, we can't.” Spark shook his head, looking back at Gemstone. “If we hurry, we should reach the beach by nightfall, tomorrow.”

“Alright.” Gemstone muttered flatly. Spark sighed, turning to face him.

“Look, I know you’re hurting, I am too. But we can mourn later.” Spark sighed again, staring at Gemstone who was sniffling. “Okay, we can rest a little longer, but we have to move out soon.”

“Thank you, Spark.” Gemstone let out a small content sigh as he relaxed a little. “I know we should be moving, but I doubt a little bit of time to wake up will be bad.”

Spark shook his head, looking out the cave entrance. “No, a little will be helpful. I should be thinking of your well being first. Your a harvester, not a soldier like me.”

“And you should learn to relax. We both can't be stiff soldier types.” Gemstone snarked at him. Spark raised an eyebrow as he looked back at his friend.

“And you're awake enough to be snarky, that means you’re good enough to move out.” He stuck out his tongue at him. “A few minutes more, then we can.” Spark sat, facing out of the cave as he sighed to himself. The silence that followed allowed him to think on recent events. They were ousted from their home by the drakes, with no clue of how they caused that rainbow shockwave thing.

Why? What had happened to force the drakes to do this? And what would they do going forward? All of these questions he couldn't answer on his own, but at least he wasn't alone in this endeavor. He let out a long sigh and rubbed his forehead as he fought off the headache that was forming from thinking too much.

He grumped and rubbed the spot as he closed his eyes.

“Are you thinking about it too?” Spark heard from next to him. He raised his head and looked next to him, seeing Gemstone laying next to him, a wing draped over him and his head resting on his neck.

“About why everything happened?” Gemstone sighed, nuzzling gently into his sibling. “I guess we should get moving.”

“We still have a bit before we need to go.” Spark curled his tail around Gemstones softly. “We can hide here if any pass over and wait till your ready to go. And I'm sorry I'm being so forceful.”

“Uh huh.” Gemstone mumbled as he relaxed.

Three Days after Hives Destruction. --

An orange pegasus with a deep blue mane stood next to a white unicorn with a blue mane that had a had a pink stripe in it, and a darker blue stripe in his blue tail. The pair of odd ponies stood outside what could only be described as a fort. It had short walls of stone, with guard towers at each corner, manned by unicorns who has bows near by.

There were a few scorch marks upon each of the walls, but they looked to be fading, and the walls were getting repaired as one of the guards looked in their direction. He stared at them both and sighed softly.

“Okay, why are you two just standing there?”

The orange pegasus squeaked as the white unicorn stepped forward. “We are hoping to get passage to Equestria.” The unicorn stated.

“Well. Why should we allow a random pegasus and unicorn passage on one of our ships? I doubt you two can cook.” He paused to look the pegasus over. “Can you even manipulate the weather?”

“Er, I can sit on a cloud!” The pegasus grinned triumphantly as the unicorn face hoofed. The pony before them just sighed, doing the same as the white unicorn.

“So… that's a no. What can you do?”

“Well, Topaz Gleam here is pretty good with gems. He has a talent for seeing which gems are good and worthwhile.” The unicorn spoke calmly as he gestured to the pegasus, who nodded quickly.

“Huh, a pegasus with a penchant for gems. I assume you two are from some hidden tribe in these lands? However you managed to elude the dragons is beyond me.” The pony grumbled, then focused on the unicorn. “And what can you do?”

The unicorn merely smirked. “Hit a target the size of a mug 100 yards away.”

The pony raised an eyebrow, “Really? I almost want you to prove that. However I bet you can't aim so well on an empty stomach and I can hear both your stomach's growling from here.” He turned partially. “You two will be allowed in, and given transport to Equestria. However, you both will be following the captain's orders. You both will most likely be on cleaning duty.” He looked at the pegasus, “And as for you… I don't know.” He shrugged softly, then trotted back into the fort, the pair following. “Also, unicorn. I didn't get your name.”

“Er… Scope.” The one time the soldier changeling didn't have something on the tip of his tongue, the unicorn sighed to himself. The pony before them glanced over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow for a moment before shrugging and moving on.

“Certainly an odd name. But I have heard of far worse.” The guard led them to a mess hall type building and gestured inside. “Mention Blitz Force and you should get something resembling a meal, okay?” The guard nodded to the pair before turning and walking back to his post.

The pair went in and managed to secure a meal. And afterwards were shown to the boat. The pair just stared in awe for a bit before Blitz Force almost pushed them into the water to get them to stop staring. They were shown to their quarters and allowed to rest there or, more preferably, familiarize themselves with the ship.

When night fell, the pair found themselves on the deck of the ship, staring out into the sea and the land they called home far off in the distance. The pair sat at the back of the ship, watching the land fade away in the moonlight.

Gemstone, or rather Topaz Gleam, had his wing across the white unicorn. They both let out a soft sigh as they leaned on each other.

“I already miss it.” Topaz softly whispered to Scope.

“So do I.” the unicorn sighed, leaning on the pegasus a little more. “But it's behind us now.” The pegasus nodded slightly.

“And I wonder what's going to happen going forward.” The unicorn shrugged slightly in response to that, and the pair fell silent again, just as the sound of a stallion clearing their throat behind them. They both squeaked and looked over their shoulders to see a brown bat pony standing there, looking over the pair with an impassive face.

“Enjoying the view, colts?” He spoke evenly, as the pair quickly nodded. “Hopefully I didn't scare you two, but why were you trying to get away from that land?” He kept his wings closed at his sides, mostly out of view of the pair.

“We were wanting to get away from the war that took our home from us.” Scope sighed, looking down.

“Hmm. If you say so.”

“Why’d you want to know?” Topaz asked, watching the pony shrug.

“No reason. Prime Rule will tell you what to do tomorrow, so I suggest you two go back down and get sleep.” The bat pony spread his wings, which earned him a squeal from Topaz. He stopped mid flap and looked over the pegasus curiously.

“What kind of pegasus are you?” Topaz asked, as his eyes fell upon the bat wings.

“I am a thestral, otherwise known as a bat pony. I am a rare breed, but at least the ponies of Equestria know what I am.” He tilted his head as the pegasus was suddenly at his side, looking over a wing very intently. “Uh….”

Scope sighed loudly, “Forgive my friend. We haven't actually seen a bat pony before, and seeing as how he was fond of the drake style of wings.”

“Ah, that makes sense.” The bat pony nodded, keeping his wings extended as Topaz looked them over in great detail. He waited patiently for a few minutes before letting out a soft sigh. “I should get up to the crow’s nest.”

Scope nodded slightly, lighting up his horn and pulling the pegasus back. Topaz whined a little as he glared back at Scope.

“I wasn't done looking!”

“He has a job to do!”

“I… er…” Topaz looked back at the bat pony and hung his head, “Sorry. I got a little excited there.”

“It’s okay. Not the reaction I am used to, but thankful none the less. Normally bat ponies are somewhat fear-inspiring, and to be looked at with excitement like that felt kind of nice.” The pony nodded, “Name’s Wind Echo, yours are?”

“I’m Scope, and this is Topaz Gleam.” The unicorn gestured to himself, than to the pegasus.

“A pleasure.” He bows. “I should get up to that nest and you two should get sleep.” He grins a moment, showing off his short fangs before extending his wings, waiting a moment, then fluttering up to the crows nest.

The pair watched him fly up, sigh, and headed back in and try to get to sleep.

Spark and Gemstone Part 2

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Two weeks after Hives Destruction --

The pair found themselves on the beach of a small port located south of Baltimare. They were waving to a few of the friends they had made on the ship, as a tan earth pony who lacked a mane and had a short grey tail trotted up to them with a saddle bag on his back.

“Sorry this is all we can manage to spare for a pair of refugees from the dragon lands.” He gestured to the pack as he stopped by the unicorn. “Enough bits for a night or two at the hotel, and hopefully you two can find something there in Baltimare.”

“Thank you, sir.” The unicorn saluted as the earth pony raised an eyebrow at him.

“You should try out for law enforcement. Your sight and magical talent could go places in it I bet.” The pony grinned softly. “That and you seem to be stiff soldier type. It’s either law enforcement or the Canterlot Royal Guard for you.”

“Thank you, Prime Rule. I’ll take your advice and think on it.” Scope grinned as he nodded.

“Inside are also some of our rations, since you two seemed to enjoy them. Go north along the road, and you should reach Baltimare in a day or two via walking. I’d suggest you two start as soon as possible.” Prime pointed down the road. “The guards shouldn't give you any problems on your way out.”

“Thank you again, Prime Rule.” Topaz grinned as he and Scope saluted, then turned and made their way out of the small fort. The pair trotted along the path for almost an hour, looking around and taking in the rolling plains view and letting out a soft sigh at how peaceful everything was.

“So,” Scope started up, breaking the silence of the area as he looked to his friend. “Are you going to try and go bat pony?”

Topaz stopped in place, looking at Scope with a confused expression. “C-can I?”

Scope grinned at him, closing his eyes and making his horn glow faintly. “There is a stream to the left. We can set up a little camp there and you can see if you can become one. I know you really didn't want to give up your natural wings. And that bat pony certainly has wings like ours.”

“But… We haven't really encountered them before,” Topaz stuttered out as he followed after Scope towards the stream he pointed out. “So how do I know I can become one?”

“We become dragons, for Leviathan’s sake! I think an off-shoot of pegasus isn't that hard to do. Honestly, I think the only thing we can't be is a minotaur.” Scope chuckled as he neared the stream, looking around for a bit at the open fields. “Hmm, no real place to hide. But nopony around anyway.” He looked skyward, scanning it for a bit as well. “Yup, nopony around.”

Scope sat by the stream, looking into it to see if it had any fish. He smirked as he saw a few, shifting his hoof to a griffin paw as he shot it out towards one, quickly snatching the unsuspecting prey. He brought the fish out and looked it over. “Aww, it’s a little thin. Oh well, still a good meal.”

“You know we shouldn't do that,” Topaz spoke as he watched Scope hold the fish up.

“Oh hush you, nopony is around.” Scope grinned at him. “Here, you can eat first.” He held the fish out towards the pegasus.

“Should cook it first at least, that last fish was a little bleh.” He made a disgusted face. “Besides, we have rations from Prime Rule and that ship.”

Scope looked and sighed at the fish, and shrugged as he tossed it back into the stream. “Fine fine, rations it is.” He looked over Topaz as he pulled out a ration for the pair. “And you're still a pegasus.”

“I… Er… Okay,” Topaz sighed and closed his eyes. Concentrating on how a bat pony would look compared to a pegasus, and remembering how Wind Echo looked. He was soon engulfed in a bright red fire, and sitting before Scope was an orange pony with familiar looking wings. He had a blue mane and tail with green highlights, and slowly opened his matching feline like eyes as he looked at Scope, who simply nodded back to him. “Well?”

Scope looked over the pony, taking in every detail and grinning. “Yup, you almost look like him, aside from color. Your wings even have a bluish tint to them, which is nice. So, what are you going to name yourself?”

“Topaz Echo.” The now bat pony nodded with a grin as he held out his wings, looking them over. “You don't mind this, do you?”

“Why would I? If it’s what you want, then so be it.” Scope walked over to sit by Topaz, “The look suits you well.”

“Why don't you become this? I rather liked your wings.”

Scope shrugged, “I feel better as a unicorn. Besides, I can't really use my offensive magic in that form, and I’d rather be in a form where I can use everything.”

“Is that your inner soldier speaking?” Topaz chuckled as he started to enjoy the ration.

“You could say that, yes.” Scope nodded as they shared the ration before them, enjoying the soft breeze that flowed.

The pair sat on a hill that overlooked the bustling town of Baltimare. They watched the city go about its business, at least what they could see from this viewpoint.

“We can't sit here forever, Topaz.” Scope poked his bat pony companion in the side. “Really, I figured I’d be the nervous one. Why are you so hesitant?”

“It's a big new city. It is a little daunting to just go in, especially when we have no friends or even people to be led to!” Topaz looked at Scope with worry. “We are just some nameless pair of ponies in a big city!”

“Then perhaps we should make a name for ourselves. What's the harm in exploring the town? We have bits for food if we need it, and we really don't need to sleep in some hotel when we can sleep under the stars.”

“Okay, you’re right. As usual,” Topaz sighed and slowly stood up, Scope doing the same. They slowly made their way into the bustling town. The pair kept to the sidewalk, where it seemed most of the ponies were walking with only a few in the streets which was full of carts being pulled along.

They were walking along, taking in all the sights when a rather shiny one pulled on Topaz’s eye. He was instantly drawn towards a jewelry shop, putting his face to the window and looking over each gem.

“We shouldn't be looking at that, Topaz,” Scope objected as he watched the bat pony.

“B-but… These gems are flawed!” he whispers barely loud enough for the other stallion to hear. He barely waited for Scope to respond before walking into the store and looking around. Scope sighed as he looked up at the sign, ‘Mortar Jeweler’ was scrawled in simple unattractive text. He walked in and already found Topaz talking to a stallion behind the counter.

“I beg your pardon? How can a simple bat pony like you tell me those gems are flawed? I received them from my provider, who happens to work a rather famous gem supplier!” The stallion shot at the bat pony who didn't even flinch.

“And I'm telling you, most of your gems here are flawed. They don't shine half as well as they could if they weren't!”

“And what? You can just fix them up? It takes unicorns whose talent is gems to do so! Not some random bat pony!”

Topaz sighed, and pointed to one of the gems. “Let me see one.” Scope had simply moved up and sat beside his friend, letting him talk and get this out of his system. The stallion scoffed, but did as told, producing a ruby from a pile and setting it in front of the bat pony. “Yep, this gem has a few flawed facets to it.” He spoke as he looked it over, “One near the top, another down its left side. And finally one more near the middle on its right.” He pointed to each with a wing tip.

The stallion blinked, looking closer at the gem and gasping as he noticed the faint flaws. “How… You barely glanced at it!”

“My talent involves gems. I can point out the flaws and make them much better.” Topaz mumbled something after that that Scope picked up on, but apparently the stallion before them didn't as he floated the gem up and looked it over, fixing it with his magic. “I could probably do that with all your gems here, but me and my friend here are currently looking for some place to stay.”

“Are you new in town?” the dusty brown unicorn asked, as he looked at the other unicorn and bat pony, from beyond the gem still in his focus.

“Yes,” Scope finally spoke up. “We just arrived and are looking for a place of residence and a job.”

“Well now! You’re in luck!” The stallion grinned widely. “Name’s Mortar and I run this place by myself. If you two don't mind sharing a room.” He pauses to gesture upwards. “I could use a fancy business partner to make sure my gems are nice and shiny!”

The pair looked at each other, then nodded, Topaz looked back at him first. “Sure.”

Scope looked over the stallion. “What's the catch?”

Mortar looked down, “Business hasn’t been doing so well. And I think that's why. I admit my gems aren't that shiny, but even I should have been able to see the flaws. I guess I just wanted to sell them so badly I didn't notice the quality of the gems being used.”

“Ahh,” Scope said calmly, as he heard the door close. He twitched an ear towards it, just as he suddenly felt somepony directly behind him. He looked over his shoulder directly into the face a large earth pony, who was glaring down at him.

“Out of the way, colt. Me and Mortar have business to discuss.” the stallion gruffly said, waiting a few moments before roughly pushing Scope to the side after he didn't budge. Topaz backed off entirely, but Scope stood his ground, looking up at the stallion before him. “I said out of the way!”

“And what business do you have to discuss?” Scope asked, focusing on the stallion before him as his senses picked up two more ponies off to the sides. His eyes flickered to them, a pair of pegasi flanked this bronze colored earth pony.

“Money. You see, it's time for him to pay his rent, and we are here to collect it.” the stallion growled out softly as Scope looked back at him. “And it is in your best interest to stay out of my way, otherwise I will break you in half.”

“Hmph, idle threat,” Scope mumbled to himself, glancing back over his shoulder at Mortar. “Is this true?”

“I already paid rent a few days ago!”

The stallion snorted loudly, “Yeah, part of it. We raised it after that.” He turned to glare at Scope again. “Now we should add on a fee for stupid stallions getting in our way too.”

“And if he refuses to pay?” Scope raised an eyebrow, barely watching as the two pegasi moved around to flank him and out of his sight.

“Then we get to reclaim some of our stuff!”

“Hmm. About as smart as you are strong, eh? You don't scare me, nor do you intimidate me.” Scope chuckled softly, making the stallion growl loudly. “A baby dragon is more intimidating!”

“That's it!” The stallion reared back and threw a punch at Scope, making him duck down to dodge the swing which hit one of the other pegasi. Sending him back into one of the displays and breaking it. Scope cringed when he saw the shattered display.

“Oops.” He focused back on the stallion who glared at him and threw another punch, this one he reared up to block. Upon getting hit, he regretted blocking as he suddenly found himself flying back and out the display window into the street. He landed on his back and rolled a little, finally stopping on his belly and out of breath.

The stallion stomped out after him as the other pegasus helped his kin. Scope cringed as he slowly stood up, not even a few hours into this city and he already broke a window, a display case, and he was sure there was glass in his carapace now and had a broken bone. He looked up at the stallion who had stopped a few feet away.

“Not so brave now are you, colt?”

Scope chuckled once he caught his breath, “Admittedly, you do hit hard. But really? A dragon hits far harder!” Scope took a defensive stance, watching the earth pony before him bellow out in rage and charge him. Scope winced as he felt the glass shards in his back move as he did, and as he dodged to the side to avoid a swing, he hissed in pain.

Scope, however, did continue to dodge attacks. Keeping his eye on the stallion before him and making sure no ponies who had stayed to watch this brawl play out were ever in harm's way. Scope kept this up for a few more swings, not noticing the pegasus who decided to join in at the last second and knock him down. The action causing him to fall flat and get pinned by the heavy hoof of the stallion who snarled and glared down at him.

“Not so cocky now, are ya?” He reared back, ready to bring the hoof back down hard on Scopes side, when he suddenly got tackled. Scope blinked when he felt the pegasus let him go and start fleeing the scene, only to get stopped in a magical grasp. Scope winced as he sat up, looking around confused. He saw a black pegasus stallion sitting on the earth pony, and a pair of unicorns floating the pegasus over. All of them were wearing the local law enforcement uniforms.

Scope immediately winced. Well crap, guess I don't need to worry about a place to sleep now, huh? He thought to himself as he saw Topaz rush out towards him and slide to a stop next to him, looking him over.

“Are you okay?” he asked, panic in his voice as he looked the stallion over.

“Glass in my back,” he started as he lifted up his left arm, cringing as he did so. “Pretty sure I broke my arm, and I'm a little worse for wear, but otherwise I'm alright.”

“Care to explain this mess?” Topaz and Scope both glanced at the pegasus as he walked back over, the earth pony behind him with his head hanging low and a unicorn behind him.

“Ah, well. You see…” Scope started, grinning weakly as Mortar came running out. After Mortar explained everything, which allowed the pegasus who crashed into the display case, and Scope to be checked out by quick response nurses, the black pegasus just let out a sound that was a mix between a growl and a sigh.

“Don’t try and be a hero, colt. Morgue is full of them.” The pegasus looked the unicorn over, who was slowly getting the glass shards removed, and his arm was being wrapped up.

Scope kept his eye on the sprained arm, sighing as he spoke back. “Thanks for telling me that, sir. I will try to refrain from doing something like that again.”

The pegasus huffed loudly, “I’ll give ya this much, kid. You didn’t handle yourself too badly. We could use a young able-bodied pony on the force, if you’re looking for bits. Just keep your head down, or bring your own ice pack.” He turned and helped escort the three away, as the nurse looked over Scope one final time.

“I’d suggest a few days of rest, stay off that hoof and arm as much as you can during that time. And stay off your back. I am sure your friend here can change your bandages.” The nurse nodded, hoofing over a roll of bandages to Topaz who nodded back.


“No problem.” The nurse grinned, then made his exit. As Scope limped back into the shop with the aid of Topaz. Mortar looked at them and sighed softly.

“Well, this may set business back for a bit. But at least most of it is easily fixable. That window, not so much.”

“I'm sorry.” Scope looked down at the glass shards that littered the floor. “Is there anything I can do to fix this?”

“Well, picking up the glass would be great for starters.” Mortar sighed as he cleared a path with his magic. “However, you should be off of that hoof.”

“I can still help pick up the mess I made.” Scope said as he hobbled over a clear spot and sat. He focused on the glass shards near him and began moving them into a pile. As Topaz helped push them as well. “I'm sorry I made a mess of things.”

“Oh, it's quite alright. I was getting tired of them anyway. But I get the feeling they won't be coming around any time soon.” Mortar let out a content sigh. “Which means I can actually make money for a change.” He grinned and looked at Topaz. “I don't think I caught your names.”

“I'm Topaz Echo, and this is my best friend, Scope.”

It had been a week, and during that time Scope was getting annoyed with just sitting around. Thankfully, he had healed up pretty well, and was able to explore the town a little bit. Topaz, however, had been very busy with the store and his expertise with the gems and jewelry were certainly showing.

Scope was happy that Topaz was happy. Topaz grinned and almost bounced around as he helped ponies find the right gems or pieces of jewelry to match, and as the sales started to come in, it certainly showed as he helped update the sign.

‘Brimstone and Mortar jeweler’ was certainly becoming a hotspot of activity. The extra excitement in the air in the store floated up to the apartment above the store, and namely to Scope. He used the energy to heal up, and yesterday was able to add a little extra help to the store, though he wasn't nearly as helpful as he wanted to be and was eventually pushed back upstairs.

Today, however, he wanted to walk around town. And after reassuring Topaz that he wouldn't get into a fight again, he was allowed to.

Pony towns were certainly interesting, he deemed as he walked around and took in the busy sights. There were a number of stores, ranging from clothes to random accessories. He shrugged to himself as he walked along, taking a mental note of where everything was in relation to his new home.

As he walked along, a sight caught his eye, a building that had what appeared to be a badge on it for a logo. He stopped and stared at it for a few moments, wondering where he saw that before when it dawned on him. That pegasus that questioned him and Mortar about what happened, and those unicorns that helped escort those three off. They must of come from this building!

His suspicions were confirmed when he saw a familiar unicorn walk out of the building and head almost pretty much in his direction. He didn't appear to be walking towards him, but as he got closer he noticed Scope and grinned, angling to walking towards him.

“Hey! You’re that unicorn from a week ago, right? The one involved with that gem store.” Scope nodded at that, the unicorn continued. “What are you doing here?”

“I was exploring the town, and came across this building. I recognize the symbol,” he pointed to the logo, then to the badge on the unicorns shirt. “Are you this town’s guard?”

“In a way, Scope was it?” The white unicorn nodded to the amber one. “We are more a local law enforcement. I suppose in a way we are similar to the Royal Guard of Canterlot, but we aren't as stiff as them. Wait.. why?” He raised an eyebrow, leaning closer to Scope.

“I am interested in joining.” Scope calmly stated, making the amber unicorn stare at him for a moment, before cracking up laughing.

“Oh boy, you're serious aren't you?” He eventually asked after he calmed down. Scope nodded at him. “Our job is pretty serious. We have to keep ponies from hurting each other, we have to keep the order and peace around here. Are you sure you can do that?”

“Yes sir, I can.”

The amber unicorn raised an eyebrow, “Okay… You don't have to call me sir. I currently don't have rank on you yet.” He paused a moment, glancing back to the station. “Hmm. Go in there and ask for either Pitch Tempest or Glinting Shield. Tell them String Dancer sent you, I have donuts to go get!” He grinned widely and gestured back to the building. “From what Pitch saw, you held your ground pretty well. Good luck!”

“Thank you.” Scope nodded and watched the pony prance off to what he assumed was some shop for donuts or something, ponies are weird. Scope turned and made way over to the building and pushed his way inside.

He quickly glanced around at the interior seeing lines of desks near one side. Another familiar unicorn sat at one, grumbling softly as he looked over paperwork. Scope turned and looked at the other side, and quickly sidestepped away from an earth pony who pushed his way out of the building.

“Well, if it ain’t the runt finally coming to grace us. What took ya so long?” Scope heard a gruff voice speak up as he looked back over to his left, and up at a black pegasus stallion.

“Hello, Pitch Tempest I assume?” Scope bowed his head slightly, then straightened up. “I was sent in here by…”

“String, I know. I saw you two talking outside as I passed by the door. I can only guess at why you’re here.” Pitch raised an eyebrow slightly, looking over the unicorn. “Well, you healed up nicely, that's for sure. You’re not even limping. Most ponies limp for a solid week after that kind of hit.”

“Well, sir. I was a soldier in my last… job. A guard, if you will.” Scope explained as he side stepped away from the door and over a few steps to not be in the way.

“You didn’t do too bad for yourself, at least for a unicorn. I admit it takes some balls or a thick skull to not even throw a punch or shoot the earth pony with magic. Still, what makes you think you’re worth the time and effort? We’re up to our eyeballs in unicorns.”

“That you are,” Scope said as he glanced around, then focused back on Pitch. “But how many are able to shoot a target at a long distance?”

“How long of a distance are we talking?”

“Pick a target.”

Pitch took a moment to look around, his eyes falling on a cup near Glinting Shield, and grinned. “Okay, hotshot, if your aim is so perfect.” He leaned close to Scope, whispering. “Shoot that small cup next to Glinting Shield over there.” He pointed at the unicorn.

Scope nodded and looked at it. “Just tap or?”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, just tag the damn cup, chatty.”

Scope nodded and focused on the cup, his horn glowing faintly and focusing in the tip. He smirked faintly as a very thin beam shot out, and tapped the cup as just Glinting went to reach for it. It didn't break it, but it knocked it an inch or two away from his hoof. Glinting quickly spun around and glared in the direction of Pitch and Scope, just as Pitch burst out laughing.

Scope blinked as he looked at Pitch, then back to Glinting who just grumbled and went back to his paperwork. Pitch eventually stopped laughing and looked over at Scope with a grin. “Quite the aim ya got there. I’ll bet my badge and a week’s worth of booze that you can knock a full-grown earth pony stallion on his flank from that far?”

Scope nodded at that, as Pitch just grinned widely. “Well, that’s all you had to say, Sharpshot! Let's go introduce you to Golden Badge then!”

Spark and Gemstone Part 3

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Two years after Hives Destruction --

Scope sighed inwardly as he tailed after a black pegasus stallion. Scope had changed his coloration around after he was told to tail after Pitch Tempest this morning by his boss. Scope had agreed to it and even mentioned that he knew a spell (as did other unicorns) to alter his fur and mane colors for a time, though for him it could be as long as he wanted.

Pitch had lead him into the more shady part of Baltimare and had spotted Pitch going into a bar. Scope shrugged slightly and waited outside a minute or two before going inside himself. Inside, Scope was greeted with the smell of alcohol and a low chatter of ponies talking. As Scope looked around, his eyes quickly fell on Pitch, who was at a booth talking to a familiar-looking earth pony.

Scope seated himself at a table near where Pitch was and ordered himself a light drink as he listened in on the conversation.

“Shipment got intercepted,” grunted the earth pony.

“Not my fault,” sniffed Pitch. “Patrol happened to be passing by, and they weren’t on the books. It happens.”

“Well, next time you should know so I don't lose more valuable merchandise.”

“Look, Squint, I can do a lot of things, but see everywhere in the damned city ain’t one of them,” snapped Pitch as he slugged down a shot of whiskey, quickly pouring another. “And honestly, if you want to control every piss-ant traffic cop, it’d be cheaper to run for mayor. Not that the heads of your family would let you do that.”

“You have an answer for everything, don’t you?” sneered Squint.

“Maybe not everything, but I try,” grinned Pitch as he moved to drink the second shot.

“Then perhaps you could explain how the Spades were able to send a crew to rough up our supply depot, delaying the doomed shipment long enough that they ran into the traffic patrol?”

Pitch suddenly began coughing and wheezing as he unintentionally inhaled his drink. Scope could feel a sudden jolt of fear shoot through Pitch, but something didn’t seem right about the fear. For someone whose life was on the line, Pitch didn’t feel as afraid as someone in that position should. His outward reactions seemed authentic, but his inner fear felt… shallower, somehow. Almost as if he were more afraid of letting a secret slip than of dying. The stallion cleared his throat.

“You’re shitting me?” asked Pitch.

“Swear it on the Princess’s ass,” replied Squint. “Bastards came in with torches and crossbows, but we managed to hold them off. Lost a bit of product in the process, but better that than the warehouse. Still, we had to clear out right quick. I’m guessing from your burning lungs that this is the first you’ve heard of it?”

“Damn right it is,” cursed Pitch. “I’ll head over to East Side and sort this out. Maybe even direct a few more patrols that way. I’ll also get a raid going on that old depot, see if we can flush a few more Spades out of the woodwork.”

“Guess you’ve got a long night ahead?” smirked Squint.

“Bet your ass I do,” groused Pitch, tucking the whiskey bottle into his coat and tossing a hoofful of bits onto the table. “Next few rounds on me.”

“That’s barely enough to pay for the bottle you just took,” frowned Squint.

“You just need to cheapen your tastes,” quipped Pitch as he stood up.

“Yeah, I guess the next round is on you at least,” grumped Squint as he watched Pitch stand and start towards the door. “Good luck, asshole.”

“Hmph, don't need luck.” Pitch commented as he started towards the door. Scope watched him out of the corner of his eye until he left the bar, at which point he left enough bits for his light drink and followed after him.

It didn't take Scope long to spot Pitch moving down the street towards his next destination. After a bit of tailing him, Pitch took a turn down a side street and kept going. Scope used that moment to glance around, making sure none could see him as he ducked into an alleyway and go from his regal black coloration to a dusty brown.

His stalking lead him to another part of town, that Scope knew was ‘Spade’ territory. Scope made a mental note and wondered just how many crime families were under his old friends’ hoof. He’d probably find out tonight if he stalked him all night, and he had the energy to do so even with changing his appearance every so often.

By the time Pitch entered this next bar, Scope was a tan unicorn with a sleek black mohawk styled mane and short tail. He claimed a booth this time, with Pitch already talking to a brown unicorn mare this time. Scope couldn't tell if it was a new bottle of whiskey or the old one from the last bar that was in front of him.

“They were heavily guarded,” observed the mare calmly. “More heavily guarded than you indicated, Pitch.”

“What can I say, Ash?” countered Pitch as he poured a shot. “You decided to hit them on a day when they were actively moving cargo. Of course, the warehouse is going to have more guards.”

“Still, you could not have warned us of that?” glowered Ash. “We had to bury three of our own that night, with nothing to show for it.”

“Look, Ash Grove, interrogations can get a lot of information, but if a pony doesn’t know, there’s about jack-shit you can do to make him tell you,” retorted Pitch, slamming another shot. “I gave you everything the little shit gave me. The fact that you decided to leap before looking is, frankly, not my concern. Send their families a fruit basket and move on.”

“Very practical of you,” observed Ash. “We’re lucky that there are so many of us, as compared with the Diamonds, that we can afford such a loss.”

“I assume that the rest of my information was profitable, since you didn’t drag me to some warehouse to slit my throat?” quipped Pitch, taking a swig from the bottle on the table.

Ash said nothing, but tossed a bag of bits onto the table. “The Clovers have all but been absorbed into our organization,” stated Ash. “We’re simply working on the last few pockets of resistance tonight.”

Pitch grinned and grabbed the bag of bits, tucking it into his coat. “And with the Hearts dropping out of the criminal underworld, you only have the Diamonds to worry about,” observed Pitch.

“As long as you can keep the police on a tight leash,” corrected Ash.

“No promises,” retorted Pitch, standing from the table. “That being said, your little stunt last night did not go unnoticed. Got word that the Diamonds tipped off the MCU, and they’ll be storming the warehouse tomorrow night. If you intend to do any looting, best do it soon.”

Ash simply nodded and went back to her drink. Pitch left the booth, making his way toward the door. Scope, again, gave Pitch a minute or two before he followed the pegasus out of the bar. Fortunately for Scope, Pitch didn't go to any other bars and instead went home. After Scope waited outside Pitch’s home for ten or so minutes, he went home himself.

Scope had a lot to think about as he made mental notes on his night. His walk was only slightly off from the light drinks he had, but his mind was certainly elsewhere. How could a pony he called a friend, even if he was a jerk most of the time, be so corrupt? Money was the answer, and it made him frown as he made it home and flopped onto the couch.

“Huh, you’re in early Scope.” Golden Badge, a blue earth stallion with a short cut golden mane and tail looked at Scope as he slid an envelope onto the desk. “Is that…?” He trailed off as Scope nodded, repressing a yawn.

“Take the day off Scope. See you tomorrow.” Scope nodded and saluted weakly, turning and walking out of the office and making his way out the building. Badge sighed as he looked down at the envelope, marked by anonymous, but he knew what was inside. He had asked Scope to spend the night out stalking Pitch because he was suspicious of his actions of late.

He opened the package and glanced inside, and saw a notebook within. He took it out and slowly opened it, dreading the worst and finding that his feelings were right. Pitch was using his rank in the force to aid not just one crime family, but two. The names of the two ponies he contacted were written down, along with the times and the locations. Along with several notes about future plans, including that raid that may be requested.

Badge read a bit more before closing it, putting it back in the envelope, and putting it into a desk drawer. He’d deal with it later. The press should eat this up, he thought to himself as he glanced one final time at it.

Scope trotted alongside an amber unicorn in one of Baltimare’s malls. They were both carrying saddle bags that had various knicknacks sticking out of them. As they turned to enter another little store, a toy store, Scope turned to the unicorn.

“So, why are we shopping? I mean, I am not going to complain about spending a day off out in the mall with a friend, but I am curious why we are getting these things.” Scope glanced back to his pack for a moment before looking at the unicorn again.

“Well, Miss Moon is a little tight on funds as her husband lost his job and, well, vanished a few days ago. I am putting together a care package for her and her kids for the time being until she can get a job.” The unicorn stopped to look something over that was designed for a foal.

“And who was her husband?” Scope asked, raising an eyebrow. The unicorn turned to stare at Scope like he didn't recognize the unicorn before him.

“Have you been living under a rock? Her husband was Pitch Tempest!”

Scope’s eyes widened for a moment as he received the news before he looked down. “Oh…” He flattened his ears as he looked at the stuff on the shelf absent-mindedly now.

“Seriously, I think he even invited you to dinner once. You and your friend, Topaz.” The unicorn turned back to the shelf and looked over some blocks.

“Sorry String, my mind has been elsewhere lately,” Scope mumbled just loud enough for the unicorn to hear. “I need some air. I’ll be outside the store.” Scope turned and quickly trotted out of the store, leaving the unicorn confused for a moment.

Once Scope left the store, he looked for an open bench to sit on and think. How could he forget that Pitch had a family? Now he felt bad for what he did, even though he was asked to by his superior. He looked to the packs next to him, one being his own, and the other belonging to the family. Maybe he could make amends, at least partially, he thought as he floated a hoofful of bits from one to the other.

It’d be a start for easing his guilty heart. After a while of deep thinking, he heard a voice bring him back to reality.

“Ready for more shopping?” Scope looked at String with a soft grin, noting that String’s bags looked a little fuller, a Wonderbolt figure sticking partially out of one.

“Yes, let us go,” Scope nodded slightly. “Where to next?”

“Lunch, then we decide from there.”

“Dammit to fucking hell!” Scope heard as he passed by an abandoned warehouse while on patrol in this part of town. The door was slightly ajar and allowed Scope to look in, seeing Pitch as he wiped his blade clean of blood. As Scope glanced about the scene, he noticed a few bodies littered the floor, which he presumed were from the local gangs.

“Whatever fucking snitch ratted me is gonna get a blade so far up his ass he’ll be staring at it!” grunted Pitch.

“Rough night?” asked a mysterious voice from the shadows.

Pitch simply threw the knife where he heard the voice coming from, picking up another assassin’s blade as he did so. Scope shivered as the deep voice chuckled in amusement.

“Well played, Pitch Tempest,” congratulated the voice. “Had I actually been there, I’d be bleeding out right now.”

“Who the fuck are you?!” demanded Pitch. “What the fuck do you want?!”

“Relax, Pitch,” reassured the voice. “My name is Dante, and I am not with the Diamonds or the Spades. We’ve been watching you for a while now, and we’d like to offer you a new future.”

“What’s the catch, Dante?”

“Knockout gas,” replied Dante.

A small flying sphere with wings flew down from the shadows and sprayed Pitch with a noxious green gas. Pitch blinked for a second before collapsing onto his side. Two pegasi emerged from the shadows.

“Good work, Hoxton,” complemented “Dante”. “Consider your grant request for the Hummingbird project approved. Descent, Blade, bring our newest prospect back. We don’t want the local gangs killing him.”

Scope waited until the pair and the thing left the area before going in and looking about. No pony was going to believe him about what he saw, but he had to report the bodies anyway. He could just say he found them like this.

Ten years after Hives Destruction --

Topaz was sitting behind the counter, looking over gems and marking with small stickers where the flaws were when he heard the bell ring, signaling him that somepony was entering. Without looking up from his gems, he called out.

“Welcome to Brimstone and Mortar Jeweler. How can I help you find that right gem for you or your special somepony?” He waited a few moments, and after a very faint gasp as a response. “Sir or ma’am?”

“Gemstone…?” He heard just loud enough to tickle his ears. His ears and head shot up to look at the door and when he saw who standing there, he let out a loud gasp. Standing a few steps past the door was a mottled red and green earth pony, his hooves looked dirty but clean enough. What really caught Topaz’s eye was the fact this pony appeared faintly transparent and below it was a changeling.

Not just any changeling; from the angle he was at, he had a red carapace and brown wings with a matching brown crest. His frame looked far sturdier than he remembered, like he put on a fair bit of muscle weight. And this changeling was looking back at him with a very shocked face.

“T-Torch?!” Topaz exclaimed as he took in the sight before him. The pony nodded slightly, and before he knew it, Topaz was charging at him after clearing the counter. “Sweet Celestia you’re still alive!”

Torch sat back and opened his arms, barely getting phased at the younger changeling barreled into him and hugged him tightly. They both sat there and hugged each other tightly for a few minutes, before Torch held Topaz at arms length, grinning wildly.

“It’s so good to see you Gemstone!” Torch exclaimed before hugging him again.

“Likewise! Though its Topaz now. Topaz Echo,” Topaz kept the hug going for a little longer before finally letting him go. “What have you been doing? Where have you been?” He paused for a moment. “How did you get so strong?!”

“One question at a time. Sheesh,” Torch chuckled softly as Topaz scooted back, looking Torch over. “And it's Lode Stone now.” He looked around at the gems, keeping his grin. “And it appears you’ve been busy too.”

“Yeah! Me and Scope have.... Er,” Topaz blinked, then chuckled. “Spark and I been living here for the past decade.”

“Wait, you and Spark?” Lode blinked. “I didn't think he’d be into gems!”

“Well, he is and he isn't. He works for the local law enforcement,” Topaz stood and took a few steps towards the counter, with Lode following behind. “It's a long story and one we both will be happy to share over dinner tonight. I’m cooking up fish.”

“Been a long time since I’ve had fish.” Lode chuckled.

Just as Topaz made it to the counter, he heard the bell go off again and they both looked towards it. Just as Topaz was about to start his speech again, he stopped before the first word even escaped his lips as he saw a deep blue pegasus with a blue and green mane and very short tail walk in. He looked around, unaware of the two changelings staring slack-jawed at the fact the pegasus was faintly transparent.

Beneath the guise was another changeling. Similar in appearance to Lode Stone and Topaz, only his wings were a dark blue, along with his crest.

“Huh, so many gems here. So well done too.”

“Brimstone?” Both Topaz and Lode asked at the same time, making the pegasus look directly at them and blink a few times.

“No way!” He exclaimed as he cantered over to them. “Who would have thought we’d see each other again!”

Topaz didn't say anything as he almost tackle-hugged Brimstone. Lode Stone just sat off to the side, grinning wildly again.

“Easy! Sheesh. I’d say you’ve gained some strength since we last met.” Brimstone chuckled as he returned the hug.

“This is possibly the best day ever!” Topaz exclaimed loudly.

“Why is that, Topaz?” The new voice made the three of them jump and look towards the stairs. “And are these new customers I see?”

“Er, Mortar!” Topaz blushed brightly and quickly let go of Brimstone, making him fall to the ground. Topaz rubbed the back of his head as he grinned sheepishly. “Let me introduce you to Lode Stone.” He gestured to the earth pony, then to Brimstone, “And… er…”

Once the pegasus picked himself up, he bowed slightly to Mortar. “Feather Dust. Forgive him, it has been ages since we last met.”

Mortar raised an eyebrow. “The way he sounded just a minute ago sounds like you were closer than friends,” The unicorn just looked at them, then shrugged. “So, are we getting extra company for dinner?”

“You don't mind, do you, Mortar?”

“Nope. They like fish right?” The three nodded to him. “I’ll go get more for you to cook then,” He floated a little pouch to his side as he trotted past them. “You can introduce me better tonight. Enjoy.”

As Mortar trotted out, the three looked at each other for a few seconds before hugging again.

When Scope heard the news from Mortar that they were having extra company for dinner, he was confused. Scope had passed him on patrol in the market, they exchanged a few words while Mortar bought fish and a few other things. Whoever it was stayed on his mind most of the patrol, but left once he got back to the station.

That was a few hours ago, and now he was on his way home.

He opened the door to the shop and closed it, and relocked it afterward. He glanced around at the gems and let out a soft sigh, just before his ears picked up chatter. He blinked and looked towards the stairs from behind the counter and cantered his way over. As he neared them, the chatter got loud and he could make out voices.

Two more voices were there, in addition to Mortar and Topaz. He made his way up stairs and entered the living room. The flat they had above the shop was a simple place, living room with an attached kitchen that had a counter viewing the living room. A pair of bedrooms and Scope didn't mind sharing the room with Topaz. He stopped when he reached the top, staring directly at the two ponies on sitting on the couch. A blue pegasus and a red and green earth pony were happily talking to Mortar.

Scope just stood there, staring at them as he saw the familiar changelings beneath. The changelings didn't seem to notice him as they talked away. Scope took a few steps in, looking over the pair and started to grin. It had been a decade since he last saw them!

“So you are just here visiting a few friends Feather Dust?” Mortar asked as he looked at the pegasus. “And I suspect seeing Topaz here wasn't who you were expecting, huh?”

“Nope! Though I must say it is certainly a welcome surprise!” The pegasus grinned widely, almost bouncing in his seat.

“And your friends… are they like you? Or… Well, I suppose you can't really tell me huh?”

Scope stopped in his tracks at that, looking confused. He had seen other changelings in disguise while in Baltimare, they all had orange carapaces and tails. And were more insect like with their wings.

“As long as you promise not to say anything at all, I can.” Brimstone nodded with a small grin.

“Well, I already keep these two a secret. Adding one more can't hurt.”

“Yeah,” the earth pony started up, looking at Mortar with a raised eyebrow and leaning closer to him. “How did you learn of that anyway?”

“Oh, it happened a few years ago. Scope got hurt while on the job and had to take some time off to heal. The doctors, one of which I bet was a changeling, told him he had to go home and rest. It was during that time I found out, Topaz was changing one of the bandages on Scopes natural form and I walked in.” He paused, grinning slightly. “They both freaked out, as did I. And after explaining everything over some hot tea from some tea shop in Canterlot, well… You can guess from there.”

“Yeah, we still live here.” Scope finally said, making Feather Dust and the earth pony jump and fall off the couch.

“Geez Scope!” Came from the kitchen, “Give me a heart attack why dontcha!”

Scope glanced towards the kitchen, not seeing anypony for a moment till he glanced up slightly, and chuckled softly at the sight of Topaz clinging to the ceiling with his wings splayed out.

“Sorry, I didn't want to intrude. So who are these two?” He gestured to the two who managed to sit back on the couch.

“Aww, you don't recognize us Sparky!” Feather Dust grinned widely.

“I meant pony names.” Scope said flatly.

“Wow, did you become even more of a hard ass in the last decade?” The earth pony chuckled.

“And what about you, Torch?” Scope raised an eyebrow at the earth pony.

“Lode Stone is my name, and this is Feather Dust,” He gestured to the pegasus. “So Mortar knows what you are, eh?”

“Yup. Caught me while I was getting my bandages changed in my natural form,” Scope shrugged and moved to sit on the floor, looking up at his old hive mates. “And it's safe to assume he knows what you are since you called me ‘Sparky.’ And has he seen you two yet?”

“Not yet,” Mortar chuckled softly. “I only walked in on you two, I figure they would want to keep their fur on. It doesn't really matter anyway, I know you guys aren't evil or anything. And I can totally understand why you guys hide yourself,” Mortar pointed at Topaz. “And it explains how he is so damned good with gems!”

Topaz blushed as Scope glanced to him, then looked at the others. “So, joining us for dinner, and after that?”

“Well, I am on my way south for a mining job near Dodge Junction,” Lode chuckled softly. “However, I can stay a night or two here before going on my way.”

“And I can visit my friends in that hive tomorrow, or the day after. I merely said I’d be visiting them soon,” Feather nodded sagely. “They can certainly wait as I reconnect with friends that I haven't seen in a decade!”

Spark and Gemstone Part 4

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Twenty years after Hives Destruction --

“Dude! A place where the structures are made out of crystal?! THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!” Topaz squealed after Scope had shown him a newspaper article of a recent event; the Crystal Empire's return.

“You really want to go there?” Mortar sighed as he rubbed an ear. “From what I hear, a really powerful relic sits there, giving out love to pretty much all of Equestria. What would you do next to that?”

“Well,” Scope started, looking at Mortar. “As you know we don't, erm, feed on love directly. So I doubt it would do anything to us.”

“Okay? And what about my shop here? I’d be losing one of my best partners.” Mortar looked at Topaz, who blushed slightly.

“He could potentially start up a shop there? Under the same name and such.”

“That's not a bad idea. But what about my gems in general? He points out the flaws and I fix them. He can't exactly do that there as a bat pony. And I doubt he’d want to become a unicorn there after enjoying his wings for so long.”

“Well, that is true. But I have been showing you how to do it better, and I do have access to a trick.” Topaz grinned.

“Oh?” Mortar raised an eyebrow.

“We of the Ruby Hive have a trick. You see, our forms are malleable.” Scope started up, as he unfurled a pair of feathery wings from his back, his horn glowing to give the illusion they were fake. Despite the fact the three were gathered around their dinner table at home. He gave the wings a flap before closing them at his sides, remasking them under his disguise.

“Yup,” Topaz nodded. “And I can give myself a small horn, hidden under my mane for a short time. Long enough to fix up a few stray gems.”

“And you say you can't become alicorns,” Mortar scoffed as he crossed his arms. “Okay, I submit. Any gems I question, I can sky-mail to you then. I am going to miss you two though.”

“So! That just means you need to come visit us once in awhile!” Topaz grinned widely, “And if you do get lonely. I bet that mare down by the flower shop could provide company. You know, the pegasus who grins each time she sees you.”

“I…” Mortar blushed slightly as he looked down, twiddling his hooves a little. “I do admit that she is cute, but… Do you really think it could work?”

“You’re talking to a pair of ponies who can read emotions like pages from a book,” Topaz smirked as he nudged Mortar. “Tell ya what; while Scope here does his final few days at the station, I’ll set you up with Tulip, okay?”

Topaz grinned as he watched Mortar blush even more.

Two weeks later, Scope and Topaz were on the train to the Crystal Empire. They had made great time and were due to arrive in a few hours. Topaz had his face pressed to the window as he watched the rolling wintery landscape cruise on by, while Scope merely relaxed in his seat in the cabin and grinned towards Topaz.

“This is going to be so cool!” Topaz suppressed a squeal as he tried to look along the tracks towards their destination that was still a ways off.

“That's the tenth time you’ve said that in the last hour.”

“Bah, can you blame me? You got to go to places while a part of the force. I was stuck at home.” He turned and stuck out his tongue at Scope.

“I suppose we should have taken some time off to visit another town.” Scope shrugged slightly as Topaz walked over and sat next to him, and leaned on him softly.

“Yeah, but oh well. At least we got reports of other places thanks to Lode Stone and Feather Dust.” Topaz let out a soft content sigh as he draped a wing over Scope.

“And we’ll be exploring this place together,” Scope grinned and adjusted himself a little, so he could drape an arm over Topaz in response. “Like proper mates.”

Almost five years ago, the pair had decided to consider each other more than just friends and siblings. They were from a different ‘generation’ but in truth, it didn't matter as they had grown fond of each others company. After Mortar and Feather had convinced them both, they decided to become mates.

Sure, they found it a little weird at first, but after some time it worked. No one really had to know they were from the same hive, or even hatched almost a year apart.

They sat there, embracing each other for what seemed like an hour until they both felt it. A sudden spike of energy in the area. Topaz noticed it few seconds before he felt Scope shift under him.

“What is that?” Topaz asked with a little yawn as he looked around. It was like the ambient energy of the area was giving them a little more.

“Could that be the Crystal Heart?” Scope looked down at Topaz, then over to the window. “We are still an hour out, I think,” He grinned slightly. “Kind of tingly, really.”

“But if we are this far out and getting closer…” Topaz scooted a little and looked at Scope worriedly.

“I doubt it’s going to do anything to us,” Scope reassured him. “So for now, relax. Captain Shining Armor said he’d give all new arrivals two days to get settled into a hotel. And if he deems us worthy, we’d get homes near the palace.”

“Closer to the palace? Isn't that also closer to the Heart?”

“Well, yes. But again, I figure it won't really do anything. Maybe keep us topped off but that's about it,” Scope shrugged slightly. “We haven't really been a position like this before, and I don't think any others have. So it is going to be a learning experience for us both. Plus,” he paused to poke Topaz in the side. “It was your idea to come here anyway.”

“I, er, right. It was kind of my idea. If you say nothing bad will happen, then who am I to argue,” Topaz hung his head with a sigh. “I’m just worried, that's all. After the wedding fiasco and all. I just don't want to be exiled from this land.”

Topaz blinked as he found himself sliding back over to Scope and into his embrace.

“We won't, I promise.” Scope said as he could feel all of Topaz’s fears melting away in the embrace.

Scope grinned as he took in the crystalline structures as he walked up to the palace. They had arrived two days ago and gotten familiar with the town, met the locals, and Scope had to restrain Topaz from pretty much everything. Thankfully Topaz agreed to stay in the hotel room for the rest of the day while this thing happened.

As Scope walked up, he noticed other ponies making their way to the court yard. Two of which really stood out to him. A pair of earth ponies had actually managed to trot their way to him. But what really made them stood out was the fact the pony was slightly transparent, revealing a changeling beneath.

The changelings in question both appeared from the same hive, a deep blue plate on their back with teal crests and frayed tails. The pair stopped in front of Scope to look him over.

“Well, aren't you an interesting one.” One of them says, a red mare with a dark teal mane.

“I could say the same of you two.” Scope responded calmly.

“Oh, we be here for the guard position. Same as you I reckon.” The attempted accent made Scope cringe just a little from the amber stallion with matching teal mane.

“Yes, I am here for that.” He looked between the two, taking note that they appeared to almost be shaking, albeit faintly, like coming off a sugar high. He let out a soft sigh and glanced down at one of his hooves. He was completely calm.

He did hear from Feather Dust that the changelings here in Equestria were a bit more sensitive to the emotions of others. Not to the point that they can sense them miles away, but more like feeling like they couldn’t really live without absorbing nearly all the ambient energy of the ponies. Scope found he didn't really require all that much from ponies

Maybe his body had already adjusted to the output of the Heart or something, he just couldn't figure it out really.

Scope sighed a little, he could only suspect that they were barely keeping themselves calm. And they weren't even near the heart yet. This could only end in disaster for them. He leaned closer to them and whispered. “Are you sure you two should even be here?”

“And what about you?” The mare whispered back with a faint growl. “You’re just like us.”

“You don't see me shaking, do you?” Scope grumbled as he straightened and resumed walking towards the courtyard. The other two just blinked and stared, then cantered to trot at his sides. The three soon join others in the courtyard near the Crystal Heart. The two changelings beside Scope just stared intently at the heart for a minute before Scope smacked them both. “It is not something to stare at.”

“Hmph!” The mare grumped and went to sit down just as a voice boomed across the courtyard.

“ATTENTION!” Immediately after the word is spoken, everypony present snapped to standing stock still as a white unicorn wearing a set of purple armor from the Canterlot Royal Guard appeared off to the side. He stamped to stand in the view of everypony, with only a few looking at him. Scope, however, remained staring straight forward, a faint smirk appeared on his muzzle as he recalled his soldier days.

“So, this is the sorry lot of fillies and colts that want to be a part of the Crystal Empire Royal Guard?” The stallion looked among the assembled ponies, smirking faintly.

At this moment, Scope finally realized that he had a little trouble reading emotions with the ambient love in the air. He would have to learn to adjust it later, but he could have sworn he picked up a second source.

And sure enough, trotting into view was a pink alicorn. She stood a little taller then the stallion before them and wore regal attire that he had seen Celestia herself wearing. He could definitely detect the magical power coming from this pony, and the stallion as well now that he thought about it. There was no doubt that this pair was Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

For a few silent moments, nothing seemed to happen as all the ponies wanting to be guards stared at her. Then in the blink of an eye the two changelings Scope had seen before charged her. Another blink and the pair of changelings are held up in a pair of magical auras, one sky blue, the other pink. They quickly changed shape, revealing their changeling form as they tried to use their own magic, souped up by the heart, to break free.

But they accomplished nothing as both Shining and Cadance held them. Shining growled lowly, looking among the other ponies who all wore shocked face, even Scope did, but for a different reason.

“Any other changelings among you?” He bellowed. The others shook their head quickly as Shining looked up to the changelings and turned them to face the ponies. “Well?”

The pair both pointed at Scope, as best they could anyway while held in a strong grasp. Shining turned to glare at Scope, who shook his head in response. Shining kept his glare on Scope for a bit longer before he turned to face the changelings.

“He is one! We swear! Have him stand next to the Heart!” The once-mare cried out. Shining glanced at Scope again, then gestured to the heart with a head shake. Scope shrugged and cantered over and stood next to the Heart.

Admittedly being this close he could feel its power output. But again, it wasn't overwhelming him to the point of shaking or that such. In fact it made him feel warm and tingly, like sitting next to a warm fireplace.

“That's not possible!” The changelings screeched after a minute or two had passed. “He should have lost his form, the power being too much!”

“I admit I'm warm,” Scope started up. “But I am a unicorn, standing next to an ancient magical relic infused with powerful magic. So that would be the case naturally.” He glanced at a few of the unicorns present in the line. The younger ones nodded in agreement with him.

“But he is a -” The changelings started, before getting turned to face Cadance and Shining.

“You’re argument is invalid!” Shining growled as he hovered the changeling next to the other. “Care to do the honors, dear?” He stated calmly, making the changelings go wide-eyed as Cadance powered up her horn.

The two cringed as they expected to get shot, but instead they both just disappeared in a pop of magic. After that, Shining rounded on the cadets with a grin. “Well, that was a fun diversion! Inside the main lobby of the palace is where you will receive your apartment. Some of you have come with others and will get proper homes to get setup and such. You will all report here at the start of next week to begin with some advanced training. Dismissed!”

All of the cadets, Scope included, saluted and cantered off to head into the lobby.

That afternoon, Scope and Topaz sat in the living room of their new home. What few belonging they had were sitting piled up neatly in a corner as they looked about the living room. A fireplace sat in one wall, with the kitchen being opposite of it.

Before they left for their new home, Scope had explained what all happened to Topaz. At first he panicked, but calmed down when Scope explained he stood next to the Heart, and just felt warm, like being next to a fireplace. Topaz explained that while he stayed in the hotel room, he felt normal. Sure he was full of energy, but that was just it, he was full and sated almost all the time.

After everything was said and done, they decided that they could enjoy it here. They didn't really need anypony else, but wanted to make a few friends anyway. And Scope certainly would find a few among his fellow guards. While Topaz did open up a new gem shop, and certainly enjoyed working with the new materials here.

Spark and Gemstone Part 5

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Twenty-four years after Hives Destruction.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Scope asked as he slowly stepped into a small briefing room that currently housed Princesses Cadance and Twilight, and Prince Shining Armor. Scope took a few steps in before both Twilight and Cadance closed the door, locking it behind him. He watched them do it, then looked back at the three ponies, two of which were giving off suspicion.

“Take a seat Lieutenant,” Shining ordered, which Scope followed without missing a beat as he sat at the table opposite of his commanding officer. “We have… something to discuss.”

“I talked to Emerald Haze after the riots in Canterlot a while back,” Twilight kept her eyes trained on Scope, who looked back at her. “And… she had some pretty… No…” She shook her head. “Are you aware of what all happened?”

“That some JSS mercenaries got hired on by Prince Blueblood to retake the throne after he assumed that Princess Celestia was killed, and Princess Luna was captured by the Wonderbolts and Royal Guard. What resulted was Canterlot's darkest day, in which a lot of innocents were harmed and killed,” Scope sighed as he continued. “Everything seemed bleak until your friends and the CAG and REN helped retake Canterlot.”

Scope looked at Shining after a short pause. “The war on Canterlot revealed dark secrets, some were good, others not so much. Namely, one that I assume is the reason I'm here today; is that a changeling was working at Canterlot General.” He looked at Twilight. “I can only assume she had to reveal herself.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Yes, she did. And… She revealed certain facts that…” Twilight looked away from Scope, and towards Shining, who had kept his eyes on Scope the entire time.

Scope sighed again detecting an anger slowly rise from his captain. “Yes, Captain, whatever your thinking is true.”

“That,” Shining growled softly. “I’ve had a changeling right under my nose the entire time? How? You stood next to the Heart, those other changelings revealed themselves within a few moments! Was that still you?”

Scope nodded as his horn glowed, and he slowly started to remove his armor. “I remember how they spoke out against me, saying I was one as well and you said I wasn't.” He glanced at Cadance, who had remained impassive the entire time. “I suppose you really want the truth, huh?” They each nodded.

Art by Foxenawolf

He took a deep breath and let his disguise drop. A disguise he held for over two decades. Sitting in his place was a familiar dragon-like changeling. He extended his golden wings, turned his head slightly to show off his golden crest and kept a neutral expression as he eyed the reactions of both his Captain and Cadance.

Scope detected shock from Shining and Cadance, though the princess’s only lasted a short bit. Shining’s however, quickly changed to anger as he powered up his horn, ready to fire off a magic stun spell. But Twilight put up a wall in front of the changeling. As Shining looked at her, she shook her head.

“But! He’s a changeling!” Shining pointed a hoof at Scope.

“And what reason would he have to do anything harmful?” Cadance spoke up, her eyes never leaving the changeling. Shining spun around to face her.

“Do you recall what they did to you? To me?!”

“Yes. He wasn't a part of that, and, honestly?” Cadance looked at Shining. “I trust him. Twilight said it herself; he belongs to an extinct hive, what reason would he have to do anything against us? Against the Crystal Heart?”

“But! He could still -”

“Shiny! Think about it!” Twilight cut her brother off. “He has been here since the Empire opened its gates to allow others to move in! That was years ago! I saw it with my own eyes, him standing next to the Heart like it wasn't even there! He didn't do anything to it. And his hive doesn't feed on love, at least not directly.”

Shining looked between the princesses, then sighed and looked at Scope. “I… need time to think about this. Until I come to a valid decision… Scope. If that is your name, you are on temporary leave.” Shining rubbed his forehead, just below his horn.

“My changeling name is Spark, but I’ve grown so used to Scope that I prefer it,” Scope shrugged slightly, retaking his unicorn form and putting back on his armor. “And, personally sir, we’re harmless.”

Shining raised an eyebrow at Scope, then sighed. “Either way. I need time to think about this. You’re dismissed.”

Scope stood with a salute, “One final word sir. I would like this to remain private.” Shining just gave a weak nod before Scope left the room.

“Hey Topaz, I’m home,” He shouted into the house that he and Topaz shared since they were mates. He sighed and started to remove his armor as he closed the door behind him. “And boy do I have some news for you!”

“Oh?” Topaz poked his head out from the kitchen. “Like why you are home a little earlier than normal?”

Scope nodded slowly. “Yes,” He walked into the kitchen. “Shining knows what I...We are now.” The moment the words escaped his lips, Topaz went pale and dropped the dish he had a hold of. Scope quickly caught it and set it on the table with a sigh. “We don't really have to worry. I doubt he is going to -”

A knock at the door cut off what Scope was going to say. He turned back to it and trotted over to it, picking up faint hesitation behind it. He stopped at the door, “Hello?”

“It's me, Shining.” He heard through the door. “Can you… er…”

Scope chuckled and opened the door, revealing Shining standing there, alone.

“Huh, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, sir?” Scope stepped back and let the unicorn in.

“Just, uh. Wanting to get to know you two.” Shining walked in, slowly looking around the humble home.

“Princess Cadance asked you to, didn't she?” Scope chuckled. “Should I leave the door open for you, sir?”

“Both she and Twilight,” Shining chuckled weakly. “And no, you can close it.”

Scope nodded and closed the door, then made his way into the kitchen. He remained there for a few moments before coming back out. “Sir?” By that point, Shining had managed to do a full tour of their living room. They had various pictures on the wall, a few were just the pair, but his eyes fell upon the single ponies who he didn't recognize, except for one. A green unicorn with a blue mane that had a green stripe through it.

“That's Emerald Haze, isn't it?” Shining kept looking it over as Scope nodded from where he was.

“Yes. Our, er, sister you could say. We hope she is doing okay,” Scope sighed softly. “Sadly, we didn't get a chance to get one of her mate, Quicktail. Nor did we get one of Talon.”

“Things were a bit hectic, huh?” Shining finally started to look at the others. “Who are these?”

“With Talon, yes. Quicktail, not so much. He was out of town when we reunited.” He paused to highlight each of the pictures as he listed them off. “The red and green one is Lode Stone, and the pegasus there is Feather Dust.” Scope chuckled softly as Shining looked over each one. “We don't mean any harm or ill will towards any ponies. We just want to exist peacefully.”

“I know. It’s just… Hard, ya know? Learning one of your trusted soldiers isn't what he is. That he is, in a way, related to Chrysalis; who tried to take over Canterlot, hurt me, Princess Celestia, Twilight, and other ponies.” He looked at Scope.

“I would never want to hurt anypony, at least intentionally. I am a guard after all. My actions are my own, no Queen can tell me what to do. Only a prince, and the princesses.” Scope grinned warmly, as he looked towards the kitchen. “I hope you don't mind fish, sir. We weren't exactly expecting royalty to show up.”

“It’s fine. Means no fancy meal at the palace tonight.” Shining chuckled weakly as he followed Scope into the kitchen, where he saw Topaz cooking up a meal. Shining blinked as he watched Topaz expertly use his wings and hooves while cooking up a few fish, one sat by itself in a skillet while two more shared one.

“Any spices on yours sir?” He asked without looking away, his wings grabbing a few spices and holding each one out. Shining looked among the spices and shrugged.

“Just what you think is best. I didn't know you could cook, though,” Shining made his way over to the table that Scope was already sitting at. “Or be so skilled with your wings.”

“When you have them all your life, you tend to pick up certain skills,” Topaz grinned widely. “And besides, I'm not just a very good jeweler. I happen to know a little bit of tailoring, and how to cook a variety of meals. From dragon dishes to griffin treats, to pony classics.” He continued to cook the fish, adding a few spices to the solo fish. “For first-timers, though, I’ll go light on the spices.”

“Thanks.” He turned to Scope, who had sat at the table and was getting juice ready with his magic. “I looked into your history a bit, there isn't really anything beyond twenty years ago. Care to explain that?”

“Well, sir, that is when my life as a pony began. And my life as a changeling ended,” He paused as Shining glanced towards Topaz, noticing his spark of energy had faded a little. “It wasn't a good day, and we still have the occasional nightmare about it. So I won't go into too much detail.”

Shining nodded slowly. “Twilight told me about it, as she heard it from various perspectives and was able to paint a good picture about it. It’s still hard to believe something like that could happen, but if the riots proved anything, it could.”

“Yeah, we were lucky to get here. We took a boat across the sea, the Stargazer I believe. And after that, well. You know the rest if you read up on our history.” Scope shrugged slightly, as he squeezed an orange into a cup.

“I guess I just want to get to know the pony before me.”

Scope smirked, “You're still trying to figure out if I'm as good as you once believed I was, huh?” Shining nodded at that, making the unicorn chuckle. “I am. I can say that all I want, but I believe actions speak louder than words.”

“I suppose so. You two have been the best citizens of this city, ever. Always so helpful, so nice, so generous,” Shining shrugged, looking over at Topaz. “And your contributions to the various crystal sculptures we have around are nothing short of amazing. But something has been bothering me since I found out. Didn't you two know the risks of coming here?”

“Honestly, sir? No. We didn't suspect the heart to be so powerful with giving out love everywhere. I mean, I figured it was mainly in the city, and it wouldn't have been a problem. In fact, it still isn't. We have adjusted to its output, and we don't even really have to feed on other emotions. We get by with what it provides, despite the fact Love isn't out favored emotion.”

“We felt it on the edge, on our train ride here,” Topaz spoke up as he carried the plates of fish over and slid them in front of their guest. “I was worried that it would overwhelm us, but it didn't. It topped us off and kept us there, essentially.”

“But I thought you didn't feed on it?” Shining looked down at the fish before him, the scents wafting up to his nose. “Also this smells really good.”

“Thanks, sir.” Topaz said as he sat at the table, “And we do, but not directly. Think of emotions as a variety of foods. Love being one you don't hate, but don't like either. While appreciation, is one we really enjoy.”

“Makes sense.” Shining nodded slowly, as he cut out a piece of the fish and took a bite, then gasped. “Wow! This tastes great!” He looked at Topaz, who blushed slightly. “You know, if this pans out well, we could use a cook at the palace for more exotic dishes.”

“On occasion, maybe. But my heart belongs to the gem store I work at.” Topaz grinned.

“Okay.” Shining took another bite, grinning before looking at Topaz curiously. “Oh, uh. Topaz, can I see what you look like?”

Topaz stopped mid-bite and looked at Shining. “You mean, underneath?” Shining nodded, as Topaz looked at Scope worriedly.

“It’s okay.” Scope reassured him.

Topaz nodded slowly, looking back at Shining and engulfing himself in fire. Sitting before the prince was a changeling similar to how Scope looked, except the wings, were the same shade of glittering blue as before, along with his crest. Shining noticed all this as he looked the changeling over, and his eyes stopped on the tail.

“Huh, how’d you hide that tail?” Shining pointed to it, making Topaz curl it around and look at it.

“We’re a little bulkier in pony form because of it. You don't really notice it but it makes us a little taller as its mass gets spread out.” Topaz spoke, sounding almost like reading from a book. Shining raised an eyebrow at him, before going back to the fish before him.

“Do you have a tail like that too Scope?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You know I'm off duty right now, right? You don't have to call me sir.”

“Force of habit, sir.” Scope shrugged slightly, as Topaz retook his bat pony form. Shining glanced at his wings, noticing they were practically the same in either form.

“Huh, your wings don't look any different,” Shining commented as he finished up the fish before him.

“Nope, at first I was a pegasus, but then we met a bat pony! And well…” Topaz trailed off with a chuckle.

“At first, he thought he couldn't become a bat pony, but we can take on a dragon form. So I persuaded him to try, and what you see before you is that.” Scope chuckled as he grabbed the empty dishes with his magic.

“Wait? You can become dragons?!” Shining blinked as he watched Scope.

“Yeah. Didn't Princess Twilight tell you about that when she talked to Emerald? I am sure she took that form to help at the Hospital during its time of need.” Scope paused to look at Shining, who wore a look of shock. “We don't breath fire. Nor are we as durable as one.”

“I… I don't believe that you can become an actual dragon!”

Scope chuckled and put the dishes in the sink, turning to Shining afterward. “Want me to prove it?” Shining barely nodded, staring at Scope intently. Scope chuckled and in a whirl of fire, was replaced with a golden dragon. Shining could see the same blue eyes that looked back at him, along with blue along the wings and small stripes along his limbs. He looked to stand a half-head taller than before as well.

Shining gulped and scooted back, as Scope just sat, extending his wings out and twitched his tail. “Sweet Celestia it’s true!” Shining exclaimed once he caught his breath, and saw the dragon before him make no motions towards him.

The dragon nodded slightly. “Yes, it is.” He spoke, carrying the accent that the dragons had been known for, along with the faint echo. “We actually grow a little bit in this form, as I am sure you noticed.” In another flare of fire, the unicorn that Shining had grown to accept sat there. “But, we prefer to not remain in it for too long. Unless properly fueled, we drain ourselves quicker in it.”

“Drain…?” Shining gulped, looking at the unicorn. “And why not? That form has got to be better than being a unicorn. You get flight, sharp claws, what could you possibly not enjoy about it?”

“For starters, our magic is harder to use in it. Second, our scales aren't as fire proof as a normal dragon, and finally, it can really drain our energy. The max duration we can take is probably about a day, and that's if we aren't fighting.” Scope shrugged slightly.

“What about while you’re here?” Shining finally calmed down enough to not look shocked, as he looked over the pony before him.

Scope paused to think about it, glancing at Topaz as the bat pony cleaned the dishes. “You know, I'm not sure. While the energy here would be considered near limitless, the strain on the body and focus isn't. I honestly don't know, sir.” He looked back at Shining.

“What did you mean by, properly fueled?”

“The harvesters of the Ruby Hive know how to fuel it, and can maintain it better. Me being a soldier drone, it’s a bit harder for me to do.” Scope shrugged. “Even though I have lived with a harvester, he can still out dragon me.” He glanced to Topaz, who turned a little to hide a blush.

Shining blinked at that, then shook his head, “Didn't need that image…” he stood up slowly, keeping his eyes on Scope. “Well, you have given me plenty to think about. And I’ll let you know what I think. Okay?”

“Yes, sir.” Scope saluted his superior officer, who returned the salute.

“Enjoy your days off.”

“I will try sir, and as I said at the meeting, I’d actually like this to remain private. If at all possible. If word got out that a changeling was indeed near the Heart.” He paused for a moment, “You could see the trouble it’d cause.”

“I will do my best, Lieutenant.” Shining turned and made his way out after that.

“That went well,” Topaz said as Scope watched Shining trot back to the palace.


“Ahh, Princess Cadance,” Scope blinked as he held the door to his home open for the princess. “This is unexpected.”

A few days had passed, and Topaz was currently at his gem store. Scope had managed to keep himself somewhat entertained, but so far the last two days of doing almost nothing was starting to get to him. He was going to go out and do something, but right as he opened the door, well.

He looked up at the pink princess, before snapping to salute and stepping back. She chuckled softly and nodded back to him as she lowered her hoof that was two seconds away from knocking on the door.

“May I come in?” She asked, bowing slightly.

Scope quickly back pedaled and stood off to the side, holding the door open and gesturing inside. “Of course, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Highness?” He closed the door after she trotted inside a little and looked around.

“Huh, it’s a nice cozy home.” She grinned and turned slightly to Scope. “Just wanting to get to know you like Shining did. And I heard you can become a dragon.”

Scope raised an eyebrow for a moment, then shrugged. “Tea?” Cadance nodded and he gestured to the living room. “Sorry, my home isn't up to royalty requirements. Though I seem to be attracting them lately. I wonder if Princess Twilight will visit next.” He stopped in his tracks and glanced at the door for a moment as if expecting her to appear.

“She does, she wants to know how you function so close to the heart. But that's her scientific mind at work.” Cadance chuckled softly as she trotted into Scope’s living room. She made her way over to the pictures and sat, looking over each one. She blinked when a cup floated into her view in a deep red glow. “Thanks.” She took it gently in magic.

“Your welcome, Your Highness,” He grinned and sat next to her. “Looking over the pictures?”

“Yeah. I heard from Twilight that there were a few members of your hive that had been found,” She points to the pictures. “Is this them?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Scope nodded as he outlined each in his magic, effectively pointing out each as he called their names. “Lode Stone, Emerald Haze, and Feather Dust. And Princess Twilight already knows about them.”

“Since she interviewed each of them. Yes.” Cadance sighed softly. “Still, looking here and seeing that Emerald Haze is a doctor at Canterlot General, and has been… Wait, how did she not get thrown out during my wedding?” She looked at Scope who looked back.

“She was out of town, on ‘forced’ vacation, according to her.” Scope shrugged. “Feather Dust can confirm it as he saw her running through Manehattan, being chased by Gold Star’s crew.”

“Really?” Cadance raised an eyebrow, Scope nodded at her. “Huh, she knows some famous ponies then.”

“Yeah, that's what I said. She apparently helped inspire their crew during a drake sneak attack on her way to Equestria.”

“Huh, speaking of dragons,” Cadance grinned and turned slightly to face Scope. “Show me.”

Scope raised an eyebrow for a moment, then took a few steps back from the princess before engulfing in fire. Sitting in the unicorns place was the same gold dragon that Shining saw a few days ago. Cadance looked the dragon over, taking in the fact that it actually appeared like a dragon she had seen before. No illusion or anything like that, he could become a real dragon!

She stood and walked around him slowly, and he kept his eyes on her. “Impressive,” She nodded slightly. “You said this form was draining, but you weren't sure how long you could last, given your new location.” She paused, standing behind the dragon. “If a fight did get serious enough, would you take this form?”

Scope shook his head. “As strange as it is, I am better suited in my natural or unicorn forms. We soldier drones fight better with our magic at our command, despite what Talon might say. Just because he prefers to make blades, doesn't mean he doesn't use magic. Our magic is limited in this form. The harvesters can do light magic, mostly in the form of healing or levitation. But that's as far as we can go.”

“So you're willing to stay in your unicorn form? What if you encounter somepony who can fly?” Cadance started walking around him slowly again.

“Well, Talon would just add wings to whatever form he picked. I, however, will zap them. If you recall, I specialize in ranged offensive magic.”

“Even fast moving pegasi?” Cadance raised an eyebrow as she sat in front of the dragon.

“You have seen me in combat training, right?” The dragon raised an eyebrow back at her.

“That is true. You did seem to be one step ahead with your long range magic.” Cadance looked the dragon over one final time. “You can go back to being a pony now.” Scope nodded and in a flare of fire retook his unicorn form. “Maybe now you can explain what you meant by adding wings?”

Scope nodded again, and merely stood up, his natural wings appearing without any flare or glow of magic. “A trait of the ruby hive we all share.” He held out a hoof, a small ring of fire going from its tip to part way up the fetlock, changing it from a hoof to a griffin paw. “As Talon puts it, all forms are malleable.”

“Huh, before you did that paw, you looked like an alicorn. I thought you couldn't take that form.” She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.

“It’s complicated, I’ll just leave it at that.” Scope chuckled softly as he returned to normal. “Something about that form, in general, is locked from us. We suspect it’s because of the manes that we can't take the form. I mean, I could try to imitate you, but again, you’re taller than I am, so it’d be obvious that I'm a fake.”

“But you were bigger as a dragon.” Cadance blinked, thinking back on the form.

“For some reason, we just grow in it. I suspect it’s an attempt to blend in with the dragons better.” Scope shrugged. “I try not to question too many things.”

“Well, you have given me plenty to think about Scope. I will let Shining know of my findings and opinions.” Cadance grinned and started towards the door.

“I understand. Shall I be expecting Princess Twilight Sparkle later?”

“Yes, but be warned. Her questions will test your knowledge on yourself. They also won't be evaluated when we come to a decision about you.”

Scope saluted Cadance, “Understood, ma’am.”

Scope grinned widely as he walked towards Shining office in the palace. He wore his armor as he stopped in front of the door and lightly rapped on it. He had received a letter earlier that day that he was summoned to the palace, and to wear his armor. He waited a moment before he heard Shinings voice call him in.

The door opened and Scope stepped in, he looked around and saw both Shining and Cadance sitting on the opposite side of the room on the other side of a desk. Scope could detect excitement from them both, making him slightly hesitant to enter as he was unsure why.

“Scope, glad you are still as prompt as ever. Care to take a seat?” Shining gestured to the chair across the desk. Once Scope sat down, Shining continued, “So, we have decided to keep you in our ranks, and as your current rank. You have proven to us on multiple occasions that you are trustworthy to the Princesses and thus me as well.”

“Thank you, sir.” Scope acknowledged in the gap, as he let Shining continue.

“However, even if we do keep you a secret, there are those changelings we teleported away. So some ponies out there are probably aware of you. For now, we will keep your identity a secret, but anything changeling related that comes up, regardless of where it is in Equestria, we will come to you first and you will respond.”

Scope nodded as Cadance took over.

“While Shining here wanted to keep you at the same rank, I actually wanted to raise your rank,” Cadance grinned smugly as she glanced to Shining. “I would like to make you my personal bodyguard. This way we can keep a very close eye on you.”

Scope blinked, then looked at Shining.

“Partially true. I didn't really object to it, but it would give me a chance to see how well you can lead ponies.” Shining smirked as he looked at Scope with an eye. Scope flattened his ears as his eyes shrank. “You can lead, can't you, Lieutenant?”

“Uh, well. I can give it a shot, sir.” Scope nodded slightly, snapping to attention.

“Not sure I like the tone of worry in your voice, Scope.” Shining’s smirk turned to a grin. “You’ll make a fine bodyguard.”