• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 487 Views, 13 Comments

Tales from the Ruby Hive - Zoljen

A collection of short stories about the changelings of the Ruby Hive.

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Opal Part 1

Nine hours after Hives Destruction.

A grey changeling ran along the forest floor, dodging trees as she panted and kept her wings close, despite one of them being charred. Her life had been torn upside down, the once happy go lucky changeling with a streak for breaking the fourth wall was now shedding tears and running for her life. She had left Cinder behind when the older changeling told her to run, leaving her grappling with a dragon.

The very same dragons that had captured her friends, destroyed her home, burnt her wing, and silenced her.

She kept running, unable to take to the skies that she knew would be better than dodging trees and roots. The pain of her wing still present in her mind, as it got burned in the escape attempt from the caged wagon that held her family, including Cinder and Brimstone. She only winced slightly as it brushed along a tree that she’d narrowly dodge, or a root as she jumped over it.

Opal didn't stop, even as her body pleaded her to. Her hooves ached as she raced along the dirt. She kept the pace up for what seemed like an eternity, eventually coming to a stream. She crouched slightly to get ready to leap over it, but her hoof caught on a rock and she went face first into it, causing her to go hooves overhead and land on her back in the stream.

She yelped and cringed as her wing hit the cool water, which flowed past her back and tail as well. She grunted as she tried to roll over, her body refusing to move one bit despite her urge to get as far away as possible. She managed to roll to her side, grunting and struggling to stand, but failing and landing belly first in the stream, facing the direction she had been running.

Her mind caught up with her, and saw that nothing has been chasing her, as only faintly red hoof prints mar the mud and dirt. When the realization finally caught up to her, her eyes start to get heavy as she struggled to stand, only getting barely up before falling again. Her eyes start to close as exhaustion caught up, and she vaguely noticed the blue scaled paws land in her visual range before she passed out.

Opal slowly woke up, her entire body felt warm and tingly with something covering most of it. The scents that assaulted her nose almost smelled like home, but other smells made themselves known, like rosemary, and lavender. She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted with an unusual sight.

The last thing she remembered was passing out in a stream, not in what looked like a bedroom. There were no windows along the smooth cave-like walls, and from what she could see as she looked around, it looked like this room was used sparingly. And the space this room provided looked big enough for her Queen to move freely around in!

As she slowly lifted her head up to look around, she hardly felt any pain, and saw she was under a warm looking blanket on a soft bed of feathers. She saw a table against the far wall, and what looked like a door was built into a cave wall that was smoothed over. She let out a soft squeak as she noticed it was slightly ajar, and a few moments after that did the head of a blue dragon poke in.

If she could scream, she would have. But instead she hid under the covers and shivered. She didn't hear anything outside the safety of the blanket. After a minute or two, she peeked out and saw a blue dragon sitting by the door. He gave her a warm grin, not showing any fangs, and held in his paw a dish of food that looked to be a well cooked fish.

The dragon himself looked to be young, maybe close to fifty years of age. If one could guess at a dragons age anyway. He had a few scars along his blue body, including three that ran over his snout and an eye. But his eye looked fine, and still appeared to work.

“I won't hurt you,” He said quietly. “My name is Tesla, what's yours?”

Opal let out a soft squeak, then looked down and shook her head. The dragon sighed softly.

“I understand. Something scared you silent,” He shrugged faintly. “Your wing was badly burned, but it should be as good as new in a week, maybe longer,” He paused, grinning warmly as his expression changed, he looked as if to be remembering something. “You remind me of somepony I met ages ago. I know what you are, and while you may not trust me yet. I won't harm you, or let any harm come to a member of the Ruby Hive.”

Opals eyes widened at that as she looked back at him. He kept the warm grim going as he continued.

“My potions and elixirs are second only to the Zebra tribes of Equestria. You will be back on your hooves within days, and I promise that I will help you in any way that I can,” He gave a small bow, then gestured to a night stand by her bed. “If I may put this down by you, I shall leave you alone after that.”

She gave a simple nod, and watched him stand and walk over, setting the fish on the nightstand, then backed up till he was at the door again. “If you need me, just tap that gem on that stand,” he bowed again, and left her alone.

She tentatively reached out with a hoof, but stopped when she noticed it was bandaged. At this point she took time to look herself over. The small cuts she had were gone, her wings were wrapped up, but not in a way that was constricting at all. She noticed her barrel had a few bandages as well, mostly by her wing. And everywhere that was covered felt warm and faintly tingly.

She looked back towards the door for a moment, then to the fish on a plate. She didn't even have to sniff the air to tell that fish had been made with expertise. The right amount of spices to tickle her nose, cooked to the right tenderness to appear soft. She floated the plate towards her, sitting it down in front and licked it gently, then let out a gasp. It tasted just as good as it smelled!

Before she really knew it, the fish was just bones before her. She let out a soft content sigh, then squeaked as she heard a soft knock on the door.

“Sorry, forgot a drink,” a cup of water slid into view from the doorway, a tail snaking away from it and retreating back out of the room. She watched the cup a moment, then floated it over in her magic and sniffed at it. It smelled like plain water, but if the fish was anything to go by. She took a few gulps of it, it tasting like filtered water, with a few small herbs tossed in to add flavor to it.

She downed the cup, and set it next to the plate. She then reached over and tapped the gem. She winced only slightly as her hoof touched the gem, letting her know that it was still tender from her running. A few moments later a familiar head poked into the room.

“You wanted me?” Tesla glanced at her as she nodded and gestured to the dishes. “Oh yes, right away,” He grinned and gave a short bow as he stepped into the room. He trotted up to the bed gently, and grabbed the dishes and took a few steps back. “You're welcome, ma’am… or sir,” he chuckled softly as he turned and made his way to the door, stopping at it and turning back to her. “I suggest more rest for now. I will bring you a list of various dishes I can make.” He paused a moment to chuckle, “a small list, anyway.”

She nodded and curled up under the blanket, as he continued. “And some paper. You may not be able to speak, but I can read your language.” With that he left the room.

Well, she thought to herself. This dragon is certainly being generous to me. He hardly knows me. She let out a soft sigh and snuggled into the blanket to get more rest. The next two days went by like this, with her trying various meals that he had said were from all over the world. He changed her bandages over the days as well, asking for permission before doing so.

He had kept conversation light during those times, which mostly was him reassuring her that he wouldn't bite or cause harm. After the third day, she found the courage to strike up a conversation, by writing him questions.

As he looked over the paper that had the first question on it. “Hm, seems your language has changed a little over the centuries. I can still make out most of it though, and yes. I am being rather kind compared to my kin,” He grinned warmly towards her. “Kindness can go a long way when making a friend.”

Opal took another piece and scribbled something on it before floating it over in front of him as he worked on changing her bandages. He stopped to read it a moment, then chuckled as he resumed, “Yes, I am far older than I appear. I drank a strange potion that I, sadly, haven't been able to reproduce in the sixteen hundred years I’ve been around,” He paused to glance at her, taking note of her wide eyed expression, and grinned, “I'm not joking either. I saw Discord’s reign, Princess Luna get banished to the moon and how Princess Celestia coped afterwards. I saw the Crystal Empire vanish.” He let out a somber sigh after that, “And… I haven't been able to visit a friend since then.”

Tesla focused on the bandage, tying it off and moving onto another one as he continued, “And before you ask. She was like you, a changeling, quite similar in appearance infact. I mistook you for her at first, but I know for a fact you are not her. I remember how we first met, we…” he paused, then shook his head. “That is a story for another time. Right now you should just relax. You should be able to walk tomorrow, and fly again a few days after that.”

Another small scroll floated in front of him, he blinked at it and looked it over, then chuckled. “Generosity is its own reward.” He turned partially to face her, as he worked over her wing. “Where are you headed? Or rather, I guess I should ask; where is your heart telling you to go?”

Opal blinked, then looked down at the paper in front of her. She stared at it for a long time, barely feeling her wing getting worked on. The dragons soft voice shook her from her thoughts.

“It’s okay. I'm not expecting an answer today, but I know of ponies, dragons, or griffins who would be willing to help you out,” He paused as he heard a squeak. “Okay, maybe not dragons,” He chuckled weakly. “I doubt you want to see any besides me at this moment.”

Opal squeaked softly with a nod as Tesla backed up. “There, your hooves are healing nicely. So is your wing, but I would suggest you not fly for a while, a week or two perhaps.” He sighed softly, looking down. “I honestly wish I knew what went through a dragon's mind sometimes. Destroying a hive is a stupid thing to do.” He looked up slightly, staring at Opal. “I have a few things to do, and a few ponies or griffins to contact. As much as I’d like you to remain here, I can already tell that your heart is calling you somewhere else.” He grinned as he rested a paw gently on Opal’s side. “So for now, you rest, and listen to where it tells you to go. Rest well, Opal.”

She nodded slightly as she laid back down on the bed, the dragon before her standing and making his way out of the room, gently closing the door behind him after tapping a crystal near the door. The light in the room fading to a very low level.

A week later, Opal had been healing very nicely due to this dragons’ potions and brews. A day or two ago she was allowed to walk around his little cave dwelling. It was set up like a single level house. A kitchen that had a stream going through it which also ran into the living room that took up most of the home. He didn't have his own room, rather he had two rooms he deemed as guest rooms, and he said he had company over occasionally.

She also found out he did a lot of various potion making, from healing balms to mixes added into baths to relieve achy joints. He learned most of what he did through various Zebra tribes in Equestria, and they often swap recipes and ingredients. At least when he visited.

At the moment, though, she was exploring the kitchen when she heard voices outside the cave. She stopped what she was doing and slowly crept out towards the entrance. As she neared it, the voices grew louder, it sounded like Tesla was arguing with someone. She peeked around and saw him talking with a pair of larger dragons.

“We know it is in there, whelp, let it out and we will be on our way!” A large red growled, towering over Tesla who didn't back down.

“And I’m telling you, whelp, that I am not letting her out into your dirty claws!” Tesla glared back at the red.

“Oh yeah, and what are you gonna about, huh? You’re, what, barely over 50? You have no right to call us w-YELP!” Opal blinked, and seemed to miss what happened. Tesla was standing before the dragons a second before she blinked, now he had both pinned to the ground. A paw resting on the neck of the red, just behind his jaw with his claws digging in faintly, and both his hind claws resting on the wings. The red was also lying awkwardly on his partner, a green, who had also towered over Tesla.

“You can tell that smokebox of a Czar that no dragons are allowed near my cave while the changeling is in my care. If I catch any of you flamebrains near me, that changeling, or my home, I will personally send them back to him in several pieces!”

The dragons quickly nodded, whimpering softly.

“And let them know who banished your kind from here. Tesla, former Major General of the Scale Guard and once the owner of the Element of Generosity!” He snarled as he leaned down to the reds nose, “Got that?!”

The moment the red squeaked out a response, he let them back up and they quickly scampered back, took to the air, and fled the area. He sighed softly and looked back at his cave.

“I’m sorry you had to see that Opal. I bet you have a lot more questions for me now, huh?” He grinned warmly towards the cave entrance. Opal slowly crept out, nodding slightly once in view. “I learned how to fight under the God of War himself. Taught me everything he knew… Well, almost everything. I can't exactly shoot magic at people or make barriers, but he taught me how to get around that,” Tesla shrugged some and cantered back inside. “They won't bother me again, the Czar doesn't want to lose more dragons. And I won't fight in his stupid war.”

He led her back to the kitchen, as he let out a content sigh. “I knew a griffin once. Strangest fellow too, but he was awesome and made everybody laugh. It was a sad day when he…” He sighed again, this time forlornly, as he looked back at her. “Being ageless has its perks, and its drawbacks. What I wouldn't give to see them all again, my old friends.”

He sat at the table with a soft sigh, as Opal sat across from him, looking at the dragon like he just turned a new page. After a few moments of silence, Tesla looked back up at her. “In case you’re wondering, the God of War is an alicorn. Not sure where he is at this moment, but I know he’s still alive. Jinsong keeps in contact with me,” He grinned softly. “Maybe I should go pay Shiro a visit, sometime.”

Opal raised an eyebrow, then shrugged and started to move away from the table. She managed to take a few steps before Tesla caught her attention.

“I managed to get in contact with a few ponies in Fillydelphia. They would be willing to provide you a home, and I know exactly how you can get there. There is a pony ship at a nearby port that can take you. Considering Princess Celestia knows who I am, I can get you on that ship and point you to the family who would take you in,” He grinned softly.

“I have ties all over Equus, and if you ever need help, just let me know. And before you ask, I’ll give you a crystal that has a direct link to me. A piece of history long forgotten. So do keep it hidden, okay?”

One Month after Hives Destruction.

A muted grey unicorn with a spiky teal and yellow mane and tail stood next to Tesla. They were both looking at a large wooden gate with a pair of earth ponies looking back at them, slightly confused. The unicorn took a chance to look around as Tesla stepped forward towards the ponies.

It looked like they were outside a small fort, it had recently seen conflict but looked like repairs were coming along nicely.

“State your business, reptile!” One of the earth ponies commanded, a stallion from the looks of it.

Tesla remained calm as Opal squeaked softly. “My name is Tesla, and I am requesting passage for the unicorn behind me.”

“Hmph, and why should we let that happen?” The stallion narrowed his eyes at the dragon.

“I can make it an order,” Tesla kept calm.

“You have no rank over us!”

“Can I talk to your commanding officer?” Tesla sighed as he sat. The guards outside the gate barely gave a response before they all heard a shout from above. Tesla and Opal looked up, Opal squeaked at the unicorn standing there, as Tesla just grinned.

“Who wants to talk to me?” He asked, before the unicorn disappeared in a pop, reappearing next to the dragon.

“This reptile does, Captain Tendril,” One of the guards saluted as Tendril glanced at him, then looked over the dragon.

“My name is Tesla,” The dragon stood and stepped back, giving the unicorn a salute. “Member of House Star,” He reached into a pack that Opal was wearing and pulled out a small badge and showed it to the captain.

“House… Star…?” The unicorn blinked, as he looked it over. “Seriously? A dragon is a member of that house? How?!”

“Long story, not pressing at this moment.” Tesla grinned and gestured to Opal, who had been pretty much cowering behind Tesla. “This is Opal, and she is wanting transport to Fillydelphia to meet some ponies there.”

“And where is she from?” The unicorn looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Classified,” Tesla leaned in to whisper something to him, making him nod.

“Okay, we do have a boat heading there in a few days. Once it arrives that is,” The unicorn looked to the two earth ponies. “Let them in.”

“SIR?” The guards exclaimed with confusion.

The unicorn raised an eyebrow. “That dragon is a member of House Star. I know of that House, and trust me; no other dragons would have this badge. So, therefore. Let. Him. In.” He growled the last few words. The earth ponies flattened their ears and nodded slightly as the unicorn opened the door for them.

The unicorn led the pair into a building, with the dragon letting Opal in first before squeezing in and taking up most of the small building. The dragon just grinned as he tried to relax within the confines of the building as Opal looked at the unicorn captain.

“So, she is wanting transport to Equestria, correct?” The unicorn looked Opal over, making her squeak again softly.

“Yes, Captain Tendril,” Tesla grinned. “Opal here is going to meet with some friends of mine there.”

The unicorn nodded slowly, looking at her still. “And why is she being quiet?”

“A traumatic experience has left her silent for now. And before you ask, it involves dragons. I can't really go into detail about that, for which I am sorry. But that is personal information I won't disclose unless she gives me permission.” Tesla shrugged slightly, looking at Opal.

She shook her head, making Tesla grin slightly. “So there you go.”

“Alright. I assume she can still write and use magic?” Tesla nodded a response, he continued. “Okay, we can get her some notes to write out… Uh, she can write equish, right?”

Tesla and Opal shared a look, Opal shrugged slightly. “Uh, let’s see if she can.” He grinned weakly. Tendril nodded and slid some paper and a quill over to her. She took it in her magic and looked at the paper, writing out a few words. After doing so, she floated the paper over to Tesla who looked it over and nodded. “The middle one, Opal.”

Opal grinned as Tesla crumpled up the paper while looking at Tendril. “Her Equish might be a little rusty, but it's good enough to get the concept across.”

Tendril nodded back at him. “She can stay in my quarters then Tesla. Since it appears she is a little fragile at the moment. A ship should be arriving soon to give her transport to her destination. Shall I find a way to give you a progress report?”

Tesla shook his head at that with a soft grin. “Nope, I’ll know when she’s there.”

“Right, right. You seem to have ties everywhere, don't you?” Tesla just nodded at that, making the unicorn chuckle. “You’re dismissed then, if there is nothing else.”

Tesla nodded, and proceeded to worm his way out of the building as gently as possible. “You should really make these doors bigger, never know when you’ll get a big guest.”

“I will see what I can do, Tesla,” Tendril chuckled as he followed him out. “Take care of yourself.”

Tesla nodded and turned back, grinning softly at Opal. “And you promise to take care of her until she’s on the ship, right?”

“Yup, and I’ll let the captain on that ship know everything.”

Author's Note:

And after Opal (finally) makes her appearance in "From the Ashes: Ember's Story." We get to see her back story start up. Should only be three parts for her.

Also making an appearance is an old Dragon, if any have read Crystal Changeling, the name should be familiar.