• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 487 Views, 13 Comments

Tales from the Ruby Hive - Zoljen

A collection of short stories about the changelings of the Ruby Hive.

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Cinder Part 1

Eight or so hours after Hives Destruction.

Chaos had erupted on this dirt path. The wagon that was being tugged by pair of dragons that was transporting a dozen or so changelings had broke apart after a pair of dragons had attempted to give food to their captives. That was about ten or so minutes ago and now Cinder stood above one of her hive mates, growling with her wings flared out as she glared at a red dragon.

The hive mate in question was scared, crying and cringing with a scorched wing. They, like many of the others, had taken to the air but Opal, the wounded changeling, got hit by a gout of dragon fire and was forced to the ground. While others had fled, Cinder didn't and landed to protect her.

Just as the dragon was about to lunge at them, a red wall appeared in front of them. The dragon quickly turned and lunged at the one who conjured it. “RUN!” The changeling screamed as he lept at the dragon. Cinder nodded vaguely and turned, grabbing Opal by the back of her neck and gently flipping her onto her back and ran into the forest.

And run she did. She ran with Opal on her back, barely aware of the single dragon that was giving chase. The chase went on as Cinder bobbed and weaved through the trees, trying to lose the dragon. She glanced back only occasionally, in the hopes that the dragon wasn't there, but each time it seemed he gained a little ground on her.

“Opal,” Cinder whispered, getting a squeak in response. “When I say to run, you just run. Okay?” Cinder could feel Opal shake her head. “Just run in a straight line as best you can, and I will try to find you. Please.”

Opal sniffled loudly and nodded. Cinder could tell she was terrified, she was too but she had to be strong.

“I promise I will do my best to find you, but be strong for me.” Cinder glanced up as she noticed Opal nod again. Cinder grinned, then looked past her and gasped. Just as Opal gasped looking ahead. Cinder quickly dove to the side, narrowly missing a tree just as a dragon landed with a loud thud where she was.

The impact sent the two changelings to the side and a ways away. Cinder was the quickest to her feet as she glared at the dragon, quickly lunging at it before it recovered. “NOW OPAL!”

She heard Opal squeak and run straight away, and only a quick glance rewarded her with seeing the changeling vanishing into the forest. Cinder focused back on the dragon and snarled at it.

“I will find her once I finish you off!” It snarled as the two wrestled. Cinder growled as she pushed the dragon away, and quickly took to the air.

“Come and get me then Flame Brain!” Cinder sneered as she gained height, the dragon growled and flew after her. As Cinder flew away, she glanced over her shoulder, just in time to see the dragon ready to fire off a column of fire. She turned around and shifted to her natural form, throwing her arms and hooves up and conjured a shield to avoid the fire.

After the fire passed, she suddenly saw the dragon against her shield and past it as it broke. It grabbed her in his paws, growling. “I will kill you for that!”

“Are you all smoke and no fire, Smoke Box?” Cinder glared and leaned forward, digging her fangs into the dragon in a bite. The dragon snarled and tightened his grip on her as it thrashed its neck, feeling its emotional energy get drained away.

Cinder kept this up for a few moments more before there was the sound of something thick snapping. Cinder quickly let out a howl as she threw her head back, a part of one of her fangs stuck in the dragon's neck, a small haze of steam and magic hissing out of it. Cinder felt her energy intake suddenly dwindle down to a trickle as she held her jaw, just before a paw hit her face.

The dragon clawed and scratched at the changeling in his grasp, leaving deep wounds as Cinder remained stunned from her fang breaking. After a few more swipes, the dragon raked a claw across her horn, chipping its side and breaking the tip, making Cinder scream out. The resulting scream made the dragon let her go, letting her fall to the ground below.

As she felt herself fall, her vision went hazy. “I’m sorry,” She muttered out, as she noticed the dragon dive after her, a look of pure rage on its face. She barely saw a large black streak with a tan streak next to it collide with the dragon, or hear the sound of something hitting water, or even feeling hitting something with a crack following afterwards, and the feeling of cold water wafting over her.

Cinder awoke for a few moments every so often over the course of the next few days. Each time she regained consciousness, she sooned passed out again. The only time she managed to stay awake for an extended period of time, she found herself merely lightly bound. Her horn was numb and her mouth ached. Worse still, she found herself staring down a rather large black griffin.

“Where are you from changeling?” He growled lowly.

“Mt Volash,” Cinder responded after a few moments with a faint lisp, since one of her fangs was gone.

“It’s clear it isn't with the dragons since these are dragon wounds it suffered,” Another voice came from her side, making her glance in that direction. Though as she did, her headache made her groan and look back at the black griffin.

“And it is heavily injured. You should be thankful I am a changeling as well as I know just how bad it is.” the second voice continued as a paw came into view. To Cinder, it looked like a griffin paw except it was dark grey and hidden under the guise of an actual amber griffin paw. A few holes were in the limb as she glanced it over.

She groaned again as she laid her head down, closing her eyes. “Where am…”

“You are on your way to Griffonstone, changeling. We are going to drop you off with the guard there before returning to the point we were at,” the griffin stated as he pointed behind her. “Namely because we have a captive to tend to, as well as you.”

Cinder just groaned, knowing who that griffin was referring to, as the other voice spoke up again.

“Captain Massimo, we should get moving again if we wish to get there by nightfall,” it paused for a moment as the black griffin snorted.

“I'm aware Gleaming Feather. We have stopped for the moment and it woke up. We will resume in a minute.” Massimo turned slightly to glare at something out of her view.

“Yes sir,” responded the second voice voice, presumably Gleaming Feather “Relax for now, changeling. You are wounded and will get better care when we get to Griffinstone.”

Cinder closed her eyes and tried to relax on the hard surface she was stuck on, she eventually drifted back into a restless sleep.

“It looks like your magic is crippled, and your ability to take in emotional energy is severely hindered.” Cinder stared at the creature before her as it talked. She could see clear as day that it was a changeling, but unlike any she had ever seen before or heard of.

Hidden underneath a familiar amber and hawk guise was what appeared to be a hippogriff. Its front half looked raven, and instead of the singular horn, it actually had a pair of horns that curled back away from its pointed beak. A ring of feathers sat at the base of its neck, and its green crest was barely visible from the front. The solid amber eyes looked her over as she silently looked it over, her eyes drifting down its form and seeing that at least its back half looked changeling. It appeared to lack wings as well, despite the illusion before her having a pair.

“You should be able to disguise yourself, but right now I’d suggest you refrain from trying. You should have most of your magic open to you, but you may find you can't sustain it for long.” He sighed softly, glancing to her left and floating a clipboard over. He didn't even have to change forms to do it!

“Thank you Gleaming Feather.” Cinder whispered. She found that talking any louder than that hurt at the moment, along with any quick head movements.

“Just Gleam, please. And your name was Cinder, right?” She nodded faintly at that, wincing.

The pair were in Griffinstone, sitting in one of the hospital rooms. It was just currently the two, and she was brought in under a blanket to hide what she was from the general public. Her arms were wrapped up, along with a few points on the front of her torso, while her back was fully bandaged. Her horn was currently unwrapped and getting examined by the doctor before her.

“So, Cinder. Why were you fighting with a dragon?” Gleam started up some conversation as he took notes.

“It’s a long story and now isn't really the best time.” Cinder sighed softly, wincing again.

“I understand, I really shouldn't have asked as you shouldn't be talking for too long. With a broken fang, you will find your energy reserves strained at times. If you feed on love, I’d suggest you…” He trailed off as he glanced towards the door, sighing softly even Cinder felt the anger behind it. His magic opened the door slightly and in stepped a familiar black griffin.

He closed the door and moved to stand in front of her, and now that she got a good look at him, he was large! Just barely under the size limit to be a Sky Wing, this black griffin looked to tower over others even while sitting.

Gleam barely glanced at him as he stood there, looking the injured changeling over. “Come to check on my patient?”

“Just here for a report. Has she explained why she was fighting that dragon?”

“Not yet, and I'm not asking her to yet. Perhaps in a day or two after the pain of losing a fang has subsided enough.” Gleam sighed, as he handed the clipboard to the griffin. “You can take this to your superiors, with the damage she has received, she is harmless.”

“Hmph, we’ll see about that.” The griffin looked the clipboard over, then grumbled and made his way out of the room with it. Gleam just sighed softly.

“Sadly, I am telling the truth. Your magic is severely weakened because of the damage to your horn and fang. You will get it back over time, but for now your stuck with the basics; changing forms and simple single item levitation. You might be able to lift two, but for now I wouldn't push it.”

“And what about feeding?” Cinder whispered as she sighed.

“We are working on something to help with that, for now your only viable intake will be the gel packs. We hope your body can adjust to just the ambient intake, but forced feeding won't happen at all. Kind of a good thing if you think about it.” Gleam shrugged faintly.

Cinder just sighed and hung her head, wincing. Gleam took notice of it and rested a paw on her shoulder.

“As I was saying earlier; I’d suggest you find a mate. Or at least some griff you can have close. Anyway, you can lay back down, I’ve checked all I can at this moment and will have to monitor your progress over the next few days.”

Cinder nodded slightly and did as told.

The next few days resulted in more poking and prodding then Cinder wanted. But it was to be expected. What was unexpected, though, was Massimo sitting in on one of the sessions. Cinder had been doing better since then, eating her share of emo-gel to rebuild some of her energy.

“So, are you going to finally explain why you were fighting, and losing to, a dragon?” Massimo seemed to glare at her. Over the days, she found out that's all he pretty much did was glare at anyone who wasn't family.

Cinder sighed as she looked up from her small plate of food. “We were captured and to be taken to the Czar to get our wings clipped and magic locked in dragon form. As far as I know, I'm alone. No more of the Ruby hive exists, and if they are out there, they are long gone from here and Mt Volash.”

“A changeling hive was under that mountain?”

“There was one, yes. Not anymore now that it’s been destroyed by some form of rainbow magic.” Cinder shrugged weakly, looking away from the griffin. “So do whatever you want with me, I don't really care anymore.”

“Giving up already?” Massimo raised an eyebrow.

“And what point do I have to live? I'm already crippled and you’re just going to throw me into a jail cell or something to rot away till I die of hunger or something else!” Cinder snapped at Massimo, then winced and put a hoof to her head, “Ugh…”

Massimo shook his head, “You’re partly right. However, we aren't the type to just lock those who are innocent away. Instead, you will become part of this town. Arrangements have already been made for you to live on a farm. You will be put to work and you will be watched.” He gestured to her fetlock. “And you may have noticed your new fancy jewelry there. It is a teleportation band; while we may not be as magical as those ponies, we do have a few tricks.”

Cinder took the time to look over the silver ring, where a single blue gem sat in its middle. It looked bland and boring, and sat just snug enough to be both comfortable, and annoying. It was put on her a day ago while she was out. She glanced back to the large griffin with a raised eyebrow.

“Blazeclaw will be watching over you, and you should be aware that while he is no longer a part of the Sky Wings, he can still fight.”

“And,” Gleam spoke up. “He is crippled like you. He can't fly.”

“So what's to stop me from just flying away?” Cinder raised an eyebrow.

“Your range is two miles from a larger Crystal network set up within Griffinstone itself,” Massimo leaned in close to her, growling faintly. “So you are being given a second chance. Don't make me regret sticking my feathers out for you, Cinder,” He leaned back, looking the changeling over. “Today is the day you go to that farm. Gleaming Feather here will become your doctor, and take on responsibilities here, along with overseeing you. Today is also the day we see if you can take on a griffin-guise.”

Cinder looked at Gleam, who nodded slightly. “Alright,” She muttered, closing her eyes. After a minute, a flare of red fire covered her form and faded away revealing a griffin. Her front half looked eagle, with her beak and fore legs appearing an ice blue, blending into the white feathers that contrasted with the black hind quarters of her lion half. After a few more moments, she opened her eyes and looked at those in the room.

“Huh, well that's an interesting combination,” Gleam chuckled softly as he looked her over. “For the first few weeks, I’ll be living on the farm as well, as I want to keep a closer eye on you. Making sure everything is still mostly working.”

Cinder slowly crawled off the table she had been on, wincing as her limbs got used. Gleam noticed it and shook his head slightly. Cinder took a step towards the door that Massimo was already walking out of, and didn't feel the ground beneath her. She looked down and noticed herself held in a two toned glow, amber and green. She quickly looked to Gleam, wincing again as she turned too fast, and noticed that his dual horns were glowing; one of each color.

She blinked as she was carried out of the room and set into a small cart. Gleam moved up to its front and hooked himself up and lead the way. Cinder really didn't get to see much during her time stuck in a single room, but the white walls of the hallway were a somewhat welcome change from the white room.

She was carried out into a large chamber, that seemed more like a beehive of tunnels on various levels then something her mind thought of. Then again, she had never really been in any form of hospital, and the dragons certainly didn't have anything like this. They went past the main area and towards a pair of doors.

Once outside, she saw the town of Griffinstone. She barely had time to take in the sights as Massimo gave a short salute to Gleam.

“This is where we part ways, Gleaming Feather.”

“Do you think you could call me Gleam, at least once?” Gleam sighed softly.

“Nope. I trust you can take care of her the rest of the way? Blazeclaw should be sitting at the farm already, if not already on his way.”

“Yeah, won't be a problem. Be well, Massimo,” Gleam saluted the griffin, before trudging off down the path in silence.

Cinder got to take in the sight of a griffin town as she was carted through it. Solid looking buildings lined up along most of the streets, with the doors often being wide open, along with the windows and each one having a small balcony to land or perch on.

As they traveled towards the villages edge, Cinder found she had to focus to keep her disguise up. She made a soft grunt, which didn't go unnoticed by Gleam, who let out a soft sigh and whispered back to her. “Once we leave the village, you can drop your disguise.”

Cinder lowered herself and nodded slightly, closing her eyes so she could focus on keeping the form. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally heard, “okay, you can relax now.” And at that, with a gasp, her magic and form drop, leaving her gasping for breath and holding her head with both hooves.

“I was hoping,” Gleam continued as he keeps walking. “That you could maintain the form for longer, but I was wrong.” He then fell silent as she recovered from the usage.

After a few long moments of silence as they walked, Cinder finally started up a conversation. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why are you doing this? Why are you griffins giving me a life here?”

“Would you rather we just left you in that pond to drown?” Gleam sighed as he glanced over his shoulder. “Because we could have, but we didn't. We chose to save you and that dragon. Though…” He trailed off, looking forward again.

Cinder slowly sat up, looking around slowly as she did. “What about that dragon?”

Gleam let out a long frustrated sigh. “We… had to put him down. The fang was jammed in his neck, leaking out his emotions and his inner magic. He was easy to treat the wound, but not the damage as he became an emotionless husk after a few days. We could not do anything to help him, so… As per Massimo’s request; he was given a warrior's burial.”

Cinder blinked at that. Since when did a griffin care about a dragon? At least enough to give it a burial like that.

“He was buried by a few trees after we… killed him. It wasn't pretty, but you were out when we did it. In fact, it was a day after you were awake enough for some discussion that we had. I doubt you recall that moment though,” Gleam shrugged, glancing back at Cinder. “Still, it wasn't easy to do for a doctor, but he couldn’t be saved.”

“No… taking a life is never easy for ones who try to save it.” Cinder sighed, laying back down.

“Oh, so you were a…”

“Combat medic. I wasn't as skilled at the actual healing magic like Ember, or even Op…” She sighed, curling up more. “Opal...I was more the herbal remedies kind, like Brimstone.”

“Why did you pause when you mentioned Opal?”

“I… failed to keep a promise. I don't want to talk about it,” Cinder mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear. He just nodded and went silent. The only sound that was heard for a while was the wagon creaking along.

A half hour passed in silence, and Cinder had uncurled some. She let her head rest on the wagons side as it was pulled along, and she kept glancing to Gleam. She had questions about his hive, but she didn't want to seem rude. If he was staying on at the farm, she could just ask him another day.

Eventually she noticed him slow down a little, and was about to ask why when she noticed a dark red barn ahead. She tilted her head, looking confused and looked towards Gleam.

“I bet you're wondering why we have farms and such, huh?” He answered before she even asked. “It's mainly for military purposes, but some griffs have become lazy and prefer to not hunt their own food. So we keep prey animals on a farm. Well, not a farm per say, more like tamed wilderness.” Gleam shrugged some as he glanced back at Cinder.

“Oh.” Was all she could muster at that explanation.

“And yes, the ones who tend this know what you are. Though… What you look like is probably different than what they expect.”

“I assume they expected me to look like you?”

“Yes. But you clearly do not.” Gleam resumed walking to the farm. Eventually the gate to the farm came into view, and sitting at the gate proudly was what appeared to be a black griffin. As they got closer, Cinder could make out the details of the griffin.

His front avian half was an eagle, with a flame colored beak and forearms that blended into the black feathers well. His wings appeared large and, even though they were closed on his back, from here even she could see the damage that had been done. Various feathers were missing or horribly damaged, and there was plenty of scarring along upper part of the limbs that suggested torn muscles. His back half proved interesting as well, sporting what looked like a panther for it. Though while black, his tail was a deep blue at the base and faded out to a deep orange towards the tip.

As Gleam stopped in front of the griffin, he gave a small salute and the griffin before him gave one as well. Then he looked to Cinder, and blinked.

“Huh, she is certainly not what I was expecting.” The griffin grinned softly. “I am Blazeclaw, your...uh…” He trailed off as she turned away with a scowl.

“Forgive her, it has been a long day. Right now I would like to get her into her room and a bed. She is still going to be resting for a while longer, but she should be able to move about the house during that time.” Gleam watched Cinder glare at the ground while he spoke.

“Alright,” Blazeclaw stood and moved to the wagons side. “I can carry you inside, miss Cinder,” he lowered himself a little, watching her as she continued to scowl, but reluctantly climbed onto his back. Once comfortable on his back, she continued to glare away from him, and Gleam as well, as Blazeclaw slowly walked up to the house.

“She has a comfortable room on the main level, so no stairs to worry about. And my parents are currently away. Tending to the wildlife in the forest over there,” he paused to point with a wing, incase she was paying attention, which she wasn't. “I’ll help you get settled and start up some broth. Your room is upstairs, Gleaming Feather.”

“Just Gleam, please, and thanks. I’ll put my supplies in there while you two get acquainted,” he floated his pack from the wagon onto his back as he looked around. “And I could get used to it here, nice and quiet compared to the war front.”

“Huh, and why are you staying here?” Blazeclaw nodded slightly to Cinder. “Aside from her, that is.”

Gleam hung his head with a sigh. “Ordered to watch over the new changeling, nurse it back to health, and get information on drakes from it,” he paused, glancing to Cinder who perked an ear towards him. “While I will get that information eventually, they didn't give a time frame, and if I wait long enough; the war will be over and it won't matter!”

Blazeclaw raised an eyebrow as he ascended the porch and stopped by the door. “Not a fan of it this time?”

“I was a part of the last one, and this one. I will be so thankful to Princess Celestia if she manages to stop it for good. I’ve seen far too much bloodshed over pointless conflicts.” Gleam stopped as well, looking at the door. “Need me to get that for you?”

Blazeclaw nodded, and the door was opened with a green glow. Cinder watched the door open, then looked to Gleam.

“Okay, explain how having dual colors work.”

“It’s just a side effect of two horns. All changelings from the Arpeggio Hive are gifted that way. Our Queen actually has three,” Gleam grinned, puffing his feathers out a little. “It really doesn't do anything but allow our magic to appear as one or the other color. We’re still the same level of power as any unskilled unicorn, so don't fear.”

Cinder just nodded slightly and barely looked around the spacious living room of her new home. She’d get a tour of it later, she knew, but it looked so cozy and warm in here with a few couches sitting near a fireplace. She also noticed a lot of windows that let in a good bit of natural lighting, with only a few crystals set up that she see that she assumed were for after dark.

She was carried to her bedroom, and inside it she noticed a soft blue glow barely visible from under the bed. The bedroom itself was simple, a soft looking bed sat in a corner, just next to a cracked open window which let in the warmth from outside. A nightstand was next to the bed, and a desk sat against the far wall. Other than that, nothing else was in this room.

She slowly looked about it as she was carried over to the bed, and Blazeclaw gently put her on it. He grinned softly as she looked at him for a moment, then looked away.

“Is there anything you want in the broth?” He waited a few moments in silence before sighing. “Look, I know you're not happy with what has happened. But it has, I just want to be your friend. Can I at least get that?”

“Bits of meat or other suitable protein,” she muttered, still looking away.

Blazeclaw nodded and started to walk out of the room. He stopped at the doorway and looked back. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

Cinder looked back, just to see his tail leaving the room. She sighed and rubbed at the ring on her fetlock idly as she looked out the window.

“Looks like I won't be able to find you after all, sis,” She whispered to herself, before laying her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes.

Author's Note:

Edit: Some after posting editing done on a scene. As per my fellow Expanded Wonderverse writers pointed out that it didnt make much sense.