• Published 14th Nov 2015
  • 1,762 Views, 68 Comments

Twelve Wasteland Days of Hearth's Warming - PrinceUniversa

All heroes known far and wide from the Wasteland celebrae Hearth's Warming Eve, what's not to love about relieving all stress from the many fights they endured?

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The Ninth Day: A Slice of Life

The Ninth Day

I love to get plastered almost every time but if there’s one thing I tend to not be happy about, it is the hangover normally after having a drinking spree. That beverage of Pinkie’s that Zodiac bought up though already made me drunk as all hell in just one go. And I sure as hell wasn’t the only one to end up like that. That filly, Serenity, drank one before me and already she was acting like a drunken mare. I soon followed and sweet Celestia, is that drink potent in making anyone drunk as all hell. And it isn’t even an alcoholic drink or anything! How did Pinkie manage to make a drink that makes anyone tipsy but not make it alcoholic?! With that said, the funny thing is… I don’t have a hangover… I’m awake like I would normally be on a good day. I guess that adds to the truth that the drink is not alcoholic…

Anyway, I manage to pick myself up from the cozy bed and yawned a bit loudly. I opened one of my eyes to notice that I was sleeping with Murky, Littlepip, Puppysmiles and Hired. Heh… Did we leading mares decided to sleep with one another during our drunken haze or did someone purposefully bought us here in the same room and tucked us to sleep? Well, with Puppy in mind, I can tell that we didn’t do what I was thinking of. Since I was first of us to wake up, I decided to take my leave and eat up. I am hungry that’s for sure.

Rolling myself out of the bed and hopefully not waking the others out of their sleep, I made my way towards the door. I’m curious, since everyone was tipsy; I wonder if Homage bought someone to her room and played with whatever lucky pony she decided to pick on. Littlepip was here so that rules her out so who else? Well I better find that out myself! Weird, I was hungry before but now I lost my appetite. Eh, I’ll worry about that later. I felt a smirk forming as I took the elevator up to radio station. I don’t know if she’s awake already or still sleeping though. The elevator stopped at the floor and the doors promptly opened. Sheesh, since when did I get better with my words? Who knows?

So after some walking, I was in front of the door that is Homage’s bedroom. I put my ear on the door checking for any sounds. All I heard was nothing but absolute silence, if that makes sense. I was tempted to open the door but wouldn’t that be intruding? Heck, what do I know about privacy in question? I’ve been intruding in this kind of stuff like crazy and I came from a stable that doesn’t really have a sense of privacy; I might as well open the door for the heck of it.

I opened the door slowly and took a peek. So far, it was rather dark so I couldn’t see who was here. I did see two silhouettes, one of them I recognized was Homage but the other was a mystery to me. So one lucky pony did get to have some fun with her. I wonder who the pony was. I was about to enter but that pony’s body was moving ever so slightly. I stood there as I heard a yawn mostly out of relative surprise. Of all the ponies I was expecting, Zodiac was the least likely yet he was sleeping right next to Homage. He looked at me and was confused but looking pleased as he got out of the bed, “Hello there Blackjack, it’s good to see you awake. Why do you have that look on your face right now?”

I had a look on my face? I felt like I was just shot multiple times on the gut and mind you, I have been shot enough times to know the feeling. I think I was at a loss of words for a bit there. It took me a while before I could even speak let alone ask the question, “Uh… Did you two do what I think you did…?”

He just flashed a smile that very much wrote yes to my question. His statement just even solidified that smile of his, “Were it Littlepip, I might’ve joked about it just to see her hilarious reaction but since I’m talking to the mare that goes through this a lot throughout her journey and in her stable… Yes, I have indeed gone through what you are thinking.” He just winked at me… He just damn winked at me! He hasn’t shown this kind of behavior since… ever! I won’t lie and admit that I almost felt a grin growing on me but as he spoke, it only made it harder to resist grinning, “I won’t lie, I have went through it so many times that it tends to get dull but her? She has that little charm that I can’t help but be reminded of the first time I went through a good intercourse.”

Okay, I give up. I had to grin here, it’s just too hard to not do so especially after that little statement of his, “Oh really? Who was the lucky mare to get a treatment from you?”

He just chuckled before flashing a smug yet knowable grin, “Not telling you ever or even in your dreams Whiskey Queen.” I’ll take that but why was he this… erm, peppy I guess? I think energetic is the better word to describe him. This is not like him at all to be this… Damn it, I don’t even have a word to describe what was going on with Zodiac.

Another yawn was heard, this time from Homage herself. We both saw her getting up from the… sweet Celestia, as soon as she got out from under the blanket and removed it from the bed; I got the chance to see the most messiest bed I’ve ever seen. Heck, I can even smell the familiar aroma of a… you know what I mean. I’m starting to get a bit jealous right now honestly… Why didn’t I get to have some good fun with them? I almost didn’t hear Homage during my quiet rant, “Morning Zodiac, morning Blackjack.” She looked on the bed and immediately shared my thoughts on the poor bed, “Goodness, did we make this much of a mess on the bed? I guess it’s to be expected when all three of my holes are full. I can still taste it even after we fell asleep.”

All three? I mean, I know that Zodiac can duplicate himself and all that but all three?! Normally, I’m not one to be jealous (Yeah right…) but right now, I couldn’t help but complain about it now, “Why did you two get to have all the fun when I was asleep?! Actually, better yet… why didn’t you do like this the first time?! No fair…”

I saw that look of nervousness etched on his face… Wait, nervousness? Since when did the guy ever shown that kind of emotion? Well, that was going to be answered now, “Oh… you mean that one time where all you mares minus two wanted me? Well, as much as this was easier for me, that last one wasn’t because… that was my first group related intercourse.”

Seriously? This guy can go through it easily with one mare but a group of them? Then again, he did say it was his first so I guess the first time is expected. Although now that he bought it up, I couldn’t help but grin again, “Really? Well… do you feel confident enough to go through it a second time?” He looked at me like I was speaking crazy at first before he wore that same smug grin of his. Oh he was really thinking about it alright. Something about this bothered me though and I’m not so sure why. I feel like it would be a good time to ask about it before I forget, “By the way, why are you like this? This is not like you…”

That caused his grin go away before a regular smile formed instead, “I guess it’s mostly because I’ve been neglecting this for five millennia mostly due to personal reasons. That and I did say it gets dull over time and I’ve lost that feeling of excitement ever since the first one. Now? I remember the feeling of going through it the first time and I’d rather use this opportunity to indulge myself before my mind begins to see this getting dull. Trust me when I say that I don’t want to miss this out.”

Well if he wanted to do this now before as he says, it gets dull on him then by all means, I’ll let have his fun though I wonder. I looked towards Homage and instantly, she understood what my look suggested right now, “I think the messy bed can answer that for you Blackjack but if not… despite him neglecting it as he says, he’s quite a prodigy at it to the point where I think that getting that kind of treatment from him is like every mare’s dream.”

That made me grin then and there. Our alicorn friend here partly agrees except for one thing that’s nagging at him, “Thank you but… do you really think that? Last time I remember mares (and stallions alike) getting me was only because I was the friend to the General of the whole military not for the usual stuff. I am not joking here. Only one mare loved me for who I really am and that was the mare I ended giving my treatment to.” Wow, that mare must be the most luckiest pony in the world to have him. That being said, we are withholding this out for long enough and I can tell that from Zodiac’s expression clearly noting that the excitement was beginning to wear off on him. Well, time’s a wasting! I was next to Homage and looked at her before we looked at him with looks of glee. He just simply smiled as his horn glowed and out from behind him were three more of him all sharing the same thought, “Let’s get this started before we lose that excitement of ours.” Oh, I was going to enjoy this day a lot.


Ugh, I never thought the drink would be that potent in making me tipsy… I honestly thought Serenity was playing around a bit there but when I drank it, oh goodness, I didn’t really expect to get instantly drunk. I can already assume that everyone was drunk as well if my foggy memory is right. Well, at least if there’s one good thing about the drink is that I don’t get a hangover from it... somehow. I managed to pick myself up from the bed and stretched a bit. As I was about to get off, I heard a single tapping sound you would hear from glass causing me to freeze up a bit. I look below and saw Puppysmiles sleeping peacefully on a small makeshift bed.

You know, seeing her asleep right now was kind of adorable, reminds me of another filly. Speaking of another filly, where is Serenity? I hope she isn’t up to anything crazy. Just as I said that, a loud banging occurred. How that didn’t wake the others, I have no idea but I wanted to know what that sound was all about. After managing to tiptoe my way to the door and getting out of the room, I went straight for where I heard the sound. Once I arrived though, I was caught off guard with what I was seeing. Serenity was there alright but so were others that woke up. Those who were with her in question are Brimstone, Glimmerlight, and Noir. They were gathered around a table with cards in their hooves and cards gathered in the center with numbers and four colors. I heard Serenity speaking first as she placed a red five above a yellow four, “Anybody here almost got an Uno? I’m down to two cards left!”

Glimmerlight then smirked as she lifted her hoof showing the same number of cards, “Two here! Looks like one of us is going to be the winner! Boy, I never thought that this card game you found Serenity would be fun!” I was rather confused on what kind of card game they were playing. In fact, the cards themselves look very different from the ones I’m familiar with. I was distracted by the game that I almost didn’t hear Glimmer’s voice, “Hired! Good to see you awake! Wanna join in?”

I looked towards her and the others in confusion, “Only if you can explain what kind of card game you all are playing because I’ve never seen a card game like this before in my life…” Of course, upon me saying that, Serenity went giddy with excitement as she went on about the rules of the card game and what’s it all about. The thing is though… She was speaking so fast that I wasn’t able to register anything she said about the card game in general. I wasn’t the only one though as the others were looking at her in confusion despite them knowing the rules of the game in question. She noticed everyone looking at her leaving her the one to be confused now. I had to make note of what she did anyway since I was the one who asked, “You were talking fast Serenity. None of us were able to understand what you said…”

That left her scratching her head and chuckling while embarrassed that it happened. I could only be amused at the sight of her like that. Noir definitely agreed with me in her own unique way but… “Yep, I almost mistook it for a changeling buzzing call…” it which only made us confused on her this time. She looked towards everyone and just looked at us questionable, “What? You all don’t even know what changelings are in the first place… I might as well say that anyway without worry about what it means to you four. Be thankful that you at least know the basic stuff about us changelings.”

All of us ended up shrugging since what Noir said was true unless you’re Zodiac or something. But that was beside the point, I just remembered why I was here in the first place, “Hey… did any of you hear a loud banging sound? I came here mostly because of that and to see if Serenity was going anything crazy…” I saw her looking at me like I was an overprotective mother of sorts. I’m not that overprotective am I?

Anyway, my question was answered in the form of Brimstone, “That was my fault, I was carrying this table here and I dropped it by accident. I’m surprised that it didn’t wake everybody up…” I can definitely agree with the big guy here. That sound was loud yet it wasn’t able to wake anybody up form their sleep for some reason. Were we all heavy sleepers or something?

Well, heavy sleepers or not, I still wanted to know what the card game the four were playing currently anyway. I pulled up a chair and sat down as I looked at the cards, “Anyone still wants to explain what this card game is all about? Because this is far from any card game I’m familiar with…” That was answered by Serenity putting a piece of paper in front of my face while wearing a big smile. I picked it from her and looked through it while ruffling her mane as thanks. Apparently, these were details and instructions about the card game itself they were playing. Well, according to the instructions, this is quite a twist to a card game. Makes sense that they have their own special cards.

While I was reading the paper, the four were continuing to play the game they were currently in. At least this way, I can learn what and how this Uno works, “So me and Serenity are close to having an Uno here. Think you two can prevent us from getting a victory?” Serenity was too busy looking at her two cards to notice what I saw. She just flashed one of those sultry smiles towards the two. Does every kinky mare in this entire world have to give one of those or is it just me? I’ve seen one from Homage, Blackjack, and now Glimmerlight herself. Who’s next on the list of mares that give those smiles? I hope I don’t run into another mare that is secretly kinky or something.

While I was thinking all of that, Noir was sniffing like she just smelled the most delicious food. She then looked towards the ceiling which left us confused. I definitely saw her blink twice though I’m not so sure why. We were all wondering what was going on in her mind right now. What she said surprised all of us awake, “I taste some love from someone going through... Oh my, this tastes like they’re really enjoying the moment. Two mares and four stallions… Wait, the four stallions are the same being. Duplication spell?”

I’m surprised to admit that the topic almost changed from us playing a card game I’m just learning to us finding out who was going through a good sex. We still planned to play the card game mind you but suddenly finding out who was undergoing it was our top priority. I’m not so sure if I should let Serenity be a part of this conversation or not right now. I was about to ask the question but somepony beat me to it, “Oh! Who’s going through a good sex?! I wanna know right now!”

Noir sniffed the air once more and looked towards us once again, “Okay, the two mares in question I smell are definitely Homage and Blackjack. I can even tell that all—“

I covered Serenity’s ears as she was way too young to learn about this know. She was definitely not happy with not being able to know the knowledge, “Noir, we have a young filly here! Unless said filly is Scotch in question, don’t tell us the details please!” I seriously am surprised that Scotch Tape, who is just a filly, not only learned about sex but also can handle being around ponies undergoing it and partake in it fine with no repercussions if yesterday was anything to go by. What kind of Stable did she and Blackjack originate from that allows sex like it was the most normal thing ever?

I felt my hooves being forced off Serenity’s ears by her no less. She definitely wanted to know badly no doubt but what she said sure surprised me, “Hired, it’s okay; I understand what you’re trying to do. But Zodiac said himself that the earlier I learn about this, the better chances for me to avoid it…”

I was left silent about that advice in question. I had to blink twice just to be sure I heard that right. Since I know that the guy is about five thousand years old, I bet he was being truthful about the advice he gave towards Serenity. I ended up sighing since you never question anyone who is that old, “Alright, I’ll allow you to hear it, but only because he said so. You never question someone who lives that long and has had to deal with more trouble than usual.” I saw Glimmerlight smiling though I’m not so sure if it was because she was proud of me or something else. I looked towards Noir in question, “So Homage and Blackjack’s three holes in question are full? By who though?”

Noir sniffed the air once more. When she took one deep sniff, she looked at us wide-eyed. I have either a bad or good feeling about what she is about to say, “You’re not going to believe this but its Zodiac who’s doing them a favor.”

That definitely caught some of us off guard. Brim could only smile though, “Heh, I knew that guy had it in him to do something like that. I mean, with him being that old and if I remember right, him neglecting it for so long, I knew he was bound to do it someday.”

That only made Glimmer pouty though, “Aw, but I want to join in the fun! I’m missing out on this!” She sprawled over the table clearly not happy about hearing this. I did let a light chuckle escape seeing her like this. Serenity also found it a bit funny but she kept her laughter inside.

Noir was stifling her laughter as she was sniffing the air. When she took that one deep sniff however, she couldn’t hold back her laughter as another giggling fit escaped from our changeling friend, “Welp, you’re a bit too late Glimmerlight. I can smell that familiar aroma of someone ejaculating right now and goodness, that is a lot of white I’m seeing.” That only made her moan and groan like she was going through the worse torture ever. Oh boy, I hope Littlepip doesn’t find out about this. She’s definitely going to have her mind blown no doubt.


Ugh, what’s with all that moaning and groaning? I hope Glimmer isn’t doing her usual stuff right now or worse, in public. I heard a quiet yawn right next to me. I shifted in my bed and looked towards the source of the yawn. I was a bit surprised, but was smiling nonetheless to see Puppysmiles waking up from her slumber. She got up from her bed and tried to rub her eyes but her hoof hit the glass helmet. That didn’t stop her though as she waved at me, “M-morn…” She wasn’t able to finish that sentence as she let out one loud yawn.

I have to admit, I smiled at that rather adorable yawn of hers. I moved the blanket off of me and picked myself up from the bed then stretched every part of my body from my legs to my wings while I was chatting with her, “Morning to you too Puppy… It’s good to see you awake and well.” She was fumbling around as she was trying to pick herself up from the bed but slipped and landed back on the bed with a thud. I stifled a laugh as she tried to stand up again only for the process to repeat. I decided to help her out as she was clearly struggling to get up. Looks like the effects of that drink were still going on in… I don’t even know how they were working inside Puppysmiles when she clearly has no body in the first place. Why do I even question it in the first place? Anyway, I felt like asking her about it just to be sure that I was correct, “Do you still feel like your body is a little… wobbly?”

I almost forgot the fact that while she was clearly older than us (except for Zodiac but that’s kind of obvious since he’s an alicorn), she still has the mentality of a filly. So as a result of that knowledge, I had to ask her while trying to be simple enough for her to understand. Thankfully, she understood the question I asked, “Uh huh… My body feels so weird. It feels like I went through a sugar rush…” Huh, her body still feels the effects of… whatever that non-alcoholic yet still has the effects of an alcoholic beverage, you get the point. Anyway, the effects are still kicking? While I have little knowledge about this kind of drink in the first place, I think I could chalk it up to her body if only because it was the first thing that popped in my head. In any case, I wonder if the rest are awake… Hearing Glimmer might have answered that question though. I looked towards Puppy who was swaying her two hooves. I was about to question why she was doing that until she spoke, “Oh… I feel like I’m swimming in the ocean…”

Eeyup, the drink was still in effect for Puppysmiles. I poked her back two times as I tried to get her attention. Good thing her mind was cleared up as she stopped with the swaying and turned towards my direction. I had a smile etched on my face as I looked towards the door, “Why don’t we go out of the bedroom and see if anypony else is awake? I’m sure they’re busy doing something…”

That got her very excited as she was bouncing on the bed, “Yay! I get to see everyone again!” She stopped jumping up and down on the bed and ran off towards the door in her excitement. I swear her enthusiasm is going to end up being contagious to all of us like Pinkie’s laughter or her level of energy.

Anyway, I followed soon after I managed to somehow avoid waking Littlepip in question. Is she a heavy sleeper or is she still a bit drunk in her slumber? Who knows? After I slowly opened the door and departed the bedroom while silently closing the door in return, I looked around wondering where Puppy wandered off to. Thankfully, she was easy to locate as I hear her voice alongside Glimmer and Brimstone in question. In fact, I saw Glimmer sprawled out on the floor looking like she was going through one of those bad times if her groaning means anything. Hired was reading something while the others were laughing, probably at whatever was going on with Glimmer. Well, can’t wait to find out what’s troubling her, “Hi everypony…”

That managed to snap Glimmerlight out of her trance for a moment to say this line… “Hey Murky!” before she decided to go back into moaning in supposed pain. I looked at Brimstone with a raised eyebrow wondering if he did something. He only shrugged and pointed towards our changeling friend in question.

She caught onto the gesture though and answered my silent question, “Let’s just say she’s not happy in missing out on the fun going on upstairs…” Not only did she put emphasis on fun but also gave me one of those familiar smiles. The gears in my brain were churning and turning slowly before my expression took on a look of understanding. She could only smirk as she saw the look, “Eeyup, she’s lamenting the fact that she’s missing out on some good ol’ sex.” Just mentioning that word caused Glimmer to moan even more.

I wasn’t so sure how to feel about this to be honest. I decided to switch the topic because I did not wish to delve into this topic further, “So… what card game are you all playing?” I won’t lie and say the cards I saw did get my attention considering they don’t even look like the cards I’m familiar with.

Hired decided to speak and give me the paper he was reading from, “It’s a card game called Uno apparently. The paper holds instructions on the rules of the game in question. I have to admit, I want to try this card game for some fun…”

“What kind of card game is Uno anyway?” All of us turned towards the voice in question to see Homage, Blackjack, and Zodiac looking like they went through the worse situation ever.

Before Serenity could answer that question, Glimmerlight spoke and she sure doesn’t sound happy with the three of them, “The better question is why did you leave me out on the action?!” I was looking at her with a bewildered expression before my eyes widened once I connected the dots. I then looked towards the three of them in question. The two mares looked towards each other before chuckling to themselves while Zodiac had a mildly annoyed expression on his face as he looked towards Noir in question. Although those two never spoke, they understood what she meant. Our changeling friend had the weirdest expression that I ever seen. It consisted of a humongous grin and wide eyes looking like he was pleased with what he did. Oh and to top that off, I could just be imagining it but I swear I thought I heard a stallion’s voice saying trollol in repeat. This is getting very bizarre right now and I’m in the thick of it. I just wanted to try the card game right now.


Was I the last one to wake up from the drink? Because right now, I can hear a bit of a ruckus going on outside the bedroom I’m sleeping in. Oh well, one long yawn while I was covering my mouth a few times later, “What a drink… Note to self, never drink that ever again.” Still, I’m surprised that I don’t have a hangover from the drink despite me being drunk. Guess Zodiac wasn’t kidding about it being a non-alcoholic drink.

After I manage to pick myself up from the bed and stretch, I walked towards the door and was about to depart until I overheard a conversation from the ponies outside and there sure was a lot of them awake today, “Really Noir? You told Glimmer about that? Because that expression of yours says yes…” Told Glimmer about what? Could someone answer that question for me please?

My question was somewhat answered by two voices that I recognize much to my embarrassment, the voice coming from Homage, “Oh Zodiac, why are you bothered by it? You knew that someone was going to find out either way…”

Luna’s pulsating clit, why did my question have to be answered by her of all ponies? The second voice only made my blush redder than I had in mind, “Right! You know, maybe we should have bought you know who with us so we can have triple the fun!”

Oh sweet merciful Celestia above, can someone end my unknown yet embarrassing torture from those two please? You know that that I said that they somewhat answered it for me? Just from hearing the voices in question, I was able to connect the dots and suddenly, my whole face was blushing up a storm. Blackjack’s confirmation only made it worse. When I heard Zodiac’s voice, I honestly thought my prayer was answered. That hope was immediately shot down with what he said, “You know, now that I think about it, why was I embarrassed by having multiple mares having their way with me the first time? I just remembered something that I somehow forgot…”

Why Zodiac? You were my only salvation to stop the torture… I was covering my red face while listening to those two wondering about his jogged memory. I already slightly opening the door originally to see the conversation but the torture shrunk me back into the room with the door still slightly opened, “You remembered something related to the… Um… I forgot what day that happened.”

It was on the fifth day I think. That still didn’t help much with my torture. While Homage agreed with me unknowingly on what day it happened she still wanted to know what memory they jogged form him, “I think it was the fifth day… but still, what memory did we somehow helped recall from you?”

Please don’t tell us about it please… For the love of all things that is good in the Goddess’s hearts don’t tell us. Unfortunately, that prayer was also unanswered. With Celestia as my witness, how long will this last? I’m not so sure how long can I take this, “Well, there was this one time I got these three girls into my house and had a simple conversation with them. Mind you this was in a dimension unknown to all of you but… they were about one millennium old and yet they still look like they were young in body.”

Okay, despite the aforementioned torture I was going through, I admit I was curious about the memory he was recalling. I just hope he doesn’t go into detail about any intercourse in mind, “These three girls in questions were bad people and were homeless, emphasis on were… They’re not too bad now but are still a bit mischievous. I gave them shelter and I offered them sustenance and while they agreed to have it all, they wanted it under one condition… Said condition was… Do I really need to say it?”

Are… are you serious? He took in three mares that while look young are that old and gave them shelter despite them being bad? And their condition for their stay was sex? What? While I was questioning his memory, the ponies currently awake somehow found it funny. Glimmerlight spoke after she finished laughing, “Are… are you serious? Because if so, dang those are some girls if their condition was to ask their rescuer to a good ol’ sex after they were rescued…”

Blackjack was the second voice to come and I was not surprised with her next question, “I know right? What? Did you recoil in surprise from their condition?” I took a small peek despite my red face and was relatively surprised that he shook his head. Blackjack as surprised as well but not really yet, “Are you sure Zodiac?” Another shake of the head alongside a smile answered her question.

Homage then decided to join in and I swear I thought she noticed me and gave a sly smile. I hope I was imagining that but if that’s the case... Celestia’s flaring orgasm, I’m doomed… Her question snapped me out of my fetal position only because I just wanted the torture to end, “Let me guess, you didn’t give one of those sly smiles, you were okay with the condition, and those three were the ones recoiling in surprise… Am I hot or cold?”

His smile never faded as he answered that question, “Hot… very hot…” That only made the three kinky mares smile like they enjoyed that he did. During all of that, he did something I or rather all of us did not see coming. Without so much as a glance towards my direction, he said something so unexpected on my part; it made me want to retreat back into the bed like my life depended on it, “You can stop hiding and come out now Littlepip, I know you’re awake. You even overheard the whole thing didn’t you?” Eeyup… I’m doomed. I am so doomed. Even if I tried, can you really fool an alicorn that is five thousand years old? I ended up stepping out of the bedroom with my still beet red face going on. Everyone who saw my face was struggling to contain their laughter. Zodiac’s words only made my face redder than before, “Enjoyed what you heard and went through?”

I could only weakly look at him despite my blushing face, “I hate you so much right now Zodiac…” He could shrug as he pointed towards the mares next to him. That gesture clearly wrote on his part don’t blame me, blame them. They pulled me into this act. Blackjack and Homage could only chuckle and slyly looked at me as they, in Zodiac’s words, bro-hoofed. Why did I have to through all of that on the ninth day of Hearth’s Warming…

Comments ( 4 )


Because its sadly true?

Day 9 out of 12, so close to being completed, and then thrown into the "dead" story pile, sad :/

9529883 I’m so sorry mate! College has been keeping so busy that I can’ find the time to finish this! :raritydespair:

Admittedly though, I do want to start anew with this story as well...

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