• Published 14th Nov 2015
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Twelve Wasteland Days of Hearth's Warming - PrinceUniversa

All heroes known far and wide from the Wasteland celebrae Hearth's Warming Eve, what's not to love about relieving all stress from the many fights they endured?

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The Eighth Day: Reminiscing Memories

The Eighth Day

Apparently, introductions lasted for quite awhile yesterday that we ended up with everyone dozing off into slumber. Nighttime was approaching so I can’t blame that, but still, it was a surprise. I was probably the only one awake the whole night gazing at the night sky above. I didn’t really need sleep much anyway as alicorns can goes through weeks without slumber but sometimes, a good night’s rest helps us out. I was on the roof of Tenpony Tower when I saw the morning sun rising from the horizon causing a brief smile to form. The breeze was blowing through my mane as the warmth of the Sun embraced my immortal body. The sight of this never ceases to amaze me. Suddenly, I had an idea beginning to form after seeing this beautiful scene. I stood up and begun to walk down back to the room where everyone decided to sleep in. Yes, I can teleport to make things easy for me but after that last teleport surprising Littlepip, I decided to forgo that.

Now that I bring that up, when I mentioned that Littlepip was the Lightbringer in question, Hired found that hard to believe that she was the famed pony being mentioned on the radio. I still have to ask her what her actual name is but the sight of that made almost all of us chuckle and made me forgot about that in the first place. Then again, night was coming and I felt that it would be a bad time to ask when everyone was feeling sleepy. For the most part, the new guests managed to get along with the others rather well.

As I was walking down the stairs, I can some small conversations going on without my presence. Guess a few manage to wake up and do some simple chatting which was fine by me. The voices I managed to pick up so far were Serenity, Scotch Tape and Puppysmiles. So the little ones were the first to wake up from their slumber, I wonder what they are chatting about? I stopped myself as soon as I reached the doors and listened to their conversation. I know that this is rude but I couldn’t help but be curious.


“So… you like a lot of things right Serenity?” I know that we were introduced rather late when Zodiac literally popped in. I still have Littlepip’s swear from last night stuck in my head. I’m now beginning to see why Blackjack said that she had some very colorful swearing but I didn’t expect that kind of swearing especially from her! Make a mental note, don’t underestimate her swears.

I was thinking into her swearing a bit much that I almost missed a part of the conversation, “…Like a lot of things! There was this one time where I asked Hired during our stay with the Hazai if I could get some cybernetic upgrades or something like those alloy wings!” Those words made me look at her in relative surprise that she would want cybernetics. I mean sure they are cool and all that, but does she know how painful it is to go through such a thing? I was just lucky that Blackjack was asleep during the whole thing the first time she went through one.

Puppysmiles was indifferent though and of course had no idea what cybernetics are. I really wonder how she was able to go through without knowing a lot of things. Then again, she came from the time when the bombs came down upon Canterlot if I heard her correctly so I can see how she doesn’t know everything. That and she’s dead yet somehow living. Does that make sense? Anyway, I was missing out on the conversation just by thinking to myself right now. Good thing the only thing I missed out on was her asking what cybernetics is so the next thing was Serenity trying to describe it, “I’m not sure on how to describe it well but I’m sure Scotch can describe it better than me right?”

Both were looking at me like I was some sort of… well, I don’t know the best word to use here so I guess I had to go with speaker for now. Though I was still a bit confused on one thing, “Why are you asking me to describe what cybernetics is? I thought you knew about this Serenity!”

One of many things I got from her was a shrug before she actually answered, “I do! I just want to see if you can describe it well if what you said about knowing them is true.” I swear, upon hearing Serenity say that, I thought I saw her forming and hiding a smirk.

Oh no, you are not going to do that on me even if you are becoming a new friend of mine! I want to know if what you’re saying is true as well! I let a look (I’m not so sure if I was able to mimic Blackjack’s shooty look honestly…) of mine emerge as I stared down the mare in front of me, “Oh yeah, why won’t you describe it since you said you know about this stuff as well?”

She raised a hoof to her mouth and gasped while putting a pained expression on her face, “You think that I was lying about that? You meanie!” The sight of her being hurt like that honestly almost made me want to apologize to Serenity right then and there. And I was about to as I raised my hoof up until I saw a small smile form on her face, “Gotcha Scotch!” She let out a hearty laugh as she was clutching her chest hard.

I had initially frowned upon me getting tricked like that but that was soon going away as a snicker escaped from me and before long, I joined in her laughter. You know with all of this, I had almost forgotten the fact that Puppy is right next to us. Thankfully my mind remember and I slowly begun to stop laughing to look at her, “Sorry Pups, I forgot that you’re with us!”

All she did was smile though as she spoke, “I’m alright! I learned from my mother that I have to be patient with others and wait.” I had to let a smile form upon hearing that. At least she learned from a good mother, I had to learn only from a father who is temporarily alive thanks to Zodiac. That made me suddenly sad now that I think about that. I started to feel a tear escape my right despite me not wanting to shed one. Puppysmiles looked upon me with confusion and worry, “Is something wrong Scotch? Did I do something bad?”

Serenity joined as she too showed concern. It was good thing that said concern was coming from others about my age (even though I know that Puppysmiles was temporarily alive like my dad). I wiped that tear away and let a smile form, “No it’s nothing you two, but thanks for being concerned for me.” That brightened their moods as they too smiled in return. I looked towards Puppy whom I just remembered that she had a question, “Now, do you still wish to know about what cybernetics mean?” Multiple nods were done by Puppysmiles causing the both of us to chuckle before I spoke first, “So… how should I start this topic off?”

Serenity begun to brighten up just as I said, “Oh I know how to start this off!” Well, she sure wasn;t joking about knowing this stuff is she was clearly excited. That happy mood didn’t last long though as she begun to contemplate on something. I was about to ask what but she spoke just as I opened my mouth, “Though maybe we should wake Hired first since she has cybernetic parts and all…”

That bought some memories concerning Blackjack and I couldn’t help but add to the conversation, “You know, Blackjack had cybernetics before…” She looked towards me, her eyes glowing with excitement upon hearing what I said. I knew what she was thinking yet I couldn’t help but chuckle, “I’ll tell you how but right now, can we teach Puppy about cybernetics please?” Serenity pouted but relented as she spoke first.


A smile of mine had already developed during their conversation. I know that I was peeping here and that it’s rude as I’ve said before, but I won’t lie and say that hearing their conversation was kind of worth it. I won’t do it again though that’s for certain. I cleared my throat (not so sure why) and slowly opened the door to greet them, “Hello you three, how are you fillies doing?”

I saw Scotch frown a bit when I addressed her like that. I was wondering why that seemed to offend her but that was somewhat answered by her response, “I’m not a filly anymore Zodiac after what I’ve went through with Blackjack, I’m a young mare.” The other two were looking at her in confusion causing her to be baffled as well, “What? You two don’t think we’re adults by now?”

That caused a momentary chuckle from them. She rolled her eyes from their response but she knew in her heart that they agreed with her even as they answered it for her starting with Serenity, “We know Scotch but some of us like to be kids just for once.”

“Yeah! I like being an adult but sometimes it gets so boring being an adult for too long!” That managed to elicit laughter from me. Puppysmiles joined in and the rest came afterwards. Our ruckus awoken some of the residents sleeping here starting with Littlepip’s entourage. They were looking at the four of us like we were crazy.

I looked at them with a knowing smile, “Don’t be like that… You were going to wake up anyway; we might as well be early alarm clocks for you three.” I heard a grumble from Littlepip and I can clearly tell that it was about her being awoken so early with the way she’s acting. I covered my mouth and let a snicker escape as I was trying to hold in my laughter.

Blackjack came next and her eyes looked a bit bloodshot suddenly shifting my attitude from enjoyment to concern. She noticed and formed a smirk, “Did I get you there Zodiac? Because my eyes looking like this is considered normal for me...” She blinked once and suddenly they were gone. How was that even possible, I don’t even want to know.

I looked towards the three fillies full of energy and gestured them to awaken the others. Although they happily obliged, I saw them looking towards me. I was baffled and was wondering what was going on in their minds right now. Serenity gestured me to come closer and I accepted. When I was in whispering distance, she whispered not only to me but to the others around her. I wore a look of apprehension at first over the idea but soon I felt a mischievous smile form. I looked towards them and they too shared the same expression. I gave a simple nod and begun to alight my horn. I looked towards Blackjack and she had that same expression as she covered her ears. The currently awakened were confused as to why she was covering her ears and closing her eyes. My magic soon enveloped the fillies and I covered my ears and closed my eyes just in time as they simultaneously said this line, “Wake up everybody sleeping! It’s morning time!”

Thankfully, me and Blackjack covered our ears in time because right now, this just made everyone’s ears ringing like they were next to a grenade that just exploded. I’m not so sure on how Blackjack knew but I’ll just leave that behind for now. I slowly opened my eyes and the sight was hilarious to behold.


Thank goodness I immediately understood what those three fillies were doing because I’d hate to get ringing ears like I have the multiple times I was nearby an explosive or something. I saw Zodiac opening his eyes just as I did. Looking at the scene in front of me, I nearly had burst into laughter right then and there. Everypony, erm… everybody? Ah forget it, you get the point anyway. I saw ponies who were originally asleep suddenly getting out of the rooms or jolting awake while clutching their ears. Even my own friends were clutching their ears like so. I was trying desperately to hold my laughter but I couldn’t and I collapsed into a laughing fit.

My eyes were shut closed during my laughing spree but I can clearly tell that the three adorable fillies (well, one filly who’s dead and two young mares but they’re still adorable) were definitely satisfied with their work. As soon as my laughter ended, I opened one of my eyes and I saw everyone giving me, the fillies and Zodiac disapproving looks. What? They had to be woken up anyway so I consider this the perfect alarm clock for them. Goddesses know that I was at the end of that with Scotch. Ah, those were the good times.

I saw Zodiac coming and helping others who were jerked awake by our loud alarm clock. I did see his horn working in action prompting somewhat of a frown. While I was happy that I at least was now capable of magic like teleporting, I still felt a twinge of jealousy from him. Wait, what am I doing? I’m being negative again… Got to start thinking positive right now! Ugh, but how?

Apparently, Zodiac managed to notice me being negative despite his back turned away from me. I’m not going to even the five millennia old alicorn at this point, in fact any alicorn whose smarter than me I run into I won’t question. As soon as his horn stopped glowing, he looked towards me with a look of concern I’ve seen on everyone’s face once in a while, “Something bothering you Blackjack?”

Well, at least the smartest pony here was being concerned for me, might as well answer his question and hopefully get a good answer, “Yeah, I’m being a negative nancy right now. Got any way to make me think positive thoughts? Because right now, I need positive thoughts pronto…”

A simple chuckle escaped from the alicorn which suddenly prompted me to raise an eyebrow. He looked towards the others who were slowly gaining back their hearing while still speaking towards me, “Why won’t you share some pleasant and happy memories you have? I had this idea in mind where all of us can share a happy memory they had to everyone here.” I suddenly had a glimmer in my eyes as I was about share something awesome. That is until this came up, “And no, you will not share any memories of you involving…” He suddenly fell silent which made me concerned about what he had in mind. I was counting down in my head wondering what was going on in his thoughts. By the time I reached ten seconds, he spoke, “On second thought, I take that back. You can share any memory involving you having well… you know what. But tell us when you are about to so I can set some precautions just in case.”

While I looked at him questionably about his precautions, I was at least happy that I can share my fond memories involving that stuff! I almost picked myself up and rammed him in a hugging embrace. I wanted to so badly but I ended up stopping myself as it would have lead to an awkward situation. Not that I've been in those kinds of situations before but when it happens, all I do is stay absolutely still and look at the person weirdly. I'm not so sure on how he would react to being in a weird situation though. Did I mention that I hate difficult stuff? I did remember that I had to give him a heads up if any memory I recall would involve a certain vigorous ritual if you would call it that. Well, better now than never, "Hey Zodiac, I got a memory in mind but just saying a word since... You know what..."

I lied about having a memory involving all of that but who knows? His attention did not look away from the ponies he's helping yet he acknowledged my words with a simple nod, "I hear you Blackjack, just let me be sure that everyone is awake." I let him be as I begun to ponder... Wait a minute, I was thinking? Well, I know that I can think and all that, but I didn't expect to actually think about what memory to bring up. Guess maturity does that to you sometimes... Normally, I would say that I hate thinking but I think it's starting to grow on me... If it hasn't already in the first place. I was rubbing my head trying to think of a good memory I could recall. I saw Zodiac finishing up with checking if everypony was awake. His attention was now on me and I can tell that he was about to ask it, "Having trouble recalling a good memory?"

I felt myself beginning to sigh as I gave up. A smile did start to form on my face as I gave a shrug, "What can I say? I'm a horrible thinker Zodiac and you know it..." He raised his hoof and covered his mouth trying to not let a chuckle or two escape. Huh, I'm not so sure if I could even consider that a good joke but if it made him of all ponies quietly snicker, then I'll consider it a good joke. Anyway, after he was done chuckling, he looked around a bit. His face looked like it was debating on something. I could probably hazard a guess as to what it is but I'll just wait until he finishes what he's doing. About ten seconds later (I counted), he decided to now speak while wearing one of those looks that suggests he might regret the choice he's making. Hey, only I'm allowed to make that face there! Okay maybe Littlepip and maybe a bit of Murky there (I'm not so sure about Hired) but I'm the only one who makes that face!

I was about to slap some sense into him again before I stopped myself just as he spoke, "I hope the fillies and colts don't mind this topic in mind... If you all do just tell me and I'll take you all out of here. I'm only going to say this once though sadly because I think we all waited a bit long enough... Despite the fact that you all woke up abruptly by those three fillies." He pointed at them and all they could do was smile innocently and chuckle. I couldn't help but join with Zodiac in finding that amusing, "Right... Anyway, if this topic is too sensitive, you fillies can leave whenever; just tell me if you are doing so okay?" They all nodded leaving me suddenly realizing where this was going, "So Blackjack... I'm only going to ask this once..." He took one deep breath before he asked the question I expected, "First intercourse, how did it feel the first time?" Everyone, I repeat, almost everyone was looking at him like he was bonkers and possibly drunk. All he returned was a questionable look towards those people, "What? I can't ask that question? You know how Blackjack's life was... The only happy memories in mind I can think from her mostly correlates to her having sex, no offense to the other memories you have..."

I just waved a (courtesy of Rarity) dismissive hoof. I won't lie, I can somewhat agree with him since he knows me well enough. At least he apologized about the other happy memories I had in mind because those were good times for me. Anyway, before I could answer that, something about the question confused me a bit, "I'm fine though... First sex? You realize that I went through a lot before I was the security guard of Stable 99 right?"

He nodded though thankfully he realized where this was going. He was in deep thought for only three seconds before I saw him forming a smile, "So how about this? First intercourse..." I noticed his eyes darting towards Glory causing me to almost smirk there, "Where you truly enjoyed it after all of the others that you would say are rather... boring I guess is the right word?" I think I saw her picking up on the words and she was suddenly flushing in embarrassment.

Now that I can do and suddenly I was going to enjoy this a lot especially with her looking like that, "Oh you mean the time where I enjoyed Glory's massage?" He nodded and I saw her sinking herself deeper into a ball position. I was about to speak out further until I noticed both Velvet and Glory together. An idea popped up in my head though I was going to have to ask Scotch about this since this was in her thoughts as all, "Hey Scotch, mind if I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" I leaned in and whispered my question. She was turning a shade of red at first about the idea but when I mentioned Velvet and Glory, suddenly her red was beginning to be less pronounced. Oh it was there but she kind of liked the idea of them breaking down or something. She ended up relenting as she spoke, "Fine I'll let you Blackjack, I'm just not going to live this down..."

I patted her head and whispered, "No worries Scotch, I think Zodiac will be happy to erase this particular event out of everyone's mind for your sake." I looked towards him and as if he heard my response, nodded and smiled. I swear, I think the guy has super sensitive hearing or something. In any case, that seemed to brighten her mood very much. Now, onto the idea of mine, "Zodiac, I have a better memory to share!" Everyone was looking at me. Now I began to suddenly regret what I said as I was stammering a bit, "Uh..."


I had to step in for her sake and for being able to continue this. I was thinking of standing next to her and ask her what was in her mind but I think telepathy would be better for this situation, Blackjack, are you alright?

She looked like was about to scream until she stopped herself in time and glared at me, Next time, tell me when you're going to do that Zodiac! You scared the daylights out of me!

I let a smirk formed from hearing that I managed to scares her, I thought you couldn't be scared O great Queen Whiskey. That almost stopped her in her tracks when I mentioned that title. Now I managed to make a connection with her though, I was rather curious in what kinds of horrors has she faced during her time in Hoofington. I couldn't help but dig into her memory for a bit, And besides, what kind of horrors did you see that would make you this jumpy? I heard her mentally screaming towards me but I didn’t heed it as I manage to find the memories I was looking for. Yeah, I know that this is intruding and all but at least it isn’t something private or embarrassing though I might have to slap myself afterwards for even doing this out of curiosity.

So I manage to find the memories in question and well… looked at what kind of horrors she saw in general. Let me tell you, while I stood like I was normal, inside my mind, I was mentally wondering just how in the world did she had to face these kinds of horrors and live to tell the tale. I looked towards and thought this to her, Mind you, I’ve seen my fair share of horrors during my old life but you… Sweet mother of mercy above, I wonder how are you able to walk away from those while keeping your sanity in check…

All she did was scratch her head and chuckle, Honestly, I’m not so sure myself… Suddenly, everyone was looking at her just as she stopped laughing. She gulped once before she thought this out loud to my head, Aw shit…

I spoke for her quickly before things got awkward from here, “I connected to her mind and chatted with her, no worries everyone.” That managed to get everyone’s attention towards me now. Thankfully, I can at least handle this though there was something that bothered me, “So Blackjack... What did you want to say? I didn’t get to hear or learn it from your mind because you’re the one who decided to bring it up for us.”

That earned me one of her patented shooty looks as everyone’s attention was on her now. Looking at Glory, at least she managed to get out of her ball position made from embarrassment. But now she and Velvet’s mind might end up becoming broken after this conversation. That is, if Blackjack can speak what she has in mind because right now, everyone was waiting on her…


Boy, I have a bad feeling about this if Blackjack has a better memory in mind. Thank Celestia that it wasn’t Homage because I would have been in the same position as Glory. About ten seconds in, she finally spoke although I noticed that she has a bit more pep than usual, “Okay, so there was a reason why I asked Scotch and now I get to say it.” Why was she a bit peppier? I didn’t see her drink anything related to alcohol so why this sudden excitement? That was somewhat answered, I guess? Anyway, it was answered as she spoke, “During my time on the moon…”

I saw Serenity raising her hoof up in the air. Yeah, I picked up on her name quickly during that surprise teleport. I hope that she doesn’t remember my swearing from yesterday because that was embarrassing for me, “Wait, you went to the moon?” A grin was her answer and she begun to suddenly get wide eyed with sparkles in them. I hope I wasn’t the only one who noticed that, “That’s so cool! Can you take me to the moon?! I want to go there!”

That question was immediately was shoot down by Hired who I’m still surprised was inspired by me to do some crazy stuff. First I had an influence on Murky to escape from Fillydelphia (How come I didn’t even notice him before?), and now Hired from Dise too. Do I have this much of an influence on people that I might as well be a figurehead? How should I know? Thankfully, I didn’t miss out on what Hired had to say, “No, you will not go to the moon Serenity. We already went through enough crazy stuff as is like fighting an adult dragon.”

I was just drinking some Sparkle-Cola when I heard that. It took me awhile to process that before I begun to spat out the drink. That hit Zodiac straight in the face though he didn’t seem to mind what just happened as he picked up a towel and cleaned himself. Glimmerlight somehow found that funny as she chuckled. I wiped off some that lingered on my mouth and looked at Hired, “You fought a dragon of all things?!”

She just shrugged as she looked nonchalant about it, “It surprised me a bit but yeah we did. I still find it hard to believe that you’re the Lightbringer in question… Speaking of which, did you fight a dragon?”

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Calamity came to help thankfully though I think he was also playing around a bit, “Eeyup, she definitely did… mean dragon too. It was in Old Appleloosa that we fought it an’ golly, Ah sure as hell did not see that comin’! She threw some darn grenades into the thing’s mouth an’ blew it from the inside out! Let’s just say that things got a bit crazier from there on out.”

Hired was surprised about that no doubt and suddenly looking at everyone else around, she only had this to say, “Yeesh, we all have went through some crazy stuff… I’m surprised that there are others like you guys that went through hell… Suddenly, I don’t feel so lonely about it.”

Brimstone spoke for once. I haven’t heard him speak yet to my surprise, “That I think all of us could agree with. I may be a former raider but it does do me some good to know that there are people that went through hell and back during their time.”

Everyone nodded fully with him. Zodiac spoke for us next and what he said, I can definitely agree with fully, “We all went through some tough journeys Brim but I think Blackjack deserves a medal for most craziest of them all…” He suddenly fell silent and put a hoof on his chin as if he was likely thinking of something. I suddenly wished that it wasn’t what I was thinking of. He put his hoof down and spoke again, “Eeyup, I can’t think of anything right now. Can we get back on topic please?”

Blackjack smiled with glee with that being said. Seriously why? I really wanted to know right now and she sure was taking her time with it, “Thanks! Anyway, during my time on the moon, for some damn reason, me and my friends were able to hear each other’s thoughts…” A look of understanding and concern was etched on P-21’s face and some laughter escaped from Rampage. Something tells me that this is going to break both Velvet and Glory somehow, “We all realized it soon and during that, someone panicked here and thought this out loud…” Blackjack tried to imitate Scotch’s voice and after hearing what was spoken, I think I understood why the smile. I’m not so sure if its exact but the message is clear as daylight, “Don’t think about having sex with Blackjack, don’t think about having sex with dad.

Of all the people that reacted to that statement, Velvet and Glory were most expected as their mouths were wide open. Glimmerlight definitely was surprised though for a different reason as she looked towards her, “Whoa, you seriously thought of that Scotch?” A chuckle filled with embarrassment escaped from her. Glimmer smiled as she picked up her and hugged her tightly, “This is something I didn’t expect to hear in… ever! I should help you do it right now then!”

Homage came in and joined with her, “Maybe I could help as well. Though… I’m going to need a good volunteer to showcase what I have in mind.” She was looking at me and winked. I suddenly curled up into a ball after seeing that. Celestia’s blazing butt, I am so doomed…


Well this was a sudden surprise of events and here I thought Glimmerlight wouldn’t approve of it even with her known streak. Homage, I am not too surprised about especially after what she said towards Littlepip. I’m still a bit let down that Littlepip has a marefriend but I can live with it as long as it makes her happy. Though I wonder if me and Unity might join in… Right now, I was just waiting for both Velvet and Glory to speak their thoughts about this right now. I was about to say that they broke after hearing this revelation but they finally responded starting with Velvet, “Wait! You can’t teach Scotch how to have sex! She’s just a young filly! I definitely heard some groaning from P-21 and Scotch though they’re surprised that Glory isn’t saying anything. Brimstone was just looking at them in confusion as to this revelation.

I heard a conversation from the brother and sister and friends of Zodiac. They were talking about this no doubt but thank to my big right ear, I was overhearing it. Bad I know but I couldn’t help but be curious about it, “I’m surprised you aren’t going to argue about this.”

I can only guess that Harmony was shrugging towards Epsilon’s statement as I was looking at both Velvet and Glory. My ear twitched as she spoke, “Well, unlike her, I’m willing to accept the decision Scotch made now. She’s a young mare now in case no one realizes. She can make her own decisions now though I can see that her youth is going to cause problems for her ahead once this is over. I just know it.”

I saw Zodiac smiling from the corner of my eye. I guess he heard the conversation as well I guess? It took them awhile but Velvet spoke and it looks like her question was focused on Zodiac, “Tell me you aren’t going to accept this right?”

Zodiac definitely looked confused as he looked towards Velvet, “Why are you asking me that question Velvet? Shouldn’t it be towards Blackjack?” I had to agree with his answer.

That got her and she looked towards the pony in question, “I was right… You are a bad influence towards not only Littlepip but that poor filly as well Blackjack.” She just let a grin form while Scotch was appreciating the small support she never expected.

I heard a groan escaping from Zodiac as he spoke up, “Velvet, sometimes you can be quite a headache when dealing with this…” She was about to retort to that but he interrupted her, “Scotch already went through her first intercourse. Any argument you make is invalidated I’m afraid.” Her mouth just gaped once again as she heard that.

Blackjack’s grin only grew bigger as she spoke, “He’s right you know… during our return trip from the moon, she went through her first sex while I was in the Perceti… thingy. When I removed it and saw the situation, let me say that I was pleasantly surprised.” She definitely forgot to add that she enjoyed the sight for a moment but I doubt it’s that important anyway considering its Blackjack we’re talking about here.

Glory to my surprise, did not gape like Velvet was. She just chuckled and shrugged at hearing that, “At this point, I’m just not going to question this anymore because it’s just going to get into a debate I can’t win against.”

Velvet looked at her friend like she just heard the most outrageous thing spoken, “Not you too!” After seeing that Glory admitted defeat towards this, she stood up and looked liked she was about to leave this place. I was wrong though on that because she only managed to scream this line towards possibly everyone here, “Am I the only sane one here!?”

I’m sane here and I don’t mind what was being spoken I guess. In fact, I think everyone doesn’t mind it at all if I presume it. Zodiac spoke and I have a bad feeling that it only made things worse, “No you’re not the only sane one Velvet, you’re just taking this too seriously. Did you forget that Stable 99, the stable they came from, allowed sex like it was the most normal thing ever? Yes, even children are allowed to indulge themselves I presume. So stop whining about it alright?”

Velvet looked flabbergasted as he looked towards Zodiac, “I’m not whining! I’m complaining!” That got a momentarily chuckle out of me there.

Our immortal alicorn suddenly looked at her in relative surprise before he suddenly chuckled. I was about to ask why but he beat me with the answer, “You know, Rarity said something similar when she was asked to stop whining. Your answer was exactly word for word from her.” Velvet didn’t look pleased about it as she was complaining about the sex ordeal still. I for one, found it funny.

I looked towards Glimmer and I saw her giving Blackjack a grin that clearly wrote Oh I so want to join in for fun, “You’re stable was like that Blackjack? Think I can join in and indulge those stallions? I need a good one for my cravings right now.” Yep, I called it there.

Blackjack for the most part just shook her head, “Maybe but trust me when I say this, it gets very dull over time there. I’d say you’d probably have better luck elsewhere. Besides, it’s not the same anymore back when I was there as a security guard. It’s changed drastically…”

Glimmer seemed to put for a second but smiled as something came up in mind. I wonder what it is that popped in her mind? Well I got have that question answered, “Why don’t we all throw a booze party right now? Drinks are on Zodiac’s tab!”

I couldn’t help but recall the last party back in Fillydelphia, “Oh like that last party way back?” She nodded and couldn’t contain her glee for some time. I know that this party might end up becoming like the last party. I just hope I can keep myself in check.


A booze party? I have a feeling I’m going to need to keep Serenity away from this if that’s the case. I’m pleasantly surprised that I was actually enjoying this for once. I don’t remember if I ever had been joyful during my crazy life. At least I know that I’m not alone with having to go through such a dangerous journey. All these people here have gone through hell… Just like I said with Littlepip (I still find it hard to believe that she’s the famed Lightbringer), I suddenly don’t feel so lonely. Anyway, Zodiac was clearly not pleased if his reaction means anything, “First Velvet focuses her questions on me and now I have to get the drinks Glimmerlight? Why am I suddenly the focal point for things now?”

I don’t know why but I found that funny for some reason. Apparently Serenity decided that it would be a good time to say something besides the excitement she had when Blackjack said she and her friends went to the moon. How in the world did they do that, I don’t even want to know. Anyway, back to Serenity’s response, “Can I join in drinking the booze? I want to know what it tastes like!”

I was afraid she was going to say something like that. Thankfully, Zodiac politely denied it though he also said something else in mind I didn’t expect from him honestly, “No booze for you or for that matter, for all of you…” Almost everyone was suddenly screaming at him for that although they didn’t realize yet that he was wearing a smug grin. I wonder why he was wearing that kind of grin? That was promptly answered by him of course, “No… I’m giving a more special drink in mind…” Suddenly, everyone was curious about this special drink in question. I saw his horn glow and from out of nowhere, cups appeared in front of him and there was some bubbles fizzing out of the cup. There was enough for everyone in here as he gave them all. Everyone grabbed it and looked inside it. A drink that fizzes like that of a soda, what in the world was this drink? I think everyone had that question in mind. Again it was answered by yours truly, “It’s one of Pinkie Pie’s special drinks. Word for word by her, I only use this drink for the super special extravagant awesome parties!” After that he wore a big grin that made me wonder if he was channeling Pinkie Pie right now.

In any case, I had to be first to ask since well… Serenity, “Is this drink alcoholic? I want to be sure because you gave this to the fillies as well.” Seriously, I noticed it and that started to make me wonder about it a bit.

The Pinkie Pie level of a grin was gone though he was still smiling, “No it isn’t though the drink still acts like its alcoholic in that in makes anyone tipsy like any usual beer would do. Don’t ask me how; this is Pinkie Pie we’re talking about here. I don’t think anyone can understand how she does so.” Well, that at least alleviates most of my worries out of me. Though the fact this drink makes anyone tipsy still makes me wonder how she does that.

Serenity spoke again only this time she was very excited, “So this isn’t actually booze but it still makes me tipsy like a normal one would do?” A nod from Zodiac confirmed her question. She raised her glass and spoke this one line before she went to it, “I get first drink!” I was about to stop her but I was too late as she gulped the whole thing. Oh goodness, I am worried now. A few smacks from her mouth came and only a few seconds in is she already tipsy if the big irises and her hiccupping means anything, “Wow… so this is what… hic it feels like to be tipsy… Wow, the whole world hic is swirling around me. Wee… hic.”

She was swaying her forelegs like she was doing a hypnotic dance of sorts. I couldn’t but ask if she was feeling well right now, “Serenity, are you alright?”

She looked at me with a big smile as she was still swaying her forelegs, “Oh I’m hic fine Hired! I’m just hic enjoying this hic sensation! Ah wee!” She stood up on one backleg and begun to spin around like a ballerina before collapsing to the ground in a heap while swaying her arms still and saying a long Wwwweeee.”

I was so surprised at how potent this drink was in making someone tipsy already. All of us looked at Zodiac about it and all he could say was this, “Yeah, the drink is that potent in making anyone tipsy. Just one gulp and you’re in a stupor already. Again don’t ask me how Pinkie does it, she just somehow does it. You’d have to be really resistant to its effect to even be able to think properly. I’ve seen the Ministry Mares drink it and let me tell you, among them all, only Rarity and its creator can somewhat resist its effects. Even I end up succumbing to its effects somewhat.”

Everyone including myself was flabbergasted at the idea that a rare few can resist it. Heck even the all-powerful alicorn can’t fully resist it. I looked at it and wondered if I should even drink it. Someone already decided to drink it now and I was not surprised to say that it was Blackjack. Like Serenity, she was now tipsy as she went into a happy mood, “Oh this hic drink is so hic good at doing its hic job… I hic feel like I want to hic sing right now!” She opened her mouth and sang whatever song she had in mind.

I looked towards Puppysmiles who unfortunately couldn’t drink it because of the suit she was wearing that kept her form, “Aw boo! I can’t drink this! Stupid suit!” Zodiac stepped forward and tried to assist the filly in question. His horn glowed and the drink was now gone. Although I questioned what happened to it, how Puppy was going around pretty much answered my question, “Oh! So this is hic what it feels like to hic be tipsy! I remember that hic my mom said that hic drinking this makes me feel hic weird…” She joined with Serenity as she collapsed to the ground and swayed her forelegs while hiccupping.

I looked towards Zodiac wondering how he did that even though she’s deceased. He just simply winked as he returned back to his spot. If the drink can make even the deceased like this than damn, that’s a powerful drink. Glimmerlight noted it as well, her tone definitely sharing my surprise there, “Wow, its potent enough to make even the dead drunk…” She looked at hers and smiled as she gulped it down quickly. One smack and of course, she was in a drunken stupor, “Sweet mother of hic Celestia above… I feel like a hic million bits right now…” She looked towards Blackjack and made the biggest grin I’ve seen, “Singing? hic I’ll gladly hic join in!”

Great, another has fell victim to the powerful effects this drink has. Well, if Serenity drank it and now those two, I might as well join in then. I took a gulp of the beverage and as soon as I finished it, the whole world swirled around me…


I was just watching Hired moving like a drunk as expected and joining Serenity in the swaying of the forelegs. Blackjack singing was a bit of a surprise and admittedly, she’s a not bad singer. I looked towards everyone as they looked at their drinks reluctant to gulp it down. I raised mine to the air tempting them to join in the fun, “Well? Who wants to party like what they’re going through? I don’t want to leave them out on this!” It took awhile before everyone and I mean everyone, gathered here drank their beverages including myself.

Just as expected, I can already feel the effects kicking in as I drank it down. As I said though, I can somewhat resist to have enough clarity to at least think. The others are already in their drunken stupor as they finished their drinks. I lowered my drink down and watched the festivities of everyone’s drunken attitude kicking in. From Littlepip somehow letting go of any bad thoughts and fully wanting in the action, to Murky who was just flying around erratically with Unity riding on top of him like a horse yelling out of the top of her lungs, and now Hired, who I found out her real name is Silver Storm thanks to her drunken state, is moving around like a drunkard, everyone was having their own brand of fun.

I, on the other hoof, was just gleefully watching the festivities going like crazy. As the effects were still going strongly, I had the urge to just join and let myself go. But I didn’t want to because I wanted to be sure that nothing really bad happens during this party. Up on the table, I saw Littlepip, Blackjack, Silver, Puppysmiles, and Murky up there singing and dancing like crazy. Thankfully, I grabbed Unity with my magic and put her on the ground due to Murky going upside down and joining in the scene by crash landing. He still managed to pick himself up and join in the singing though.

The sight of all this craziness was something akin to a mad house. I even saw Velvet pole dancing for some damn reason. Sheesh, the drink made her let go like crazy. I felt someone poking my shoulder though causing relative surprise from me when I found out that it was Homage who was trying to get my attention and even more so when I hear say something perfectly well even with the hiccups, “Never hic thought to have a party like this… I was hic honestly thinking this would have been reserved for hic the last day.”

I felt a smile form as I looked towards the party goers rocking out for lack of a better term, “Having trouble resisting the effects Homage? I know I still am…” The drink was still swirling inside my stomach and I can feel it churning it like a surging ocean from the farthest corner of the world where sirens would sing about, bringing and seducing stallions and mares from any ship in many ways possible giving them that special feeling when under a grassy hill in a park. That… sounded bad… did it sound bad? Ah… Damn it, the effects are breaking my line of thinking right now.

I heard Homage chuckle just as a hiccup came to interrupt it, “I’m quite hic resistant to some drinks but this hic is on a whole new level. I’m surprised you aren’t hic hiccupping like the others are right now.” She chuckled only for a hiccup again to interrupt it.

I chuckled as well and only now did I get a single hiccup escape from me, “Dang it, I just hiccupped just as I was reaching the end of my laugh.” That got Homage to laugh a bit before the same thing happened again. I sighed as I watched the scene unfold in front of me, “Yeah, it’s quite hard to resist it. My line of thinking is getting a bit blurry thanks to it. I’m surprised that I’m able to resist it as far as it can go.” I casted magic just in time as someone was about to jump into a crowd stopping her mid-fall. That pony was Scotch to my surprise. I gently put her down while I was still chatting with Homage, “I had a better idea in mind for the last day but this idea came up after the memory chatting. I had to indulge myself because it was probably going to be the one time where everyone gets to drink that concoction of Pinkie’s”

Homage was getting the hang of the effects as the hiccups were getting less pronounce though they still lingered from time to time, “So… was this a hic memory of yours you are sharing?” A simple nod confirmed her answers causing a smile to form, “How did it feel the first time you hic drank this special drink of Pinkie’s?”

I looked at her just as I settled Scotch down onto the ground before a smile of mine formed, “Crazy… I didn’t know what to expect from the drink so when I drank it by Pinkie’s request, let’s just say that I ended up in an awkward situation…” I saw Homage opening and I knew what she was about to ask if her look means anything, “No, I will not elaborate on what that awkward situation is…”

She pouted at first before letting a smile form, “Well, I guess the concoction is making me hic privy about personal stuff right now, haha!” I had to join in her laughter right then and there. That drink can cause so many random effects on anybody that I might as well describe it as a potion of sorts. After our laughter ended in a hiccup, she turned and was about to join in the festivities until she had this to say towards me, “After everyone gets a hangover, how about you and I get a bit more personal?”

She was definitely wearing that grin that clearly spoke sex, right now, in a private room. I’m not so sure if the beverage made her kinky side more common or she’s doing so out of her own willpower but I couldn’t help myself but grin. Hey, the effects are still kicking in and messing with my thoughts, I might as well indulge her for a bit. At least I have the clarity to know what I’m getting myself into, “Sure, why not? But after we get them situated in bed then we can do so, but I’m going to need to cast the anti-pregnancy spell three times on you.” She looked at me in confusion wondering what I meant by that. I just chuckled and let myself roll with what came out, “Have you ever heard of the phrase, Third time’s the charm? Yeah, I am not risking getting you pregnant with my drunkenness being very pronounced as clear as daylight even if I am resisting it. That is Littlepip’s or your job to make yourselves pregnant with a baby, not me.”

That made her chuckle once before she nodded in agreement, “Sure, after all of that said and done with this party…” She winked at me once before disappearing into the crowd. I let my smile linger a bit as I continued to supervise the drunken party we were in. Taking a glance at the clock, it was almost close to night. Did we talk about our memories for that long? It felt like it was only a few hours or so since we started it. Time sure does fly by fast and then there’s this drunken festival. Considering the effect of the beverage is meant to last for about an hour or so depending on the pony itself, I’m expecting hangover to come very soon. And then there’s that thing with Homage… Honestly, after all of that, I wonder how the next four days will be like… Maybe even better or worse? Who am I to say? I’m just going to enjoy this party until night comes and tomorrow enters the fray. I just hope I can live with these effects kicking every now and then before I succumb to them. That’ll be the day.