• Published 14th Nov 2015
  • 1,762 Views, 68 Comments

Twelve Wasteland Days of Hearth's Warming - PrinceUniversa

All heroes known far and wide from the Wasteland celebrae Hearth's Warming Eve, what's not to love about relieving all stress from the many fights they endured?

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The First Day: The Grestest Snowball Fight

The First Day

With everyone here, I was ready to start the events here. Most of the ponies were groaning at the fact that the food was not ready yet. Pandora understood them all and gave a speech to them, “I know all of you are hungry, but just you wait, everyone! When all of us are done, you’ll have such a feast ready to go!”

All of them cheered loudly hearing that. Guess when you get very hungry; you’re bound to get such a cheer like this. With that out of the way, Pandora and the rest of my friends went into the kitchen that Spike provided. Weird since he doesn’t even have a kitchen that last time I recalled being here. Ah whatever. I whistled out loud getting everyone’s attention, “Okay since everyone is here! Let’s say we start the first twelve days of Hearth’s Warming right now!?”

Everybody cheered louder than I expected. I had to cover my ears for a second for a second, the same thing applied to Murky. Sensitive ears do not help here right now. I picked my ears clean from the ringing sound normally produced if too close to a grenade, “All right, wow, what a cheer…” I flew over to the entrance of the cave gesturing them over, “If we’re going to start the event here, might as well do a snowball fight!”

Everybody did a loud roar of approval as they went out of Dragon Cave and outside. I looked at Spike as he went to assist my friends in the cooking. Good to see him do something to help like the old days. I flew down to the base of the mountain as the others ran down the mountain. This was going to be fun no doubt about that but I wonder if I can add a little bit of a spin to it?

I was first to the base of the mountain as I see the vast beautiful field of white snow. While the others were coming down I prepared four forts for the teams at hand. It might be silly, but the spin to this will make things all the more fun, I just know it. As I was finishing the last touches on the forts, everyone managed to arrive enjoying the finishing forts being made. I released a sigh of relief as I finished the forts. I imagined a checkpoint at the center of the four forts leaving everybody here baffled.

I turned around as I explained the team set-up and the rules of the game (though I bet everybody here knows anyway) adding a few twists to the game. Their ears perked as I explained these added rules, “See that checkpoint there? The reason I added that is to make this a bit more intense. The goal is to capture the point. Whoever gets it first within three minutes is the winner.”

All had smiles on their faces liking the idea I’ve put on board, “You guys can also get at each other throats’ whenever necessary…” Their eyes glanced at me thinking that I was crazy to enforce something brutal like a beat down. I still continued my smile as I casted a spell on every one of them. They looked at me wondering what I did to them, “I’ve placed a spell on all of you that not only turns off your pain receptors, but also allows you to spawn back. In other words, die and you come back in your fort with no injuries at all.”

Their jaws dropped at the idea of a spell like that. I only chuckled seeing their reactions. The teams were made by the four friends. Blackjack’s, Murky’s, Littlepip’s and Puppysmiles’s. I explained as much as possible while ignoring the spin to this wanting to surprise them. I was on a cloud cover overlooking the field; everyone went to their fort of choosing. They were as eager as ever getting ready for the fight at hand.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“S’ any bright ideas right now? ‘Cause Ah ain’t goin’ out there without a plan o’ action.” Calamity gestured as we went into our fort of choosing. I’ll admit, for something made out of snow, Zodiac sure managed to make it sturdy enough to last.

“Well Calamity, we’re going against possibly some of the best people we’ve seen, I mean have you seen the big stallion that’s with Murky?” Velvet was making some snowballs for everyone to use. Since all of us can respawn should anyone of die thanks to Zodiac, the worry of dying didn’t really faze us much. Of course we can’t use our weapons, only snowballs so that’s thrown out of the window. He did say, he would scatter some weapons

“Or Rampage herself? I do not wish to not go against her considering her skills in battle.” Xenith had a point, almost everyone I was with had a point actually. I’d never thought this was going to be this tricky.

Even Homage was helping out in here. I’m not so sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing right now considering what she said when I entered, I am never going to get that out of my mind ever… I looked through the window seeing everyone talking their plan of action to take the checkpoint.

My friends were still conversing with one another trying as they were preparing. What I didn’t expect was for them to look at me, “What? Why are all of you looking at me?” The idea suddenly clicked as I stared at them, “Wait, why do I have to make the plan!?”

“Yer the leader Li’lpip, what’cha got in mind?” Ugh, I know that I’ve proven myself time and again but using that to vote me to make a plan is getting annoying now.

I was checking our surrounding seeing for any possible chances of getting the point first before the others. There were a few points of interest I noticed as I scanned the area. Okay, I see the landscape and the checkpoint. Maybe, could it work? Well it could work depending on what the other teams’ actions are. I smiled as I looked at them. They smiled seeing my own as I explained the plan, “Okay, I noticed that there are some points where two people can be cover fire. Homage, Velvet, you can be the cover fire.”

Xenith and Calamity were seeing that they were going to be involved with me as they glanced at each other. They continued their smile as I told them their part, “You two can make a guess that you’re helping me cap the point. Calamity can be our cover when we go for the point. Xenith, you be our melee fighter, we may end having to fight someone like Rampage…”

Xenith clopped her hooves together, “Then we have a plan correct?” I nodded as I looked at the other teams. I hope everything works out to our advantage, it’s a bad idea to put that much faith on a plan that may backfire, but for what it’s worth, I hope it doesn’t backfire.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“It’s good to see you Blackjack again. Just wanted to say that…” I smiled hearing that from Glory. I will not lie and admit that seeing her and P-21 made me happy. Of course, seeing Lacunae and Boo alive as well makes me very happy but those two just make me feel glad to have not faced the challenges alone.

P-21 was with Scotch looking outside checking the surrounding area, “So any bright ideas right now? We’re going to have to deal with a lot of people trying to cap a single point.” He was right, all of us were going against not only Littlepip’s side but two others I’ve just recently meet. I mean we do have an alicorn on our side and that’s one advantage, but that’s still a small advantage.

If I remember the names of the other opposing teams, they were Murky’s and Puppysmiles’s I believe. I still was going through a state of disbelief finding out the fact that the filly in the radsuit was dead all along. She had such a peppy personality; I felt sad hearing that. Even Glory and Scotch was down despite all of us just meeting her. Okay, I am getting off topic here, where was I?

Scotch looked with her father as they were scanning the area. Rampage of course was getting bored. Thank goodness she has a way to entertain herself but her patience was getting thin, “How long do we have to wait until the fight actually starts? I want to buck someone on the face with a snowball badly.”

All of us chuckled hearing that from her of all ponies, “Rampage, I know you’re eager but can you wait until we hear Zodiac giving us a heads start?” She just shrugged not minding about it.

Lacunae was on the roof of the fort overlooking the area with Scotch and P-21. I heard her voice in my head as relayed a telepathic message to us. Not so sure why but it was nostalgic to hear her voice inside my head again, I see spot of opportunity for an attack on some of the forts.

I ascended up the stairs as I was looking where she was looking at, “So you think we can attack the other forts?”

“We can provide a distraction while one of us gets the point or perhaps we all charge at the point. It is your preferred method am I right?” I stifled my laughter there. That is so my kind of strategy right there.

I saw Glory come up the stairs of the fort as she looked around the field of white. She looked towards us as I was eating a ruby. Goodness, Spike sure hoards a lot of gems in that cave of his though that should have been expected coming from a dragon, “So we got a plan?”

P-21 just gave that smirk I recognized all too well. Hey, that’s my Blackjack level smirk there! “Yeah, and it’s reckless like Blackjack here.”

Rampage came up from the stairs hearing the conversation, “Did I just hear that this plan is reckless like Blackjack?” She gave a big smile hearing that. For once I don’t feel weirded out by that.

“Aren’t Blackjack’s plans always reckless?” Thank you Scotch for pointing out the obvious there… P-21 let a little laughter escape as he comforts Scotch. Well, a family reunion like this would be something. Now we just gotta wait for the call. Did I mention how much I hate waiting?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was cleaning out my big right ear from all the loud screams still. Sensitive ears like mine do not help at all. Many of my friends with the exception of Brim apologized to me for the loud screams in the cave. I didn’t blame them for it, it was just so loud. While cleaning my ear from the lingering sounds, Glimmer was checking out the surrounding, “Well, I think we got something here. Anyone got some idea?”

I saw Glimmerlight shift her head looking at the three of us. Between my diminutive size and wings (I’m surprised that Littlepip is about my height and already has a marefriend of her own), Brim’s size and rather destructive force, I think we have a chance. Glimmer sighed seeing the three of us being silent, “So, no ideas right now?”

I was looking at Unity who was eyeing the scenery. We had gone through snow before in Fillydelphia, but it was irradiated and thus, we couldn’t stay out for so long. Here, however, it wasn’t irradiated and we’re getting the chance to play around with so many ponies. I’d never thought that everyone of us would get the chance to play with a lot of people here. It’s too bad that Protégé is not here with us, he could use a break.

I looked outside seeing the capture point in the center. We were outnumbered if I saw the numbers on the teams we’re going against. While Brim may be tough, going against an alicorn that Blackjack has was risky. I saw a small hill with a pocket in the snow relatively too small for anybody to fit. Anybody but… my mind clicked as an idea formed in my head, “Glimmer, can you see that small hole there?”

She came over where I was as she observed where I was looking at. A smile formed on her face as she noticed the hole, “That’s small… small enough for you to fit in and sneak past!” She hugged me tightly, “You are awesome Murky! Right with that detail now, I finally got a plan!”

I saw Brim’s ears perked from that, “Well, what you got in mind Glimmer?”

She gestured them to where I was at as she pointed at the small hole underneath a snow hill connecting to the control point, “See that small hole there? On the hill that snow hill that goes to the point?”

I gestured to the general direction of where it is. Both Brim and Unity saw it as Glimmer told them her idea, “Okay, Murky is small enough to get to the point without being spotted but the opposing teams may catch on to us if they discover Murky missing.”

Unity backed away from the window looking at me, “Are you sure you can handle this? I know we managed to do it but…”

I put a hoof as did Glimmer, “Hey now, you don’t have to worry. All of us are playing a snowball fight for fun! Well, until Zodiac decided to make it more exciting that’s for certain.”

I let a small laugh escape, “Don’t worry Unity, I can handle this on my own.” I gave a reassuring smile as I looked towards Glimmerlight, “So what about you three? If I’m going to sneak past them, what are you three going to do?”

Brim picked up the small details as he explained for Glimmerlight, “If I know her, she’s going to let me cut loose while they do the cover fire. Did I get that wrong Glimmer?”

Glimmer gave a loud laugh for me at least, as she punched Brim on the chest, “You always get ahead of me when I’m about to say the plans!”

I flew up as I extended for everyone to put their own on mine, “So we’re ready then?” Everypony put their hooves on mine. After our gestures, we raised our hooves high in the air; this is something all of us will enjoy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“So you got a plan right now ‘cause the call is coming by soon!” I was not a happy griffon right now. Trigger Happy and Jamie were coming up with plans while I was scanning the area.

I had to listen to Puppy going cheery and whining over not being able to touch the snow. Despite her annoying voice, it was good to hear it again, “Look at all of this snow! I want to make a snow angel again! Can we Henry?”

I snickered there as I covered my mouth. Eeyup, still good ol’ Puppysmiles, “You’ll get the chance Puppy, but first, we’re going to play a snowball fight alright?” She elicited quite a loud ‘yay’ as she left to see Jamie and Happy.

I end up following her as I repeated the same question again, “Well? Got any bright ideas you two love-birds?” They gave me a glare and all I did was smirk much to my amusement. What? A griffon needs to find a way to not get bored somehow.

They just shook their heads in annoyance from my words as they continued hearing their chatting. Of course Puppy was excited to join in their conversation. I just happen to stumble upon it, “Oh, can we head out there and join in the fun!?”

For all of Puppy’s idiocy, all of us just chuckled hearing the question. I saw Trigger Happy put a hoof on Puppy rubbing her back, “No worries Puppy, we’ll all get the chance to play with all of our new friends. Isn’t that right Jamie?”

He wasn’t paying attention to the conversation at hand. It only took me poking him to get his attention, “Huh? Oh right of course…”

Puppy was not going to allow him to just stare outside, no sirree. If I knew any better, she’d be hopping him right telling him to stop thinking about stuff and just play for fun. Of course she indeed does that and it got him to smile, “All right Puppy, maybe I should stop thinking about all of this…”

“Well you can think about your plan during the capture. Better to think during the snowball fight…” Every one of them looked at me oddly. I just shrugged as I pulled the little rascal to me, “Alright Puppy, so you know how this game works right?”

“Yep! I do.” She literally explained almost the whole thing word for word. You know for someone who is such a ditz at times, she can be smart about it. Well, no plan though, just charge and capture simple right? At least you don't have to worry about dying here that's for certain.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I pulled out some Sparkle-Soda as I looked at my PipBuck. It was interfaces with the checkpoint so that the timer set on it will reset every time someone captures it. I cleared my throat as for the first time; I decided to use the royal Canterlot voice, “COMBATANTS ON THE FORTS! ARE YOU ALL READY!?” They all loudly roared their ‘YES!’ as I set my PipBuck for three minutes, “THEN MAY THE BEST COMBATANT WIN THIS GAME!”

My horn illuminated the whole battlefield bathing it in a shimmering light. Everyone was looking determined even Puppy herself looked determined and yet all cheery to play. The light bathing the battlefield blinked three times. The last blink I screamed from the top of my lungs, ”BEGIN!”

This was going to be very exciting. I looked at each side, wondering which one would be most interesting. All of them had different tactics to get the control point. My PipBuck was ringing as I was scanning the field. I checked to see that my surprise has started its countdown. I couldn’t help but not let a devious smile form on my face. I looked at the battlefield seeing the amount of chaos caused trying to capture the point in the middle.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So much chaos! Everyone here is doing crazy things trying to capture a single point! Is this what it feels like to have some fun while being competitive? I narrowly dodged a thrown snowball from Blackjack as I was running for the control point. While Homage and Velvet were returning fire back at our adversaries, me, Calamity and Xenith ran forward to the point.

Calamity was throwing some snowballs as he hovered over us providing air support while I threw some snowballs at unsuspecting people. Things were looking well so far for us as we continued to the point unabated.

Then as expected, things start to get downhill slowly. Someone saw Calamity hovering and went straight for him as a snowball hit him in the face. I saw him wiped the snow off his face scowling over that, “What in tarnation? Who threw that snowball at mah face?!”

“Me dipstick!” A griffon came charging at Calamity as both of them came crashing on each other on the ground. Both recovered and fought each other as I saw them ascend to the sky. I believe the griffon’s name was Henrietta right? Whatever the case, Velvet saw that and went chasing after those two. I do hope she isn’t making a mistake chasing after those two… Think about it for another time, got to get the point!

Me and Xenith were crawling to the point as a barrage of snowballs came over our head. I can’t believe there could be this much craziness for trying to catch just a single point! Did Zodiac actually expect this kind of craziness to ensue when he added the rule of capturing the point? Because if he did, then I might have to call him the crazy one from now on!

I saw Blackjack’s entire team charging for the control point. I find that rather reckless for all of them to charge for the point immediately. Then again, this is Blackjack I’m talking about; of course this plan would be up her alley. I looked to see Murky’s side and bore a look of confusion on my face. Only the big stallion was on the charge for the point while two mares were providing cover fire for the big guy. I wonder where Murky is… I did remember that he’s a pegasus if I recalled right.

I looked up scanning the air to see if Murky was hovering. No sign of him, only the two aerial fighters duking it out. Weird, just what is he thinking right now? I felt Xenith poke me as I glanced to her direction. She pointed to see that we were nearing the point. We might be the first to capture the point after all… if not for the reckless Blackjack…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

What’s the best word to describe all of what’s happening around me? Well I got one and it is chaotic! Fucking hell, it’s like the time going against the Eater of Souls! Only against friends trying to get a single control point in a rather harmless snowball fight! Okay forgo the harmless part as I looked up seeing Calamity and whoever the griffon’s name was fighting it out. They sustained some serious injuries from the way they looked as they landed on the snow.

I wanted to help those two; really I want to help them so badly. I wanted to see if their injuries were fatal and call this intense snowball fight over. But the second I was actually thinking of stopping to run for the point and check up on them, I saw some runes circling around them.

The runes glow a respective color for teams as a light enveloped them. Blue for Littlepip’s and Yellow for Puppysmiles’s teams, huh wonder what color they picked for me? The light was bright enough for everyone to see as they stopped for a moment to look at what was going on. The runes illuminated the field as the light pierced the sky as enveloped the two. All of us were covering our eyes as the light became too bright for us to see.

As the light subsided and all of us looked at where our former down allies were, most of us including ourselves had gaping jaws seeing them gone. Like poof! I looked at Zodiac whose horn was glowing. I couldn’t help it; I asked wondering what happened to them, “Zodiac! What did you do with them!?”

He looked down at me with eyes of innocence as he explained what just happened, “No worries Blackjack! Remember what I said, any one of you can respawn should the injuries deem too much. In fact…” Almost on cue, I saw the two of them burst from the forts and back on the battlefield like nothing ever happened to them.

Funnily enough, Calamity lampshaded about it, “Wow, Ah never thought t’ come back like that at all… feels s’ weird.”

“You’re telling me Calamity…” The griffon was looking at all of us wondering why we were gawking like we just saw something unreal, which mind you, coming back from the dead all normal and feeling great would be unreal, “Why are all of you gawking at us two? Shouldn’t all of you get back to the game at hand!?” Well those words pretty much caused everyone to return their focus into the game.

I will admit that Zodiac sure prepared ahead of time if something like that accidently occurred. Still, I’m only going to say this once, “Everyone here’s gone officially bloody crazy!” Okay, I did get a few odd looks but otherwise that felt good saying that.

Back to the snowball fight at hand, all of us managed to get to the point first. Now here’s the part where we defend this until we get the signal that we captured it. Of course it was not going to be easy. I saw Xenith leap forward on Rampage as they duked it out. The same thing applied with the big stallion on Murky’s team as he went for Lacunae.

That left me, P-21 and Glory to defend the point and capture. Easier said than done when almost everyone is trying to get us off! Again, everyone has gone bloody crazy! I think I might have to call Zodiac the craziest pony… er, alicorn ever!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Wee! Look at all these snowballs! I want to join in the snowball fight!” Sometimes I really wonder how I end up being friends with a dead and whiny filly like Puppy of all things. And why not, it’s not like I got any choice right? I mean she saved my life twice and I love her like a sister, weird how things go right?

‘Kay back on topic, I just separated from Calamity and decided to take out Blackjack and the other three trying to cap the point. I know that we’re all doing this in the spirit of fun and I won’t lie and admit that I am having fun in this. But Zodiac managed to make this game into a fun competition, and although I don’t mind losing, we griffons do not like to lose!

Others, besides me, had the same idea as I saw Littlepip come out from seemingly nowhere and tackle Blackjack off the point. Sheesh, even she has some guts to tackle her like that. I saw Homage running out of the fort and coming after Littlepip. Why do I get the feeling that she just came out of the fort just to have sex during the snowball fight? Okay even I find that wrong, but considering Homage’s track record, that doesn’t seem that farfetched… What is wrong with me right now?

I saw both of Blackjack’s friends shocked to see Littlepip tackle her. Apparently both me and someone else took that as an opportunity. The other pony in question was Velvet Remedy as she tackled Glory down from the point. And here I thought that she was a pacifist…

I came in after Velvet, grabbing the blue stallion and lifting him through the air. He was struggling to get out of my grip and trying to land on the ground. Well, I complied and bought him down, by throwing into a snow pile for cushioning. Yeah, I’m that kind of griffon. After that toss, I was on the point alongside Puppy. She went on my back as I looked at the blue stallion poking his head out of the snow pile.

Now we had to try to stay on the point for capture. Not easy even with my flight… I swear if I fly and Puppy starts whining about it, I’m going to be the one to start complaining to her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I managed to get to the side of the point without anyone seeing me. Good thing I found that hole in the snow hill because I’m not one to go into the fray head on. I was at the end of the small passage and near the control point. I looked at it seeing the griffon and Puppy standing on the point. Henrietta was the name of the griffon right?

I don’t know how long they’ve been standing on the point but I think they’ve been on the point long enough. I looked around wondering where Brim was. I glanced to the right and saw him going against the purple alicorn. I knew that he was strong especially remembering the fight against Big Brutus, but I’m not so certain he has a chance against an alicorn head on.

I crawled to the side of the point slowly as I looked around me. So many fights going on around me, I’m glad to stick to stealth. I saw Glimmerlight run out of the fort and running for the griffon not wanting to end this prematurely. The griffon saw her charging at her as she flew off the point and above her. She stuck out a tongue at Glimmer before getting rammed by Calamity. Ouch, that’s going to hurt.

I went on the point without garnering much attention on me. Everybody was so busy trying to get the point while having to deal with other troubles that they never noticed me at all. I find that a little bit silly.

Right now it was just me on the point as I looked around me seeing if there were any hazards for me to avoid. Both Unity and Glimmer went forward as stealthy as possible as well. Though it went well for the most part, they got caught by some of the opposite team members. I saw a few snowballs tossed at us three as we went for cover.

I looked ahead to see a blue stallion throwing those snowballs at us while a gray pegasus came to capture the point. That didn’t last long as Homage came running as she pushed Glory (I think that was her name) out of the way. Glimmerlight went running at the two as she pushed both the blue stallion and Homage with her down.

After that whole ordeal, both me and Unity went on the point hoping to end this quickly. We ducked over a few thrown snowballs. I glanced at where does were shoot from to see Littlepip charging at me to cap the point. I ran away from her as best as possible while Unity stayed behind to defend the point. I hate to say this but this is one crazy snowball fight.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Goodness the amount of events happening below me is staggering! While I was seeing a lot of people trying to capture the point throwing snowballs at one another, there were other events that did not involve snowballs.

I looked at the clock seeing that the event has gone on longer than expected. Well, this was to be expected. Putting some way of competition into a rather simple snowball fight would make things last longer than expected. Speaking of which, perhaps it might be time to unravel my little surprise.

My PipBuck was ringing as I checked it out. The timer was up and a devious grin formed on my face as I let loose my surprise. I tap into the royal Canterlot voice as a ethereal wheel appeared above them, “THE WHEEL SPINS, LET US UNRAVEL WHAT WILL BE UNLEASHED!”

Everybody looked up confused as to what was going on. I looked at my PipBuck wondering what effect was going into play here as the wheel spun. It starts to slow down as the effect comes into play. As the wheel completely stops, the effect was shown to me and I begun casting the spell of that effect on everyone while saying it out loud, “THE WHEEL HAS LANDED ON ITS CHOSEN EFFECT! YOU ARE ALL NOW INDESTRUCTIBLE!

Runes surrounded everyone as a bright light enveloped every one of them as my glowed to its brightest. As the light dissipated and I saw the result, I was more than pleased to see it. However, everyone else had mixed reactions to what I did. I only listened to some of the funny one and some cringe-worthy ones.

I saw everyone looking at themselves wondering what I did. One prime example was from Blackjack who I couldn’t help but laugh out loud hearing hers, “What the fuck!? Why am I shiny!?” I wanted this epic snowball fight to continue but Pandora was calling everyone back in Dragon Cave. Everyone cheered loudly as they went up still crystallized.

Oh well, can’t keep an event like this up for so long right? A light enveloped around me as a sphere of magic formed and a sound of a pop was made as I teleported from the cloud cover to the entrance of Dragon Cave. Looking at the table, I saw a hue buffet table of food right in front of me. From the delicious apple pies, to the sweet smelling aroma of a cooked radhog (I still wonder why we eat that), everything on here smelled delightful.

Pandora looked at me gesturing to the food at hoof, “You think you can make the food duplicate itself? I don’t want to go through all the hassle to cooking them all again…” I smiled as I casted the spell on the food. Should it ever run out or is close to it, it duplicates itself for an infinite supply of food. You got to love that right?

Everyone was running up as I saw them barging through the entrance. The crystal spell begun to wear off as they passed the entryway. Most of their mouths were frothing with saliva from seeing all the food spread out.

I did a few hooftaps as I gathered their attention, “Alright I know that all of you guys and gals are hungry, but let me just say this…” I cleared my throat, “I know you all want to return home and back here for the events we have, but no worries! I can handle that for you. If any of you wishes to return back, just call me and I can teleport you all back to your homes for the night.”

They all nodded as almost every one of them gave me their thanks for what I was doing to get them home quickly. With that out of the way, I wanted to get this going underway. Rather not let them wait on an empty stomach, “Okay with all that out of the way. Let us celebrate the first night of Hearth’s Warming!”

They all raised their hooves and a few hands up to the air as the feast on the food made by Pandora. The first day is over yet there still is excitement for the next eleven days. I do hope things get very interesting on those days.

Dusk was beginning to ascend as everyone finished their side of foods. I had the trouble of teleporting each and every one of the people invited here. It was rather tiresome, but all worth it for the coming days. As I managed to teleport that last pony to their home, I was back at Dragon Cave. Wanting nothing than some well-deserved sleep, I lay down on the make-shift bed.

I looked up to see Spike sleeping already. Probably tuckered out from the events and resting for the days ahead. My friends also stayed in Dragon Cave sleeping in comfortably as possible. A smile formed on my face seeing all of them and others back at home in tranquil peace, “Eleven more days until the finale…” My body and mind entered a silent slumber as my eyes closed for tomorrow’s events.