• Published 14th Nov 2015
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Twelve Wasteland Days of Hearth's Warming - PrinceUniversa

All heroes known far and wide from the Wasteland celebrae Hearth's Warming Eve, what's not to love about relieving all stress from the many fights they endured?

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The Second Day: Conversations Between Strangers

The Second Day

The warmth of the Sun bathed me, my friends, and the sleeping dragon from our slumber as the second day of Hearth’s Warming begun. The food was still there unspoiled thanks to me creating a barrier around the food to prevent it from spoiling.

I initially did want to bring back everyone here again but my hygiene says otherwise… that and my friends’ reaction to my smell. I don’t smell that bad right? I took a whiff of my own… Holy sweet mother of Celestia do I smell fucking terrible! Did I forget to shower yesterday or did the events get to me?

Whatever the case, I am not going to pick them up while I smell disgusting. I walk to the door leading to the shower (Why is the shower room still small?) hoping to clean myself well enough. Turning the faucet, the lukewarm water cascaded down my body. Maybe I should let myself soak in a bath for the heck of it…

I lay on the tub as it begun to fill itself from the water pouring over my body. Good thing that this water is fresh and not irradiated. Hate to give myself radiation sickness even if the traces are small. I picked up a bar of soap with my magic. Soaking the soap bar in the water, I rubbed it over my body in between the hooves, to my wings, getting all spots that would be difficult to clean.

Not so sure on how long was I cleaning myself, but I think I’m clean enough for the most part. I pulled the plug as the water flowed into the drain making a tiny whirlpool. I stood up as I picked up a towel and wiped myself of any excess water clinging to my body.

As I fully dried myself and was out of the bathroom, I heard voices from within a private quarter when Spike was younger. Call me curious but the voices I heard were not of my friends. I walked to a door to Spike’s old bedroom. I put my head on the door as I was listening to the conversation. This is stupid of me to listen to someone’s conversation, but curiosity is tempting me right now. Immediately I was able to pick up some sounds of groaning.

Groaning… Is someone going through torture? I’d rather not want a person to go through it during my favorite holiday! I was about to barge in the room until more sounds were emitted through the door. I fought my instinct to just barge in a room and put my head on the door as the sounds were beginning to get more pronounce. A conversation was starting as I was listening, “Goodness, that’s the twenty-first orgasm you’ve undergone my little Lightbringer…”

Stupri gehenna… I now recognize what I was listening into. I was listening through an intercourse with Littlepip and Homage. My face was blushing just from realizing this. Hold on, how did they get here without me knowing? Probably came here by Calamity now that I think about it. Did they wake up during my shower?

Regardless, I made a few slow steps away from the door as I turned around ready to leave. Of course, things always go the way I want to. I made a resonating sound in front of the door. I froze in place silently cursing to myself as I heard the voice of those two starting with Littlepip, “Did… is someone hearing on us?”

Aw fuck the heavens above…

I moved still slowly as I heard their conversation still going, “I’m sure you’re just hearing things Littlepip…” I was about close to thanking the heavens above until the next dialogue came and I almost wanted to sprint right now, “But I’ll check just in case. I’m doubtful that someone could be hearing on us though.”

Yep, really wanting to sprint right now! I flew over some of the clutter on the floor and outside the tiny hallway. Now you’re all wondering why I did not fly away from it in the first place right? Well, you know how when one panics and they can’t think straight for a moment. That was what I was going through.

I managed to fly away from the door fast enough without making a mess as she opened the door. I saw looking around the door as I was hiding behind a wall. She shook her head and left into the room with s smile. Well, I managed to avoid one such moment today, am not wanting to go through that again thank you very much!

I went out of that room and into the big space of Dragon Cave. I only saw Littlepip’s entourage here meaning that the others have not arrived yet. Good, at least I can get them without having to think about something for today. I needed to do something anyway because I was getting a bit bored.


After managing to get everyone here again, they all went to the food while conversing with one another. Good thing I was able to duplicate all of these foods before it had disappeared completely. I managed to pick some of Pandora’s delicious apple pie! Might be able to compete Applejack’s pies in terms of delectableness.

I went to the far corner of the cave pulling out a book for me to read while I was eating. Yeah, I’m kind of being a loner, but this was something I’m very use to… During my reading, I heard some hoofsteps nearby. I looked over my book to see Fluttershy sitting next to me with Spike’s tail behind both of our backs, “Hey Zodiac, come on, don’t be like that! I don’t want to see someone being Twilight right now!”

I let out a chuckle from that as I gazed at Spike, “Thanks, but you know that I’ve been like this for some time ever since we met. I normally let someone else start the conversation before I join in…”

Spike covered his mouth as he let a small hearty laugh escape while bellowing some smoke through his nose. Good thing the smoke was small otherwise this whole room would have been filled with smoke. His laughter died down as he lowered his hand “Yeah I forgot about that, so wanna start then?”

I gave out a sigh and closed the book, putting it in the saddle bag for now. I still continued my smile as I liked at both Spike and Fluttershy. Fluttershy was rather happy to be with so many ponies here, she was still a bit shy but I can tell she wasn’t being her shy self right now. I put a hoof on her shoulder. She let out a rather cute Eep! sound as she felt my touch.

She looked at my general direction seeing my smile. She let out a little chuckle and let out a small but, again, cute squeak sound. Seriously though, how can she sound and look so cute even as ages passed? Going off topic in my head there, I glanced at Spike awaiting his, “Sure Spike, what you have in mind?”

I saw him scratching his chin wondering how to start this conversation. Immediately as he opened his mouth Fluttershy interrupted him with her start of the conversation, “Um… sorry for interrupting Spike, but I wanted to ask Zodiac something…” Wow, never thought of her ever doing something like that. Spike just shrugged as she waved his hand to continue. She was a bit shaky but smiled as she asked, “Zodiac… um… oh… dear…”

My hoof was still on her shoulder as I tried to comfort her. She still had a lot to go through even as her confidence was going strong, “No worries Fluttershy, take your time, I can wait.”

My words apparently gave her the confidence she needed to ask. I couldn’t help but say that I might be a contagion for confidence, “Thank you Zodiac…um…tell me…why didn’t you return to your world? You’ve done…well…” She gestured a motion to everyone that was attending here, “Everyone here has done everything to bring back the Equestria that was once forgotten… so…why did you…stay?”

That was a question I never expected Fluttershy to ask. Of all the questions she could have asked, she went for why I did not return to my Equestria after all the events are over. I can’t help but wonder why she would ask that. Of course that was answered by another question from her, “Don’t you miss your Equestria?”

Although my smile was still there, it shrank a bit. I let out a sigh as looked at her eyes. So much full of pain and yet a longing for understanding for why I decided to do what I did. I still continued my smile as I put my hoof down, “I’ll be honest here, I do miss my Equestria… the aroma of nature, seeing the two princesses and of my Twilight and the others, everything there, I truly miss.”

It was now Fluttershy’s turn to comfort me in my time of need. I saw Spike put a tail around the both of us as he eyed us with a smile of his own. Thanks Spike, I really appreciate what you’re doing. I heard her ask a question during my thought process, “Then why stay here? Why not go back?”

I saw the dragon looking at me; guess he too was curious as well. I eyed them both before telling my answer, “Why? Because this world is still recovering from the ravages of war… that and I feel like a part of this Equestria comparing to the true Equestria…”

Both bore an expression of surprise though it was not that mild, “I’m happy to be a part of a world that desires my help. Not that my Equestria has it fair share of trouble but they are rather small can be taken cared of easily…”

I couldn’t but think of all the fond memories made there. So much of my time was spent here doing something drastic while there, I felt not so important. But the memories made there was something that I will forever cherish no matter what, “Here? This world as I said is still recovering. Until the world can stand on its own four legs without support, I’m staying behind and make sure that Equestria here can stand, without the need of heroes like me and them.” I gestured to everyone here.

Each and every one of them had to struggle for so much, for so little, to regain back the Equestria they once knew and love, the one I came from. I felt, for lack of a better word, proud of all the people here who could have just left this world to rot and let me handle all of the work. But they’d rather go through life and death, to see this world return back to its original state, a world where friendship and peace was the foundation of the growing country.

I couldn’t be more proud of having friends like all of them to do what they believe is right. A single tear freely fell from my eyes just seeing the happiness expressed in their conversations. They deserve all this happiness even more so for the holiday based on new friendships. I wiped that tear away as I looked at them. I still had one thing to say to them though it’s going to ruin the sadness looming around the three of us, “That and I can return to my world whenever I desire. Everyone in my Equestria knows so…”

Yep, definitely ruined the sappy moment there but it had to be said. I stood up from the corner extending a helping hoof to bring Fluttershy up. She blushed a bit as she reached for my hoof and grabbed it, “Thank you Zodiac… that was… a rather nice conversation…”

I continued my smile as I looked at Spike, “Well, want to eat with me and Flutters?” He nodded as he followed us to the dinner table. I’m quite happy to have that kind of conversation no doubt about that.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“This sucks on ice! Where is the Wild Pegasus!? I need to drink some down right now!” I am not a happy unicorn here. I told Zodiac to get me some Wild Pegasus for me to drink up on, but nope, he doesn’t buy any of it at all. I knew I should have bought some of the stuff on my own… now I’m regretting not buying some.

Well at least I’m not alone on this, “You want on some booze?! I need some right fucking now! I can’t live a day without the stuff!” I really am lucky to get the chance to speak with others besides my friends. You’d never expected anyone like Glimmerlight here. I’d only met Littlepip and Zodiac (The alicorn here not the professor…) and yet Zodiac met all of these people here.

I wondered on how he manages to meet me, Littlepip, Murky, and Puppysmiles in one walk on the Wasteland. I don’t find that coincidental at all, “Why do you two want to gulp down on some booze so badly? I don’t see the reason for it…” And then Pandora interrupted my thought process.

It’s kind of awkward and yet interesting to see the four big crazy lovers talking with one another. I mean counting myself; we’ve got Glimmer, Pandora, and Homage talking with each other. Strange how groups made by chance work huh? Homage went to starting the conversation off, “Well while you two are going crazy over not having some Wild Pegasus, I managed to get to number thirty-five for my little Lightbringer…” Of course she was going to bring that up… See what I mean?

“Thirty-five? What do you…?” I saw Homage pointing at her Lightbringer who was speaking with Murky, Glory, and Unity for Glimmerlight. Pandora looked as well wondering what she meant. I saw Littlepip turned around seeing the grin on Homage’s face. Her face had shades of red as she looked away and moved to a different area with the three she was talking with. How does her face keep on getting new shades of red?

Both Pandora and Glimmerlight understood that perfectly well looking at Homage in disbelief. I‘d agree with the both of them if I wasn’t like below Homage in terms of loving to embarrass. Seriously, she has got to be like the queen of embarrassment here! I heard Pandora asking that question, “Are you kidding me? Thirty-five orgasms? I find that hard to believe…”

“You’d be surprised when you actually witness Homage doing her thing…” I had a big grin and chuckled imagining that right now. I can’t help it but I looked at Glory still wearing my grin. She saw me and her face had some shades of red like Littlepip as she trotted to the three. Goodness we were on a roll for the embarrassment train today.

Glimmerlight was laughing out loudly seeing the two of us do our thing as she was on the floor clutching her chest. I looked at Homage and then to Pandora wondering what was that all about. She got up as she wiped a tear away from her laughing, “I am so sorry about that but the way both Blackjack and Homage are doing all of that makes me kind of jealous of your antics!”

I just shrugged o her answer while Pandora waved a hoof at her like what Rarity would do. Homage let a small chuckle seeing this conversation going well, “Well if I were to rate you Glimmer, I’d say you’d be third and tied with Pandora. I’d be first and Blackjack would be second, am I right Blackjack?”

She was giving that look alongside the grin, the ones she would reserve for Littlepip, to me now. Now I was blushing seeing that look being used on me. Damn that look and grin is being used on me now! I heard both Glimmerlight and Pandora laughing seeing me in my current situation. Yeah, just wait when she uses it on you guys, then I’ll get the last laugh.

Both Pandora and Glimmerlight stopped laughing as I saw Homage look away from me, that grin and look of hers fading. Good because I do not want to go through that again! I saw Pandora eyeing Zodiac and all three couldn’t help look as well. We were seeing him chatting with both Fluttershy and Spike. Huh, when did he go into conversing with others?

He noticed us looking at him. Although he did blush a bit, he also gave us a sly grin. I’m not so sure if that was meant for Pandora or all of us but I recognized that grin anywhere. I looked to see both Pandora and Homage blush. Did Homage ever blush before?

Glimmerlight on the other hoof returned that grin back as she turned to see the two of them blushing. This time the both of us went down on the floor laughing. Though I only got the last laugh at Pandora and Homage, it still counts for me. Told you I’d get the last laugh didn’t I?

I looked at Zodiac again seeing him holding in his magic a bottle of… no way. He did not actually buy the stuff… He was shaking it while giving us his devious grin. Oh I swear I’m going to get the guy to get my hooves on that bottle! Apparently Glimmer had the same idea as I saw her legs twitching for those bottles. And my friends say that I’m the reckless one for drinks like that.

I heard a sound of a pop as he appeared next to the four of us. I looked at Zodiac who was now holding two bottle of Wild Pegasus in his magic. Damn it, he was tempting both me and Glimmerlight to jump on top of him right now… Since when was he this devious? Last I remembered, he only was devious once to my friends and Littlepip’s and now? He seems to be enjoying it, a lot too…

I saw the magic around the bottles dispel as he places them next to me and Glimmer. We looked at him oddly as to why he did that. He just shrugged while keeping that grin of his as he neared the four of us leaving some words, “If you girls want, I can remove those kinks of your if you know what I mean…” He motioned to the small bedroom originally belonging to Spike when he was young and winked at us as he teleported back to Fluttershy. The sound of the pop scared Fluttershy as she jumped away from the sound.

The four of us were very much silent from what just occurred. What just happened? I shook my head wildly wondering what in the actual fuck just happened. Did he just? Nah, he can’t be serious… Yeah, he can’t be serious about doing what I think he means right? Right?

I looked at the three and sure enough they were blushing from what just happened. I think I might join in their numbers on the blushing department. Even Homage pointed it out for me, “He…he can’t be seriously thinking about what he said there right you three?”

We were all silent for a long time. I think it’s safe to say he was pretty much thinking about it there. Again someone else points it out except it was Glimmerlight this time, “Uh Homage, I hate to break the news but I think he was very serious about what he said…”

I swear I hope she was lying on that part there. All three of us looked at Pandora who was the most shocked to see him do something like that. I waved a hoof in front of her face while trying to get her attention, “Hello? Equestria to Pandora respond here!”

I backed away from her as she was shaking her wildly while clutching her head, “What just happened? I never saw him like this before in my whole time with him…” She turned looking at the three of us staring at us, “What? Is there something on my face?”

She out a hoof on her face checking for anything out of the ordinary. She looked at us again wondering if her question would be answered. We shook our heads in denial to her question. She turned her head In confusion as to why we were silent. Her memories kicked in as she remembered Zodiac’s current little stunt with us four and she too fell silent. I think we just got on the receiving end of the embarrassment train and by Zodiac of all people…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Why did Homage have to do that of all times? I was enjoying my conversation with Murky, Unity and Glory when she gave me that look of hers. I felt heat coming up on my face as it gained new ways of getting shades of red. I looked away and went away from the area with the three. Of course, that didn’t escape both Unity and Murky’s attention, “What was that all about?”

I saw Unity also looking at me. My whole face still had some traces of red as I was still blushing. I hate the situation I put myself in. Glory answered that question for me as I was still gathering my thoughts, “Homage and Littlepip are… um… together is a way to say it?”

I saw both Murky and Unity looked at each other as their brains were processing this information. They looked at me still bewildered by how I would be embarrassed by Homage, “So? I’m not seeing a problem with that…”

My face still had some shades of red still but I answered for Murky. I did not want this conversation to continue on any longer please, “It’s not the relationship! Really it isn’t!”

“So what does seem to be the problem?” Even Unity was wondering about my problem as usual. I am never going to get out of this am I? I looked at the direction where Homage was and this time saw Blackjack looking at this direction. I glanced at Glory to see that she too was blushing like me. Oh the irony of the situation right now…

Both Murky and Unity glanced at where we were looking seeing both Blackjack and Homage chatting with Pandora and Glimmerlight. I took some time to learn about everyone who was invited here, but Goddesses, I never expected so many people to come here! I wondered how Zodiac got the chance to meet me, Blackjack, Murky, and Puppysmiles during his journey.

A sound of a pop that signified someone teleporting next us emitted to our ears though I think Murky caught onto it first before I did. Out of the field of magical aura came Zodiac who looked rather interested in our conversation… oh… please tell me he’s not thinking what I’m thinking of, “Hello Littlepip… Murky, Unity and Glory, how goes the conversation?”

Thank the Goddesses that he wasn’t heading to that topic. I can finally change the subject at hoof. Both Glory and I picked ourselves up thankful for his intrusion, “The conversation was rather okay… I...don’t want to go further into the conversation please…”

I covered my mouth almost instantly wanting to take back my words. Zodiac’s ears perked when I said that and looked at me curiously. I am doomed… I felt myself roll into a ball for a second before I felt Zodiac’s magic grab me and put me back. I looked at Zodiac who, before was curious and still is, but now bore a look of someone unnerved, “Don’t do that please, I’d rather not see you like that especially during my favorite season and holiday. Now tell me, what was the conversation about?”

My whole mind was still racking like crazy right now. I was too into my thoughts that I almost didn’t’ hear Murky giving an explanation, “Something about her and Homage. I honestly don’t understand right now… I did saw Murky blush a bit but it was gone in seconds.

I gazed at Zodiac, his eyes focusing on the four. A grin appeared on his face as he looked at me first before to Murky, “I think I understand perfectly what’s troubling Littlepip and Glory.” He pulled the both us next to him as he whispered something to us, “I’m going to do something a bit surprising with those four. If you two want, I can handle theirs and your kinks if you know what I mean?” He winked at us as he teleported away.

Although the whisper was rather quick, I think both me and Glory received new shades of red from that. Sweet merciful Celestia, what did I do to deserve his attention now? Unity saw the two of us blushing and couldn’t help but remark on it, “It’s like I’m looking at two individual Littlepips here…”

Murky took notice and also noticed the similarity, “Wow you’re right Unity, which one is the real Littlepip?”

Both me and Glory looked at each other for some time before responding to what they said about us, “S-shut up!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Watching the little rascal running around chasing Scotch Tape (I believe that was her name) was making me smile seeing Puppy play with another of her age even though she’s, well, dead. I looked to Calamity and P-21 who were experts in their field of weaponry. That’s good because I wanted to talk about something just for me to not get bored, “So anything you two stallions want to talk about ‘cause I’m getting bored here…”

That got their attention away from the happy-go chasing children. Both looked at each other wondering which one of them wanted to start the conversation. I hated waiting for them right now… I felt Puppy poking my wings as I looked towards her, “Hey Henry! Can I join with your conversation with the two please!?”

Aw no, she’s using that Puppy-eye look on the three of us! Scotch seemed to catch on and did the same thing as well. Aw come on! Now we’re looking at double the cute looks! The two shuddered seeing the looks of those two. I wanted to slap myself just to look away from their adorable looks, “Alright! You can join in the conversation, just don’t use that look on us please!”

Both screamed out Yays! as they went on the table listening to ten conversation. Great, now I can’t talk about weapons in front of two kids here. That’d be a bad way for me to do so, “Well any of you dipsticks want to start on the conversation?” They looked at each other first and then to me before they shrugged. I facepalmed there just seeing them do that, “I hate you two so much right now…”

“Perhaps I can start on the conversation?” I turned to see the fancy alicorn with us. To this day, I still had to resist the urge to shoot her since she’s an alicorn here. I just let out a sigh as I motioned her to continue, “Thank you Henrietta how goes your day and night the five of you?”

Huh, start with a rather simple question eh? I can dig it. I looked to the other four and they didn’t seem to mind. Might as well get started instead of holding up the conversation, “Fine for the most part, got to see the little yellow rascal again.”

I saw Puppy change expression. She very much did not me calling her a rascal, “Hey! I’m not a rascal Henry! I’m a ball of fun here!”

“Oh yeah? Well you’re a rascal of fun to me! Come here you!” I grabbed her and started tickling her like crazy. For all the craziness Puppy goes through, I’d be happy to be a sister to her. She was laughing loudly as he four watching me were chuckling seeing a griffin like me doing this to a filly. Who cares what they think, I’m just glad to be able to see Pups again.

She was struggling with all of her might but I got a hold of her easily. It’s only when she begged me to stop tickling her that I put her down and let her breath. Lacunae (I think that’s her name as well, gah, I hate learning names sometimes) slowly died down her laughing, “I must admit, I’d never seen a griffin like you at all.”

P-21 (What the heck kind of name is P-21?) and Calamity were whispering to each other. I was able to overhear their conversation, “Ya think that she might be a bit cuckoo on the head? Ah’ve never seen a griffin act like that before in mah life.”

He chuckled from hearing Calamity’s response, “Calamity you know as well as I do that this is not even crazy comparing to what happened in Hoofington...”

“Well, y’all must have had one heck o’ a fighting back at the Hoof…” They were getting off-topic after that remark from Calamity.

I didn’t mind them getting off-topic, at least they get the chance to chat with one another. I looked back at Puppy and Scotch running away from each other playing tag. Lacunae walked up next to me watching the scene as well, “You enjoy seeing Puppy again do you not?”

That question was rather sudden for my griffin ears. I looked at the alicorn wondering what was with the question. She looked at me and was actually curious about me? Well, I’m not to hold back an answer, “I do… a lot actually, but why of all people, you had to ask that question?”

“Call me curious, I always have a curiosity for things like your bond between you Henrietta and Puppysmiles.” Well, I can’t argue about that logic. I looked back at the two playing around, I wonder if more children like those two would play with them?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After everyone had the chance to chat with another, some decided to return home and rest for the night. Others decided to stay inside the cave not wanting to go through more walking again, which is understandable; I’d rather not tire myself from the continuous walking. I was in Spike’s small bedroom now unused for some time. Surprisingly, most of the guests went to sleep in the cave rather than in here. I wonder why?

I was in here for the most part reading a book, not wanting to disturb everyone else’s slumber. I heard a knock on the door. Weird, I don’t remember anyone coming in here tonight except Pandora. I grabbed onto the door knob and turned it with my magic wondering who could be waiting outside. Opening the door, I saw the four mares I pulled that rather dull prank, if I say so myself, enter.

I wonder what they were doing in here. I looked back at the door also seeing Littlepip and Glory coming in as well. Why do I get the feeling that I triggered something bad with them entering? I looked at Pandora wanting an explanation about this, “Pandora, not to be rude, but what are they here for?”

The four mares had rather intimate grins on their faces… Oh dear, please tell me this is not what I am thinking of right now, “Oh you know just the usual dear Want to join in with us?”

I think I dropped my book right then and there. Sweet merciful Gods they were thinking about it! Okay admittedly I should have seen this coming but… ugh, blame my misunderstanding for how a joke works. Actually blame me for being terrible at jokes at all. I went to pick my book with my magic trying to find a way out of this situation, “Pandora, I really should not be a part of this… I’ll just be going now.”

As I was about to stand up and depart, Glimmerlight was right in front of me looking all ready to drop on me, “Now why would leave now? You started this when you said so; you might as well do as you said right?” Okay, am officially screwed right now for not thinking ahead about this. I looked at both Glory and Littlepip wondering if they were not embarrassed with me here. I got the complete opposite of embarrassed. They looked like they rather want me to stay and join in their festivities.

Aw shit, do I hate myself right now… Wait, I forgot I can teleport out of here! I let the magic course through my body to my horn as I thought of any destination out of this room. Of course that got interrupted in a painful way as I collapsed on the floor.

I was rather dizzy, but I put a hoof on my horn seeing if what I was thinking of was on it. Sure enough there was an anti-magic ring inhibitor on my horn, “Thought you might try to teleport out so I placed that on your head.”

Gee thanks Blackjack… Great, I’m stuck in a room with nothing but six mares looking rather ready to get it started already. Ugh, I hate myself right now…

Aw well, might as well satisfy their intimate desires right now. I looked at any of the mares gesturing them to remove the ring on my horn. They looked at me oddly not trusting me at all with the removal of the ring at all.

They all looked at each other debating whether to remove the ring on my head or leave it on. They did initially did decide to leave the horn but not before setting the ring to a weaker level. Well, I can’t teleport out, but I can still cast magic. Tch, really am wondering why I started that when I knew the end results?

My horn glowed as a magical aura surrounded me. As the magical aura dissipated, five duplicates of myself emerged from behind me looking at each of the mares. That spell was still taxing but I was getting the hang of it. I was not enjoying being forced to do this but too little, too late, “Let’s just get this over with okay? I’d rather read a book right now than this.

I saw all of them with grins and giving me looks of desire. Oh my lord, this is going to be something I’m going to regret for a long time.