• Member Since 24th Apr, 2022
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https://www.wattpad.com/user/Timeman202 A developing story writer whose favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.


This story is a sequel to When Times Collide

Notice: Just like last time, the crossover tag is being added just to be on the safe side.

With Sunny and her friends now stuck in the era of Twilight Sparkle, the two heroes and their respective groups will have to work together in helping to prevent the three pony tribes from ever separating again. All the while, Sunny will be forced to witness the ponies she was told stories about, both the good times and the bad.

With the ponies from the future stuck in the past and the future of the world in question, can these two groups work together to prevent the same mistakes that caused Sunny's future in the first place; or is the hand of fate the one thing that even the magic of friendship can't stand up to?

Twilight, Sunny, and their friends are going to find out the hard way either way.

I would like to be upfront about something: Only specific "Episodes" will feature romances. So while the Romance genre tag is not marked, it's not a main featured genre as this story is more focused on the action & drama that will come about having the Generation 5 ponies in Generation 4. If I spy any comments about ships that are hidden in this description by the spoiler block, those comments will be deleted.

Other Tag notes:
Main 6 character tag incudes Starlight.
Various Romances in Specific "Episodes".

Currently Featured Ships:
FlashLight AKA Flash Sentry & Twilight Sparkle
SoarinDash AKA Soarin Winds & Rainbow Dash

Notice: Due to extrunanting circumstances, I've become unable to do this story justice. Thankfully, Fimficiton User Mlp4ever has decided to adopt this story as their own. I will be keeping the original up for those that just want to look back on this now debunked version. There's...really no other reason. I know I normally delete cancelled projects from my profile, but this one? Well, it'd be better to keep the original up so people know where to go.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 100 )

Not bad so far. But I expect the next chapter to be over 1,000 words.

I wanted so bad for this to be 1,000 words honestly, but there wasn't much more content I could pump out for this. I felt like I was already stretching it by having freaking Cell Phones becoming a thing just to get as close as I possibly could without dragging the chapter out unnecessarily.

"...Oh buck off..." Sprout said. "I get it. I shouldn't have started that war. Okay? Happy now?" Sprout asked.

It wasn't really a war, it was more of.
Beginning a war?

And keep your mouth shut boy!!
Do you who you are talking to!?

"Considering your actions heavily mirror those of King Sombra, until you prove that you can be trusted, you will be kept a close eye on for the time being. And if you should ever try something, just know that Hitch's community service will seem even more like a light sentence, as you will be thrown into Tartarus straight up." Celestia said.

Have fun with a minotuar and a psychotic kid in a few years

"Your father was misinformed. Sombra is in reality a male Umbra. We do know if he has stuck around somehow, but we cannot risk another one like him from coming into reality." Celestia said. "That is all from me." She said before leaving.

yeah but.....he was in a unicorn form.
so does that count?


On Pipp mentioning that, the other four future ponies searched their belongings. "OH MY STARS SHE'S RIGHT; WE DON'T HAVE OUR PHONES ANYMORE!" Izzy said.

oh plz.... not about the internet or whatever🙇‍♂️.

"...What the buck is this about a mirror?" Sunny asked.


"Now I have no idea if there's versions of you on the other side of this thing, but I would not chance it if I was you six. And I'm in charge of this mirror, and that's final." Twilight said.

uuuhhh..... Are they really ready for it?

After I explained everything to Starlight, she fainted straight away. Really should've seen that one coming.

fainted of what?



'the two heroes and their respective groups will have to work together in helping to prevent the three pony tribes from ever separating again.'

Won't that happen in 20 or 30 moons?
besides, we have OUR CULPRIT

(if I can just find that stupid image again)

Oh yeah, if there is any silver lining, it's the fact that despite being in the same era as Princess Twilight Sparkle, IT'S THE FACT THAT WE ARE GETTING TO MEET THE PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP AND HER FIVE FRIENDS AND HANG OUT WITH THEM! I couldn't be fangirling more inside than I already am!

I'm sure you are sunny 😊

Ok so far there is another being wanted to finish what yin yang started and something tells me this is going to be more difficult and nice recap of the previous story let see how this will go

"So? Sombra wasn't a unicorn either." Luna said.

Really? Because when I look it up in the information they category him as unicorn

"As for you, Zipp, I will speak with you more personally at a later date and time about the flight group Soarin and Rainbow Dash are creating. Expect a letter from me while you stay with Rainbow Dash for the time being." Luna siad.


Okay this is a interesting start of a story so far so it looks like most of the G5 ponies got their certificates of being the citizens of Equestria of this time period except for sprout they still need to keep an eye on him after what he did so afterwards they went back to Ponyville until pipp notice that the cell phones are missing which rainbow and the others were pretty confused what the heck are those and Twilight even was surprised about the technology was very advanced even in the future once they got to the castle they even show them to the mirror portal to the human world but they don't want to risk because now things have changed then suddenly Discord showed up and apparently found the cell phones that the others were looking for and apparently Twilight got super excited now she wants to research it now and that's going to be a long time and poor Starlight she got overwhelmed by all this I'm sure she'll get used to it sooner or later well until then we'll find out next time

That was pretty good, I'm giving you six stars for doing a good job. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"...This is going to take so much getting used to, knowing you know everything in relation to our history but won't sweat out all the details simply because you don't want to cause any major drastic changes." Starlight said.

Either way the timeline already been distracted when you guys landed here

...Yes I did know that this was when Princess Flurry Heart was going to be born. Don't judge me. I kept that information to myself. And I swear if you get what I'm hiding from Starlight, if you so much as tell her, I will find some way to rip myself out of this story and punch you right in the face. Got that?

Don't look at me Sunny I did my best to keep it all in

Okay it looks like the G5 characters are setting down after that big change and it looks like sunny and starlight are having conversation about this timestream but Sunny really don't want to say too much that the time is already too damaged already even though it already is but still and this was during the time of the crystalline and they even got the chance to meet flurry heart even though she went crazy with her magical burst but other than that it looked like it turned out pretty well so I wonder what else could happen now guess we'll find out next time

This is going good, Victory247 I like it! Hope to more of your chapters and remember: You can make anything by writing.

...I would like to point out real fast that having the crystal heart out in the open like this was just ASKING for trouble. But more on that later.


Comment posted by Gfmlp deleted Sep 7th, 2022

"Is it just me, or does this castle not look as big as it does on the inside as it does on the outside?" Sprout asked.

It kind of reminds me of everybody's reaction of Doctor Who's Tardis when they went inside

"FIRE! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE FIRE?!" Slasher said before essentially booking it again.

Well luckily he's an ice type Pokemon

"...And on that note, then what DO we count this as?" Suny asked before the group found Slasher again, this time near the entrance.


It was a few days later when Rarity left with Pinkie Pie to go to Manehattan and in addition to helping Pinkie Pie find a gift for her sister Maud Pie (who I didn't even know about because my father never told me about her), Rarity was looking for a place to set up her Manehatten Boutique at. Leaving me and my friends back in Ponyville. Of course, Twilight was out on a date with Flash Sentry at the moment, leaving me and Starlight with Sprout at the castle.

Maud wasn't really a pony who should be in the history books (I do adore the character)

Okay things just escalated really quickly so apparently Sunny Starlight and Sprouts were just hanging out until a mysterious Pokemon Sneasel name Slasher which I don't know if it's a Pokemon or not but anyway attacking Discord and now attacking the other Ponies as well and apparently saying something that the destruction is coming towards them but luckily Twilight and Flash stopped him and they were about to ask until another mysterious creature came in and apparently it looks like a Plusle what in the world is going on I guess we'll find out next time

It was a few days later when Rarity left with Pinkie Pie to go to Manehattan and in addition to helping Pinkie Pie find a gift for her sister Maud Pie (who I didn't even know about because my father never told me about her), Rarity was looking for a place to set up her Manehatten Boutique at. Leaving me and my friends back in Ponyville. Of course, Twilight was out on a date with Flash Sentry at the moment, leaving me and Starlight with Sprout at the castle.

Ok, not canon to the show but thats fine.

What can I say? I'm a HEAVY FlashLight Shipper (Meaning I basically take every and any opportunity to ship Flash Sentry with Twilight Sparkle.)

"I found this guy just wondering around up on the upper castle floors and as soon as I saw him, he just attacked me straight up I swear." Discord said.

Am I missing the reference?

Techinically said Plusle is wearing a black cape. Didn't have a picture of that, so that's why the link text says what it says. Just imagine that with a black cape wrapped around it. Oh, and a very obviously evil look to it too.

The start of the diversion is about 20 or 10 years in the future.

So what are they suppose to find or figure out?

Hey there. Thanks immensely for getting these first few chapters up. Sorry I took so long to respond. Nothing to blame except self-admitted laziness and not being able to think of anything to say that other reviewers haven't already said better. But, anyway, really good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Anyway, I can understand where Sunny would be struggling with pondering how much information to share with the past/present day characters and what not to reveal because of fear of messing up the future too much. Also liked the inclusion of some OC villains not in the actual FiM episodes to provide some sort of threat the future ponies don't have advance knowledge of. And speaking of the latter, definitely liked that Empress Paulina verbally ripping into Slasher for jumping the gun on a world and also admitting to the ponies that found out about her that she doesn't invade worlds unless she already knows all the world's defenses and is prepared accordingly. And, yeah, I could see why the G4 ponies could be investigating why the future ponies only have their cutie marks on one side as well as frustrated that the investigation hasn't turned anything up yet.

Definitely looking forward to more of this and I have a couple more ideas that I will share over the Personal Messages in just a few minutes.

Yeah I pulled from my own catalog of OC villains to add in some extra spice. Mostly because for one of the villains that’s already been teased, they were a one-off villain that I really needed to just do SOMETHING else with.

Also, there's still more OC villains I'm going to be adding. Only like one or two more though as some other OC villains are getting their stories concluded in other projects.

"Ah yes. I've heard about your friendship magic. I'm not stupid of course. I don't conquer planets unless I know for sure I can do so without issue. After all, it's just not in my nature to fight a losing battle. It's why your being spared. For now." Paulina said

For now? Is that supposed to be a threat

"And wouldn't ya know it..." Apple Bloom was examining Sunny Starscout's flanks. "...Sunny's only got a cutie mark on one side as well. Just like ever pony else from the future." Apple Bloom said.

Yeah I always wonder about that maybe because of lack of magic they only had one cutie mark on one side probably

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS CUTIE MARK SAVIORS, YEAH!" The three fillies said before running off.

Lol I really miss when they do that

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