• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 7,296 Views, 637 Comments

Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer enters the portal to Equestria and finds herself in Skyrim. The only problem is that Tirek is there as well.

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54: Battle of the Gods

"Im... Impossible," Tirek shouted, staring at Sunset as she floated there, trying to comprehend how the unicorn had taken on the form of an alicorn, "Unicorns don't just transform into alicorns like this..."

"And how do you think Princess Twilight became an alicorn?" Sunset calmly asked, turning to face Tirek as she noticed a look of confusion cross the demon's face, "Oh, you didn't know that Twilight was originally a unicorn, did you? I'm not familiar with the exact specifics on how she became an alicorn, though I do know that it had something to do with one of Starswirl the Bearded's spells. Think about it this way Tirek, I took on this form thanks to my friends, which is roughly what I assume Twilight went through before..."

"Does it look like I care?!" Tirek roared in anger, apparently not pleased that she was trying to explain what the error in his logic had been, "I'll still shatter you and everyone that has followed you!"

Sunset sighed and held her sword before her, staring at the blade for a moment as she wondered if this time she'd be able to actually hurt Tirek with her condensed energy wave. She stayed that way for a moment, staring at her weapon, before she flared her wings and flew up to her enemy, who barely had time to move before she swung her blade at him. A wave of energy collided with Tirek, forcing him backwards before he broke out of the attack, smoke rolling off of his body as he glared at her. She looked at him before flying down to him, spinning as she dodged the sword attack that came her way before swinging at him once more, forcing him to take the full force of the swing once more.

Tirek appeared some distance before her once more, with more smoke rolling off of him, though it was clear that he was impressed by the power she was wielding, while at the same time having the same confidence he had been showing throughout the entire fight.

"Your condensed energy waves have some more power to them," Tirek commented, his grin returning as he looked at her, "but not by too much. You'll never be able to defeat me with this power!"

"Now when did I ever say that those attacks were the condensed energy wave?" Sunset asked, sighing as she held her arm out to her side, allowing the magic to gather around the blade once more.

Tirek's eyes widened as a mass of energy wrapped around Sunset's sword, on a level that he had never seen in all the times that they had fought each other, and he knew that, in that instant, he would be in trouble if the attack hit him. Before he had a chance to move Sunset swung her arm and the energy was released, which resulted in a massive wave of red energy roaring through the air towards him. He thrust his hands forward and formed a shield around himself, determined to show Sunset that he was still stronger than she was at the moment. The impact of the wave, however, shattered his shield in an instant and allowed it to dig into his chest, exploding the moment it reached its intended target.

The sky lit up as the explosion happened, though the force of the attack went waves of air towards the ground and stopped the armies in the middle of their fight, forcing them to turn to the sky. When the smoke cleared everyone saw Tirek floating in the same position he had been in when the attack hit, only how he had a bleeding cut on his chest. Tirek stood there for a moment before turning around and bursting into the air, heading towards the crack that he had created, determined to finish his mission before Sunset could stop him. Before he got anywhere near the crack he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned a bit to find that she had already caught up with him, as if she was traveling faster than he could.

"Not happening," Sunset said, pulling her arm back and yanking Tirek backwards, to which she threw him towards the ground and got him away from the crack between worlds.

Tirek growled and flipped around, correcting his course as he tried to determine what was suddenly fueling the change in his opponent's abilities. Dark red energy swirled through the air, gathering into a sphere in front of his left hand for a few seconds, before he swung his arm and released the attack. A wave of energy rippled through the air, surging towards where Sunset was floating, but all she did was extend her hand forward as the wave hit her. The energy surged passed her and Tirek grinned, believing that his enemy had been caught in the attack, but when it cleared up he found that Sunset had blocked any damage she would have taken by simply raising her hand, stopping the center of the attack from even touching her.

It was at that moment that Tirek realized that he should have had Revan destroy Sunset before this moment, as now that he was actively fighting her he was getting the feeling that he had allowed her to progress a little too much.

"You are definitely powerful," Tirek commented, magic gathering around him as he wondered which spell he should use against Sunset, so he could distract her and give him the chance to finish off this world, "but I wouldn't push your luck, for soon I shall bring an end to you and this world."

Lightning flashed through the air and sped towards Sunset, though she merely swung her sword at it and shattered the spell before it could even collide with her. Tirek growled and summoned more of his magic, blackening the sky around the crack he had created as more pieces of lightning appeared around him. He waited a moment, allowing his magic to shape them into sinister looking blades, before he thrust his hand forward and sent the swarm of blades at Sunset. For a moment Sunset stood there, taking in what Tirek wanted to use against her, before her own magic ignited and streams of silver magic flew out of her horn, targeting the blades that were the furthest away from her.

As she tore many of the blades apart Tirek joined the battle, swinging his arm at Sunset while she, in turn, defended with all her power, the collision of their power rippling across the sky above them. Sunset knew that the collision between their powers would cause some sort of reaction to the world below them, so she knew that she needed to wrap this up fast before something else got destroyed. As they clashed Sunset summoned more power into her blade and threw Tirek backwards, while the ripple of her power tore through the remaining blades that her enemy had summoned.

As Tirek stumbled backwards Sunset pulled her arm back for a second, allowing her magic to quickly gather inside the blade, before she swung her sword and let the energy burst into the air, slamming into Tirek and exploding on impact. As the energy rippled across the sky Sunset turned to the crack for a moment, noticing that it spread just a tiny bit more, confirming her suspicions that their fight was endangering the balance of Nirn. She then turned back to the smoke and watched as it cleared, revealing that Tirek was still standing there, with another cut to his chest that was running parallel to the first one.

"How?" Tirek shouted, glaring at Sunset as he floated there, wondering how he was being overcome when he had nearly broken her half an hour ago, "How are you so strong all of a sudden? Even with your power boost you shouldn't be this strong!"

"I'm getting tired of explaining it to you," Sunset said, sighing as she held her sword out once more, allowing the magic to gather again, "so let me put it this way Tirek; the two of us are on equal footing at the moment and our battle is slowly doing more harm to this world. Nirn can handle the various gods, be they the Aedra or the Daedra, battling each other, but now that you've crippled many of them Nirn is struggling to keep up with the strain. The Princes must have their power restored to them, otherwise this world will cease to exist..."

"Does it look like I care about this world?" Tirek roared, the air around him whipping into a whirlwind for a moment due to his anger, "I WILL SHATTER YOU AND THIS PATHE..."

He was cut off as Sunset appeared before his and swung her sword across his chest, cutting another gash into him that ran opposite of his first cut, before she spun around and delivered a parallel wound to the new one. As Tirek began to correct himself, so he could deliver an attack of some kind to his enemy, Sunset planted her right foot hard in his chest and sent him flying through the air. Before Tirek had a chance to do anything Sunset appeared in front of him, this time leaving her sword where she had previously been floating, and grabbed onto his horns. That was seconds before she pulled down on his horns and brought his head down to her right knee, before extending her right hand and summoning her sword to her, to which she brought it down and severed Tirek's left horn.

The result of the horn being completely severed was an explosion that rocked the skies, though Sunset appeared a few feet away and kept her eyes on the smoke, knowing that Tirek could easily regrow the horn in a matter of seconds. When the smoke cleared Tirek was definitely standing there, though to Sunset's surprise the horn she had cut off hadn't grown back at all... and it didn't look like it was even beginning to grow back. There were even scratches from the blast that had rocked him, though it was clear that Tirek was not pleased with what she had done to him and was planning on paying her back.

Sunset noticed that the other effect that their fight had on the world was that the fighting below them had completely stopped, as if none of them wanted to miss the outcome of this conflict.

"You know what?" Tirek suddenly said, magic outlining his form once more, to what Sunset had no idea, "I've got several spells that could end this fight in an instant, though I guess its time that I used one of them and finished you off once and for all!"

Sunset was expecting some sort of attack like spell, but when Tirek moved his arms the air around them seemed to slow down, as if time itself was slowing down. As Sunset understood what the spell was doing she noticed that Tirek was unaffected by the spell, indicating that the spell was designed to slow the enemy done to deal damage. She could barely move to defend herself, but as her eyes tried to watch Tirek something touched her shoulder and restored her to normal speed, allowing her to catch up with what was happening and raise her sword to block the strike that had been coming at her.

Tirek was clearly surprised when Sunset snapped out of the spell, but to go one step further Sunset wrapped her magic around Tirek's sword and yanked it out of his hands, before snapping her fingers and conjuring four silver chains out of thin air. The chains wrapped around Tirek's arms and legs, though Sunset knew that they were merely designed to hold the demon in place so she could get some form of attack out. As Tirek struggled against the chains Sunset gathered a massive amount of energy into her sword, which resulted in an intense amount of flames rolling off the blade as she prepared her attack.

"Your chains cannot hold me!" Tirek shouted, snapping the one that held his left hand back, to which he immediately started to reach for Sunset so she couldn't finish the attack.

"It was never meant to hold you," Sunset merely replied, before swinging her sword right at the center of Tirek's and releasing the energy she had gathered.

The resulting explosion rocked both the sky and the ground, causing everyone beneath the fight to try and hold their ground as they witnessed a battle between godlike creatures. The mushroom cloud of smoke took some time to dissipate completely, but as the cloud appeared Sunset burst out of it and flew a few feet away, so she could watch for her opponent. Everyone watched as the smoke cleared and revealed that Tirek was still standing there, but this time there was a massive cut on his chest that indicated that he had been wounded. Sunset was amazed by the damage the attack had caused, because she was beginning to think that she'd have to think of something else besides running his power down to defeat him.

Tirek, on the other hand, seemed completely shocked by the power that Sunset was using against him... along with the surprised look he had when he realized that she had, somehow, broken out of his spell. After a moment the reality of his situation seemed to return to him, as he touched the latest wound on his chest and looked at his blood, though Sunset had to wonder why he was bothering to do so. She had, after all, wounded Tirek several times in the past and had drawn his blood several times, so she saw no reason for her enemy to do so at this moment in time.

That was before Tirek closed his fist as hard as he could and let his fingernails dig into his palm, all while glaring at Sunset with anger and hate so strong that the air around his body seemed to turn dark for a moment.

"Enough of this pointless fighting," Tirek shouted, bringing the palms of his hands close together as his magic started to take the shape of a sphere, "its time I ended this and blew this world to pieces!"

With that said Tirek burst into the air and traveled up to where the crack he had created was located, which had grown over the course of their fight. Once he was where he wanted to be he turned back towards Sunset and pulled his hands apart, raising them above his head as if he was holding a large sphere above his head. That was before the small sphere he had created expanded into a massive flaming sphere, though Sunset could tell that it could easily be the same size as what Whiterun used to be before its destruction. Sunset wasn't surprised to see that he was trying to overpower her once more, but when she took the size of the sphere into consideration she discovered something that she wasn't expecting.

She came to the conclusion that if Tirek dropped that sphere, and she somehow allowed it to touch the ground below them, it could likely tear the entirety of Skyrim to pieces... if not the majority of the northern part of Tamriel before Tirek made the crack grow any bigger.

"You want to know something?" Tirek shouted, allowing his magic to pour into the sphere, giving it an even bigger mass before he threw it at his target, "I developed this spell in the off chance that I would find worlds worth destroying, but never got around to actually using it in battle... until now that is. I call this the Planet Buster... I'll let you figure out why I call it that!"

Sunset, now understanding that he fully intended to obliterate everyone, not to mention a vast portion of Tamriel, turned towards the ground and flew down to a patch of earth that wasn't near anyone... which happened to be the area in which the Meadery had been standing. She stabbed her sword into the ground before moving her arms all the way out to her left and right, her palms facing the direction she was pointing the arm in, before she started to gather magic above her palms. She grunted as two small spheres formed before her palms, feeling the ground shake as she created her counter attack, before she moved her hands close to each other and allowed the two of them to merge into one sphere.

Once the sphere had taken shape she began to pour more of her power into it, getting it ready to counter the power that Tirek was preparing above their heads.

"Its time to DIE!" Tirek shouted, throwing his arms towards the ground, indicating that it was time for his spell to do what it had been crafted for.

The massive sphere began to lower down to the ground, breaking all of the clouds that happened to rest around it, but as it came closer to the ground Sunset merely stood there. A few seconds passed before Sunset thrust her hands forward and released the magic, resulting in a massive beam of energy erupting from her palms and heading up to the sphere. When her beam hit the sphere it managed to stall its descent, though after a few seconds she realized that the sphere was definitely stronger, seeing how it had been given more time before it had been released. As the sphere slowly resumed its descent, fighting against the power that Sunset was pouring into her beam, Tirek began to laugh, as if he was convinced that he was going to win this fight.

While Tirek laughed, and his vision of her was obscured by the massive sphere, Sunset's horn lit up and she wrapped her magic around the handle, allowing the blade to glow. She was confident that she could prevent the sphere from touching the ground, though she knew that she needed a spell that could destroy the massive sphere before it touched the ground. When Sunset was sure that the sphere had reached the area that the top of Dragonsreach had been at she yanked her sword out of the ground and, in one swift motion, swung it right at the middle of the sphere.

The instant the wave of energy hit the sphere it dug into the massive of energy and cut it right in half, going all the way through the massive sphere before reaching the end. Tirek had no time to move before the wave struck him in the chest, which exploded on impact and was followed by the two halves of the sphere exploding in a massive mushroom cloud of sorts. The force from the two explosions rocked the ground once more, this time knocking several people off of their feet as the wind reached them, but Sunset held her ground and waited for her enemy to show himself. This time a figure burst out of the smoke and lowered closer to where Sunset was standing, before the smoke cleared and revealed that Tirek was still in one piece.

The damage done to his body, on the other hand, was yet another massive cut to his chest area, which also included a variety of cuts to both his arms and his legs.

"DAMN YOU!" Tirek shouted, though Sunset could detect that he was getting reaching the end of his power, though she did notice that the same green energy from before had appeared around him once more, "I am getting tired of you interfering with the destruction of this world! I guess its time to show you what I am truly capable of!"

This time when Tirek burst into the air he sailed right up to the crack and stopped, but unlike the other times he didn't begin the creation of a spell that would require Sunset to block it. An eerie green barrier surrounded Tirek and the crack as runes danced around the edge of the barrier that touched the sky... runes that Sunset discovered that would prevent someone from breaching the barrier until the wards were taken down. That was before a massive green circle appeared in the sky, with Tirek and his barrier in the direct center, though Sunset noticed that there were sixteen smaller circles that rested on the larger one. She immediately knew that it was a last ditch attempt to break the world, as Tirek had apparently given up on fighting her directly and was now planning on defending himself until he broke through the veil between worlds.

"Sunset!" Serana called out, rushing to her friend's side as she looked up at the demon, "What's he doing now?"

"He's locked himself in a nearly impenetrable barrier," Sunset replied, before noticing that in the middle of the smaller circles was what appeared to be a miniature statue of some kind, statues that looked like the Daedric Princes that the demon had drained, "Oh, now I see what he's doing... he's using the power of the Daedric Princes to protect himself while he shatters the veil between worlds. I would normally say that this was clever thinking on his part, but it gives us the opportunity to reverse some of the damage he's caused without actually trying to destroy him. I need to inform the Daedric Lords of this discovery before Tirek accomplishes his goal."

Serana stood there for a moment, taking in what Sunset had told her, before nodding her head and running to their friends, to which she quickly shared the command to find the Princes and bring them to Sunset. In a matter of minutes the sixteen Daedric Princes were standing near Sunset, as Talos and his army were currently fighting Jyggalag in an effort to make sure that he didn't interfere with whatever Sunset had planned.

"Raja tells me that there's a slim possibility that we might be able to recover our powers," Nocturnal said, crossing her arms as she stared at Sunset, clearly still willing to blame her for everything that's happening, "and I'd like to know if your telling the truth... or if your just wasting our time."

"First a question for all of you," Sunset quickly said, knowing that time was definitely running out for them, "Do you guys still have the artifacts Tirek used to summon you?"

But of course, Dragonborn, Hermaeus Mora commented, pulling out his ancient tome as the other Princes did the same, It would have been unwise to leave them behind. After all, they still contain a small fraction of our power... seeing how we created them anyway.

"And that's exactly why I wanted to speak with you," Sunset replied, pointing up at the larger circle, where the Princes all found miniature statues of themselves floating some distance away from the barrier, moving in a circular motion the entire time, "Tirek is using your powers to protect himself, but at the same time it gives us the opportunity to use your artifacts and recover what was stolen from all of you. The sudden loss of power will force him to revert back to a stage where he doesn't have one hundred percent power, giving me the opportunity to deliver the finishing blow."

"So its possible to fix all of this and defeat that demon?" Sanguine asked, though Sunset could tell that he wanted all of this to be over so he could return to his Plane of Oblivion.

"Honestly, I'm not sure," Sunset admitted, moving her finger towards Tirek for a moment, "but even if this is impossible, and Nirn is destined to be destroyed, I will still use every ounce of power I have to prevent that end from happening. I know I haven't done much to earn back any of your trust, but trust me when I tell you that I will not rest until Tirek is defeated."

"Well then, we had better get started," Clavicus Vile said, dropping to his knees as Barbas growled beside him, "Personally, I'd like to have Nirn exist so I can offer more deals to people... there's no fun with it being gone."

Before anyone could stop the Prince he and Barbas burst into the air, using the mask he had been summoned with to track down the statue that contained his power. Sunset watched the Prince go, noticing that when he followed after the statue he was surrounded by silver energy, as if he was fighting the power that Tirek commanded. The other fifteen Princes shared a look between themselves before following Clavicus' lead, leaving Sunset to watch as fifteen more silvery trails flew into the air and zeroed in on the statue that contained that Prince's powers. After a moment she sighed and burst into the air herself, magic gathering around her sword as she decided to act as a distraction for Tirek, so he couldn't prevent the Princes from recovering their powers.

When Sunset reached the barrier that protected Tirek she swung her sword at it and pressed it as hard as she could, forcing herself to remain in that position while keeping Tirek's eyes on her.

"You just don't know when to give up," Tirek moaned, turning towards her for another moment, clearly annoyed that she was still trying to stop him, "When will you learn that your power boost means nothing more than prolonging your defeat and that you don't have the power to stop me?"

"Maybe when you figure out that you can never win this game," Sunset fired back, pressing against the barrier as she forced Tirek to look at her, "I get it, your a powerful creature that believes that he doesn't need anyone to fight at his side, but that's where you have proven just how wrong you really are. Unity, Harmony, Friendship, it doesn't matter what you call it, because it can overcome the power that any one person can command on their own... and its time that you realized that you've lost this fight."

"Bold words coming from someone who's losing this fight," Tirek replied, turning back to the crack before gripping the two halves with his hands, where he braced himself to pull the hole open even further, "Congratulations though, you have a front row seat to the end of this pathetic world."

That was before a bolt of lighting flashed through the barrier and zapped his hands, forcing Tirek to release his grasp on the crack as smoke rolled off his hands. Sunset grinned as she noticed that one of the statues shattered and the Prince, Clavicus she realized, moved out of the way as he took his power with him. The barrier rippled as a second and third statue were torn apart, leaving Tirek to roar in pain as the power was ripped out of his body, returning to the Daedric Lord it had been taken from. A moment later Tirek turned back to the crack and continued to try and force the halves further apart, as if he no longer cared about his body at this point.

Sunset poured more power into her sword and cracked the barrier, feeling the power keeping it in place weakening as the Princes took back their powers one by one. After a few more seconds the barrier shattered and let Sunset get at Tirek, who turned around in surprise as Sunset swung her sword right into his chest, releasing the power once more. The resulting explosion tore the circle Tirek had created into pieces, shattering the remaining statues and restoring the Princes to their full power at long last. Sunset appeared a short distance beneath the smoke, watching for signs of Tirek as she wondered if he had survived the full might of her attack this time.

After a few seconds another figure burst out of the smoke and landed parallel to where Sunset was standing, but when the smoke actually cleared Sunset discovered that Tirek, now lacking the power of the Daedric Princes, had reverted to the form he had been wearing before the destruction of Whiterun. Tirek looked down at himself, running his hands over himself as he realized that he had been lost power this time, before his anger returned and he turned towards Sunset.

"What have you done?!" Tirek shouted, magic gathering around him as he resigned himself to one more attack, "What have you done to me this time?"

"I've ended this game," Sunset replied, just as the sixteen Princes floated down to where she was standing, all of them facing the demon that had taken their powers, "Nirn will return to what it was before you drained the Princes, minus the places that you've already destroyed, so all that's left to do now is send you back where you belong."

"You don't have the power to call upon Tartarus!" Tirek shouted at her, though now he wondered if he'd be able to touch Sunset before the Princes got to him first, "And even if you did somehow manage that, which I know you can't, I would only escape my prison in a few years, to ruin Equus once more. You, and the rest of Equus, will never be rid of me..."

That was before Sunset appeared in front of him and swung her sword at him as hard as she could, cutting from his left side all the way to his left shoulder, creating a vertical cut to his growing list of wounds he had suffered during the fight. This time when she cut Tirek she noticed that the wound carried the same eerie green color as everything else he had done, so before whatever spell he was going to use went off she flapped her wings and backed up so she didn't get caught by it. As she drew closer to the Princes she noticed that whatever Tirek had prepared for her hadn't done anything, leaving her to wonder if he had set a trap for her or had been caught off guard.

Before she could say anything the latest cut grew twice as wide as it normally was and the green energy seemed to go into a frenzy, moving through the air without a purpose. Then the air behind Tirek darkened as a massive twenty foot tall door appeared behind him, one that was made out of what appeared to be some dark purple metal. There was a line that went down the middle of the door, separating it into two halves while keeping the large skeletons on the door apart from each other. One skeleton had his eyes covered by a black blindfold while his right hand reached over his body and gripped an area near the line, while the second one appeared to have his mouth sewn shut as his hand repeated what the first one's did.

There was also three sets of chains linking the two sides together, but as they all watched the two skeletons started to pull the sides apart from each other, straining the chains before they snapped. When the two sides were fully apart from each other they revealed a fiery red portal that led to another realm, one that Sunset could only describe as Tartarus. Once she made that connection she realized that Tirek had been wrong, she apparently had wounded him to the point where the Gates of Tartarus had opened, no doubt the Wardens intended to call him back to his prison at long last.

As she completed that thought a massive clawed hand, one that had three digits and a thumb instead of the usual four, reached out of the gate and closed around Tirek's body, preventing him from going anywhere. As the clawed hand kept Tirek in one place a shadowy figure stepped out of the gate, one that Sunset knew had to be one of the Wardens she had read about in her studies, so she knelt before the being as it approached her.

Rise Sunset Shimmer, the Warden spoke, its voice oddly calm as it spoke, while Sunset drew herself up to a standing position again, You have done well in your fight against this prisoner, the demon known as Tirek, and in the process saved this world from complete obliteration. We will take the prisoner back to where he belongs, but first we must return the power that he has stolen from this world, though only you can decide what to do with this power.

Sunset, and everyone else present, watched as the Warden touched Tirek's shoulder and the energy the demon had stolen over the last few weeks poured out of him, forming a dark swirling sphere as he slowly reverted back to the old man he had been when Sunset had first discovered him. Once the last drop of all the power he had stolen had been drained out of his body, to which the massive hand had to tighten its grip a bit to prevent him from sliding out, the Warden turned to Sunset and let the sphere float over to her. She gently touched the sphere and watched as the shadowy figure seemed to nod to her, before turning back to the open gate and disappearing into the depths of Tartarus once more. The moment the Warden was gone the massive hand began to withdraw into the gate, all while Tirek started to shout at Sunset with promises that he would burn Equus to the ground the next time he escaped.

Once the gates had closed Sunset, and everyone else, watched as cracks formed all across the entirety of it, before it shattered into a thousand pieces that turned into mist seconds later. Before Sunset could decide what to do with the energy a large figure appeared before her, to which she realized that Jyggalag had come for her and intended to kill her with his weapon, but as the sword came down she found that it was blocked by the Wabbajack.

"We can't have you killing our little mortal minion," Sheogorath commented, forcing Jyggalag back with only his artifact, "especially not after she's saved the world! We need a party... with blood, a fox, a severed head... and the CHEESE! Oh, and of course, you're not invited... Jyggalag."

"Illogical, her presence here threatens the natural order of the world," Jyggalag replied, his voice cold and calculated, though it was clear that he was staring right at Sunset, "she needs to be destroyed..."

That was when Sheogorath hit the Prince of Order upside the head with the Wabbajack while wearing a crazy look on his face, almost as if his artifact had been a bat.

"Out with you!" Sheogorath shouted, smacking the Prince of Order again, only this time right in the chest, "Get out of Nirn before I skip rope with your entrails! Or maybe I'll turn you into a cheese wheel... no, wait, that would be a terrible idea. Order flavored cheese... makes me shiver just by thinking about how bland it would taste. Well? Get out of here before I make you leave the hard way... its not like I have an eternity to wait. Actually... I do. Little joke."

"You heard the Madgod," a voice said, just as an elderly looking man appeared beside Sheogorath and Sunset, one that she immediately knew had to be Akatosh himself by the way he spoke, "Go back to Oblivion, Jyggalag, before I am forced to make you go."

"You have no power over me!" Jyggalag said, swinging his sword as he approached both the Madgod and the Chief of the Divines.

Akatosh sighed and held his hand out, to which Jyggalag was blasted back so hard that his chest armor shattered the moment he was struck there. Even with his armor destroyed the Prince of Order got back up and tried again, to which Sheogorath pounced on him and either smacked him with the Wabbajack or what appeared to be a large fish. Sunset stood back and watched the Prince of Order get trashed by the Madgod, before he managed to throw Sheogorath to the side and approached Akatosh. That was when the Chief of the Divines touched Jyggalag's bare chest and a portal opened behind the Prince, to which the Divine forced the Prince backwards.

"You are banished, Jyggalag," Akatosh said, sighing as the portal closed, before he turned back to Sunset and the other Daedric Princes, "Now, it is time we all went back to our homes, so that the veil might begin to heal once more."

The Daedric Princes looked at each other, clearly debating whether they wanted to anger Akatosh at the moment, before they decided to leave in peace... this time. Sunset watched as a number of portal opened all around her, allowing her to watch as each of the Princes returned to their various Planes of existence. It allowed her to see some of the planes that weren't well documented, for a brief moment anyway, before that Prince closed the portal behind them. One Prince opened the portal to his home, but as he stalled for a moment he turned back to Sunset and flashed his insane smile once more.

"Remember what I told you back in Pelagius' mind?" Sheogorath asked her, one foot inside the portal while the other half remained in Nirn, "Do make sure that you tell Discord about his roommates wanting to meet him again... otherwise I might turn you into cheese or skip rope with your entrails! Ta ta."

As the last of the Daedric Princes left Nirn, and his portal closed behind him, Sunset turned towards the ground for a moment and watched as the last of the forces of Sovngarde, including Talos, returned to their realms as well. Once the forces of the Sovngarde had returned home, and their portal was closed, Akatosh sighed and snapped open a portal for himself, but before he left Sunset to her own devices he turned to her for a moment.

"I am glad that Kynerath chose you to be the hero that Nirn needed," Akatosh told her, a small smile appearing on his face for a moment, "I know that Nirn will live on and prosper thanks to everything you have done, so you will be receiving something from the Divines as thanks for what you have done for us. I can only wish you good luck and a long life."

With that said the Chief of the Divines entered his portal and returned to Aetherius, allowing it to close behind him and leave Sunset to wonder what reward she was going to be getting from the Divines. She sighed and looked down at the orb of stolen energy, before turning her gaze to the crack Tirek had created and knowing what she needed to do with the energy. She held the sphere out for a moment and connected her magic to it, allowing the magic to burst out of the container and follow her commands, to which she sent it to the crack. She watched as the stolen energy worked through the damage Tirek had done, repairing it to the state it had been in before the crack had even occurred.

With the deed done Sunset smiled and let her exhaustion from all the fighting she had done catch up with her at last, allowing herself to go limp as she fell towards the ground. The last thing she saw before she closed her eyes was the form of a pair of white wings spreading out around her, almost as if they were trying to embrace her.

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