• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 7,294 Views, 637 Comments

Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer enters the portal to Equestria and finds herself in Skyrim. The only problem is that Tirek is there as well.

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2: Helgen's Destruction

"T...T...Tirek?!" Sunset exclaimed, slowly backing up until her back was pressed against the wall of her side of the cell, "f... f... fancy m... meeting y... you h... here..."

"I did not come here of my own free will, little unicorn," Tirek stated, raising to full height and trying to step towards her, but caught his chains and pulled back, "If I had even an ounce of my power I would be draining you of all your magic before making my escape from this... wretched prison. I did not escape from Tartarus and get beaten by a foolish pony princess and her friends, only to end up in yet another prison in the back end of nowhere. I have yet to decide whether I want to decimate this entire world or enslave it and rule over it..."

Sunset didn't bother saying anything, as she knew from the tales she had read that Tirek was quick to anger and usually destroyed everything around him, though the level of destruction depended on how much magical power he had at the time. She had also heard about Princess Twilight's battle with him, so she knew that enraging him wasn't something she wanted to do right now, not when she had no idea how to use this world's magic. She knew that, from her teachings under Princess Celestia, that it would require focus and some understanding of the arcane to accurately use magic, though she was missing the understanding at the moment.

Though while she thought about this world's magic she glanced over at Tirek and noticed something odd, he was shaking and wobbling like his body was weak. It was then that she realized that he had been telling the truth about his power level, he was severally weakened from his fight with Princess Twilight that it looked like it reverted him to an old man. That fact filled her with some hope, as that meant that if someone were to put him down before he could regain any of his powers they would break his connection to this world and send him back to Tartarus. Then she recalled the bit where the guard had said that they would be heading to someplace called Helgen, but seeing how it was a time of war they were likely heading to an execution.

She could save this world from Tirek without having to lift a finger, if he was called to the block before she was.

Sunset would have liked to to pass the time by talking to someone, but the guard outside her cell, whose job it appeared to be to watch her cell and the cells near her own, ignored her completely. She tried to talk to the people around her, just to understand where she had ended up and if she could formulate a plan to escape from her latest fate, but they also ignored her. One would have thought she would talk to Tirek, so she could learn about Tartarus and write her own book on it, one that would land her a famous book in the eyes of many ponies of Equus, but they would have been wrong. Sunset had no desire to talk to Tirek, even if it meant that she would have to sit in silence and wait for the day to slowly end, watching the sun eventually set from her cell.

Eventually she allowed the darkness to take her, so she could sleep the misery of her current position to pass by until whoever was in charge of the fort called them forward to meet their fates.


When Sunset woke up she slowly opened her eyes and found that the area around her was moving, not to mention that it appeared to be the early morning. She closed her eyes, so she wouldn't have to see anything else until they had arrived at their destination, but then whatever she was sitting in hit a bump in the road and forced her to open them anyway. As she gazed at who was sitting across from her she wished that she had kept her eyes open, as Tirek was staring right at her, almost as if he was plotting how to steal her magic. Sitting on Sunset's left was a man that was dressed in rags, though he had short black hair and was just staring off into the distance, almost as if he was lost in thought.

Across from that man was one of the blue chainmail wearing soldiers she had seen before they, and by effect herself, had been captured by the more organized soldiers. To her right was the leader of the chainmail wearing soldiers himself, though whoever had captured them had bound his mouth closed with a gag. And across from the leader was a second man dressed in rags, though he was constantly looking around as if he was looking for a way to escape his fate. Sunset looked down and noticed that they were sitting in a wagon, though when she looked behind the path they were traveling down she spotted another one following them, carrying the rest of the chainmail soldiers.

"So, your finally awake," the soldier said, turning to face her before beckoning to Tirek, "I'm not sure who this guy is, but he's been staring at you for the last half hour since we left Fort Neugrad. He seems concerned for your well-being, but the Imperials wouldn't let him get any closer to you than he already is."

"Ugh...not this again," Sunset moaned, knowing that Tirek wanted her magic more than anything, "His name is Tirek, and unfortunately he actually doesn't care what happens to anyone around him, as long as he can absorb their magic. All he cares about is absorbing the magic of the native population of whatever world he's on and conquering whatever enemies there might be. Be warned, this demon considers each and every one of you an enemy and will stop at nothing to make sure that you are crushed under his iron hooves."

"So he's a dremora then?" the man to her left finally said, lifting his head to look at Tirek, "Strange though, dremora aren't supposed to be wandering Tamriel anymore, not since the barrier between Oblivion and Nirn was closed during the Oblivion Crisis. And from what you have already said he's clearly not a summoned familiar, which would have disappeared by this point in time if he had been one. Maybe he was there during the Oblivion Crisis and managed to latch onto our world by sacrificing most of his power, so he could plan for the future and regain his power when he desired."

Tirek started to laugh, as if what the ragged man had said was funny to him, and continued to do so until the soldier at the head of the wagon told him to shut up. It was then that the people they were traveling with, the chainmail wearing soldier, the soldier's commander, and the other ragged man, who Sunset learned happened to be a thief, shared their own one sided conversation, with the soldier taking the lead over the entire thing. The other man remained silent, though it was clear that he was trying to study Tirek so he could figure out a way to send him back to 'Oblivion', wherever that happened to be.

Sunset decided to just listen to the two, grabbing bits of information about a variety of gods and goddesses, a few locations in this strange land she had found herself in, and the heated hatred between the 'Stormcloaks' and the 'Thalmor'. The small town they eventually stopped at, where the Imperials were taking them, was a place called Helgen and the people watched them pass them by with interest in their eyes. She had no idea what they could be interested in, as the six of them, and however many were on the other wagon, were heading to their deaths. Eventually the wagons stopped near a wall, where the chainmail wearing soldier said that they 'shouldn't keep the gods waiting for them' before they slowly walked off the wagon.

"Step towards the block when we call your name." one of the Imperials, one that Sunset assumed was a captain by her uniform, said as she and another soldier stood before the assembled group, "One at a time."

"Ulfric Stormcloak," the other soldier said, looking up from his list as the commander walked towards the block, "Jarl of Windhelm. Ralof of Riverwood and Lokir of Rorikstead."

The chainmail wearing soldier walked forwards and joined the rest of his comrades in front of what Sunset assumed was the headsman's area. The thief, on the other hand, declared that the Imperials had no right sentencing him to death and then bolted for the path they had used to enter the town. The captain commanded the man, Lokir, to stop in his tracks, but as he ignored them she commanded the nearby archers to fire upon him, to which Sunset watched three arrows tear into the man's chest, causing him to hit the ground and start bleeding to death.

"You there, step forward!" the soldier said, pointing at the ragged man standing beside Sunset, who stepped forward to meet his fate, "Who are you?"

"I am Bjorn Wyrmsblood," the man replied, quite proudly Sunset noted, "I hunt beasts that terrorize the people of Skyrim. I was caught near the area where you captured these Stormcloaks. I would like to be released so I can return home, so I can pick up my list of beasts that need to be culled and continue where I left off."

The soldier turned to his captain, apparently asking whether they should let him go or send him to the block as well, before the captain directed him towards the block. Sunset felt sorry for the man, or nord as noted as that was what the captain called him, as he had literally be at the wrong place at the wrong time, just like she had been. The soldier then directed his hand towards Tirek, apparently wishing to know who else they had captured and would soon be putting down with the Stormcloaks.

"I AM TIREK!" Tirek stated, clearly trying to intimidate the two soldiers, and everyone else around them, "I hail from the realm of Tartarus, where monsters like me are imprisoned until the end of time, or until one of us decides to make a break for it and escape. I have drained countless ponies of their magic and have battled with creatures that would pulverize this entire pitiful town without even using their full power. Trust me when I tell you this, you pitiful mortals, when I have my full power I shall decimate your land and slaughter whoever tries to stand against me."

"Yeah, your going to the block," the captain said, directing the soldiers to take Tirek towards the block while she tried to control her laughter at the thought of an old man taking them all down, "And now, who is the last prisoner?"

"Sunset Shimmer of Equus," Sunset replied, noticing that neither soldier knew exactly where she was talking about, "I'm just a poor soul that was snatched from her home world and dropped off in some foreign world, with a monster from her history books walking before her eyes. Please, just cut me loose and let me find my way home. I have nothing to do with your war."

The soldier looked at the captain again, silently asking the same question he had asked her before, before sighing and directing her to the block with the others. Sunset sighed and silently approached the crowded area, watching the chainmail wearing soldiers shuffle around uncomfortably as they glanced between the Imperials and Tirek. It was clear that they had no idea what to think of either side, almost as if they were wondering which one of them was the larger threat to their survival. Sunset stared at the headsman's block as she stopped near Tirek, not wanting to see the demon that would endanger the world they were in if he was given the chance.

One Imperial, one that Sunset assumed was the commander of the entire Imperial forces by his armor, stopped in front of the commander of the Stormcloaks, Ulfric she recalled. The commander went on and on about how Ulfric had challenged the 'High King', killed him in single combat, and fled the capital with a company of soldiers to guard him. Sunset listened to the one sided exchange, interested in what had happened before her arrival, though she was afraid that anything she learned would be worthless in the long run. Then, as suddenly as the exchange had started, the commander ended it and commanded someone to give them what he referred to as their 'last rites'.

Sunset also noticed a strange sound echo through the mountain pass they had traveled through to get to the small town, though she wasn't the only one to notice the echo.

One lady, dressed up as a priestess, stepped forward and started giving them their last rites, intoning all of the Eight Divines while causing a Stormcloak soldier to proclaim something about a 'Talos' while walking towards the block. Not moments later a soldier forced the soldier to kneel and the headsman lifted up his axe and took the soldier's head off in a single swing, causing Sunset to moan slightly. She knew what people were capable of, if given the right motive, but she wasn't used to seeing the blood run from someone's body like this. It was after the soldier's death that a second echo moved through the mountains, though Sunset knew that, whatever it was, was getting much closer to their location.

"Next, the want to be dremora!" the captain called out, pointing right at Tirek, much to the surprise of everyone around him, "Bring him forward and let's be done with this!"

Two soldiers clamped their hands on Tirek's shoulders and pulled him up to the block, where they eased him against the ground and laid his head over the headsman's block, pulling his hood back to give the headsman a clear shot at his neck. Then, just mere seconds before the headsman lifted his axe in the air, a roar ripped through the air as a massive winged beast, with scales almost as black as night, appeared in the clouds behind the tower. Sunset's eyes widened as the beast landed on the tower and the townspeople shouted that the beast was a dragon, which was seconds before it roared at them and flaming rocks started falling from the sky.

Sunset moaned as she felt the aftershock of the dragon's roar, amazed by the power that the massive creature put behind just a simple roar, despite the falling rocks. The nord, Bjorn she recalled, pulled himself onto his feet, somehow having managed to cut the rope around his hands off, and stopped by her side, helping her onto her own feet before pulling her away from the headsman's block. Once they entered the nearby tower he pulled out a sharpened stone, likely the one he had used to cut his binds off, and turned it on her own, freeing her.

"Thanks," Sunset told the nord, not sure what to do now that a dragon had appeared, "What do we do now?"

"I'd say grab that old man as well, but he's not around anymore," Bjorn told her, looking outside as Ulfric and Ralof entered the tower as well, "but we need to move before that dragon kills us."

Sunset nodded and followed Bjorn, just as he led her out of the tower and across the burning town, dodging the various burning pieces of buildings while making sure to avoid the people who had bows. The dragon flew around the town and gazed down at his enemies, randomly landing every now and then to breath fire on unsuspecting soldiers before taking off once more. Instead of recalling what she knew about dragons Sunset focused on running towards an exit that would allow her and Bjorn to escape from the ruined town. The townspeople fled from the dragon while the soldiers tried to fight it off, but none of them seemed to be doing any damage to the massive beast.

Luck seemed to be on their side at long last, as they found that one of the gates was open and they immediately made their way out of the burning town. Sunset looked back at the flames and the soldiers fighting a losing battle, wishing that there was something, anything really, that she could do to help them against the dragon. She knew in her heart that, even if she could use her magic, she didn't have the power to stand up to a dragon that was as strong as the black monster that was flying around Helgen. She also had no idea where Tirek went, which meant that it was possible that he was now free to gather his power and cause damage to this world.

Sunset sighed and followed Bjorn into the wilderness, wondering what the land of Skyrim and her companion had to offer.

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