• Published 22nd Nov 2015
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Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer enters the portal to Equestria and finds herself in Skyrim. The only problem is that Tirek is there as well.

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20: The Cursed Orcs

"So this is Tirek's power," Elenwen commented, staring out at the ruins of her embassy while her guards looked for anything that they could still use.

"And he's only getting stronger," Sunset said, turning to her friends for a moment, "Fifty percent... its terrifying to even think that he's already reached this point of his power, but there is something good that can come out of this. Mages will only give him a small percent at this point, as he needs something like one of the Daedric Princes to get a significant boost to his power now. Azura, Meridia, and Sheogorath are safe for now, but twelve of the relics are unaccounted for and that leaves twelve of the Princes open to Tirek trying to contact them. We need to pick up the pace, before our enemy manages to get in front of us."

"We... will join you at your keep later," Elenwen said, not even bothering to turn around at the moment, "I will deliver my decision to you at that time, then we shall see what the future holds for us."

Sunset nodded and continued down the hillside, where she and her friends would take the carriage to Whiterun before making for their base of operations. They would likely arrive in the middle of the night, giving them time to rest before they made their way to whichever artifact Sunset decided to go after. As they walked Sunset wondered if Cicero had done something while they were fleeing out the back entrance of the embassy, though she decided to wait until they were further away before asking the jester.

"You took something," Sunset said, not even looking back as she spoke the words, "didn't you, Cicero?"

"Oh yes Magic. Sly Cicero has journals filled with information for you," Cicero replied, as if he was pleased to have stolen them as he pulled them out of his suit for a moment, before returning them to their hiding place, "Journals that will allow you to blackmail a certain Jarl into aiding you... if Magic desires it."

Sunset really didn't know what to expect from the assassin at this point, as it was clear that he could be useful as a scout and, if she really didn't want to deal with someone, she could have him dispose of them. It was also painfully clear that he was trying to please her, as if he was following whatever order he had been given by the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. What was strange was that he came to them and the assassins that were after her seemed to disappear, which meant that she might have to actually believe that the Night Mother, whoever that was, wanted her alive so she could defeat Tirek.

Still, Sunset felt the need to not tell her friends that she believed that the secret to defeating Tirek, something she had gleamed from the stories from Princesses Celestia and Twilight, was Harmony. Sure, it sounded stupid to try and use the closest thing to the Elements of Harmony in this world, the closest people who could pass for the Bearers, but it was basically her backup plan. The only problem with that plan was that she was missing one of the Elements, Kindness, and had absolutely no idea where she would be able to find someone who represented the Element.

Eventually they returned to the Solitude Stables, where they immediately purchased a ride to Whiterun and climbed onto the back of the carriage. Sunset cast a look at her friends, though by the look on Fiona's face she could tell that the vampire, if not the entire group, was getting worried about their chances at besting Tirek. Sunset didn't blame them for thinking that this was an impossible task, because at only thirty-five percent he sunk Winterhold and at fifty he had flattened the Thalmor Embassy. She knew, from Princess Celestia's stories, that Tirek's abilities were only going to get worse as he absorbed more magic into his body and that more people were going to suffer in the end.

She was determined to recover the Daedric Artifacts... no matter what the Princes asked her to do.


Morning arrived on Fellglow Keep and the mages that called the ruined fortress home woke up with the morning's early rays, though at the same time Sunset and her friends were already preparing for their departure. They had arrived at Whiterun close to midnight, which Sunset had been expecting, and had quickly made their way to their base of operations, where they immediately retired until morning. Now that they were awake they had a quick breakfast before they hit the road once more, where they hoped to begin the trek towards the Rift, where Sunset had decided they would visit next. Not only because there was a Daedric Artifact, but because there was another member of the Blades hidden in Riften and Delphine wanted them to find him.

Instead of waiting in Riverwood, like she had promised that she would do, Delphine had decided to stay at the fortress and oversee the mages and the people of Winterhold. So when Sunset and her friends had arrived at the fortress Delphine spotted that Cicero was carrying a journal that basically said that her old friend Esbern was still alive. She wanted them to immediately forsake gathering the Daedric Artifacts and rescue her friend, before something terrible befell him, but Sunset would have none of it. Sunset promised that she would visit the city, after acquiring the artifact of Malacath and making sure that there was nothing else she needed to do in the area.

Sunset's words had left Delphine mad, but then she cooled down and realized that she had been promised that they would look for Esbern anyway, which made her retreat into the fortress to continue watching the progress the people were making on building a new home for themselves.

"That women sure is insistent," Sunset commented as they walked down the road once more, not exactly sure what the old man had that made Delphine want them to bring him back before doing anything else.

As they walked down the road Sunset was surprised to find that bandits were wandering the roads, unlike the last few times where there had been no one to stop them. While she was hoping that, by being the Archmage, the bandits would take one look at her and her group and decide that they weren't worth messing with. Instead the bandits raised their weapons and came charging their way, though Sunset's friends were ready for the incoming assault, as Bjorn was the first to strike as he loosed an arrow into the chest of one of the bandits.

Lydia, Cicero, and Fiona were up next as they clashed with the bandits that bared their weapons and stayed their ground, weapons hitting shields. Lydia, being the beast that she was, heaved her heavy battleaxe into one of the bandits and tore through her enemy's chest, before pulling her weapon out, spinning it around, and taking her foe's head. Cicero danced around his chosen target, cutting light marks into his enemy's sides, before finally pulling the second dagger out of its sheath and planting them both into the bandit's head. Fiona, not wasting any time like Cicero, simply parried her foe's attacks until her sword found the bandit's neck, removing the head in a matter of seconds and ending the conflict.

Sunset, on the other hand, spotted an archer taking up a position on the nearby hill, with her bow pointed in their direction no less, and channeled magic through the Staff of Magnus, blasting the bandit in the chest and knocking her into the ground behind her.

After collecting their spoils from the bandits they continued down the road, turning to the right before they reached the bridge that would take them to Windhelm. As they walked Sunset noted that most of the wild life stayed out of their way, though there was the occasional fox that chose to run beside them every now and then. She was somewhat thankful that the bigger beasts, the bears and sabercats, were leaving them alone, again making her wonder if one of the Daedric Princes was involved in this. Eventually they reached the fortress that Sunset had originally discovered Tirek's power at, only to find that there was a group of Imperial soldiers patrolling the area, though they were allowed to move on without any problems.

Eventually they reached Iverstead, though Sunset shook her head and they continued onward, knowing that she'd have to return the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller the next time they were in the area. Once they were passed Iverstead Fiona took the lead, tracing the pathway they needed to take to reach the area she had claimed, in her journal, that held the clues necessary to contact Malacath and learn what must be done to acquire his artifact.

"So do we actually have the ingredients to do the ritual?" Sunset asked as they walked, knowing that they might have a container of Troll Fat somewhere, but was unsure of the Daedra Heart.

"Oh, Magic needs a heart!" Cicero exclaimed, producing a red heart from his bag, "The heart of a dremora warrior. I have kept it safe all these years, wondering if I would ever get the chance to use it for something. And now, here is that something!"

Sunset was still unsure of the assassin, but so far she was reminded about how she had met Pinkie Pie for the first time and how, after being defeated, she had given the girl a chance. Still, he was proving to be quite the ally, as he could scout out a location, gather key items without having to be told what to look for, and could produce the exact item they seemed to be missing. There was also his constant calling them by the Elements they represented, which Sunset knew would, at one point in the future, cause the others to finally ask her what he was talking about. She suspected that she'd have to answer that question eventually, but hoped it wouldn't happen until the person that represented Kindness the most showed themselves.

When they finally reached the orc stronghold that they were looking for Sunset discovered that it was under attack by a giant, though there were five warriors hacking at its feet as it approached the main gate. For a moment Sunset wondered if the orcs could handle the creature, but as one of the warriors got punted into a tree she sighed and stepped forward, lightning crackling around her staff. The warriors, seeing her coming, backed up to the gate of their stronghold, while the giant turned around to see what had driven off its targets. Once the giant spotted Sunset it started walking over towards her, but she simply sighed and held the staff out, allowing the lightning to burst out of the staff and barrel into the giant's chest, knocking it to the ground.

"Halt!" one of the warriors, an archer Sunset noted, shouted at her as she approached the wooden gate, "You have no business here, outsider. Leave at once."

"Ugor, no!" another orc called out, causing both the orc and Sunset to look up at another orc, who was staring at them, "This may be the one we need."

"We need nothing from outsiders!" the orc next to Sunset, Ugor, returned, a growl forming on her lips as she spoke the words, "Yamarz will provide for us."

"We cannot carry on this way!" the second orc said, though as Sunset looked around she noticed that the other warriors had done off to check on their companion, "You know we are doomed if we do not do something!"

"Yamarz charged me with keeping outsiders away from Largashbur." Ugor threw back, as if the command had given her authority over the rest of her clan, "You would have me disobey him?"

"You were charged with keeping us inside the walls." the second said, almost as if she was reminding Ugor of the actual command she had been given, "Have faith, Ugor. I only wish the best for our tribe."

"Fine Atub," Ugor replied, pressing her hand against the wooden gate and thrusting the door wide open, "but it's on your neck."

The moment that Sunset was allowed to enter the stronghold, which immediately turned the eyes of every orc on her, the one named Atub explained their situation. Their leader, Yamarz, was currently weak and cursed, thus causing their tribe some hardship because the giants knew what was happening and were coming around to check their defenses. She had a cunning plan to contact their lord, Malacath, and ask him to relieve them of this curse, though she required troll fat and a daedra heart, both of which Sunset had thanks to her friends. With the items in hand Atub went into the main building of the stronghold and returned a few minutes later, followed by an angry orc that was decked out in a complete suit of orcish armor.

It was clear to Sunset that Chief Yamarz didn't like the fact that she was here, nor did he approve of Atub trying to lessen the curse that seemed to be chocking his tribe. Once the three of them were standing over the alter Atub intoned a calling to Malacath, to have him relieve them of their curse, before Yamarz openly wondered why they were doing this, which caused the Daedric Lord to speak to them all.

You pathetic weakling! a voice called out, causing everyone to looked around in search of the voice, though Sunset didn't bother looking as she had experience with the Daedric Princes.

"What was that?" Yamarz asked, looking around like everyone else, though he seemed more annoyed than anything else.

You dare summon me, Yamarz? the voice, Malacath, continued, You don't deserve to call yourself an Orc! You're weak, you're small, and you're an embarrassment! You let giants... Giants!... overrun my shrine. Bring me their leader's club as an offering, and I might release you from this curse!

Once the Daedric Lord's voice was gone Yamarz brought Sunset over and decreed that she was going to help him get to the giant's leader, claiming it was her fault that Atub had contacted Malacath in the first place. She didn't see it that way, as she was sure that Atub would have called Malacath sooner had she recovered the ingredients on her own, but decided to help out because she needed to secure the artifact.

As the two of them left the stronghold Sunset's friends marched behind them, keeping them in their sights as they walked across the Rift, though Yamarz made an effort to kill every wild animal he passed. He thought it was fun picking on animals that didn't fight back, taking advantage of the fact that something, or someone Sunset noted, wanted Sunset alive.

Eventually they reached the cave, where Yamarz claimed that he would lead the way and charged inside, though Sunset followed after the chieftain. Inside Yamarz moved around the various hazards that awaited them, namely the giants, though he took some time to hack into whatever animal that happened to appear in their way. They followed the stream for some time, before Yamarz found the exit he was looking for and lead them into an open area that, after some walking, revealed a shrine of who Sunset assumed had to be Malacath.

"There he is," Yamarz commented, pulling out his axe once more as he stared at the giant, who was carrying a massive hammer of some kind, "So, I've got a deal for you."

"If your going to ask me to kill the giant for you then you've got another thing coming," Sunset replied, lightning crackling around her staff to make her point clear, "Go and fulfill the quest that Malacath gave you."

Yamarz growled something and walked down the hill, approaching the giant and issuing a challenge to the mighty beast, to which the giant swung the hammer into his side and sent him flying into one of the stone walls. Sunset waited a moment, just to be sure that Yamarz was dead, before she sighed and stepped forward, lightning hitting the ground around her as she approached the giant. This time the giant rushed her, intending to finish the fight before she could hurt him, but as he swung the hammer at her she disappeared and reappeared behind him.

The giant looked around in confusion, looking around for Sunset, before he turned around and spotted her standing behind him, to which he swung at her again. Sunset then vanished once more, this time reappearing where she had been standing the first time, though now she was holding the Staff of Magnus level with the giant's chest. Before the giant could move she released her spell, knocking the giant hard in the chest and sending him into the stone wall opposite of where Yamarz had landed. A few seconds passed, but when the giant didn't get up Sunset sighed and silenced her magic, allowing it to disappear before she strode towards the giant's corpse.

Yamarz was a fool! Malacath spoke, not bothering to keep his voice confined to Sunset mind, Always trying to scheme his way out of responsibility. But, you took care of him and the giants. Two problems solved at once. Now, take Shagrol's Hammer back to Largashbur, and we'll see about whipping the rest of them into shape.

Sunset looked at the hammer for a moment before heading to her friends, only to watch Lydia approach the hammer and lift the thing up like she did with her battleaxe. With the deed done the group said goodbye to the area and departed from the cave, carefully picking their way through the path they had taken to get there the first time. Once they were outside the cave they took a moment to relax before they got back on the road and headed in the direction of Largashbur, all while Lydia was humming to herself.

When they returned to Largashbur Atub was waiting for them and she seemed happy when she spotted them, but when she noticed that her chief wasn't with them she seemed to lose a little bit of that happiness. Sunset briefly explained what had happened on their trek to Malacath's shrine and then what had happened before the shrine, though Atub seemed glad that the giants now had no leader, for the time being anyway.

Yamarz was a coward and a weakling. Malacath commented, for all of the tribe to hear, His deceitful ways have cost you all greatly.

"So he has been punished?" Atub asked, staring up at the sky for a moment, "And what of us? What fate shall we suffer?"

You'll have to prove yourselves, Malacath called out, sounding harsher than his last comment, but I'm willing to give you a chance. Gularzob's in charge now. Let's hope he's a better chief. You, place that hammer on the shrine. You're the only one who's proven worthy in all of this...

Sunset beckoned Lydia forward and waited until she placed the hammer by her feet to have her magic activate, swirling around the weapon before lifting it into the air and lowering it onto the shrine. Once the hammer was in place she canceled her magic and watched as the Daedric Prince's magic surrounded the weapon, morphing its form into a hammer with a massive head. She was not surprised that the weapon had an aura of power around it, though she was glad that none of the orcs tried to stop her as she lifted the weapon with her magic and stored it inside her chest.

"Four down," Sunset said to her friends, a small grin appearing on her face, "only eleven more to go."

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