• Published 22nd Nov 2015
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Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer enters the portal to Equestria and finds herself in Skyrim. The only problem is that Tirek is there as well.

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42: Season Unending

Sunset and her friends had made their way back through the wayshrine near the frozen lake, briefly appearing on the balcony of the Inner Sanctum before entering the portal back to Darkfall Cave. While they walked through the hidden path that would lead them back to the surface Sunset explained the exact nature of the She-Demon's creation. She was not surprised to find that her friends were shocked when they heard the brief stories about what she did when she was at Canterlot High, the events leading up to the incident. She even revealed how the demon had been defeated, which she also explained was the same method that Gelebor had used on her when the She-Demon had taken over.

Then, before they even left the cave, she shared the truth that Revan had kindly shared with her, revealing that Tirek had been playing them the entire time and was merely biding his time until the artifacts had been recovered and were in one convenient location. The majority of her friends were sickened that they had been played by the demon, but Raja was more annoyed than anyone else and it was clear that she was working out something in her head.

When they finally left the cave Sunset was surprised to find a company of seven dragons waiting outside the cave entrance, with Alduin himself facing the entrance.

"Dragonborn, we have much to discuss," Alduin growled, though by the tone Sunset knew that the Firstborn of Akatosh must have learned about Tirek absorbing the Daedric Princes, "Tell your companions to climb onto the backs of the other dragons and we'll be underway."

"On our way to where?" Sunset asked, though she had the feeling that the destination happened to be Fellglow Keep, where she was also positive that the other leaders of the Alliance would be waiting for them.

"Be quite and do as I say," Alduin snapped, smoke fuming from his nose as he stared at them, while he was mostly glaring at Sunset, "before I decide to end this pitiful world!"

Sunset sighed and beckoned to her friends, who looked at the dragons that weren't Alduin and back at Sunset, before nodding their understanding and making their way onto the dragons' backs. She glanced at Alduin for a moment, wondering if he was going to cross them on the way to the keep and dispose of them himself, before following suit. She did find it weird that the World-Eater would allow someone who was supposed to be his enemy ride on his back, but she knew that this was also due to Tirek. She was annoyed that she had allowed herself to be outmaneuvered by the demon, all because she had thought that she was constantly ahead of him when she was really trailing behind him.

Once they were all mounted up Alduin shouted at the other dragons and they got into the air, turning around in the air as they headed towards Fellglow Keep.

Sunset spent the time in the air to wonder which of the faction leaders would be at the keep the moment they arrived, though she knew a few of them off the top of her head. Elenwen, Delphine, and Tolfdir would be there for sure, which immediately told her that the Thalmor, Blades, and College of Winterhold would be represented. Alduin would definitely be present, along with whichever Dragon Priest that he had chosen to bring along, and she was also sure that General Tullius, Ulfric Stormcloak, Isran, and Lord Harkon might be there too, but she decided to wait until she and her friends arrived to see who was there.

She only prayed that the other leaders of the Alliance would be willing to hear them out and forgive them for what happened, otherwise the entirety of Skyrim would be tearing itself apart before the day was done.


When they arrived at Fellglow Keep Alduin and the other dragons landed outside the outer walls, allowing Sunset and her friends to climb off and touch the ground. Sunset didn't know if she should feel happy that she was back at the keep, or feel completely ashamed that she had contributed to the destruction of this world. The dragons that had carried her friends to their destination returned to the air and departed from the keep, no doubt heading back to Labyrinthian until Alduin needed them again. As the dragons flew away, and the group turned back to the entrance of the keep, Sunset spotted Elenwen coming their way, but she was unable to tell what the Ambassador was feeling.

"Archmage, you've returned," Elenwen said, glancing at Alduin as she recalled the news he had shared with her, before he had departed to find Sunset, "I trust that your aware of the damage that your... decision... has brought upon Nirn. Several of the drained Daedric Princes are currently waiting for your arrival with the rest of the leaders of this Alliance, summoned the moment Alduin told us what he discovered. Come along to where Shearpoint used to be, we've set up a meeting area there where Alduin will be able to join us... without alarming the soldiers and civilians."

Sunset nodded and the group followed Elenwen into the keep for a moment, where she walked up the pathway that had been laid into the ground and approached the main building, where Sunset and her friends slept all the time. There they paused for a moment, allowing Elenwen to go inside for a few seconds before returning with Delphine, who was wearing a neutral expression on her face, and Tolfdir, who looked like he had no idea what to think anymore. Once they were outside Elenwen headed to the exit that had been built for the mages to use to travel to their training ground, which would be vacant until they resolved the matter at hand.

As they approached the Word Wall of Shearpoint Sunset spotted a large round table, one that she had been told was for the teachers and students to use when there they practicing magic, that had fifteen chairs surrounding it. Alduin flew over head and landed in a spot close to the table's location, but chose to walk the rest of the way until he was almost to the table itself. Sunset was expecting several of the other leaders to appear at this 'meeting', but she thought that all of her allies would be together in a single location like this. The majority of them were already seated, waiting for her arrival it seemed, so she took the seat that Elenwen beckoned to before the Ambassador did the same thing. Sunset's friends stayed behind her, so they could be present for the event they were sure was about to change the entirety of the Alliance as they knew it.

It was also at that moment that Sunset realized that one of the Greybeards, Master Arngeir by the looks of it, had come all the way down to their fortress, to oversee what was about to occur. Though as she looked around the table she found that one of the seats, the one closest to her left, was unoccupied, which made her wonder which of her allies decided not to come.

"Before we begin this meeting we must have someone fill in for the leadership of the Fellglow Alliance," Master Arngeir said, looking at Sunset for a moment, "Tell us, Dragonborn, which of your closest companions would you choose to fill in your station as Commander of the Fellglow Alliance?"

Sunset had expected to be forced to surrender her position as the leader of her own alliance sometime during this meeting, but she didn't expect it to be at the very beginning. It made some sense, as she was Dragonborn and, in everyone's eyes, she didn't need to be at the helm of an army, but she sighed anyway as she thought about it. Many of her friends she had known for about a week, but there was one of them that she knew she could entrust the Fellglow Alliance to and not be sorry for doing so. She took a moment to collect herself, giving the illusion that she was taking a moment to think it over, before pulling herself up onto her feet and turning back to her friends.

"I choose Bjorn Wyrmsblood," Sunset declared, causing Bjorn look surprised for a moment, before Lydia slapped him on the back and escorted him to the chair to Sunset's left.

"Good, we can begin," Master Arngeir continued, beckoning to himself for a moment before continuing around the table, "As many of you have already guessed I am Master Arngeir of the Greybeards. To my right are Alduin, the Firstborn of Akatosh, Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, Leader of the Stormcloak Rebellion, Karliah, Acting Leader of the Thieves Guild, Snowheart, Listener for the Dark Brotherhood, Isran, Leader of the Dawnguard, Lord Harkon, Master of the Volkihar Vampires, and Sheogorath, Chosen Representative of the Drained Daedric Princes.

To my left are General Tullius, Acting Leader of the Imperial Legion in Skyrim, Ambassador Elenwen, Acting Leader of the Thalmor in Skyrim, Esbern, Acting Leader of the Blades, Morokei, Chosen Representative of the Dragon Cult, Tolfdir, Acting Leader of the College of Whinterhold, Kodlak Whitemane, Harbinger of the Companions, and Bjorn Wyrmsblood, Chosen Representative of the Fellglow Alliance. And sitting direction across from me is someone that you should all know, because she is the reason that you're all here to begin with, but I'll announce her anyway; Sunset Shimmer, Chosen Dragonborn of Kynerath and Founder of the Fellglow Alliance.

Let us call this meeting to order and settle whatever matter is plaguing your minds."

"I demand to know how Tirek could have gotten his hands on the Daedric Artifacts," Alduin started, nearly roaring in anger as he spoke in the Dragon Language, as if he was talking one on one with Sunset, "items that you promised us would be locked away from him."

"Please speak plainly," Master Arngeir said, causing the World-Eater to turn towards him for a moment, "We are here to discuss this matter like civilized people, not speaking in an ancient tongue that few here can even understand."

Alduin huffed for a moment, clearly debating whether or not he should burn everyone to the ground and destroy Nirn before Tirek could, before looking away from the Greybeard. Sunset was impressed that Arngeir could stand Alduin's gaze, much less turn the dragon away like he had done, which made her respect the elder that much more. After a minute of silence it became clear that Alduin was trying to phrase it in the normal language, but was either having trouble or purposely making it look like it so someone else would take over. Elenwen sighed and called attention to herself, eager to get things underway once more.

"I believe he's demanding an answer as to how your enemy got his hands on the Daedric Artifacts," Elenwen commented, glancing to Alduin to see a nod before turning to Sunset, "You promised all of us, your allies and your soldiers, that the only way to stop Tirek from reaching his full power was to find the fifteen Daedric Artifacts and lock them out in Oblivion. Yet thanks to Akatosh sharing the demon's location with Alduin, and his timely venture to Fort Neugrad, we have discovered that he has access to the very chest you locked out in Oblvion and has been draining the Princes for the last few days. We demand to know why you lied to us, Sunset Shimmer."

"Its because we gave her bad information," Karliah spoke up, giving Sunset a moment to notice that Raja was now standing behind the dunmer, "When she came looking for Esbern some time ago she asked my Guildmaster about the Skeleton Key, the sixteenth and final Daedric Artifact in Skyrim, and she was told that the Key was safe. Raja had asked me the same thing after we returned the Key after Mercer had stolen it, and I told her that Nocturnal would not allow anyone to take what was her's, not with the Guardians protecting her Temple from intruders. Sunset Shimmer believed that the Key was safe from Tirek and that there was no reason to take it from its resting place, so she forgot about it and failed to include it in the sealing ritual you performed.

The question isn't how Tirek managed to get his hands on the Skeleton Key and loot Sunset's personal chest, but how he managed to find the Twilight Sepulcher in the first place when only three people knew of its existence... and when none of those three would dare to surrender that very information."

"He didn't need to bribe one of you to tell him," a voice said, just as Nocturnal herself appeared behind Sheogorath, "because he had the balls to reach into my realm and call back someone who knew what you, Raja, and Brynjolf knew. All he had to do was focus the powers of the necromancers that he had absorbed to his goal and he brought Mercer Frey back to life, who exchanged the Key to the demon for the promise of living again. Suffice to say that he got what was coming to him and is now back where he belongs... but now your enemy has both my power and my artifact, giving him access to the rest of the Princes."

Sunset listened to the tale and wondered what necromancers that Tirek had absorbed to gain the ability that Nocturnal told them about, before the truth dawned in her eyes. She remembered the necromancers that had been called in alongside the Forsworn/Bandit army to destroy Whiterun, but they had been destroyed by Alduin and his dragons. She had always wondered how the demon managed to get that many necromancers under his command, but then she realized that someone had been pulling the strings the entire time. There was only one person that could have pulled it off while Tirek was busy, but now that person was dead and whatever power he had was now added to Tirek's own.

She beckoned to Serana for a moment, before the vampire approached the table and let Revan's head roll onto the stone, causing everyone to look at it for a moment.

"There's the reason that the necromancers attacked Whiterun to begin with," Sunset told them, somewhat grateful that Tirek's greatest pawn was dead, "Revan, the former right hand of Mankar Camoran, the man who orchestrated the Oblivion Crisis, and Tirek's greatest underling, was slain yesterday. This was the vampire that set in motion the Forsworn Army, gathered together every bandit that he could bribe, and summoned every necromancer that wanted to bring about the end of the world. This one vampire alone sold out the entirety of Nirn to Tirek, all so he could be the King of whatever world formed after the destruction of this one. I have already broken every plan that Revan has set in motion, but all that remains is to find the demon and end him before he finishes his goal."

"This still doesn't explain how our enemy found the chest to begin with," Kodlak Whitemane spoke up, turning the attention to himself for a moment, "Sure, maybe the lass made a mistake in keeping all fifteen artifacts in one location, but either way the truth of the matter stands that the Alliance was played. How could Tirek get to the chest, when he's never touched any of the artifacts before he stole the Skeleton Key?"

Sunset thought about it for a moment, wondering if touch was the key to this riddle, when her eyes lit up as she realized what she had been missing the entire time.

"I've figured it out," Sunset told them, mentally wishing she had figured this out a long time ago, "Several of Tirek's underlings managed to get their hands on some of the artifacts before I found them and recovered what they had taken. Tirek has been absorbing the powers of his followers, so what if he's also been absorbing the sensation his followers felt when they laid their hands on one of the artifacts? Half of them were touched by one of his underlings, so it is highly possible that he used those sensations and, with the aid of the Skeleton Key, connected to the chest. He followed their magical signature and has been stealing the power of the Princes..."

"None the less the Thieves Guild is to blame for the loss of the Skeleton Key," Karliah finally said, apparently getting tired of listening once more, "Had we introduced new security measures to keep it safe, and checked the Temple every now and then to be sure that it was still there, maybe this never would have happened. Sunset Shimmer is not to blame for this mess that we're in..."

"Oh but she is," Ulfric replied, cutting the thief off as he stared at Sunset, "She was the one who proposed that we bide our time until she had secured the Artifacts, yet she handed them over to the demon she swears that she's fighting against. Whose to say that this entire Alliance wasn't one of Tirek's ideas, so that he can get all of those that would oppose him to gather in one spot before he obliterated them? Whose to say that she isn't one of Tirek's allies? Whose to say that she isn't waiting for the demon to shatter the barrier between worlds and claim whatever he leaves behind?"

"Because this world would have already been destroyed if I had done that," Sunset snapped, outraged that one of her allies would accuse her of such a thing, "Think about that for a moment Jarl Ulfric. If I was in league with Tirek, which I'm not by the way, then he would have started draining the Princes the moment I recovered one of their artifacts. Everything that's happened would have occurred earlier and I'm pretty sure that Akatosh would have told Alduin to destroy me... if I was working for that foul demon."

Ulfric stared at Sunset for a moment, clearly wondering if she was pulling their legs and was secretly plotting to bring the entire world down, before a sigh escaped his lips. Sunset didn't know what the Jarl was doing, but she had the feeling that something bad was about to rear its ugly head at her.

"I'm just going to cut to the chase then," Ulfric said, getting onto his feet and looking at the assembled leaders, "What I'm about to do is for the best of Skyrim... and for the best of Nirn. I..."

"...propose that we dismiss Sunset Shimmer as the Archmage of the College of Winterhold and formally dismantle the entirety of the Fellglow Alliance."

Everyone at the table, including the bystanders, turned and looked at General Tullius, who was now standing as well and was staring right at Sunset, with a look of anger in his eyes. Sunset, on the other hand, was horrified that someone would announce that they wanted her to step down as the Archmage and destroy the Alliance. She had gathered all of these soldiers together and forced these leaders to forget their negativity towards each other for the betterment of Nirn, yet now she was being forced to watch as all her work began to crumble before her eyes.

"Are you mad?" Bjorn asked, clearly outraged that someone would even think of breaking the Fellglow Alliance apart, especially when their enemy was still at large, "General Tullius, please don't do this. If you force apart this Alliance, who have been dedicated to saving all of Nirn from Tirek, then your only making everyone an easier target for him to pick off later on. When Tirek is defeated and Nirn is safe then we can disband the Alliance, but we cannot afford to do so until the demon is defeated and..."

"I second the proposal," Jarl Ulfric stated, cutting Bjorn off and surprising everyone, "The two of us, and all of you I might add, have been following the commands of someone that's not from this world and look where that's gotten us so far! The sun and moons have stopped their orbits and have formed some strange eclipse. Thieves and assassins can no longer sneak, while people who have gone completely mad are now sane for no reason. Its only a matter of time until the other Princes fall and their influence on this world is taken as well, where we'll be left with a dying world... a dying world that is the result of us following HER!"

"If you value your world you will aid in the dismantling of the Fellglow Alliance," General Tullius added, sighing as he beckoned for Master Arngeir to continue, "otherwise we'll all witness the maws of Oblivion open before our very eyes."

"It seems that there must be a vote," Master Arngeir said, though he looked unhappy about the entire thing, "Very well, I shall call upon those who wish to see the end of this Alliance first. Those that wish to end the Fellglow Alliance, and strip the Dragonborn of both the title of Archmage and all that comes with it, please stand so we can count you."

General Tullius and Jarl Ulfric remained standing, as they were the ones who immediately proposed the whole idea, and they waited for someone else to join them.

"I shall stand against the Dragonborn," Esbern said, removing himself from his chair as Delphine moved a hand to her mouth, shocked that the old man would betray his oath like that, "I'm sorry Delphine, but this is for the best. Many have made terrible decisions in the past and have suffered the consequences, but the Dragonborn must face hers as well."

Both Isran and Lord Harkon, two of the people who said that their factions would back the Alliance if Sunset brought them Revan's head, stood up as well, much to Sunset's sorrow. She wasn't surprised when Elenwen stood up, as she was the leader of the Thalmor and it would seem off if they turned against the Imperial Legion on a decision like this. Then, when she thought the vote for dismissal was over, Sheogorath stood up and tapped his staff, the Wabbajack, on the table to gather everyone's attention.

"Just so you know, I don't support the notion of dismissing her," Sheogorath said, a wicked grin appearing on his face, "Personally, I'd rather just skip rope with her entrails and punish her to live in the Shivering Isles, but that would hardly be very sporting of me. The other Princes have decided that they are displeased with their champion and wish for the dismissal to be carried out, so it falls to me to bend to their wishes and announce their intentions... boy, making sense is boring and unfun. I sure do miss Discord and his chocolate milk."

"So that is seven for dismissal, you may sit down now," Master Arngeir said, sighing as he watched the people, and the Madgod, sit back down in their seats, "and what of the other seven leaders that have assembled here today? Do you wish to see the dismissal of the Dragonborn and the destruction of this Alliance."

"No," Alduin growled, surprising Sunset by being the first to voice his opinion, as she was expecting Bjorn to speak first, "I may not like many of you, mortals, but I have come to respect how you band together against overwhelming odds... just like the trio of warriors that defeated me the first time. They did what Sunset did and defeated me, casting me out of Nirn for thousands of years, until I was able to come back and finish what I started. I would place the whole of Nirn in Sunset's hands, despite the fact that we were outplayed, and trust that she would do what was necessary when the time came."

Sunset was almost taken aback by what the dragon said, as she was sure that he was only in this alliance to see Tirek's defeat, but the dragon seemed to have grown attached to them all a tiny bit. She was sure that, if any of them happened to survive what was to come, then the World-Eater would resume what he was doing before she enlisted his help.

"I would agree with my master," Morokei said, speaking in the common language so they could understand him, "I gave Sunset Shimmer the Staff of Magnus when she came to Labyrinthian, not because she came asking for it, but because I saw the potential inside of her. I saw the potential for a great mage that could aid your College in rising above the rumors that surrounded its name, and a great leader that could led an army of soldiers to victory against a creature that desired the end of everything. One of those potentials was destroyed by the demon, but while the second still burns bright I shall stand beside the Warlord of the Dragon Cult and fight the creature that seeks the end of everything."

"I will, of course, say that I'm against the dismissal," Bjorn spoke up, getting to his feet before beckoning to his friends, "We have traveled with Sunset through dwarven ruins, survived countless nordic burial grounds, and defeated evil people where others thought there were none. The five of us, her closest friends, have learned so much about her and understand the hardships that she's gone through, so much so that we have formed an unbreakable bond with her. If she says that there's still a way to defeat Tirek, even with the power that he has already gained, then I say that we prepare ourselves accordingly and make sure that we give our enemy everything that we have to give."

"Well spoken lad," Kodlak said, getting onto his feet as Snowheart, Karliah, and Tolfdir followed suit, "We are a warrior race, and as such we will fight this demon with everything we have. The Companions, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood have agreed to work together with Sunset Shimmer, regardless if you decide to dismantle the Alliance or keep it going. The fury of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred Companions shall meet whoever Sunset's enemies are and drive them back until either we win or the last warrior falls to the demon."

"Seven for dismissal, seven against it," Sunset said, sighing as she glanced at Master Arngeir, knowing what was going to come next, "I'm sorry Master Arngeir, but it seems that you'll have to be the tie breaker for this vote."

"So it would seem," the Greybeard said, getting onto his feet and looking at everyone assembled before him, "I do not take pleasure in having to decide the fate of the entire Fellglow Alliance, let me say that right now, but I do know which choice is the best for Nirn as a whole. It seems that even the Greybeards are subject to change... something that I never thought possible, especially after all these years. I choose to stand against the charges of dismissal... I'm sorry General Tullius and Jarl Ulfric, but you have been defeated at your own game."

"Can we at least demand that she retires from being the Archmage and become fully dedicated to her destiny as the Dragonborn?" Ulfric asked, trying to find some way to have a win out of this entire situation.

"Fine, if that's what it will take to keep all of you as allies to the Fellglow Alliance," Sunset finally spoke, sighing as she patted the arm of the robes, "then I will gladly step down and name my replacement. I choose Tolfdir to be the new Archmage."

"Me?!" Tolfdir asked, surprise crossing his face for a moment, before he regained his composure and nodded, "Fine, I accept the role of Archmage of the College of Winterhold."

"Something good came from this after all," General Tullius said, before glancing at Sunset once more, "We have not forgotten that you need to travel to Solstheim and find someone named Miraak, who we know was once a Dragon Priest thanks to Alduin and Morokei. We're beginning construction on several ships that will transport soldiers to the island, to follow the commands of whoever is chosen to be the commander for your venture. It will take a week to finish them, even with the Stormcloaks helping us, so I would suggest learning what the Greybeards and the Dragon Priests have to share with you."

"So that's it?" Sunset asked the Imperial commander, surprised that he had tried to shatter the entire Alliance and was now acting friendly once more, "Your tried to dismiss me and suddenly we're friends again?"

"Considering whats happening I'd consider yourself lucky," General Tullius replied, "Yes, I tried to break the Alliance, but I also wanted to make sure that your convictions were strong and that you were true to wanting to see Tirek being defeated. I do not regret what I just did, but we'll make sure that you go to Solstheim, meet Miraak, and then get back here before our enemy destroys all of Nirn."

Sunset watched her allies move away from the table and go back to whatever they had been doing before the meeting had been called, somewhat confused as to what General Tullius had just done. She was back to being the Dragonborn, but she had the feeling that something big was going to happen on Solstheim... something that she was sure that Alduin, the Dragon Priests, and the Greybeards would train her for. She only prayed that the remaining Princes held out against Tirek, least they give him more power to do what he wanted.


Tirek sighed as he took in the rest of Peryite's power, before he moved out to the walkway that rested at the top of his tower and held the Prince out in the air. Then he threw the drained Prince outwards, letting him fall to the second story of the tower and crash into the stonework, though he was so out of it that he didn't get back up. Tirek chuckled as he walked into the chamber and approached the chest once more, allowing his magic to reach inside and find the next one that Sunset had recovered. What appeared before him was a wicked looking mace that radiated pure evil, as it was from one of the Princes that had nearly destroyed Nirn in the past.

"Come for Molag Bal," Tirek called out, breaching the barrier between worlds as he reached out for his next target, "Daedric Prince of Domination and Enslavement."

What appeared before him was a monstrous creature that was at least twice the size of himself, telling him that the barrier between worlds was weakening enough to empower the remaining Princes. The creature had horns that wrapped around its ears, what Tirek assumed were ears, and pointed right at him, though it wore nothing besides a loincloth. Even its hands and feet were clawed, though Tirek only had to look at the creature's eyes to tell that it was a powerful creature, one filled with a dark purpose. He grinned even wider and prepared to take advantage of the Prince not moving, but even as he did so he was pushed back just a tiny bit, causing him to stare at the Prince.

Molag Bal looked at Tirek for a moment before moving his right hand out to his side, to which his energy wrapped around his palm and summoned a sickly looking scythe. The moment the weapon was summoned he spun around and cleaved the entirely of the ceiling into pieces, exposing them to the air in a single instant.

"It was unwise to summon me, demon," Molag Bal said, before moving forward and bringing the weapon down onto the demon, who barely had time to raise a shield to defend himself.

The scythe cut through the barrier like butter and cut into Tirek's left shoulder, taking from him the ability to use his arm for the moment as he was forced to back up. Tirek growled and gathered his power into his right hand, where he swung his attack at the Prince the instant it was ready and connected with the head of the scythe. The conflict between their energies caused the area around them to shake, just like Tirek had done when he sunk the entirety of Winterhold, though he could hear the ground cracking and shaking under the pressure of their conflicting energies.

The moment their connection broke Tirek dashed forward and slammed his fist into the Prince's chest, barely knocking him back as the scythe cut into his left leg. Then the scythe came down once more and cut into his chest, creating a deep gash that would take some time for a powerful creature to heal completely. Tirek barely had time to move as Molag cut into the other leg, forcing him to fall to his knees before the Lord of Domination as the scythe was pressed against his neck. The Prince waited a moment before lifting his scythe into the air, intending to bring it down on Tirek's neck and end this once and for all, but before he could do so Tirek's right hand slammed into his chest and knocked him back.

Tirek then grunted and leapt up, moving his hand to the Prince's face and holding him in the air, though he had to wonder why he was beginning to have to resort to drastic measures to secure the next prize.

"I will not be denied your power," Tirek growled, grateful that the feeling was returning to his body now, while he was taking the power into himself, "and then I will break you like all the rest of your kind."

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