• Published 22nd Nov 2015
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Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer enters the portal to Equestria and finds herself in Skyrim. The only problem is that Tirek is there as well.

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13: Destruction

The moment Sunset had the Staff of Magnus she turned around and walked back to where her friends were waiting for her, noticing that Bjorn and Fiona were looking at her like she had lost her mind. She was still surprised as well, as she had come here to fight a Dragon Priest and acquire the Staff, but as she thought about it she realized that she could use the experience the Priests had to her advantage.

"Are you out of your mind?" Fiona asked, worried about the damage that would be done to Skyrim if the Dragon Priest in the chamber was allowed to live, "We can't let one of them out into Skyrim, not when there's already one of the other seven floating around doing who knows what to the people. Once they realize that Alduin has returned they'll flock to his side and turn their power against us, not to mention the unfortunate people that live across Skyrim."

"I'd love to deal with Alduin, but I have a much bigger threat to deal with," Sunset replied, sighing as she faced the vampire, "Tirek is like a storm of destruction; once he gets enough of his power back he'll want to experiment with this world. He'll destroy whatever is around him at the beginning, but then he'll start striking out at heavily populated places, like Winterhold or Solitude, and wipe them from the world. Then, should he get his full power back, I assume that he'll start ripping the whole of Nirn apart... that's if someone doesn't stop him before that happens."

"Initiate, who is this Tirek that you speak of?" Morokei asked, floating over to where they were standing, causing Sunset's friends to back up for a moment.

"Someone who steals magic from people to further his own goals," Sunset replied, shaking her head as she turned to the Dragon Priest, "and destroys whatever gets in his way. He's planning on gathering his full power, how I don't know yet, and then he'll begin his End Game... the end of Nirn as we know it. Tirek is using Ancano, whose misusing the Eye of Magnus, and its only a matter of time until he grows tired of the elf and disposes of him. We need to head back to the College immediately."

"As you wish Initiate," Morokei replied, beckoning them to follow him back into the large chamber he had been sealed for who knows how long, "I will show you and your companions the exit and wait for your return... after you deal with this problem of yours. Then I shall show you the power of magic when you return."

Before Sunset could reply to the Dragon Priest she spotted a second Priest, the one from the Word Wall that had run away, floating in the middle of the open chamber. Only this time he was holding a Thalmor wizard by the throat, either having killed the elf already or was slowly chocking him as they watched. Krosis stared at them for a moment, as if deciding something, before throwing the elf at one of the nearby walls, though that was when Sunset noticed that the elf was dead. Krosis then approached Morokei, pausing to whisper something to his superior before walking to a different wall, where he floated and ignored everyone.

"It seems your enemy has been keeping an eye on you," Morokei commented, waving a hand to the dead elf, "if this Ancano doesn't already know you have the Staff of Magnus he'll know soon enough."

Sunset nodded and continued forward, walking around the pathway that she assumed Krosis had descended down before finding an open door that lead upwards. The tunnel eventually lead them to a chamber that was connected to a normal passage that one would expect from a nordic barrow, though one path ended and a second lead to the actual exit. They appeared on what appeared to be a broken perch of some kind, but after a moment of looking around them Sunset found a path down to the entrance of Labyrinthian. Her plan was simple at that point; they get a carriage ride back to Winterhold so she could rest up before her fight with Ancano, as there simply wasn't enough time to waste in returning.

"Your sure that you really want to align yourself with the Dragon Priests?" Bjorn asked, merely curious as they walked out the ruin that held two freshly awoken Dragon Priests.

"I need their knowledge and their power," Sunset replied, sighing once more as they walked, "They can increase my knowledge of the Dragon Language, show me the spells that they know in an attempt to pass them on, and maybe catch a few lost Shouts that no one knows about anymore. Tirek needs to be stopped, before he ends up destroying most of Skyrim... if not Nirn itself."

That comment made her companions settle down, forcing them to realize that their home would likely be destroyed if Sunset didn't find Tirek and stop him before he regained his full power. Sunset hated having to tell them the terrible part of what Tirek was capable of, but she refused to tell them what the centaur was truly capable of, which was something she heard from Princess Twilight. She was still surprised that the demon had been beaten by the powers of Harmony, but she was determined to defeat her enemy before it came to needing to resort to the power of her home world.

They traveled to Morthal, the closest city in the immediate area of Labyrinthian, where they found a carriage driver that was finishing a late night delivery to the city. After a few minutes of negotiation, which Fiona and Bjorn lead, the driver finally agreed to take them back to Winterhold and suggested that they set out immediately. Then the four of them boarded the back of the carriage and began the journey back to the College, where three of them knew Sunset would end whatever scheme Ancano was cooking up. Sunset, on the other hand, gripped the Staff of Magnus, still amazed by the power it contained, before she allowed sleep to claim her for the moment.


"Hmm... she's coming," Tirek commented, staring at Ancano as he worked his magic on the Eye, feeling his enemy coming towards the College once more, returning from her journey to the place called Labyrinthian.

"What's that Lord Tirek?" Ancano asked, turning his concentration away from the Eye for a moment, though he was confident that he could command the artifact regardless.

"Sunset Shimmer is coming towards the College," Tirek told the elf, stepping out from behind a pillar and pausing between two of them, "and she carries the Staff of Magnus. Show me Ancano, show me the power of the Eye and destroy her when she comes to stop you... otherwise you know the consequences if you fail me..."

"That shall not happen my lord," Ancano replied, magic wrapping around his hand for a moment, briefly wondering if he could take the demon down before doing away with the thought, "When she arrives I shall unleash the power of the Eye on her and wipe her from the face of Nirn... and even beyond if it would please you."

"Destroy her," Tirek commanded, disappearing into the shadows, "or I shall take measures into my own hands..."


When Sunset awoke it was morning and they were quickly approaching Winterhold, though she immediately noticed some sort of barrier was surrounding the College. It was clear that Ancano was protecting himself, no doubt having forced the rest of the mages out of the College so he could be alone with the Eye. Bjorn noticed that she was awake and handed her something, a chunk of cheese and some water, to serve as breakfast before she charged into the College.

"What should we do while you fight Ancano?" Bjorn asked, though it was clear that he wished he could follow her into the College and put an arrow in Ancano's head for all the trouble he was causing.

"I need the three of you to gather up the rest of the mages and get them away from the College," Sunset said, swallowing the meager meal before preparing herself for the carriage to arrive at the city, "then I want all of you to gather whoever is in the city and get them away from the College. If Ancano's master really is Tirek, and I beat him at his own game, then I'm positive that what could come next might be the destruction of everything around us. Or Ancano could still beat me and bring about the destruction of the College anyway, but I'd rather not risk everyone's life on this."

"Don't worry about us," Fiona replied, flashing Sunset a smile as they stopped outside Winterhold, "We'll take care of things here, so get up to the College and show that Thalmor a thing or two."

Sunset took a moment to steady herself before climbing out of the carriage, hitting the ground and immediately making her way to the bridge that connected the College to Winterhold. She was confident that she could defeat Ancano, so she allowed it to show in her stride as she passed guards and civilians alike, who stopped what they were doing for a moment to look at her. She stopped in front of the bridge for a moment, feeling the magic around her as she tried to pick out whether or not Tirek was actually nearby, before she started out once more. The first half of the bridge seemed normal, but when she approached the second magical circle she noticed that a few mages were standing there, arguing about how they were going to bypass the barrier.

That was until Tolfdir noticed that Sunset had rejoined them, which was then followed by him and the others realizing that she had recovered the Staff of Magnus.

"The Staff..." Tolfdir said, awe filling his face for a moment, which was dashed when the barrier shimmered and lightning flashed in the sky above them, "Well, let's hope the Psijic's were right about the Staff, otherwise Ancano's going to bring the College down around us."

"Then I had better get in there," Sunset replied, noting that Mirabelle wasn't with them and assumed that she had been taken out by Ancano after she had departed for Labyrinthian.

As she stepped towards the barrier she allowed magic to gather in the stone at the top of the staff, where she released it the moment she neared the swirling magic. The Staff's magic rolled over the barrier, tearing a massive hole in front of Sunset and allowing her to access the College, though she had to frown when she spotted Tolfdir following her. The two of them entered the College's courtyard, finding that it looked the exact same as the last time they had been inside, making them wonder what Ancano was actually doing. Sunset then walked into the Hall of the Elements, where she found Ancano exactly where she had last seen him, standing near the Eye with his magic rolling off the artifact.

"You've come for me, have you?" Ancano shouted, spotting Sunset the moment she entered the Hall of the Elements, "You think I don't know what you're up to? You think I can't destroy you? The power to unmake the world at my fingertips, and you think you can do anything about it? I am beyond your pathetic attempts at magic. You cannot touch me."

Sunset pulled the Staff back and thrust it forward, allowing the magic to slam into the Eye and forcing Ancano back for a moment, but then he regained himself and cast a spell that froze Tolfdir where he stood. Then he turned his attention to the Eye once more and threw his magic at it, forcing Sunset off the artifact and allowing him to take the position he had once held. Before Sunset could try for the Eye again Ancano waved his hand and the Eye began to open, the metal shell effortlessly pulling itself apart to reveal the magic that it contained within. Then Ancano snapped his fingers and creatures began to appear around the chamber, creatures that Sunset noticed were made of pure magicka.

"I don't understand why you'd want to bring about the end of the world," Sunset shouted, swinging her magic around and shattering several of the creatures immediately, as if they were made of glass, "I can understand wanting to use the Eye to rule the world, but why bother destroying it?"

"I don't expect you to understand," Ancano snapped, flinging lightning at her, causing her to summon a barrier to protect herself, "With the power of the Eye of Magnus I can end the war that plagues this forsaken land and force the Empire to accept the Thalmor's wishes completely. Once I have defeated you, and have acquired the Staff as well, I shall obliterate every ounce of resistance that exists across this world until the Thalmor rule everything and everyone."

"Tirek put you up to this, didn't he?" Sunset shouted back, flames wrapping around her hand as she broke from her barrier, slammed a fireball into Ancano's chest, and pressed on with a barrage of spells, "He's just using you for his own goals, which will result in the end of this world, unless you surrender the Eye to me and help me put a stop to his plans."

"My new Lord will be the end of you," Ancano replied, stepped out of the smoke without a scratch on his body, "and once he has enough of his former power back he will open a temporary gateway back to his Plane of Oblivion, the realm that you call Equus."

The moment Sunset heard that comment she envisioned a peaceful day in Equestria suddenly being ruined by a massive hole appearing in the sky. Then, as ponies noticed the dramatic change in the sky, Tirek would step out of the portal in his true form, the centaur form that was associated with him. She could see him even now, calling upon whatever magic he acquired in this world to tear apart the whole of Equus to absorb the power of the Princesses themselves. Then he'd likely destroy whatever power the Elements of Harmony had left, ensuring that there was nothing in all of Equus that could defeat him.

It was a scenario that Sunset dreaded to imagine happening, so much so that she switched the Staff to her left hand, pulled out her sword and allowed her magic to pool around the blade. Then, in one swift motion, she swung the blade and released the magic, allowing a wave of energy to surge forward and strike Ancano right in the chest, sending him into one of the pillars. With the deed done she turned her attention to the Eye and struck it with the Staff, pouring the power of the Staff into the artifact and forced it to close, causing the magical creatures to disappear.

"Sorry to disappoint you," Ancano said, stepping out of the rubble without a scratch on him, "but I'm not dead yet."

"It seems like you've chosen your path," Sunset sadly commented, wishing that such a talented mage could have seen passed Tirek's promises and lent her his powers, "Very well then, I shall end this before anymore damage is done to the College."

Both Ancano and Sunset gathered their magic, Ancano calling the magic into his hands while Sunset allowed them to gather in the Staff's stone. Then, when they were certain that they each had enough power, they thrust their magic forward and the two opposing forces collided with each other. The two forces, Sunset's red like her flames and Ancano's eerie green thanks to the Eye, battled each other while the two continued to pour more of their magic into the attacks. As the two of them ducked it out Ancano reached for the magic of the Eye, but as he did so he found that it wouldn't answer his call and fear crossed into his eyes.

Then, as if his confidence had shattered, Sunset overcame his magic and her's barreled into his body, knocking him into yet another pillar and causing it to collapse. Sunset then canceled her magic, allowing the area to return to normal before she walked over to where Ancano's body laid, to make sure that the deed was done for real this time. As she approached she noticed that his chest was still moving, which told her that he was still alive and, more importantly, still connected to the Eye.

"Why?" Ancano asked, moaning as he tried to pick up his beaten body, staring at Sunset as she approached him, "Why do you not fall when faced with an enemy wielding overwhelming power? Why do you persist on fighting those that are of greater power than yourself? You will still fail when my Lord comes to destroy you."

"I continue to fight because I must." Sunset replied, sheathing her sword as she stared at the elf, "And besides, you weren't that much more powerful than me, as you were borrowing magic from the Eye... just like I was with the Staff. I can almost guarantee you that if we had fought without either artifact it would have been an even match, though you chose your path and now have the suffer the consequences."

Before she did anything to the elf she noticed a change wash over his face, transforming the confident and arrogant expression he wore into one of horror and fear.

"No... no my Lord," Ancano suddenly said, sweat rolling down his face, "I promise you... give me another chance and I will defeat her. There's no reason for you to reveal yourself yet my Lord... no, please don't..."

Before the next word left his mouth Sunset watched as Ancano's magic was literally stolen from his body, quickly turning him to a withered husk and dropping him to the ground. It was a clear sigh that Tirek had been at the College at some point and had formed a link to the elf, exactly like he had done to the Caller she assumed. To be completely sure she knelt beside the husk and felt for something, anything, that would tell her that Ancano was alive, but after a few seconds she sighed and stood back up. Tirek had killed Ancano, though she now knew that she needed to find him before he caused more destruction.

" Ancano is gone," Tolfdir commented, having recovered from being frozen and approached the withered body, "but whatever he's done to the Eye doesn't seem to have stopped. I have no idea what to do!"

Just as Tolfdir finished his statement the air around them shimmered for a moment before three Psijic Monks appeared before them, though Sunset recognized the one in the middle as the one that continued to speak to her, despite his Order's practices. Sunset approached the monks and respectfully bowed to them, wondering what, if anything, they would be able to tell her this time, only to receive a bow from the one she knew.

"We knew you would succeed." the monk said, the other two nodding before moving around the Eye, "Your victory here justifies our belief in you. You have proven yourself more than worthy to guide the College of Winterhold. The Eye has grown unstable. It cannot remain here, or else it may destroy your College and this world. It must be secured. Ancano's actions prove that the world is not ready for such a thing. We shall safeguard it... for now. You now have the opportunity to maintain your College, and carry on with your lives. You have our gratitude, Archmage."

That was when the monk joined the others of his Order, stepping into a position that created a triangle pattern around the Eye, before the three of them activated their magic. Then, almost as quickly as they arrived in the Hall of the Elements, the three monks disappeared, taking the Eye to wherever their base of operations was.

"So... I'm the Archmage now?" Sunset asked, turning to Tolfdir with a look of surprise on her face.

"Yes, and I'm sure that you'll make the College proud," Tolfdir replied, beckoning for her to head into the Archmage's quarters, "I left the robes of the Archmage in the quarters, so you might as well don them and then address the rest of our staff... I also curious as to why we were told to leave the College grounds until the fight was over."

Sunset sighed and walked into the quarters, amazed that all of this was supposed to be her's, but knew that, if her prediction was correct, none of it would be there later on. So she summoned the chest that she had read the spell book for, something she hadn't had the opportunity to use until now, and started moving everything she could into it. She loaded the chest full of the alchemy ingredients, enchanting gems, and the variety of books that happened to be laying around for her to take. That was when she noticed that there was another red gem on one of the shelves, which she took as well, before she took another look around and was satisfied with her work. Before sending the chest away she quickly removed the robes that she was already wearing, donned the robes of the Archmage, and banished the chest.

With the Staff of Magnus in hand, and the robes of the Archmage covering her body, she marched down the stairs and met up with Tolfdir, before the two of them walked out into the courtyard. Though as she stepped passed the statue of Archmage Shalidor she felt Tirek's magic and immediately turned around, turning her gaze to the top of the Hall of the Elements and spotting someone staring down at them.

"Congratulations, Archmage Sunset Shimmer," Tirek called down to them, "You managed to defeat another of my pawns, but now it is time for me to show you the fruits of their labor."

Before Sunset had time to shout back at him Tirek leapt off the top of the building and floated down to where they were standing, landing so close to Sunset's face that she and Tolfdir leapt backwards. That was when Sunset noticed that the wrinkles she had seen in the prison weren't as bad as they had previously been, though his face gave everything away. Where she had been sure that Tirek had looked almost ninety years old the last time she was shocked to find that he looked even younger now, almost as if he was at least seventy years old now.

Or, she decided after a moment of staring at her enemy, Tirek could have shaved off more years, as she determined that he was definitely fifty-five years old now.

"How much power have you consumed?" Sunset asked, wondering if she even stood a chance in her weakened state, thanks to the battle she had with Ancano, "How many people have died to do this to your body?"

"Ah, I am at thirty-five percent of my former power," Tirek answered, clearly trying to install fear into them by giving them the answer, "and I could name just a few people that you would know whose powers I now possess; the Caller, the Augur of Dunlain, the previous Archmage, Savos Aren, and let's not forget Ancano. But this is not enough for me to return to Equus, as I require my full one hundred percent for that to happen..."

"I will not allow that to happen," Sunset snapped, magic swirling around her hand, "I would rather die than allowing you to open a portal to Equus."

Tirek laughed for a moment before approaching the statue, though as he did Sunset noticed that magic was beginning to wrap around his right hand, magic that looked transparent. She recalled another story she had asked Princess Celestia about, back when she wanted to learn everything she could about the demon Tirek, in case he escaped Tartarus. Celestia had told her about one of Tirek's favorite spells, which resulted in magic gathering into a transparent sphere around one of his hands, before he slammed it into something at close range. The impact, she had been told, created a violent tremor that literally shook the earth and tore it to pieces, resulting in destructive earthquakes that the Princesses decided never to share with the rest of Equestria after Tirek's defeat.

"Oh sweet Celestia," Sunset muttered, fear creeping into her voice as she noticed what Tirek was walking towards, which lead to the magic around her hand fading from existence, "It cannot be..."

"Ah, you understand the power I am about to unleash," Tirek laughed, stepping up onto the rim of the magicka well that rested in front of Archmage Shalidor's statue, "I'll give you five seconds to run, so that you can experience this for yourself, but if your still here than you will die, exactly as Ancano told you, and your power will be mine as well."

"Tolfdir..." Sunset said, preparing to turn tail and flee the scene.

"Yes Archmage?" Tolfdir replied, lightning crackling around his hands.

"RUN!" Sunset shouted, pulling his shoulder backwards as she made for the entrance to the College's courtyard, forcing the Master Wizard to follow her against his will.

"Tremor," Tirek said, a smile creeping onto his face as he slammed his magic into the air above the magicka wall, cracking the air as his attack transferred into the magic around the College.

Sunset was already at the magicka well that she had met the other wizards when she felt the earth around her shake, causing her to turn around and watch cracks appear in the courtyard. She glanced down at the piece of earth the College sat on and watched the stone crack before her eyes, just as the area around the base began to sink into the water around it. Then, as if reacting to her watching it, the cracks spread out even further, reaching around the entirety of the College and cracking each of its structures. She turned tail and continued towards the ruined city, noting that the people were no longer walking around and had gathered outside the city limits.

When she touched the ground at the base of the bridge she felt the ground moan as the earthquake hit the city, causing the ground to break as a section of it was raised upwards. The buildings, on the other hand, suffered as the general goods store was violently hit, the ground breaking open before the building was swallowed whole. She ran forward with Tolfdir not far behind, though as she did she stumbled as the ground shook and watched as the bridge cracked and shattered into pieces. The pair than passed the Jarl's house, though when they were passed the city's entrance Sunset noticed that the shaking ground had been silenced, though when she looked back she noticed that the city was still shaking.

Sunset then watched as what remained of Winterhold was swallowed by the earthquake, falling into the massive maw of the sea that Tirek had created. Eventually the only thing that remained of the city was the College itself, though as Sunset, her companions, the residents of Winterhold, and the remaining wizards watched horror filled the majority of their eyes. The College succumbed to Tirek's magic, cracking under the weight of his power before the three halls and the courtyard fell into the massive maw as well, leaving no trace that the College even existed.

It was as Sunset feared ever since she first attended the College; that Tirek would arrive at the College and, eventually, end up destroying everything around it. However, where others would find fear at the power that Tirek displayed before them, Sunset found the determination to move on with her original plans. She would recover all sixteen of the Daedric Artifacts and lock them away where Tirek couldn't reach them, learn what she needed from the Greybeards and the Dragon Priests, and find a way to make a deal with Alduin that didn't result in him trying to kill her. She even had two places to make her base of operations now, though it would take them some time to get the both of them into living condition again.

Tirek may have won this one battle, Sunset decided, but she knew that, in time, she would win the war and banish the demon back to Tartarus, where he belonged.

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