• Published 2nd Jun 2012
  • 6,735 Views, 317 Comments

The Cobwebs Of Ignorance - H123G

Changelings. Feared, hated, and above all: misunderstood. When the Canterlot Invasion fails and the Changeling Commander is stuck alone in the forest, the CMC get the chance to find out just what lies beneath the chitin.

  • ...

Manners Class for the Soldier Class II

The forest was quiet. All that could be heard were the sounds of owls hooting and crickets singing their little songs. Seconds started feeling like hours. Not one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders dared to make a sound, or even dared to make a move. All they could do was wait and hope for Dead Ringer to return.

Suddenly, their ears picked up a new sound, and it was very close. Whatever it was, it was growing louder and louder. Snapping their attention in the direction of its source, they witnessed a dark figure slinking surreptitiously in the distance. It was difficult to make out whatever it was, but it was getting nearer.

Fearful, the girls retreated as fast they could, only to bump into a nearby tree. Leaning back against it, they shut their eyes, too scared to see what was coming. Their hooves were quivering. While still afraid, they at least had the sense of knowing nothing would sneak up from behind them. However that still left whatever was coming up in front of them.

Peaking an eye open the girls saw, to their gratitude, nothing. The strange figure was gone, as was the noise. One by one they breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe Dead Ringer was able to succeed after all?

Their small victory did not last long however as their eyes caught sight of a new anomaly. A pair of yellow eyes glowed through the bushes like two lanterns in the dark. Its piercing bright eyes stared right through the three young fillies nestled by the tree.

“Dead Ringer?” Sweetie asked the strange figure with a shaken voice. “Is that you?”

Their fear only grew as the unknown being failed to respond. It just waited there, staring at them. Watching them. Longing for them.

Coming out of the darkness, the light purged the shadows that surrounded the unknown creature as the true identity of their watcher was revealed.

It was mean looking, it had fangs, but it wasn’t a changeling. The creature looked no more older than a teenager. However, the beast still towered over the three in height. Its body was comprised of nothing but wood and whatever unnatural force that gave it life. Its wooden frame was slim and skeletal, which gave the creature great agility and strength. Its claws were sharp as knives, second only to its piercing jagged teeth, which dripped of drool and yearning. Its eyes beamed with an unearthly yellow glow of empty voids.

The three fillies had heard of these creatures before, but never seen one up close. And from what they’ve heard, these beasts were ranked up there with dragons and changelings. The difference being these creatures were nothing but mindless eating machines that cared of nothing other than their next meal.

As she trembled with fear, Apple Bloom tried her best to find her words as she stuttered the hunter’s name. “T-t-t-tim-timberwolf…”

The beast known as a timberwolf snarled as its nostrils flared. It continued to watch the three ponies before it, steadily pacing around the area while its eyes never left them as it moved. It was studying them as it considered its next move.

One by one, each Crusader weighed their options, but came up with nothing. Running would mean only one of them would get caught, but such an act was something none of them could live with. Trying to earn their cutie marks in creature catching was out of the question, seeing as how well the last attempt ended. The more they thought, the more they wished Twilight and the others were here to help them.

Any one of them would be enough to save the day. But that wasn’t going to happen. There was no Applejack to jump in and hogtie it. No Rainbow Dash to fly in and fight it. No Fluttershy to flutter in and stare it down. No Rarity to strut in and…

No Twilight to use her magic, and no Pinkie Pie to use her pinkieness. They were on their own.

Scootaloo looked at her useless wings, silently cursing at herself. If only she could fly. She’d grab her friends and fly right out of there. But that wasn’t going to happen either. This stinks. This really, really stinks… she cried to herself.

Coming up with an idea, Apple Bloom did the first thing that came to her mind. “Uh… nice doggy. Good doggy?” she awkwardly complemented.

It sadly had no effect as the beast took its first step. Crouched to the ground, the creature crept towards them, the hunger in its eyes increasing with every step. Its wolfish grin dripped with saliva as it knew its long wait for food was coming to an end.

“What do we do?” Scootaloo asked turning to the others, praying to Celestia that one of them had some kind of idea; preferably one better than Apple Bloom’s.

Sweetie tapped her head feverishly, trying to make herself remember what her parents told her to do in a situation like this.

Finally it came to her.

“I think if I remember correctly, when facing a wild wolf, the correct technique is to lay down and play dead.”

She thought it did.

“That’s BEARS Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo shouted, now more ticked off then scared at how unprepared they are at this.

The young hunter felt like a pup in a, place of some kind. The kind that gave away treats only it would like. Going ahead of the pack was normally a no-no in the game of the hunt. But his older siblings’ misfortune was his gain. Now he had three young fillies all ripe for the picking, but which one first?

The yellow one looked plump, but then again the white one with the horn looked more appetizing. However, the orange one had wings, and wings meant more meat. Yes, she would do just fine. Giving its lips a good lick, the wolf charged blindly at them, its jaw wide open as it readied to take its first victim.

Startled and without any clue of what to do, the young ponies all shut their eyes, too scared to run and too scared to even move as the creature came for them.

Coming into contact the beast took its first taste, biting down hard as it tasted the sweet flesh of its prey. The sides of its mouth curved into what could only be described as a smile as the delicious liquid of its victim’s wound leaked into its mouth and touched upon its tongue.

However, something was strange. The taste wasn’t what it was expecting. In fact, the meat itself tasted nothing like it expected.

Scootaloo held her pose, too scared to open her eyes. She cringed as she felt the sharp searing pain travel through her foreleg. She would’ve cried if she weren’t so afraid. The fear mixed with pain was just too much to bear.

All thanks to a frightened unicorn that was holding onto her for dear life. She knew Sweetie Belle was scared, she just wished her friend didn’t squeeze so hard. Other then that she felt fine. Besides her friend using her foreleg as a teddy bear, the cold shiver running down her spine, and the rapid thumping of her heart Scootaloo felt right as rain. So what was taking that wolf so long?

Opening one eye to investigate the reason for the foreign taste, the young timberwolf was met with two cold daggers staring back at it. Its new prey looked more angered than hurt. In fact there wasn’t a single trace of pain in its complexion. Scanning its eyes over the body of his victim, the young hunter learned it was clearly not the pegasus it was originally aiming for.

It wasn’t even a pony.

Giving in to her curiosity, Scootaloo gently pried one eye open. Which in an instant were open full blast. What she saw wasn’t a hungry wolf, but a dark, ebony colored, and hole filled foreleg with one mouth of a timberwolf clutching onto it. Tracing the leg, Scootaloo looked up to her savior as she was left in complete disbelief. Working up the courage, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both gently opened their eyes a peek. Soon their faces were an even match for Scootaloo’s.

Dead Ringer stood before them, his face burned with a clear sense of anger; disdain was rich in his eyes as they narrowed. His leg and the timberwolf’s face were just centimeters from Scootaloo. If he had been off for just a second… none of them even wanted to think about it. However Scootaloo was more confused then shocked.

She couldn’t believe it. She just could not believe it. She didn’t even hear him coming.

He stopped the timberwolf.

He blocked the attack.

He protected her.

Within a second Dead Ringer swiftly struck at the timberwolf, his mouth diving into its back, his sharp fangs piercing the hardwood of its body. The creature unclenched its jaw, releasing Dead Ringer’s captive leg as it cried out in pain.

Acting quickly Dead Ringer put all the strength he had into his neck and jaw as he lifted the animal over his head. Swinging his head around he tossed the beast far across the area, sending it straight into a tree.

Slamming back first into the bark of the large sapling, the timberwolf fell to the ground with a thud. The hurt wolf writhed and whined in pain like crazy. However, silence soon fell as the timberwolf suddenly stopped moving. Taking stance Dead Ringer stood ready, cold eyes stared unwavering in the direction of his wounded foe. This wasn’t over yet. Timberwolves never hunt alone. More will come, and he’d be waiting.

The girls were left in utter disbelief over what they just witnessed. Dead Ringer’s strength, his speed, his leg…

Eyes falling on his limb they observed the damage the timberwolf had done to it. Jagged teeth marks, wears, tears, and cuts covered it. The wolf bit him in the one area of his leg where there was more flesh.

Soon their eyes caught a new anomaly. A strange green fluid traveled down his leg. Tracing the source they all instantly threw a hoof over their mouths in horror. It was blood. His blood.

Yet, to an even greater surprise, he looked completely unfazed by it. In fact he hadn’t shown any reaction to anything that’s happened; he was completely stoic through it all. Any adult they knew would’ve given some response to the three of them nearly being eaten by a timberwolf. The older ponies would’ve berated them for not being careful. However they knew one the thing the older ponies would all do: Show some reaction that they’re bleeding!

His blood was pumping, but his mind was clear. His body was hurting, but his strength was there. Whatever pain his wound bequeathed was ignored as adrenaline coursed through his veins. He didn’t have time to bleed. He didn’t have time to even plan. All had time for, was to fight.

He may have failed to take Canterlot; He may have failed to stop the Element Bearers; but he’d be skinned alive and left to rot in the pits of Tartarus if he was going to let a bunch of wooden canidae get the Crusaders. He was ready for whatever this forsaken forest was going to send his way!

Like smoke through the air, a trio of adult timberwolves emerged through the darkness of the forest. The three older hunters gathered around their injured sibling. One leaned down and gave it a nudge with its head, hoping in vain his littlest sibling would give some kind of response.

The younger wolf blinked as it weakly looked up to its older brethren. All it could give was the faintest whimper of pain before collapsing into shock. The three wolves were left in horror at the sight before them.

Their sorrow was soon replaced with wrath as one by one each member of the group turned toward the perpetrator of this heinous act. Their minds forgotten on the hunt and now focused on one thing entirely: Vengeance!

Each wolf released mixed sounds growls and snarls, baring their teeth as they slowly started their approach.

Dead Ringer hissed back, his lips pulling back from his teeth. He scuffed his hoof against the dirt, digging them into the ground as he assumed a fighting stance. The three wolves continued with their march, not looking the least bit intimidated. All the girls could do was just huddle together as they sat there helplessly while the hunters closed in.

Dead Ringer crouched in a threatening manner, looking like he was ready to pounce on one of wolves at any second. Stepping to the side, he obstructed the girls’ and the timberwolves’ view of one another. Taking a deep breath he released with all his might the loudest and most savage shriek he could muster.

Two timberwolves stopped their advance as they were left in fear, a clear sense of uneasiness overwhelming them. The other wolf just stopped in its tracks, looking with confusion to his other siblings. Seeing the clear fear in their eyes, it then snapped its attention toward Dead Ringer, giving a snarl as it exposed its teeth. However, it was more out of annoyance then anger.

Soon, a grin grew across Dead Ringer’s face as a feeling of pride swept through him. It felt good to be in control of a fight again. It wasn’t exactly fighting for the colony’s future per se, but it felt good to be doing something he was familiar with. Defending the small from the strong and tainted. It was one of his many duties that behooved him after all.

If these worms were scared of him now, they were going to be left whimpering like whelps when he was through with them.

It’s time to heat things up. Let’s see how you wood nymphs like a little fire.

Lowering his head, Dead Ringer took aim with his horn. It slowly lit up as a faint flame grew from its edge. The flame grew and grew as he felt the burning heat on the tip. Feeling the flame charged up, Dead Ringer prepared to unleash a blaze of inferno upon his foes.

And then the flame vanished.

To his shock, the flame had died out into nothing but smoke. The changeling growled in frustration. He still wasn’t at full power yet! Guess cupcakes weren’t enough to refuel a changeling’s usual energy count. However, that wasn’t the only issue Dead Ringer was now faced with. He was now completely vulnerable!

With his armor gone, he was exposed and now he had no powers at his side to aid him. Although, there was one ace Dead Ringer had on his side. The problem he always had with his armor was the weight of it. The armor did offer protection, but the added load made the wearer less agile. He proved that on the day he earned it.

“I’m disappointed…”

He cringed, shaking his head. Not now, not now!

Burning with anger from his siblings’ cowardice, and tired of waiting, the one timberwolf that was ahead of the rest made the first move, charging rage filled towards Dead Ringer.

Seeing it coming, Dead Ringer held his pose as his eyes drew to his horn. It may have been powerless, but it was still deadly.

Looks like we’re going to have to do this the rough way.

Sprinting off with all his stamina, Dead Ringer collided with the wolf, his horn piercing the hard wood of the timberwolf’s surface. With the now jumbled timberwolf hanging by tip of his horn, Dead Ringer continued charging blindly until he crashed right into the tree. Or rather, he crashed the timberwolf into the tree, leaving it paralyzed in pain as it slid down the tree and onto the ground.

Twirling around, Dead Ringer found the second wolf diving toward him. Reacting fast, he swiftly dodged it by leaping to the side. Instead of hitting its intended target, the wolf fell to the ground hard and painfully. Before it could get up, Dead Ringer immediately jumped on top of it. Wrapping his forelegs around its head, he was able to keep the creature down long enough for his next move. Releasing one foreleg, he raised his hoof high into the air, bringing it down with full force and delivering a heavy blow to the wolf’s head - so powerful it was enough to actually shatter a few of the wolf’s teeth from its jaw before rendering it unconscious.

This was it. He just had one left. Looking around, he found the wolf was… gone?

The third one hid in the shadows, slinking slowly and quietly through the grass. The changeling’s fight with the others provided a strong enough distraction for it to slip away and prepare its own trap.

The hunter crawled through the plants in quiet, long reaching steps. Soon it was right behind its intended target. Whether it was luck or the changeling was too disoriented from the last two, it didn’t know. All it knew was the element of surprise was on its side today.

Making its move, the wolf sprang out from the grass. The attack was too quick for Dead Ringer to react, and soon the timberwolf landed on him, throwing the two of them to the ground.

The girls just watched in shock as they witnessed two agile creatures brawl it out. The two rolled around in the dirt, each exchanging bites and snarls while trying to gain an advantage over the other.

Finally, Dead Ringer was able to gain the upper hoof and lift the timberwolf up, pinning it against a nearby tree. Trapped but far from out, the wolf blindly attacked, violently thrashing and shaking as it tried to escape the changeling’s grip, all the while trying bite Dead Ringer, who dodged its attacks by shifting his head in opposite directions of its attacks. Dead Ringer knew he needed to do something and fast before this thing got at his neck. Watching the creature as best he could, Dead Ringer was able to notice an area of the wolf that was open for attack: Its neck.

Timberwolves’ bodies were comprised of tough wood. Almost nothing could break them, but Dead Ringer already proved changelings’ fangs could. Then again, they were strong enough to crush rocks with them.

Despite the awkward position he was in, Dead Ringer still found the time to swallow saliva as he prepared for what he was about to do. He hated that it came to this. Releasing one hoof, he immediately used it to pin the head of the wolf against the tree, keeping it still for a few seconds. That was all he was going to need.

He readied his teeth only to stop immediately. What he was about to do was not meant for young minds. “Girls!” Dead Ringer commanded, turning to them. “Look away!”

The girls were too shaken to answer, but still confused enough to raise a brow.

“Turn your heads away! NOW!”

Not wanting to argue, they did as they were told and they each immediately looked away, choosing to just watch the tree they’d been using as cover throughout all of this. Suddenly they heard the noises of the wolf shrieking and whimpering in pain, along with what sounded like twigs breaking and wood snapping.

Turning back the girls saw the timberwolf running off, yelping in pain as it did. Leaving pieces of wood and bark behind like a trail. The next thing they saw were the other wolves departing as well. One stayed behind to pick up the younger wolf from when this all began. Managing to lift it onto its back, the departing timberwolf gave one final growl, which wasn’t as intimidating as it expected given that half its teeth were now missing, before following after the others.

Dead Ringer was left standing there, breathing heavily. They had no idea what he did, but his face gave a small enough clue. Covering his mouth were little pieces wood chips and splinters cutting into him. He even coughed a few pieces out as he breathed.

“That’s right!” he shouted in between breaths to the departing wolves, not even caring if they could hear him or not. “Run!”

He groaned with annoyance as he tried to rub the wooden remains off his face. Immediately after that, he released an even louder groan; this time it was one of pain as he gripped his aching leg. The sharp burning feeling from the wolf’s bite finally overtaking him.

The fight was over. The wolves were defeated and his adrenaline rush was gone. The pain he had spent so much time ignoring had at last caught up with him. But that wasn’t what was important right now. He turned to the girls and they immediately winced when he looked at them. He couldn’t blame them. He probably wasn’t much of a looker right now. And after what they just witnessed, he’d be on edge too. However, there was still one more thing he had to do.

Still gripping his open leg wound he started limping toward them, still breathing heavily through his nose. As he approached, the Crusaders each remained frozen like deer in the headlights of an oncoming carriage. They’d heard changelings were fierce, but hearing it was nothing compared to seeing it.

Dead Ringer stopped just a about foot away from them. It was probably best to give them some space. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo just stared back, each of them swallowing saliva in unison. Suddenly, it was déjà vu all over again: the three of them staring up at a changeling, and it staring back, each one trying to read the other’s mind and wondering what was going to happen next.

“You three okay?”

Unlike last time, however, it was Dead Ringer who broke the silence, speaking with a shockingly calm voice. Momentarily caught off guard by his question, the girls admittedly flinched again. Only this time it was their ears that rose, as if they didn’t hear him at first, most likely because their minds were now processing something new.

Did Dead Ringer just ask them if they were okay? Considering how he was looking, asking if they were okay seemed like a understatement.

The changeling continued to wait in silence, holding his calm expression. It was almost hard to believe that just a few seconds ago he was… something else; almost like a wild animal. But here he was, beaten and hurt, yet he was showing concern for them instead of himself.

Though still a little shaken, the girls slowly started to relax a little. Answering him, they each gave a short, straight-to-the-point nod of acknowledgement.

Satisfied, Dead Ringer finally breathed a sigh of relief. They were safe and un-maimed. Now it was time to worry about his state of health.

Sitting down, he released his leg as he started looking over the damage, not even noticing when Apple Bloom and the others started to approach him.

The girls just stood in silence as they watched Dead Ringer examine his leg with great concentration. They couldn’t believe how casually he was behaving. He was acting like this was a regular day for him - almost like he’d done this before. Were other changelings like this? They wondered. This all just continued to show them more and more what a mystery changelings truly were.

Feeling their eyes on him, he shot them a glance, meeting their eyes. Soon another beat of silence fell on them. The only sounds filling it were the chirps and whistles of the creatures of the Everfree Forest.

Seeing that this was just turning into another staring contest, it was Scootaloo who broke the silence this time, choosing to ask the one question that clouded her mind the most. “Why’d you do that?”

His eyes fell back to his leg as he removed a chip of wood from his cut and spit it out. “Do I need a reason?” he answered her, not even elaborating.

Unsatisfied with that answer, Scootaloo scowled at him as she continued her investigation. “You could’ve just left us and run off. So why’d you do that?” Who was he to avoid the question?! She wanted an answer, and by Celestia she was going to get one!

Suddenly, déjà vu hit them again as the two flyers were deadlocked, eyes staring at one another once more. Only this time there was less hostility from Dead Ringer’s side, which was more than could be said about Scootaloo, who just looked back with anger.

“I promised,” he began firmly, “that as long as I was here, no harm would come to any of you.” Drawing his eyes back to his leg, Dead Ringer went back to examining it. “Those beasts meant harm.”

Well, Scootaloo got her answer, and needless to say she was now left even more confused than ever. However, the same couldn’t be said for her two friends. Dead Ringer jerked as he felt a warm feeling of some kind traveling through his leg. It wasn’t a painful burning sensation; in fact it didn’t hurt at all, and this sensation wasn’t coming from his damaged leg. Looking down, he saw the two young fillies named Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, both with their front legs wrapped around his good leg tenderly. “Thank you…” they both said, wearing smiles of gratification.

Dead Ringer was... confused. He honestly had no idea what they were doing, or even why. He’d seen other ponies do this before. During the scourge of Canterlot, he witnessed many young ponies huddling close with other older ponies in the same manner. The difference then was in their expressions. In Canterlot they were absolutely terrified, but the ones before him now looked… happy. Maybe it was some form of reaction?

Yes, it was most likely that. They were probably still in shock. It was easy to attribute that this was most likely their first encounter with a timberwolf. Anyone, or anypony, probably would’ve sought comfort from the closest thing near them - even from their enemy. Dead Ringer assumed so at least.

Yet why were they smiling? Scratch that, why were they happy?

Were they happy they survived? Were they happy someone was there to protect them? Or were they happy the one who protected them was safe?

His brow raised when he realized the little ball of orange named Scootaloo was absent from the two. Looking up, he saw her still sitting by the tree on her own, just looking at them. Only at the same time, she looked like she wasn’t. Almost like she was lost in her own little world.

This was the case, the young pegasus’ thoughts were going a mile a minute as her mind tried to comprehend everything.

He only did it because he was under a promise! Scootaloo’s voice cried in her mind, but there was another voice arguing with her. Except this voice was not her own. It was calm, fragile, and quite familiar to her.

And he kept that promise, it seems.

Betcha he wouldn’t have if he wasn’t!

Really dear?

Yeah! Really!

Funny, he wasn’t under any pinkie swear when he saved you yesterday. So, why did he save you then?

Scootaloo’s voice was left stumped. She couldn’t argue with that.

Breaking her focus she shook her head as she started on a slow pace to regroup with her friends and… student.

She stopped just a few inches from Dead Ringer as she looked up, her eyes narrowed at him. Looking down, Dead Ringer mimicked her scowl with his own. Sweetie and Apple Bloom both broke off their hug and slowly backed away, fearing another childish argument was about to break out between the two.

It was almost funny to her. Whenever Scootaloo looked at him, he reminded her of... well, herself. Her true self, and that made her feel nothing but hate for him. Because he reminded her. Now when she looked, she saw mystery and it intrigued her. Because what he did was totally, dare she think: Cool?

And then she nodded. It wasn’t a nod of understanding or even of thanks, but more of respect. The changeling before her was left stupefied for a few seconds before shaking it off. That certainly was not something he saw coming.

I don’t get you, pegasus. One minute you hate me. Now all of sudden you're acting completely different. You truly are of a strange race, Scootaloo. Interesting, but strange.

Slowly, the hardened soldier’s look softened a little as he returned the nod. Although it was faint, Scootaloo could’ve sworn she saw the side of his lip curl up a little.

The scene was interrupted as Dead Ringer cried out in discomfort, due to another spike of pain from his aching leg. He’d worry about that later. Right now he had to get the girls out of here.

“Come on,” he said to the three. “We better get moving before--”

Dead Ringer was cut of as a mighty howl pierced the night air. He along with the Crusaders all froze as they heard the violent growls of another timberwolf approach. Only this time it was deeper, more savage even.

Stepping into the clearing, there appeared what could only be described as quite possibly the largest timberwolf Dead Ringer had ever seen. Its teeth were long, uneven, and jagged. Its wooden form was bulkier than that of the average timberwolf. Its body was covered in scars and rotted out wood. Seeing it made Dead Ringer silently curse to himself. How could he have forgotten?

Usually when wolf dens send out hunting packs, they send one special wolf with them: the one who’s lived the longest. The one who’s caught the most prey. The one who's won the most brawls. The one who’s seen as the fiercest hunter of the litter.

The Den Leader. And from the rage filled glint in its bright cold eyes, it found its intended prey.

“Girls…” Dead Ringer warned firmly, directing them back the tree for cover. Understanding they trotted off, leaving the changeling and the timberwolf the only ones in the clearing.

The mighty wolf treaded the ground, prowling to the left. Dead Ringer matched it by treading to the right, not taking his eyes off it for a second. His one good wing was unfolded as he kept on alert.

Choosing this time to hide behind the tree, the girls peaked their heads out, watching the two mythical beasts move.

This was going to be difficult, more difficult than the last fight. While it was one on one, the enlarged timberwolf definitely had Dead Ringer on weight. Intelligence and speed were the only two things he could rely on now, so he was going to have to think up a plan, and fast.

His eyes soon dotted to a tree behind him. As a plan brewed, Dead Ringer slowly grinned to himself. I bet that wooden skull of yours isn’t too thick, he thought.

But if his plan was going to work, he was going to have to tempt it to charge him. He had an idea, but it was going to require precision, effective accuracy, and a steady hoof. If he rushed it and dodged right in the nick of time; well like he said to himself, that wooden skull couldn’t be too thick. There was no time to lose.

Pushing all of his energy into one run Dead Ringer dashed into battle, only to immediately trip on a rock he didn’t notice and fall onto his bad leg.

Landing the hurt changeling cried out in pain. As he struggled to get himself up, Dead Ringer was mentally kicking himself, making muttering sounds that varied from annoyance to pain. Both for the hurt of the fall and his own stupidity for making such a careless move.

Watching from afar, the Crusaders looked on in dismay as the wolf started heading for their injured student. Dead Ringer was so preoccupied with trying to get up he didn’t even notice. They had to do something.

“So…?” Sweetie Belle awkwardly proposed to her friends, her voice full of nervousness as she gulped. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Creature Catchers? Again?” Both her friends gave an uneasy nod of agreement. The three young ponies departed from their only cover and headed to their pupil in need.

Meanwhile, Dead Ringer wasn’t doing too well. With whatever strength he could muster, he tried to sluggishly push himself up, only to ultimately fail as he fell back to the ground. It was no use. He was in too much pain to manage, let alone face a fully-grown timberwolf all on his own. His entire body felt like he was dropped from the sky and landed on a pile of rocks. Spiked rocks.

As the changeling was trying and unsuccessfully managing to get up, the large timberwolf drew closer. It slithered a long slender tongue across its lips and through the gaps in its disorganized teeth. This was almost too easy.

Feeling the wolf loom over him, Dead Ringer tilted his head up where his eyes met with the wicked glowing spheres of the timberwolf’s. The wolf opened its mouth, exposing its mighty jaws and releasing a savage snarl of malice. Dead Ringer just hissed back in response. He may have been down, but he was far from harmless. However, it didn’t even discourage the wolf, which raised its claws and readied the first blow. Before it did, however, its head was struck right in the hard wooden shell of its skull.

“Wow, nice throw Apple Bloom!”


After recovering, the wolf followed the source of where the object was thrown to find three little ponies, each armed with rocks.

Dead Ringer tried to open his mouth to order them to stop, but his efforts were hindered as the wolf pinned him to the ground with its large claw. It barked and snarled at the three youths before it, warning them to stay away. Nothing was going to disrupt its meal, or its retribution.

Looking at its mouth as it barked, Scootaloo immediately got an idea. Hurling her rock with all her might Scootaloo managed to toss it right into the wolf’s mighty jaws when it was barking, lodging it right in between its teeth. Blinded with anger and irritation, the mighty timberwolf tried in vain to remove the item stuck in its teeth, and failed. Running off it bashed and thrashed its mouth against everything near it like a wolf gone mad. Rocks, trees, it used anything near it, in whatever hopes of dislodging the obstruction in its orifice.

Buying themselves enough time, the girls hurried to their changeling in need only to have their efforts hindered by, shockingly, Dead Ringer himself. “Leave me…” he muttered as he used his good hoof to push them back, still too weak to lift his head up to look at them.

“What…?” Scootaloo asked. Neither she nor the others understood why he wasn’t accepting their help.

“You…” he coughed, trying to fight the pain coursing through his body “…idiots... It’s me it wants. I’m bigger, injured, and at the bottom of its food chain.”

Not having any of it, the girls once again approached to aid Dead Ringer only to have their efforts hindered once again.

“Leave me alone!” he raised his voice as he shoved them aside, this time hard enough to knock them to the ground.

The girls were hurt. However, it was his words that hurt more then than fall. Still, a new look of resistance fell on them as they each stood up, shaking their heads defiantly. After what he did for them, there was no way they were leaving him now.

Still not believing how these three wasn’t getting the clue Dead Ringer finally mustered the strength to look at them. “I said--”

“We heard what you said,” Scootaloo interrupted. “And none of us give a flying feather!”

Despite the never-ending pain traveling him and the situation they were in, Dead Ringer was still caught dumbfounded as he blinked in response. “What?”

“Never mind! Girls help me get him up.” Gently she grabbed his bad leg - making sure to avoid the bloodstains - while Sweetie Belle grabbed the other. Together the two carefully lifted him up, which was proving difficult given that he was twice their size. Apple Bloom meanwhile started pushing from behind as she aided her friends in moving him.

“I’ll slow you down,” he pointed out.

Remaining defiant Sweetie responded, “We don’t…” she grunted, “…care.”

“Yah.” Apple Bloom agreed while she pushed with all her strength. “Besides, we made a promise ta’ you too.”


“We promised as long as you were here, we wouldn’t let anypony know yer here. That mean old wolf knows yer here and wants you for dinner. So we ain’t gonna let him.”

“Technically it’s a she,” Dead Ringer corrected.

Apple Bloom fell to ground as that word hit her. Collecting herself, she got back to pushing.

“And she’s not a pony,” he continued, hoping it would be enough to make them stop. “So you're not under any--”

“Shut it!” Scootaloo ordered looking at him, her eyes burning with resolve. “We’re not leaving you! That’s final! Got it?” Showing that he understood, Dead Ringer shut his jaw.

His eyes soon wondered to Sweetie Belle who wore the same look of resolve Scootaloo wore. Turning his head as best he could he also saw Apple Bloom with the exact look. This left him completely confused. Their words, their actions... They touched upon him in ways they couldn’t begin to imagine.

They really were worried about me...

They really do care about me…

They… care…

I feel…

I feel...


Maybe his wounds were worse than he thought. Maybe he lost more blood then he realized. Maybe he was even weaker than before this fight started. No matter the reason, Dead Ringer could feel his head getting lighter and his muscles sagging further as fatigue started to fall over him.

All of a sudden Scootaloo felt the weight she carried getting heavier. Looking over she noticed Dead Ringer’s head was slumping as his eyes were beginning to close. “Hey, stay with us here,” she said, trying to keep him awake. Sadly it was to no avail as Dead Ringer’s head hung limp as his eyes fully closed.

“What’s wrong?” Apple Bloom asked the others, wondering why she was now only pushing the dirt. She was greeted by silence. “Guys?” she asked again as she stopped pushing. “Dead Ringer?”

Suddenly Dead Ringer’s body fell to the ground with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stuck underneath him. Rushing to her friends’ aid, Apple Bloom pulled each of them out.

Looking at the unconscious changeling before them, a feeling of dread fell on them.
He was out like a light, not moving, but that wasn’t what made them worry the most. It was his breathing, he barely was!

They tried giving him a nudge. Their efforts proved futile, as Dead Ringer still lay unmoving, almost like he was devoid of life. Now the three were starting to get scared.

“Dead Ringer? Get up!” Apple Bloom cried nudging him. Again no response.

“Dead Ringer get up!”

“Get up!”

“Get up! Get up Dead Ringer!”

The little changeling dubbed Dead Ringer clung to the rock with all his strength, doing everything in his power to reach the top, but he just was too tired, too injured and weak to make it up. His wings fluttered in vain as he tried to fly, but nothing happened.

The older changeling above, adorned in his royal armor, smacked himself with his hoof, sliding it down his face in aggravation. How was it out of all the others, this one changeling was the most difficult of the bunch?

A second older changeling standing next to him gave his leader a bow as he spoke in a rather civilized tone that contrasted with his croaky voice, “Fear not, Commander. I shall go down and fetch the little whelp.”

“No, Specter!” the Commander barked, bringing the other changeling dubbed Specter to a halt. “He can do this! He just needs to try harder!” he shouted into the rocks below, those last words more intended for Dead Ringer.

He felt like was on the verge of tears. He couldn’t do this anymore. This was all just too much to bear. Maybe he should just let go and be done with it all.

“Hey! Where are you going?!”

Looking up he saw another changeling descending the cliff to him. Squinting his eyes as the unknown figure drew closer, Dead Ringer was able to make him out. Or better yet HER out.

She looked no older than he did. Then again, most of the other grunts he trained with were no different. Her form was slender, yet sturdy and strong. Her eyes were like small gemstones of teal aurora. The spike on the back of her neck was fully formed and even. Not many changelings had that quality, Dead Ringer included.

Landing with grace and ease just a few meters away from him, she used one hoof to stick to the rocks while using her other to reach out to him, a gesture which Dead Ringer was reluctant to take.

“Come on,” she spoke, motioning him to take her hoof. Her voice had that raspy tone all changelings had; and yet it was filled with grace and tenderness, something not many did. “We’ll go up together.”

The young Dead Ringer was completely taken away. He knew as well as she did that defying the rules of this exercise was a heavy offense. Yet she braved it, just for him? No one had ever shown him such… what was that word? Kindness?

“Why are you doing this?” he asked in awe and disbelief.

“Do I need a reason?” she responded still holding her hoof out. “Now come on.”

Finally taking her offer, the other changeling managed to help Dead Ringer climb the gap that was giving him the most difficulty in scaling. Still holding, on she helped Dead Ringer make it up most of the way. Despite the orders and shouts the female changeling received from the older changelings from above, she never left his side.

Feeling confident, Dead Ringer let go, despite the protests from his climbing buddy. He didn’t know why, but somehow he found the strength to continue. Despite the cuts and bruises that covered him he managed to get another hoof into a small gap in the cliffs of the rock on his own. Seeing this brought a proud grin to the young woman’s face. Giving him a nod, she continued her climb, making sure to keep close to her partner.

“Who are you?” he asked his savior.

Looking over she responded to him with a smile. “You can call me, Reflection.”

Reflection. He repeated it to himself. It was… a nice name. That was the only way to describe it. A nice name, for a nice changeling.

“Well?” she asked, slightly confused by why he stopped climbing all of a sudden. But she didn’t show it. “Come on.” She motioned him to follow.

Those last words echoed through his mind, and throughout the cliff as he resumed climbing.

“Come on…”

“Come on…”

“Come on! Wake up will ya?” Scootaloo cried, shaking the unconscious changeling with all her might. Which was proving more and more fruitless as he failed to respond. “Why won’t you wake up?!”

Despite her mood being grim in light of how nothing was working too wake their student, Sweetie Belle still managed to stutter an idea. “Maybe… Maybe he needs CPR?”

“How does operation: Changeling Personal Rescue apply here?” Scootaloo replied, completely missing the abbreviation entirely.

“That’s not what I--!”

Her response was cut off by the sounds of a low growl coming from behind. The young ponies sluggishly turned around, dreading they would not like what they would see.

As they feared, there was the timberwolf from before; only something was different about it. The rock was now dislodged from its mouth, its chompers were now free, and by Celestia’s name it looked anything but happy. Lifting its wooden slender claw, it started its approach.

Immediately their dread was replaced with pure terror as they made haste. Gathering around Dead Ringer the Crusaders each tried waking him. “Dead Ringer get up, we gotta go now!” Apple Bloom called.

Still no response. All they could hear was the heavy footsteps of their impending doom approaching.

“Come on, you have to get up!” Sweetie Belle shook him again; her cries were turning into full on begging as the wolf drew closer. “Dead Ringer!”

Its prey was injured. Its young were frightened. There was nothing to stop the Alpha Wolf now. Pacing itself it took its sweet time. Reveling in the sight of its once mighty opponent reduced to a lifeless shell, and the smell of sweat and fear from the younglings around it. The whole thing was almost palpable.

Again and again the Crusades shook him, calling his name, but it was all becoming fruitless. Soon Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle felt fatigue settle in as they both stopped to catch their breaths, leaving Scootaloo the only one trying to wake him. But even she was starting to feel tired.

She shut her eyes tight as she started grinding her teeth. The anger within her was building up as she clutched her hoof tight. “Get up you stupid oversized dung beetle!” she screamed as she slapped the out cold changeling hard across the cheek. So hard that a red mark was left on it.

“Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom grabbed her friend out of fear over what she might do next. “That’s not gonna help!” Scootaloo tried to fight her, but soon relented. After having a few seconds to catch her breath, the ruffled pegasus calmed down. Once she was let go Scootaloo went to help Sweetie Belle up.

Apple Bloom sat down as she felt her heart sink. She felt just as helpless as she did back at that rock when she couldn’t throw that stupid rope, and now she couldn’t even wake up one changeling. But it wasn’t just that either. It was her fault she got stuck by that rock, and now it was her fault they came to this forest.

Coming in close, she leaned in until she was right over Dead Ringer’s ear. “Listen,” she started slowly. “Ah… Ah don’t know if you can hear me. But mah friends and Ah really need you now.” She paused as she waited for any reaction. After getting none she continued.

“Look, Ah don’t know if you like us or not, but after what you did today you clearly showed you care about our safety, and that says something about ya.” Wiping her eyes, Apple Bloom fought back the tears that were enveloping them.

Helping Sweetie up Scootaloo caught ear of what Apple Bloom was saying, though she doubted any of her cliché words was going to get to him. Looking over her eye caught sight of something. Something on Dead Ringer’s face.

His closed eyes were starting to twitch.

“Ah just want everyone to come out of this okay.” Her head lowered, as did her tone of voice as she bemoaned, “Including you.”

Enjoying the sight for long enough the large wolf started to pick up speed as it made a sprint for its unconscious target. Its legs were running like a locomotive.

“So please, get up. Please...”

Finally gaining enough speed, the wolf lunged at into the air. Its mighty claws were spread out as it readied to strike its prey.

“Please…” she repeated.

This was it. Nothing was going to stop it now.

Shutting her eyes, Apple Bloom cried with all her might, “PLEASE!”

As if answering her calls, Dead Ringer’s eyes suddenly opened as a burning green flame flared in them. His horn started to glow with the same light as a fiery blaze erupted around it. Within seconds a ring of fire surrounded the four as it engulfed them in a ball of inferno, phasing them through the ground, disappearing just before the wolf landed.

Enraged, the wolf dug into the ground, searching for its missing prey. That failing, it snapped its head in multiple directions as it tried to find some trace of where its prey could’ve gone. Its search was cut short as the group reappeared on the other side of the clearing.

The girls wobbled and stumbled as they tried to collect themselves. However, the spinning world made it rather difficult for them. Dead Ringer, on the other hoof, was standing tall and strong as he faced the dreaded timberwolf. His eyes and horn still burned with the green flame flowing through him.

The wolf snarled and barked, not about ready to be intimated by the fire-starter. Giving its legs one final jolt of energy, it charged with everything it had. Nothing was going to stop it this time.

Looking toward the incoming wolf his glowing eyes furrowed at it as he readied to finish this nightmare for good. Taking aim with his horn, he used his rekindled power and guided it to his point. At the tip of it, the flame started to build and form. It grew and grew as the wolf got closer and closer.

Finally, just seconds before the wolf jumped him; the projectile was fully formed and released straight into the chest of the timberwolf. With great force, the mighty timberwolf was propelled out of the area and sent flying into a tree, which instantly split in half as it flew straight through it.

Then through another one.

And another one...

Only then was its fall broken as it landed in a large mass of moss...More accurately a large boulder covered in slimy green moss. Sliding off the gooey surface, the overpowered wolf fell to the ground. Beaten, broken, and injured, and charred, it collapsed, conceding defeat.

The girls were in complete shock. Their eyes never blinked as their focus stayed where the wolf was sent. Words could not express what they were feeling. Even Twilight would’ve been left speechless. All they knew was this: Best. Field Trip. Ever!

Suddenly, their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a hard thump. Looking back, they saw the once great and powerful Dead Ringer was back on the ground, completely out cold again, almost like nothing had even happened.

Forming around him and watching for a few minutes, they noticed his eyes were slowly opening as he began to blink. After blinking a few times, he started to come around. Immediately a look of shock and confusion swept across his face as he shot up onto his feet. “What happened?” he asked looking around frantically. “Where’s… Where’s the wolf?”

“You did it!” Apple Bloom cheered.

“Did what?” he asked perplexed.

“You beat the wolf!” Sweetie Belle proclaimed bouncing up and down with glee.

“I did?”

“Yeah, you totally did!” Scootaloo exclaimed. She was so excited her wings started flapping enough to float her off the ground. Realizing how loud that sounded and all the bewildered looks she was getting, Scootaloo awkwardly came back to earth as she coughed. “I-I mean yeah. Yeah, you did,” she repeated, only this time a little softer.

Ignoring the strange ponies’ even stranger behavior, Dead Ringer’s eye caught the burns in the grass, then the wreckage of the plantation. His eyes soon looked on as he saw the remains of torn trees and ripped bark, all made from the flown wolf. “Did I do that?” he questioned the girls, still not even believing it.

The girls looked at one another in bewilderment, before Sweetie Belle responded, “You don’t remember?”

“No,” he answered placing a hoof on his throbbing head and giving it a rub. “The last thing I remember was blacking out.” How did he do it? One second, he was powerless. The next, everything went dark. Then… he felt that feeling again. That warm, strange feeling spreading through his chest; it was that familiar feeling from yesterday. What was it? Why was it so familiar?

“Well, the important thing is yer okay,” Apple Bloom stated matter-of-factly as she broke his train of thought. Dead Ringer’s eyes suddenly fell on her with an expression that looked like she just called his Queen fat.

“Okay?” he repeated. “You think I’m okay…? How am I okay?!” With each sentence Dead Ringer’s voice started getting higher and higher as he started inching closer and closer to the now frightened Crusaders faces. “I’m lost from the rest of my colony that I might never see again! My wings are broken, my leg’s probably in no better shape! I almost- excuse me; WE almost got eaten by a bunch of Timberwolves! And I’m trapped in a foreign land, that’s a complete and utter mystery to me! Now tell me, does any of that sound okay?”

“Um…” Apple Bloom stammered to find her words. “No?” she answered with an awkward grin, one which each of her friends mimicked. The twitching changeling gave no response. He just stared at the three with a rather befuddled looking face of perplexity.


Sitting down he then suddenly made a funny noise. Throwing both hoofs over his mouth, he tried to hide the noise as his cheeks started to puff while his lips started making a strange sputtering sound. Finally he could contain it no longer.

“Bwa ha ha ha…!”

The girls could not believe it themselves. After the wolves, the fight, the lighting effect, this one took the chocolate sugarcoated cake. He was laughing. They were honest to Celestia seeing a changeling laugh its flank off.

Grabbing his stomach Dead Ringer fell the ground with uncontrolled laughter. Not that the scene wasn’t amusing to watch. It was just that Scootaloo didn’t get the joke. “What’s so funny?” she asked the laughing changeling.

“Because…” he tried to speak in between laughs. “Her answer… was so… s-s-s-stupiddd!” Despite his answer, Scootaloo felt as much in the dark as when she did with one of Pinkie’s jokes. Really, even Dead Ringer didn’t know why he was laughing; in spite of his efforts to fight if off, he couldn’t control himself. He’d never laughed so hard before in his life. Actually, he’d never laughed before.

“I still don’t see what’s so funny,” Scootaloo muttered to her friends. Instead of getting a response Scootaloo was answered with more laughter. Before she knew it, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle started giggling like crazy. “And what are you laughing about?”

“His laugh…” Sweetie Belle giggled. “Its so-o-o-o silly!”

Not understanding Scootaloo took another look at the laughing spectacle. His laugh was like a mix between a hearty chuckle and a snort. Every time he laughed his nose made a weird sputter sound. Not that she would ever say this out loud, but it was kind of silly.

She’d probably have to make fun of him for it later. However, she decided to just let her two closest friends and their student enjoy a good laugh. As bad as this day’s gone, with finding a changeling in their clubhouse, being roped into dealing with it for a new crusade, almost being eaten by timberwolves, and… she gulped inwardly, Family Appreciation Day. At least she knew the worst of today was over.

Suddenly, the laughter died out all at once. Breaking her train of thought, Scootaloo saw the once laughing trio were looking off in one direction. Dead Ringer was scowling while the others looked scared. Confused, Scootaloo followed their gaze to the source of their silence. Immediately, she wished she didn’t.

Glowing eyes of different sizes and shapes stared at them from the shadows. Appearing from the darkness that once concealed them, packs upon packs of timberwolves of different figures and ages advanced. Even the other timberwolves from before were seen with them. And like the others, they did not look happy.

Each Crusader gulped. A pack was one thing. Now they had a whole den to deal with. Despite holding his fighting stance, Dead Ringer himself felt a cold chill travel down his spine. Meanwhile Scootaloo was mentally kicking herself. How could she have forgotten? Never say, ‘the worst is over,’ because that’s the golden trigger for things to get worse.

The pack converged on them as the girls huddled together in the center, with Dead Ringer standing guard. “Alright,” he said as his eyes scanned the wolves one by one. “Who’s next?” he beckoned. Every last one of them responded with a foaming snarl as they continued to surround them.


Out of nowhere, a noise of unknown origin brought the den of wolves to a stop. “What was that noise?” Scootaloo asked, trying to find the source.


Once again, the same sound was struck. Searching with them, Dead Ringer failed to discover the cause of the noise as well. “What now?!” he moaned with aggravation.




Soon, the noise repeated itself over and over again, each noise louder than the last. Shaking his head, Dead Ringer chose to ignore it. He had enough to deal with it as it was. Focusing back on the wolves, he was met with a startling revelation.

The wolves were all howling and whimpering in agony. Some were grabbing their ears in torment. It was almost like something was causing them all physical harm. Whatever it was, it was enough to sending them fleeing, running back to the forest from whence they came.


However, the strange noise continued. Only this time, Dead Ringer was able to figure out where it was coming from. Remaining vigilant, he prepared for whatever came next.

Walking into their view of light, the source of the noise and the one who drove off the timberwolves appeared. The Crusaders’ looks of worry became grins of happiness as the strange figure entered their vision. She was hard to make out in that brown hood of hers, but they’d know that hood anywhere.

“Zecora?” Scootaloo called.

As if answering her, the figure removed her hood, and under it was a zebra by the name of: “Zecora!” the Crusades all cheered as they ran to their friend with joy.

“Young ones,” she beamed, embracing the shaken fillies, “you left me in such a fright! Thank the spirits you are alright!”

Breaking the embrace, Apple Bloom started bouncing up and down with joy. “Zecora you missed it! You shoulda been there! There were these five wolves that were like ‘GRRRRR!’ And Dead Ringer was like ‘Whoosh!’ Then ‘HISSSS!’”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle joined in recounting the tale. “Then the wolves were like ‘GGGRRRR!’ And then he was like ‘Zoom!’ ‘BAM!’” Immediately both their eyes fell on Scootaloo as they waited for her to give the rest. They figured she of all ponies would be bouncing around too.

Not liking the attention she was getting, Scootaloo distracted herself by brushing the side of her mane. “It was… pretty cool.” Judging by the reactions she was given, that wasn’t the answer they expected from a daredevil like her. Even she was surprised. However, she had to give credit where credit was due. “He’s no Rainbow Dash, but he was pretty fast.”

“I see… pretty and fast?” Zecora repeated as she looked at the quiet changeling. “It seems we are in the presence of a changeling from the soldier class.”

Dead Ringer instantly recoiled in shock. How did she know of their class system? Up till now, the zebra had appeared uninformed of his people. Yet she had knowledge of their orderliness? If she was knowledgeable of such a thing, what else did she know?

“Soldier class?” asked Scootaloo, giving a confused and even stunned look. “Wait, whoa, like he went to school to become a soldier?”

Her response never came as before Zecora could answer, Dead Ringer was already rejoined with the group. “How did you do that?” he asked referring to the strange noises that sent the wolves fleeing in pain; that and trying to keep her from answering Scootaloo’s question. If there was a chance she could know what class he was, what was there to stop her from knowing his true title? He couldn’t risk her or the others knowing.

Removing her cloak Zecora directed his eyes to a necklace that hung around her neck. Connected at the front were two small metal bowls. “Timberwolf ears are fearful and fragile to the noise of metal vibrations. Hence why I’m wearing these metallic decorations.”

Looking at her strange chain, Dead Ringer carefully poked the two bowls. Which promptly made the CLANK! sound they all heard earlier. He could see now why she was able to survive this forest. Her knowledge was what kept her adaptive to this land. That was something even he could respect.

His thoughts were interrupted by another jolt of pain, once again thanks to his wounded leg, compliments of one dumb timberwolf. He hissed to himself as his hoof grasped. Such an act did not go unnoticed by herbalist in the area.

Crouching down Zecora did her best to observe the wound Dead Ringer was trying to so unsubtly cover. “Your leg, it swells and bleeds. It most definitely requires medical needs.”

His gaze fell to his wound, before going back to Zecora’s. “I’ve had worse,” he muttered.

“But you’re wounded and require an assist. My help you need, I must insist.”

Despite the offer, Dead Ringer once more shook his head, declining the offer. “I can take it.”

Still remaining firm, Zecora tried again, this time raising her voice a tad. “Nevertheless, you should come back to my hut. And I won’t take any ifs, ands, or buts.”

“I said I can take it, so drop it zebra!”

Knowing the disapproving looks he was going to get, he turned to his ‘teachers.’ However they weren’t of disapproval, they were more of hurt and surprise. Contemplating it a little, Dead Ringer realized that maybe he went a little too far with that last response. She was just trying to help. In spite of his behavior, he was surprised she was still offering. Even then, he never even thanked her for saving him and the girls. He’s never even used her name.

“Look…” he began softly turning back to Zecora. He could not believe he was about to do this, especially in front of the orange filly that he knew was never going to let him live this down. “I didn’t-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW!" Not even letting him finish Zecora snatched Dead Ringer firmly by ear with the edge of her teeth, dragging him back to her hut, despite his cries of pain.

“Let go! Le… AAAH! I order you to let go! OUCH! If you knew who I was you wouldn’t--OW! Okay if I say please will you let go? OW! Please let go? OW! Please?” Dead Ringer’s firm commands were soon becoming pleas of mercy as the pain growing in his ear intensified.

Passing the girls who were just gawking at the scene, they could hear Zecora mutter, “Ome ilren.”

Following after with her friends, Scootaloo was still mulling over what Zecora said earlier. She didn’t know what ‘class’ had to do with it, but she now knew one thing about Dead Ringer, and to be frank it all made sense. His attitude when it came to his people being brought up. The way he handled the timberwolves. How calm he acted during the brawl.

He’s a soldier.

As they walked, Scootaloo started to wonder something else. Why didn’t he just tell them before? Doesn’t being soldier count as a title? Or, is he hiding something?

Her thoughts soon fell back to when Dead Ringer tried to explain the rules of how titles work. He used himself as an example. What was that word he used? Cucumber? Salamander? Wait, now she remembered: commander!

Hmm… Commander Dead Ringer? she said to herself. Nah… She shook her hoof at the mere thought at such a ludicrous idea. He couldn’t command his way out of a brown paper bag!