• Published 2nd Jun 2012
  • 6,735 Views, 317 Comments

The Cobwebs Of Ignorance - H123G

Changelings. Feared, hated, and above all: misunderstood. When the Canterlot Invasion fails and the Changeling Commander is stuck alone in the forest, the CMC get the chance to find out just what lies beneath the chitin.

  • ...

Clubhouse Guest or Pest?

“Anger ventilated often hurries towards forgiveness; anger concealed often hardens into revenge.”
--Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton


Dead Ringer’s eyes slowly opened as Celestia’s sun shined through the window. He let out a groan as he stretched his legs before slowly standing up. “What happened last--?” Dead Ringer immediately grabbed his aching wing while giving a hiss as the memories of yesterday painfully came back to him. He then gave a growl of annoyance. This was Deja Vu all over again.

The Commander’s eyes were drawn to the window as he studied the sun that loomed over. Judging by its distance in the sky, it was sometime in the afternoon. “Hmm, must’ve overslept.” The changeling then examined the room that was his shelter for the night. Assortments of boxes were littered in areas around the room. A lantern hung from the rope in the ceiling. The wall with a window was fashioned with a frilly cloth and a hanging photo of some silhouetted pony, both used to probably brighten up the room. Next to it hung a mirror. Standing in front of it the changeling took a good long look at himself.

He almost barely recognized himself. Dead Ringer wasn’t used to being seen outside his armor. It made him feel… exposed.

The back of the room contained a huge chest, next to a small table with assortments of tiny colored cylinders and random drawings on top. Dead Ringer approached the table as he gave one of the red colored objects a sniff. Curiosity getting the better of him, he took a small bite out of it. Within a split second he immediately regretted it.

As hacked out the remains, Dead Ringer made a mental note to try and not investigate the unknown by taking a bite out of it, no matter how non-threatening it seems. Coughing the last piece out, Dead Ringer’s eye caught sight of something on the wall. A large sheet of paper hung like a poster, written (poorly) in color were the words: CUTIE MARK CRUSADER HQ!

He tilted his head at this. “Cu-tie, Mark Cru-sader what…?” he read out loud. His eyes fell on his empty flank as he tried to piece together what it meant. Dead Ringer didn’t know much about Equestria or its creatures. All he knew was from his Majesty's teachings. If he remembered it correctly, cutie marks were the symbol of a pony’s special talent, which when they realize them, there appears an image which represents or symbolizes what said talent is on the ponies flank.

Slowly Dead Ringer’s mind pieced it together. The cutie mark is on the flank. The flank is the rump of a pony.

“… Hindquarters?” This just puzzled the changeling even further.

Deciding to ignore the… strange poster, he turned his attention toward the chest. He lifted his hoof, but hesitated a moment. Do I DARE look in it? he thought, fearing what he might find given that so far the ones who lived in the place were starting to come off as some strange ponies.

Opening the chest, Dead Ringer found assortments of random trinkets. He saw what looked to be three strange clothes with strange colors of random stripes on them. Looks like something a goblin or ghoulish figure would wear. There were other random items that possibly held some premature value to the owners, but what caught his eye shook him to his very core.

Dead Ringer had seen a lot of unique things throughout his life, some weird, some horrifyingly scarring, but this…? He didn’t know what to make of THIS! Slowly he picked up of what looked to be rainbow colored hair. In a fit of shock he throw it to the ground.

“What kind of a sick mind keeps someone’s hair in a chest?! No, that’s not what I should be asking. The real question is HOW did they get it?! And WHAT… in the name of Queen Chrysalis... is the reasoning behind that banner?! What messed up ponies lives here?!?”

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle made their way into the apple plantation, which would lead them toward the clubhouse.

“Ah’m just saying it’s a little strange is all,” Apple Bloom said.

“And I’m saying he probably just didn’t try hard enough for it,” Scootaloo responded.

“As RUDE as that sounds.” Sweetie Belle eyed Scootaloo “Maybe Mr. Greenhooves just couldn’t find the time to earn his mark?”

“Or maybe some ponies never find their talent,” Apple Bloom gloomily added, lowering her head a little.

“Hey, don’t think like that,” Scootaloo reassured, placing a hoof over her friend. “We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We won’t stop until we find out who we are! And if we can’t find the time, we’ll make it!”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle joined in beaming. “And if we wanna use that time right, we have to try everything!”

“Especially everything that’s fun!” Scootaloo finished with anticipation. This brightened the farm filly’s mood up as she gave each of her friends a smile of appreciation.

They continued along the path until their clubhouse soon came into view. “We’re here!” Sweetie Belle announced, walking ahead. “Now lets talk about-- OOF!” An orange foreleg blocking her path interrupted her. “Scootaloo?” The pegasus didn’t respond she just narrowed her eyes as she stared at the window.

“What’s wrong?” Apple Bloom asked.

Turning to her friends she pointed to the window. “I think I saw something.” Her friends just raised an eyebrow before turning toward the window. They just stood there staring for a moment.

Finding this to be ridicules Apple Bloom was about to speak up until something caught her eye. A shadow of a large figure passed by their window. It was too quick to make out what it was, but they saw it. There was no denying it. Somepony, or something, was in their clubhouse.

They each exchanged looks of confusion with one another. “Maybe its mah sister?” Apple Bloom proposed.

“Doesn’t she work at this hour?” Scootaloo answered.

“Oh… right…” Apple Bloom answered sheepishly.


“Oh come on! That’s ridiculous!” Scootaloo scoffed.


“Yeah…” she responded with a smile. “Its probably just some wild animal that hid here during the night.” Silence soon fell. Scootaloo’s immediately smacked her hoof to her face when her mind just registered what she just said.

Looking up the three just continued to puzzle over what could be in there. They never got visitors at their clubhouse. They only got visitors during Scootaloo’s club meetings, and she hadn’t planned any yet.

“Well,” Apple Bloom began, “we’re not gonna find out just by waitin’ around here.”

“Yeah! Apple Bloom’s right!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We single hoofedly took on a changeling! There’s nothing we can’t handle together. So lets do this!” All three took one step forward with confidence in their eyes. “So who’s going first?” Then immediately took one step back with uncertainty in their eyes.

Who was going to up there first and face the unknown entity that was in their neck of the woods?

“Well Ah think we should have one of them diplomatyic votes,” Apple Bloom proposed.

“I vote Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo announced.

“I second that!” Sweetie Belle agreed.


Up in the treehouse Dead Ringer slowly walked around the hair, his eyes never leaving it. Suddenly something caught his eye. Looking down, he noticed a small tag hanging loosely from the edge below it. Squinting his eyes, he made out the words: ‘Made at Ace Wig Store’. Tilting his head, the changeling tried to comprehend the words. He didn’t know what a ‘wig’ was, but the word ‘made’ he understood.

Swallowing his pride he picked up the hair and gave it a closer inspection. He sniffed it. To his surprise there was no scent, no odor, nothing. Looking at the bottom where the tag was hanging, he saw a large gap in the hair; it almost looked like it could fit on someone’s head. The changeling froze as his mind put two and two together.



Made, means created.

Created hair.


“Hmm…” he pondered. “So they create hair in this land?” And here I thought ponies were capable of growing their own. What strange creatures... He was about to cast the strange forgery aside until something about it caught his eye. This hair looked familiar, like he’d seen somewhere, but where?

“Looks like we’re gonna have to do this the hard way!”

Dead Ringer’s eyes practically shot from their sockets as he came to the startling realization. The rainbow colored hair was an exact match to the hair of colorful pegasus pony, or as his Queen referred to: the Element Bearer of Loyalty!

Ground level, the girls were still debating over who should go up first.

“Alright, y’all ready?” Apple Bloom asked, a stern look on her face. The unicorn and pegasus both nodded with serious looks. They came to a conclusion on how they would settle this. It was an age-old way that goes back generations, to even before the days of Nightmare Moon. It has been used to settle debates, bets, and even greater conflicts. This is how they will settle theirs.

Hoof! Wing! Horn! Shoot!” they called in unison.

With a childish game of Hoof, Wing, Horn. It was simple game, requiring at least two players. Using their hoof, and their wings or horn, the players make a gesture with one of them and call it out. Each one defeated one gesture, while another could defeat it. The game was rather confusing for those that lack the extra… accessories.

“Hah!” Apple Bloom cried triumphal. “Hoof beats horn!”

“Hold on!” Scootaloo interrupted. “Wing beats hoof!”

“And horn beats wing!” Sweetie Belle cut in.

The three looked at each, and then released sighs of annoyance. They were at a stalemate.

“Best two outta three?” Scootaloo proposed sheepishly.

Sweetie Belle just groaned. “What’s the point? We’ll just end up with the same.”

“Hey! At least y’all have two choices, Ah only got the one option here!” Apple Bloom pointed out, waving her hoof around.

“She has a point,” Scootaloo commented. “Come to think of it, how do you actually play this game?”

The three just stared their hooves. The game didn’t really give many options for those that lacked wings or horns. As the girls thought more and more about it, they started to wonder: What kind of a sick mind creates a game that’s nearly unplayable for normal ponies?

In Canterlot Princess Celestia was busy in her private quarters, overlooking the recent influx of paperwork she had been receiving. With all that’s been happening, keeping up with requisition orders and damage reports was enough to put a lot of strain on a princess. Thankfully she had a nice box of chocolate truffles to help mend the stress, graciously donated by her dear sister Luna.

The doors behind her suddenly burst open as Luna barges in. “TIAAA!!!” she shouted, anger lingering in her eyes. Turning over Celestia greeted her sister with a gentle smile.

“Why my dear sister, what a pleasant--”

“Don’t, ‘DEAR SISTER’ ME!” she shouted. “You know full well why I’m here!”

Her smile not faltering, Celestia asked innocently, “Why, whatever do you mean?” Luna only answered by pointing a hoof at the box of truffles. “Oh…” Celestia realized, blushing. “Well… I, needed them, to help deal with the papers and…” She paused when she saw her sister still standing there, not amused in the slightest. Immediately Celestia threw her hoofs over eyes and started weeping. “And it helps me deal with the thought of my POOR subjects! All out there, with no--!”

“That may have worked on getting you the last slice of cake yesterday, but that won’t work again.”

“Oh…” Celestia lowered her hoofs in defeat. “Well you can’t blame a princess for trying.”

“No, but I can blame you for thievery!” Luna accused. The box was then enveloped in a blue aurora as it levitated to its original owner. She opened the box to access the damage. “And another thing, I-- WHAT?!” Luna cut off her long and thought out berate when she saw the remains of her truffles. Her mouth was left ajar. There was nothing left, the entire box had been licked clean.

Luna took a deep breath, fully ready give her sister the biggest riot act ever, when suddenly her eye caught something. There it was, in the corner, waiting for her. The last survivor from the sweets-apocalypse known as Celestia.

Suddenly the truffle was enveloped in a yellow aura and flew over the sun goddess. “Well if you’re just going to stare at it, there’s no sense in letting it go to waste.” Celestia opened her mouth, ready to join to the truffle with the rest of its family.

“Unhoof that at once!” Luna declared, taking a step forward.

Her sister just smiled knowingly. “It seems we’re at an impasse my fair sister. Fortunately I know a way we can settle this.” Luna raised an eyebrow, wondering what her devious sister was scheming.

“Shall we decide with an old childhood favorite?”

Luna knew what she was referring too. In annoyance she shook her head with a sigh. “Honestly sister this is juvenile even for you.”

“So you concede?” Celestia said, raising an eyebrow with a smug grin.

Luna narrowed her eyes, slowly forming a grin of her own. “Very well, so be it.” The two sisters walked to the center of the room, their eyes never leaving one another as they prepared for the rematch of the millennium.

“Hoof! Wing! Horn! Shoot!”

Back inside the clubhouse, Dead Ringer was pacing around the room while he was trying to wrap his head around this. What was a replica of the Loyalty Bearer’s hair doing here? What does this mean?

As he walked and thought he didn’t notice the table he knocked over. The table flipped over and papers went flying everywhere. Dead Ringer stopped, and looked at the different drawings that hit the floor. There were varying crude drawings of shapes and objects with the words, What My Cutie Mark Will Look Like! written on them. There were even some drawings of ponies.

Familiar looking ponies.

Dead Ringer came in for a closer look at one of the drawings. He couldn’t believe his eyes. The orange pony with the strange hat, the Bearer of Honesty! But that’s not what shocked him the most. What shocked him was who was standing next to her, a younger looking yellow pony with a red scribble on her head. On top of the drawing were the (poorly written) words, Me aND My sIsTeR!

Time seemed to slow down for a moment as Dead Ringer stared at the drawing. The resemblance was uncanny. There was no denying it. One of the Element Bearers shares the same blood, with one of the fillies he encountered yesterday. First the hair and now pictures? All the changeling was left with was one question: Who REALLY lives here?

The girls took their time as they made their way up to the clubhouse. Seeing that democracy failed them, and the complicated game wasn’t solving their problems either, they choose to just go up together.

“So... what’s the plan?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“We need a plan?” Apple Bloom responded.

“Well, if there is something up there, what do we do?”

“How do y’all know if there really is some kind of critter up there?”

“Hey if there is, maybe we could try out for our creature catcher cutie marks again!” Scootaloo proposed with a hint of anticipation.

“Scootaloo after what happened with that cocka-whatever, and that changeling, Ah really don’t think we’re cut out to be creature catchers.”

“TCH! Your're such a buzzkill sometimes!”

Apple Bloom simply responded by rolling her eyes.

Reaching the entrance to the clubhouse, Sweetie Belle was the first to peak her head in, and within a split second, her jaw nearly hit the floor. “No… way…”

“Well wha is it? Ah wanna see”


Hopping on Sweetie Belle’s back, Apple Bloom poked her head in. “So what’s the--? No way…”

“Yeah…” Sweetie Belle said with a grunt, feeling the weight of the earth filly weighing down on her. “That’s what I said. Now could you-- ERK!”


Tired of waiting, Scootaloo buzzed up her wings and landed on Apple Bloom. “What’s the holdup? What’s in our--?” Scootaloo suddenly froze. Like the others she was stunned, but for more reasons.

There it was, in their clubhouse, looking over their stuff. The damaged wing matched the description. There was no denying it; this was the same changeling from yesterday, in their town, in their clubhouse. They couldn’t believe their eyes; they were absolutely stunned. Well Sweetie Belle was more aggravated for the enormous amount of weight from the pony tower that was standing on her.

What’s it doin’ here?” Apple Bloom whispered to the others.

How the hay should I know? Sightseeing?” Scootaloo chided, looking down at the yellow filly.

Girls…” Sweetie Belle strained. “I don’t think I can--

Well there’s no need to get snippy with me!” Apple Bloom snapped, looking up at her passenger.

Are you even list--?

I’m not being snippy, I’m being obvious!

Seriously I can’t--

So bein’ obvious includes bein’ rude?

Are you calling me rude?!

Ah ain’t callin’ ya for dinner!

Girls stop fidgeting or I’m gonna--!

Now you listen here, I--! WHOA!” Scootaloo found herself nearly falling over as her support suddenly shook. “What the hay are you doing down there Sweetie Belle?

You’re both too heavy and your fighting isn’t exactly helping! I'm-- Uh-oh…” Suddenly the filly tower rocked back and forth as Sweetie's hooves tripped over each other as she scuttled from side-to-side, trying to keep her passengers from tipping over. However the support and weight became too much for little filly to handle, and she along with the other Crusaders came tumbling down, all hitting the floor with an “OOF!” landing in the clubhouse in a big pile on top one another.

Sweetie Belle groaned in frustration. “Next time I get to be at the top!” Her friends didn’t answer. “Girls…?” Confused, she shifted her eyes to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to find them staring up at something. She was confused at first, until she remembered what her friends were doing there in the first place. Joining her friends, she looked up and saw what was keeping them quiet. Her eyes met with two dark and empty voids staring back. The creature towered over them menacingly, looking down at them with a cold expression; its face was completely unreadable.

While it was unreadable to them, Dead Ringer’s mind was puzzled. I didn’t want to believe it, but here it is. How is it out of all the houses, in all the trees, in all of Equestria, I find the one belonging to the little monsters that did this to me?

The four just remained there staring at each other, in complete silence. Four different beings from two completely different lands, all in one room.

“Uh, hi… again,” Apple Bloom stuttered, breaking the silence with a nervous smile. “So… how ya--?”

“WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” Scootaloo demanded, shocking not only her two friends, but also even causing the changeling to tense up a little. Pulling herself out of the pile Scootaloo walked right up to their intruder. “I said, what the hay are you doing here?”

As Dead Ringer looked at the little pony he could see - including smell - the rage that was burning off her. The biggest evidence of this was shown in her eyes. This puzzled the changeling even further. These weren’t the same eyes he locked with yesterday. No these were filled with utter rage, rage that was directed at him. For what reason he didn’t know. What had he done to upset her so much? This couldn’t be over the fact of him using what he assumes is they’re home for a shelter, or examining their belongings. No this kind of anger was more than that. This was hatred.

Scootaloo continued to stare at the foreign creature, ignoring her friend’s pleas for help with untangling their manes, she was absolutely furious. She made a promise to herself to avoid the things that reminded her of her... issue, and now this creature being here complicates things. The pegasus didn’t even care if it was bigger then her, stronger then her, or even if it was smarter. She wanted to know right then and there why did it come back!

“I said, what the--? MPHF!”

“I’m really sorry!” Grabbing her friend, Sweetie Belle started stepping back from their… guest. “She’s not thinking straight today, you see she didn’t really sleep well and I kind of think it caused her brain to go on the fritz!”

The changeling just continued to stare.

Popping up from behind the young unicorn struggling with her pegasi friend, Apple Bloom said, louder then how she intended, “YAH! So uh… why don’t ya make yerself at home, while we go talk over there.” She started backing away slowly. “To the faaaaaaaar end of the room.” The changeling kept watching them with every move. Apple Bloom just kept her forced grin as she and her two friends headed for the corner.

As the three turned around to converse, Dead Ringer caught eye of something. The young fillies flanks, they were blank. Turning back to the poster he read the words to himself. Cutie Mark Crusader HQ…

Pushing Scootaloo into the center of the corner Sweetie Belle prepared to read her the riot act. “Why are you constantly blabber mouthing today?!” she whispered in anger.

Why are you constantly suffocating me today?!

Don’t change the subject Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom stepped in.

I…” Scootaloo paused to find the right answer. “Was being direct, because… that’s what Rainbow Dash would do! Yep!” She nodded, loving her answer. “I was just trying to be like her! You know me!

Well why--?

“Excuse me…”

All three immediately froze as their eyes fell back on the main topic at hoof. The changeling was standing right in front of them. He lowered his head so he was at their eye level. “Why don’t you have cutie marks?”

“… Say wha?” Apple Bloom tilted her head at the strange question.

“Your flanks,” he pointed, “they're empty.”

“Tell us something we don’t know,” the upset pegasus snapped.

“Scootaloo don’t be rude to our guest!” Sweetie Belle scolded, trying her best to help avoid a incident.

“Guest?!” Scootaloo’s voice practically cracked. “It broke into our clubhouse, our-our personal headquarters! That’s not exactly what I would call guest! More like a pest!”

Dead Ringer slowly furrowed his brow. “You make it sound like I chose to be here--? Wait…” He paused. “Headquarters?” Dead Ringer turned his head toward the poster, the words starting to make a little sense. “Cutie Mark Crusader… Headquarters?”

“Yeah! This is our clubhouse, and our personal headquarters! What’d you think HQ meant?!” Dead Ringer wasn’t going to answer that. Scootaloo continued. “This is where we discuss important business!”

“What, how to nearly kill yourselves?” he chided. “Or how to leave a changeling stranded?!”

“Wait,” Apple Bloom interrupted. “Stranded?”

Calming down a little Dead Ringer directed their eyes to his limp wing. “I can’t fly, and I wasted most of my energy during that rockslide. There’s no way I can survive in the forest as I am.”

“And with the weather yesterday…” Sweetie Belle was slowly connecting the dots.

The changeling gave a somber nod. “Correct. I required shelter. Your… house-tree provided me with that.”

“House-tree?” Scootaloo said ready to burst into laughter. “Are you serious?”

Dead Ringer responded with low snarl. “Watch what you say pegasus…

“Hey its not my fault you don’t know the difference between a clubhouse and an actual house.”

“Well its not my fault three little monsters tried to assassinate me while I was drinking!”

“Well it’s not my fault you ran into the side of a mountain!”

“Uh… Scootaloo, it kinda is,” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

Scootaloo snapped her head the unicorns' direction, shocked and aggravated by her words. “WHO’S SIDE ARE YOU ON?!”

“ENOUGH!!!” Dead Ringer slammed his hoof as silence filled the room. He looked down at the girls with a stern and slightly agitated look. “I don’t like being here anymore then you do, but I’m low on options right now. So…” Dead Ringer really had to swallow his pride for this next line. “If you permit me to stay for just a little longer, I swear no negative repercussions will befall you.”

The three fillies stood there in silence his words hung in the air.

“Wait a minute,” Apple Bloom shook her head as her mind tried to register this. “Are you askin’ to stay here?”

Dead Ringer couldn’t believe what he was asking either, seeing as how these children shared some kind of relationship with the Element Bearers, talking to them was being risky enough as it is. Figuratively speaking, talking to any pony was risky, but he was low on options, and low on energy. And by being discovered, his options were getting slimmer and slimmer. Unless his wing was repaired, he wasn’t getting far. As much as it disgusted him, and it really, reaaaaally did, he had no choices at the moment. Answering the filly he merely nodded.

The Crusaders exchanged looks with one another, shocked and confused by what was happening.

Apple Bloom was the first to speak. “Well… maybe--”

“You're not actually considering this, are you?” Scootaloo interrupted.

“Well… it did--”

“Break into our clubhouse and touch all our stuff?” Scootaloo finished. “Yeah, I just noticed.” Walking over to the mess on the floor, Scootaloo surveyed the damage. “Did you take a bite outta one of our crayons?” Scootaloo asked, not believing it herself.

All eyes fell on the changeling. Dead Ringer’s eyes shifted from side to side as he stood there in silence. “It… had a, scent to it.” The three just continued to stare, still finding it odd that the changeling’s first instinct was to taste it. Getting slightly agitated he asked, “If its not for eating what’s it for then?”

“Colorin’, what else?” Apple Bloom simply answered.

“Coloring? What’s this, coloring?” Dead Ringer asked looking over at the yellow filly.

Apple Bloom exchanged a glance with Sweetie Belle. Rubbing the back of her neck, her mind strained as she tried to grasp how she was going to explain something as simple as coloring to someone. “Well… it's taking something and filling it with a new color. It’s for fun.” The changeling just tilted his head with a slightly puzzled expression. “Please don’t tell me Ah gotta explain fun to ya? C’mon, don’t yer youngins color?”

Dead Ringer stared off into space as he contemplated her question. By youngins, she was probably referring to the hatchlings of his kind, and judging by her use of the word coloring, this was possibly some form of pony-like activity the children of this land partake in. Slowly his eyes fell to the floor. “No…” he answered quietly.

“How come?” Apple Bloom questioned, raising a curious eyebrow.

Suddenly Dead Ringer’s head shot up as he gave the young filly a hateful look. “That’s none of your business…!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both took a step back at the changeling’s sudden outburst. “My Dash wig!” Breaking the awkward moment, all eyes fell on the orange pegasus.

Picking up her wig that resembled her idol, Scootaloo surveyed it for damage. She turned over the changeling, baring her teeth in malice anger. “What the hay were you doing with it?!”

Dead Ringer raised an eyebrow. “Well what the fang do YOU do with it? You have hair.”

“She wears cause it makes her feel like her idol,” Sweetie Belle answered. “Plus she thinks it makes her look cool.”

“Hey! It totally does!” Placing the wig firmly on her head, Scootaloo shot a toothy grin and struck a Rainbow Dash like pose. “C’mon, look at me! You tell me my coolness levels haven’t gone up?”

Everypony, and changeling, just stared at the filly with deadpan looks. The clubhouse became silent, but Dead Ringer could've sworn he heard what sounded like chirping somewhere.

Ignoring the deluded filly, Dead Ringer turned over to the other two. “So I’m guessing she does this for… fun too?”

“Well… yeah.” Sweetie Belle answered like it was common knowledge, well common knowledge here.

Dead Ringer merely shook his head as he muttered to himself, “Strange creatures…”

“I heard that!” Scootaloo called out. “We’re the strange ones? Have you looked in a mirror lately?”

Dead Ringer looked at the mirror, then back at her. “Yes.”

“It’s a figure of… Oh forget it!”

“Sheesh, you don’t know what a treehouse is, you thought crayons are food, you don’t know what colorin’ is, and Ah probably don’t even wanna know what was goin’ through your head when ya saw that wig.” The changeling shifted his eyes the side, giving a low growl in response. Apple Bloom continued, “Y’all don’t really know much about children do ya?”

The changeling didn’t answer; he just shifted his head and gave the filly a glare before looking off to the side. The more and more she looked at the creature, the more Apple Bloom started thinking back to her teacher’s lesson. “If you don’t mind me askin’, do you even know anythin’ about Equestria?”

Not even looking at her, the changeling muttered, “What’s there to know…?”

Apple Bloom stared at the changeling, both shocked and offended. “Why you ignor--” She stopped her berate when the memory of her conversation with Cheerilee came back to her.

“Ah bet if they had somepony as special as you for a teacher they'd be informed.”

Apple Bloom slowly rubbed her chin as she stared at their ignorant guest. “Somepony special…” Her eyes then fell on her empty flank. A smile grew as the filly slowly evolved a plan. “That’s it!” she shouted leaping into the air.



Which the young pony immediately regretted once she banged her head into the hanging lamp. Apple Bloom rubbed it to numb the pain. “We really oughta stop jumping whenever we're around the thinkin' area. That’s the eighth time that’s happened.”

“So, what exactly is it?” Scootaloo asked.

Ignoring the question Apple Bloom ran up their clubhouse, visitor. “Uh, Mr. Changeling? About that offer o’ yers?” The changeling simply stared at her, slightly taken aback by the little pony’s sudden change in perk and energy. Also slightly bewildered for being called Mr. as well. “Just give me and mah friends a moment.”

“Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo asked, slightly concerned where her friend was going with this. “Just what are you--?”


Reluctantly following her orders, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo huddled up with Apple Bloom in the corner, to speak in private.

Dead Ringer stared at the three ponies questionably, pondering what they could be planning. His eyes then fell back on the poster as he read the words to himself, this time only the first three. Cutie Mark Crusader… Hmm… Slowly his mind put the pieces together. Crusading for cutie marks?

Back at the private huddle, the Crusaders conversed. “So what’s the plan, we gonna kick this thing out?” Scootaloo asked.

“Actually, Ah have better idea, one that works for all four of us,” Apple Bloom revealed, confidence dripping from her tone. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo exchanged confused looks with one another, trying to figure out what was going through that apple pony’s mind. “What if we let it stay--”

“WHAT?!?” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle practically screamed, Scootaloo being the loudest.

Apple Bloom raised a hoof, signaling them to relax. “Hear me out. We let it stay, and work with it to get our cutie marks.”

“Say what?” Scootaloo asked, her mind trying to grasp this far-fetched idea.

“What do you mean? Like, changeling caretakers?” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“No, no, no.” Apple Bloom shook her head, until she stopped, giving the idea some thought. Cutie Mark Crusader Changeling Caretakers does create a cool abbreviation (CMCCC). Shaking her head again she got back on topic. “Look, our… guest clearly doesn’t know much about Equestria.”

“That’s an understatement.” Sweetie Belle added as she stole a glance at the fourth party in the room. “I don’t think it even cares.”

“Exactly,” Apple Bloom pointed out. “Do y’all, remember our lesson today on ig-nor-ance?” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded. “And remember what I said to Miss Cheerilee?” Apple Bloom continued. Again, the two just nodded. The farm filly slowly formed a smile. “Well…” Apple Bloom said, shifting her eyes towards their guest, trying to give them a hint.

Scootaloo wasn’t getting it, neither was Sweetie Belle, but she still answered, “You want Cheerilee to teach it?”

“Yea- what?!” Apple Bloom’s smile faltered. “No! US!” She pointed at all three of them to specify her point. “Ah mean us!”

“But…” Sweetie Belle shook her head reluctantly. “We’re not teachers.”

Apple Bloom formed a knowing grin. “Not yet…”

“Wait a minute. Are you saying…? WE teach it?” Scootaloo questioned.

“Eeyup! We could teach it our history, our way of life, basically everythin’ it means to be a pony. Who knows?” She looked over at the changeling giving it a small smile. “Maybe afterward it won’t be so darn grumpy.”

A small pause followed as the young unicorn and pegasus took this in until it was broken by Scootaloo. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you think I’M the dodo?”

“Oh come on!” Apple Bloom proclaimed. “Bein’ a teacher could be fun! Ah mean look at Cheerilee, she loves it!”

Scootaloo gave a deadpan look, failing to see the resemblance here. “Cheerilee teaches little ponies, not full grown monsters.”

“Well another thing to bein’ a teacher is bein’ responsible. And right now that monster as you call it, is our responsibility.”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, curious what she was meaning. “How?”

“We’re the ones that hurt it, we’re the reason it’s stranded here, so it’s our own fault.” Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo a stern look. “And big ponies like Cheerilee and Rainbow Dash take responsibility for their actions.”

“I am a big pony!” Scootaloo whined. “And I am responsible! So there! NA!” To prove her point, she stuck her tongue out.

Ignoring the childlike gesture, Apple Bloom leaned in closer. “Well tell me this, if we kick it out, where’s it gonna go? What if it gets caught, what then? The older ponies will find out what we did to it, and then we can forget about crusadin’ ever again.”

Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gulped, they hadn’t considered that. They’re the reason the changelings stuck here. If they get caught, their caretakers will find out where they were and what they were doing. Then its goodbye Cutie Mark Crusaders!

They’d been on thin ice as it is with their crusades in the past. After that whole incident where they tried for their cannonball cutie marks with Pinkie’s 'borrowed' party cannon, or that other time they tried for their time traveler cutie marks by attaching a engine they ‘borrowed’ from Mr. Doodad to Scootaloo’s scooter, only instead of going through time they ended up going through Miss Derpy’s window and setting half her home on fire.

Sweetie Belle shuffled her hoof as she gave the idea some thought. “Well… maybe we--”

“Sweetie Belle?!” Scootaloo asked. “You're actually considering this?!”

“Well, maybe teaching could be fun.” Sweetie Belle slowly started to smile, finding the idea more and more interesting. She nodded. “Yeah… It’d be nice to be the one giving the lessons for a change.”

“Exactly!” Apple Bloom nodded. “And its like y’all told me, we have to try everythin’, specially everythin’ that’s fun! And our teachin’ cutie mark is somthin’ we ain’t tried yet!”

Giving each other a nod Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom’s eyes soon fell on Scootaloo. She exchanged looks with both of them as she gulped. It was two on one here. “Well… it-it could get hostile with us,” she stuttered.

“Nuh-uh.” Sweetie Belle dismissed, shaking her head. “It said it was outta magic, and it’s wings broken so flying is out of the question.”

“Yeah… but…” Scootaloo’s mind raced as she tried to come up with another excuse. “But did you forget those razor sharp chompers we saw yesterday?!”

“Oh c’mon Scootaloo. Don’t let what Diamond said get to ya." Apple Bloom chuckled. "We’re as big as its head, how’s it gonna gobble us up? Besides, don’t forget, this is the same changeling that helped us yesterday. The worst Ah imagine it’ll give us is its attitude.”

Shot down again the young pegasus pounded her head for ideas. Finally a brilliant thought struck her. “Okay! Then explain how are we gonna feed it?” Scootaloo smiled, feeling proud of her reason. But Sweetie Belle was prepared.

“Oh that we got covered.” Sweetie Belle shook a hoof. “I might not know much about changelings, but I think after yesterday it's safe to say changelings have a fond taste for cupcakes, or Pinkie Pie’s cupcakes anyway.”

Crud. Crud! CRUD! Scootaloo cried in her head. This wasn’t fair. Her friends and fellow Crusaders were now on this thing’s side. All she wanted now was for things to go back to the way they were. Things were so much better before they went to that stupid mountain!

“Scootaloo…” Sweetie Belle said softly. “Is this all about that dream…?” Looking her unicorn friend in the eye, Scootaloo remained silent.

“Look, Ah can understand if yer afraid.” The moment Apple Bloom said ‘afraid’ Scootaloo looked at her like she insulted her. “Ah know, Ah’ve had dreams that made me afraid of things in real life too. Like this one time, Ah had a dream where Ah was attacked by a giant pony-eatin' apple orchid. After that, Ah couldn’t go near a apple orchard for weeks.”

Trying (trying being the key word here) to ignore Apple Bloom’s… bizarre story. Scootaloo defended herself. “I’m not afraid of anything!”

Tired of beating around the bush, Sweetie Belle stepped in. “Well if you're not afraid then what’s your real reason for hating the changeling? Yesterday when we were helping it you were practically nicer to it then we were. Then you have one nightmare and suddenly you treat it like it broke your wing.” She paused as a thought came to her. “Come to think of it, all day you’ve been acting weird.”

Scootaloo slowly recoiled. She really did not like where this was going.

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle took a step forward, preparing to ask the question that’s been on their minds since the day started. “Scootaloo, what really happened in your dream?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yeah, mah sister said that dreams can sometimes sym-bol uh… symbileeze, uh…”

“Symbolize…?” Sweetie Belle corrected.

“Yeah, yeah, that!” Apple Bloom nodded. “So tell us, maybe there’s more to it then ya think.”

Scootaloo bit the bottom of her lip and closed her eyes as the memories of her nightmare came back to her.

Alone in a dark forest.



No one there to help.

Then out of the shadows…

IT appeared...

Opening her eyes Scootaloo took a deep breath as she answered in a weak voice, “Just… forget about it…”


“I SAID FORGET ABOUT IT!” the orange filly shouted, starting to get defensive.

Exchanging startled looks with one another; Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both let out a quiet sigh, acknowledging they would drop the dream. The three fell silent as Scootaloo just rubbed her shoulder, lost in her own little world. It was clear to them Scootaloo didn’t wish to continue on this topic, and as her friends they would respect her privacy. But they knew better. They knew something was going on with their friend. She was hiding something. Something they were going to find out.

Eventually, at least... Right now they had to deal with the issue at hoof.

Apple Bloom took another glance at their guest. “You know, the more Ah look at it, the more Ah feel sorry for it.”

This caught Scootaloo’s attention. Looking at farmer friend, she raised a puzzled eyebrow as she asked, “Why?”

“Well think about it. All by its lonesome, in a strange land, nothin’s familiar, no friends, no family. Hay, for we know it was abandoned out there.” The orange filly started to freeze up as the words cut through her.

“Ah can’t imagine how that feels.”

Scootaloo’s eyes fell to the floor. She gave a heavy nod. “No… no you don’t…” Immediately she shook her head. Trying again to force out those unwanted thoughts that were coming up again.

Seeing this, Apple Bloom concluded her words were reaching the stubborn pegasus in some way. She decided it was time to move in for the kill. “So…?” she asked, leaning in, blinking her big eyes cutely.

Slightly gagging at this, Scootaloo slowly looked at the changeling. As much as she hated to say this, and she really, reaaaaally did, her friends seemed set on this plan. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, as long as she kept her distance from this thing at least. With a heavy nod, she answered, “Okay…”

“And…?” Sweetie Belle asked, mimicking Apple Bloom’s actions.

Scootaloo knew what she was asking for. It was sort of Cutie Mark Crusader policy to do this. It had to be done. And maybe it might help lighten the tension. “Only for you guys,” she said giving them a smile.


The plan ready, the three faced the changeling and… it wasn’t there. Looking around the room they saw no trace of it. It couldn’t have left, they would have noticed. Apple Bloom looked around finding nothing to give them a clue. “Ah don’t get it, where could it ha--”

“Uh… guys?” Scootaloo said catching their attention.


“I found it.”

“Where?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Instead of responding Scootaloo just pointed at the ceiling. Looking up they found a frightened and shaking changeling clinking to the roof.

Dead Ringer didn’t know what happened. One second the fillies were whispering, the next he was met with their loud shrieks.

“Uh… sorry if we scared y’all like that,” Apple Bloom apologized.

“Scared?” Looking down at three, Dead Ringer gave them a glare. Jumping down he landed on the floor with ease. “You did not scare me,” he firmly corrected, “You startled me. Fear and shock are two completely different feelings.”

“You always shiver when you’re, shocked?” Scootaloo pointed out with a mocking grin, which was soon diminished when the changeling started baring its teeth.

Stepping forward Apple Bloom smiled. This slightly bewildered the changeling, enough that it even retracted its teeth. “Listen, we wanna make a deal.”

Confused, Dead Ringer asked, “A deal?”

“Eeyup!” Apple Bloom nodded. “We promise to let you stay long enough until yer healed and to tell nopony about you, if you let us teach you.”

“Teach me?” Dead Ringer shook his head, his confusion growing. “Teach me what?”

“About… well,” Apple Bloom paused for second to find the correct word, “us!”

Dead Ringer lifted a brow. “You…?”

“Yah, ya see we’re crusaders! We work everyday!

“And night to find our special talent!” Sweetie Belle added.

“And who we are!” Scootaloo also added.

“And right now we’re workin’ for our teacher cutie mark!” Apple Bloom finished hopping up and down with glee. “So wha’ ya say?”

The changeling turned away from them and started walking to the back of the room, taking in what just happened. Slowly he bared his teeth in anger. I? Commander Dead Ringer? A pupil to mere… ponies?! Why I--! Dead Ringer stopped his inner rant as he stepped on something. He looked at it, seeing the same drawing of the yellow pony standing there with the Element Bearer of Honesty, or her ‘sister’ as it was.


Slowly the gears in his militia mind turned as he was struck with an idea. An idea that would lead to his kind’s retribution, and his own. A small toothy grin grew on his face. He knew if these three share a connection with the Element Bearers, even one in some way, then perhaps sticking around for a little longer could yield some interesting… benefits.

So you three want to earn your cutie marks so badly that you're willing to take in a stray changeling? All right ponies, I’m game.

“Very well ponies.” Dead Ringer turned and faced them with a straight look, hiding his deviousness. “I humbly accept.”

Apple Bloom beamed, looking like she just won the lottery. “Really?”

“Yes,” Dead Ringer answered.

“Really really?”


“Really really really?”



“I SAID YES!” Realizing his outburst Dead Ringer collected himself as he tried to calm down.

“Well okay then.” Apple Bloom raised her hoof and gave it a spit. She directed her hoof towards the changeling, waiting to seal the deal.

Dead Ringer disgustedly retreated. “What are you doing?! Is this…” he gestured to her foul hoof, “…some kind of a pony thing?!”

“What?” Apple Bloom said, looking like what she was doing was an everyday occurrence. “Its how me and mah family do things?”

“Apple Bloom nopony wants to touch a hoof that has somepony else’s spit on it,” Scootaloo pointed out. “Apparently changelings included.”

Sweetie Belle stepped forward, deciding somepony had to take charge if they were going to move this along. “Besides, if we’re gonna do this we’re gonna do this right.”

“How?” Apple Bloom asked.

Giving a smile of deviousness she answered, “With a Pinkie Promise.”

“A what promise?” the flummoxed changeling asked.

“Ah! Yer first lesson!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, her excitement ever growing. “Ya see around these parts we have this thing called a Pinkie Promise.”

Still confused the changeling turned to the other two fillies. Sweetie Belle decided to try and clarify. “It's a special way of making a promise, we make them as a guarantee they won’t be broken. A pony named Pinkie Pie made it, so we call it a 'Pinkie Promise'.”

Starting to get the idea, Dead Ringer was left with one question. “What happens if one breaks this, Pinkie Promise?” The three ponies all gulped as they exchanged nervous looks with one another. Dead Ringer could see the fear in their eyes.

“The last pony to break a Pinkie Promise,” Sweetie Belle paused as she tried to force herself to speak these last words, “was never heard from again.”

“Wait a minute,” Scootaloo interrupted. “Wasn’t she relocated to Cloudsdale? Come to think of it, the only promise she broke was she said she be there by Monday instead of Tuesday.”

“Oh yeah…” Sweetie Belle realized. She gave a small blush.

“Despite that, let’s just say the pony who invented it tends to get…” Apple Bloom stopped as she tried to say this nicely, “…angry when they’re a broken.”

Angry?” Scootaloo chuckled, finding that be an understatement. “From what I heard, more like a demon that escaped from the pits of Tartarus.”

“Hmm…” Dead Ringer pondered; even he was starting to get a chill over this pony. Whoever this Pinkie Pie is, she’s clearly a force not to be trifled with. Despite the small chill, it did not matter. If doing this 'Pinkie Promise’ was required, then he would play along. “Very well, how does this Pinkie Promise work?”

The yellow filly came forward to explain the ways of the Pinkie Promise. “Well first ya say what yer promisin’, then ya hold up yer hoof like this.”

Dead Ringer nodded as he watched the yellow fillies movements.

“Then you say, ‘cross mah heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye’.” As Apple Bloom spoke she demonstrated the corresponding motions that went along with the words. “Ya got it?”

Dead Ringer just blinked at the strange procedure. “But… I can fly.” His eyes fell to his hurting wing, giving a small grumble. “Well I used too.”

“Its just how it she made it.” Apple Bloom simply explained.

After a short pause the changeling gave a sigh with a nod. “As you wish. ”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Alrighty then! Crusaders? Line up and raise yer hoof!”

The two fillies lined up side by side with Apple Bloom as they each raised a hoof, Scootaloo though was reluctant at first. The changeling took notice of that.

“Okay now y’all repeat after me,” she said, “Ah promise…”

“I promise..." the two repeated.

“Ta not tattle or reveal our secret crusade,” Apple Bloom looked to the watching changeling, giving it a small smile, “or our new student ta nopony.”

“To not tattle or reveal our secret crusade or new student to nopony,” the two recited in unison.

“And to let Apple Bloom be head teacher and do whatever she says because she’s the smartyist, thinkingist, pony outta the three of us,” Apple Bloom finished with a grin.

There was a short pause as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at one another. “And to not beat up Apple Bloom for being so stuck-up.”


“Can we please get a move on?” Dead Ringer groaned. He was already having second thoughts over this.

Apple Bloom groaned, feeling the fun already being sucked out of this. “Fine… fine. Cross mah heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye.”

Smiling for their small win, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo proudly recited, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

All eyes fell on Dead Ringer. It was now his turn to recite. After a short pause he gave a low sigh. “Very well.” Slowly he raised his dark, pierced, hoof as he collected his thoughts as for his promise. “I promise, for as long as I’m here, no harm will come to you. And… to be your pupil, till I’m healed.” Dead Ringer made sure to emphasize that last part. Once he was healed he was outta here. He looked as his hoof as he tried to remember the unique ritual.

“Cross my… heart,” Dead Ringer paused as he tried in vain not to gag for saying that line as he continued with the motions. “Hope to fly again, stick a cupcake in my-- GAH MY EYE!” Dead Ringer screamed in pain. He got just about every part right; except for the part even Twilight couldn’t get right.

Scootaloo chuckled to herself, enjoying the little show she was given. She leaned over to her companions and whispered, “Nopony gets it right their first try.” They both raised a hoof ordering her to shush.

“Now then,” Dead Ringer said, as he tried to rub the feeling back into his eye, “I’m assuming you three have names, so perhaps some introductions are in order?”

“Introductions?” Apple Bloom asked. Slowly a grin formed on her face as she looked to her friends. They all grew grins as well. They've wanted to do this for some time now, and this changeling just gave them the green light! “Alrighty then,” Apple Bloom announced. “Crusaders? Fooooooormation!”

The three quickly trotted out of the room, leaving a confused changeling behind. Is this customary? He wondered. Suddenly the front of the room started filling with smoke outta nowhere. Dead Ringer stepped back, but kept on his guard, ready for anything. But nothing could have prepared him for what would come next.

In the smoke three silhouetted figures began performing various choreographed dancing. Well to them it was dancing. To Dead Ringer it looked like different forms of twirls, swinging, and skipping. Technically he didn’t even know what dancing was.

Suddenly one of them hopped out of the smoke. “I’m…” the white filly did various forms of twirls, jumps and other things her mind interpreted as dancing, before landing and striking the most dramatic pose she could manage. “Sweetie Belle!”

“I’m…” the orange filly leaped out while performing a front flip along with various judo kicks and punches to the air, before landing beside her friend striking her own dramatic pose. “Scootaloo!”

“And I’m…” the yellow filly leaped out and... fell flat on her face. Her two friends would’ve face hoofed if they could. Picking herself up and shaking off the headache she got the young pony posed with her friends. “Apple Bloom.”

AND WE’RE…” The three ponies stood on their back legs as they held out their forelegs high in the air, wiggling them in a dramatic fashion to the sounds of fanfare, cheering, and firework explosions. The ones in their heads at least.


The room became utterly silent as Dead Ringer just stared at them. A large bead of sweat slowly travelled down his head. He could’ve sworn he saw some tumbleweed fly by behind them. “Uh…” he stuttered, his mind still trying to interpret what the flying rock he just witnessed. “My... Wha-what a entrance.”

“Hah!” Scootaloo exclaimed proudly. “And you guys said it was crazy to keep that old smoke machine!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, you were right,” Apple Bloom replied uncaringly. “Now could ya turn that thing off? It’s getting’ hard to see in here.”

“Fine…” The orange pegasus muttered as she went to turnoff the well-hidden smoke machine. “And by the way you missed your landing again.”

“Ah know, Ah know, Ah’m workin’ on it,” Apple Bloom reassured.

“So now that you know who we are,” Sweetie Belle began. “What do we call you?”

The changeling paused, but nodded. “I am Co--” he stopped himself before continuing any further. Revealing his title was dangerous. To them he was just a mere grunt. He had no idea how they would react to knowing the changeling before them was the current commander of the Drone class and Soldier class changelings.

If they knew who he was they might suspect something, and given their possible connection to the Element Bearers, the danger was ever growing. It was too risky. It could jeopardize his plan. However, he saw no harm in giving away his born name. Title or not, he was not gonna be referred to as ‘Mr. Changeling.'

“I go by the name, Dead Ringer.”

Apple Bloom, along with her hair, tail, and bow, frowned, looking like she just saw a ghost. “De-De-De-Dead Ringer…?” she stuttered in fear.

Dead Ringer eyed her, slightly confused by the child's sudden terror. “Yes…?”

“That’s uh… quite a name ya got there,” Apple Bloom spoke, trying to force a smile.

Dead Ringer just sighed. Guessing the word ‘dead’ must’ve played a part in this filly’s awkwardness. “Listen… Crusader Apple Bloom?” She nodded confirming him, although she was a little confused by why he referred to her as ‘Crusader Apple Bloom’. Dead Ringer continued. “Among my kind it means, exact duplicate.”

“Actually,” Sweetie Belle spoke up, “it’s the same here I believe.”

“What are you, a dictionary?” Scootaloo asked.

“First off, I learned it from my sister.” Sweetie Belle defended in aggravation. “Second, this coming from the pony who said she read one?!”

“Well…” Scootaloo sheepishly began. “Maybe it was less read and more, looking up big words to sound fancy?” She gave an awkward grin.

Sweetie Belle along with Apple Bloom and a confused by what was going on Dead Ringer stared at her. Apple Bloom was the first to speak up. “Ya spent a whole week doing that?”

“Well that and looking up the different ways to say awesome.” Scootaloo then scoffed as she continued, “Did you know in that entire dictionary, the word awesome is only said in one way? That Noah Web-hoofs-whoever must’ve been a complete moron!”

“Who?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Oh, he’s the pony that wrote the dictionary book I think.”

“Book…?” Apple Bloom echoed. Immediately she was struck with a shocking realization. “BOOKS!”

“What?” a startled unicorn asked.

“Books! We need books!” the shrieking pony proclaimed. “What kinda teacher ain’t got books?” If there was one thing they knew about teaching, was the source where they got their info. “Quick Sweetie Belle how much bits y’all got?”

Sweetie Belle shrugged as she responded, “I didn’t bring any.”


“I…” Scootaloo looked away slightly bashful. Dead Ringer eyed her. Her friends might’ve failed to notice the emotions she was feeling, but Dead Ringer knew. Sadness, mixed with… helplessness? He tilted his in slight confusion as Scootaloo finally finished. “Don’t have any.”

“Well that’s great! How the hay we gonna find books now?” a frustrated Apple Bloom exasperated.

“What about the library?” Sweetie Belle proposed.

“It’s still open?” Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Yeah, Spike’s been running it while Twilight’s away.”

Her resolve renewed Apple Bloom immediately went from upset to beaming with joy. “Alrighty! We’ll head over there, get as many books as we can carry, then head on over to Sugarcube Corner!”

“What for?” Scootaloo questioned.

“Well we can’t let our student starve now can we?” Apple Bloom directed to their student Dead Ringer.

“As…” Dead Ringer coughed, “grateful as I am, I assure you water is the only sustenance I require.” This puzzled Scootaloo a little. Didn't changelings need love in order to survive? Or, could they make substitute with something else? They lasted this long so they must've found some way to feed off each other. But what? What emotions could a changeling feel? They didn't seem like the loving type so that was out. From what she's seen they don't seem very happy either. So what other positive emotions out there could they possibly live on? Shaking her head Scootaloo decided it was pointless to dwell on it. Or pointless to care.

“Are ya sure?" Apple Bloom tempted with an eager grin. "The baker makes a mighty fine cupcake."

Immediately the memory of the cupcakes from yesterday floated back to him, nearly causing the changeling to swoon. The taste, the fragrance, the feeling it gave him, it all came back. Seeing them all staring he stood up at attention. “Well… perhaps I could make do with those as well.”

Apple Bloom grinned deviously. “Ah thought so.” Turning to her to the entrance she headed out. “Well times a wastin’ so let's get it rollin’!”

As they left one by one, Scootaloo stopped mid-exit. She slowly turned to the changeling staring. He just stared back. Once again the anger from before was in her eyes as she stared. Dead Ringer furrowed his brow as he matched her, staring coldly. A child wouldn’t intimidate him.

Anger, mixed with hatred.

What was he doing that upset her so much? Why does this filly despise me? His train of thought, along with their staring contest was interrupted by the sounds of Scootaloo’s friends calling for her.

“Scootaloo, you coming or what?”

Looking down she shouted back, “I’m coming!” The pegasi gave one final stare before she heading down to meet her friends.

Dead Ringer was now alone. He sat down as he contemplated what just happened. He didn’t understand it. The other two - while shocked and a little frightened - showed no signs of hatred towards him. So why did this pony? He shook his head as he forced out those thoughts. Why should he care? What one pony feels towards him was irrelevant. Right now there were more important matters at hoof.

Looking out the window, the changeling watched as the three Crusaders trotted off into the forest, towards their settlement. Slowly a pleased and devious smile formed on his face. “That’s right, run a fast as you can.”

Looking away, he turned to the drawing of the yellow pony and her sister. “But know, with each step you take, brings me closer and closer to the Element Bearers.”

Using what little magic he had left, he levitated it into the air. “And closer and closer to my people’s retribution.” Suddenly the drawing was engulfed in a dark green flame, as it was soon reduced to nothing but ashes.

“And my return to glory...”

Dead Ringer may have promised no harm to the Crusaders, but the Element Bearers he made no such promise. After all, he had another promise to keep, to himself. When he was healed he would return home, to his people, to the land where all changelings thrived. The land where Queen Chrysalis rule was dominant. The Asphodel Canyon.

But he wasn’t returning alone.

“For the Hive…”

Author's Note:

Based the Asphodel Canyon, off the Asphodel Meadows. More info will come later.