• Published 2nd Jun 2012
  • 6,733 Views, 317 Comments

The Cobwebs Of Ignorance - H123G

Changelings. Feared, hated, and above all: misunderstood. When the Canterlot Invasion fails and the Changeling Commander is stuck alone in the forest, the CMC get the chance to find out just what lies beneath the chitin.

  • ...

Encounter Between a Rock and a Hard Place II

He was not alone.

As he walked through the dark forest, Dead Ringer knew he was being followed. With each step he took the sounds of grass crunching in the distance followed with. That, and he could make out another sound: breathing. Whoever, or whatever was following him was breathing heavily.

There are three of them, possibly a hunting pack. Have to keep my distance, don’t want them to out maneuver me. But I can’t run! Can’t risk them getting a leg up on me either!

Despite the threat, Dead Ringer kept a cold, neutral expression as he walked through the forest. Unlike changelings, animals could smell only one emotion: FEAR. A hint of sweat, or any sign of fatigue, and the creatures would take it as a sign of weakness and strike. And right now Dead Ringer wasn’t looking for a fight; he just wanted to find his way home. He decided to choose walking over flying for two reasons. One, the cover of the dark forest would keep him safe from the eyes of Equestria, and two he had a better chance of locating other changelings in the forest than above it. However if whatever followed him attacked, he would have to change that strategy.

If the other changelings were smart they would be traveling through the dark forest to mask their escape back to their homeland. With some luck Dead Ringer would run into them.

As of right now he had no idea where he was going. The only chance he had was hope of finding any trace of his kind. So he kept all his senses high on alert. He kept his eyes scanning the forest for anything that showed signs of a changeling passing through. He kept his ears listening for the buzzing of their wings. He kept his nose alert for any trace of their scent.



Dead Ringer stopped in his tracks as his nose started picking up a scent. It wasn’t the scent of a changeling, nor the scent of emotion. No, this scent was something else. It smelled almost like...


The changeling made out the familiar smell as fresh water. Immediately he could feel his throat dry up. A chance to rehydrate was tempting, and maybe he could wash out the frog taste as well. He might even find other changelings there too.

It’s worth a shot.

Choosing to follow the scent Dead Ringer returned to his walking pace, but this time with each step he took he could hear the stalking creatures becoming more and more distant.

Why aren’t they following me? What could--? Dead Ringer stopped mid thought and dead in his tracks as the reason why appeared before him. Just a few feet away was the source of the water. OUTSIDE the Everfree Forest. Now he knew why the creatures aren't following him, he was exiting the forest! The creatures of the Everfree Forest tended to stay in the forest, especially during the day. The strange creatures that inhabited it were mostly nocturnal or just preferred the dark.

Dead Ringer just stood there, frozen. Right now he was conflicted. The pond was in a foreign land. The second he exited the forest he would be in Equestrian territory. The very territory he should be fleeing from. This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t... The changeling turned around and was about to leave, until the water caught his attention again.

The water sparkled from the shine of the sunlight, basking it in a heavenly glow. The more and more Dead Ringer stared at it, the more his thirst grew. It was practically begging him. The changeling slowly examined the area around the pond. Other then the sounds of birds chirping in the distance, he could make out no other creatures in the area. The pond may be part of Equestrian land, but it was still near the borders of the Everfree Forest, and Dead Ringer knew no pony would be stupid enough to go near it during this kind of time.

Giving into his temptation the changeling took a deep breath as he approached the exit. As he neared it, Celestia’s shining sun was becoming brighter and brighter. So bright he was nearly blinded. He had to cover his eyes as they adjusted to the new scenery. He came to a complete stop as he reached the point where shadow of the forest ended. This was it… Dead Ringer was going to enter the land he was alien to. The very land his kind was unwelcome.

Does this count as invading? I mean technically-- ALL TO TARTARUS WITH IT! Dead Ringer took a step forward slamming his hoof down into the dirt. The Changeling Commander officially re-entered Equestria.

Slowly step-by-step, he made his way over to the beckoning water. The changeling stopped at the edge of the pond as he slowly lowered his head to the rippling water in front of him. He gave it one final sniff before lowering just enough to start drinking.

As he drank a few thoughts entered his mind. This was the first time he ever drank from a pond without any fuss. Back home in the canyon there so were so few ponds (more like puddles) topside to drink. To make matters worse there were always four or five changelings fighting over who drank from it first. While given a few extra privileges as commander, Dead Ringer preferred to obtain his water from the same areas the drones did. He didn’t like the drone changelings feeling he was above them. The drones happily shared with him, the soldier class changelings however put up more of a resistance with their share. The mere thought made him shudder. While some were worthy of their titles, to him his other soldiers were no different from children.

Feeling his thirst quenched Dead Ringer stood up and wiped his mouth as a cold breeze blew over him. A calm feeling suddenly passed over him as looked at the scenery around him. He had to admit, this land was rather tranquil. It was no wonder his Queen chose this land for their people.

The Commander decided to examine his surroundings further. To his left was a dirt road that lead somewhere, possibly some pony settlement. To his right was a small rigged mountain. A thought slowly came to him. If he flew up to the top he could get his bearings, maybe even get a better idea for where to go.

From that vantage point I might be able to--


Before the changeling had time to react he found himself under attack by-

“-the Cutie Mark Crusaders! On a quest to find out who we ARE! And we will NEVER stop the journey! Not until we have our CUTIE MARKS!”

“Uh, Scootaloo?” Sweetie Belle asked.


“How much farther?”

“Shouldn’t be too far. We should be there soon.” Scootaloo nodded as she went back to singing, off-key, the Cutie Mark Crusader theme song. The two ponies riding in the wagon let out a groan. They didn’t know what was worse, that they still weren’t there or that they had to continue to listen to their drivers... UNIQUE singing voice.

To pass the time the two youths played a guessing game with the clouds. Whenever a cloud passed over, the one to shout what they thought it looked like earned a point. “That one looks like a muffin!” Sweetie Belle called out.

“Aw…” Apple Bloom moaned. Sadly she was losing three to fourteen. Immediately spotting one she cried out, “I spot one that looks like muffin!”

“Hey that’s the one I called out!” Sweetie Belle accused.

“Nuh-uh!” Apple Bloom shook her head. “Yers was shaped with blueberries on it, this one has nuts!”

“Oh yeah, it does. I--” Sweetie Belle stopped mid-sentence for another cloud. “I SPY A...! Muffin?”

“Wha?” The earth pony asked raising an eyebrow. “Come to think of it, didn’t you spy a muffin cloud when we first started this game?”

“Yeah I did...”

“Where the hay are all these muffin clouds comin’ from?!”

Sweetie Belle lowered her eyes to Apple Bloom, “You don’t think--?”

“MOUNTAIN APPROACHING!” Scootaloo announced to her passengers, ceasing her singing. Both ponies forgot about the game and the strange ‘muffin patterned clouds' as their faces lit up with excitement.

“Alrighty then! Now all we got to do is-- OOF!” Apple Bloom let out a grunt as the wagon jerked. They had come to a complete stop. Looking over at their driver, they could see her staring off with shocked expression.

“Scootaloo what’s--?”

“QUIET!” Scootaloo cried as she threw her hoofs over both Crusaders mouths, signaling them to shush. “I don’t think it saw us,” she whispered.

Pulling her friend's hoof off her in aggravation Apple Bloom asked, “What in tarnation are you talkin’ 'bout--?” Scootaloo immediately signaled her to shush again. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were about to interrupt when their expressions of annoyance turned into concern when they noticed the rising fear in their friend’s eyes.

Slowly she directed their attention to the pond that stood near their intended destination. There, walking toward the lake was an ebony colored pony like creature with dark eyes, bug like wings, and large fangs. The same creature they remember from the royal wedding, the same creature that sent all of Canterlot into chaos, and the same creature that left Equestria in utter fear.

“That’s… that’s… that’s…” Apple Bloom sputtered with rising fear. “A Cha cha cha cha! Changeling…!”

“What’s it doing here?” Scootaloo asked.

“Gee, I don’t know what its doing near the Everfree Forest. It's almost like changelings LIVE there,” Sweetie Belle replied in a sarcastic tone. Scootaloo just responded by giving her a scowl.

Apple Bloom squinted her eyes as she got a better look. “It looks like it’s… drinkin’?” Immediately the two arguing ponies turned their focus back the changeling. As Apple Bloom said, there it was taking a drink from the pond.

As they watched the changeling drink a thought popped into Apple Bloom’s head. “Hold on a moment. Ah thought these things travel in large groups. Why’s this one all by its lonesome?”

Exchanging a look with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle turned her attention back on the changeling. Slowly her ears lowered along with her expression. “Maybe it's lost,” she said with a small hint of sadness in her voice.

Scootaloo just rolled her eyes at her friends’ sappy response. Suddenly, like a light bulb lighting up, Scootaloo was struck with a bolt of inspiration. “Oh this is too perfect,” she said, rubbing her hooves together in anticipation.

“What’s perfect?” Apple Bloom asked, turning to the pegasus.

“This is!”

“Scootaloo, you’re not making any sense. AGAIN…” Sweetie Belle joined in.

“Don’t you two get it?” Scootaloo asked, climbing out of the wagon. “Forget the mountain climber cutie mark! I’ve got a better cutie mark in mind,” she finished directing her hoof toward the changeling.

Slowly the gears in the other crusaders heads pieced together where the pegasi was aiming. “You’re not suggesting…?” Apple Bloom did not like where this was going.

“OH I AM,” Scootaloo replied with a huge grin. “CUTIE MAR--!” she stopped when she realized how loud that sounded. This time in a quieter tone, “Cutie Mark Crusaders, Creature Catchers...

“You want US, to catch a changeling?” Apple Bloom asked. Scootaloo merely nodded with a smile. “It's official, you’re a dodo...”

“Oh come on! This can’t be a coincidence! This is fate! Maybe we’re destined to be Creature Catchers?!”

“Well, what would we do if we even caught it?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“That’s the best part. Once we catch it, we can turn it over to the Princess. We’d be heroes! I can see it now,” Scootaloo extended her hooves, holding an imaginary newspaper. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS CAPTURE DANGEROUS CREATURE AND EARN THEIR CUTIE MARKS! In other news, Apple Bloom is a dodo.”


“Come on Scootaloo, be serious! It's not even doing anything. It's just drinking!” Sweetie Belle said directing their attention back to the general topic.

Looking over, there was the changeling, just standing there by the pond, still drinking. Scootaloo started tapping her chin in ponder. “Well… Maybe it’s a spy sent here to try and discover our weaknesses, and it’s using water to enhance its magic so it can grow even more powerful, and take over Ponyville!"

“…” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom’s mouths hung open as they tried to comprehend the sheer audacity of that idea.

Scootaloo shrugged. “…It could happen!”

Ignoring their friend's ludicrous story, they went back to watching the changeling. It had finished drinking and was now looking around its surroundings.

The nature view observation was soon obstructed by a pleading pegasus. “Come on you guys, it could leave any second!”

“Scootaloo, even if we do catch it, mah sister’s gonna find out and Ah’m gonna be in a heap of trouble,” Apple Bloom noted.

“Sure she’ll be a little upset, but I bet she’ll be even more impressed that you managed to catch a changeling and earned your cutie mark all in the same day!” Scootaloo proclaimed. Slowly bringing a hoof to her chin, Apple Bloom took what Scootaloo said into consideration. She didn't want to upset her sister, but such a idea was tempting.

Still uncertain she turned to Sweetie Belle. “Ah don’t know, what do you think Sweetie Belle?”

The unicorn looked to Apple Bloom, then turned back to the changeling, still wearing a expression of uncertainty. “I don’t know. How would we even catch it?”

Clearing her throat, Scootaloo directed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to the rope she pulled out of her saddlebag. “Yer gonna hogtie it?” Apple Bloom asked raising an eyebrow.

“No. YOU'RE gonna hogtie it!” Scootaloo announced tossing her the rope.


“Yeah, me and Sweetie Belle are gonna try and keep it from escaping while you tie it up.”

“I think y’all have me confused with mah sister,” Apple Bloom spoke while trying to untangle the rope she somehow got tangled up in.

“How are WE gonna keep it from escaping?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Simple, I’ll go for its wings while you go for its horn.” Scootaloo tossed Sweetie Belle her now empty saddlebag. “You cover its horn with this so it can’t use its magic."

“Are you sure about this?” the unsure unicorn asked.

Scootaloo gave a proud smile of reassurance. “I’m as sure as Rainbow Dash is awesome!”

After helping Apple Bloom with her little rope accident the three got into position. Like snakes through grass the three crawled closer and closer to the pond, not making a sound. The changeling’s attention was now focused on the mountain, so he didn’t see the three approaching ponies.

You ready crusaders?” Scootaloo asked with a face full of determination. The two gulped as they nodded. “Alright then…”


The two crusaders charged off leaving Apple Bloom alone, struggling with the rope.

Before having a chance to react Dead Ringer felt the weight of two creatures launch onto his back. One took hold of his wings, pressing them to his back. The other stood on his neck, blinding him with some kind of sack.


“Come Apple Bloom throw the rope!” he heard one voice shout from behind.

“I’m trying! I’m trying!” another more distant voice shouted back.

Apple Bloom...? Why kind of a name is that for an assassin?

The two crusaders were holding on for dear life as the changeling started thrashing from side to side, trying to shake the two off.

“APPLE BLOOM!” Scootaloo shouted. “THROW IT ALREADY!”

“M ot ure,” she responded with the rope dangling from her mouth.

“YOU CAN DO IT APPLE BLOOM! WE KNOW YOU CAN!” Sweet Belle shouted, trying with all her might to keep the bag covering the changeling’s face on without falling off herself.

After a short pause Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes in determination. She eyed her target. A small bead of sweat traveled down her forehead as she mentally prepared herself. This is it Apple Bloom… You can do this! You’ve seen Applejack do this hundreds of times! So make her, and the Apple Family proud!

She started swinging the rope high above her head. Alright Apple Bloom, this is it!

Then with full force she reeled her head back, and tossed the rope with all her might, sending the rope hurdling in the air…

A whole one-foot away.


Even with the changeling thrashing back and forth, the girls still managed to facehoof for their friend’s failure. Feeling his attackers still holding on, Dead Ringer tried the next thing that popped into his head. If I can’t throw them off, I’ll ride them off!

The changeling let out a neighing shriek as it took off with full speed. Where? It didn’t know, but its passengers sure did. Straight for the mountain!

The two crusaders held on with all the strength they could muster, with Sweetie Belle hanging on by strap of the saddlebag and Scootaloo hanging by the changeling’s wings. Doing her best to reach the changelings ear Sweetie Belle shouted, “HEY! DO YOU REALIZE WHERE YOU'RE HEADING?!”

“NO…! BECAUSE I CAN’T SEE ANYTHING!” the changeling shouted in annoyance.

“Oh…” Slowly she extended her hoof to remove the bag, before losing her balance and falling off the changeling’s head. With an “OOF!” she landed on the ground, leaving Scootaloo alone on the creature. Realizing this she gulped.

Feeling the weight of the ‘assassin’ off his neck, Dead Ringer focused on the bag that blocked his view of the world. He didn’t want to stop; he couldn’t risk his attackers getting the leg up on him. Curses what now! Wait… Why don’t I just blast the bag off?

“AH!!!” Dead Ringer screamed, completely enraged by his own ineptitude. With one shot the bag was incinerated and his view of the world was clear.


Just in time to run face first into the side of a cliff.

Finally catching up with the others Apple Bloom found Sweetie Belle on the ground rubbing her aching head. “Sweetie Belle! Thank Celestia yer alright!”

Still rubbing her head she turned to her worried friend and gave a small smile to show she was alright. “Yeah, I’m fine. But I don’t know if--” Sweetie Belle stopped talking when she realized who was missing.

The two locked eyes as they realized it simultaneously. “SCOOTALOO!!!” They both raced to the mountain as fast as their hoofs could take them. Coming to complete stop they looked on in horror. There laying unconscious was the changeling, and next to it was a little orange ball of fur known as:

“SCOOTALOO!” they cried out as they raced to help their friend.

Her eyes slowly opened. “Wha...?”

“Scootaloo are you alright?” Apple Bloom asked with voice full of concern.

“That depends,” she answered in a groggy tone. “What do our cutie marks look like?”

There was a short pause. “They're blank Scootaloo. They're all blank,” Sweetie Belle answered, with small hint of sadness and disappointment in her voice.

“Aw!” Scootaloo groaned in annoyance as she stood up. “I was sure we had it! I mean--!”

She immediately stopped talking when she heard it… growling. Turning their attention to the changeling, they could see its body slowly rising. It gave its throbbing head a shake before it started sniffing the air.

Shock, mixed with confusion. They're afraid, good... Slowly he turned his attention to the source, bearing his teeth with a face full of anger and malice. "When I get my hoofs on you little… children…?"

Dead Ringer’s expression turned into confusion as he looked at his attackers. He was expecting… anything but children!

Children? I was attacked by children?! The four just stood there in utter silence. The girls slowly smiled awkwardly at the changeling they just tried to hogtie and capture. Dead Ringer just continued to stare at the three ponies in confusion.

Who are these ponies?


What are those patches on their capes?

Tap! Tap!

What do they mean?

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Are they part of some organization?



Looking down he could see pieces of rocks rolling past his hooves. Turning around, to his and the other fillies horror, they could see other rocks sliding down the mountain which were soon followed by bigger rocks, and even more bigger rocks! Which lead to only one conclusion: “ROCKSLIDE!!!”

The girls dove out of the way, leaving the changeling alone to bear the rocks. Narrowing his eyes he started blasting falling rocks left and right. The problem was for each large rock he shot, they would just break into even smaller rocks to shoot. Dead Ringer kept this up until the mother of all boulders came flying down. Without enough time to react he dove out of the way.

The entire area was then engulfed in a cloud of dust as the rocks collided with the earth. Coughing up chunks of dust Apple Bloom cried out for her friends. “SWEETIE BELLE?! SCOOTALOO?! YOU OUT THERE?!”

“We’re over here!”

Running blind through the dust she could make out two figures approaching. “GIRLS! YER ALRIGHT!”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo let out a cough. “It takes more then a avalanche to take out the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“Yeah… About that,” Sweetie Belle said, walking up to Scootaloo with a miffed expression, as she looked her dead in the eyes. “I thought you said you ‘researched’ this mountain? Saying ‘it’s the shortest, SAFEST, mountain to climb’?”

Scootaloo scratched the back of her neck as she struggled to find an answer. “Well it MIGHT have said it was prone to rock slides when disturbed…? She finished with a embarrassed shrug.


"Okay, okay! I dropped the ball on this one! How the hay was I supposed to know we'd run into a changeling and chase it toward a mountain?!"

“Oh…! You mean the very same mountain on the edges of the EVERFREE FOREST?!?" Sweetie Belle shouted.

“Well I--!”

“URK…!” Their argument was interrupted by a cry. It was a mix of aggravation and… pain?

As the dust started to clear the source of the cry was found. There stood the changeling, repeatedly thrashing back and forth as if pulling on something. Upon closer inspection the Crusaders could make out the changelings right wing was stuck under the large boulder and it was pulling as hard as it could to free itself, no matter how much it hurt.

“It’s stuck…” Apple Bloom said.

“So… does this count as catching it?” Scootaloo asked trading looks with her friends.

“I think it caught itself,” Sweetie Belle responded.

“LOOK!” Apple Bloom cried. At the top of the boulder that trapped the changeling was another rock that dangled on at the rim of the boulder. The rock was gently rocking back and forth. Using mathematics, and the law of gravity and inertia, Apple Bloom came to the simple conclusion: “It's gonna fall on it!”

“Should… should we do something?” Sweetie asked.

“I… I don’t know,” Scootaloo responded in an unsure tone.

“But Scootaloo, if we don’t do somethin' the poor thing's gonna be crushed under that rock!” Apple Bloom announced with concern.

POOR THING?” Scootaloo shrieked, not believing what she was hearing. “It’s a changeling! You know? The ones that tried to take over Equestria?! The bad guys?!”

“Yeah, but it is kinda our fault it's in this mess. For all we know, it was just drinkin',” Apple Bloom responded.

Turning their attention back to the changeling they could see still it trying to free its wing with little success. It just pulled and tucked, trying to ignore the pain that shot throughout its body.

Finally it ceased its futile attempts and collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. Trapped… Trapped like an animal… I have no choice, there’s only one thing left to do...

The changeling slowly rose to its hoofs as it then took aim with its horn. His target: his own wing. The crusaders all let out a gasp. “You don’t think it's gonna--?”

The changeling’s horn glowed with a fiery aura. He didn’t want to do it, but the boulder was too big for him to break on his own. Plus he was too weak to destroy an object of such size in his condition. This was his only option if he was to escape. This is it. It’s either the wing, or you… Dead Ringer closed his eyes, shaking with hesitation.

Do it! DO IT!!!

Finally he released the horns discharged and… Nothing. Opening his eyes, he saw his wing still attached, still trapped. He turned to his horn. It let out a green sputter as nothing happened. What! How did--?! Then it hit him. He knew he burned up a lot of energy to take out the rocks during the rockslide, but he didn’t realize he burned up that much!

He couldn't believe it. He was trapped, no magic, no swarm, no nothing. No changeling knew where he was, and no changeling was coming to help him. He was alone.

Giving up he dropped to the ground and buried his face in his hoofs in utter contempt for himself. Dead Ringer always felt in control in the past. It's one of the few things that gave him confidence. But now, he never felt more helpless in his life.

Watching the whole thing the Crusaders faces fell. They did this to it. They used it for their own personal gain. This… was their fault. The one that felt the worst of all however, was Scootaloo.

She just stared at the changeling as it lay there. What caught her eye the most was the expression it wore. She knew that expression, that feeling of hopelessness. Of complete and utter loneliness and abandonment.

Abandonment… She knew that it hurt. And nopony, NO! No one deserved to feel that way! She shook her head as a new feeling washed over her. “All right!” Scootaloo announced bumping her hoofs together in resolve. “Let do this!”

“You mean…?” the other Crusaders asked with growing smiles.

“OPERATION: CHANGELING PERSONAL RESCUE IS A GO!” she shouted raising her hoof.

Given cheers all three high hoofed. They turned to the changeling in need with faces of determination and resolution, ready for action! “So… what do we do?” Scootaloo asked. Said determination fell when they realized they had no clue how they were gonna help the changeling, let alone rescue it.

“Maybe we should get some help…” Apple Bloom said in defeat.

“We can’t!” Scootaloo shouted, not taking her eyes off the wounded creature. “In the time it takes to find somepony, it might already be too late!”

“She’s right,” Sweetie Belle joined in. “We’re gonna have to put our heads together.”

A short pause followed before Apple Bloom shouted, “Ah got it! Wait here!” She trotted off.

After a few seconds Apple Bloom returned pulling Scootaloo’s scooter along with the wagon. Unhooking it from the wagon she tossed the scooter over to the confused pegasus. “How’s my scooter gonna help?”

“Effi!” Apple Bloom replied with a mouth full of rope she took from the wagon. She dropped it to Scootaloo’s hoofs as she continued, “We’re gonna tie you to one end of the rope, and the changeling to the other end!”

Scootaloo gave an expression like somepony just told her to go jump into a lake… full of piranhas. “You're gonna WHAT?!?”

“Yeah! We’ll tie yer scooter to the changeling, and you use yer scooter to pull it free!” Apple Bloom responded like it was the simplest plan ever.


“I don’t think that’s going to be enough Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said.

“That’s where we come in,” she answered. “Y’all remember when Rainbow Dash got trapped under that rock durin’ her ‘pet race’?”

“Yeah...” Sweetie answered recalling the tale well.

“And how she got freed because that turtle--?”

“Tortoise,” Scootaloo corrected.

“Whatever,” Apple Bloom groaned rolling her eyes. “Anyway, y’all remember how she got freed?”

The others just nodded as an answer. “And…?” Scootaloo asked.

“And… That’s exactly what we’re gonna do!”

“We’re gonna use Rainbow Dash’s pet to free the changeling?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“NO! While Scootaloo’s pullin’ it, we’re gonna be diggin’ its wing free!” Apple Bloom spoke with a voice full of optimism.

“That might work!” Sweetie Belle cheered.

“Am I the only one who’s against the idea of TYING me to the CHANGELING?” Scootaloo asked with a hint of fear.

“C’mon Scootaloo, what’s the worst that could happen? It can’t use its magic, and it sure as sugar won’t be able to use its wing after this,” Apple Bloom replied.

Scootaloo just groaned as she rubbed her head, still not believing how much of a day this has been. “There’s just one fatal flaw in your plan. The plan involves us getting near the changeling. What makes you think its gonna wanna cooperate?”

Both fillies exchanged gulps as they realized the downside to helping the changeling: Getting near it.

It wasn’t that they were scared of the changeling itself. It was the changeling they just took for a joyride, which caused it to become stuck under a rock they were afraid of.

He was never going to see his homeland again. Hear the buzzing of the hive in motion, nor the screech of a newborn hatchling. He wasn’t dying protecting the throne, nor sacrificing his life for his people. He was dying like a trapped animal. And worst of all, he was going to perish in a foreign land that was alien to him and his kind, alone. I’ve failed you my Queen. I’ve failed our people. I’ve failed our home. I've failed my family, and I’ve failed myself…

“I’m disappointed…” another voice echoed in his mind. Only this voice was not his own. Dead Ringer recognized it though. It was the last words Dead Ringer ever heard from him. The last words of his-

“Uh… Hi there!”

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by another voice, only this one was unfamiliar and was filled with nervousness. That and the source was coming from right in front of him! Opening his eyes he found the source of the voice. Standing about a foot away were three little ponies, each staring at him with an awkward smile.

Immediately Dead Ringer rose to his hoofs in a battle stance, ready for anything the three fillies had in store for him. “What do you ponies want…?” he asked with voice full of anger and steel.

“Easy now…” Apple Bloom spoke trying to calm the injured creature. “We’re not gonna hurt ya.”

“Too late for that!” Dead Ringer yelled bearing his teeth, referring to his wing.

“Listen, you don’t have to be afraid. We’re here to help you,” Sweetie Belle said stepping forward.

Afraid?! These children think they could inspire fear into I?! Dead Ringer?! And help me…? These brats are the reason I’m in this mess!

“Changelings do not know fear! Nor would one accept help from a pony!” he spat, anger still looming in his tone. Sitting down he turned his attention away from them. “Now leave...”

Having enough, Scootaloo walked right up to him, her awkward smile was replaced with a look of anger and annoyance. “Look, you can just sit there and mope all day, or you can accept our help!”

In a split second the changeling locked eyes with the pegasus, staring her down. She recoiled for a second, but just stared back. “Y-you don’t scare me.”

Dead Ringer gave the air a deep sniff. “Your emotions say otherwise,” he responded in a grim tone. The two Crusaders watching just stood with worrying faces. Too scared to move.

The changeling and the orange pegasus just stood there, staring at one another, neither one backing down. As Dead Ringer stared at the young pony, he noticed something, something that was outta place. While she was afraid, that much was certain, she just stood there staring him back.

I don’t understand... She’s nearly terrified. And yet… Her eyes… Despite the fear the little pegasus was feeling, there wasn’t a single sign of it in her eyes. Dead Ringer had fought against many opponents, changeling and other creatures. Many of them were experienced fighters and hunters. During some of them he had locked eyes with his opponent. Seeing their resolve, their determination, and their confidence. However, in some he saw their naivety, their insanity....

Now here he was, locking sights with a new opponent. Only this wasn’t a challenger, or creature invading his homeland. It was a child. Terrified of him, and yet standing her ground. The sides of his mouth rippled, as if masking a smile. She’s got bravery, I’ll give her that… She almost reminds me of--


“Ow!” Dead Ringer cried, rubbing his head. The stare off was interrupted by a chip of rock falling on the unsuspecting changeling in the head. “Where did that come--? WHAT?!”

High above, looming over the group, was a tilting rock that was a few feet from falling over. How did I miss that?!

“You see?” Scootaloo pointed out. “If you don’t work with us, that rock’s gonna crush you like a bug!”

This left Dead Ringer speechless. He narrowed his options. Accept the children’s help or not? Live to fight another day, or get crushed? He shook his head wiping that last grim thought away. He couldn’t believe he was going to do this.

“Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay! I accept your help, but we’re gonna need a plan first.”

“Don’t worry, we got one,” the orange filly reassured.

“Well let’s hear it.”

“Okay, first we’re gonna tie this rope around you,” Apple Bloom spoke as she approached with the rope. The changeling let out a snarl. It clearly didn’t like where this was going. The little earth pony took a step back. “Easy now… Remember we’re here to help.”

“How does tying me up HELP?”

“We’re not gonna tie YOU up, we’re gonna tie one end of the rope to you, and the other end to Scootaloo’s scooter,” she answered, directing Dead Ringer’s attention to the orange filly with the wooden board, or SCOOTER as it was.

He merely tilted his head questioningly at the orange filly identified as Scootaloo. “And YOU’RE okay with this?”

“Hay no!” she answered quickly. “But…“ she spoke again only this time in a more quiet, gentle tone. “If it helps you, I’m willing…”

“…” Dead Ringer just stared at her. He was the enemy, yet she wanted to help him. In a split second he swore he felt something. Something deep in his chest…

A warm, feeling of some kind…

What was that?

Ignoring it he turned his attention to the yellow earth pony with the rope. After a short pause he gave a small nod of approval. Accepting it, Apple Bloom slowly tied the one end of the rope to the changeling’s body. After making sure it was fastened she and the orange filly proceeded to tie the other end to the scooter. ‘Scoo...ter...?’ What does that even mean? Dead Ringer thought.

Once that was done Scootaloo gave a salute as she rode about as far as the rope would let her. “Okay! I’m all set!” she called.

“Alrighty then!”

“If you don’t mind me saying,” Dead Ringer interrupted. “I don’t think her or her, SCO-O-TER," he tried pronouncing, "Is going to be enough to pull my wing free.”

“That’s where the two of us come in!” Apple Bloom said, pointing to herself and the white unicorn. “While she’s a pullin’ we’re gonna be diggin’ yer wing free!”

“It’s the perfect plan!” the little unicorn cheered.

Dead Ringer just shook his head. “No, it isn’t.”

“What? Why?”

“You failed to take into account the large boulder seated behind me,” he directed to said boulder. “The second you start digging, that boulder is gonna start sinking into the hole you make. And if that doesn’t get us,” he pointed to the rock above. “The rock hanging by its tilt will…”

Both fillies expression immediately fell, realizing the real FATAL flaw in their plan. Seeing this Dead Ringer let a sigh, his chances of freedom were looking slimmer and slimmer…

“We’re doin’ it anyway!”

“What?” he asked staring at the two fillies that were now wearing the same expressions of determination their orange friend wore a few moments ago.

“Ah said we’re doin’ it anyway! We don’t leave jobs half finished, and we don’t leave our messes unclean!”

The white unicorn’s expression slowly faltered. “Except that one time with Discord…”

“Oh!” the yellow earth pony reacted giving a blush. “Yeah… heh heh…”

The gears in Dead Ringer’s brain immediately stopped. He did not just hear that. Did… Did she just say Discord? As in Discord the God of Chaos...? The same Discord from those old tales?! Who ARE these ponies?!?

He was about to speak up until he found himself staring at the same eyes he just stared into before. The ponies knew the risk; they knew what they were getting into. They didn’t care. All they cared about was helping him out the mess they caused.

After a short delay he gave them a simple nod. “Very well… but we better be quick. I don’t think that rock’s gonna stay up there for long.”

“Yay!” both ponies cheered as they got into position.

“Alright we should probably dig right… HERE!” the white unicorn said marking their dig spot.

“Alrighty then! Is everypony ready?” Apple Bloom called.

“I’m ready!” called the pegasus.

“Same here!” announced the white unicorn.

All eyes fell on the changeling, waiting for his response. He slowly turned to the yellow earth pony and gave small simple nod. “Ready.”

“Alrighty. On the count of three!”


Scootaloo’s wings fluttered in anticipation.


Balls of sweat were traveling down the Crusaders heads. Dead Ringer narrowed his eye. This was it…


The pegasi’s wings buzzed with all the speed she could muster as she pulled the changeling. The other two Crusaders were digging like there was no tomorrow.

“C’mon on Sweetie Belle, dig!" Apple Bloom shouted to the unicorn.

“I’m trying, I’m trying! Oh… when Rarity see’s my hoofs, she is gonna flip!”

“I thinks its working…” Dead Ringer strained. He noticed a bit of his wing loosening from the boulder’s grip, but he also noticed the rock on top starting tilt more and more over the edge. It won’t hold out for much longer. Hurry ponies...

Scootaloo’s wings were tiring. She didn’t know how much longer she they could keep up.

Come on Scootaloo! Rainbow Dash could’ve pulled this changeling out and took it from here to Canterlot in a minute! She wouldn’t tire out, will you?!

“NO!” she cried as she flapped faster and faster, ignoring her aching wings.

She pulled and pulled, still refusing to relent. Until…

“OOF!” Scootaloo's found herself knocked over by something. As she picked herself up, she looked at what hit her.

It was the now free, but slightly disoriented changeling! “We did it! We did it!” she cheered jumping up and down. “Guys we did it!”

“Yay…” both ponies cheered in between breathing. They were tired, they were filthy, but they were happy.

Scootaloo’s smile immediately fell. “Look out!” Looking up, both ponies saw the rock was close to falling over. They quickly got up to escape its reach, only for Apple Bloom to trip.

“Huh?” she asked as she looked over. Her tail was stuck between the ground and the boulder! The changeling was right; it would sink into the hole! “Girls! Ah’m stuck!” she called.

Stopping in her tracks, Sweetie Belle immediately ran back to help her friend. She tried pulling her free, but was unsuccessful. “I can’t do it alone, Scootaloo help me!”

“Hold on I’m coming!” she shouted charging to them, passing the dazed changeling on the way over.

Slowly he raised a hoof to his wing as it finally dawned on him. “Success! I’m free! I--!” his celebration ended when he saw the rock about to tip over, with the three fillies under it!

The two crusaders pulled their friends hoofs with all their might. “Just forget about me…” Apple Bloom said on the verge of tears.

“No! Friends don’t abandon one another!” Sweetie Belle shouted while pulling.

“And neither do Crusaders!” Scootaloo added.

They pulled and pulled, but they just weren’t strong enough. They drained most of their energy freeing the changeling.

Before they had the time realize it… the rock fell. Without enough time to get away, and not wanting to leave one another, the three friends embraced one another… Waiting for the end.

Ah'm sorry Applejack... Ah should’ve listened to you. Ah’m so sorry. Ah’ll... Ah’ll tell Mama and Papa how much you and Big Mac miss ’em.

Rarity… I wish… I wish we could’ve had more time together. I--I love you so much… No matter what, you’ll always be my big sister.

I’m sorry girls… I’m so sorry! This is my fault! We should’ve just had that picnic together! There’s… There’s so much you don’t even know about me… I wish, I could tell you. I wish I could you everything… If only--



Before Scootaloo knew it, she saw a dark, dry, foreleg with holes in it wrap around her, pulling her with immense speed away from the falling rock. In a split second the rock collided with the ground and the area was once again engulfed in dust.

“OOF!” Scootaloo grunted as she was dropped to the ground. “Ow…” she said rubbing her aching head. "What just happ--?"

“Scootaloo…?” interrupted a familiar voice. Looking to side she saw two faces that reduced her to tears. There, sitting next to her were her two bestest friends in the whole wide world, completely unharmed.

“GUYS!” she cried as she wrapped her forelegs around both them in a tearful hug. “I thought I wouldn’t see you anymore! I’m so glad you're alright!”

“Too… tight…” they choked.

“Oh…” she said releasing them, giving a small blush. “Sorry…”

“What happened...?” Apple Bloom asked bewildered. “Ah mean one minute we're under that rock the next-- Gah!" she cried when she noticed the fourth party next to them.

Looking down at them was the changeling, wearing a neutral expression. The three backed away slowly until a thought dawned on Sweetie Belle. “Wait a minute. Girls, I think it pulled us away from that rock…”

The changeling made no reaction.

“She's right,” Apple Bloom said in awe. "You saved us…" Smiling she walked over extending a hoof as show of gratitude. “Thanks!” The changeling just looked at her hoof, then back at her face. It didn’t make any movement whatsoever, nor did it say a word. It just continued to stare, causing Apple Bloom to give a awkward chuckle as she pulled her hoof away.

“Okay then! Well…” Apple Bloom spoke trying to find her words. “We better get goin’. Ah mean you probably wanna get home and have that wing looked at,” she said in a nervous rush as she grabbed Scootaloo’s scooter from outta nowhere and tossed it to her. “So… bye!” she waved.

The changeling didn’t move, it just stood there staring at them.

Okay girls, just slowly back away…” Apple Bloom whispered through her teeth to the others.

“Uh Apple Bloom…?” Scootaloo began.

Not now Scootaloo…

Slowly they started walking backwards from the changeling, but as they started walking, so did it. With each step they took, it took one as well.

It's following us…” Sweetie Belle whispered.

Just keep going…” Apple Bloom whispered back.

“Uh girls…” Scootaloo began again.

Not now Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle answered.


Looking behind the three noticed they bumped into their wagon. Facing forward they saw the changeling, still standing in front of them.

Okay, get ready run.” Apple Bloom whispered.

“Girls?” Scootaloo asked.

Why’s it following us?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Girls…” Scootaloo said with annoyance.

Ah don’t know? Maybe--

“GIRLS!” Scootaloo cried.

WHAT?!” the two asked, their patience for their orange friend's constant interruptions wearing thin.

“It’s still tied to my scooter...”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's eyes practically burst from their sockets. The two followed the rope tied around the scooter to the other end, which was as Scootaloo said, still wrapped around the changeling.

“Oh…!” the two cried realizing their error.

"Y’all probably want that off,” Apple Bloom began with a nervous smile. “Here, let me--” She was stopped by the changeling snatching the rope from her hoofs. It examined the object in front of it for about a moment. Then in a split second it took a bite out of the rope, cutting it in two.

The three Crusaders just gave a nervous chuckle. “Nice trick…” Apple Bloom said.

After cutting himself free of the rope, Dead Ringer just continued to stare at the three ponies. The entire time he’d been wrapped up in an internal dilemma. Asking himself, why? Why did he save these three fillies he knew nothing about?

Why? I owe these ponies nothing. I’m not their father. Why should I care if a rock crushes them?


What the? Where’s that smell coming from? Dead Ringer smelled a fragrance in the air. A positive one. He started sniffing the air around the fillies, even getting up close to their hair.

“Hey! Cut it out!” Scootaloo said, finding the changeling’s invasion of personal space more annoying then weird.

He stopped sniffing and started frantically looking around the area. Where is that enormous fragrance of positive aroma coming from? We’re all alone out here!

Sweetie Belle eyed him curiously before smiling, “Oh I get it! Your hungry!” Immediately she turned around and started fiddling with the brown bag that sat in the metal wagon, pulling out what looked to be two pieces of bread, riddled with white flowers in between them. “Here, have a daisy sandwich!”

“Hold on! Yer givin’ it one of mah sandwiches?! I-- MUMF!” Scootaloo blocking her mouth with her hoof, interrupted Apple Bloom as she and Sweetie Belle just gave an awkward smile to the changeling approaching the sandwich.

Dead Ringer slowly examined the foreign substance. While it wasn’t the source of the positive aroma, he considered giving it a try. After all he hadn’t eaten in over a week.

Daisies… I’ve heard of them. They only grew in the gardens around Equestria. I suppose, a nibble wouldn’t hurt. Slowly Dead Ringer opened his toothy jaw exposing the razor sharp teeth in it, earning a shock of awe from his young audience. His jaw closed down on the foreign food, chewing it.

“BHLEAH!!!” Then immediately spat it back out. How do ponies eat this?! Well, it still tasted better then the frog at least.

“Uh… maybe a peanut butter sandwich would be better?" Scootaloo suggested.

“Well,” the young filly pondered. “Maybe it might be-- Hey!” Distracted with their conversation they failed to notice the changeling approach their wagon, sniffing and invading the contents in it.

Smelling nothing in the wooden bag, Dead Ringer turned his attention to the colorful box that sat next to it. Giving one sniff he immediately froze. He sniffed the box a few times before pulling it out of the wagon.

Why is the aroma coming from this square object?

As he sniffed it he failed to notice the white filly approaching. She gave him an awkward smile as she placed her hoof on the box opening it for him.

Looking down Dead Ringer could make out three colorfully coated, cup-shaped objects in it. Each decorated in different colors of orange, yellow, and white. The aromas stronger now…

Slowly Sweetie Belle reached down and picked up the cupcake. She slowly extended her hoof to the changeling. “Here… It’s called a CUPCAKE. I guarantee you’ll love this. There isn’t a creature alive that can stand one of Sugarcube Corner’s cupcakes! Especially Pinkie Pie’s!”

Slowly Dead Ringer gave the ‘cupcake’ a few sniffs, before slowly taking a nibble. Immediately he froze. His cheeks slowly stretched back as his mouth contorted.

“Is this thing, smiling…?” Scootaloo whispered. Sure enough it was. The girls were witnessing a changeling smile! Granted it wasn’t a smile of happiness or sincerity, it was more a smile of pleasure and bliss.

I feel like I just took a bite out of ‘pure’ happiness… With one swift CHOMP! Dead Ringer took an entire bite out of the whole cupcake. He chewed it all the while keeping a pleasure filled grin. Slowly his horn started glowing with a dim flame, feeding on the happiness of the treat.

Failing to notice this, Sweetie Belle just stared at the changeling who looked like it was in its own little world, as if it forget they were there. Hatching an idea she whispered quietly to the other Crusaders. When she was finished they each gave a nod of understanding.

Finishing the cupcake, Dead Ringer licked the frosting of his lips, still holding his goofy grin. So much positive energy, all in one treat! Who could have--?

His thoughts were interrupted as the white unicorn pushed the box containing the remaining treats toward him. His goofy grin changed to confusion as he eyed her questionably. “Here, you can have the rest,” she said with a smile.

Immediately Dead Ringer attacked the box chewing on two full cupcakes. Already the grin he had before returned to his face, the sensation of happiness filling him. The sensation was so much his eyes shut, as he tasted the creamy filling of pure bliss. The glow his horn emitted was now growing brighter. Already he could feel some of his strength returning as the cupcake filled not only his stomach, but also a little of his magic.

Queen Chrysalis told us this land was filled with love and positive energy, but I didn’t know their food was full of it as well? I wonder how--? Once again Dead Ringer’s thoughts were interrupted, but this time it was from nothing. Because that’s what there was, nothing. He was completely alone!

Dead Ringer anxiously looked around the entire area. His eyes caught sight of tire tracks in the dirt where the three ponies wagon was parked. They lead from there all the way back to the dirt road.

"Blast it! They must have taken off while I was eating! How did they even manage--?!" Looking down, he noticed the frosting from the last two ‘cupcakes’ still smeared on his face. Giving a annoyed grunt he licked it off.

"Great! Not only did I make a fool out of myself, but now those three are probably going to run off and tell their Princess what happened! I’m going to be a laughingstock in my homeland, and now this one! I swear I--”

“ARGH!!!” his rant was interrupted by the painful sensation that his wing was producing. Examining it, the outlook was not good. There were tears on sides of the wing, cuts were stretched across it as green blood oozed out. Dead Ringer tried giving his wings a buzz to see if it still could function. The left one lifted up, but the right wing just hung there in limp.

“Broken! Now how am I going to make it back?!” he cursed at his broken wing. Before he could rant any further, the Commander noticed it was starting to get darker. “What the? The sun can’t be setting this quickly?” Then he heard the sounds of wings flapping, pegasi wings…

“I’ve had my fair share of ponies for today!” Not wanting to have another encounter with an Equestrian, he dove for cover behind the very rock that nearly crushed him earlier. Peering over he saw what looked to be two pegasus ponies arranging dark clouds in the sky. Their work done, they high hoofed and flew off.

“What were they doing?”

As if answering him a clap of thunder roared as rain fell from the skies, falling on the now soaked, and annoyed changeling. “The second time I come to this land, and once again its ends with me beaten, broken, and humiliated…”

As the rain fell on him he turned his attention toward the Everfree Forest. Giving his wing one final look he decided there was only one thing to do. This earned a long sigh from him. He was going to need another few days in the cocoon to fix his damaged wing. “So much for finding my way back,” he groaned, feeling a little depressed that his chances of returning home was now delayed.

As he approached the entrance he came to a complete stop. Looking deep into the dark shadows of the forest, he could make out dark glowing eyes in the distance. The hunting pack from before was still there, waiting for him. This sent a small chill down his back. He was wounded, they knew that. The second he walked in there they’d attack without relent, and he was in no condition to fight back.

“What now?” he asked hanging his head. Slowly Dead Ringer’s attention fell towards the dirt road leading where the thunder clouds hung over. Where there was rain, there were plantations to feed the rainwater to, and where there was plantation, there were settlers.

Maybe I could--

“NO!” Dead Ringer shouted, shaking his head at such a thought. “I’m supposed to be heading away from settlements, not going near them!”

Dead Ringer turned his eyes to the dark forest, the hunting pack of whatever were still there, staring at him. It started looking less and less inviting. He then turned back to the dirt path. He was hurt and needed to rest, and he was a changeling. If he ran into somepony he’d just need to do a quick change and fake it. However the rain would make it difficult for him to heal. Changeling cocoons were difficult to form when wet. A fully formed one could endure the rain no problem, but when forming they were difficult to mend when wet. Not to mention his cocoon would be exposed and at risk of being discovered.

Take my chances in the forest, or the pony settlement? Risk getting caught, or risk getting eaten?

Taking one last look to the forest, his full attention fell on the path that lead to wherever. Giving a small gulp, he started walking. Relax Dead Ringer, you’ll be fine. Just stick to the shadows and you’ll do fine.

And so the changeling made his way toward the path, where it leads, he had no idea. Hopefully somewhere safer then the forest right now, and hopefully someplace dryer. He’d worry about his wing when he was stronger; right now he was focused on finding one thing now, shelter.

The three Crusaders rode into town, soaked to the bone. The streets were empty, and the sun was down as the only sources of light were from the street lamps.

Deciding to stop at a gazebo, the three fillies ran inside to dry off. “Well,” Apple Bloom began twisting her hair dry. “That certainly was a crusade Ah don’t think Ah’ll soon forget.”

Scootaloo just sat there, staring at the floor as her hair dripped water down her face.

“Ugh! My parents are gonna lose it when they see me!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

“How ya think Ah feel? Ah gotta deal with Applejack when Ah get home?"

Scootaloo still sat there, ignorant to the argument over who was going to be in more trouble when they got home. A puddle was starting to form from the water dripping from her hair. It was big enough she was able to see her sad reflection.

“Scootaloo…?” Apple Bloom asked, placing a caring hoof on her friend. “Are you crying?”

Realizing they were looking at her she quickly rubbed her eyes of her dripping tears. "NO!" she cried, a little louder then she meant too. "Its the water, it's... getting into my eyes!"

She couldn't let them see her cry. She wouldn't! She promised herself she would never cry! Especially in front of her friends. Feeling her tears wiped she slowly she tilted her head up, looking her two concerned friends in the eyes. In her mind she was buzzing with questions. But, should I tell them? Is now a good time? Would they even understand…? ...Do I even?

Scootaloo moistened her lips before she slowly began. “Girls I… I… I’m… sorry, for what happened. That crusade tanked, and it’s all my fault. We... we shouldn’t have gone there. I’m... I’m so sorry...” she finished with a sniffle.

Slowly she felt the wet, but caring forelegs of her friends wrap around her in a comforting hug, one she eagerly returned with a smile.

“Its alright Scootaloo…”

“We don’t blame you….”

“Thanks guys…" Scootaloo said warmly. "You’re the best.”

After hugging the three decided to head home. As for their encounter with the changeling, they decided it was best to keep shut about it. Besides the threat of punishment for defiling their families and Celestia, they doubted anypony would believe that a changeling they tried to capture rescued them.

When they returned home to their families, each Crusader received a scolding for returning home late, and being soaking wet. They just listened, then hugged their caretaker, thankful to be alive and seeing them again. While confused, their caretakers returned the hug. They cleaned and dried themselves up, and soon went to bed, happy to be home. While lying in their beds, each Crusader thought of one thing, whatever became of the strange changeling that saved them? Did it return home? Did it get back safely? Was it still in Equestria? Perhaps they would never know. All that mattered was that they were safe and toasty. Their friends were okay, and they were home with the ones they loved.

As the rain poured, the lights across Ponyville grew dark as everypony turned in. All residents were housed in their homes, safe, warm, and comfortable.

All except for one new resident.

“I hate this place already…”

Dead Ringer found himself lost in a plantation of some kind. Somehow he lost his way along the path and was now in an area filled with trees growing some kind of red fruit that was foreign to him. The freezing rain beat down on him, sending little pricks of pain along his wounded tired body. He needed shelter, anything.

“Ironic, I come from the land with barely enough water. Now, I can’t get ENOUGH OF IT!” he grumbled to himself. “Why I--! OW!” Dead Ringer rubbed his head as he looked at what he hit. It was some kind of a wooden path that lead up to, something he never thought he see.

“Is that a house...? In a tree?!”

To his surprise, he was correct. There built around a tree was small house. Curious, he trotted up the wooden path as he approached the small door. “No lights, the owners might be out, or asleep.” Carefully he peered through the small window. The room was pitch black, but he could make out varying shapes of boxes littering the area, a few hanging flyers, a small table, a ladder, but no ponies. Deciding that was enough the changeling burst through the door. Ensuring he was completely alone he collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily.

He was tired, he was wet, he was wounded, but all in all he was content have found shelter from the rain, at least until the owners of the ‘house tree’ came home. He’d worry about it later. All he cared about was getting some sleep. As he lay there a thought came to him. What became of the three fillies he rescued? Would they tell their government of the changeling they encountered? Or would his act of kindness be enough to make them keep silent? And what was that strange feeling he felt after that orange pegasus spoke to him? It felt familiar, but also new, almost like a small spark. But the more and more he thought the more he grew tired. Slowly his eyes closed as sleep took him.

A couple of clouds moved revealing Luna’s hanging moon. Its light shined brightly elevating some light in the dark room. Had Dead Ringer been awake, he would have able to make out some of the varying objects in the room, like the one poster that read: