• Published 2nd Jun 2012
  • 6,735 Views, 317 Comments

The Cobwebs Of Ignorance - H123G

Changelings. Feared, hated, and above all: misunderstood. When the Canterlot Invasion fails and the Changeling Commander is stuck alone in the forest, the CMC get the chance to find out just what lies beneath the chitin.

  • ...

Back to School

“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”


The bell rang signaling the start of a new day at Ponyville Elementary School. Standing there at the door with a bright proud smile on her face, Cheerilee welcomed her returning students.


“Good to see you!”

“Welcome back!”

“Twist, your new glasses look lovely!”

“Thanks’th Mis’th Cheerilee!” the filly responded with a lisp voice.

After welcoming a few more children the schoolmare quickly did a headcount of her students. To her surprise; she was short three students. “Now who--?”

“WE’RE HERE!” a voice cried. Appearing at the door in a sweaty huff, Apple Bloom entered with Sweetie Belle following from behind.

Giving a smile, Cheerilee greeted them. “Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Its so good to see you!” Slowly her smile faltered as she noticed the group was short one pegasus. “But, where’s Scootaloo?”

“Ya mean…” Apple Bloom said between breaths, “…she ain’t here yet?”

“No she hasn’t--”

“LOOK OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!” Steering out of control Scootaloo slammed on the brakes, or rather she started buzzing her wings backwards in an attempt to slow down. She was too late to stop herself though, as she crashed with a SLAM! Rubbing her aching head Scootaloo looked down to see what stopped her scooter. To her shock, it was her teacher.

“MISS CHEERILEE!” Immediately she jumped off as Cheerilee helped herself up. “I’m so, so, SOOOO sorry!”

“Scootaloo…” Cheerilee began in a stern tone. “What have I told you about scooters on school grounds?”

The orange filly responded with a sigh. “They're not meant to be ridden on school grounds during class hours,” Scootaloo quoted like she purposely memorized it with an annoyed monotone voice.

“Excellent,” Cheerilee responded, her smile returning. “Now leave it outside, class is about to begin.”

“Yes Miss Cheerilee.”

Before following her teacher in Apple Bloom stopped, causing Sweetie Belle to bump into her. “What is it?” she asked the young earth pony.

“Look at Scootaloo.”

Sweetie Belle turned her focus to the orange filly that was busy trying to find a place to leave her scooter, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “What? I don’t see anything.”

“Look at ‘er eyes.”

Still not getting what Apple Bloom was getting at, she focused her eyes on Scootaloo’s. What she saw caused her to pause with a, “Huh?” The orange pegasus was squinting and rubbing her eyes fruitlessly, making it difficult to notice, but Sweetie Belle finally saw it. “She’s got bags under her eyes.” Giving each other a look they walked over to their tired looking friend.

Finally finding a spot the pegasus stood up, ready to head to class, only to be blocked by her two friends and fellow crusaders. “Scootaloo are you alright?” Sweetie Belle asked with a small hint of confusion and concern in her voice.

“Me? Yeah I’m fine! I’m chill! I’m cool as a cloud!” the pegasi responded, standing proud and tall with a grin full of confidence and energy only to immediately slump over with a tired yawn.

The two just stared at her, not buying her act for one minute. “C’mon Scootaloo, what’s really goin’ on? Ah know you, yah never crash yer scooter. NEVER!”

Scootaloo let out another yawn as she passively answered, “It's nothing, okay? I just had trouble trying to sleep. That’s all.”

“Whatcha mean?”

Scootaloo hesitated a moment before answering, “I… had a nightmare.”

“A nightmare…? About what?” Sweetie inquired.

Scootaloo didn’t respond. She just glanced off to the side, rubbing her shoulder. Noticing this, Apple Bloom slowly connected the dots, leading her to one conclusion. “Was it about the…” cautiously she looked around making sure nopony was listening, “…changeling?” Looking back at them, Scootaloo somberly nodded.

“Are you okay?” Sweetie Belle asked concerned.

“Guys… It’s nothing-” Scootaloo waved her hoof, “-it was just a dream, nothing more.” Her friends just continued to stare with looks of concern and uncertainty.

“I’m FINE… okay? Now let’s hurry and get to class before we’re all in trouble.”

The classroom was filled with the sounds of children conversing, talking about how one missed the other, or asking what the other did over the break. Walking to the front of the room Cheerilee quieted the class. “Okay students settle down, we’re about to begin.” Immediately the room fell silent as all eyes fell on the schoolmare. “Thank you.”

“Now then, I originally planned on having each student come up and share with us how they spent their break, but recent...” Cheerilee paused trying to find the best way to word this, “… events, have changed things.”

The children all knew what she was referring too. Already looks of fear and nervousness appeared on their little faces. “Now, now, now…” Cheerilee spoke in a calm reassuring tone. If the lessons for this week was going to go by smoothly, she was going to have to make them feel comfortable. As a school teacher it was her job - no the duty - to make her little flowers feel safe and secured. “I know a lot of you are worried about the rumors that have been flying around town. But I can reassure you, you have nothing to fear here.”

Slowly the looks of fear in their eyes faded at the tone of their teachers’ kind words. Seeing this, she continued, “Which is why one of our topics for this week is gonna involve changelings.”

WHAT?!?” Nearly every student fell out their desks at their teacher’s UNIQUE topic of choice.

“Now hold on, hold on.” She was afraid this might happen, but she couldn’t back down now. “I think this is a excellent time to discuss other cultures outside our own.”

The room then filled with mixed whispers of what culture was and what their teacher was even talking about. Their short whispers were interrupted by the sound of chalk hitting the blackboard. Written was: WHAT IS CULTURE?

“Now,” she said putting the chalk down, “who can describe to me what a culture is?”

“OH! OH! I KNOW!” Twist cried throwing her hoof in the air.

“Yes Twist?”

“It’s what makes a certain race unique,” she answered.

“VERY GOOD!” Cheerilee beamed. “A culture is the ideas, values, and traditions shared by a specific race, every pony race has their own. Unicorns have their magic, Pegasi have their weather manipulation, and Earth ponies have their connection to nature.”

“But not just ponies. Every intelligent race out there has they’re own. Zebras, Griffons, even Donkeys have their own traditions and values they believe in.”

Sweetie Belle raised her hoof with a question. “But Miss Cheerilee, what does any of this have to do with Changelings?”

“Well my dear, even THEY have their own culture. The difference is that unlike other races they’re more…” Cheerilee paused once again trying to find the right words, “…distant from ours, which is why we know so less about them.”

“I heard that they’re cursed ponies that were once powerful alicorns but become corrupted for their greed. So now they’re doomed to forever live a life feeding on other ponies feelings,” Snip’s interrupted.

“I heard that they cocoon ponies up so they can suck out your emotions, ESPECIALLY little fillies with unique talents,” Ruby Pinch added with terror in her voice.

“That’s absolutely ridiculous, there’s no way that’s true!” Diamond Tiara responded with a scoff.


“Of course.” Diamond slowly grinned. “They’d probably prefer blank flanks more.”

“HEY!” cried the three Crusaders, knowing full well that was directed at them.

“Well I heard that they use us to procreate more changelings, they have a second mouth, AND that they have acid for blood,” Truffle Shuffle added. Nearly every eye fell on the pudgy pony, wearing expressions that said, ‘ARE YOU FOR REAL?’

Having enough, Cheerilee spoke up. “That’s quite enough students! And Truffle, you’re far to young to be watching those types of films.”


“Class, its not right to spread those kind of rumors. If you keep spreading them, others will start to think they're true.”

“But how do you know what’s true and what isn’t?” Snip’s asked with a raised hoof.

“Simple, you go the source. Which is why I’ve asked a professional to come in on Friday to discuss his research on Changelings.”

“Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!” Scootaloo interrupted. “Somepony, actually went out… and studied them?” she asked, her mind trying to fathom what could possess somepony to WILLINGLY go out and study those dangerous creatures.

“Mhmm,” Cheerilee nodded. “His name is Professor Con McFabricator, and I’ve asked him to share his findings and he’d said he be delighted to come over.”

What kind of a weirdo spends his time watching slimy bugs?” Diamond Tiara whispered to her companion Silver Spoon. They both snickered to themselves.

“Diamond Tiara…” Cheerilee said, her rising tone causing the little pink filly to sit up at attention with an awkward smile. Cheerilee just sighed, deciding to turn her attention back to the class. If she was gonna get these students invested, she was gonna have to get them to understand.

“Students, do you remember the tale of Hearth’s Warming Eve?”

The class exchanged looks with one another, wondering how the story of the founding of Equestria had to do with this. Going along with it they nodded. Smiling Cheerilee continued. “And do you remember how the other pony tribes treated one another?”

They all remembered it well. The pegasi, the unicorns, and the earth ponies, all were unfriendly and hated one another. Again, still wondering where she was going with this, the class just responded with a nod.

“Then tell me, what’s different from their situation and ours with the changelings?”

“Uh, not much. They were separated and didn’t like each other.” Scootaloo responded with a raised hoof.

“And why was that?” Cheerilee asked, sporting a knowing smile.

Every student exchanged looks with one another until one unicorn named Dinky spoke up, “Because they didn’t understand one another and couldn’t work out their differences?”

“And what were those differences?” Cheerilee asked, her smile growing with anticipation.

Slowly the pieces fell into place as every student cried out, “CULTURE!”

“RIGHT!!!” Cheerilee cried clapping her hoofs, her face beaming. “Ahem!” She blushed when she realized how loud that came out. “I mean, that’s right.”

“What was normal to one tribe was abnormal to the others. However they soon learned they needed to put aside their differences in order to survive, which soon lead to the founding of our Equestria.”

“Now look where we are, it’s been thousands of years and we’ve all stayed joined hoof in hoof. Who knows where the future leads? In another thousand years, a future class of little ponies and changelings might be discussing our current relationship with them and be just as shocked as you all were about Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

The children took pause at this. When they learned of the Hearth’s Warming tale they were shocked to learn of how their ancestors were so unkind to one another. Could the same happen with these strange shape shifters?

“Miss Cheerilee?” Apple Bloom asked with a raised hoof. “Are you ‘a sayin’ that one day we might actually become friends with them changelings?”

“Anything’s possible Apple Bloom,” Cheerilee spoke with a tone full of confidence. “There may come a day when one might realize they might need to consider other alternatives. But only until they decide to stop remaining isolated and ignorant to the outside world”

“Ignor-what?” the filly asked.

“IGNORANCE,” Cheerilee corrected. “It’s basically being ill-informed on things. For this case while we don’t know anything about them, they don’t know anything about us. And unlike you all, they don’t have a teacher willing to tutor them of other cultures outside their own.”

“Ah bet if they had somepony as special as you for a teacher they’d be informed,” Apple Bloom said. This caused the schoolmare to give a bashful smile.

Or fed…” Silver Spoon whispered to Diamond.

“Silver Spoon…”

GULP! Finding herself in a similar position like her friend, Silver Spoon just gave an awkward smile, hoping her teacher would spare her. Giving a sigh Cheerilee said, “Perhaps we will save our discussion on changelings for Friday when the Professor arrives.” It was probably for the best; maybe her students would listen to a professional better.

Like weight being lifted nearly every student relaxed and wiped away a bead of sweat, happy to be off the subject.

“But one last thing.” Cheerilee paused once she was sure all eyes were focused on her. Her usual happy smile was replaced with a neutral and serious expression. “You can’t judge a whole race based on past mistakes. If we did, then Equestria wouldn’t be what it is today. Look at what happened with Nightmare Moon, or Zecora. If you let fear consume you, then you might miss out what could be something wonderful.”

“The unknown might seem frightening and strange, but when you understand it, when you really listen to it, you start to see it for what it really is, and you never know what you might find.” A long silence filled the room, as the students soaked in what the schoolmare said.

The bell ringing broke the silence. “Lunch time!” Cheerilee announced, her large smile beaming outta nowhere. “Have a good lunch, and remember to be back when the bell rings. When we get back we will discuss the Zebra Tribes of Afhoofica.”

While walking into the playground to find a place to eat, Scootaloo contemplated her teachers’ lecture. It made her think of the changeling her friends encountered yesterday. Despite taking it for a joyride and nearly crushing it, the creature saved them from danger. Which made her come to the next question, was it right to just leave it there?

Not exactly the best way to welcome a visitor, Scootaloo thought. But it was not like they could just take it with them, any sort of help they brought it would just cause it to flee. Hay it probably would even scare away the help. But still, she wondered… Was it okay? Did it get back home? Where was its home? How far is it? Maybe when that Professor-what’s-his-name shows up I can ask him.

“HEY! HEY SCOOTALOO OVER HERE!” a familiar voice called. Following the source Scootaloo found her two friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle beckoning her over to their table.

Trotting over she plopped her brown lunch bag on the table and sat down. “Hey guys.”

“Hey Scootaloo!” both fillies replied.

Opening her lunch bag Scootaloo found a ripe plump apple with her name written all over it (figuratively). She readied her mouth to take a bite, only to stop when she saw the staring eyes of her two friends. “What? You want a piece?” she asked referring to her apple.

“Aren’t you gonna tell us?” Sweetie Bell asked.

Scootaloo just tilted her head in confusion, not understanding what she meant by that question. “Tell you what?”

“The nightmare,” Apple Bloom answered. Scootaloo released a frustrated groan. She really, REALLY didn’t want to do this, especially when she was eating!

“GUYS… I told you, it was--!”

Scootaloo stopped mid-sentence when she realized something, the lack of noise. They were in the playground, at school, and there was no noise. No sound of children laughing, no sounds of students asking others to trade snacks with, no sound of Snail’s trying to take Dinky’s muffin, again. Nothing. Scootaloo slowly started looking around the playground in an attempt to solve this mystery. “Girls is it just me or-- GHA!”

“Scootaloo what are you-- GHA!”

Looking over to their right, the young Crusaders found the entire student body waiting in front of the table with eager faces. “So’th… are you gonna tell us’th?” Twist asked.

Does the entire school want to know about my nightmare?! Scootaloo shouted in her head.

“Uh, tell y’all about what?” Apple Bloom asked, just as confused as the others.

“Duh! About the changelings, tell us!” Snip’s proclaimed.

“YEah! TeLL uS!” Snail’s drawled.

“WHAT?!?” all the Crusaders screamed, exchanging worried glances with one another.

“Wha... what are you talking about?!” Scootaloo stammered trying to mask her nervousness with a grin.

“Don’t hold out on us, we know where you were!” Snip’s answered with a knowing smile. This made the Crusaders even more nervous as their minds raced. How did they know about yesterday? Did somepony see them? Did one of them blab?

Sweetie Belle couldn't take it anymore, the suspense was killing her! “You all know about yesterday?!”

“Yesterday?” Dinky asked with a raised eyebrow. “The Royal Wedding was days ago.”

“The weddin’?” Apple Bloom asked, wondering what the hay they were referring too.

“Yeah, you three were the flower girls weren’t you?” Berry inquired. Immediately the realization dawned on the three as they breathed a sigh of relief. Their classmates were asking about their encounter with a changeling, just the more known encounter.

Her fear wiped away, Scootaloo sported a cocky grin that could give Rainbow Dash a run for her bits. “Oh… yeah... We were there. We were even front row center to see the Changeling Queen appear.”

Sounds of ‘oohing’ and ‘awing’ filled the air as the students reacted.

“Well don’t hold out on us! Tell us! Tell us! TELL US!” Dinky cried jumping up and down in excitement.

The girls opened their mouths ready to recall their tale at the Royal Wedding. “OH PLEASE…” Only to be interrupted by a familiar and unwelcoming voice. This voice belonged to none other than the self-proclaimed ‘Little Princess’ known as Diamond Tiara. Accompanied with her was her close friend Silver Spoon. The two walked past the group wearing eager grins, as if looking forward to mocking the three former flower girls. “They probably hid under the brides table the second that dirty slimy bug queen showed up!”

“We did not!” Sweetie Belle snapped. “For your information, we hid under the buffet table,” she finished with a confident smile, failing to realize that what she just said wasn’t really something her other two friends were proud of.

The sounds of what started as snickers soon turned into full-fledged laughter as every student laughed their flanks off. Confused Sweetie Belle turned to her friends, only to find them blushing and trying to hide their embarrassed faces behind their hoofs. “What’s the big deal we--?” Suddenly what she just said moments ago dawned on her. “Oh…” she answered, her ears drooping with her sad pout.

Trying to catch her breath, Diamond continued her verbal onslaught. “I knew it! I bet they’ve never even seen a changeling!”

“Yeah,” Silver Spoon joined in. “I bet they’d probably wet themselves the second they saw one,” Silver then turned to Scootaloo with a mocking grin, “or in Scootaloo’s case lay an egg.”

“Oh ha, ha, ha!” Scootaloo responded in a sarcastic tone. “I’m a chicken, like I haven’t heard that joke before!”

“Who said I was joking?” Silver Spoon responded, her amused grin never leaving her face.

“Hrrr…!” Scootaloo growled in anger, wanting nothing more then wipe that smug look off the grey pony’s face. However before she could do anything her farm pony friend stopped her.

“Don’t let ‘er get to ya Scootaloo, that’s what she wants.” Apple Bloom patted her back in an attempt to calm her.

“Well it’s WORKING…!” Scootaloo exasperated through her grinding teeth.

“Look, lets just--” Before she could finish Silver Spoon snatched Apple Blooms bow right off her head. “Hey! What are ya--?!”

Silver Spoon wrapped the bow around her head to imitate the yellow filly. “Oh… please, don’t eat me changelings!” she said mimicking Apple Bloom’s accent in a fearful tone. “Ah don’t wanna die a blank flank, I do declare!” Though it was coming off more as a southern belle. Still she and Diamond found it hilarious, unlike their audience.

“Hey! She doesn’t sound like that!” Sweetie Belle accused. “Right Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle got no response. “Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle turned her attention to the yellow pony and what she saw startled her and Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom just glared at the two fillies with an anger that looked like she was ready to maul them. Sweetie Belle could’ve sworn she saw her eye twitch in anger. But Scootaloo saw what Apple Bloom was really doing: Fighting back tears. The filly jumped off the bench and marched right up to the laughing duo. “Give. Me. Back. Mah. Bow. NOW!” she demanded in a threatening tone.

“What… this?” Silver asked innocently. Apple Bloom just nodded, her eyes never leaving the filly that held her special attire. “Okay.” With a flick of the hoof she tossed it clear across the playground. With gasp Apple Bloom broke off her glare and trotted off after her bow.

Scootaloo furrowed her brow. That was the last straw! Standing up she hopped off the bench and walked right up to the bullies until she was nose to nose with them. “You think you’re so funny?! Well it just so happens not only did the three of us meet a changeling, but we also CAUGHT one!”




Diamond, Silver, and just about every student exclaimed in utter shock. “That’s right!” Scootaloo boasted with a smile of confidence. “Yesterday we-- MPHF!“

“Played a GAME!” Acting swiftly, Sweetie Belle silenced her blabbermouth friend with a hoof before she could go any further. “YEP! A game! We invented it just yesterday! It’s called uh… ‘Find the Changeling’! It's like Hide and Seek, only one pony’s the hider and the others are the seekers! YEP! That’s what happened!” she finished, smiling with a large grin to cover her nervousness.

“So what you're saying is you’ve never seen a changeling?” a white pegasus named Cotton Cloudy asked with a raised eyebrow.

“NOPE!" She shook her head. "No changelings! Sorry!” Sweetie Belle replied, trying her best to keep her fidgeting friend quiet.

“Aw…” the students all groaned as the group disbanded, leaving only Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon behind.

“Well we better get going,” the pink filly said to her friend. “I don’t wanna be around when changelings come hunting for fresh blank flanks. Toodles!”

Apple Bloom returned to the table with her bow held safely in her mouth. “That’s a lie and you know it Tiara!” Apple Bloom called out to the departing filly while trying to retie her bow. “Besides, they’d probably prefer cupcakes over us any day!”

“APPLE BLOOM!” Sweetie Belle shrieked.

“Oops… Sorry…”

Once she was sure all the others were out of earshot Sweetie Belle released the orange pegasi. After gasping for air she then turned to her friend with eyes full of anger. “What… the… HAY?! What’s your problem?”

“Oh don’t use that language with me missy!” Sweetie Belle scolded, waggling a stern hoof. “What’s YOUR problem? Are you trying to get us caught?”

“Yah! What she said,” Apple Bloom added.

“Well I…” Scootaloo paused trying to find her words. “I couldn’t just…” She stammered for a bit trying to think up the right words, but they didn’t come. Realizing she was fighting a losing battle Scootaloo just lowered her head, sighing in defeat. “I’m sorry…”

“Look…” Apple Bloom said in an understanding tone. “Ah don’t like wha’ Diamond did anymore then you do.” She adjusted her bow to double check it was secured, and to reassure herself it was still there, and safe. “But we can’t just go talkin’ about wha’ happened no matter what! Otherwise the adults might find out. And if they find out they’ll ground us till we’re thirty.”

“Maybe thirty for you, mine will ground me till I’m sixty!” Sweetie Belle said with small smile, partly joking but also a little serous. However it did earn a little chuckle from her two friends and it did help lighten the tension.

“Okay...” Scootaloo said between giggles, her aggravation now gone. “Lets get back to eat--” The ringing of the bell interrupted Scootaloo, signaling the end of the lunch break. This earned an ‘Aw…’ from the three ponies, upset over missing their lunch.

Back inside the students all took their seats as they waited for Cheerilee to exit her office. They could make out sounds of chatter coming from inside. Their teacher was definitely not alone.

After about a minute the schoolmare exited her office with her usual cheery grin attached to her face. “Students, I hope you all had a happy lunch, because I have special guest for us today.”

The students all listened in with anticipation as Cheerilee continued. “While you were all out I was busy greeting our speaker for today. For the rest of the week I plan on having a different speaker come in and tell us about their people’s customs, with the exception of the Professor for the changelings of course.”

While the students all chatted about how interested that sounded, Apple Bloom paused as she put two and two together. So if we’re a talkin’ ‘bout the zebra tribes… A smile slowly formed on her face. That means--!

“So please, put your hooves together for… ZECORA!”

On cue the zebra known as Zecora entered with a smile as she was greeted with applause. “A fine greeting to you Cheerilee’s class, it warms my heart to be here at last.”

Over the next couples hours Zecora talked about her village, Nzuri Afya and its traditions. She talked about her people, their songs, their arts, even on their herbal expertise. As a gift to the class, she brought a fruit only native in her homeland known as, a Papaya for each student. Which made the students, especially the starving Cutie Mark Crusaders, very happy. Up until Snail’s accidentally squirted himself in the eye causing an allergic reaction. Thankfully Zecora was able to calm the upset student, plus one overly distraught teacher. “Fear not little Snail’s, come tomorrow I will have something to help cure you what ails.”

“ThANKS MisS ZEcoRA!” the puffy eyed Snail’s replied with his trademark goofy smile.

“Yes, uh… Thanks.” Cheerilee said with a forced grin. Great… Our first visitor and already we’re close to a lawsuit. This is going to be a LOOOOOOOOONNNNGGGG week, the teacher thought to herself as her face collapsed to the desk. “Snail’s, you’re excused from class, go get your eye washed out.” Cheerilee said deadpan tone, her voice muffled by the desk.

“YEs MiSs cHeERilEE.”

As the young colt departed Zecora took notice of the time. “Speaking being on the way, perhaps it’s time I say to you ‘good day’.”

“Oh! Is it time already?” Cheerilee asked as her head shot up to look at the clock. “Alright then. Students, thank Zecora for being thoughtful enough to come down here and share with us.”

“THANK YOU ZECORA!” the students all cheered with applause.

Zecora gave a humbled smile as she bowed. “Thank you, it’s been a pleasure, to share with you the culture I treasure. But now there are other things I must attend to, so for now I bid you all adieu.” And with that Zecora took her leave.

Straightening up, Cheerilee took out a purple folder, which contained the weekly schedule she had planned. ”Now, before we all go I would like to go over the schedule for this week,” she announced. This earned a small groan from the class.

Ignoring them, Cheerilee read down the list. “Tomorrow we will discuss the Griffon tribes of Grifhalla. Wednesday we will go over the Donkey clans of the Great Gorge. Come Thursday we will talk about the majestic and mysterious Dragon race. And Friday we will finish our discussion on the changelings with Professor McFabricator.”

As she finished the list the students took this as a sign to start packing up, “OH! One more thing!” Cheerilee announced as she reached into her desk drawer, which lead the students into another class groan.

Dropping her head on her desk, Scootaloo decided to preoccupy her time by balancing a pencil on her nose. Zecora’s tale was interesting and all but it was a lot to swallow, and she was anxious to get going. She had a lot of planning her and the Crusaders needed to get to.

Pulling out a sheet of paper from her drawer, Cheerilee’s eyes scanned the paper as she read. The sheet contained the faces of all her students with little boxes next to them, some checked and some blank. “It’s time to choose the next student to bring a family member for this Fridays Family Appreciation Day!”

Scootaloo just rolled her eyes and slightly scowled at this. Oh boy… I can’t wait to have a Professor go on and on about his research into something I’ve actually met but can’t even talk about. AND listen to somepony’s relative bore us to sleep about their work in… in… What was that thing Diamond’s father does…? Ah who cares, Family Appreciation Day is stupid!

As for Sweetie Belle, she was actually smiling with glee. Oh boy! I hope it’s me! Maybe I can convince Rarity to come?! Oh I bet she lovvveeeee to talk about her work in fashion! Oh… please be me! Please be me! PLEASE BE ME!

“And it looks like this week’s student will be… Hmm,” Cheerilee paused as she scanned over the sheet one last time before making her decision: “Scootaloo!”

“WHAT?!?” Scootaloo cried in a slightly shrill voice as she nearly toppled over her desk. Before things could escalate the ending bell rang.

“There’s the bell! Have a good day students!”

Not wanting to risk another interruption preventing them from leaving, the students trotted out in a mini stampede. “Oh! And remember I want you all to have a three sentence essay on-what-you-learned-today-FINISHED-NO-LATER-THAN-TOMORROW!” Cheerilee finished in a quick pace, hoping to Celestia they heard her. With a heavy sigh she turned her attention to the remaining students in the class.

Slowly Scootaloo tiphoofed toward the door. If she was careful, she might able to make it out before somepony stopped her.

“Oh Scootaloo! Can I see you a moment?”


“Uh… I can’t right now Miss Cheerilee,” Scootaloo said with a forced grin. “My friends and I got a loooooot to do, and I’m sure they don’t wanna wait for me.”

“Naw…! We’ll wait for ya!” Apple Bloom said as she hopped off her desk, Sweetie Belle following her to the door.

“Yeah! We’ll meet you by your scooter. Bye Miss Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belle said with a wave.

Double Crud!

The schoolmare gave a warm smile as she waved back to her two departing students. “Now then,” Cheerilee began, facing Scootaloo while resting her hoofs on the desk. “Scootaloo I’d like to discuss who you’ll be bringing his Friday.”

“But Miss Cheerilee,” Scootaloo whined, “why are we having Family Appreciation Day this week at all?”

“Well Scootaloo, I’ve looked over the remaining students that haven’t gone yet. And according to the list unless we start by Friday, not every student will get a chance to go until after our next break.”

“I’m cool with that!” Scootaloo blurted out, nodding her head furiously. “Just give somepony else my turn! I don’t mind!”

“Scootaloo…” Cheerilee started with a soft smile and a reassuring tone. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m sure whomever you bring will be just fine.”

Cheerilee’s expression faltered as she studied the little pegasi. The little filly just stared at the floor, as if her mind were lost in another world. Her teacher instincts were telling her something wasn’t right. “Scootaloo… Is everything alright at home?” The filly didn’t answer. She just rubbed her shoulder as she tried to find her words, but again nothing came out.

Cheerilee gave a soft sigh. “Scootaloo, I’m your teacher. If there’s something bothering you, you shouldn’t be afraid to tell me.” Scootaloo continued to remain silent as she contemplated her teacher’s words.

After a pause Cheerilee pressed on. “You have my solemn promise as teacher that anything you say here will not leave these walls.”

Scootaloo slowly raised her head as her eyes met Cheerilee’s. Suddenly she felt like she was back at the fallen rock with the changeling. Only now there was nopony to back her up. She was completely alone here. And somehow she felt even more helpless than before. Because that’s what she was, alone.

Slowly she moistened her lips. “Miss Cheerilee…”

“Yes Scootaloo?”

“I-I… I...” Taking a deep breath she slowly exhaled. “I'm--”

“MISS CHEERILEE! MISS CHEERILEE!” Scootaloo’s and Cheerilee’s conversation was suddenly interrupted by a distraught unicorn named Snip’s.

“Snip’s what is it?” Cheerilee asked the upset colt.

“Snail’s got his horn stuck in the hose!”


He answered with a nod, “Again!”

“Oh Celestia…” the schoolmare sighed rubbing her head with a slight hint of annoyance in her voice. “Okay. I’ll help him, you go find Mr. Greenhooves.” Snip’s saluted as he ran out.

“Scootaloo…” Cheerilee turned her attention to the orange pegasi. “We’ll…” she paused, feeling a little guilty for leaving her student like this, “continue this another time.” With that said Cheerilee trotted out, leaving a slightly flabbergasted filly behind. Scootaloo just stood there, staring at the doorway with her mouth hanging open.

I almost told her… Scootaloo’s sat down on her flank as her mouth closed. I almost told the others yesterday. Slowly she shut her eyes as she bit down hard on her bottom trembling lip. Why…? Why can’t I--?

Her eyes shot open as she felt something. The filly slowly placed a hoof below her eye as she touched her cheek. Pulling her hoof back she saw it, a single teardrop. She was starting to cry.

Scootaloo then rubbed her eyes furiously, trying to remove any signs of her tears. Come on! Just thinking about it causes me to--?! She immediately threw her hoofs around her head as she tried to force out those unwanted thoughts. She didn’t like thinking about her situation with her family or personal life. It brought to many… unwanted feelings to the surface, which made her feel scared. Scared to face the truth. Scared she would lose her again. Scared she would be alone again.

Why was this happening now? She was doing just fine ignoring it for this long. She only got like this around special occasions, like that one time with the Sisterhooves Social.

What changed?

Wait! Change…

Then it hit her, the changeling! When she saw that changeling, that’s what made those unwanted feelings resurface! Her world was perfect. Here she was on a crusade, one of the few things that gave her purpose and made her not focus on… those things, and that creature comes along and made those thoughts resurface! It’s the reason she’s been getting emotional! It’s the reason she had that nightmare. Scootaloo shook her trying to forget that weird dream. But the fact still stood, she blamed it for this! It came into her perfect world and caused those feelings to stir. Immediately her feelings of sadness turned into hatred. Hatred for that changeling. I’m glad that things gone! I hope I never see it again!

All right Scootaloo, this is a new start! From this moment on if those thoughts resurface, just block them out! If something comes along to triggers those feelings then you just avoid it! No more having those thoughts, and no more trying to find an outlet in others! That’s weak! That’s for namby pamby ponies and their families! From this moment just ignore them no matter what! You rely, on yourself! Just like Rainbow Dash! No matter how hard things get, just look proud and stand tall!

And from this moment you tell nopony! Absolutely nopony! Her eyes slowly fell to the floor as the voice in her head grew quieter and quieter as everything sank in.

Nopony… Nopony…

Looking up her eyes fell on the board as her teachers’ lecture played through mind. She gave a small “HMPH!” as she started leaving.

“In this case Miss Cheerilee, ignorance is bliss…”

Walking outside Scootaloo was greeted with two smiling ponies. “So… who are you bringing?” Sweetie Belle asked with a smile of anticipation.

Scootaloo exchanged looks with her two friends. She was confused. “Wha…?”

“For Family Appreciation Day o’ course!” Apple Bloom replied jumping up and down in joy.

Scootaloo let out a groan. I think I liked it better when they were pestering me about my nightmare.

Scootaloo just ignored their questions as she walked past them to her scooter. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom followed after Scootaloo, skipping all the way. “Ah can’t believe it! Ah’m finally gonna meet somepony from yer family!”

“Yeah…” Scootaloo replied with an uncaring demeanor. “I can’t believe it either.”

“So tell us, what do they do?” Apple Bloom asked continuing to follow the pegasus, oblivious to the fact she wasn’t paying attention.

“Yeah, we haven’t seen any orange pegasi around here so we’ve been assuming your folks must work outta town,” Sweetie Belle chimed in. Scootaloo slightly cringed at her words, but she powered on through as she continued toward her scooter.

“So what do they do? Are they real-estate ponies? Travelin' sales ponies?” Apple Bloom looked around to ensure nopony was looking as she whispered, “Are they secret agents?

Scootaloo stopped, finally acknowledging the fillies. She just stared at them wearing the same expression she gave Truffle Shuffle a few hours ago. Shaking her head she answered, “Yeah, sure whatever.”

“Which?” Sweetie Belle asked.


Apple Bloom and Sweetie exchanged confused looks for their friends’ vague responses. FINALLY reaching her scooter, Scootaloo started securing her helmet. “So…” she began coyly trying to change the subject. “Who’s ready to try and earn their cutie mark today?”

“What?” Sweetie Belle said stopping her tracks, forgetting about her original question. “You wanna try again?”

“After wha’ happened yesterday?” Apple Bloom added.

Scootaloo just nodded. “Well… yeah! If we gave up every time we almost got hurt, we would’ve stopped being Crusaders after that whole cocka-bird-thing incident.” Her two friends gave shudders after the mere mention of that creature. “Besides,” Scootaloo continued with a more stern tone, “I said if we’re not eating, sleeping, or at school, we’re crusading. And I meant it.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded as their heads lowered. They understood it, but they didn’t feel comfortable with it. “But…” Scootaloo began with in calmer tone, causing the two to raise their heads. “Maybe we’ll crusade for something a little less… risky?” She gave a nervous grin.

Apple Bloom tapped her head in thought. “How ‘bout… Cutie Mark Crusader Dentists?”

“BLEAGH!” Scootaloo stuck her tongue at that idea. “Yeah, I want my special talent to involve pulling ponies teeth all day.”

“How about, Cutie Mark Crusader Mechanics?” Sweetie Belle proposed.

“Hmm…” Scootaloo tapped her chin. “That’s not a bad idea.”

“Yah!” Apple Bloom cheered in agreement. “But how're we gonna earn them?”

“Maybe we could watch Mr. Doodads the town mechanic and do what he does,” Sweetie Belle proposed. “I’m sure he won’t mind.”

“That sound like a plan everypony?” Scootaloo asked her two friends. They both nodded in agreement. Scootaloo smiled. The Crusaders were back!

A quiet pause then followed.

YAY! CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MECHANICS!!!” they all cheered at the top of their lungs.

“Aw yeah!” Scootaloo proclaimed jumping on her scooter. “We’re back in business! We’ll head over to the clubhouse to drop our stuff off, then head over to Doodads Fix It R’Us.”

Scootaloo was about to fire up her wings, “Uh… Scootaloo,” until Apple Bloom caught her attention. “Ya sure you don’t wanna just walk?” After what happened with Cheerilee today, Scootaloo’s friends didn’t think it was wise to let their friend ride today. It’s like they say, ‘friends don’t let friends drive drowsy’.

Scootaloo just waved a hoof. “PFF! Relax… I’ve could drive this baby with my eyes closed.” Firing up her wings she took off, going the distance.



A whole three feet…

“Drive it with your eyes closed huh?” Sweetie Belle quoted smugly.

Scootaloo pulled herself off the ground, then shot a disgruntled looked to the mocking unicorn. “Oh yeah? I--!”

“Oh…” a frail old voice groaned. Immediately the three stopped their bickering when their eyes fell on the body of the poor pony Scootaloo hit.


The three rushed to help the old garden pony up while Scootaloo apologized up and down. “I’m sorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’M SORRY!”

After wiping some dust off and adjusting his hat, Greenhooves gave a hard stern look at the orange apologetic filly. Scootaloo recoiled in shame. She paused when she heard what sounded like, chuckling? Looking at the old pony his angered expression was replaced with a modest smile. “Its alright junior…” he said while messing up Scootaloo’s hair, “I’m tougher then I look.” While slightly annoyed by the hair nuzzle, Scootaloo was happy nonetheless that Mr. Greenhooves was all right.

“Thank you sir.”

“Alrighty then,” he hacked up some saliva then spitted to the ground. “I was told by some little colt that his friend went and got his horn stuck in the hose again?” The three pointed him in the direction of the disgruntled schoolmare who was busy trying to tug a hose off a puffy eyed yellow colt.

Greenhooves just sighed. “I swear… You figure with all they teach ya at this school, somepony would have the decency to tell you tikes not to stick your horns where they don’t belong.” The girls just nodded in agreement. “Well, I better get to work. You three have a good now.”

“BYE MR.GREENHOOVES!” the Crusaders waved in unison.

With that out of the way, Scootaloo once again hopped on her scooter. “Well, we better get go--”


Feeling the eyes of both her friends staring through her, Scootaloo sheepishly replied, “Y’know it's such a nice day, I think I’ll walk my scooter for now.” Both her friends gave approving smiles. Two accidents were enough for one day.

As the three started leaving school, Apple Bloom took one last look at old garden pony and his empty flank. “Ya think we’ll ever end up like that?”

“Like what?” Scootaloo asked.

“Like Mr. Greenhooves.”

“What? Old?” Scootaloo asked as she pondered the mere idea of the three of them getting old. “Nah…”

“No," Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. "I mean a blank flank like him."

This caused Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to take another glance at the old pony as it dawned on them. “Hey, she’s gotta point. How come he doesn’t have his cutie mark already?”

Scootaloo replied nonchalantly, “Maybe he’s just not good at anything.”

“SCOOTALOO!” the two exclaimed at the pegasi’s rude comment.

Scootaloo merely shrugged. “What? I’m just saying.”