• Published 2nd Jun 2012
  • 6,735 Views, 317 Comments

The Cobwebs Of Ignorance - H123G

Changelings. Feared, hated, and above all: misunderstood. When the Canterlot Invasion fails and the Changeling Commander is stuck alone in the forest, the CMC get the chance to find out just what lies beneath the chitin.

  • ...

Teacher Supplies and Student Cries

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
--Winston Churchill


Running up to the library, Apple Bloom stopped at the door. “C’mon!” she called to her friends. “Will y’all hurry up?!”

“Don’t get your tail in a mangle!” a frustrated Sweetie Belle cried back. “You’re the one who made us go back for the wagon.”

A bored, and slightly annoyed Scootaloo pulled the wagon as she followed Sweetie Belle from behind. “We would have been there and back sooner if we just took my scooter.”

“After how you’ve been drivin’?” Apple Bloom shook her head. “No way hozay.”

“Ahper ooh een iving, oh ay ozay!” Scootaloo mocked.

Not finding that the least bit funny, Apple Bloom headed inside with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo following after. Upon entering the library, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were met with tiny colorful glass riddling the floor. “What is this?” Scootaloo asked reaching for a piece.


Immediately the three froze as the shrill voice of a small baby dragon stopped them. Twilight’s number one assistant Spike appeared from behind a shelf brandishing a broom along with a pan in both hands.

“Spike? Why’s there glass on the floor?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Did you break something?”

“Actually,” Spike chuckled as he picked up the biggest piece and chucked it into his mouth, “its the remains from breakfast.” The young dragons then started sweeping.

“So how ya been Spike?” Apple Bloom asked, making friendly chit-chat.

The dragon’s demeanor shifted to annoyance as he simply answered, “Bored.”

“Bored?” Sweetie Belle brow raised. “How’s it been boring?”

Well he works in a library,” Scootaloo silently noted to the two ponies. “What’s fun about that?” Immediately the two shushed the pegasus. Thankfully Spike didn’t seem to notice her comment as he finished sweeping.

“Nobody’s visited for days,” the dragon glumly said as he dropped the gem shards into the trash. “And with Twilight away in Canterlot, I’ve barely found much to do.”

“No visits?” Apple Bloom softly bemoaned, feeling bad for the young dragon. “So y’all just been waitin’ here all by yer lonesome? That’s awful.”

“It’s alright,” he reassured, “Pee Wee and Owlowiscious have been keeping me company. Right guys?” The two pets of Twilight and Spike sat perched on an empty shelf side by side. Pee Wee replied with a happy chirp, Owlowiscious replied with a simple hoot. “Uh… that means yes.”

His mess cleaned the purple dragon tossed the cleaning supplies back in the closet, dusting his hands of any grime. “So what brings you three here?”

“Well,” Sweetie Belle began with a smile, “we’re here looking for books too--”

“Hold it!” Spike snapped, pointing an accusing finger at the startled unicorn. “I know where this is going! Every time you three borrow a book for one of your crazy, hair-brain ideas, something bad happens!”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes in frustration. She knew what he was referring too. “Oh! That one time with that Hearts and Hooves Day book!”

“And the Arsenal book,” Spike noted, counting it off a finger.

“Okay,” Scootaloo said in defeat, “and that time with the Arsenal book.”

“And the Time Traveling book,” he counted off another.

“And that other time with the Time Traveling book.”

“And the--”

“Okay! Okay! Okay!” Scootaloo said with frustration. “We’ve made a few mistakes in the past!”

Spike crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “A few?”

“A couple?” Sweetie Belle offered with a nervous smile. Spike just tapped his foot, clearly not buying it.

The three slowly lowered their heads in shame. “A lot…” they said in unison.

“Mhmm.” He nodded. “And because of that Twilight has a new rule.” Pulling a large book from out of nowhere titled, Ponyville Library: The Official Rule Book, Spike slowly read out loud: “From now on all members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders can borrow only ONE book a week.” Immediately the three fillies displayed their displeasure toward that new rule with groans and mutters of annoyance. Trying to ignore them the baby dragon continued. “And they have to sign a binding contract stating their main and/or possible reasons for checking out said book, along with a liability release form waving Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike from any and all possible consequences from their actions in the foreseeable future.”

The three just blinked, their mouths agape in utter shock.

“…You’re joking,” Scootaloo bemused, breaking the silence.

From behind his back Spike pulled out a sealed scroll. “Pony, I don’t joke when it comes to Twilight’s crazy ideas.” With one swipe of his clawed finger the scroll unrolled as page after page unfolded, revealing blank boxes for signatures, big wordy things the Crusaders couldn’t make out, and signed at the top was Twilight’s official signature decreeing it.

“Bu-but, our crusadin’ missions are top secret!” Apple Bloom complained.

“This is completely lame!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle added.

Spike just shrugged as he put the book along with document on the table. “Sorry, can’t help ya.”

The three Crusaders moaned in unison. Their crusade was over before it even began! Sweetie Belle watched as the young dragon started moving books around on one of the shelves. Slowly she grew a devious grin as her mind hatched an idea. “Follow my lead,” she whispered to her fellow Crusaders.

Slowly she nonchalantly strolled over the young dragon as she leaned against the shelf next to him. “Y’know,” she said coyly, “I just notice you really have your work cut out for yourself Spike.”

Pausing for a minute Spike looked at her, slightly confused but the filly’s sudden change in demeanor. “I... do?”

“Yeah.” The young unicorn nodded. “Tell ya what, how about the three of us help you out with re-shelving?”

What?!” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom wailed in utter shock, wondering what in Celestia’s name was going through that unicorns’ head.

“Wow,” Spike smiled a loss for words. “Thanks, that’s... that’s really nice of you.”

“Oh sure, what are friends for?” she answered with a smile. She then rubbed her chin as if she was pondering something. “In fact, this gives me a idea.”

Spike froze, dropping all the books he was carrying. “An… idea?” Already he didn’t like where this was going.

“Yeah…” Sweetie Belle winked. “Maybe our special talent has something to do with books?”

Spike started to tense up as he gulped. “It-it does?”

Turning to her friends Sweetie Belle subtly asked, “What do you say girls?”

Scootaloo gave the following response to the chance of working as a librarian. “NO WAY! I think I’d rather go for the dentist cutie mark-- OOF!” Giving her a subtle nudge, Apple Bloom gave her wink. Getting the hint Scootaloo quickly retaliated with awkward smiled. “I-I mean sure! Us! Cutie mark! Library! Awesome!”

Spike was starting to sweat bullets. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, messing with the library’s books? TWILIGHT’S books? This had ‘disaster’ written all over it.

“Well,” Sweetie Belle slowly strolled over to her companions, “it looks like we’re…” The three Crusaders grinned in unison. Spike immediately shut his ears. He knew what was coming.


Spike fell to their hoofs, pleading to the three, “Come on you guys, this isn’t funny! You-your joking right?! Like ‘ha ha’?”

“Dragon,” Sweetie Belle began lowering herself to his eye level with a devious knowing smile, “we don’t joke when its comes to our crazy ideas.”

Spike sighed. They’d bested him. He just hoped to Celestia this didn’t come back to bite him. “Fine… But try not to--” Immediately the three little ponies attack the bookshelves, tossing books left and right.

“Make a mess…”

Looking at one book, Apple Bloom immediately tossed it aside. “No.”

Then another one. “No.”

And another one. “No!”

And another one. “NO! Consarnit, where’s the big pony books?!”

Picking up after their mess, Spike slowly started stacking the discarded books. “The what?” he asked.

“Y’know, the kind a smart pony like Twilight or Cheerilee would read?”

Sighing, Spike walked over to the needy Crusaders, hoping to end this before they created a bigger mess. “What exactly are you looking for?”

“Books,” Apple Bloom simple replied.

Raising one eyebrow, Spike pressed on. “Books on what?”

“On things that big smart pony’s like Twilight and Cheerilee would read, duh!” Apple Bloom scoffed, finding it hard why the dragon was not getting it. Spike face-palmed, this was getting him nowhere.

Getting an idea, he motioned the three ponies to follow. The Crusaders jumped off their unhelpful shelves and followed him. “I don’t know where you're going with this,” the young dragon said. “But if you're looking for the kind of reading an egghead like Twilight would like, I’d recommend this shelf.”

The four stopped in front of the largest shelve in the library. Books of different sizes and colors filled it. Apple Bloom slowly scanned the books, trying to make heads or tails of them. “Well, what kinda readin’s ya got here?”

“Eh,” he shrugged. “History books, old literature books, y’know basic big wordy books Twilight reads in her free time.” Immediately he stopped when he realized what kinda books they could be looking for. “If you thinking you're gonna find any of her spell books you're barking up the wrong tree!” he accused. “She keeps those books locked up in a special place. One where you wouldn’t find them in a billion years!” Spike crossed his arms as he smiled feeling satisfied.

“You mean that safe under her bed with your birthday as the combination?” Scootaloo noted half-heartedly as she examined the shelf.

“Uh…” Spike stuttered as he tried to not look suspicious or nervous. “NO!” Suddenly a realization dawned on him. “Wait a minute how do you even--?!”

His investigation was interrupted by the sound of the library door opening, and the call of a familiar voice. “Hello, is anypony home?”

“Cheerilee?” Spike answered.

“Cheerilee?!” Scootaloo nearly screeched. What was she doing here? Did she know Scootaloo was here? Was this about their conversation today? She did not want to continue this discussion, especially with all her friends here, AND especially in front of the dragon that lived with the know-it-all unicorn that considered herself a certified therapist! Looking around for a place to hide she hid behind the only thing near her, Sweetie Belle.

Walking in the schoolmare noticed her young flowers in the room. “Oh, hello girls, what brings you here?”

“Sorry Cheerilee,” Sweetie Belle responded, not noticing the hiding pegasus. “Official Cutie Mark Crusader business. Top secret.”

“I see...” she answered with a humble grin.

I’ll warn the mayor.

“Anywho I’m actually here to talk to you Spike.”

“Me?” he asked bewildered. “What for?”

“Well I’m teaching my little flowers about the other intelligent inhabitants of our world, so I was wondering if you might drop by and share us your knowhow of dragons.”

“Me?” he stuttered taking a step back. “Share? Dragons?” When it came to dragons, Spike hadn’t exactly had positive history with them. Mostly because everyone he’s met has tried to burn him, or crush him. But he did learn a few things here and there about them during those occasions. Plus the chance to get out of the library sounded too good to pass up.

“Uh… Sure. I’ll gladly do it,” he finally answered.

“Excellent!” Cheerilee exclaimed. “We’ll see you Thursday!”

“Wow,” Spike almost had to sit down as he took this in. “Me lecturing.” He’d be teaching others about what HE knew. He’d be just like Twilight during her lectures, minus the him being in trouble part. Wherever she was, he was sure she would be proud of him.

He stopped his inner contemplation as he came to a startling realization. He was gonna be in front of an entire class of fillies. He had to look professional! Looking at his claws, he was shocked to see how, as Rarity would put it, ‘uncouth’ they were. “Oh man, I’m gonna need a clawicure! Probably gotta get my scales polished, have my teeth shined…” Spike continued his monologue as he headed upstairs, leaving three busy fillies and a monitoring teacher behind.

Apple Bloom started stacking books. “Sweetie Belle, go get the cart ready.”

Sweetie Belle gave a stern salute before heading out the door. This unfortunately removed the only cover Scootaloo had, exposing the hiding pegasus.

“Scootaloo…?” Cheerilee called, confused why the little filly was hiding from her of all ponies.

Trying in vain to hide her nervousness, Scootaloo quickly put on the biggest fake grin she could muster. “Uh… hey Miss Cheerilee.” She let out a nervous chuckle. “Wh-what’s up?”

The teacher didn’t answer; she just stared at the clearly tense filly for a minute. She then motioned her over the other side of the room where they could talk in private. Scootaloo reluctantly followed, leaving her yellow friend alone with the bookshelf. Once they were there, Cheerilee faced the nervous pegasus, her sunny expression replaced with a stern but sincere one. “Scootaloo,” she began, “isn’t there something you wanted to tell me earlier?”

“Uh… nope,” she shook her, “Nothing comes to mind.”

Cheerilee tilted her head as her mind interpreted what she just heard. This made Scootaloo even more nervous. What was she gonna say?

The schoolmare let out a heavy sigh as she simply replied, “Alright then.”

Scootaloo was shocked. Cheerilee didn’t want to press on? Did she believe her performance? Is Scootaloo’s special talent acting? Or did she simply respect Scootaloo’s privacy? Either way after a small smile and a wave goodbye Cheerilee started heading for the door. “Wait.” Until she was stopped by Scootaloo calling for her. “Miss Cheerilee?”

Turning around and facing her young student Cheerilee acknowledged her. “Yes?”

“You're,” Scootaloo paused as she awkwardly rubbed her hoof like a misbehaving child who got caught stealing from the cookie jar. “You're not upset over the whole scooter accident are ya?”

“Upset? Oh Scootaloo of course I’m not upset.” She smiled warmly. “All water under the bridge.”

This relaxed the orange pegasus a little. “Good.” She may not have been able to read her teachers feelings, but at least she knew she wasn’t in any sort of conflict with her.

With a humble nod the schoolmare started heading out the door, only to stop half way out. “Oh by the way! I’m looking forward to reading your five-page essay on the importance of school safety by next week! Ciao everypony!” With that said the beaming teacher was out the door.

Yeah... She’s upset.

“Alright, Ah think that’s it.” Apple Bloom said to herself as she stacked the last book she needed. “Scootaloo help me get these into the cart before Spike gets back.”

“Sheesh!” Scootaloo exclaimed at the book stack. “You think that’s enough?”

“Hmm.” the yellow filly pondered. “You're right, maybe one more should do it.”

Scootaloo face-hoofed. “That’s not what I--” Suddenly the sounds of approaching footsteps were heard. Spike was coming down.

Hearing this as well Apple Bloom grabbed one end of the book stack. “Quick!” Working together the two picked up the tower of books and headed for the door.

Spike decided it was probably in the library’s best interest if he kept an eye on the curious Crusaders. Only instead of finding three ponies he found something more shocking. “What the flank?!” The entire bookshelf was licked clean!


Hearing the dragon’s approaching cries, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo started pushing the wagon full of books with all their might. Sitting at the top of the pile of books, Sweetie Belle cheerfully waved goodbye to the flustered dragon. “Bye Spike! Thanks for the books!”

“But-but-but-you have to sign--!”

“Don’t worry, we’ll bring them back once we’ve earned our cutie marks!”

Spike just stood there as her words hung in the air. They not only took the entire shelf of Twilight’s favorite books, but they didn’t plan on returning them until AFTER they get their cutie marks? Spike had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach he wasn’t gonna see those books again.

“Twilight is gonna kill me.”

The bored changeling slumped against a wall. Dead Ringer hated waiting. The only thing he had to do was stare at his surroundings. It was only thing he had at the moment to stop him from focusing on the pain shooting up and down his wing.

He didn’t know what was worse, the fact that it hurt or the fact that it was broken. What kind of a changeling can’t fly? And he wasn’t just any changeling; he was the Commander for his Queens sake. Not being able to fly made him feel weak, like he did back then.

“…!” Dead Ringer flinched.

It made him feel like he did all those years ago, back in those days. Back when he was a minor grunt, still in training. Living in the catacombs of the hive, deep below the canyon.

He was young, no more than four. Honing his skills into being the soldier that was expected of him, expected from all his brothers and sisters of their shared class. Sadly he progressed... slower than them. He had trouble trying to fly. Which in changeling standards being flightless at such an age was not a good sign. Flying was one of many survival skills a changeling needed in order to survive their land. Not only that but it reflected badly on him.

And it displeased his former predecessor.

Dead Ringer slowly shut his eyes in scowl as the memories from the past slowly echoed back.

He hung on to the jagged rocks, struggling to make it up the cliff, cuts and bruises covered his body. Looking up he saw his older siblings looking down at him with mixtures of uncertainty and pity. Others just looked at him with disdain and animosity.

An older changeling with a long scar across his eye watched from above, wearing the midnight blue armor of his title. Looking down at Dead Ringer, the commander shook his head with utter contempt.

Ashamed and slightly intimidated by the looks he was receiving the young soldier looked away. Trying in vain he tried flapping his wings, but all they did was just move without lifting him up. They were practically worthless. Mustering all the strength he could manage he tried to climb up further. A task that was proving more and more difficult. His body was tired, too weak to continue in his condition. All he could feel was the pain and ache coursing through his body. High above the commander shouted at him, his voice echoing throughout the cliff.

“Get up!”

“Failure is not tolerated in her Majesty’s Empire!”

“Do not fail me Dead Ringer!”

“I AM NOT A FAILURE!” Dead Ringer cried to… no one he realized.

The distraught changeling fell to his hoofs, breathing heavily. He looked around the room to reassure himself where he was. He wasn’t... there anymore. He was topside, in the fresh air. Wiping his forehead, Dead Ringer could feel a cool liquid moisture rubbing against the back of his hoof.

He was sweating.

Slowly he massaged his head to try and calm himself, thinking in vain that it would be enough to force those memories away. He couldn’t believe he wanted this but he hoped those three ponies would hurry back soon. At least with them around his mind was preoccupied with their strange behaviors.

He needed to find something, anything, to keep his mind focused!

Suddenly Dead Ringer’s started sniffing. His senses went haywire as he picked up a scent. It wasn’t the scent that was familiar to this room. It didn’t match his or any of the young ponies that were permeating throughout the room. This was a new scent.

Something else had entered the room.

Turning around Dead Ringer’s eyes met with the unknown intruder. It stared at him, and he stared back. Slowly he smiled with a rictus of pleasure. Looks like he found something to keep himself preoccupied.

“Well my unfortunate plaything, you should be enough for me to... kill time...”

“C’mon you guys, put your backs into it,” a content Sweetie Belle said as she lounged on her book tower.

“We’re…” Scootaloo strained as she pushed the wagon. “…Trying.”

“Well try harder. Sugarcube Corner is just around the,” Sweetie Belle paused for a second, “corner.”

“We’re doin’ the best we--” Apple Bloom stopped as a thought just hit her. “Hey, wait one apple pickin’ minute! How come you get to sit on top, while we push?!”

Looking down from her tower of books Sweetie Belle simply replied, “Because I said next time I get to be on top.”

Sharing a glance with each other Scootaloo and Apple Bloom simultaneously stopped pushing, causing the wagon to grind to a halt. The sudden rock from the stop caused the books to wobble, before it came tumbling down, unicorn and all.

“OW!” Sweetie Belle cried as a couple of books fell on her.

Pulling herself out of the pile Sweetie Belle stared daggers at the two smug looking ponies. “Hey, you did that on purpose!” she accused.

Ignoring her Scootaloo proudly announced, “Hey look we’re here!” She headed inside followed by a smiling Apple Bloom and a grumbling Sweetie Belle.

As she walked in, somepony she didn’t expect to see greeted her. Somepony who instantly put a smile of shock and awe on her face. “Rainbow Dash, you’re here?!”

Turning from the counter, the one and only Rainbow Dash greeted her number one fan. “Hey squirt.” She paused as she suddenly noticed the dark bags under the excited pegasi’s eyes. “Whoa, what happened to you?”

“Uh,” Scootaloo stuttered, nervously rubbing her eyes. “Its nothing.”

Sweetie Belle walked in, looking just as shock as Scootaloo was. “Rainbow Dash?” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

Leaning against the counter in a cool manner the rainbow colored pegasus answered, “Pinkie Pie needed some help with some cupcake recipes she was trying out.” Sporting one her proud grins she coyly brushed her hoof against her chest as she boasted, “So being the good friend I am, I agreed to help her.”

“Wait a minute,” Apple Bloom interrupted. “Weren’t ya suppose ta help mah sister with the apple harvestin’ today?”

“Uh…” Rainbow Dash stuttered. Her proud grin replaced with a slightly nervous one as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her mane. “Well…”

“That isn’t very loyal of ya,” the yellow pony firmly noted.

“Hey now, I have a very good reason!” The three just stared; waiting for said ‘good reason’. Seeing them waiting the rainbow colored pegasus mind raced. “Thi-this wasn’t an easy choice,” she uttered firmly as she defended herself. “I-I was, very conflicted. Help my good honest buddy Applejack with her apples, or aid my humble friend Pinkie with her cupcakes. If I could I’d help both of them.”

“But alas,” she bemoaned in a almost Rarity like fashion, “there is only one Rainbow Dash in the world, so I was forced to make a difficult decision.”

“Yah…” a not so convinced Apple Bloom muttered. “Ah bet it was a reeeaaal hard one.”

“Glad you agree.” Rainbow Dash smiled proudly.

Looking around, Sweetie Belle noticed how quiet it was. No singing, no laughing, no sounds of things breaking. It sounded, so... un-Pinkie. “Where’s Pinkie Pie?”

Rainbow Dash gestured upstairs. “She’s upstairs putting the twins down for a nap.”

“Well how long till she--?”

“Here I am!” Pinkie Pie chimed, appearing from behind the counter from seemingly nowhere.

How does she do that?” Scootaloo whispered.

Ignoring Scootaloo’s question, and whatever Pinkie Pie really was doing behind the counter, Sweetie Belle decided to ask, “So what’s this about you making new recipes Pinkie Pie?”

“Oh?!” Pinkie beamed with utter joy. “Well lately, everypony in town has been all sad and down. And that just made me feel so bad.” The pink pony’s usual happy grin was replaced with a pout sadness, which then quickly shifted to a look of stern determination. “So then I thought, Pinkie you have to do something. And then I asked, how Pinkie? And then it hit me!”

“Let me guess,” Scootaloo quipped. “A party?”

“Nope,” the party pony simple replied.

Silence, absolute silence filled the room. The Crusaders mouths hung open as they just heard the words they- Nay! Anypony never would’ve dreamed in a million billion trillion years they’d ever hear. Pinkie Pie, party planner extraordinaire, wasn’t planning on solving Ponyville’s great depression with a party?

Seeing this, Pinkie Pie giggled loudly. “Wow! That’s the same funny face Rainbow Dash made after she asked me the same thing!”

Scootaloo slowly inched her way over to the strangely passive Rainbow Dash. “Are you sure she’s not a changeling?” she whispered.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Trust me, I thought the same thing.” She turned to Pinkie as she continued. “Pinkie, tell them what you're really planning.”

“I’m planning, the biggest, most bestest bash this town has ever seen!” proclaimed with energy. The Crusaders all responded with a sigh of relief. They forgot that when it comes to Pinkie, simple questions with her don’t always lead to simple answers.

“Everypony’s invited!” Pinkie paused as if forgetting something. “Oh, which reminds me.” She reached into her hair pulling out three invitations before handed them over to the Crusaders. “Here, please RSVP!”

The three fillies just stared at one another, a little bewildered by how Pinkie had three invitations - their names written on each one - already with her. “Um, sure…” an awkward Apple Bloom responded.

A thought came to Scootaloo as she took her invitation. “So why haven’t you thrown it yet?”

“Because I said everypony’s invited silly,” Pinkie simply answered. “I couldn’t throw one unless all my friends were there. It wouldn’t be the same without Twilight.”

“Plus,” Rainbow said with mirth. “It wouldn’t be a party if she wasn’t there to show off her maaaad dancing skills!” Pinkie and Dash both shared a laugh as the thought of their educated unicorn on the dance floor again. The Crusaders on the other hoof were slightly confused by what was so funny.

“So is that why yer tryin’ new recipes with Rainbow Dash?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Mhmm.” Pinkie nodded. “I plan on inventing a whole new flavor of cupcake just for the party! But with the Cakes away for their annual baking convention, I was short of taste subjects.”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you just taste them yourself?”

“Duh!” Was all Pinkie could respond. “Where’s the fun in baking if it’s by yourself you silly filly?”

“Wow,” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, awed by Pinkie’s energy. “You really love baking Pinkie.”

A thought suddenly hit Apple Bloom. “Yah…” she said coyly. “You must really put a lotta hard work and love into it.”

“Of course! The secret to any perfect batch of cupcakes is a baker who loves doing it!” The pink pony paused as a thought came to her. “Which reminds me, how’d you like the ones I made you yesterday? Were they every bit as good as they looked?” Pinkie was never one to boast, but if there’s one thing she loved more than making cupcakes (and eating them) was seeing how much her friends enjoyed them. To her dismay however, the looks she got from the three were not that of joy or pleasure, but of uncertainty.

“Uh,” a shy and nervous Sweetie Belle began. “Not exactly.”

A confused and slightly hurt, Pinkie asked, “Why?” She knew there was no way they didn’t like them. There isn’t a pony alive that’s tasted a cupcake from Sugarcube Corner and disliked it!

“Well ya see,” Apple Bloom paused for a moment. “We met someone who, kinda needed them more than we did.”

“Oh?” The party pony asked, her expression going from hurt too surprised. While inside she was cheering and celebrating her cupcakes were not a flop. “Well, did they like it?”

“Trust us,” Sweetie Belle stifled a giggle as the faces the changeling made came back to her. “I don’t think it-- I mean he, ever tasted anything like them.”

“Well I’m glad your friend got to enjoy it.” Pinkie wore a proud face. While she was proud her cupcakes were enjoyed, she was also proud to know Sweetie Belle and her friends were willing to share them. “So who’d ya share them with? Somepony from school?”

Each Crusader started shuffling awkwardly as they thought how to answer that question. They’d been coy up to now, but this complicated things a little. Technically the one they shared (or distracted) with wasn’t a pony.

“Um…” Scootaloo said trying to respond. “No...”

Going further Pinkie asked, “Somepony from around town?”

“No,” Sweetie Belle answered. “To be honest he’s not really from around here.” While she wasn’t giving the full truth, she technically wasn’t lying.

“WAIT! Someone new is in town?!” Pinkie exclaimed in utter horror. “And I wasn’t there to greet them?!”

The Crusaders each took a step back. What they, or Sweetie Belle had forgotten was the golden rule of Ponyville: Pinkie Pie always, ALWAYS greets the new visitors. “This will not stand!” Pinkie stomped a hoof emphasizing her point. “Rainbow Dash,” she commanded, her voice firm with authority like a captain preparing for war, “fetch my party wagon.”

“Uh,” Rainbow Dash responded giving the command some thought. “No.”

Pinkie’s serious expression was soon replaced with a goofy pleading grin. “Please…?”

“Pinkie,” Apple Bloom intervened catching the older ponies attention. “As much as everypony loves your parties--”

“Which is who we’re talking about!” Sweetie Belle interrupted, feeling the need to emphasize. “He IS a pony! That’s who he is!” Though her need to emphasize such a thing was met with confused looks plus one facehoof.

Eyeing her worry-ridden friend for a second, Apple Bloom continued. “Ah don’t think our friend--”

“Acquaintance,” Scootaloo firmly corrected. There was no way in Celestia’s name she considered their new student a friend.

“Our, acquaintance,” she empathized, shooting a glare at her orange friend, “Ah don’t think is the partyin’ type.”

“Oh...” Pinkie softly replied, her usual perky attitude faltering a little. “Okay.” If she’d learned anything from her little excursion with Cranky Doodle, was that some friends like to be left alone. Which as a friend you have to respect.

“But he is the reason we’re here,” Apple Bloom reassured.

“Oh?” Pinkie replied, some of her perk returning.

Seeing this Apple Bloom happily continued. “Those cupcakes o’ yours really left a impression on him. So we was wonderin’ if ya could make us another batch? Exactly like the ones from yesterday?”

Pinkie tilted her head. “Exactly like yesterday?”

“Exactly,” Sweetie Belle nodded. “With extra love and happiness if you can.” Hearing those words all eyes fell on the unicorn for her rather, strange order. She shrank a little realizing her blunder.

She thanked Celestia when Scootaloo broke the silence. “How exactly do you put love into food?”

Within a split second Pinkie Pie released a gasp that caught everypony off guard, then immediately jumped into Scootaloo’s personal space. “Are you saying you actually wanna watch me bake!?!”

Stepping back from the over excited pony, Scootaloo awkwardly responded, “Wait, I didn’t mean--”

“Oh my gosh! Wait here! I’m gonna get the kitchen ready!” Within another split second Pinkie was off the counter and in the kitchen. Sounds of crashing, plates breaking, and what could only be described as a jackhammer buzzing was heard from the kitchen.

“Gonna need this!”

“No not that!”


Pinkie leaped out of the kitchen with an over-excited grin. “Okay I’m alllllllll set!” She then threw her hoof around her rainbow colored friend. “And Rainbow Dash here can be my assistant!”

“What?!” she exclaimed. “Why me?”

“Because you agreed to be my helper for the day!” Pinkie reminded. “Duh!”

“Yeah,” Rainbow reluctantly agreed. “But I thought I was just gonna be--”

“You did agree Rainbow Dash…” Sweetie Belle said with mirth as she waved a hoof.

“Fine…” she grumbled to herself. She chose to help Pinkie to avoid work, that and get free cupcakes. “Lets get this over with.”

“Hold on!” Pinkie positioned her hooves together like a director trying to visualize a scene as she examined her new assistant. “Something’s missing...”

“I know! Wait here!” Pinkie quickly headed down into basement. More sounds of crashing and objects falling were heard as she searched. The Crusaders shared a confused glance with Rainbow Dash, who just shrugged showing she knew as much just as they did.

“Tada!” Coming out of the basement, Pinkie held up an apron with a cheerful grin.

Rainbow Dash looked on in absolute horror. She had never seen anything so wrong, so disturbing, so horrifying in all her life! Slowly she retreated. “I am not… wearing… that!”

Pinkie’s ears drooped, hurt by her friends words. “Why not?”

“Look at it!”

Pinkie looked at the apron then back at Dash. “What’s wrong with it?”

Her expression of horror shifted to annoyance as she directed her hoof to the words on the apron. “It says ‘Hug the Cook’,” she answered half-heartedly.

Pinkie examined the apron. The apron she held was pink with white words Hug the Cook written on it. Something she made herself, but barely found the time to use, until now. “Oh come on Dashie. Please…?” Pinkie pleaded, batting her eyelashes cutely.

“No! Way!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed crossing her forelegs as she looked away, showing her mind was made up.

“Oh…” Pinkie answered softly as her smile, along with her ears frowned. Even her hair and tail deflated. “Alright.”

Rainbow slowly shifted her head catching a glance at the scene. She bit her lower lip, trying in vain to ignore her guilt. Finally she groaned while muttering a few annoyed words to herself. Reluctantly holding out her hoof she glumly demanded, “Give it here--”

“THANK YOU!” Immediately Pinkie’s smile, along with her hair returned to its original perkiness as she shoved the apron into her new assistance hooves.

As she reluctantly started putting the apron on, Rainbow Dash’s head snapped to the watching Crusaders. They were grinning from ear to ear, trying in vain to not burst into full-fledged laughter. Giving them a stern look she pointed at hoof at them and crooned, “There’s a storm cloud with your names written all over it if you breathe a word of this to anypony.” The three just nodded, acknowledging they got the picture.

Leaning over Sweetie Belle silently whispered to the others, “Wait till Spike gets a load of this.” The others snickered in response. Technically Spike wasn’t a pony, so they weren’t breaking any promises.

“Okay! Everypony to the kitchen!” Pinkie started skipping to the kitchen only to stop, realizing she was forgetting something. “Oh, but first,” she pulled an unsuspecting Rainbow Dash into one of her trademark tight hugs proclaiming out loud, “HUG THE COOK!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Oh for Pete’s sake…” She was now considering going through with the apple-harvesting plan was the better option.

With a giggle she released her and started toward the kitchen. “Well?” She turned to Crusaders beckoning them to follow. “Come on!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle happily followed the hopping chef and grumpy assistant. Scootaloo sighed and reluctantly followed, wondering how in Celestia’s name buying cupcakes lead to this?

The entire kitchen looked like something from a cooking show. There were lights positioned in the corners facing the baking table, and there were six chairs stationed in front of the table like a viewing audience. As impressive as it was to the Crusaders, all Scootaloo was wondering is how Pinkie was able to afford all this?

Before they had chance to marvel at the scenery any further the three were immediately picked and dropped into the upfront seats. The lights went out leaving nothing but a spotlight directed at the baking area.

“Now,” Pinkie’s voiced spoke through what sounded like a microphone. “Everypony put your hooves together for… BAKING WITH CHEF PINKIE!!!

Pinkie popped up from the behind the baking counter sporting a chef's hat. She waved and blew kisses to the sounds of cheering and applause from some unknown audience the Crusaders couldn’t seem to find. “Thank you! Thank you! Its great to be back! I’m Chef Pinkie and I’ll be your baker for the day!” Reaching behind the counter she pulled out her reluctant assistant, who gave a nervous wave to the audience, the ones she could see at least. “And this is Rainbow Dash! She’s my assistant who wears the apron and asks the obvious questions!”

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom both applauded looking forward to the show. Scootaloo on the other hoof was not amused. Leaning toward the two she whispered, “I didn’t ask her to put on a show for us, I only--

“Hey! Down in front!” a familiar voice interrupted.

Turning around to the three seats behind them, Scootaloo discovered one bucket of turnips in one, one green and emotionless gator in another, and one, or in this case a second pink pony munching on popcorn while motioning the young filly to keep it down. Snapping her head back and forth Scootaloo couldn’t believe it! She was seeing two Pinkie Pie’s! In panic she frantically nudged her friends. “Guys! You gotta see this!” Instead of listening they just shushed her and continued to watch the show. Giving up the young pegasi just chalked this up to another Pinkie and her ‘Pinkieness’ and slumped into her seat, decided to just shut her mouth and watch the show.

“Alrighty right! Today I’m gonna teach you how to bake Chef Pinkie’s world famous cupcakes! First your gonna need the following ingredients,” reaching below the counter Chef Pinkie brought out different items, naming them as she brought them out one by one. “Flour, baking soda, sugar, milk, vanilla, eggs, and one happy chef!” Chef Pinkie stopped when she realized there was no happy chef in her pantry. She tugged her nonexistent shirt shooting a tense grin toward her audience. “Fear not! If a happy chef is unavailable you can supplement one for a proud nurturing parent, a nice friend, or a Pinkie Pie!” Slowly Chef Pinkie formed a pout. “Sadly, Pinkie Pie’s are a rare breed.”

“Aw…” Audience Pinkie moaned.

“But that’s not the case today!” Chef Pinkie exclaimed with a grin.

“Yay…!” Audience Pinkie cheered.

“Now lets get started.” Picking up the sack of flour Chef Pinkie cradled it; almost like it were a baby. “So first we take our bag of flour like so.”

Dash raised a brow as she watched the scene, her mind boggling by what the hay Pinkie was planning to do, and why was she staring at the bag of flour with that smile?

Slowly and softly she started rocking the bag of flour back and forth with a nurturing smile. “We then gently rock it back and forth like it’s our own little foal.”

Assistant Dash just blinked. “What?”

Feeling she rocked it enough she took the sack that she treated like it was her own child, and ripped it open so she could start started pouring. “After we’ve done that we pour it in the bowl. Now we move on to sugar.” Positioning the flour on the table, Chef Pinkie began, “So we take our sugar, and tell it a joke.”

Assistant Dash just blinked again. “What…?”

“Now remember its gotta be a good one if you want your sugar to be extra sweet. So, hey sugar?” Chef Pinkie asked the inanimate object, stifling a giggle. “What do you call a rabbit that’s-” covering her mouth with her hoofs Chef Pinkie tried in vain to suppress her laughter, “-really cool?” Chef Pinkie paused as she waited to deliver the punchline.

“A hip hopper!”

A long droning silence filled the room as everypony stared mouths agape at what they just heard. Even Audience Pinkie found that joke to be in poor taste.

Ignoring the silence and believing her joke to be a success she started pouring while grabbing the baking soda. “After that we pour it into the mix! Now we move onto baking soda. For this one, we take our baking soda, and sing it a four minute long song!”

“What!?!” Rainbow Dash bewailed, her shock and perplexities ever increasing at how Pinkie prepares her ingredients.

“Buuuuuut that takes too long, so here’s some cupcake mix I prepared ten minutes ago!” Pulling a bowl from behind her Chef Pinkie grinned with a squee.

“Uh… Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Chef Pinkie,” Pinkie firmly corrected with a smile.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Chef Pinkie. If you already had a recipe prepared, why did you bother starting over then?”

Chef Pinkie paused as the gears in her mind turned. Finally she just started laughing. “There she goes!” She pointed a hoof to her confused assistant. “Asking the obvious questions! Way to play along Dashie!”

“Uh… Actually it was a pretty legitimate question,” Dash pointed out.

“Now…” Chef Pinkie choked as she felt her eyes watering as she poured the batter into the cupcake tray. “Comes the hard part.”

“Its time,” her lower lip began to tremble as the tray shook in her hoofs, “to send our little cupcakes.” Slowly she reached a trembling hoof toward the oven. “Off to… Off to… the University of,” nearly dropping the tray Chef Pinkie broke out into tears, “O-o-o-o-venworth!”

“Oh I can’t do it!” She sniffed. Saying goodbye to the little treats she had spent a total of ten seconds with was just too hard for the little Chef. Directing the tray to her now uncomfortable assistant she ordered, “Dashie here, you do it!”

Awkwardly taking the tray from the sobbing pony, Dash delivered the tray of batter into the oven. Bawling Chef Pinkie fell against the oven door. “Oh I miss them already!”

Dink! The oven bell went.

She gasped, her tears instantly vanishing. “They’re back!” Taking her tray out, Chef Pinkie marveled at what she found. Six golden brown cupcakes ready for icing. Showing them to the audience, she announced proudly, “And as you can see, our little cupcake mix has graduated into fully baked cupcakes! Now we can move onto the fun part of--”

“PINKIE PIE!” Rainbow Dash screamed.

Chef Pinkie groaned. “Rainbow Dash, I told you its Chef--”


“What?” Chef Pinkie looked at the tray she was holding with her hoofs. Her BARE hoofs. “Oh,” she answered.

The Chef paused.

“OH…”she nodded as the realization hit her. She was wondering why her hoofs were searing with pain. “Dashie?” Chef Pinkie asked, her tone completely calm and relaxed as if nothing was wrong.

“Y-yeah?” Dash asked.

“Could you please take this for me?” Chef Pinkie asked offering the tray.

“Uh… sure…” Taking some oven mitts out of a cupboard, she took the hot tray and placed it on the table.

Chef Pinkie gave her friend a nod with a smile. “Thank you. Now if you excuse me.”


Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle covered their completely agape mouths, while Scootaloo was just looked away as their Chef screamed in pain.

“And that everypony… is why safety, is one of the most important parts of baking,” a tired and bandaged Chef Pinkie spoke sheepishly, both from the embarrassment of forgetting something so simple and all the screaming she did earlier. “I was gonna decorate them, but I think we’re gonna have to cut this short.”

“Aw…!” Everypony in the audience responded.

“Hey wait one wagon pulling minute!” a heated Rainbow Dash proclaimed, looking completely miffed. “That’s it?!”

“Eeyup!” the chef answered with a grin.

“Then why the flying feather did I have to wear an apron?!?” A small bit of foam was coming out of the enraged pegasi’s mouth.

“Duh!” Chef Pinkie answered. “To keep any cupcake mix from falling into your feathers silly!” Rainbow Dash froze. “Trust me,” the chef continued. “That’s one tough stain to clean.” The rainbow colored pony didn’t answer, she started making different faces of anger and confusion as she started grinding her jaw.

Turning to her audience Chef Pinkie announced, “Now for our viewing audience I have a surprise for you!”

The looks of sadness and disappointment on the ponies in the audience shifted to anticipation.

In an almost teasing tone Chef Pinkie ordered, “Look under your chairs.”

Their excitement turning into confusion, the Crusaders shrugged and look under their chairs. There under the middle chair was a box. Picking it up the three opened it. Immediately they were taking away by what they found; a nice freshly baked box of six cupcakes, iced and ready for eating.

Burning with anticipation Audience Pinkie looked under her chair and found... a mop. Picking it up in confusion she asked herself, “What’s this?”

“That is for cleaning. So hop to it, this place is a mess!”


Okay now Scootaloo was even more confused; the show, the Pinkie’s, and now randomly appearing cupcakes? This was almost too much to take. She would’ve let it go until another thought hit her. Walking up to the only Pinkie Pie remaining in the room, the one who was mopping the floor, she asked her, “But Pinkie? If you already baked these, then why did you bother will all this?”

Pinkie just giggled. “Oh come on! Are you really gonna question free cupcakes?” She inquired, single brow raised mirthfully.

“Yeah but--”

“Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle firmly interrupted. “She’s Pinkie Pie! We got free cupcakes! Your argument is invalid!” With a pout Scootaloo crossed her forelegs, forgetting about her question as she headed out the door, not even bothering to say goodbye to anypony. Holding the box of cupcakes Sweetie Belle headed out followed by Apple Bloom. Before leaving she turned to the sweeping pony giving her a friendly wave goodbye. “Bye Pinkie! Thanks for the cupcakes!” She giggled to herself. “And the free show!”

With a smile she waved back. “Anytime!” Pinkie paused. “Oh! And ask your friend if they can come to the party okay?!” The party pony may have been willing to respect their friend’s want to be alone, but Pinkie could never forgive herself if she didn’t give their town’s newest visitor a invitation to her party.

“Uh,” Apple Bloom said sheepishly, shifting her eyes from side to side. “We’ll drop the hint,” she finished with a nervous grin. With one final wave the yellow filly was out the door.

Finishing up her mess Pinkie found her apron cast onto the floor. Looking for the wearer she found Rainbow Dash slumped over the counter pouting in an almost childlike manner. Probably upset over the fact she and Pinkie spent more time making cupcakes for the Crusaders then their original intended purpose. That and she had to wear a pink apron.

Picking herself off the counter with a sigh she turned around to find a grinning Pinkie Pie with her hoofs behind her back in a teasing manner. “Did you think I would actually forget you silly?” From behind she pulled out a plate of freshly baked cupcakes, all draped in variants of frosting, toppings, and other goodies.

Seeing them Rainbow’s mouth nearly watered. Looking at Pinkie for the okay she nodded. Chuckling to herself she reached for one. “Pinkie Pie, you are one out there pony!”

Pinkie smiled, taking it as a compliment. “Thanks!”

Taking a red one with the white and green sprinkles on top she took a bite out of the pastry. Chewing the treat with a smile.

Pulling out a clipboard and pencil from nowhere Pinkie readied to hear and document the results. “So?” she asked with a grin of anticipation. “What do you think?”

Suddenly Rainbow Dash stopped chewing. Her lips started contorting as her cheeks puffed. Water started coming out of her eyes as she continued to make a sour face. Judging by the cupcake she chose, and the expressions she was making, Pinkie came to the scientific conclusion: that Rainbow Dash was reacting to her new Sour Flavored Cupcake.

“Too much sour?” she asked her gagging friend. Not even answering, Dash dropped the cupcake and dashed for the bathroom. Looking at the discarded cupcake Pinkie examined it, trying to figure out what went wrong? Seeing no harm she took a small bite of her creation.

Within a split second she repeated the reactions her friend made earlier. She sputtered, gagged, and even contorted her own body in reaction before collapsing to the floor. Picking herself up with what strength she could muster, she took her pencil and started documenting her findings. “… Baker’s Log: New Sour Cupcake needs less sour...” She coughed as her voiced strained to speak. “Less, less, sour…