• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 14,566 Views, 342 Comments

Star Wars: A Second Chance - Dorath

Shipwrecked on Equestria, Revan Vao, agent of the Jedi Council, tries to adjust from dealing with the nastier parts of galactic civilization to living in a land built on Harmony and Friendship.

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Ch. 5; Meeting The Neighbors, Part 1

‘Why did I agree to this?’ Revan wondered as she sat in the town hall, making a desultory attempt at finishing the paperwork that the mayor had given her, while waiting for the clock to sound noon. The arrival of a familiar purple unicorn provided a welcome distraction from the tedium of bureaucratic bookkeeping, “Hey, Twi’, come to make sure I didn’t chicken out and take off to skulk about the forest like some deranged bogeyman?”

Twilight rolled her eyes at Revan’s poor jest, before giving the Jedi a friendly shoulder bump, “I know being officially presented to Ponyville isn’t your idea of fun, but it won’t be that bad. Just say hello, answer a few questions, and it will all be over,” she put her hoof on the seated twi’lek’s shoulder, “Your friends will be there if you need us.”

“Friends, you ponies throw that word around so easily,” Revan said, shaking her head in a mix of amusement and annoyance. Glancing back at the clock, she quickly dropped her forms in a basket and returned the quill pen she had been struggling with to its holder, “Looks like it’s that time.”

Heading for the front door, the pair quickly met with Mayor Mare, who gave them a professionally pleasant smile, “Ready?”

“Not really, but let’s get this dog and pony show over,” Revan immediately facepalmed, “And that means something completely different here, doesn’t it? No, don’t tell me, let’s … just get on with it.”

The Mayor’s smile slipped a little, but she nodded and led Revan and Twilight out the door and onto the porch, where the gathered ponies of Ponyville were waiting. “Good day, mares and gentlestallions, while I realize that Pinkie Pie normally sees to welcoming new ponies to town, the Princesses thought that something a bit more formal might be called for in this case. So, allow me to present Miss Revan Vao, formerly of the Galactic Republic, and Ponyville’s newest resident. I hope you will make her feel welcome in our little town.”

Stepping forward at the Mayor’s wave, Revan forced herself to relax as she looked out at the assembled throng of brightly colored quadrupeds that were currently stomping their forehooves on the ground, “So, yeah, hi! Looks like I’m going to be living here now, so I’ll try not to cause problems, and thanks for your hospitality. Did anyone have a question or two before we end?” Twilight had been rather adamant that she should answer some of the ponies’ queries.

Several ponies immediately raised a hoof into the air, only to begin shifting awkwardly as Revan simply stared at the gathering in puzzlement, before finally looking at Twilight for an explanation, “What are they doing?”

“They’re waiting for you to call on them, like in school?”

“Huh, I’ll have to take your word for it,” Revan replied, not noticing the mortified flush that spread over the unicorn’s face, “Ah, yes, you, the pony with the magenta coat?”

“D-do, do you eat ponies?”

Revan reached up to rub at her temples, ‘Not exactly an unreasonable concern, given that they’re a bunch of herbivores and a new predator just moved in, but really now …’ “A damn alien moves into town and that’s the first question you ask? … Alight then, let’s go with that. Your question has multiple answers, depending on how you meant it, but the simple answer is no, I don’t eat ponies, unless I have their consent,” Revan leaned forward a little to leer at the pony, her tone turning coy, “Why, are you offering?”

A mixture of shock, disapproval and amusement ran through the crowd, as Applejack chided the Jedi, “Stop teasin’ ponies, ya perverted polecat, this ain’t tha time or tha place for yer games! Ah swear, as if one Cloud Kicker wasn’t bad enough, now we got two of ya ta keep tha town all riled up.”

The ensuing laughter lightened the mood of the gathering, “Fine, I’ll try and keep my libido on a leash, just for you, AJ,” Revan grinned at the farmpony, “But I make no promises about later.” Looking out at the ponies, she spotted a few hooves still raised, “You, the pink unicorn, you had a question?”

“What is it that you do?”

“You mean professionally? I used to be a soldier and then I was an operative for the Order, but currently I’m on medical leave,” Revan gestured to her arm in its sling, “Once I heal up … I don’t really know … I guess I’ll figure something out. Chaos, I can always go back to mercenary work if nothing else turns up.” Choosing a final pony to ask a question, Revan raised her voice slightly, “You, the grey pegasus, what is your … wow … your eyes are really pretty.”

“T-thank you,” the wall-eyed mare stammered, her cheeks flushing at the sudden compliment, “The Mayor said you come from a ‘Galactic Republic’, are more of your ponies, umh, folk going to be coming to Equestria?”

Revan mulled the pegasus’ question over for a bit, then looked her in the eyes (or as best as she could) as she answered, “Based on my talk with the Princesses, as well as the circumstances of my arrival, I honestly believe the chances of someone following me, or simply stumbling across this system, are vanishingly small.” Revan looked out at the crowd as she continued, “Well, I think I’ve wasted enough of your time. Again, thank you for your welcome, and I bid you all a good day.”


“Whatcha thinking about, Twi’?” Rainbow asked as she lazily flapped through the forest’s shadows.

“I was just wondering if Revan will be waiting for us again,” Twilight replied, “Every other time I’ve dropped by, it was as if she was expecting me. Granted, the last visit was pre-planned for our trip to Canterlot, but it’s still curious …”

Rainbow smirked at her friend, “She’s a super warrior, just like I said,” she punched the air in victory, “Take that, AJ! And I bet she’s got all sorts of awesome stories to tell!”

“Just don’t press her too hard, Rainbow, okay? I know she tries to play it off like her past doesn’t hurt her any, but according to my books that really isn’t a healthy approach, and I don’t want to accidently push her away before we can get her to open up.”

Rainbow flapped over to gently hoof her friend in the shoulder, “No worries, egghead, we’ll play it cool until Revan’s more comfortable around ponies. Now come on, they’re waiting for us!”

True to Twilight’s suspicions, Revan was waiting for the ponies when they entered the clearing, “Heya, girls. Something I can do for you?”

Rainbow waved at the Jedi, “Nah, we were just going to grab some lunch, and thought we’d invite you along.”

Revan raised a brow and glanced at Twilight, who smiled innocently, “Please?”

Revan considered the two ponies for a time, before finally shrugging, “Eh, why not. Something other than ration bars would be a nice change.”

The trio bantered back and forth as they walked back into town, even if it mostly consisted of Revan listening while the two ponies talked about the local going-ons, or as Twilight chided Rainbow about having overdue books out at the library. As they finally neared their destination, the Jedi’s eye widened, “We’re going there?”

“Yes,” Twilight confirmed, “Sugercube Corner is the local bakery, and serves some very nice dishes.”


Rainbow grinned at Twilight behind Revan’s back, before pulling the door open so that she could precede the two ponies into the darkened bakery.

“Surpri--” The cheerful shout died as Revan threw herself backwards to land ten pony-lengths away in a crouch, a sword made of light suddenly in her hand.

‘Okay, that’s awesome, but completely bucking uncalled for!’

“What the hay is wrong with you?!” Rainbow yelled, swooping over to the twi’lek.

Revan swiveled to face the irate pegasus, her lips pulled back in a snarl, “Ambush …”

“It’s not a bucking ambush,” Rainbow roared as she resisted the urge to grab Revan by the shoulders and shake her, “It’s a bucking surprise party!”


“A surprise party,” Twilight repeated as she reached the pair, her voice was calm, but the twitching of her eye showed that she was close to losing her own control, “A social function to welcome you to Ponyville and help you make friends.”

“A social function?”


“To help me make friends?”


Revan deactivated her light sword with a crackling snap and returned the cylindrical handle to her belt as she looked up at the nervous ponies peering out at the confrontation from the door and windows of Sugarcube Corner, “Frelling chaos.”

“Yes,” the two ponies said in unison.

Revan turned away, only to find Rainbow blocking her path, “And where do you think you’re going?”

“Away of course. What do you expect me to do after snapping like that?”

Twilight reached up and carefully placed a hoof on Revan’s shoulder, “You could apologize, explain that you don’t like surprises, and stay for the party.”

“Apologize? What, say ‘I’m sorry for losing it and terrifying you’, and all is forgiven? Just like that?” the Jedi asked doubtfully.

The two ponies nodded, Rainbow pointed expectantly back at Sugarcube Corner while Twilight gave an encouraging smile. With a resigned sigh, Revan headed back to the bakery and the waiting ponies, the pegasus and unicorn falling in beside her.

“Surprise?” Pinkie and a scattering of other ponies called out tentatively as the trio stepped through the door.

“Yeah, uhm, so, I’m sorry I freaked out on you all there, but I really don’t like surprises, they set off all my old instincts. It was kinda nice of you to try, though …” Revan looked at the gathering for a few moments while an awkward silence filled the bakery, before turning to her escorts, “What am I supposed to do now?”

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle shared a facehoof.


Revan slowly passed through the gathered ponies, exchanging greetings and pleasantries, a cup of something Pinkie had called “sweet tea” in her hand. Despite a slight lingering undercurrent of nervousness, most of the ponies seemed to have already moved past her earlier … blunder, ‘Huh, guess Rainbow and Twi’ were right.’

The sound of music floating through the room drew Revan over to a corner where a trio of ponies were clustered around a mint-green unicorn who was playing some kind of miniature harp, ‘And just how is she doing that with hooves, anyway?’ The rest of the little group consisted of the grey pegasus from the Mayor’s meeting, a beige earth pony and a lavender pegasus, “I know you.”

“Name’s Cloud Kicker,” the pegasus replied, holding out a hoof, “Nice to finally be able to talk. This is Ditzy Doo and Bon Bon, and that’s Lyra Heartstrings playing.” Revan shifted her cup to her other hand for a moment so she could shake the offered hooves.

“You were there with the other girls when I woke up, and kept an eye on me along with AJ and Rainbow,” Revan recalled.

“Eh, I was just helping out the boss, that’d be Rainbow, and Twilight,” Cloud openly studied the twi’lek for a moment, a slight smile on her lips, “So what’s it like to bang aliens?” the mare’s blunt question brought a fit of giggles from Bon Bon and Lyra, while Ditzy shook her head in indulgent amusement.

‘So, it’s like that, is it?’ Revan grinned at the cheeky pegasus, “About the same as ‘banging’ anyone else, I’d guess. Once you adjust for any physical or cultural differences, it’s all good fun,” she winked at the ponies around her, “Tentacles take a bit of getting used to, but it’s so worth it.” Leaning down slightly, Revan purred, “Maybe we could share notes, sometime?” she smiled as Cloud’s ears perked up, and an answering grin spread across the pony’s face, “But currently we’re at a party, and I’ve already danced on one social landmine today.” Revan turned her attention to Lyra, who was smirking happily at her and Cloud, “Your music is wonderful.”

“Thank you,” Lyra inclined her head at the twi’lek’s compliment, “Do you play?”

“Play? No. I love music, but I’ve never learned.”

Lyra’s eyes narrowed slightly in consideration, “Sing, maybe?”

Revan blinked at the unicorn, “A little, yes,” her admission immediately brought forth a deluge of requests from the four ponies.

“Will you sing us something?”

“Oh, oh, a song about space?”


The ponies fixed Revan with a quartet of pleading, slightly pouting looks, ‘So damn cute, it’s not fair! Shields failing! Mayday!’ “Alright! Alright! I’ll sing something, just stop with the looks, okay?”

Will you do me a favor, Piano Man please?
I want you to write me a song ..
They call me the hero of Antelope's Run
And I gotta show them they're wrong.

From their place over near the windows, Applejack and her friends watched with growing approval as the Jedi, an oddly shy smile on her lips, entertained the growing crowd of eager ponies, “Ah think Revan might jus’ be off ta a good start.”

Author's Note:

Revan is singing Some Kind of Hero, by Leslie Fish, and while I'd like to include the full lyrics, my concerns about possible copyright issues prevent me from doing so. In (poor) compensation, here is a link to a YouTube recording of Some Kind of Hero.