• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 14,566 Views, 342 Comments

Star Wars: A Second Chance - Dorath

Shipwrecked on Equestria, Revan Vao, agent of the Jedi Council, tries to adjust from dealing with the nastier parts of galactic civilization to living in a land built on Harmony and Friendship.

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Ch. 26; Developments

Celestia hefted her halberd carefully as she eyed her teacher, while nearby Luna flared her wings, causing her wingblades to glitter in the early evening moonlight that washed over the WestHoof training field they had appropriated for their match. The two alicorns separated and began to slowly circle the grinning twi’lek that stood between them in a relaxed guard-stance, her lightsaber humming, as she waited for the sisters’ attack.

A small crowd of murmuring ponies had gathered at the edge of the field, as often happened whenever Revan took the princesses’ training outside the classrooms, but the three combatants ignored them. Such distractions had no place during the “fast game” as Revan called it, when live blades and full use of Force-abilities meant that any misstep could have fatal consequences.

The alicorns didn't even glance at each other as they shifted position, they would know when it was the right time to engage, and when that moment happened, the sisters lunged forward, Celestia aiming high while Luna swept her wingblades low. Their blades failed to bite, however, as Revan twisted between their attacks, and then leapt over and past the princesses before one of them could crush the twi'lek under their bulk.

The two whirled about, only for Celestia to stumble as a telekinetic strike slammed into her flank. Fortunately, Luna's protective presence prevented Revan from following-up on the temporary opening in the elder diarch's defenses, and once her guard was firmly back in place, Celestia quickly joined her sister in pressing the attack, slowly driving their instructor across the field.

Although Celestia's muzzle lacked the wolfish grins that adorned Luna's and Revan's, she still felt pride as a year of regular training scrubbed away at the millennium's worth of rust that had coated her old martial skills. ‘Some more time regaining our abilities and Lulu and I, okay, let's be honest, Lulu will have poor Revan completely outclassed in physical combat,’ the solar alicorn mused, indulging in a moment of reflection as she circled around where her sister and teacher were currently exchanging blows.

She pulled up short as Luna and Revan unleashed simultaneous Force-pushes at each other, while the lunar princess stumbled a few steps to the side before regaining her balance, the Jedi was hurled several pony-lengths away, only to roll to her feet and call her lightsaber back to her hand with a cheerful laugh as she shouted, “Good!” at Luna.

:Sister,: Luna's thoughts whispered in Celestia's mind, :Let us claim the high ground, and remind Revan Vao of what it is like to be the less mobile combatant.:

Celestia shot her little sister a brief smile, and then the two alicorns rose into the air on strong beats of their wings, hovering above the twi'lek that was shaking her fist at them from the ground.

“Getting cocky are we, my vod?” Revan shouted up at the princesses, just before her hand shot out and sent a bolt of lightning streaking at Celestia. The elder diarch spun her halberd and caught the bolt on the blade, encasing it in a crackling web of lethal electricity for a moment, before she flicked her weapon and sent the lightning thundering into the ground.

‘Oh, my … I didn’t know we could do that …’ with the ease of long practice, Celestia kept her surprise from her face as she watched the Jedi below her who gazed back with an odd look. Revan shifted her stance, and then more lightning thunder forth from her hand, directed this time at Luna, who trapped and held the bolt on her wingblades.

Holding the charge bound her wings, however, and as Luna plummeted towards the ground, she freed her wings by the simple expedient of sending the lightning back to Revan, who deflected the blast into the earth at her feet in turn.

“Celestia! Luna! Fall in, front and center!” the alicorns exchanged uneasy glances as they landed to stand before their instructor, who still wore that odd expression as she returned her saber to her belt and considered her two senior apprentices. “That. Was. Awesome!” she suddenly trilled, lunging forward to wrap an arm around each diarch’s neck in an exuberant, three-way hug, “I wish Twi’ and RD had been here to see that!” Revan continued in a happy babble, as she literally bounced with glee between the princesses, “Even old man Jutzu would have to crack that stone face of his and admit he was impressed by what you two just pulled off!”

“Thou are pleased with us then, Revan Vao?” Luna asked as she gave the beaming Jedi a small nuzzle, “In truth, I had not realized that we could capture and redirect lightning in such a manner until I observed ‘Tia do so.”

“Actually, I had no idea we could do such a thing either,” Celestia admitted with a small, embarrassed laugh, “It just … sort of happened,” she continued with a vague wave of her hoof.

Revan pulled back as far as she could without releasing the alicorns from her hold to fix them with a stunned stare, “The both of you just … stumbled onto an advanced Defense technique that is still beyond me? During a full-contact spar?” she laughed as her hug tightened once again, “Ah, my vod, my wonderful, crazy, ori’vod, you and our madcap vod’ika back in Ponyville may well be the death of me.” Finally stepping back from the sisters, Revan wiped a tear away from her eye, “The both of you devour Jedi and Sith lore, history and philosophy as fast as I can dredge it out of my memory. You’re solid on physical training, weapon skills and core Force abilities, and you’ve both attuned a weapon to the Force … I think you’re ready ….” The Jedi took a deep breath, and then fixed the two with a stern look as she proclaimed, “Aspirants Celestia and Luna you are relieved of your obligations as apprentices for the next three days so that you may prepare yourselves and make arrangements for your duties to the Thrones. On Saturday morning, Discord and I will come for you, and your Trials will begin.”


Cadance's ears drooped slightly as she made her way into the ancient mines beneath Canterlot palace, 'I'm a big filly,' she thought to herself crossly, as she fought down the urge to shiver, 'And I will not be afraid of these caves … even if they are creepy and full of bad memories.' Despite herself, she quickened her pace as brighter lights came into view, spilling into the tunnel from one of the side chambers.

Gratefully entering the light of several glowstone lanterns, and even a few torches, Cadance smiled at the two ponies within, “Good evening, Twily, Blue.” Her cousin and sister-in-law returned the Princess' greeting as she walked over to join them on the benches that some thoughtful pony had brought in to make what had become a de facto waiting room more comfortable.

“How was court today, Caddy?” Twilight asked as she absently scratched the ears of the possum – Tiberius, Aunt Luna's new pet – that she held cuddled in her forelegs.

“Tiring,” Cadance admitted, “On top of the usual politics everypony kept asking 'Where are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?' 'When will they return?' 'Well why don't you know how long this “testing” is supposed to take?',” the Princess of Love groaned and rubbed her muzzle with a hoof, “I know that they're concerned, but seriously ponies, asking me the same questions every third petitioner isn't going to magically change the answers.”

“The nobles have good reason to be anxious,” Blueblood pointed out, “Auntie 'Tia and Auntie Luna have been down in these caverns for a week, and no pony has heard from them or Legate Revan this entire time. Discord is raising the Sun and the Moon, when he is not off in the mines as well, and whenever anyone tries to ask him what is going on, he just gets that smug grin and winks at them!” Blueblood ran a hoof through his mane, ruining its fashionable styling, “I'm worried about my Aunts,” he admitted as he threw an uneasy glance at the massive door that had just appeared, likely courtesy of Discord, weeks ago at the far end of the chamber to seal off the tunnels beyond.

Cadance moved over to wrap a comforting wing around her cousin's shoulders, “It will be okay, Bluey, Auntie Luna and Auntie 'Tia can look after themselves, besides they have Discord and Revan with them in case something goes really wrong.”

Silence filled the chamber as the three sat quietly for a time, until the sound of hoofsteps in the tunnel heralded the arrival of almost a dozen ponies, only for the new arrivals to come to a startled halt as they caught sight of the trio of nobles.

“Yes?” Twilight inquired as she turned to face the new arrivals, “Can we help you … Wiggles? What are you doing down here?”

“Hello, Miss Twilight,” the earth pony nodded politely, “We came down to … well, I’m not rightly sure, we just all felt we had to be here, for apprentices Celestia and Luna.”

“That is Baroness Twilight and Princesses Celestia and Luna to you,” Blueblood snapped testily as Cadance and Twilight both frowned at his tone, “I will thank you to show the Royal Family the respect they deserve.”

“Of course, your Highness,” a young, blue-coated, unicorn stallion replied with a bow as his coral aura flared to wrap around the mouth of white pegasus teen with a wild, red and orange mane, “My fellow students meant no insolence, they have merely taken the Princesses’ informality a bit too much to heart.”

Blueblood sniffed in disapproval while a little unicorn teenager, not much bigger than a filly, stepped forward to stare wide-eyed at Twilight, “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! You're Twilight Sparkle! Princess Celestia's personal student! The Element of Magic! You actually completed the Dragon's Egg test! You scored in the top five-percent of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns graduates of all time! Eeee--”

An earth pony teen cut the tiny unicorn off by the simple expedient of sticking his hoof in her mouth, before turning apologetically to Twilight, while shooting nervous looks at Blueblood, “I'm sorry, your Ladyship, but Licorice is a big fan of yours, and she gets carried away some. She didn't mean no disrespect, honest she didn't.”

The librarian silently stared at the two ponies for a few nerve-wracking moments, before her muzzle stretched in a massive grin as she happily squealed, “I have FANS!” Scooping up the diminutive teenager, the two unicorns retreated to a corner of the chamber and immediately immersed themselves in a conversation about, as far as Cadance could understand, academics and magical theory, while an annoyed Tiberius squeaked from where he had been left on the bench, and the poor colt stared after them in bewilderment.

“Silver Chaser! Take that gag off Blaze! The two of you can flirt on your own time,” snapped an older unicorn mare as she dropped onto the bench Twilight had just vacated. The blue unicorn and white pegasus exchanged horrified looks at the mare’s words and quickly fled to opposite sides of the chamber, as the rest of the newcomers chuckled and sought seats of their own.

Shaking her head in amusement, Cadance sat beside the mare who seemed to be in charge of these ponies and picked up Tiberius, “So, Auntie 'Tia and Auntie Luna's fellow students all decided to check on them, Mistress ….”

“River Breeze, your Highness,” the unicorn replied with a slight bow, “Yes, we all got this feeling that we should be here, and since 'trusting your feelings' is an important element of Force training … here we are.”

“Well, I always thought Revan was a very 'gut-instincts' kind of mare,” laughed the alicorn, turning, Cadance smiled at the gathered ponies, “I want to thank you all, I know it would mean a lot to my Aunts that you came down here to support them. The rest of the Royal Family and I are also very touched by your actions, even if Blue can't bring himself to admit it,” she added, giving her cousin a teasing smirk.

“Really, Cadance?” Blueblood whined, incidentally doing an excellent job of puncturing the regal and pompous air he usually tried to maintain, “Must you be so casual with the common-ponies?”

The princess tapped a hoof on her chin meditatively as she considered Blueblood's complaint, “Hmmm … yes, Blueblood, I believe I must,” her smile widened as the stallion sighed in exasperation.

Any further ribbing between the Royals was interrupted as, with a loud and melodramatic creak, the heavy door opened to reveal a pair of bedraggled, battered and bruised alicorns, with their weapons leaned tiredly across their shoulders.

Blueblood, Cadance and Twilight immediately rushed to the diarchs' sides, their cries of “Aunties!” and “Princesses!” cutting through the uproar that had broken out.

“W-what? Cadance? Blueblood? Twilight? How did ...” Cadance felt oddly pleased at seeing her Aunt caught flat-hoofed for once as Celestia and Luna wrapped their wings around the younger ponies and Tiberius happily climbed onto his mistresses head, “Not that we aren't glad to see all of you, but … how did you know to be here at this time?”

“Caddy, Blueblood and I have been spending as much time as we could spare down here waiting for you,” Twilight explained.

“Actually, Aunties,” Cadance added with a sly grin, “Bluey has spent more time than he could spare waiting and worrying about you,” she and Twilight burst out in a fit of giggles as a furiously blushing Blueblood was nuzzled by his aunts.

“That explains why our Niece, Nephew and Twilight Sparkle were waiting for us,” Luna observed, “But how did our fellow apprentices known to be here at this time?”

“The Force,” Wiggles replied, as her companions all nodded or shrugged in agreement.

“Truly? Huh.”

“Well?” Blaze demanded eagerly as she trotted over to the little group, “Did you do it? Did you pass the Trials?”

“We might find out if someone could get their flanks out of the door and let the rest of us in,” Revan groused from behind the Princesses.

The little group sheepishly moved away from the door to make way for Revan, looking just as disheveled as her senior apprentices, and Discord, “Thanks,” looking over the gathering, Revan gave an amused shake of her head, “This is unexpected. Still, no point on dragging things out.” Turning to Discord, the twi'lek drew herself up and clasped her hands behind her back as she bowed her head slightly, “Master Discord, I ask you to render your judgment on aspirants Celestia and Luna.”

Discord grinned and snapped his fingers, suddenly draping himself in an open-fronted black robe and a long, grey-white curly wig, as he began to circle Luna and Celestia while contemplatively stroking his beard. After a few moments of this, he returned to Revan's side, “After due consideration, I must, reluctantly, find … that Cely and Lulu have passed their Trails!”

Revan nodded, “I concur,” with the twi’lek’s agreement, Discord snapped his fingers again, and now everyone was wearing a party hat (even Tiberius), while mariachi music played from the air.

Unfortunately, Revan's roar of “We're not finished yet!” cut off the festive atmosphere just as it was beginning. Handing her hat to Twilight, the Jedi unclipped her lightsaber from her belt and took the ignited blade in a two-handed grip, the point towards the floor, “Celestia, Luna, this is your oath, to be without fear in the face of your enemies. To seek justice but strive for mercy. To speak the truth, unless it would do greater harm. To follow your conscious, even if it leads to your death. To safeguard the helpless and respect all life, regardless of its form. Will you so swear?”

“I will.”

“I will.”

Raising her saber, Revan brought it down to hover a breath above Celestia's shoulder, than arched it over to do the same with Luna, “Celestia Astralis, I dub you Knight-Seer, Luna Astralis, I dub you Knight-Warden,” she declared. “Now we celebrate!” Revan added with a grin, shattering the solemnity of the moment.


The group had put their party hats back on and relocated to Donut Joe’s, most of them, anyway (with his Aunts’ well-being confirmed, Blueblood had returned to his apartments, while Discord had said something about his judging talents being needed in Las Pegasus). The impromptu party had been going on for a few hours; when Cadance decided to have a few words with the twi’lek, “Revan, I have to ask, why would you have Discord of all ponies evaluate whether Auntie Luna and Auntie ‘Tia passed their tests?”

After glancing around to confirm that the other ponies were currently wrapped up in their own conversations, Revan gave a jerk of her head and led Cadance off a little ways, “Mostly, it was simple pragmatism. I needed Discord’s help to run the Trials anyway, and his antagonistic relationship with Celestia and Luna made him a good counter to my own bias.” She paused to take a sip from her mug and continued, “My ori’vod deserved an honest Trial, and I think Discord let me give them that.”

“Well, I’m glad to have all of my Aunts back,” Cadance remarked, as she picked up an éclair from the table to nibble on, but the obvious confusion on Revan’s face sent her into a small fit of giggles, “You never realized, did you? When you made Auntie ‘Tia and Auntie Luna your Sisters of Choice, you also became an Aunt to me and Blue. It’s the same with Twily and her friends, when you made them your Sisters, you got their families as well,” the alicorn gave the twi’lek a small shoulder bump, “Congratulations, your part of one of the largest extended families in all of Equestria.”

“I hadn’t thought about it like that,” Revan admitted, “This’ll take some getting used to ... wait, does that mean Rarity and Blueblood are ….”

“… Yes.”

The two just stood there for a moment, grinning at each other like a pair of fools, and then Cadance eagerly proclaimed, “I call dibs on telling them!”