• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 14,567 Views, 342 Comments

Star Wars: A Second Chance - Dorath

Shipwrecked on Equestria, Revan Vao, agent of the Jedi Council, tries to adjust from dealing with the nastier parts of galactic civilization to living in a land built on Harmony and Friendship.

  • ...

Ch. 34; Epilogue

“I’m home!”

The patter of tiny hoofbeats rang through the crystal halls as a four-year old, azure pegasus filly with a black-streaked, purple mane came scurrying out of a doorway, her wings flapping excitedly, “Momma!”

“There’s my little girl!” crowed Revan as she scooped up the giggling filly and nuzzled her, “Where you a good girl for your Mommy today, Missi’?”

“Uh huh! I pwayed with Pum’kin and Pound, and later I hewped Mommy and Spikey in the wibrary, and then Mommy, Spikey and me made a book fort!”

“Sounds like someone had a busy day,” the Jedi observed as she carried her daughter deeper into the Palace of Friendship, “So where are your Mommy and Spike now?”

“In the kitchen,” answered Mission eagerly, “Spikey is making vegetabwe stew and garwic bread for dinner!”

The sound of wood smacking flesh and a cry of “Ow!” suddenly echoed down the halls, causing mother and daughter to exchange amused grins.

“It sounds like your Mommy just tried to sneak some garlic bread,” Revan said as she tickled the filly in her arms, “Let’s go save her from your big brother’s wrath.”

Walking through the halls of the nearly empty palace, they quickly came to a large kitchen that had be altered to serve double duty as a family dining room. Inside, Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, was embarrassedly rubbing one hoof while Spike, her Number One Assistant, glared at her from beside the stove as he shook a wooden spoon at her. A tray of bread was cooling on the counter near Twilight, filling the air with the smell of hot butter and garlic.

Gently lowering Mission into one of the seats, Revan walked over to kiss Twilight, “Hey, pika.”

“Hey, yourself,” the alicorn grinned up at her wife, “I was wondering what was keeping you, is everything okay at the Academy?”

“Everything’s fine,” the twi’lek assured her, “Although Licorice and Nightfall will be ready for their Trials soon. No, I just stopped in at the Palace for a brief word with Celestia is all, and then I ran into Rarity and Rainbow at Canterlot Carousel.”

“I know Rarity went back to Canterlot to work on her new line,” remarked Spike as he stirred the pot, “But what was she and Rainbow up to together?”

“Apparently, there’s a reception at the Palace for the Wonderbolts tonight and an aerial show tomorrow,” Revan explained as she went to fetch cups and bowls from the cabinets, “And Rainbow invited Rarity along.”

“So, what did Celestia want?” asked Twilight as she got up and helped set the table.

“Oh, she just wanted to talk about getting you a personal guard detachment again.”

“She’s still going on about that?” the alicorn gave an exasperated sigh, “Caddy didn’t have any guards assigned to her until she took over the Crystal Throne, so I don’t understand why Celestia is so eager for me to get some, and what would I do with guards anyway?”

“They could assist the Ponyville gendarme and patrol the edges of the Everfree,” Revan suggested with a shrug.

“And they can enforce the library return policies,” proposed Spike, causing the others to break out in a fit of giggles, “What? Some of those books have been overdue for months!”

The room was filled with random small talk for a time as the family enjoyed their dinner, until Revan finally pushed her empty bowl away with a satisfied sigh and a word of thanks to Spike, before she turned a considering eye on Twilight, “You know, Twi’, I’m thinking we should take a little time to get away as a family.”

“We could visit the other Equestria through the Mirror!” suggested Spike eagerly, which brought an enthusiastic “Yeah!” from Mission.

“I don’t know ….”

“Is something wrong, Twi’?”

“Not wrong, really, it’s just …” Twilight suddenly became fascinated with her cup as a small blush spread across her muzzle, “I sort of asked Sunset to not mention that I was married or had a daughter to any of the other girls.”

Mission’s muzzle fell, “Did I do something bad, Mommy?” she asked forlornly.

“What? No! No, sweetie,” Twilight quickly moved over and wrapped her wings around her little filly, “It’s just that everyone is much younger through the Mirror because of the temporal distortion and they all think that what they’ve seen is my actual age, and I was uncertain about how understanding they would be.”

The little pegasus frowned at her mother in confusion, before turning to Revan for a translation.

“What Mommy is saying, Missi’, is that she got scared and forgot to trust her friends, and then she did something even more silly, and that she’s very sorry for what she did.”

Mission’s eyes grew wide as she stared up at the alicorn, “Mommies get scared?”

“Yes, sweetie,” chuckled Twilight as she nuzzled the filly, “Even Mommies can get scared. I’m sorry, Mission, I never meant to hurt you but I did anyway … can you forgive me?”

“I forgive you, Mommy,” the pegasus said as she wrapped her forelegs around her mother, “But I stiww want to go meet my other Aunties,” Mission added, turning the full force of her big, pleading eyes on Twilight, with Spike quickly joining in.

Revan had to give Twilight credit, she held out against the pouting younglings for almost a minute before she caved, “Okay, okay, I’ll write Sunset and start looking into when would be a good time for a visit.”



Revan reached across the table to ruffle Mission’s mane, “Who taught you how to do that with your eyes anyway, or is it just something all Equestrians can do?”

“Appwe Bwoom was teaching Spikey and me.”

“‘Spikey and I’, sweetie,” corrected Twilight, while Revan shook her head in amusement.

“Of course she did,” the Jedi chuckled, “Trust your cousins to weaponize cuteness.”

“So, we’re really going back through the Mirror to visit?” Spike pressed as he finished off the last of the garlic bread.

“Well, not right away,” replied Twilight, “It could take a while to get everything scheduled, but, we will go, just as long as no major problems come up, of course.”

Revan, Mission and Spike all looked at each other, before turning back to Twilight and, in perfect chorus, all three of them said “Murphy jar!”

Author's Note:

And we end with a “Happily Ever After”.

I would like thank all of my readers for their time and comments, you guys rock. :pinkiehappy:

While I ever do a sequel? The answer to that is a resounding Maybe. While I can see the potential for sequels or side-stories, I don’t want to make promises that I may not be able to keep. In the end, all I can do is hope that I (or someone else) will do more with this story one day.

Once again, thank you all, and happy reading!

Whoops, I almost forgot, if anyone has any questions (loose ends, unfired Chekhov's guns, whatever), please feel free to ask me in the comments and I'll answer as best I can.

Comments ( 31 )

Twilight Sparkle, I am shocked and dismayed! You just incorrectly corrected somepony's grammar! Any proper grammarian would know that "me and Spikey" is perfect acceptable, given that "me" on its own would be acceptable! At worst, it might have been better structured as "Spikey and me," but that's pushing it!

It'll be sad to see this story finish, but I'm content it finished on a high note. Great writing!

You should at least do a one shot of them going to the mirror world lol I wanna see that hilarious reaction.

Congratulations on finishing it up! I've really enjoyed reading this story. :twilightsmile:

This has been a joy to read but the timeskips of the last couple of chapters were a bit jarring to me. First you just jump to the wedding and then Tirek is there and they actually have child already (with no sign of either of them being pregnant or even considering having one) and then an undetermined amount of time later for the sequel. Sorry if I sound harsh but this kind timeskips combined with out of the blue child was born in between chapters just broke the story flow for me.

I think I'll start a Murphy Jaw myself. Love the story. It was a great read.:twilightsmile:


And so ends the only good Star Wars crossover I've seen in this site. Excellent story and I'm a bit sad to see it end.

And so the story closes... but the adventures are only just beginning...

You've created a story I think many will enjoy for years to come, and for this, I say well done!

7921202 :rainbowhuh::facehoof: <hangs head in shame> correcting to be more incorrect ...

7921510 I am thinking about it, but I'm currently running into two primary problems:

A) Can I come up with enough to make an actual story instead of just a scene?
B) Which is funnier, Revan gets turned into a human, or she gets turned into a talking horse?

7921559 I'm glad you enjoyed the story, and I'm sorry about the flow problems.

I'm currently trying to come up with a better way to address the passage of time for the last two chapters. Hopefully I can get something half-decent for the "The Story is Finished" final edits.

7922134 7921190 7921166 7921282 7921547 7921891 7922005 Thank you for your support and kind words :twilightsmile:

Damn shame that it's over, I really enjoyed this story. That being said, an idea for a sequel: long after Revan is dead, the Clone Wars erupt in the galaxy at large, in this struggle, Anakin and Obi-wan get sent to the location of a disturbance in the force: Equestria. However, unknown to them Assaj Ventress is also on her way to Equestria, leading to the war arriving upon a peaceful planet.

7925841 Personally the turning into a human is funnier to me, as twi'leks and most major aliens in the Star Wars universe think we're universally stupider than most other races.

7926536 Heh, and then Obi, Ani and Assaj get to meet a pair of Masters who follow a weird mish-mash of Jedi, Sith and Harmony lore, and who's experience and general power makes both Yoda and Sidious look like first-day younglings :pinkiecrazy:

7928523 :rainbowhuh: really? I did not know that ...

7928972 Indeed. In other words, it would be absolutely glorious.

7928977 yeah if you read a lot of the novels a lot of races state their opinions of humans ranging from them being stupider, more barbaric and even insulting our senses.

7929683 well then, Human it shall be :pinkiehappy: (whenever I manage to get it written ...)

I'm starting a Murphy Jar and the money collected will be used for repairs incase of damages because someone couldn't keep their mouth shut.

7980236 it's an resident evil 7 quote from the old man from the game

7980738 Ah, that explains it ... I don't follow Resident Evil (well, except for those cheesy live-action movies :pinkiecrazy:)

7982944 in overall that was a really good history my good sir, i likes it!

Memory refreshed. Now to reread first chapter of the new story and wait.

Im a fan of Kotor and swtor, i know she not revan but cant help but imagine it revan or a descendant fo revan ending up in equestria. Everyones always about vader but revan a good character if given a chance. I wish they did more with revan before disney got the rights to star wars. I think bioware should done a trioilogy series similar to mass effect where focus was just around revan himself/herself. Kotor 1-3 all about revan. Swtor to me i wish wasnt an mmo and was on console.

I greatly enjoyed this fic. Shame arent more kotor/swtor and mlp crossovers,always with the mainstream star wars series we see with mlp. I want see more involving revan, the exil, emperors wrath, darth non/imperius, and other kotor/swtor era character in mlp.

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