• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 14,568 Views, 342 Comments

Star Wars: A Second Chance - Dorath

Shipwrecked on Equestria, Revan Vao, agent of the Jedi Council, tries to adjust from dealing with the nastier parts of galactic civilization to living in a land built on Harmony and Friendship.

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Ch. 1; Any Landing You Can Walk Away From

Log Entry 289:
I’m still not sure why the Order sent me after this Felanil Zhug character. Why is a smuggler and tomb robber so important? Still, Master Neece was explicit, “Pursue him wherever he may flee, and bring him back alive”. Considering how far out on the Rim I am, I hope this Zhug is worth all of this effort. Maybe he knows the location of a cache of holocrons or a lost temple? Or did he do something to get one of the senators after him?

Log Entry 290:
I tracked Zhug to an empty system with some help from my contacts in the bounty hunter guilds. No habitation, chaos, not even any planets! Just a K-class star, and an old hyperspace buoy. And I mean old. The thing looked like it predated the Mandalorean invasion. I managed to slice some of the files, and it turns out that someone downloaded a set of hyperspace coordinates from it only two days ago. It’s the only lead I have right now, so it looks like I get to play explorer and set out for Wildspace.

Log Entry 291:
Ten days down, and another 4 to go according to the navicomp. Wherever this system is, it is definitely isolated from the charted portions of the galaxy. Maybe Zhug is looking to lie low for a while? I just hope nothing goes sideways, or things could get charlie foxtrot very easy being this far out into the unknown. Wait, did I just … oh crap! I just invoked Murphy! Crap! Crap! Crap!

A jarring alarm shrieked through the confines of the old Fireshark-class blastboat, dragging Revan Vao, Jedi knight and former mercenary, out of a maintenance hatch and towards the cockpit at a dead run. The cyan-skinned twi’lek threw herself into the pilot’s chair as the ship shook around her and warning displays flashed on the monitors. “Caught between two mass shadows? How is that even possible?” Revan wondered as she grabbed the flight stick and braced for an unplanned, and uncontrolled, reversion to realspace.

As hyperspace collapsed around the ship and more alarms began to blare, Revan felt a chill clawing at her spine as she realized that a vitally important sound was conspicuously absent, just as a new set of alerts flashed on the main monitor.

Damage Control
* Hyperspace Drive: Offline
* Main Engines: Offline
* Maneuvering Thrusters: Offline
* Navicomp: Offline
* Long Range Sensors: Offline
* Concussion Field: Offline
* Ray Shielding: Offline
* Reactor unstable, automatic failsafe systems engaging.
* Current course will result in collision with planetary mass. Alter course at once.

As her ship hurtled at the blue-green planet that was quickly filling her viewport, Revan had only one thing to say, “Frelling Murphy.”


Rainbow Dash, self-proclaimed fastest flyer in Equestria and future Wonderbolt, was lazing on a cloud, indulging in a little early-evening sky gazing, when her solitude was broken by a blonde-maned, lavender pegasus landing beside her. “Slacking off again, boss?”

Rainbow turned a half-serious glare at the newcomer, “Shouldn’t you be off tormenting Blossomforth, or trying to seduce somepony, Cloud?”

“Blossom is busy tonight, and what do you mean trying to seduce somepony?” Cloud Kicker asked, her attempt at sounding wounded by Rainbow’s jibe ruined by the grin that stretched her muzzle.

Rainbow simply rolled her eyes at her old friend’s antics, before looking up and pointing into the sky, “Hey, a shooting star! Cool!”

The two ponies watched the streak of light for a few moments in companionable silence. “I think it’s going to hit Mount Everfree,” Cloud observed, her interest in the distant object sharpening.

Rainbow started to nod her head, then stopped, her magenta eyes going wide, “Cloud, did you see that?” she asked uncertainly.

“Yeah ...”

“That shooting star just changed trajectory, right?”

“Not by much, but yes Rainbow, it did.” Both mares were now on their hooves, staring intently into the night. A moment later, the pegasi reflexively squinted their eyes against the sudden flash of light in the distance as the supposed shooting star impacted with the Everfree Forest.

“I gotta go see this!” Rainbow Dash declared, a quick flap of her wings pushing her off the cloud to hover in the air, “Hey, Cloud, go get Twilight, huh? I bet we could use that big brain of hers to figure out what that is!” she tossed over her shoulder before disappearing towards the distant forest in a multi-colored streak.

“Damn it, Rainbow, wait!” Cloud Kicker yelled futilely at the dwindling figure. With a resigned sigh, Cloud began flying towards Golden Oaks Library to fetch Ponyville’s resident polymath.


The shooting star had torn through the Everfree, leaving shattered trees and a trench gouged in the earth to mark its passing, before coming to a rest a few hundred pony-lengths from the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow Dash landed not far from the end of the furrow, gazing in wonder at the strange object before her. It looked like it was made of metal, whatever it was, and definitely had a manufactured feel to it. Partially buried in the dirt, flickering lights spilled out of the rents and gashes that marred its side, while part of it seemed to have crumpled in upon itself, and Rainbow could feel the heat radiating off it.

‘Aliens!’ Rainbow thought excitedly, ‘Just like in the comics!’ Her slow approach to what she was now certain was a starship came to a stop as a hatch suddenly slid open, revealing a figure backlit by the same wavering lights that poured out of the tears in the ship’s hull. Bipedal, the creature looked like it was maybe a head or two taller than Rainbow, and had black skin, except for on its hands and head, where the skin became the same light blue as Rainbow’s own fur. Instead of a mane, two short tentacles descended from the back of the alien’s head, while it kept one foreleg wrapped around its barrel. ‘No, bipeds call those arms.’

Actually, the alien looked pretty bucked up to Rainbow. Its left arm was hanging limp by its side, it was covered in blood, there were several lacerations marring its strange, muzzleless face, and … ‘Oh Celestia! Its right eye is gone!’ Her previous elation replaced with shock and concern, Rainbow took a step forward, her movement drawing the injured alien’s attention.

For a long moment the pony and alien merely stared at one another, when a hissing roar from within the ship broke their daze, ‘Dragon?’ Rainbow wondered in confusion, just before shooting flames and a pressure wave blasted out the ship’s open hatch, rolling over the alien before slamming into Rainbow and smashing her back into a tree, driving consciousness from her.