• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 14,567 Views, 342 Comments

Star Wars: A Second Chance - Dorath

Shipwrecked on Equestria, Revan Vao, agent of the Jedi Council, tries to adjust from dealing with the nastier parts of galactic civilization to living in a land built on Harmony and Friendship.

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Ch. 10; Winter Holiday, Part 1

The cutting winter wind blowing through Ponyville station made Twilight glad she was wearing her scarf as she stood inspecting her saddlebags, a checklist held in her magenta aura, “Dark glasses, check, spare paper and quills, check, personal letters for Shiny and Caddy, check, books for the train ride, check, Hearth’s Warming gifts, check …”

“It should be nice to see your family for Hearth’s Warming,” Fluttershy murmured, “even if you are technically on royal business.”

“Indeed, darling,” Rarity said, as she reflexively reached out to adjust Twilight’s scarf, causing the librarian to roll her eyes good-naturedly at the white unicorn’s fussiness, “First the Princess’ personal student, and now Emissary to the Crystal Empire! Your star is certainly on the rise!”

Twilight blushed, uncomfortable with Rarity’s praise, “I’m just deliver some papers for Celestia, is all, there’s nothing for anypony to get worked up about.”

“Of course, darling, of course, there is nothing special about your trip at all,” the fashionista agreed, only to lean towards Twilight with a playful grin, “That only leaves the question of why the Princesses asked Revan to accompany you as your personal guard, hmm?”

“It’s nothing like that!” Twilight protested, “The Princesses just wanted Revan to get out and meet ponies, to see some more of the world, that’s all, nopony is actually taking this ‘personal guard’ thing seriously.”

“Are you sure?” asked Fluttershy, as she waved at the figure trudging through the snow towards them.

Reaching the trio of ponies, Revan pulled herself to attention while she raised a fist to her breast in salute, “Revan Vao, reporting as requested for security detail, Emissary Sparkle.”

“Not you too!” Twilight moaned in dismay.

Revan maintained her stiff pose for a few moments before she cracked a smile, “You’re just too easy sometimes, Twi’,” she said as she reached out to scratch the unicorn’s ear, causing Twilight to blush even more as she unconsciously leaned into the Jedi’s fingers.

While tittering inside at the picture the two presented, Rarity felt herself compelled to break in on their moment, “Revan, darling, don’t you have anything warmer to wear?”

Revan glanced at the other unicorn while her fingers continued their work, “I’m not exactly rife with clothing options, Rares. Anyway, I can deal with the cold, as long as it doesn’t get to bad, it’ll just drain me is all.”

“Unacceptable!” Rarity dug in her own saddlebags for a moment, before she pushed a wrapped package into the surprised Jedi’s arms, “This was supposed to be your Hearth’s Warming gift, but I simply insist you open it now.”

Twilight pouted slightly as Revan stopped scratching the unicorn’s ear to stare at Rarity in confusion, “Gift? Hearth’s Warming? What?”

“Hearth’s Warming is a celebration of harmony and the power of friendship, and also marks the anniversary of the founding of Equestria,” Twilight expounded, dropping into lecture mode, “One of the primary traditions, along with pageants and carols, is the giving of gifts to friends, family, and loved ones.”

“But I didn’t get anyone anything …”

“None of that now,” Rarity brushed aside the Jedi’s protests, “Open your present before you catch cold.”

Faced with Twilight and Fluttershy’s curious looks and Rarity’s expectant one, Revan shrugged and tore through the wrappings, “Oh,” she half-whispered as she stroked the densely woven red cloak in her arms, “Thank you, Rarity.”

“You’re very welcome, darling,” the fashionista replied with a smile, “Now get bundled-up, the train will be boarding soon.”


Having bid farewell to their friends, Twilight and Revan eagerly grabbed seats in one of the cars. Seeing as the train was only half-full, the car they choose was empty except for themselves and a family of four earth ponies. “How long is this trip supposed to take, anyway?” Revan asked as she stretched out in her seat.

“About four and a half days, unless we hit bad weather,” Twilight answered, as she got comfortable on her own couch, “The Princesses have really put a lot of effort into improving the rail lines between Equestria and the Crystal Empire. It took us two-and-a-half days the first time the gang and I went to the Empire on a guard express train, and then we had another two days on hoof before we reached the Empire itself.”

“Your first time … That would be when the Empire and Sombra returned, right?”

Twilight nodded, “Yes, it was a pretty scary experience.”

“You girls do seem to have a nasty habit of going up against some heavy-hitters; Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, Chrysalis,” the unicorn felt her cheeks redden as Revan reached over to tousle her mane, “I wouldn’t mind hearing the boots-on-the-ground version of what happened, though, if you feel up to it.”

Twilight chewed on her lip for a moment as she considered the Jedi’s request, ‘It’s over and we won, even if I do still have the occasional nightmare,’ before she finally nodded and began her tale.


As the day wore on, the pair passed the time with talking, reading or by exchanging stories, with Revan providing the occasional tactical appraisal of one of the unicorn’s adventures. While Twilight found the Jedi’s opinions and insights to be interesting from a purely intellectual standpoint, the ruthlessness frequently involved, particularly Revan’s casual assertion that she would have simply concentrated on killing one or two of the mares during the trip through the Everfree to confront Nightmare Moon, left the unicorn rather unsettled.

After turning in, Twilight found the memories brought back by her talk with Revan, coupled with the newly identified bloody possibilities that she and her friends could have faced, left her unable to sleep. After what she suspected was a few hours of restless tossing, a shadow loomed over the startled librarian, but before she could ignite her magic, Revan’s voice whispered out of the dark as she wrapped another cover over the unicorn, “Sleep, Twi’. It’s alright, I’ll keep you safe.”

Her unease soothed, Twilight finally slipped into sleep before her tired mind could ponder why she found Revan’s words so comforting.


The smell of coffee, scrambled eggs, pancakes and haybacon teased Twilight back to consciousness, leaving her blinking blearily up at a grinning Jedi from where she was curled under her covers, ‘Why am I wrapped in Revan’s cloak?’

“Fall in, soldier,” Revan cheerfully bade the sleepy unicorn, “I brought you some chow, but if you don’t claim it right quick, these bandits will steal it,” she pointed over to the two giggling little foals that shared the car with them, both of whom were watching the breakfast tray with avid interest.

Faced with the threat of losing her breakfast, Twilight quickly made the decision that her bedmane could wait, despite how horrified Rarity would have been at the concept, and set to with gusto, although she did pause to ask, “Aren’t you having anything?” in between mouthfuls.

“I grabbed a bite earlier,” Revan replied, “You got a little something there …”

The unicorn wiped her muzzle, “Oh, yes, thank you for the loan of your cloak.”

“It was nothing,” Revan replied sheepishly as she took back the proffered garment, “You looked cold.”

‘That seems reasonable,’ Twilight nodded in response, ‘Revan appears a bit flustered, I wonder what’s wrong?’ “I still appreciate it. Did you sleep well?”

“I don’t sleep much,” Revan shrugged, “Haven’t for years.”

Twilight put down her mug and frowned up at the Jedi, “Prolonged periods of insomnia are often indicators of physiological or psychological distress. Have you spoken to a doctor about this?”

“I’m fine, Twi’,” Revan waved aside the librarian’s concern.

“If you’ve been having trouble sleeping for years, you are by definition not ‘fine’,” Twilight disagreed, “You know you can always talk to me or the other fillies. Please, let us help you.”

Revan considered Twilight for a moment, then snatched up the breakfast tray, “You should get ready for the day. I’ll take these back to the dining car,” Twilight sighed in disappointment as she watched the Jedi flee the car.


As Twilight ran through her pre-disembarking checklist she thought back over the ups and downs of the past few days. Revan had continued being uncommunicative in regards to her chronic insomnia, indeed, she would withdraw into herself if Twilight tried to press her on the issue, and the unicorn found the ensuing cold silences particularly painful, although she could not clearly articulate the reason why, even to herself.

Aside from those occasional snags, Twilight found she had enjoyed the trip, whether talking with Revan, just reading together, or playing with the foals who shared their car. Twilight giggled to herself as she recalled how confused Revan had been when she and the two foals tried to explain the concept of a pillow fort to her. Once the Jedi had finally caught on, however, she had been quite enthusiastic in her assistance with the construction project.

Picking up the red cloak from beside her in her aura, Twilight walked over to where Revan was currently stretched out on a coach with her nose buried in one of Twilight’s Daring Do novels, “Thank you for your cloak, again, Revan.”

The Jedi shifted awkwardly in her seat, her cheeks darkening, “Yeah, you just …”

“Looked cold?” Twilight asked, “It appears that I have ‘looked cold’ every night of our trip so far,” she smiled at the Jedi, “It is very kind how you worry about me,” leaning forward, she nuzzled her friend affectionately.

Revan gave an uncomfortable cough, then quickly changed the subject, “So what’s with all the headwear?” she gestured at Twilight’s wide brimmed hat and dark glasses, “My briefing said we would need eye protection, but the Princesses didn’t actually tell me why.”

Twilight took a seat as she began her lecture, “The sunlight within the Crystal Empire is particularly intense, and can be damaging to the unadapted eye. It is believed to be due to a combination of the strong northern sunlight, a focusing effect that appears to be a byproduct of the magical dome that mitigates the worst of the sub-arctic weather, and the reflective qualities of the buildings and ponies of the Empire itself. Immigrants and long-term visitors get surgery to acclimatize their eyes to the extreme light, while short-term visitors rely on hats and dark glasses when outside,” she gestured to her own accessories, “You did bring something to protect your eyes, didn’t you?”

The Jedi rolled her eye as she dug into her pack and pulled out a pair of dark, wrap-around goggles, “I used to use these eye shields when I was doing repairs on my ship. If they can handle arc welders and laser torches, I think they’ll be good for some pumped-up sunlight.”

The train gave a lurch and its whistle let out a long blast, interrupting whatever response Twilight would have made, “We must be coming into the station,” she observed as she wrapped her saddlebags in her magenta aura and readied her scarf.


Having disembarked, the unicorn and twi’lek stood off to one side, letting the platform empty as they took in the glittering buildings – and ponies – of the Crystal Empire, “Wow.”

“I know,” Twilight agreed, “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

Revan looked out at the locals sparkling in the winter sun, “Are those ponies actually made of gems?”

“Not at all,” Twilight shook her head, “Their crystalline appearance is a byproduct of the Crystal Heart’s magic. When crystal ponies travel away from the Empire, their appearance become much like that of any other pony, although their coats and manes usually retain a distinctive gleaming quality.”

“Huh,” the Jedi considered Twilight’s explanation of the crystal ponies’ unusual looks, before she drew herself up and took a step toward an approaching figure, “Heads up, Twi’, we’ve got incoming.”

The stranger, a thestral mare in the purple livery of the Crystal Empire Legion, stopped a few strides away and saluted smartly, “Emissary Twilight? I’m Commander Schmetterling, Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor send their regrets that they could not met you personally, and have requested that I escort you to the royal apartments. Their highnesses will join you as soon as their duties permit.”

“Thank you, Commander, this is my friend, Revan Vao,” the Jedi nodded politely to Schmetterling, but maintained her watchful demeanor, “Well, I guess we should be going.”


“I appreciate your assistance with Twilight, Schmetterling,” Mi Amore Cadenza, Cadance to pretty much everypony, sovereign of the Crystal Empire, Princess of Love, and foal-sitter first-class, said to the thestral walking beside her, “However, I was wondering what impressions you gained of her bodyguard.”

“It’s no problem at all, Princess,” Schmetterling replied, “If I may ask, what did Princess Celestia tell you about this Revan pony?”

“Not much, I’m afraid,” Cadance grumbled, “Auntie ‘Tia was being enigmatic again. All she would tell me is that Revan is an alien, from outer space, who is stranded here, that she is friends with Twilight and the other Bearers of Harmony, that she was a knight, military not noble, back home, and that she has ‘issues’,” Cadance raised her forehooves to make air quotes on the last word.

The thestral stopped to gape at her liege, “We have an actual alien in the palace, and she’s a knight as well?” Schmetterling reached up to rub the bridge of her muzzle, “A space knight like something out of a bit novel, wonderful, how is Shining Armor not geeking out over this?”

“Oh, he is,” Cadance giggled, “He’s just doing it quietly. But that’s part of why I want to know your take on her.”

Schmetterling tapped a hoof on her chin, “My impression of her was … mixed, Princess. Her speech was pleasant, if somewhat coarse, during our trip to the palace, and she was often jesting with Emissary Twilight, or commenting on how wondrous she found our city to be. Her more subtle behaviors, on the other hoof, were less affable. She was constantly checking on every sudden noise or movement, and she tensed up whenever anypony came near. While such behavior could have merely been protectiveness of her charge, it did not feel so … benign to me,” the thestral shrugged and continued her report, “Based on my limited interaction with her, I believe Dame Revan is truly fond and protective of Emissary Twilight, but I also fear she may be a, at least borderline, berserker.”

Cadance frowned in thought, “So you think she could be dangerously unstable, but she may just be taking her duties as Twilight’s guardian very seriously, and either way, you believe she does care for Twilight. Wonderful,” she sighed, “The situation has the potential to become either horrifying or heartwarming, depending on which it is and how her relationship with Twilight and the other Bearers develops.”

As she opened the door to the royal quarters, the sound of a raised voice from deeper within caused the two ponies to pause just within the threshold, “Damnit!”

“Let me see.”

“Eh, it’s just bleeding a bit.”

“Give it here.”


“Give it here.”

Cadance grinned as she motioned to Schmetterling to be quite and slipped into the suite, the two ponies quickly stole up to the kitchen doorway and peeked within to find Twilight calmly sucking on the finger of a markedly red-faced Revan. The princess and her soldier watched the scene for a few moments, until it became too much for Cadance, “D’aww.”

Whirling around, Twilight let out a happy squeal as she saw the ponies in the doorway, “Caddy!” dropping to the ground, she and Cadance began their traditional chant-and-dance greeting.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake … clap your hooves and do a little shake!”

Cadance folded a beaming Twilight into a hug, while Schmetterling kept her face impassive at her sovereign’s display, and Revan simply stared at the two mares with a goofy smile on her face, “You know, Twi’, I usually have to pay a cute girl to shake her ass in my face like that,” the Jedi jested, smirking at the unicorn.

Blushing furiously, Twilight hoofed her friend in the shoulder, “Caddy, this vulgar mare is my friend Revan. Revan, this is Princess Cadance, my sister-in-law and the best foal-sitter in the history of foal-sitters!”

Cadance smiled at her little sister’s new companion, “Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Revan,” she extended a hoof for the Jedi to shake, “So, what were you two doing that got you a cut finger?”

“Twi’ wanted to have dinner waiting when you and her brother got back,” Revan explained with a shrug, “Since she isn’t the cook that Spike is, and I’m no cook at all, we haven’t finished yet,” she nodded at the kitchen counters where the chopped vegetables for a salad lay spread out while a pot of soup bubbled on the stove.

“So I see. Thank you for accompanying me back to the apartments, and for sharing your insights with me, Schmetterling, I hope you have a pleasant evening,” dismissed, the thestral excused herself as Cadance turned back to the kitchen, “Shall we finish getting dinner ready, then?”


Soon after they finished setting the table, Shining Armor returned to the happy squeals of Twilight and much hugging, Cadance smiled contentedly at the siblings’ display, while Revan rolled her eye in amusement.

Sitting down to their meal, the ponies happily caught up with each other’s lives, although Cadance observed that Revan said little, apparently content to merely watch and listen as the others shared their gossip and anecdotes. Shining had also noticed the Jedi’s reticence and tried to draw her out, “I imagine Ponyville must seem rather quite compared to traveling between the stars as a knight-errant. Have you been able to keep yourself busy?”

“I do get restless on occasion, but mostly I do odd jobs around town or go hunting in the Everfree to keep myself distracted. And there’s always drinking, and frelling for my downtime, since there isn’t much to fight, although I find I’ve been spending a lot of time at Twi’s library since I arrived,” Revan replied easily, oblivious to Twilight’s facehoof and Shining’s shocked look at her bluntness.

“That does it,” growled the mortified librarian as she raised her face to glare at her friend, “When we get back to Ponyville, I’m having Applejack and Rarity teach you some tact!”

Revan merely chuckled at Twilight’s embarrassment, “I think they can find a better use for their time than wasting it trying to put polish on a gutter rat,” her self-denigrating words drawing an exasperated sigh from Twilight.

Despite its rough beginning, the by-play between Twilight and Revan finally drew the Jedi into the conversation around the table, and she was soon cheerfully answering the crystal royalties’ questions, teasing Twilight or tossing off acerbic comments, all of which was observed with interest by Cadance.

As the night wore on and the discussion wound down, Cadance turned the little group’s attention to the coming day, “While most of tomorrow will be free for whatever you two might have planned, we are holding a soirée in the evening to celebrate Hearth’s Warming, and Shiny and I would like you both to attend,” she laughed at the sour look her request brought to Twilight’s face, “This won’t be as stuffy as the Gala, I promise. Really, how Auntie ‘Tia puts up with it year after year is beyond me! But I’m afraid it will be somewhat formal, since it will be the actual celebration for the royal court.”

Shining nodded in agreement as he joined in, “We decided to hold the official observance on Hearth’s Warming Eve, that way the palace staff could spend the holiday itself with their families,” he grinned at his LSBFF as he continued, “The ambassadors will probably be the same as the ones back in Canterlot, but the local nobility aren’t nearly as pompous, even if they are tremendously old-fashioned.” Shining ducked as Twilight groaned and threw a dinner roll at him.


“But I don’t want to leave you all alone on Hearth’s Warming Eve!” Twilight protested as she and Revan walked down a palace hall on their way to drop in on Shining Armor.

“You’re not leaving me alone,” the Jedi countered, “I’m giving you some personal time with your brother and sister, it’ll just be for a few hours. Besides we have that court function tonight, so it’s not like we won’t see each other today,” the twi’lek raised a hand in greeting to an approaching thestral, “‘Morning, Schmetterling.”

The legionnaire commander nodded politely to the pair, “Good morning to you, Dame Revan, Emissary Twilight, I couldn’t help but overhear your discussion, if I might offer a suggestion? Dame Revan could spend her time with the Legion while we train. That way you may enjoy your time with your family, Emissary, secure in the knowledge that Dame Revan has not been left forlorn, while you,” the thestral nodded her head at the Jedi, “can see some of how we do things here in the Empire. And perhaps we can learn a bit from your experiences out among the stars.”

Twilight chewed on her lip uncertainly as she looked back and forth between the two warriors, “I don’t know … are you sure you’ll be okay with this, Revan?”

“It’ll be fine, Twi’,” the Jedi reached out to give her friend’s shoulder a gentle squeeze, “I could do with some stretching, and I would like to see how you ponies train. Now you go and see your brother,” as the unicorn finally continued on her way down the hall, Revan turned to Schmetterling, “Shall we be off, Commander?”

Author's Note:

This chapter was … surprisingly difficult for me to write. Hopefully it won’t be too disappointing …