• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,752 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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7: Fire and Ice

(Music plays)

As new music filled the air, Mega Man knew he was coming up on another of the Robot Masters. Recognizing the song as it started, he expected to see a blazing field and a fire themed robot master. Instead, he found himself driving down a straight road through a frozen landscape as howling winds blew snow across his view. Polar bears and arctic wolves were visible in the distance, watching and waiting. Penguin bots slid along ice floes on their bellies, and a single curl of fire smoke rose to the sky from in front of an igloo.

As he stared around in confusion, a roar tore through the air, and a huge white wolf leapt onto the road, racing alongside Rush. On the wolf's back, Freeze Man stared down at Mega Man, his arms crossed over his chest. Like the others, he too had changed. His body had become even slimmer, his torso coated in a dark blue paint like a jacket, with Vinyl's symbol - the upside down horseshoe illuminated with a waving sound light - in the center of his chest. Instead of ice on his joints, there were spikes of ice along the outside of his arms, and one on either side of his head, which was now slicked back in an aerodynamic manner, completely bare. His eyes were dark pits in his face.

He stared down at Mega Man. Mega Man stared back. They remained locked in that tableau as they raced down the road, only the music and the wind giving life to the scene. In the distance, the wolves howled. For a frozen moment, the music stopped.

Mega Man's eyes hardened.

Freeze Man's eyes glinted.

As the music picked up again, Mega Man drew the sword Beat had given him. In the same breath, Freeze Man conjured a sword of ice around his arm. The blades clashed between them as Rush took control of the driving, leaving Mega Man free to focus on the duel.

Holding his sword in both hands, Mega Man swung with all his might, trying to slash through the ice so he could strike at Freeze Man directly. With every strike, however, the ice sword thickened, sealing off the damage each successive blow did. Freeze Man, for his part, fought a purely defensive battle, watching Mega Man's moves and countering them, not actually striking back.

As Mega Man paused his assault to rethink his strategy, Freeze Man went on the offensive. Crafting a second sword around his other arm, he swung both in rapid succession, forcing Mega Man to block the incoming strikes desperately. One swing he was forced to evade sheared right through the road, showing him just how sharp the ice was.

As Rush swung outward on the road, Mega Man was relieved to see that Freeze Man was giving him the breathing space. Noticing the difference in height the giant wolf was giving Freeze Man, he decided on a desperate gamble. "Rush, keep the balance." With that said, he leapt upward, bracing his feet on Rush's seat. Rush looked startled, but carefully balanced himself as he swerved back to the middle of the road.

Freeze Man stared noncommittally, not even seeming amused. He merely raised his swords of ice to deliver more strikes. Mega Man pulled his sword back, his new position allowing him to put more force behind the blows. However, the ice of the blades still proved too thick to shear through in a single swing, and by the time he reached the next swing, the sword had already repaired the damage with new ice. He could tell he would need a new strategy.

As he leaned back, he noticed that while the blade part of the ice swords was thick and hard to cut through, the ice around Freeze Man's own arms was thinner, to allow for more flexibility for swinging. A desperate gamble came to mind.

This is going to hurt... Mega Man grumbled. Taking the sword in his right hand, he switched to Junk Shield. As the next blade came towards him, he didn't block. Focusing the junk shield around his body, he took the blow. He gritted his teeth as the blade sank into his left shoulder part way and stuck there. Before Freeze Man could react, he spun his whole body to add impetus to the swing of his blade, shearing right through Freeze Man's wrist, taking both hand and blade with it.

Freeze Man rocked back, staring in confusion at his missing hand, his other blade raised defensively. Acting quickly, Mega Man took his sword in both hands and brought an overhand chop down on the remaining wrist. Despite servo damage, he succeeded in shearing through, leaving Freeze Man with two stumps.

Before Mega Man could strike again, his left arm hung limp, the hand clutched around the hilt of the sword. Thinking quickly, he ripped the ice sword stuck in his shoulder out, reversed it, and drove it into Freeze Man's chest, right above the symbol. Falling back onto Rush, he clung tightly, setting out the Junk Shield to protect them both from what part of him was certain was about to happen.

As he'd expected, Freeze Man exploded violently, a wave of ice blasting across the entire landscape, tearing it apart with the sheer force of it. Junk Shield burnt out just trying to protect Mega Man and Rush from the force of it. They both went flipping through the air like leaves on the wind. Desperately, Rush shifted to Jet mode to catch Mega Man as they came down, making their way back to land before shifting back to Cycle.

A silhouette of Freeze Man flowed through the air to Mega Man, infusing him. His shoulder repaired itself as his armor turned a pale blue, a snowflake appearing upon his chest. A similar image of the wolf flowed into Rush, and he let out a deep growl as his entire body glowed, a new function unlocked.

Mega Man let out a sigh of relief as he kept going forward, hoping he was ready for whatever came next.

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