• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,752 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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7: Bursting Free

(Suggested Listening)

As Mega Man raced down the road, he caught sight of one of the first Robot Masters waiting for him. The musical reshaping of perception had changed Burst Man, making him far sleeker in design. His bombs now rode in a large pack on his back instead of being stored and generated in his chest compartment. His blue and gold armor now flowed over his form in a wave pattern, and he now launched his bombs by reaching into his pack and lobbing them forward into a stream of bubbles from his shoulders. As Mega Man arrived, he hurled a floating bomb into the side of a building, racing in on his hydro-cycle to swipe everything that wasn't nailed down and blow up anything that was.

Growling through his grin, Mega Man revved Rush to full speed in pursuit of Burst Man. The Robot Master, on spying Mega Man's approach, immediately turned to flee, hurling a few of his wrapped bombs back over his shoulder at Mega Man, who dodged each one as they floated towards him. Once past the first volley, Mega Man extended his buster and charged up a blast. As soon as he had a clear shot, he took it.

The charged shot slammed into Burst Man, causing his hydro-cycle to buck and lose speed. Burst Man lifted it into a wheelie and spun around, launching a barrage of bomb bubbles across the road at all elevations, forcing Mega Man to turn Rush to dodge between them and jump over them to avoid major damage and loss of speed.

After a time, Burst Man spun back forward to maneuver through the damaged roadway in an attempt to pull ahead, and Mega Man was able to line up for another charged shot. This time he was closer to Burst Man, and was able to line up the shot far more easily, and the power of the blast was able to tear through the empty bubbles Burst Man sprayed behind him as a smoke screen.

The pattern continued several times, each time Burst Man keeping up the bomb bubble waves for longer before focusing on forward momentum again, and each time losing more of his lead from the blasts Mega Man was able to land, his bond with Rush making it easier for him to maneuver through the waves of bomb bubbles. Before long, Mega Man was able to pull level with Burst Man, ready to blast him right off his cycle.

Before he could, Burst Man leapt from his hydro-cycle to Rush's handlebars, letting the hydro-cycle spin and crash. "Nice ride!" he laughed. "Think I'll take it!" He then lunged forward, attempting to throw Mega Man off of Rush.

Letting Rush take over steering, Mega Man lifted his arms, grappling with Burst Man and struggling to stay on board. Each pushed against the other, trying to push the other off. When the grapple showed no sign of victory for either party, both broke it at the same time. Mega Man leapt to his feet, balancing on Rush's seat just in time to duck Burst Man's first punch. He quickly countered with a punch to Burst Man's torso, aiming for his internal storage.

The pair continued to trade blows, punches and kicks flying back and forth, interspersed with bomb bubbles or buster shots. Burst Man tried to use the bomb bubbles to push Mega Man off the cycle, but Mega Man leapt over or ducked under them as they approached, managing to counter each incoming blow.

As Mega Man prepared for a lunge, he was caught off guard as Burst Man tackled him onto the cycle, pinning him beneath him and pushing his head down towards the road. "Just give up!" Burst Man insisted, growling. "I'll take your life, and your ride!"

"Hands...off..." Mega Man growled, struggling to push himself up.

"No chance!" Burst Man insisted, only to flail as Rush braked sharply, going into a stoppie with his back wheel high in the air, causing Burst Man to flip over the handlebars. "What the?"

"I said," Mega Man countered as he leapt up, tackling Burst Man off the cycle as Rush picked up speed again, "hands off my dog!" Catching hold of Rush, Mega Man dragged Burst Man against the road as they raced down the road, letting the friction inflict damage rapidly. Catching sight of the still spinning hydro-cycle, Mega Man got Rush to brake, launching Burst Man forward into the cycle before unleashing his last charged shot.

Burst Man and his cycle exploded in a blazing inferno, bursts of fire launching up like fireworks. As Mega Man raced by on Rush, a ghostly image of Burst Man floated out of the blast and flew towards Mega Man, infusing into him. When the light faded, Mega Man's blue armor had turned orange, and the burst symbol of Burst Man's weapon had appeared on his chest.

Danger Wrap acquired, Mega Man's systems intoned as he raced onward. He idly wondered exactly how useful such a weapon would be...and decided that, for once, he'd actually test it, and use it against the next Robot Master he came across. With luck, it would prove effective. Reaching a hand to his head, he straightened his glasses, then put his fingers to his ear. "Mega Man to Dr. Light. Come in."

"I read you Mega Man," Dr. Light replied. "Although...I'm not entirely sure how to feel about what's happened to me or my lab."

Mega Man blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I'll explain when you come in to get Rush a tune up," Dr. Light replied. "What do you have to report?"

"One Robot Master down," Mega Man replied. "Burst Man has been terminated. Seeking out the next Robot Master."

"Alright," Dr. Light replied. "Good luck!"

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