• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,752 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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9: Recruitment 1

Vinyl sighed softly to herself as she looked over what was on her agenda for today. She had decided it was time to really get started on the Mars Terraforming project, so she could show everyone that an entire planet could function with humans and robots acting as equals. She'd already sent over a good portion of inactive worker-bots that would be assigned to whatever Robot Master was assigned to oversee any particular area of the project. As was habit by now, she'd managed to divide the work into eight specific areas, and she would need eight Robot Masters to oversee them.

Her first impulse was to build eight new Robot Masters to do so, but a pet project of Albert's had given her other resources: the Robotic Reclamation Requisition. This organization was meant to find Robots who had been built for a specific purpose who would no longer fulfill that purpose - whether through becoming obsolete or through planned obsolescence of the scientist or company that originally oversaw the robot's construction - and arranged to have them reassigned to a new purpose rather than being destroyed. At Albert's insistence, Vinyl agreed to see if any robots from that project that could fill the roles before building eight new ones to do it, and had given Albert the eight workloads so he could sift through to find bots that fit those criteria. Eight potential Robot Masters had been found.

And now, Vinyl faced what, for her, would be the most difficult part of it: the interview process. "Next," she called out in resignation.

The first robot to walk in was a somewhat bulky orange, white, and black robot with a standard humanoid body shape. There was a green gem in the center of his chest, a faceplate covering everything but his eyes, and a spray-nozzled buster instead of a right hand. However, when he took his seat, he covered the buster with his left hand as though he were patiently interlacing his fingers.

"Name?" Vinyl asked calmly.

"I wus given the name Concrete Man," the robot responded, a thick New York accent coloring his voice, which for some reason put Vinyl in mind of the Godfather movies. "It is my understanding you have...a job for me?"

"I...might," Vinyl admitted. "However, first I need to ask you a few questions."

"I prefer to get jobs done with...as few questions asked as possible," Concrete Man pointed out. "Good for me, good for the union." He narrowed his eyes slightly. "You do give your workers proper union representation, don'tcha?"

Vinyl rolled her eyes behind her glasses. "If you get the job, feel free to unionize the robots under your directive," she grumbled. "It says here you were in construction?"

"Yes," Concrete Man confirmed. "Buildings, statues, parks...you name it, I built it."

Vinyl nodded. "Alright. How are you with working in adverse conditions?"

Concrete Man shrugged. "If the conditions aren't conducive to construction...I make them conducive."

Vinyl grinned widely. "Good. Your job will be overseeing the construction of any and all structures required for the Terraforming of Mars, starting with enviro-domes to act as shelters until a stable M-Class atmospheric envelope can be created and maintained."

"I will not let you down," Concrete Man promised as he made his way out.

"Next!" Vinyl called out.

The next Robot Master to enter was a bright green armored humanoid with a finned helmet and fan blades around his left wrist. What immediately caught Vinyl's attention, however, was the fact he was wearing a brown over-robe speckled with 'mystic' symbols.

"Uh...have a seat," Vinyl requested nervously.

"I would rather stand," the robot proclaimed, his voice somewhat wheezy and with an insufferable smugness filling it.

Groaning, Vinyl looked over the paperwork. "It says here your name is...Tornado Man-"

"That was my robo-slave name!" the robot refuted, looking down his nose at Vinyl. "My true name is Zephyr, the Sky Lord!" As he proclaimed this, he posed dramatically, either not noticing or not caring that his every action seemed to irritate Vinyl further and further.

"Right..." Vinyl grumbled as she looked back in the paperwork. "So...you were a weather-bot-"

"Please!" 'Zephyr' interrupted. "Do not degrade my great contributions to this world by comparing me to those lowly reporters who feel they can claim prestige by merely reporting the weather. I did not report weather, I created weather! I controlled the winds, the rains, the sun...the skies themselves were my playthings, making me second only to the gods themselves!" He proceeded to once more stare down his nose at Vinyl.

"If you look down your nose at me like that one more time, I will remove it," Vinyl growled, baring her teeth.

'Zephyr' swallowed convulsively. "A-as you command, my lady," he responded nervously. "Twas not my intention to cause offense-"

"You've got the job of crafting and controlling an Earth-type atmosphere on Mars," Vinyl snapped out. "If you do it well, you can keep it. Mess up or let it go to your head, and Typhon will take over for you. He'll show you the ropes of anything you're unfamiliar with."

"T-Typhon?" 'Zephyr' gasped out. "T-the legendary Titan of storms?"

Vinyl blinked for a time. "...sure, why not? Now get out of here so I can see the next applicant." 'Zephyr' raced out as fast as he could go. "Next!"

Much to Vinyl's surprise, the door was pushed open by a Mettool, which held it open as several more Mettools carried what looked like a large fish tank into the office. Inside the tank was a robot that was human from the waist up with a blue fish-tail from the waist down, wearing pale blue armor over her chest and a dark blue helm over her head, a plume of white over one brow. One hand gently clasped a trident. As the Mettools set the tank down, she reached over the side and gently caressed the top of one of the Mettool's helmet, and all the Mettools' optics instantly turned to hearts before they trotted out of the office.

"Well, you certainly know how to make a first impression," Vinyl praised. "I certainly don't have any doubts about your leadership abilities now. Name?"

"I'm Splash Woman," the robot replied, her throaty voice throbbing pleasantly, the timbre of it seeming to shoot straight into specific centers of the listeners mind to cause an intense flustered reaction...or more. It was the sort of voice that somehow made a simple greeting sound like an invitation with all sorts of promise if one dared to take it up. "I must say, Vinyl, I've long wanted to meet you. You've done so much for robots...you're my hero." She sauntered forward in her tank, resting herself on one arm as she leaned over Vinyl. "I would do anything to get this job...anything."

Vinyl swallowed nervously, finding her tugging at her neck to loosen the collar of a shirt she realized she wasn't actually wearing. "Uh...that's...nice. Of course, the job could be a lot of hard work..."

"Oh, I'm not afraid of a little hard labor," Splash Woman purred. "My old job was aquatic rescue, and as much as I loved it...some of those I rescued were a little...too grateful, if you catch my drift?"

Vinyl chuckled softly. "One too many 'mouth-to mouth' sessions that weren't strictly necessary?"

"Something like that," Splash Woman answered. "So, what job do you have for me?"

"Well, once the terraforming project on Mars reaches the point where there's an ocean, your job will be to oversee and maintain the ocean, and any wildlife we transfer there," Vinyl explained.

Splash Woman smiled widely. "Sound like my kind of job...but not one I can start right away. Perhaps we could...spend some time together?" Her tail fluke swished back and forth idly over the water, like a lady's fan.

"Well...I...uh...guess," Vinyl replied nervously. "What sort of...hobbies do you have?"

"I personally love karaoke," Splash Woman answered happily, "as long as I don't have too much of an audience. Not to a bar, just a small group..." She smiled and sensually licked her lips. "Or perhaps just one lucky companion..."

Vinyl let out a nervous chuckle as she rubbed the back of her head. "Y-you know, your paperwork says you were based off a mermaid, but it's beginning to sound like more inspiration was taken from sirens."

Splash Woman chuckled softly. "Oh, nothing like that, Vinyl," she promised. "I'm not bad, I'm just spec'ed that way."

Vinyl groaned softly as Splash Woman summoned the love-struck Mettools to carry her tank back out. It was going to be a long day...

Author's Note:

Personalities suggested by:

Concrete Man - Darkhanos
Tornado Man - Darkhanos
Splash Woman - me

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