• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,752 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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Let's Watch Megaman: 3-1

"Albert!" Dr. Light called out insistently. "Something's gone terribly wrong with the mining operation for the energy elements!"

"What?" Dr. Wily called back, rushing to his side. "What happened?"

"The Robot Masters you designed to head the operation and keep it under control have gone rogue and have taken over the planetoids," Dr. Light explained. "All at the same time."

"Really?" Wily asked. "What could have caused this?"

Dr. Light turned to Wily with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not me this time, Tom," Albert complained. "My focus is on Vinyl, remember?"

"Just checking," Dr. Light replied. "Still, I'll need all the information you can give me on them if I'm going to send Mega Man after them."

"Right," Wily agreed. "I'd recommend sending him after Magnet Man first. He's the only one of the group that doesn't have combat protocols, since his Magnet Missiles would shut down anything electronic that went haywire."

"Thankfully, the most they'll do to Mega Man is stun him for a moment or two," Light indicated. "Mega Man!" he called out. "It's time to save the world again!"

"But I was about to kick Vinyl's flank in Smash Brothers!" Mega Man complained. "Hey! I was distracted!"

Vinyl proceeded to give Mega Man a raspberry.

"Mega Man!" Light called more firmly.

"Alright, alright, geeze..." Mega Man headed for the teleporter. "Here we go again."

"Albert and I will be keeping an eye on you from here," Dr. light explained. "And he's also provided details to help you neutralize the rogue Robot Masters."

Mega Man nodded his thanks as he beamed out.

Air Man and Wood Man promptly brought in a large sofa, while Crash Man set up a popcorn machine and soda fountain, along with hanging a tray filled with candy and other treats around his neck...including hot dogs. "Popcorn! Sodas! Candy! Wieners!" he called out.

Tom turned to Albert with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged in response. "When I actually was trying to take over the world, we'd all sit around and watch Mega Man go after the Robot Masters. It was sort of a cross between a movie night and watching sports." He took a seat on the sofa as Vinyl leapt into his lap with a bag of popcorn. "Guess they want to continue the tradition even if we're on the other side this time."

Tom thought about that for a time, then shrugged, taking a seat. "In that case, I'll take a couple of wieners," he told Crash Man.

"Kinky," Wood Man joked as he sat down in front of the couch, once more smoking his hookah.

"Vinyl is in the room," Air Man pointed out robotically, sitting beside Wood Man with his own bag of popcorn...which was just for the feeling of inclusion, as he didn't actually have a mouth.

"Kinky?" Vinyl asked curiously.

"Oops?" Wood Man offered apologetically.

On the screen, Mega Man had beamed into the planetoid and proceeded to leap through the stage, staying out of range of the flying magno-bots - magnets with propellers - as he jumped over the mined pits. After a time, he dropped down a ladder into a large chamber...where a familiar whistle played.

"Protoman?" Dr. Light asked in shock.

While Protoman did beam in, his face was covered in his scarf, making him appear a lot more menacing. He didn't say anything as he shot at Mega Man for a while, who did his best to evade and shoot back. After having blocked a good amount of shots with his shield, Protoman beamed out, and a new path opened.

Vinyl, meanwhile, was clapping, happy that Protoman used the whistle tune she'd written for him.

"...somehow I don't think telling Mega Man that was his brother is a good idea," Wily offered.

"Agreed," Dr. Light confirmed.

As Mega Man continued on, Wily noticed something interesting. "How's he doing that backwards ground dash?" he asked.

"You mean the slide?" Tom clarified. "It's a new combat function I built into him. He's also got Rush to assist him."


"Woof woof!" The robotic red dog barked happily as he snatched one of Light's wieners out of the bun and devoured it.

Rolling his eyes, Light explained. "Rush is Mega Man's new support unit. He has many functions that he can use on Mega Man's command."

"What, like sit, stay, and roll over?" Crash Man joked.

"More like become a springboard, become a jet, and become a submarine," Dr. Light corrected with a smirk. "It's a ways off in development, but I'm also working on a Rush Adapter, an additional system for Mega Man and Rush that will allow Rush to turn into an additional armor suit for Mega Man."

"Interesting..." Wily mused as Mega Man reached Magnet Man's chambers.

Neither human noticed Vinyl briefly hop off the couch and pull out her tablet, adding a new item to her 'Make Daddy Proud' checklist.

Make own support units?
Design Adapter for use by pony

With that done, she hopped back up to watch the fight. None of the robots said anything.

As Mega Man entered the chamber, Magnet Man was waiting for him. "Good morrow, young hero!" he greeted him. "It seemeth me that destiny had in mind for us to clash. A pity, as I do not believe I will survive this encounter."

Mega Man blinked. "But...if you know you'll lose, why fight?"

"Ah, what fool you are, Blue Bomber," Magnet Man sighed theatrically. "For you see, my heart has been claimed, and I am sworn to the one who has thus claimed me. It is love, you see, and what gentlebot would I be if I turned my back on that? The ruler of my heart commands me to this...and gladly do I obey. If for their ambitions my death can aid, then gladly do I offer it. Have at you!" With that Magnet Man charged, launching a few of his Magnet Missiles.

Mega Man managed to dodge, and fired off a few shots of his own, managing to catch Magnet Man in the left shoulder joint, causing his arm to break off. "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry," Mega Man stated automatically. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright, I've had worse," Manget Man hastened to reassure him. "It's only a flesh wound."

Mega Man blinked. "One, you're a robot, you don't have flesh. Two, your arm is lying there on the ground! How can you have had worse?"

"There's a reason I don't eat noodles anymore," Magnet Man replied readily. "Now, have at you!" He charged in again, firing Magnet Missiles from his one remaining hand.

Once more, Mega Man managed to dodge, firing again. This time, his shots hit Magnet Man's right shoulder, disconnecting that arm. "Uh..." Mega Man began.

"A lucky shot!" Magnet Man proclaimed. "Have at you!"

"But you don't have any arms!" Mega Man complained.

"I can still fight! Have at you!" Magnet Man leapt at Mega Man in a jump kick.

Mega Man instinctively leapt back and fired, destroying Magnet Man's left leg. "Stop making me dismember you!" he complained.

"I'm not dismembered!" Magnet Man countered.

"Your arms are lying there on the ground, and your leg is atomized!" Mega Man indicated.

Magnet Man hopped back and forth a bit. "...you're trying to trick me!" he proclaimed. "Have at you!" He proceeded to hop a charge at Mega Man, who countered by blasting his final leg off.

"Just give up already," Mega Man pleaded. "I can take you back to the Docs and-"

"Never!" Magnet Man proclaimed. "Come here! I'll bite your legs off!"

Mega Man groaned shaking his head. "Just...stop. You've lost."

Magnet Man grinned. "Not yet," he growled. His body began emitting magnetic waves.

The Magnet Missiles that had stuck to the various walls around them disconnected and flew at Magnet Man at high speeds. Mega Man was just barely able to dodge out of the way.

"Drop it!" Magnet Man shouted as the Missiles impacted his body.

A massive electromagnetic explosion ripped through the chamber, blasting Mega Man back against the wall along with Magnet Man's weapon chip and the Energy Element he'd been carrying.

As Mega Man beamed out, the doctors were in the midst of a discussion.

"We did design the Robot Masters with an affinity to the Energy Elements they were sent to mine, so as to better find them," Dr. Light concluded. "I suppose it's possible that affinity caused the Energy Elements to overload their systems when they actually came into contact with them."

"Plausible," Wily allowed. "Oh, Mega Man, you're back."

"One Energy Element successfully retrieved," Mega Man stated, setting the capsule on the counter. "One Robot Master destroyed, and one Master Weapon gained."

Wily nodded. "You should go after Hard Man next," Wily pointed out. "The alloys he's made of conduct electromagnetic energies a little too well. He'll be exceptionally vulnerable to Magnet Missile."

Nodding, Mega Man immediately beamed out. Wily, Light, and the others immediately returned to the sofa and their snacks.

As Mega Man progressed through the next planetoid, there came a point where Rush Coil - the 'springboard' mode - was demonstrated. Wily whistled in appreciation of how Rush was able to lock onto Mega Man to warp to him, while Vinyl took notes, which caused Light to chuckle.

At one point, Protoman once more challenged Mega Man, and the fight went more or less exactly the same as the previous time, although Mega Man took more damage due to the varied terrain. Not long after that, he confronted Hard Man.

As Hard Man did not speak, their was no real dialogue to listen to. The two traded blows for a time until Mega Man landed a blow with Magnet Missile...which resulted in Hard Man charging forward, grabbing Mega Man, and slamming him repeatedly against the walls. Thankfully for Mega Man, he was able to keep firing, and the Magnet Missiles homed in on Hard Man, doing more damage to him than he was doing to Mega Man. Hard Man's explosion knocked Mega Man across the room, along with the Energy Element and weapon chip.

"Was...was that Freak Mode?" Dr. Light demanded in shock.

"Can't be!" Wily proclaimed. "I didn't install any Freak Chips in them!"

Vinyl turned her head, whistling innocently.

Author's Note:

...I have no idea how Magnet Man went from 'Lancelot' to 'the Black Knight'...

...but I'm not apologizing.

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