• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,752 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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Making the Masters 1

Author's Note:

Much like with the first six, I am trying to come up with completely original personalities for all the robot masters. Or at least, personalities that have never been used with them before, in order to create something original with them.

Wily sat back with a sigh as the last of the eight new Robot Masters was finally completed. Vinyl had insisted that they not activate any of them until they could activate all of them at once in sequence, like how she'd met the original six. As such, it was nearly a year before they were activated. Wily couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that the activation would occur on Vinyl's birthday - celebrated on the day she had first appeared on Wily's head. It would be quite the party for Vinyl, and quite the present. Protoman had insisted on baking her birthday cake...which from the looks of things was excessive, unless he meant to give a piece to every robot in the Fortress.

Wily had noticed something that had concerned him, though. Several times Protoman would stop what he was doing - often dropping whatever he was holding - to clutch at his chest and steady his energy flow. Wily wasn't all that concerned about it, as he knew it was just Protoman's power core having an energy spike when he didn't need the power. While he knew it was damaging Protoman's systems, the stubborn robot was insistent about not letting anyone fix him, so there was nothing he could do.

The concerning thing was that Vinyl had witnessed each and every spasm, as far as Wily could tell, and obviously didn't like it. She frowned worriedly at first each time it happened, but as she saw more of them she began to scowl angrily. It was plain she recognized that Protoman had a problem that wasn't being addressed, and it was upsetting her.

...although Wily had to admit, some of the results of that were hilarious. One good example was when Vinyl had chased Protoman through the Fortress with a hammer, shouting she was "Gonna fix ya!" Wily hadn't laughed so hard since he was a toddler and discovered the Looney Tunes.

For now, however, Wily and Vinyl were together, staring at the eight inactive robot masters. "Are you ready to activate them?" he asked.

Vinyl nodded eagerly. She then starting bobbing her head rhythmically.

"You want to activate them in order, huh?" Wily asked. While Vinyl's language had developed to the point where she could speak full sentences - and she had the teeth to shape all the words - she rarely did. Wily wasn't entirely sure why. "Any idea what their personalities are going to be? You did code them."

Vinyl responded with a shrug, her forehooves held out to her side helplessly.

Chuckling and shaking his head, Wily walked up to the first new Robot Master. "DWN-009, Metal Man, activate!"

Metal Man slowly opened his eyes. "Hello boys and girls," he said softly, his voice unaccountably creepy and echoing. He lifted up one of his Metal Blades. "Would you care to play a game?"

Vinyl whimpered loudly, and Wily quickly moved onto the next Robot Master. "DWN-010, Air Man, activate!"

Air Man's eyes promptly lit up. "Hello," he stated, his voice somewhat robotic. "I am Air Man."

Wily blinked, a bit surprised at how...simplistic he seemed. "Air Man...what is your primary purpose?"

"To defeat Mega Man," he stated firmly, without inflection.

"...hobbies?" Vinyl asked, worried that she'd actually failed to give Air Man a personality somehow.

"I like birds," Air Man replied. When Wily and Vinyl blinked at him, he continued, "I also like shaping my sentences for misinterpretation. The faces of others when they think I've said something when I haven't...are quite amusing."

"I could amuse you," Metal Man stated wickedly, dragging two blades across each other.

"You have very large blades," Air Man stated blandly.

"You noticed," Metal Man purred, the sound making his voice even more creepy.

"You know what they say about oversized weapons and their wielders?" Air Man asked, before turning away.

Vinyl giggled as Wily rolled his eyes, progressing to the next Robot Master. "DWN-011, Bubble Man, activate!"

The scuba suited robot opened his eyes. "Wow. Wrinkly old dude and a filly barely out of diapers. So not what I wanted to see when I was first activated."

Wily blinked. "O...kay. And...what did you want to see?"

"A total babe!" Bubble Man proclaimed happily, making motions in the air with his hands to shape what he meant. "Or maybe a rockin' dude," he added, taking a muscle pose. "Either or, but someone hot."

Protoman snickered in the background.

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Bubble Man proclaimed, pointing at Protoman. "Check out the specs on that bot! He's got it goin' on, that's for sure!"

Scowling, Protoman stalked off.

"That view's even better!" Bubble Man called out as Wily and Vinyl went to the next Robot Master.

"DWN-012, Quick Man," Wily called out, "activate!"

Quick Man opened his eyes with a smile. "Yo dude!" he greeted happily, leaning back against a wall and flashing a thumbs up. "How's it hanging?"

Wily blinked. "Hanging?" he asked in confusion.

"No worries," Quick Man replied. "Who's up for hitting the beach? I wanna catch some waves."

"Oh, the beach!" Bubble Man agreed eagerly. "Yeah, let's go!"

"The sun, the surf..." Quick Man began.

"The bikinis and speedos," Bubble Man added.

"DWN-013, Crash Man, activate!" Wily said quickly, moving right along.

Crash Man's eyes opened, and he lifted his drill shaped hands. "Greetings Doctor, Vinyl," he stated calmly. "How can I be of assistance?"

Wily blinked, surprised by the sudden tonal shift between Masters. "Well...do you know your primary purpose?"

"I am here to destroy Mega Man and help you achieve a world of robot-human equality through the application of overwhelming force," Crash Man replied. "Towards that end, you have given me the Crash Bomb weapon."

"So you blow things...up?" Air Man asked, pausing significantly before his last word.

Crash Man glanced at Air Man through narrowed eyes. "...hilarious," he allowed sardonically. "Doctor, perhaps you should finish with activating us and then take Vinyl somewhere else. I don't think most of us will be a good influence on her."

"Agreed," Wily replied, moving right along and dragging Vinyl with him. "DWN-014, Flash Man, activate!"

Rather than opening his eyes slowly, Flash Man's whole body lit up. "I have awoken!" he sang out. "And I'm taking back control!"

Wily and Vinyl both stared at him in surprise. "Umm...your primary function?" Wily asked nervously.

"We will, we will, rock you!" Flash Man sang out, stomping his feet and clapping rhythmically as he did so, making Vinyl grin as she head banged along with the beat.

"Umm...rock who?" Wily asked worriedly.

"The Super Fighting Robot...Mega Man!"

Wily rolled his eyes at the constant singing. "Why won't you talk normally?" he demanded.

"We're born to be kings! We're princes of the u-niverse!"

"DWN-015, Heat Man, activate," Wily groaned, moving on as Vinyl giggled.

Heat Man's eyes opened, and he glared pugnaciously at Wily. "What Doc want?" he asked grumpily.

Wily stared at Heat Man for a time. "Heat Man, you are-"

"Heat Man bored now," the robot replied quickly. "Heat Man wait till job time. Then Heat Man smash Mega Man!" On 'smash', Heat Man's whole body burst into flames, making Vinyl clap happily.

Wily rolled his eyes. "DWN-016, Wood Man, activate."

"Dude..." Wood Man breathed out. "This is like...so far out..."

"And just like that we're done," Wily stated, scooping Vinyl up and following Protoman.

"Protoman..." Wily asked as he stared at three orange and white Items laying around that Vinyl was staring at with glee. "What are these?"

Protoman shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I noticed Vinyl was having trouble getting around the Fortress because of how small she is...so I built her these to help."(1)

Wily thought about that, then shrugged. "Not a bad idea. But why spring them all now?"

"Birthday presents," Protoman replied simply.

"So...what do they do?"

Protoman picked up the first, a flat platform with a propeller on the bottom. "This is Item 1," he stated. "It's for helping her get up and down things like bookshelves." He then held up the next, which looked like a surfboard with rockets on the back. "This is Item 2. It's to help her cross large distances faster." He then picked up the last, a platform with mobile grippers on either side. "This is Item 3. I noticed she has some trouble with the size of the stairs..."

Wily nodded in agreement, chuckling at the sight of Vinyl having already popped Item 2 open to examine how they worked. "Good thinking on the designs," he pointed out. "But...really? Items 1, 2, and 3? Couldn't you have come up with better names?"

Protoman looked away, kicking the ground. "I read her 'The Cat in the Hat' just before I started designing the exteriors," he replied. "She...really liked Thing 1 and Thing 2."

Wily couldn't help but chuckle at that as Vinyl closed Item 2 and hopped on...only for the rocket board to take off at an insane velocity, with her squealing happily as she clung to the hoof grips on top. "Protoman!" Wily shouted out.

"I didn't design it to go that fast!" Protoman shouted back as they began racing after the filly. "She must have suped up the engine!"


(1) This part inspired by this comment by Kenshinryuu.

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