• Published 5th Aug 2015
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The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

Getting Help

Author's Note:

Finally, I get to show Twilight and you all can stop saying she's out of character. See, it was her guards following a protocol and not an order. I know I'm probably over reacting to that thing, but I literally got so annoyed with the messages that I thought it was time to show why they turned Chance away.

Chapter 45: Getting Help

***One hour ago, Solar Guard***

"How many times do I have to tell you that ponies are allowed to use the library?" Twilight continued her rant at me and my fellow guards.

"We're following protocol, your majesty. No pony is allowed within the castle walls unless specifically invited by you," Spear said while giving Princess Twilight a salute. He was a kiss ass in boot camp to, but he wasn't trying to sleep with our drill sergeant then. I hoped he realizes that, if Twilight wanted, we could execute him for his advances...We need a better legal system.

"I understand that's protocol in Canterlot, but you are in ponyville now and under my jurisdiction. Now, stop turning ponies away from the library!" Twilight said with an annoyed voice before walking back into her castle.

"She was totally hitting on me," Spear said next to me while posing. Why does he think that the princess is into him? "She bumped into me when we got here and I knew she would fall in love with me! It happened with that Flash Sentry dude; good thing he had a marefriend!"

I remember that day pretty well. We were temporary guards for the Crystal empire ,much like we are here, until the princess could have a full compliment of guards. Long story short, the Princess Twilight went through a mirror and when she came back she bumped into Flash. She tried asking him out that same week but got rejected since he wasn't big on the idea of cheating.

"I don't see how any of that could count as her hitting on you," I said while keeping my eyes straight forward.

"It was in her body language. Either that or she was angry, but I'm sure it's because she was hitting on me." I just facehooved after he said that. I still don't see how Spear passed the test at the end of boot camp when he barely knows basic math.

"I swear, you are the stupidest-" My ears twitched as I heard voices crying for help from down the street. Turning my head, I saw a small white colt and a grey filly sprinting down the street towards us with a panicked expression on their faces. "HEY, WHY ARE YOU KIDS OUT SO LATE?" I called out to one of them as they rushed up to us. When they finally were near us they stopped and tried to catch their breath while explaining what happened.

"Chance *wheeze* Forest *wheeze* kidnapped!" The filly said in between breaths. Spear looked towards me and I gave him a nod before talking with these kids. Spear went inside to gather a few guards and begin searching the area.

"I need you both to show me where your friend's mother is,"

***Loving Care***

"Have you seen Chance, Button?" I asked Button while he sat across from me at the table. He looked up at me before shaking his head to signal that he didn't know. He hasn't spoken all that much since this morning and only answers yes or no questions. Why did Open have to go and ruin our family like that? I sighed to myself,

"Maybe we can go to the arcade tomorrow. How does that sound?" I hoped that the arcade might get Button to at least say something, but he didn't even look up from his plate. This is my fault. I knew that Open was really jealous, but to do that when Arrow came back into my life is a little extreme. I always told him that we were just old friends.

"Hey, Button, do you want me to teach you how to play a guitar?" Gibson asked. Button looked up at Gibson before slowly nodding his head ad getting out of his seat. I'm happy that Gibson came home when he did or I don't think Button would be able to cope with everything that's going on.

A loud knock came from the door after a moment and I went to go answer it while Button and Gibson followed me. It was late at night so no one should really be knocking at this hour. When I opened the door I saw one of those guards that kept ponies from using the royal libray standing there.

"Mam, are you by any chance Loving Care?" The guard asked in a gruff voice.

"Yes?" I replied while he motioned for me to come outside. I did as he asked while closing the door behind me.

"Chance has been foalnapped, mam." My eyes widened as he said that. Chance couldn't have bee foalnapped he's to smart to fall for any tricks. "His friends here saw the whole incident." The guard motioned to the two foals that were next to him. I recognized Dinky as one of Chance's friends but the colt I didn't know.

"Ms. Care, we were talking to Chance when we had a small argument and he left. A weird mare came up and paralyzed him before they disappeared!" Dinky said rather panicked before the colt began.

"I followed her for awhile until she went up to a cliff and opened up a weird looking door. It disappeared after they went through it, and that's when I went to get the guards!"

"You saw all of this?" I asked the two of them. Dinky shook her head, but the colt nodded.

"That mare seemed to be really happy when she got him," The colt added. If Chance was kidnapped by somepony then that somepony might be...

"I have to get to Canterlot!" I quickly told the guard who gave me a confused expression before nodding.

"May I ask why?" He asked.

"Because I need to see Insight,"

***2 months ago***

Dear Loving,

How have you been? I know I haven't written to you as much since I joined the guard, but I need to ask you a favor. In the envelope with this letter is a file on a kid I've been looking after. No, he's not mine, but he might as well be. Anyway, he's been having a rough time for awhile now, and I believe that you're the best one to take care of him. Please don't just toss it away when you read it's contents. Chance is a good kid when you get to know him so please look after him. You are the only one that I know can take good care of him.


Arrow Dodger

I read and reread the letter over and over in an attempt to see if I missed anything. I haven't talked to Arrow in over a year and he just randomly asks me for a huge favor. Doesn't he remember that my marriage has been and still is on the rocks? I sighed to myself as I looked at the plain manila folder on the table. The least I could do is read the folder.

Lucky Chance

Age: 9

Eye color: blue

Coat color: blue

Mane color: Red

Race: Unicorn

Special case: Chance was treated to mental torture for over a month while in the care of a miss Jungle Vine. After he freed himself for a second time he ran to the princesses for protection. He was removed from Jungle Vine's care and has routine therapy visits to get over his fears that have arisen due to the torment. Due to Jungle Vine escaping before being Charged with child abuse and endangerment Chance has been put under special watch. He has a personal guard and if need be his therapist can track Chance's whereabouts.

After reading all of that I didn't see what Arrow was referring to by it saying if Chance being a good kid or not. I flipped to the next page of the file which caused me to freeze. Chance looked almost exactly like Combo.

Chance has been discovered to have a belief that he is human which is assumed to be a defense mechanism to protect himself from the mental torment that he was put through. He believes that this is true and get rather angry when somepony tries to say otherwise. He often uses words that are slightly changed from what they are here as well as making up his own words. examples of these made up words include hell, everybody, foot, and whore (We believe he is trying to say whorse but we do not wish to act until we're sure.)

Chance seems to go from being happy to angry in an instant which point's towards something being wrong with him, but upon analysis he is completely normal. (We're still conducting tests) He repeatedly says that he is in fact 18 years of age and has proven that he is well above the average intelligence for a colt but that could be due to education he received before his encounter with Jungle Vine.

Chance's magical capabilities are astonishing as they are dangerous. He is able to build up large amounts of magical energy without trying which often causes him to lose control of his spells. His magic is especially unstable when he's emotional as he can't control it for long nor control what it does. More often then not he will burn object (And ponies) if he isn't extremely careful. This has been proven when Chance boiled a ponies blood in his original foster home.

Chance tries to not care about other ponies unless they are a special case. These cases include his personal guard, Ms. Jubilee (Original foster mother), and Insight (his therapist, though it's not certain where he lies).

Recommendations: Under your care it is advised that you attempt to get Chance to feel comfortable and safe in his new home. Avoid putting him in high stress situations and make sure that he doesn't panic. (This will cause his magic to flare) If possible, find Chance an adequate magic teacher to help him better control his abilities.

Any further questions can be answered by Chance's personal guard Arrow Dodger.

Chance burned a pony alive? No wonder Arrow wanted me to ignore parts of this file, but he forgot that it's me he was writing to. I waited for Open to come home and converse with him about letting Chance stay with us for awhile. He was...skeptical of having another colt in the house, but he agreed, I of course didn't tell him about the bad parts of Chance's file.

We sent a letter back to Arrow that same day and quickly started setting up fro Chance's arrival. I was hoping that maybe having another foal would help Open and me come back together. That wasn't what happened though.