• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,609 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...


Chapter 26: BOSS FIGHT!

Why did it have to go for Button? I thought it was after me for god's sake! I jumped over a burnt log as I was sprinting toward the direction Button and the creature ran. Why would it go after him anyway> it's not like he has anything important...

"THE BOOK!" I shouted as the realization hit me. It was after me until I handed the book to Button for safe keeping. If it didn't want me to have that book then he should of stopped chasing me! Jumping over another burned log I could see small specks of fire off in the distance. I don't even know how it could get that far ahead of me in three minutes.

I had to get to Button before that thing does, but I couldn't go any faster than I already was. The only way I could reach him in time was if he came running towards me. My legs were getting extremely tired and I knew they were about to give up on me, but I had to keep going or Button would be the one to pay for my stupidity.

"Need some help?" Asked a voice beside me. Looking toward it I saw Ryan Sprinting right beside me. He looked exactly the same as he did two years ago except he had a few more scorch marks. Same blue eyes. same black hair, same cocky grin, exactly like his old self.

"I'd love some!" I said to him with a large grin plastered on my face. He nodded before sprinting ahead of me and yelling for me to follow him. I put what was left of my energy into my legs so I could keep up with him. He didn't follow the flames like I was, but instead he took a sharp right turn. "They're that way Ryan!"

"He's going to his alter. He wont hurt your friend if he can help it,"

"Why not?"

"The same reason that I'm still here. He needs us for something,"

"Is that what happened to that colt?"

"You mean Combo? He's been trapped longer than me, and has lost all free will."

"Is there anything I can do? maybe that book has-"

"No, Chance! if you get that book you destroy it. As long as it exists my master does!"

"How are you helping me anyway? Shouldn't you be like Combo?"

"I was, but I still remember enough to have a reason to fight it little brother," He gave me a thumbs up after that before we finally reached the cave. Ryan was the only one who knew what those letters meant back home so I decided to see if he could help me here.

"Can you teach me to read this?" I asked while motioning toward the walls. He looked toward them before walking over toward me and petting my head.

"I can't,"

"Why not?"

"You'd try saving me."

"I can't leave you like this! It should of been me, not you!" I was angry at him for not realizing that he should be happy I could save him. This is my one chance at redemption and he is just holding it in front of my face. I had to learn to read these letters or he was doomed, and I can't live with myself if I'm the one to destroy the only way home for him.

"Chane," Ryan said softly before pulling me into a hug. "Don't blame yourself for my choices." He hugged me even tighter before he uttered his last words. "I love you, Chance," Normally I'd call him gay for saying the, but all I could really say was,

"I love you too, Ryan."

"He'll be here in a moment. As soon as Button and him come in you grab Button while I distract my master,"

"Got it! Hopefully this will-" I was cut off when a magical bolt hit Ryan. It wasn't fire so it couldn't be that creature, and I didn't fire it so who could it have been? looking toward the cave's entrance I saw the creature, Button, and another colt that looked almost exactly like me.

"You should of known better, Ryan. Master already wants to punish you for earlier and you just making it worse," The colt said with a wicked grin across his face. "You did save us time by bringing your brother here however do maybe he'll go easier on you."

He was too focused on Ryan to notice that my horn was lighting up. He noticed me only after his tail was on fire and part of his leg. He just shook his head with a small cackle,

"You really think that hurts?" he asked before the flames died instantly. "We might not be dead, but we still have some of its perks."

"CHANCE!" Button called out before Combo reluctantly hit him in the back f the head. I say reluctantly because when the creature looked at him he raised his hoof, but it took him a second before actually hitting him. Maybe I can still save them all.

"Let...him...go," I said while trying to keep from getting angry. If I lost it again who knows what would happen, but I still had to save Button from them. Combo looked toward me with a sad expression before putting Button on his back and walking into the cave. The creature and the other colt looked at him with rage filled eyes.

"What are you doing, Combo!"

"I'm letting Button go. I'm letting my brother go!" He said after he dropped Button beside me. I'll be damned before I let any of them be trapped now. Combo started to walk back toward the other colt when he was struck by a magical bolt which sent him flying toward Ryan.

"You will have to be punished too!"

"You wont lay a hand on them!" I said while standing between him and them. "I will see you burn before I let you!"

The air around me started to get really hot, and I could smell hair burning. The colts expression changed to being amused before firing another bolt at me only for a wall of flame to block it.

"You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?" I asked while giving of a small laugh. Three fireballs formed around me while I focused on the other colt who's grin grew wider,

"Today just got interesting," He said before fire formed around him as well. "I bet I can control this better than you. After all it must be pretty difficult just controlling my old body," I would question that later, but right now I was more focused of frying this bastard.

I threw one of the fireballs at him which he simply blocked with his own flames before he did the same. I jumped out of the way before it could hit me, but a few of my hairs got singed. I forced a pillar of fire to rise from underneath him causing him to be engulfed in flames, but he simply walked out of it a few seconds later.

"That took me awhile to learn. I guess stealing my talent is pretty easy in my body, eh," This guys constant taunting is getting frustrating. While I was focused on try to figure out what to do next a bird of fire started flying around and flew down towards me. I was confused for a minute before realizing that it was bad, mostly because it was trying to peck my eyes out!

I'm surprised it actually didn't succeed since my eyes are literally as big as my skull. I swatted at the bird until it flew back toward the other me and landed on his back.

"Familiars are so useful aren't they? I guess you haven't gotten one yet, have you?" That's it I'm dragging this bastard to hell just so I can have a go at stabbing his ass! Before I could do anything else I saw Ryan charge at the colt knocking him off his feet.

"I'LL KEEP LUCKY DISTRACTED! GET OUT OF HERE, CHANCE!" Ryan yelled toward me. I ran toward Button who was currently staring down at Combo with tears in his eyes.

"Combo? Please talk to me!" Button cried as he shook the unconscious Combo Breaker. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him with me toward the entrance. We weren't able to get out however because that creature was standing between us and the exit. It laughed a little before opening the book in it's hands and it started reading it. I felt a cold chill run down my spine after each word it spoke.

"LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" shouted Combo as he ran toward the creature. I didn't even know he was awake, but he bought us enough time to run. As we exited the cave I picked the book up in my magic for future use. I wasn't going to leave them to be damned for all eternity if I could help it.

As we got further from the cave I started to get more and more tired until I eventually wasn't able to move anymore. I just dropped to the jungle floor while Button shouted for me to wake up. Everything started to grow dark before I passed back out. The last thought I had was 'I'll save you like you saved me, Ryan'

Author's Note:

Hello everybody! Here is a new chapter for you all, and guess what... I wrote it! okay that was obvious but I feel the need to at least have something down here. Well I suppose I could ask another question for you all to answer. I guess I will, How many of you would do the same thing Chance did by taking the book to save someone who is important to you? I'll give my answer if anyone asks. As always thank you for readin and I hope to make this worth your time.