• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,609 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

You Shouldn't See This

Author's Note:

Back to work! Hello my awesome readers it's nice to see you all again. While I needed that break I really wanted to continue writing actually, but school prevented that several times. Anyway while I was gone I read a story by an under appreciated author named darkmage1997. I enjoyed one of his stories though it wasn't the type I normally read.

Thank you all for waiting patiently! :twilightsmile:

Chapter 35: You Shouldn't See This


"Where is mom going?" I asked as me and Chance kept running after her. When we left the house earlier Chance was trying his best to make me stay for some reason. I had to go with him though because he seemed to think something was wrong with mom and dad.

"I don't know. I still think you should go home, Button," Chance said while giving me a slight frown. Why does he always want me to stay back while he deals with everything? I can help! Doesn't he think that I can do something other than play video games.

"Why should I go home? Don't you trust me?" Chance stopped when I asked that. He slowly turned to me with a slight frown.

"Because I'm trying to protect you, Button. You shouldn't have to deal with this stuff. Now come on, Loving is about to go into that building" Chance said while pointing to a rather large building with some bright lights near the side. I never saw this place before, but we have been running for awhile so maybe we went outside of town.

"What is this place?" I asked which caused chance to quickly cover up my mouth.

"Listen to me, Button. You are not going in there and you are going home." I tried to argue with him, but I couldn't speak because of his hoof covering my mouth. "I'm going to bring your mom back, but I can't let you follow me in there," He finally removed his hoof from my mouth which I used to finally get a word in.

"Why not? What is this place?"

"Someplace you shouldn't be. Now go home so I can hopefully stop something bad from happening," What could he mean by something bad happening? Were my parents in any danger? I can't just walk away if that's the case, but Chance wont just let me go in for some reason so I had to trick him.

I slowly nodded my head and turned to head back into town. Before I got very far however Chance called out to me,

"I'm sorry, Button. I promise that this is for the better!" How can I believe that if he wont even tell me what kind of place this is? I kept on walking until Chance turned around to head into the building. This was when I started to walk back to him so I could stay close by in case he needed any help. He was getting near the door, But for some reason he hid behind the trashcan that was near it.

"What is he doing?" I asked myself before noticing Chance move out of his hiding spot to go through the front door. I was confused on what he was doing until I saw a very tough looking pony guarding the entrance. He was an earth pony that was wearing a black shirt and some sunglasses. Why would he wear those at night?

This was when I realized that Chance had done all that to sneak past this pony. Why would he need to do that unless...MY DAD IS IN A GANG! That explains why he would show up so late at night. It also explains why Chance wouldn't want me to go in to the building with him.

I can't just let Chance go in there alone when these ponies could hurt him so I decided to follow in Chance's hoofsteps.I slowly walked over towards the door and hid behind the trashcan Chance had used when I got close enough. Peaking around the side I saw the pony gazing off into the distance at something which I used to my advantage and snuck by him.

"HEY! you aren't aloud in there," The bouncer pony said just as I was entering the building. I had to think fast so that I could keep up with Chance.

"I...um...my ball rolled in here and I was getting it back," There we go. He shouldn't have any problem with that-

"I didn't see any ball," Crap.

"Please sir. I jut want to get my ball back," The stallion rolled his eyes before walking up to me and saying.

"Just tell me what it looks like and I'll get it."

"It's red and round," He facehooved before opening the door and walking into the building. I took this opportunity to follow him inside so I could get to Chance.

The inside of the building was weird. It smelled horrible and it was incredibly dark with grown ups everywhere. There was really loud music that sort of reminded me of Vinyl Scratch's. I quickly ducked under a table when I realized I was standing in the open of a gangs hide out.

This was when I noticed something else; all the adults in here were looking towards a stage with a stallion in socks dancing on it. This place is weird.


A fucking unstrip club! They went to a fucking unstrip club! I swear to god if I get anywhere near Open I am roasting him alive for this bullshit! I had to sneak past several ponies already and when I got to the back stage one 'propositioned' me. That dude wont be having children anytime soon.

I swear the hypocrisy that Open is committing here is going to ruin his fucking family if I don't do something. As I walked around in the back rooms I could hear yelling coming from one of them. Looks like I'm a little late in stopping this bit. I got closer to the door that I heard the yelling coming from and put my ear up to it.

"-A SON! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" Loving's voice rang from the other side of the door,

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT'S STOPPED YOU! I BET YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH THAT DAMN GUARD!" Open yelled back. My blood started to boil over him saying that. Arrow had more honor than what this bastard is implying. I didn't realized I was leaning even more into the door until I fell over which caused the door to open. Looking up I saw Open, Loving, and a stallion with knee socks on.

"I told you to stay home, Chance!" Loving said while giving me an angry glare before turning back towards Open. "I thought getting Chance would bring us together, but it's only made you act worse!"

"THE ONLY THING THAT HAPPENED WHEN CHANCE SHOWED UP WAS YOUR NEW FUCK TOY!" Open yelled back at her. The stallion with the socks was just sitting there in complete silence while the two argued. I was right with him since it seems that this was going to happen no matter what.

"I'VE BEEN FAITHFUL! YOU"RE THE ONE COMING TO THIS WHORE!" Loving yelled back while pointing to the stallion who got angry at that.

"IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN PICK MY CUSTOMERS LADY! I WANT BOTH OF YOU OUT!" He yelled towards the two when I heard a small voice behind me.

"mom dad, what's going on?" I slowly turned to see Button standing there with tears starting to form in his eyes. I thought I told him to go home so he wouldn't have to deal with this.

"Button, I-"

"You're mother and I are having an adult conversation." Open said before Loving could say what she wanted.

"What are you-"

"Go home Button," Open said cutting Button off. Button hung his head and turned to me.

"Let's go home, Chance. I don't want to be here anymore," He said before slowly walking out the door into the back rooms. Before I walked out with him I turned back towards the Open,

"If I ever see you again I'm going to roast you alive." After that I turned my back on him and ran back up to Button who was nearing the entrance. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Button."

Button didn't say anything and just kept on walking until we exited the building where that bouncer was still standing.

"Hey! There wasn't a...ball..." He trailed off when he looked at Button. I was curios why until I felt something wet hit my chest as Button hugged me. He was crying.

"It's all my fault!" He cried out. I just hugged him back before saying,

"No, it's not. I'm going to fix this, Button. I promise."