• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,609 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

Never Free: part 2

Chapter 13: Never Free: part 2

"There it is,"

"Great, we saw it. Now lets go home,"

"Let's go inside,"

"Enjoy dying then,"

"You are coming with me,"

"No I'm not"

"Chance, don't you want to-"

"I'm going to stop you there because I do not, and I repeat do NOT fuck with spirits," Ryan started walking toward the church knowing that I'd follow him anyway. He always abused my fear of being alone like that, but even when I called him out on it he'd deny everything.

"What's the worst that could happen?"


"STOP!" I cried out to my brother; I realized after a moment that it was only a dream or rather a memory.

"Stop what?" A deep voice asked behind me. I didn't pay much attention to him however as I was still thinking about that day that I couldn't save Ryan. I started to curl up into a ball, and started to repeat the words,

"i'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that,"

"Calm down kid! What's the matter?" I felt the large being get closer to me, but I shrank away from him. I am a horrible person; I don't deserve to be alive when my brother burned to save me. I can't keep going like this I can't. Who's going to die because of me next, Arrow?

I froze at that thought; Arrow was the only pony to stick by me even when it would of been better for him to leave. I just ran without thinking of the consequences and it just now hit me that he might be worried. What the hell is wrong with me.

"I'm a horrible person,"

"What makes you say that?"

"I hurt so many other people without thinking about it!"

"Do you mean to hurt them?"

"No, I just want to live my life,"

"You're not a horrible person. You make mistakes just like everybody else,"

"Do those mistakes get people killed?" I asked sarcastically to the giant lizard. He didn't speak, probably because even a dragon could tell that I was the worst possible thing to be around. I however felt something being draped over me before I looked up at the dragon.

"A pony gave me this blanket. I burnt down a small village by accident while learning to control my flames. When the ponies of that village demanded my death she stopped them. I asked her why and do you know what she said? She said that it wasn't my fault that I wasn't able to control myself. My point is that bad things are going to happen, but you shouldn't let them destroy you,"

I wasn't sure how to react to this dragon. Yesterday he asked me to roast myself and now he's dropping wisdom about how I'm not a bad person. He however was trying to be nice to me for some reason; whether this is because he's nice or he has something to gain has yet to be seen. My stomach started growling before my train of thought could continue, and I'm pretty sure dragons don't eat fruit or vegetables.

I realized that it might be a good idea to go back to town, but if that mare was still there...I felt a chill roll down my spine. I could try eating the grass I suppose but last time I tried that I was sick for a week. How was I supposed to know that the glass was plastic? I mean it was in a park for fuck's sake!

"Chance!" I heard someone calling from the entrance of the cave. My scaly friend seemed annoyed over the disturbance before looking toward me and saying,

"I'm not letting another pony in here,"

"I'll go see who it is. You are really pissy, you know?"

"I can still roast you and have no regrets,"

"Then you wouldn't get to see my pretty face anymore," You haven't heard a facepalm until you meet a dragon that does it. I swear the entire cave shook from the sheer force of it. I stood up before levitating the blanket over to the dragon. I then started walking toward the cave entrance to see who it was.

When I reached the caves entrance my heart started to beat faster and harder than a war drum. That mare was standing right beside the caves opening, and she was looking for me. I did the most manly thing that moment,

"HOLY HYENAS HARASSING HIPPOS WITH HARPOONS!" I yelled before booking it back to the deepest part of the cave. My dragon friend was currently taking a bite out of a ridiculously big ruby when he noticed my running.

"What's going on?"

"KEEP HER AWAY FROM ME!" I cried as I ran behind the dragon. He was confused for a few moments before looking toward the cave mouth where that mare was walking in. I was visibly shaking now and I'm pretty sure that the dragon could tell I was terrified of the mare that was walking in.

"LEAVE!" The mare didn't expect to see my new friend and I could see the color drain out of her face. She was shaking almost as bad as I was. She however did speak,

"I-I'm Sorry to d-disturb you Mr. dragon, b-but I'm looking for a c-colt,"

"Don't let her take me," I said hiding myself further behind the dragon. The mare however noticed me and called out to me.

"Chance? Everyone in town is worried about you. I'll take you back safe and sound,"

"FUCK OFF, I know exactly what you'll do if I go with you!" I said. My dragon friend seemed to take this as his cue to start roasting the damn monster. His cheeks puffed up and his nostrils started to leak smoke stacks while the fire built up in him. The mare wasn't going to stick around when she would die so she ran out of the cave faster than a road runner.

He couldn't exactly just make the fire go back into his lungs so my scaly friend released the fire out of the caves opening. I looked out to see that there was a clear path of smoke and ash for at least a quarter mile.

"DAMN, lay of the onions man!"

"I like onions!"

"Wait, really?"


Food problem= solved

"Do you thin that I can eat some of those onions of yours?"

"First you barge into my home and now you want me to feed you!"


"I swear, I should just eat you"

"I'll give you indigestion though" I think I heard the start of a chuckle from the dragon before a bag of onions dropped on my head.

"Don't eat too much,"

"I do what I want!"

*** 2 hours later***

"I'm going to die!"

"I told you not to eat to much," My scaly friend said while relaxing on his bed of gold coins. He might not be the most pleasant or caring company, but he still could of fried me at any point and he did try helping me. I figured that a day and a half was probably long enough in the whole not knowing each others name thing.

"My name is Chance,"


"My name...it's Chance,"

"Oh, I'm Fire Catcher,"

"Sounds painful,"

"I'm a dragon and I breath fire!,"

"It's still fucking fire,"

"Watch your mouth!"

"Sorry, I just got 'heated'," I said with a small grin appearing on my face. He was definitely groaning over that pun I just made and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off the entire time.

I made my way over to my little campfire that had long since gone out. I was about to go find more sticks to burn when a wall of flame erupted in front of me. Looking up I saw Fire smiling down at me before moving back to his hoard of treasure, and falling asleep. I don't know why this dragon is helping me so much, but I appreciate it. Maybe I should do something nice for him...

Author's Note:

Next chapter we see the conclusion to Chances Everfree adventures. Remember kids, dragons are your friends if you don't care about being burned alive. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope to see you next time on The Other Button. :rainbowdetermined2:

Why am I the bad guy?

Get out Lyra! You are later!