• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,609 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

I'm Sorry

Chapter 17: I'm Sorry

"Can I help you?" the white Mare asked looking down at me. You'd think that a mare with pink hair would be a little more friendly toward people, but she definitely didn't care for me.

"I'm looking for Arrow Dodger. Can I go see him?"

"Are you related to him?"


"Only family can visit him currently,"

"He is family to me!"

"I can't bend the rules for you. Now return to your room Chance,"

"How did you know my name?" The mare facehoofed,

"You came in at the same time as Arrow who identified you,"

"Oh..." Well since I couldn't go see Arrow I decided to head back to the room I woke up in. I didn't get far though as a certain brown colt bumped into me.


"Hey Button," Behind him Loving was standing and she looked like she hasn't slept too well lately. She wore saddlebags that were filled to the brim with various flowers and fruits.

"I don't suppose those are for me?" She jumped a little before looking at me and smiling before saying,

"Good to see you're up pants. I mean Chance,"

"Are you alright?"

"I just haven't slept in awhile. I'll be fine," My ears folded back when I realized she probably hadn't slept because of my disappearance; god I truly am a jack ass. Why do I always let instinct take over when it always gets someone hurt or killed...

*** 2 years ago ***







"WE ARE FUCKED!" I yelled to Ryan who was covered in sweat and scratches from our marathon through the woods. This thing would not give up and it's almost gotten me and Ryan several times already. I wasn't much better since half of my hoodie was burned off from when that thing grabbed onto it.

Twigs snapped as we ran through the forest toward the lake that resided right in the middle of it. Me and Ryan used to come here when it was the weekend so we could relax and blow off some steam. Now it might be our only hope in escaping a fucking demon or some shit.

"THERE IT IS!" Ryan cried out as we neared the edge of the murky water. We were almost there, but I could feel the monsters flames rising as we got closer to the lake. I tried to pick up the pace, but my foot got caught on a root which cause me to fall forward. I hit the ground hard, and felt an extreme heat near my back before being picked up.

It was hard to look directly at this thing because of the flames, but I believe that it's face was burned to an extreme degree. I mean that like his skin was peeling off and you could see bits of its flesh. It reached up to my face before grabbing my head in it's hands and forcing me to stair into it's eyes.

I couldn't tell what was going on, but I saw that book Ryan read out off being used for some ritual. Whatever was going on though ended quickly however when Ryan hit the monster with a broken tree branch.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" My brother yelled as he hit the creature again with the branch which caused it to drop me. He grabbed onto the tree branch and tugged on it which caused Ryan to be within it's grasp. I still had the branch I picked up earlier, but I was scared of this thing. Instead of helping Ryan I ran away because I was so damn scared of dying

I ran all the way home and slammed the door shut to keep the monster out. I sat in front of the door for hours until our mom came home worried sick about us. She had been searching for us for hours, but when I told her what happened she didn't believe me! The police searched the woods for months in hopes of finding my brother, but they found nothing other than scorch marks.

I went searching on my own after awhile in hopes of finding something relevant to what happened, and I found that damn book by the lake.I kept that book in hopes that it could somehow bring Ryan back, but I was never able to figure out what language it was let alone how to find my brother. It was my fault he's gone; why should I be here when he gave himself up to save me? I am nothing compared to him...


"Are you alright?" Button asked as he shook me out of my memory. I had a frown on my face, but I nodded before looking up to Loving,

"I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused," My ears flattened against my skull and I looked down so I wouldn't have to see the disappointment in her eyes.

"I'm just glad you're safe, Chance. Everyone in town was looking for you, you know,"

"Didn't think anyone cared,"

"We live in a town that sees its neighbors as friends, and its friends as family,"

"I like that. It reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago," I realized that I was about to talk about my brother, but stopped myself. I turned away from them and began heading back toward my room with them in toe.

Button probably just got out of school since he was wearing saddle bags that were filled with paper and books. He was smiling though so I suppose today is a good day for him. We finally reached the door that lead into my room, and I was about to enter it when Loving stopped me.

"Arrow is over here Chance; why are you trying to go in there?"

"I was told only family could see Arrow,"

"That's strange because me and Button have been visiting you both these past few days," That bitch lied to me! What is the point of that; I literally just met her!

I turned from the door to my room and walked over to them so I could see Arrow. The door to his room was right next to mine, and as I drew closer my legs began to feel more and more like they were made of lead. I'm the one who hurt him; would he even want to see me after that. For all I know he despises me.

Loving opened the door and Button happily walked in, but I shrank away from it. I couldn't do it. He probably hated me and he had every right to be so why should I go and make his day worse.

"Chance?" I heard Arrow call from inside the room. I looked into the door and realized that he was sitting up and looking at me.

"H-hey Arrow..."

"It's good to see you're awake,"

"I'm sorry, Arrow."

"Don't apologize, Chance."

"Why not? I got angry and I hurt you, arrow! You've done nothing but help me and this is how I repay you?" I said as I motioned toward his legs that were covered in bandages. I didn't even want to take a guess as to what was under them.

"You didn't mean to Chance,"

"That doesn't excuse what I did, Arrow!"

"Chance, I want you to look at me," My eyes were on the ground or closed that entire time. I didn't even realize I was crying until I opened my eyes and felt the water more freely run down my face. I looked directly at Arrow who's expression was one of pity.

"Why are you trying so hard to help me, Arrow? I ruin everything, and you've been hurt so many times by this; I am a fucking curse,"

"You are not a curse, Chance! I don't want to hear you say that ever again! do you understand?" I let my eyes drop to the floor. Why can't he accept the fact that I only serve to cause problems for those around me. I felt something furry grab a hold of me and embraced me. I realized it was Button who was watching everything that had been going on. He didn't say anything; he just kept hugging me.

We stayed there for a few hours until that earth pony form the front desk came in.

"You fucking liar!" I called out to her. She looked toward me and a scowl appeared on her face, but quickly melted away for some reason. I looked away from her to Arrow who definitely wasn't happy to see her now.

Author's Note:

Gah ideas everywhere. By that I mean I just had an idea for two more ending pop into my head, and I want to do them all. So when we finally reach the end (Which will take awhile) I've finally decided to let you all vote on which one is cannon. If you all want to know the choices just ask. They'll be in the chapter before the finale.

Special thanks to DJSkywalker for proofreading, and to mix-up for the new cover art. For those of you that haven't checked out his work already. Go check him out on Deviant art