• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 9,352 Views, 178 Comments

My Faithful Student - FadFreaky

Twilight's latest discovery sends her back to the past. What she finds, is quite the surprise. (Sequel now out!)

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Chapter 4

‘How fast can this filly run?!’ I thought to myself as I chased after the white mass that is this time’s Celestia. By now I should have already figured her out, having been here for the last two days. Throughout that time whenever I wasn’t eating or hiding from the guards, Celestia would come along to give me some food and then we would play. Afterwards she would answer any three questions I had before being called home. She knew a lot for her age, but her knowledge was strangely restricted to the goings on of the castle. Sure she had a basic idea of how everything outside was working, but otherwise it was easy to tell…

She's never left the castle grounds, ever.

I caught on to that after one of our sessions yesterday. Just before dinner.

--1 day ago, year…. something--

<Twilight’s POV>

‘How hard can it be to find a white pony in the middle of all this green!’ I thought to myself. My hoofsteps crunched the various leaves on the ground that the Princess left behind. It was almost like she was teasing me for not being able to fin-

“Ah,” It was faint… But the little gasp was right nearby. It was right in that thicket… Just near the wall. As my approach showed the jig was up, she bolted out, with me giving chase right behind. It didn’t take long for me to catch her. Making a heavy dive right in front of her and grabbed her with my front hooves.

“Awwwwwwwwww….. You got me….” She said with a groan “I knew it was over when you got so close.”

I giggled a little before asking “You really know your way around the garden, don't you?” After I asked, I let her go.

She giggled alongside me, “Well yea. The garden is really the only place I have a chance to go to…. My parents keep me and my sister really busy.” We began our trek back to the center of the maze as she explained.

“Typically, my usual day is wake up, eat some breakfast, and get to studying about something. Everyday is a little different. In between I might get a little bit of free time, and that's when my day leads me here, usually to garden, or now to play with you!” She smiled widely “Though it’s not gonna last is it? You’re going home soon….”

Those eyes made crushed my heart but yes, I was planning on heading home soon. I missed my friends and everypony. I missed Owlowiscious, Pinkie, AJ, RD, Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, and all my friends back in Ponyville. I didn’t and still don’t belong in this time. So, simply put, all I did was smile sadly and say.

“Yea… I am.”

--Present past--

We got back to the little camp and she answered my questions. Then she left. As usual it was very on time of her to only have to answer three questions…. I suppose her life really is just that regulated.

I silently pull out a apple to eat ‘my bag only has enough provisions for another few days anyways.’ Trying to justify to myself ignoring that adorable face.

A very happy and jauntful tune marks the princess’s approach. That song that everypony seems to know somehow, filling the quiet.

“Hi Twilight!” Says the happy filly as she approaches, bouncing along “I brought you some sweet bread!”

I raise an eyebrow, such a delicacy had to be hard to get from the kitchen. Taking the bread saying. “Thank you so much, I haven’t had this in ages.” While indulging myself by eating the bread, the filly sits next to me humming happily.

‘I’ve seen that look so many times… She wants something doesn't she?’ Thinking to myself.

The filly pipes up “So uh…. Twilight…. I was wondering…” here we go…

“Can you…. take me out of the castle? Pleaseeeeee? My mom and dad haven't taught me how to fly or teleport yet so you're my only hope of getting to see the outside! Pleassseeeeeee i promise I'll be good! I even got all my studies done for the day so nopony will be the wiser! Pleasseeeee?” She looks at me with those huge eyes. How could anypony say no to that...

“Princess… if I do that it's gonna end up horribly if we get caught! I'll be arrested for basically kidnapping you!”

She begins the lip quivering and the quiet sobs and frankly, you would have to be colder than Sombra to say no to her.

“But…. Ugh…. alright…. But only for a little! We aren’t going to be out any longer than a hour!”

She hops happily “YAY YAY!!!!!! I get to see the outside!!!!” She says in a sing song voice “I owe you so much for this! I know we won’t be able to see the town but show me what you can okay!”

This…. is going to be a long day.