• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 9,352 Views, 178 Comments

My Faithful Student - FadFreaky

Twilight's latest discovery sends her back to the past. What she finds, is quite the surprise. (Sequel now out!)

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Chapter 1

‘It’s so dark and quiet. Time isn't even something that can be kept track of in this dungeon so deep underground. Sigh One small slip up and now I’m in chains… funny how life works like that.’ My wings shift around in a feeble attempt to get some comfort in the cold chains. I move my neck to try to get as much comfort as one can get in this situation. Though the chains really don’t help in that respect. It still gets rid of some of the soreness in my wings and neck. While escape would be easy, I don't dare to run. I have to face this head on, and I’ll just have to trust in my friends to get me out so I can explain myself. And to think this all just started as an innocent experiment.

A while back

--(POV Past Twilight)--

“SPIKE! Do you have that book I asked for?” I asked in my strong, yet loving tone.

“I need that to finish my research on this spell!” ‘Honestly that baby dragon, while the best and nicest being I know, he can be really lazy at times.’ While waiting I sit down, silently enjoying this moment of respite, looking around at the crystalline walls of the- no of my castle. I shift my wings a little, trying to get a small cramp out. All the while waiting silently for my number one assistant to show up.

“Got it Twilight!” A soft creak of the door marks his entrance, and at the same time reminding me of the need to oil the hinges of that door. I turn to him, my little brother Spike, holding a book for me. A smile grows on my face from seeing his dedication.

“Thanks Spike, that’s all I need for the rest of my study hours. Feel free to go out and have fun.” He responds in the fashion expected by a boy his age.

“Thanks Twilight! I’ll see you in a few hours.” He leaves with a nod, and a little jump in his step. Probably happy that he can go and help Rarity, finish a comic he was reading or some little thing to keep his mind off of time.

As for me? I’m studying hard, currently researching into some of Starswirl's more comprehensive texts and a certain spell has really piqued my interest. Thus I am making sure it is safe and that it is castable… without a big mess happening.
An hour later the book closes with the soft hum of my magic. Everything adds up and everything seem in order. I wake up Owlowiscious to have him give a note to Spike and have Spike tell the girls about my new discovery. The spell only works for one, and it's just a short step and jump into the past. I'll be gone and back before they know it. And if I do get caught up? Well…. I can just teleport back to this moment and I wouldn't even be gone for a moment longer.

But first…. I better pack!

‘Now what does one bring on a trip to the past? Some food… never know how much energy this may take, water, maybe a sleeping roll. If I have to rest for a day after the spell is casted it would be good to have.’

Contemplating, I constantly pace through the castle thinking. What should I bring with me? The only time I have ever gone through time is just for a quick warning to my past self for around three minutes… A day in the past is certainly not something the old me would have ever expected to be able to do, at least, not this easily.

Even if the spell is set to a certain date in the past. It will still be a fascinating trip! Going back to ancient equestria is something that may lead to great breakthroughs in the discoveries of history!

I begin gathering my things, just my saddlebags, some food and necessities. As my walk takes me by my dresser, I stop to look at my tiara, and I just stare at it for a good moment. ‘Why not?’ A soft hum of my magic surrounds it, picks it up and slides it into my saddlebags. My gaze goes about the room for a brief moment, just taking it in. ‘This place isn’t as bad as I first thought. Though I was being a little silly back then. This is home now, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.’

I walk back to the library after saying my small good bye to the castle. ‘Though to the castle I would be back in about a millisecond and- I’m overthinking things again, yeesh. Maybe I should relax a bit, the spell says specifically to not perform it when stressed.’ I take a seat with a nice relaxing book, but my eyes wander back to the book on its stand. I take a deep breath and force myself to read my fiction book just for a short while. Though after about twenty minutes I can’t hold myself down anymore.

I walk over to the book and- Owlowiscious flies right in my way. “Owlowiscious, now isn't the time for this. Can you please move?” Typically Owlowiscious leaves me alone after asking, but this time he was a bit more persistent. He simply grabbed my book and started flying away with it. The nerve!

“Hey!” I chase after him, but for such a small Owl carrying such a large book he moves fast!

The chase lasts a good ten minutes before I recall my magic and wings and simply take the book back with magic. I glare at the little owl who hoots at me, before flying off. ‘What got into that little owl? Ugh I’ll get into it with him when I get back.’ I walk back to my library, and ignite my horn preparing to cast the spell. The complex spell is of many parts and takes assorted portions of other spells into account. The magical drain would normally be too much for a normal unicorn. If I were still a unicorn I probably wouldn’t be able to pull it off myself. My smile grows again and my thoughts project aloud.

“Well, let’s do this!” My horn releases the energy it has stored from the start of the spell and a flash envelops my vision. A white field taking up my vision as my body and mind is sent into the past.