• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 9,357 Views, 178 Comments

My Faithful Student - FadFreaky

Twilight's latest discovery sends her back to the past. What she finds, is quite the surprise. (Sequel now out!)

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--Forty Years Later, High Queen Twilight Sparkle’s POV--

I yawn, waking up from my two and a half hour power nap. For the last 40 years I haven’t been gifted with very much continual sleep. Usually, it’s broken up by night duties and day duties. Lucky, all the edicts I’ve put in place have very much leaned things in my favor. I get every morning with my family like I always wanted. Celestia and Luna have grown so much over the past fortyish years, although I do suppose they couldn’t always stay tiny.

Extending out my magic I vanish from bed, appearing directly in front of my mirror. After applying a liberal amount of makeup on my face I finally look semi acceptable. The lack of sleep has not been kind to my complexion. Lucky for me though, with all the power boosts I have found that I only need around half the sleep I used to for functioning. I smile at myself in the mirror before vanishing and appearing in the kitchen. Cooking for the princesses has become one of those little things that I do every day. It may be mundane, but it isn’t paperwork or going to war. That just in general makes it very enjoyable. I don’t mean to brag, but I think I finally figured out where Celestia learned all her pancake skills.

As of recently though, my thoughts have been on going back. As of 39 years ago I could have left whenever I wanted. The return spell has been completed over and over now to the point where I could accurately return within the week I left. Yet two things have kept me here as always. Only by their say would I ever leave.

The two princesses enter the room happily. Luna jumping giddily as she goes straight to eating. Celestia on the other hoof is frowning at her food as she thinks intensely about something. I just laugh a bit and appear suddenly next to Luna with a napkin. “Eat slower, the food isn’t trying to run away from you.”

Luna replies with a full mouth of food. “Sorry mom. I just wanna make it to magic practice before Celestia.”

Celestia snorts a bit with a small grin and just giggles. “Actually if you remember we do have something to say to Twilight before then.”

Luna stops eating for a moment. “That’s today? But… My birthday is next week! Can’t we push it off till then?”

I calmly eat my food while the two talk. Whatever they’re planning isn’t malicious or I would already know it. I’ve long enchanted the castle to scan for malicious intent, even if it sometimes goes off when the two are playing dodgeball or some other game outside. I still check every time it does though, or we might have another “Tennis” situation again.

The two princesses finish talking and are eating quietly. After they have consumed their fill they both stand up. Celestia speaking up first. “Twilight. Uh, these last couple of years have been fantastic and even if I give you a tough time over it, you were still a great mom. But, we have been noticing that you’ve been more sad as of recently and well… We agreed to invoke what you told us fifteen years ago.”

That’s correct, fifteen years ago I did tell them to tell me when they were ready to take over Equestria… “Are you two sure about this?”

Luna then speaks, although she’s holding back some form of tears. “If you want to go home, back to your time. Please go. We’re ready to take over Equestria, if you’ll give her to us. We want you to be happy! Not so… half happy, half sad.” Luna bites her own lip. She clearly doesn’t want me to leave, but understands that it was going to happen eventually.

I just sit there, slightly taken aback as both princesses look at me forlornly. They honestly surprised me with this. But, it doesn’t even slightly phase me emotionally. I curse myself mentally for being so headstrong. Celestia levitates my saddlebags that I brought with me oh so long ago into the room. I giggle a bit, not a true giggle as I tear up a little and allow some to escape. “Don’t cry, either of you. I’ll see you both again before you know it. Besides this means you two are gonna have foals for me in the future righttt?” I hug them both closely, wings and all, before taking my bags. Luna sputtering and blushing while Celestia is just giggling at the idea. I think to myself after the hug. ‘Future Celestia having foals. Rightttt.’

I giggle to myself on that thought. Only a little though as I tell the Princesses that I’ll be leaving in about two and a half hours. I leave the castle shortly after telling them that. I spend about two hours going out to see my friend’s ancestors. Saying goodbye to them. It wasn’t a huge thing, but it was heartfelt. Each one got a very personal goodbye from me. Afterwards, I return to the castle. The princesses waiting anxiously where I left them.

Casting the return spell with my horn, a swirling blue and white portal appears. I look back at my fillies one last time. Opening my mouth to say. “Alright you two! Remember, bedtime is at ten pm! No late night snacking, and, Celestia! Be nice to your sister. Luna! Listen to your sister.” I hug them both tightly one last time. “I love you both. See you two soon.” Giving them both a kiss on the forehead I walk through the portal. Luna narrowly missing a jump into the portal as it closes. I believe in those two fillies. They’ll do great.

Now I wait. The return trip will take about one hundred years in this magic tunnel. I exhale as the path home appears, rectangular panels lining the floor leading me home. I just smile and giggle to myself as I teleport to the end of the path. One hundred years is way too long, and I don’t want to wait.

I exit the portal appearing back in a slightly familiar crystal tree house. I shake off the cobwebs that were forming in the room. According to the sun I have only been gone a week. I do suppose that’s long enough for dust to accumulate in this small ish room. Then I hear a “Who?” from behind me.

Suddenly from the podium with a open book on it a slightly familiar owl flies up to me. Before landing on my back and giving my neck a hug. I smile a bit and nuzzle the owl. “I’m home… finally.” Setting my bags on the ground and using a wind based combat spell (only I really toned it down) I clean the room in an instant. After the owl ruffles his feathers a bit, we exit the room. I look around the castle, re-familiarizing myself with it. It’s extremely empty and quiet, but it’s home. I set my bags in the master bedroom before continuing exploring. It seems Spike isn’t around. While I am anxious to see him, I have two ponies to see first. I nuzzle the owl who immediately gets the idea. He flies off to spread the happy news through Fluttershy while I again vanish with no light or fanfare. Appearing just out of sight behind a painting in the throne room. Luckily, the princesses never found these old tunnels I made to sneak around the castle and now… I just have to...

The random noble leaves, giving me my queue. I freeze time, something that I can only do for about three or four minutes at a time. It is a great asset in war though and a great asset when you need to clear a room. I put all the guards outside and appear in front of Celestia and Luna. Both of them look surprised, then look at each other and I just smile. “I’m back you two. Sorry I’m late!”

There is a moment of silence before they both leap from their seats. Diving at me. Luna yelling quite loudly. “Mother!” While Celestia is just happy to see me return after a week of being missing. Always the tough one, guess some things never change.

I get tackled, hugged, shaken and even looked over by the two over the course of twenty minutes. Both of them are tearing up and just extremely happy to see me. Honestly, I could never be more proud of my two fillies. They’ve lived longer than I have, seen so much more than I could imagine. I say to them with a bright smile and a very happy feeling in my chest. “I may not be the main leader of Equestria anymore. In fact, I don’t intend on making my title as Queen public. Either way, I could have never asked for a better pair to become the leaders of my nation. I’m proud of you both. Very much so.” I smile brightly and pull them into a tight hug. Everything is just perfect right now. I may not be at the top of the food chain in politics right now, but no mother in the universe is as proud as I am right now.

--??? POV--

The Journal shuts with a magical glow around it. “So that is the secret of Princess Twilight… Oh I’m going to use this. And it won’t be pretty. I better continue my research though. Still another book to go. I will finish what you started ancestor. Equestria will thank me thousands of times over, and you will finally be given the notoriety you deserve!” the reader laughs intensely into the air before taking the book from its pedestal. Leaving the decrepit church that the book’s long rest began.

Comments ( 45 )


i was not ready for that

Well that was....... fast? And short

That it was. This chapter was made as a link to the next two stories. There will be a one-three off that begins with this scene only heavily expanded with Luna and Celestia having dialogue and twilight dealing with our friend here. (This one is planned to come last)

Coming up next is a story about the 40 years Twilight spent as Queen. There will be wars. Fluff between daughters and mother. Maybe a little romance and hopefully I'll be able to convey how much MORE powerful Twilight got over those years. Maybe even a bit about our friend who's reading these books.

Over all We do consider this story completed. Twilight has made it home, even if it really isn't feeling as such right now.

Rushed X2

I feel like there was more too be said.


There is a lot more to be said, but it didn't fit the contents of THIS particular story, at least not in the authors' opinions. There is a version of this where the chapter was largely expanded upon. But it was things that were gonna be covered in the next two stories. I'm sorry this felt rushed, but it did actually take a decent amount of time to write. The princesses wanted her to leave as soon as possible. And twilight as much as she wanted to stay, wanted to leave as well. There isn't anything more to be said in this story's main narrative. Twilight made it home and it likely woulda been cut off there had there not been more to write. That chapter if anything was more of an epilogue to the story. Don't worry, we're as excited as you guys are to hear what they talked about. (That includes Twi to her friends in the past.) But here we felt that less was more.

I will say, if we can add anything while still fitting the narrative of this story, there will be an update. Endings are always a bit difficult to write, especially when there is a time skip involved and you don't want to create spoilers for the next story to follow.

Speaking of improvements. We want to make sure you guys know we listen to you. So we attempted to fix the rush feeling. Hopefully, it works guys. Thanks for all the feedback!

this was a good story and you should do a sequel maybe twilights friends and family finding out that she raised celistia and luna

That was all right good job

oh twilight, Future Celestia did have a foal or atleast raise one, and that is you.....
I do wonder if Celestia knew who twilight will become, when she was teaching twilight, also want to knew if she got payback for anything twilight did to her when she was a filly

In one of the original write ups for the epilogue, after saying that Twi basically thought to herself "Oh wait." But it was cut for the sake of preserving Twilight's changed characteristics. Shame though. Woulda been funny in hindsight. Just didn't fit her right.

could alway add in in next one, like she ask sunbutt why she never had any foals, and sunbutt say something about raise a purple unicorn filly.... or tease twilight about that for few sec

Comment posted by Everyday We Shufflin deleted May 19th, 2018

STop deleting my constructive criticism. You're literally deleting my freedom of speech you terrible person!

Damn straight I'm right, asshole!

Kinda dislike the scene at the end.

Wait a sec… How could Twilight have built those secret tunnels in Canterlot castle? I thought it didn't even exist until the whole Nightmare Moon incident and destruction of the old castle and surrounding city.
Just a random thing I noticed.

I'd love to explain this, but it will be revealed in the next book. Don't worry though, there is a reason.

when will the new story come out

The storyline is ready and I have the first few chapters planned out and chapter 1-5 outlined. The thing that is currently holding me back is the title of the story. >.> No really. I can't think of a good one. But I've narrowed it down to a couple so no need to worry. It should be up soon, don't want to give a day, but currently, I'm aiming to have the writing done on Sunday and hopefully have it edited by September 1st. The release date will depend on my editor, of course, but that is currently the goal.

nice and title are hard

40 years will explain that actually. For now I’ll just say that there’s quite a malignant reason why ponies couldn’t get their science train rolling. It’s a full 4-5 chapter arc. Unfortionately, this story is more about Twilight’s first adventure in old equestria. So there’s nothing about the “event of great loss” in this story.

Thank you for sharing this piece of information. I was really hesitating to continue reading, and the best part is you didn't spoil any details about it.

No problem. I completely understand that it might be a problem for some people. Knowing how the story goes, of course it wouldn’t bother me but I honestly shoulda addressed that earlier. But as a slight warning, that is one of the final arcs of 40 years. So patience will be a necessity.

For some, that "65000" is just a number, but then you have people like me that, for one reason or another, struggle to enjoy fantasy if it's "too far" removed from reality in terms of civilisations and sciences in general. While the trope of "it's magic, I ain't gotta explain s:yay:t" can be fun and all, it can also be very distracting from the rest of the story if used inappropriately.

As for patience, many say I have too much of it. :twilightblush:

As a scientist, I nearly slapped myself when I came up with the idea to make Equestria so old (I fully blame myself for that. Fad trusted me to handle it well though). But then I came up with an arc that was just too good to pass up. Originally, Equestria was just going to be a measly 3000 years old. But with this timeframe, I gave myself an arc that I personally will love to write and a lot of wiggle room with something else that I wanted to do with 40 years. So it worked out nicely, otherwise I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Astronomically improbable imo. The author however gave me a satisfactory answer, so I wouldn't worry about my ramblings.

Twilight refusing Celestia when Celestia is a cute foal? No she probably couldn’t. She still has trouble refusing Celestia as a adult.

Besides the story has to start somehow. :twilightsmile:

This story was made with flipping POV in mind. The next one is mostly 3rd person. This was adapted from an RP so the alternation was a stylistic choice Fad and I made early on. But it's understandable that it isn't to everyone's taste. Still, I'm happy you made it to chapter 3 at least even without liking the stylistic choice. :twilightsmile:

great story... it easily knocks off and replaces a story as my top ten stories.

I just wish there was a little more after she came back from the past. but overall I suppose that was a great ending and cliff-hanger :twilightsmile:

I’m not understanding your question. Please elaborate?

Really good story

Small spoilers below for ya. Since I wasn’t the best writer back then.
They were both poisoned, although their mother was more collateral damage.

But ye, the sister’s dad is/was a very old-fashioned ruler. While the nobility loved him, much of the general population didn’t. He truly believed in trying to do the best for the nation, but he never considered the possibility that his nobility was corrupt. And that was his downfall.

And a fun note for everyone (The Epilogue will get very fleshed out in the sequel.)

Heh, yea. I wasn’t the best writer as a teenager. That’s the one thing I’d probably change if I could. But, it all worked out in the end.

Things aren’t always what they seem after all.

You just summed up 99.999% of the nobility to ever exist in fan fics on the site to be fair. This story is not unique in that regard.

It's a shame that it's canon that a good chunk of the nobility in MLP are stuck up and not the best ponies out there.

Twilight will eventually change that for a time, though.

A great story, one that I'm ashamed to say that I have not read until now.

Thank you! :D

Thanks for giving it a read now! ^.^

It's always great seeing people reading through this so long after! Hope you all enjoy(ed) it! <3

Yep. She'd rather not end up a criminal in the future.

Hmm, I quite enjoyed this story. I can't comment much without giving spoilers, but I admit I look forward to the sequel.

Sequel is already out! (Not complete yet tho) Im glad you enjoyed it!

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