• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 9,357 Views, 178 Comments

My Faithful Student - FadFreaky

Twilight's latest discovery sends her back to the past. What she finds, is quite the surprise. (Sequel now out!)

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Chapter 2

Slowly my vision returns to me as the white fades from my sight. I look around and check my surroundings to see where I ended up. All there is in front of me is…. a hedge?

“What?” I say with a confused tone as I try to dig my way out of the green that has currently overtaken my entire cone of awareness. As I exit the hedge I find that I’m in a very dejavu situation.

As I look around more, a realization crosses my face, “This…. looks exactly like… the hedge maze in Canterlot! Wow!” I walk around, having really never been able to actually experience the hedge maze without constant worry of Discord over my head. As my walk continues my ears pick up hoofsteps behind me. Still anytime I turn my head to check behind me I cannot spot anypony. Eventually my walk takes me to the center of the maze. Oddly enough I can’t see any flowers or anything blooming. Which is always a common sight in the hedge maze, Well, according to Celestia it's a common sight...

“Where are all the flowers…? I’m sure there should be some here.” I think aloud, asking no one in particular but a little, adorable and high pitched voice answers me anyways.

“Well the flowers were just planted two days ago. They probably won’t grow for a while.” The voice startles me as I flip around on my hooves to face the voice. The voice continues saying, “Wow, that was cool! I’ve never seen anypony do that without falling on their face!” My gaze traces around the area and II look down to see a small white filly standing there, looking at me with a pair of big adorable light purple eyes. Though the confusion is visible in her look. She seems to be much more interestested in my turn rather than why I’m here.

“Oh hi! Um…Sorry, I was just exploring around, and got a bit lost… and…” I seem to recognise the filly from somewhere, but I just can’t put my hoof on it….

“What’s your name if I can ask ma’m?” The little filly stole the words right out of my mouth, but seeing as the castle is nearby it wouldn't be wise to stay quiet. Who knows who the filly could belong to.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, I’m a traveler around these parts and well…. I got a bit lost…” I rub my mane to try to add to the effect. I was lost but the question wasn’t location, but date, “Um, do you mind if I enquire your name little filly?”

The filly looks at me with an appalled face for a moment before responding, “You’re the first pony I’ve met that doesn't know me by face! Wow, you must be from out of town.” She speaks with a childish glee that only a young filly could have… Or me when I remember the day my cutie mark came in. She continues saying, “Nice to meet you! My name is Celestia Solace! Princess of Equestria!”

If my mouth could hit the ground it probably would have, ‘This little filly who followed me is my teacher...’ My thoughts transverse to stammering and pacing,

The fill- Princess Celestia looks at me quite confused. She seems to either be young enough to have that cute naivety or she’s already figured everything out. She says, “It’s year 65 actually.” She blinks a bit, clearly trying to figure it out. “Are you a time traveler? I saw you appear with magic anddd” She trails off in disbelief. While lying would probably be the obvious option... I still tell her the truth.

“Yes, I am… I learned the spell about,” I think again, “65000 years from now and ended up here.” During her silence my mind goes to thinking, and I check to see if my energy is high enough to get home today. After a short while it is made clear to me. Currently the only reason I’m awake right now is all the adrenaline I have. Luckily it seems it’s around the afternoon so I could rest and not totally throw off my sleeping schedule.

“Thats cool! but um. You look really tired… and it’s late. Mom and dad are probably waiting for me by now,”she pauses for a moment, “After my lessons in the morning… could we play a bit together? My sister is such a fuddy duddy and well. I really don't have any friends to play with…” The adorable filly who will grow up to be my teacher ticks her hooves while she looks at me. There is no way anypony with a heart could say no to that face.

I say with a smile, “I was planning on staying for a while to explore old Equestria, or would it be just… Equestria?”I shake my head as to get back on track for the conversation, “So I’ll be around for a week or so. Just… Make sure nopony follows you, okay? The last thing we want is to have to explain it to your... Wait, parents? There was very little about your parents in any books. Do you mind telling me about them some time? I am here for research purposes too.” My excitement returns at the prospect of learning something new about history, ‘Well old, new old, ugh.’

“Sure! But after we play okay? I’ll answer all your questions!” The filly says this while hopping around, extremely excited at the prospect of having a friend to play with. She continues further to say, “We can meet up here okay? The garden is my chore anyways! The gardeners get all the outside of the hedge maze while the inside circle is mine!”

A curt nod and a smile is my answer, saying, “I’ll be here. See you tomorrow alright?”

The filly gives a squee and hugs me, “I knew you were a nice pony when you showed up! Yay! Best friends!” She breaks the hug as a voice can be heard calling her home, “Oh! I better get going! It was nice talking to you Twilight!”The little filly runs off, probably heading home to get dinner. I pull out my bedroll and sit down, munching on an apple that I brought, ‘This is the start of something huge and boy the excitement is killing me.’ The apple is devoured before the core gets put back in my saddlebag and I lay down to rest under the stars.