• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 9,357 Views, 178 Comments

My Faithful Student - FadFreaky

Twilight's latest discovery sends her back to the past. What she finds, is quite the surprise. (Sequel now out!)

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Chapter 14

If there is anything that I am not happy about right now, is finding out that I created this eventual monstrosity of a party. Even as all my friend’s ancestors are excited beyond relief (and general sanity) all I can really do is wait and listen. After having put the fillies to sleep and letting them rest for a couple of hours, the fillies. No, MY fillies have been fairly distant from everypony. Luna typically hides around me or under my wing, but the one I really do worry about is Celestia. She seems to be taking the death of her parents the hardest. While she is still a very obedient child, she seems to have some sort of spite to me. Hopefully, this spite won’t stand the test of time. Could make it awkward when a younger me becomes her student later in life.

“Hey!” I blink as I notice a hoof has been waving in front of my face for a while now, as well as the pony waving it. “We’re alllllll done! The party and everything is great and set for fun fun fun!” A mass of bronze colored pony hopping directly in my face was amusing and slightly nostalgic. I giggle, of course, It’d be rude not to.

I smile at the ancestor to one of my best friends. Tightening up my wing in response to the filly under it shyly getting closer. “Good job Cinnabar. I really appreciate it. It all looks great too! How many parties have you managed before this anyways? You’re much more experienced than you look.”

Cinnabar tilts her head at me and giggles. “This is the first party I’ve ever planned! It was so much fun though! Meeting the other ponies that you found and becoming friends with them. I think I’ll do this more often. Because while rocks are shiny, parties are shining!” She punctuates this by spinning her body around to show off the glimmering gemstones on her dress. Then turning to gesture not to the expensive decorations aligning every bit of the hall, but to the smiling faces of the ponies who witness it. One that’s mirrored on my own.

I curiously circle around Cinnabar. Or, I try to, but the filly under my wing latches onto my leg, preventing me from moving without hurting her. Luckily, It seems Cinnabar got the idea and spins to show me her side, revealing a party favor cutie mark. I tilt my head “Doesn’t that mean you’re a party planner? Or something similar to it?”

Cinnabar giggles and starts laughing before saying. “No silly! I’m a Jester according to the mark, but I guess the two really crossover.” She pauses, her mane deflating a small amount. “I’m just not nearly as good as my other family members that are jesters. So I’m usually stuck at the rock farm doing boring things, like counting stones.” She then brightens up quickly, pulling some balls out of her mane to juggle animatedly. “But, that’s not what I’m doing right now! I’m going to make the most of it, you hear?” She giggles and starts to brighten up more before she swings her hoof a bit too far to catch one of the balls. Slingshotting it into one of the tapestries and loosening it lightly. She giggles awkwardly and puts up the rest of the balls before she causes anymore damage.

I smile softly. “Well, I’m glad that I was able to provide an outlet for your work, Cinnabar. Maybe in the future we can do business more often.” I smile at Cinnabar, who gives me a big hug before zooming off to put on some last minute touches. Luna making a big squeak at how close Cinnabar got. So, I take the time to peek under my wing at the blue alicorn nestled in firmly against my leg.

“Wanna come out yet sweetie?” I ask the filly. Who, in her current state just shakes her head no. “Well, mommy needs to move so hold on tight.” I levitate Luna very softly under my wing and set her to rest in it, carrying her in it. It’s not the most comfortable position for myself, but it gives me the freedom to move and approach Ambrosia. Said pony is currently preparing the food and drink table. We have a short chat, nothing truly important except one thing.

“Ambrosia” Saying just before I finish excusing myself from our earlier chat. “Please make sure that you keep a close eye on the food and drink. While I have no doubt that the villain who killed the queen is still out there-”

“It is better to be safe than sorry correct?” A voice directly in front of me. Standing next to Ambrosia speaks up as I finally notice Spectator. Ambrosia jumps quite high up in surprise. “Queen, the nobles are arriving in the next ten minutes. But, they demand that the commoners participating have a designated space away from them.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Not happening. That’s wasted resources and wasted time. If the nobles want to be that petty, then they can miss the gala. I know at least 20 nobles that would jump at the chance to butter up the new queen and I doubt they’ll let the others hear the end of it.” The mass in my wing shifts a bit as she voices a small amount of disapproval, but the white filly in the corner actually gives me a half smile. She quickly wipes it off of her face when she notices that I was watching her, but I caught it.

Spectator bows, now suddenly behind me. “Very well, I shall go spread the news then.” The maid then exits. Probably. She vanished into thin air in the moment I blinked.

Ambrosia frowns a bit “I don’t like that maid. She gives me the heebie jeebies.”

I open my mouth to respond. However, nothing comes out. I can’t voice an alternate opinion here because truly, deep down, I feel the same way as Ambrosia. Something is just completely off about that maid.

Either way, I have no way to look into it right now. The way I planned this gala means I’ll only have to spend about three hours greeting. A glad change of pace compared to the previous gala I attended. I gather up the princesses and straighten myself out before heading outside. Ready to greet the masses.

--Two Hours later--

--Twi’s POV--

I dust off my hooves, having been fixing one of the tapestries that had decided to obey gravity and fall to the floor.

“Lives may be in disrepair, but that does not mean the castle should be similarly so.” Were the words stated curtly by another one of my friend’s ancestors, Glimmering Belle. A beautifully gem-encrusted and purple ball gown modeling her figure quite perfectly. A relaxed smile gracing her muzzle while her horn glowed and parted her mane back ever so slightly. Her mane baring quite the resemblance to Sweetie Belle’s rather than Rarity’s.

With Belle’s help, it was pretty quick and painless. As such, I was able to get straight back to providing a hiding spot for Luna. While the party is going very well, mostly due in part to there being no disasters, it feels kinda sad being here without my friends. But, I better get used to it. I won’t be seeing Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow or Fluttershy for who knows how long. Sure, for them it will be only a couple of days, but for me, it could be years.

Luna, who was under my wing peeks out and looks at me. She then smiles and hugs me saying “Thanks, momma.”

Maybe it won’t be as hard as I thought.

--??? POV Just before the Gala--

This queen, this new ruler seems far more capable than I gave her credit. Regardless if I wanted to kill her, I doubt I would be capable of doing so. My success in defeating the previous rulers was complete happenstance. It was a chance that only occurs once in a pony’s life. Right place right time as it were. Who woulda guessed that they like to share wine with each other. I laugh to myself in amusement at that thought. Honestly, how stupid were the previous rulers?

I watch the newly minted royal family as they receive guests and friends. Luna, bless her, is still clinging to her new mom like it’s the end of the world. Unfortunately, as far as my orders are concerned, I am stuck with a dilemma. Could I possibly even defeat this new queen? She seems to be much smarter than the previous rulers. Removing Luna is the final thing on my list. However, I doubt it will be that sim-

I feel it. The crunch of very strong wood on the back of my head. All I manage to say as I blackout is “H-how?” The last thing I see is a very upset white mass being carried away.

--Uncertain hours later. After the Gala--

Ugh. Whatever hit me was completely over necessary. Of course, the queen was quick to snatch up the chance to pardon me. But, I don’t want that. Execution seems like a good adventure to enjoy.

“So am I sorry for what I did? Tartarus. No.” And with that, my fate is sealed.

Guess I’m to die tomorrow. I hope they make it good. Not every day a killer of royalty is executed after all. The sounds of the struggling fillies trying to strangle me through the bars just makes it all the more sweet.

Author's Note:
