• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,567 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #5

Vinyl entered Ponyville, having been gone for only a day, and not having a single scratch on her body. She held her precious record in the air with her magic, shaking her head in annoyance. "How the hoof did my Cloudsmith album get in the hands of the forsworn, anyways?" She sighed, walking to the square. "I still can't believe Octy gave it away ... "

A kick to the side sent her flying into a nearby building before she fell to the ground. Slightly dazed, she looked up, seeing the mare in question standing over her, glaring down at her. "I. Hate. That. Nickname." She closed her eyes for a few seconds, a relieved expression forming on her face. "I'm glad you're alright." She hugged her roommate before noticing the ring on the ground nearby. " ... what's that?"

Vinyl turned to the ring, picking it up and examining it. It was solid gold, and seemed to have a few etchings on the inside. She couldn't really read it, since it seemed to be in a foreign language. She shrugged and threw it away behind her, not really one for rings. "Don't know, don't care. I need to get my precious back home ASAP." She trot away, Octavia close behind.

Had they taken the time to glance back, they would've seen the ring land on a brown unicorn's horn - right before she vanished.

As they turned the corner onto the road where they lived, they saw a confusing spectacle. In front of their house, Fluttershy was trying to keep a white rabbit from attacking a green lizard. When she saw her friends approaching, she let out a sigh of relief, motioning towards them.

As soon as the bunny saw them, he raced over and started making fierce gestures with his small paws. At one point he even pulled out a microphone and held it up to his mouth.

Octavia and Vinyl watched him for a few minutes before the earth pony spoke up. " ... pardon me, but I don't think I understand."

The DJ smiled, understanding exactly what was going on. She lowered herself down to his level, gently petting his head. "Sorry, Angel. I don't think that would work...you can't exactly talk."

" ... um ... that's not entirely true ... " The duo turned to Fluttershy in shock, their sudden movement startling her. " ... you see, they can talk ... we just can't hear them ... "

Octavia raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "And you know this how?"

Fluttershy then proceeded to tell them about the time she was turned into a bunny. Though, in all fairness, she did leave a few details out, not wanting to ruin Angel's reputation.

Vinyl rubbed her chin with a hoof, pondering this. " ... I think I know what we can do. Just let me go talk to somepony real quick." She took the microphone - and Angel - and raced off towards a large tree in the middle of town, smiling brightly as the idea filled her mind, ignoring the rabbit's feeble attempts to escape her magical field.

Octavia rolled her eyes, picking up the forgotten record and carrying it inside. Once she set it down, she invited Fluttershy in for some tea while they waited for the unicorn to return.

Later that day, the trio of friends were on the stage once more. This time, though, they were all behind the turntables, watching as the bunny and alligator glared at each other. Well, the bunny was glaring; the baby reptile seemed to be staring at nothing. The crowd that had formed was now staring at the scene in silence.

Oddly enough, it was a grey pegasus that spoke the question on everyone's mind. "This isn't some kind of joke, is it?"

Vinyl was about to answer, but Angel held up a paw to silence her. He turned to the mare, carefully adjusting his headset. "Does this answer yer question, wall-eyes?" The crowd gasped, backing away from the bunny in terror. "What, ya never seen a talkin' bunny before?" Not really expecting an answer, he was surprised that they shook their heads. He facepawed, groaning a bit. "It was a rhetorical question, wise guys." He glanced at Fluttershy, about to say something regarding the ponies' ridiculous reaction. But that was when he noticed her disapproving stare and shrugged his shoulders in response. "Eh, forget about it."

The crowd, as well as everyone onstage, turned to Gummy, wondering if he had anything to say or if he was, in fact, capable of speaking.

All the alligator did was continue to stare blankly at the sky, not paying attention to anything.

The DJ pony cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention. She started the music, a smile growing on her face as she began to get back into her "entertainer" mode.




Let's call this meeting to order! We've got a new Big Job -
Specifically, taking down this scaly green slob!
You can't hold a conversation that makes a lick of sense,
'Specially when you're spacing out every other sentence.
No bark, no bite. Look out, I'm on the mic. That's right.
My raps are tight, all night, your frail mind's taken flight.
Repetitive and easily distracted; that not how a gator should behave.
Now move aside, Gums, and let me get back to my cave!

The tyrant and the philosopher; the brawn and the brains.
See me keep it cool as your strength and courage wanes?
Your plans all fall apart at the last minute; such a pity.
Though you deserve it for enslaving an entire underground city!
I've got no teeth, but you're the one who bit off more than he can chew.
Taking me down won't be as simple as stealing somebunny's food.
I've got both eyes on you; I'm ready, no matter what you try.
I suggest you leave this stage and crawl on back to Fluttershy!

I see through your facade; I'm winning and you can't bear it.
My rhymes are all golden. Twenty-four carrot!
Zapping you like lightning - you'll end up just like Jim.
Form a pool of your remains in which everybunny can swim!

An angel being a devil; thought I'd never see the day,
But now I'm a tax collector, and it's time for you to pay!
You call yourself the Capo, but you're just a jumpy grump.
Pinkie is planning a parade, 'cause I just triumphed!



Vinyl glanced to her left, confused. Sitting there was a mint-green unicorn, scribbling something in her journal. " ... what are you doing?"

She blinked, looking at the DJ. Chuckling nervously, she discretely put her journal into her saddlebag, waving a hoof dismissively. "Nothing! Certainly not catching a glimpse of a different species!" She glanced around, slowly backing away with a sheepish smile on her face. " ... I think I hear my laundry calling. Gotta go!" She ran off, leaving a very confused white unicorn behind.

... is it me, or are these chapters getting longer and longer?

It doesn't matter. I finished another battle! /)^3^(\

The next battle is open to suggestions from everypony!

Oh, and if you don't know why Fluttershy was once a rabbit ... you haven't read one of the best stories on the site. =^w^=

That's all I need to say ... so I guess that's-


... Vinyl ... get back in the story. You're a key character! And stop breaking those so blatantly! They're expensive, and, frankly, Derpy is less destructive than you right now!

"... that was a low blow, dude."

... good, she's back in the story. Now ... having the time to think clearly ...


... I need time to think right now...

Enigma out.

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