• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,567 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #9: Results and Aftermath

Fluttershy hammered in the last nail, sighing in relief. Placing it back into her (borrowed) toolbox, she took a step back, admiring her work.

The chicken coop looked just like new. She was even able to add a few more things to it, thanks to Applebloom's advice. It now had a small pool, an A/C, and even a licorice dispenser. She didn't know why AJ's sister recommended it, but it made her animal friends happy.

As she turned to go inside her own home, she had to stop, almost running into two other mares. She blinked, and then beamed happily at her friend. "Hello, Vinyl." She turned to the other mare, her happy expression degrading into a confused one. "...and...Screwball..."

The magenta pony smiled brightly at her, though it seemed a little forced. She had on a purple apron, with tools and other objects stuffed into the pockets far beyond full. "So, what would you like me to do?" She lifted up a hoof in salute, a hammer and a chisel falling out of her apron.

Fluttershy stared at Screwball, confusion written all over her face. "...what do you mean?"

She laughed a bit, wrapping a leg around Vinyl. "She's good, isn't she? I could swear she didn't know, that's how great an actress she is!"

The white unicorn mover her hoof out from under a falling pair of scissors and stared at the airborne earth pony, a bemused look on her face. "'Shy's really not that great at acting. She's telling the truth."

Screwball's eyes grew as wide as saucers. "Really!?"

Vinyl coughed, bringing up her phone with her magic and bringing it over to Fluttershy. "You won, 'Shy! By a large margin, too!"

Fluttershy stared blankly at the screen. "...I...I won?" She smiled, flying into the air with a flap of her wings. "I can't believe it! I feel like shouting! Woohoo!~" Her voice was soft for the cheer, but that was to be expected when it came to the pale yellow pegasus.

"Yeah, 'Shy." Vinyl grinned, putting the device away and gesturing at Screwball. "So, what do you want her to do? Fix the damage she caused?" She then noticed the coop, and shut her mouth tight, embarrassed.

Fluttershy looked at the earth pony, then her chicken coop, then back at the mare. "...um...I already fixed it...but..." She put a hoof to her chin, thinking a bit. An idea soon came to her. "...oh! Maybe you could...I don't know...choose a different route? So you wouldn't run into it again?" She squeaked, hiding behind her mane again. "...i-if you wouldn't mind, I mean..."

Screwball sagged a bit, her head drooping in her melancholy. "I suppose. I thought you'd have more than that, though..." She kicked a rock, which went sailing up into a tree.

Vinyl coughed softly, drawing their attention. "You know, 'Shy still has two other 'requests' that she can use." She pointed a hoof at them, her eyes narrowing in a semi-angry glare. "Just no more intimate stuff. We have enough of that, due to those two young ones." She turned and walked away, speaking under her breath. "...thanks a lot for that, by the way, E..." She could hear the ponies chatting behind her, but wasn't really paying attention, her mind elsewhere.

"...where are you, Octy?"

The grey mare in question continued her journey through the forest, looking around carefully. She had snacked on some zap apples, but that didn't really help fill her belly.

A bright light off to her right pulled her attention to it. She walked closer, seeing a blue mare with a two-toned blue mane. She seemed to be crying into a piece of purple, star-patterned cloth. As she approached, a twig broke under her hoof.

Almost immediately, a pair of dark violet eyes turned to her, glaring angrily yet still filled with tears. "What do you want?"

She put on her best diplomatic smile, extending her hoof genially. "My name is Octavia. What's yours?"

The unicorn knocked her hoof away, glaring at the tear stained cloth in her hooves. "I don't need to tell you that. Leave me be." She gestured to a nearby newspaper, her words turning acidic. "You'll just laugh at me, anyways, thanks to that stupid Gabby Gums!"

Octavia grabbed the paper, skimming over the column. "...'secret revealed'?"

Okay, a few things I'd like to say!

One, and possibly an important one, comment #2100 gets to choose who gets to have a rematch! The only ones I have to say no to are 'Lyra vs. Ditzy' and 'The Flim Flam Bros. vs. The Spa Sisters'. The first one is because Lyra was chosen to be the first to have a second battle. The second one is because I still refuse to do a battle without a title card for the character, and the FFBs still don't have theirs.

Two, TWILIGHTCLOPPLE LIKES MY RAP BATTLES!! >u< Sorry for fan-fillying like that, but I had to get that out.

Three, though the next battle is ready, the story for it is not, so please be patient with me. I'm also waiting for a certain something so I can make a certain part of the rap more understandable, since it alludes to something slightly obscure and might not make sense if just read out loud.

Four, I HAS A TUMBLR!! Sadly, I had already used my username on here over there, so I had to make a new one. ^^; The new tumblr is creativeequestrian.tumblr.com. Not really a serious blog, but it's mine. Also, you can ask the rappers questions on there, after their battles!

And that's about it. Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

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