• Published 23rd May 2012
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Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Slice of Life #1 & Rap Battle #10: Alternate Aftermath

Vinyl awoke, finding herself in a crumpled heap outside of her house. Carefully standing up, she glanced in a window, wondering why everything seemed...different.

She soon had her answer as she located that universes' version of herself. It was so outright strange, she couldn't even begin to describe it. Why the hay do they have h-hands and hooves!? She crouched down, back out of view of the abnormally shaped figures.

"...oh, boy..."

At that moment, she could swear she heard music start playing. After a moment's pause, and the song finished, she felt the need to voice her opinion on the matter. "...needs more wubs."

"Miss Scratch!"

Hazarding a peek inside, Vinyl saw two more of the strange beings rush into the room. It's like they're those 'humans', yet...not. She glanced over at the two fillies sitting on the other side of her coffee table. Lemonade table.

Her doppelgänger sighed, looking up at the two fillies. "So, I take it you girls want to know who won?"

"Well yeah!" The pink filly flipped her hair over her shoulder, as if that would help her point. "It's been over, like, a week, now! It's the next month, even!"

The other one glared at her rival, annoyed. A small, almost invisible smirk appeared on her lips, her eyes narrowing slightly at the self-righteous filly. "So how'd yer tryout go?"

She waved her hoof - hand - dismissively. "They said I was too young. The nerve of-" She stopped, looking up at the shocked unicorn in front of her. "...oops."

Vinyl's eye twitched slightly, trying her best to figure out just how to cope with this new information. She sighed, taking out her phone and navigating through it.

"Who won, Miss Scratch?" The yellow filly was bouncing in place, excited and hopeful.

Vinyl chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Be patient, Applebloom. I'll tell you it eventually!"

She frowned, leaping over the table and placing her face right in front of the DJ's, her hands tightly gripping her shoulders. "But Ah want it now!"

The mare frowned, calmly placing a hand on Applebloom's shoulder. "I can't tell you if you're making me unable to see the phone, now can I?"

The filly backed off, blushing profusely. As Vinyl resumed counting the votes. Finally, with a small sigh, she put her phone back in her pocket, staring straight at the pink filly. "Congrats. You won."

Said pony turned to the other filly, sneering. "I guess that means I get him. Tough luck, blank flank!" She strutted out the room, leaving behind a distraught little yellow pony.

Vinyl, overcome with emotion, was about to go in and comfort her when her dimensional twin beat her to it. "Hey, don't worry 'bout it, Bloom. I doubt he'd want to date somepony as rude as her, anyways."

She looked up at her, eyes wide in shock. "Y-ya knew?"

The DJ lowered her shades, winking playfully. "You weren't exactly subtle up there on stage." She pushed her shades back up, ruffling the little filly's hair. "I'm sure he'll turn her down, and then you can ask him."

Applebloom smiled softly, a pink tint coming to her cheeks. "Thanks, Miss Scratch." She thought for a moment, seeing a brown-and-tan colt walk past the doorway. "...why're ya okay with me 'n' Featherweight, but not with Pip 'n' Scoots?"

Vinyl glanced away, frowning slightly. "How would you feel if your brother was dating somepony and making out with them in front of you?"

The filly shuddered, not even needing to imagine that. "Ah understand."

The unicorn outside turned away, thinking about it. I suppose that would be a half-truth... With a sigh, she wondered when the next pull would be.

That's when she noticed the daisy sandwich next to her. With a grin, she picked it up and ate it in less than a second. Content, she leaned back against the wall, just as the tugging sensation came to her. At least I got to eat something.

Universe Alpha

The gray pony pulled herself up the last ledge, pausing momentarily to straighten her bow tie. Glancing back, she observed the path she had been following, Ponyville now just a speck in the distance.

Deciding to take a break, she sat down and pulled out a sandwich. As she chewed, she reminisced on the events leading up to this point for her. If I'm not mistaken, I have defeated a hydra, beheaded some dumb 'beaver' that looked nothing like a beaver, found myself in the midst of a forest-wide musical number about freedom and beat down a pack of timberwolves, save for one that looked about ready to sap itself. Oh, and scaled this mountain near Canterlot's mountain to get to the... She checked the inside of a dark opening, noticing the large number of Changelings inside. ...heavily guarded cave where Derpy...Ditzy? She thought for a bit before deciding it would take too long. Whoever-it-is-who's-dating-Turner's daughter is being held. And I doubt this is even all of the obstacles still in my way.

She pulled a couple of cello bows out, smiling as the sunlight reflected off the mythril edging. Wouldn't have it any other way. A concerto is hardly a masterpiece without the dedication to complete it. With that last thought, she stepped in front of the mouth of the cave, both bows held in her fetlocks. "Don't worry, Dinky. I'll get you home safe."

Applebloom was nervous. The yellow filly was seated in Sugar Cube Corner with her special somepony, who currently occupied the place next to her. That wasn't what was making her nervous, though.

The bell at the entrance chimed, immediately pulling her eyes to it. She sighed, seeing it was just the town librarian.

She certainly seemed happy, singing to herself. "Like two peas in a pod, we did everything together.~" She passed their table and approached the counter, leaving Applebloom to further wallow in her nervousness.

"Calm down, Bloom." The colt nuzzled her gently, chuckling as she swooned slightly from his voice. "I'm sure they'll love you."

She sheepishly smiled, leaning against him. "Ah want ta. It's just...what if yer mom an' dad find mah fam'ly...uncouth?"

"My mum."

She looked up at him, confused. "Ya call her yer 'mum'? Why?"

He glanced away, frowning slightly. "...she's not my real mom...but she tries so hard. I call her my 'mum' because she's special to me. Besides, it'd be kinda rude to call her 'Derpy' all the time."

Applebloom nodded, then, just as she was about to open her mouth again, the door opened, instead. Turning to look, she saw the familiar form of the gray pegasus and the unmistakable sight of her muscle-bound husband. "...this is gonna be an int'resting lunch..."

I know you want a rap battle instead of this, but the rappers are too busy making out for anything to get done. So I'll have to postpone the battle a bit. Sorry. ^^; If anyone is willing to offer their help with the rap battle, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Oh, and though it may seem like this is a filler chapter, there are some clues to future rap battles. (It may say '#1', but this might be the only one.) And there's a bit of headcanon mixed in, as well. :p

Have a nice day, and please enjoy the chapter!

Enigma out.~

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