• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,567 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #6: Alternate Aftermath

Vinyl groaned, slowly opening her eyes once more. "...this is going to be a recurring theme, isn't it?" She sighed, trying to stand up only to gasp slightly, realizing she was right on top of Sugar Cube Corner. How did nopony notice I was up here!?

Glancing down, she saw a group of about five ponies sitting at a table below her. She smirked, recognizing her signature manestyle in the group, as well as the grey and aquamarine mares seated there. I know this! This was when Ditzy and Lyra were about to-

She paused her own thoughts, looking down at the group, certain she was missing something. She glanced at the chestnut stallion. ...Time Turner... Her attention turned to the two fillies on the other side of the table. ...Lyra Heartstrings...whispering to Bon Bon... She looked to the last, a grey pegasus. ...and Ditzy...that should be-

The tan earth mare turned to the grey pegasus next to her, smiling politely and speaking loud enough for Vinyl to hear (not that she knew that). "Isn't your sister supposed to be here, Ditzy?"

She rolled her eyes, resting her head against her hoof. "She's always late. As for the results...it doesn't really matter if she's here or not." She chomped on her muffin, huffing slightly in annoyance.

"I'm here!"

Vinyl's eyes widened in shock. That voice is coming from right be-

A split second later, she was rammed from behind and sent flying. She looked ahead and saw Quills and Sofas. She sighed in relief, bracing herself as she crashed through the roof. Soft landing, here I come.

Now, inside the store, there was no one. The owner was out for a lunch break and the store's display floor was almost entirely filled with sofas, leaving enough room for ponies to walk between them. They were more than capable of absorbing the impact of a falling pony if one were to land on any of them.

Let it also be noted that there was a cart-sized container of quills, and every single one of them was pointed upwards, since the restocker was new. As luck would have it, Vinyl landed in said bin, flank first.

Back at the restaurant, the group of five all turned to look just as a grey-and-yellow mass of fur and feathers crashed into the table next to theirs. The dazed pegasus carefully got up, a goofy grin on her face and both eyes fixed on the white unicorn. "My bad! Oh, and Miss Scratch, sorry for crashing into you a few seconds ago!"

She sat down on a bale of hay next to the other pegasus, grabbing the muffin left there on the table for her and ignoring the disc jockey's confused stare. She took a bite and gushed at the flavor. "Oh my gosh, blueberry, my favorite!" She squealed in happiness and ate the rest of it in in one gulp. "Anyways," she said, seemingly ignoring the scream of pain that emanated from the store across the street, even as it stole the attention of everypony else gathered there, "I got lost. Fluttershy's cottage is quite a ways away, after all."

Ditzy smiled softly at her sister, hugging her slightly lighter-colored twin softly. "It's alright, Derps. I'm glad you're here." She couldn't stay mad at her. She was just too adorable!

Vinyl coughed softly, catching everypony's attention. "If I may?" She quickly pressed the buttons on her phone, pulling up the screen and counting the votes. "...interesting. There were votes for Derpy, even though she didn't participate..."

Meanwhile, a nearby bush rustled, a pair of magenta eyes peeking out as the owner grumbled softly to herself and pulled yet another quill out of her flank.

"Actually..." The first grey pegasus mare rubbed the back of her head, embarrassed. "She did it for me. I can't rap."

"...o...kay, then..." Vinyl cleared her throat and continued speaking. "Now, having counted the votes, Lyra won."

The mare in the bush facehoofed, groaning softly. No, Derpy Hooves won! Wait, I mean Ditzy Doo, right? Or do I mean Derpy Doo? Ditzy Hooves? She growled, mussing up her hair in her ire. Gah! Twins are so confusing!!

"YES!" Lyra leaped up from her seat and around to the chestnut stallion, grinning widely. "If what you've said all this time is true, then you were once human, right?"

Turner blinked, greatly confused. "...I don't know what you're talking about, Miss Heartstrings."

She groaned, grabbing his head between her hooves. "You called yourself the Doctor! You have a bucking device that makes a strange noise when you press a button!" She quickly lit her horn up, pulling said device out of a saddlebag, also causing a watch to come out. Staring at it, curious, she placed the device down and lifted it up, instead. "...I thought you were like a living clock, Turner?"

Before the stallion could respond, the timepiece was snatched out of the magical aura. Lyra turned to the grey mare that stole it, her eyes glaring back at her. Well, one of them, anyways. "Ditzy! What the hoof!? I just wanted to-"

"THE DOCTOR SAID TO NEVER OPEN THIS UNLESS IT WAS AN EMERGENCY!" She paused, thinking for a bit. "He also said to never let him eat pears."

Everypony stared at her in shock, never expecting to see anger in her eyes. Nopony knew what to say. In the awkward silence, Turner tried to eat a certain green-skinned fruit, only to have it knocked out of his hooves by the still-fuming pegasus. He sighed, resting his head on the table.

Just then, a drop of brown liquid hit his nose. Looking up, he began to panic, seeing the bright pink clouds drifting in. "...uh oh..."

The mare in the bush slid her shades down, remembering just who was behind this strange interruption. That's when she felt the tugging sensation once more, just as the sun unexpectedly switched places with the moon.

As she was being yanked backwards once more, she could've sworn she heard somepony howling.

In What Shall Now Be Referred to as 'Universe Alpha'

A familiar purple dragon walked up to the Carousel Boutique, knocking gently on the fancy door. Normally, he'd be coming to visit Rarity, but it was a different white unicorn who invited him over.

The door opened soon enough, said filly smiling happily at him. "Thanks for coming over, Spike!" She moved aside, holding the door open for him.

When he went inside, all he could do was stare. In front of him was the fanciest piano he'd ever seen. Polished black finish, with high-quality keys, it was enough to make a lover of instruments orgasm. He strolled over, and, tapping a single key, heard the crisp note resonate, even through the closed top. Turning back to Sweetie, he raised an eyebrow, curious. "I assume this is the reason you asked me over here?"

She nodded, a soft blush coloring her cheeks. "Yes, and..." She motioned to the papers placed neatly on the piano's music stand. "...I-I heard you were a great piano player...so..."

He grinned at her, sitting down on the bench and stretching his claws. "You'd like me to play this song, right?" At the filly's nod, he turned his attention to the sheet music, carefully began playing. The notes came easily enough, airy yet with a moderate rhythm.

Sweetie carefully placed herself at the other side of the piano, closing her eyes as if preparing herself. Soon enough, she began to sing, her voice light yet strong, almost as if there was something more than an enjoyment of singing behind the words.

There's a song that's inside of my soul.

It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again

I'm awake in the infinite cold.

But you sing to me over and over and over again.

So, I lay my head back down.

And I lift my hooves and pray

To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours

I know now you're my only hope.

Sweetie began to move onto the piano, her eyes lidded, nearing Spike. The dragon, however, was too enveloped in playing the song and listening to her heavenly singing to notice her actions.

Sing to me the song of the stars.

Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.

When it feels like my dreams are so far

Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.

So I lay my head back down.

And I lift my hooves and pray

To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours

I know now, you're my only hope.

I give you my destiny.

I'm giving you all of me.

I want your symphony, singing in all that I am

At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.

So I lay my head back down.

And I lift my hooves and pray

To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours

I pray, to be only yours

I know now, you're my only hope.

Spike finally glanced up, noticing that Sweetie was laying on top of the piano, her face mere inches away from his and her hooves holding her chin up. She smiled sweetly at him, sending a shiver up his spine that almost made him mess up. Almost.

Hmmmmm, hmmmmm, oooooh.

The baby dragon leaned forward, gently pressing his lips to hers. The filly closed her eyes, hoping that this moment would never end.

Sadly, it had to. The door swung open, making a loud bang as it hit the wall. The two teen-agers leaped in surprise, staring at the white mare now framed in the doorway. Her eye was twitching and her lips were set in a frown, having seen everything through the window.

Words could not express what the fashionista was feeling at that moment.

Okay, so this took less time than I thought it would. :\ If anyone can tell me what movie that last scene is referencing, they get to decide one of the characters who raps in the eighteenth rap battle. :3 And yes, in my story, Sweetie and Spike are teen-aged (given the condition that dragons can live for at least a millennium, and age is not a state of size).

"E, I took the liberty of asking somepony if they could help us make a video! I wonder when he'll reply?"

...anyways...I hope you enjoy this re-hash with a little extra added, and have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

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